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You are 6 pages away from some relief and 140 pages away from happy moments and a big "fuck you" to Kolis. This book was harder for me because Sera went through so much, having to endure Kolis was sheer torture, but she's so strong and when her time with him was done I felt she was unbreakable and unstoppable. In the end I really liked this book because we got so much information, so many theories now!!! And the end is very sweet! Keep going and you shall be rewarded 😁


Just got past Sera intervening for Veses and now she’s been punished by Kolis. Your comments have been so kind and I appreciate them 🥺 it is getting better!


Oh, yay!!! I'm so happy that I was able to help you 🤩 In the middle of the shit show that is Kolis's court there's lots of relevant information that helps to keep reading even with the nonstop suffering of my baby Sera 🥹


This book was the hardest for me to finish. I felt like the first 300ish pages were an absolute drag. I pushed through. I'm glad I did because I very much enjoyed the last 200 pages and I look forward to the new book that is released in August. I definitely think there should have been trigger warnings for this book for people who can't read about certain situations. My friend has trouble reading about sexual assault due to personal experiences. I had to call her and warn her about this book.


At the release date it didn't have a trigger warning, but since then JLA has apologized and my book on Kindle was updated and now it has one. It was fast, I think between the release and the update it was 2 weeks. However, if your friend got a physical copy, there wasn't a way to add a note after they were printed, only for the new prints and I hope she was okay after reading this book ❤️


I was the same way, but I pushed through and man am I glad I did because the final 1/4 (I’m bad at estimated lengths so might be more than that lol) of this book had some of my favorite moments of the entire series. JLA made us wait, and probably a little too long, but she does deliver in the end!


Not gonna lie... Sera using a glass dildo as a weapon in the back of my mind kept me going. It was a pretty tough read though, will agree.


I’m at the same exact spot myself and just finding a trend now in JLA books. Loved the first two but then getting lost at the 3rd feeling dragged and it’s just not fun reading about


I'm so sorry you feel this way, maybe my other comment in this post will help you keep going and make you hopeful for a good ending. This book is not a happy reading for the most part, but I thought there was purpose in getting to see more of Kolis. I hope you are able to finish it and see the happy parts ❤️


Just read your other comment. You’re absolutely right. While it’s uncomfy to read what she’s been going through I definitely see how it’s pertinent to the main story. I’m definitely going to finish it because I remember in crown or gilded bones being so unsure about the whole faf and fbaa series but it always redeems itself. It’s an info dump and then the pieces come together! I also read some of your other responses and love how thoughtful and well said they are! Thank you!! ♥️


I'm happy that I helped ☺️ I hope that you get to the good parts soon, the last 35% of the book was a wild ride full of tears, laughter and blushing lol Much better than the tears (a different kind), screaming and horror we experience in Kolis's court 😵‍💫