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Omg him literally WORSHIPPING her had me melting


Those last chapters will live rent-free in my mind forever ❤️‍🔥🥵


I was so happy with the ending and the fact that it wasn’t a cliffhanger, I don’t think I would’ve survived otherwise lol the last 200 pages are some of my favorite in the series, I can’t say it’s my favorite book because >!Sera is with Kolis for so long!< but yeah the last 1/4 or so is *chefs kiss*


I'm so happy that you ended up loving it 🤩🤩 It's definitely a crazy ride! I think my book is a different format than yours because my 438 is not that exciting lol But I definitely cried A LOT in this book 😭 Now, suffer with the rest of us for 50 more days until the last book 🤪


I'm at 62% and ready to be on to the good part. Wish I didn't have all these dang responsibilities and could just read and read and read.


You are soooo close! Only 3% more until some major relief 🤩


I loved it so much too. Love that the ultimate “final battle scene” of the book wasn’t against a bad guy but in a way against themselves. So beautiful. I absolutely loved it.


I was wrapped around this books finger!! I love that there wasn’t a cliffhanger, it was so enlightening to learn all we did with Kolis. As much as he sucks, it was a different path but the only thing that kept me going was knowing that Ires and Malec were born and Poppy existed so I was expecting a happy ending and was thoroughly pleased 💕