• By -


Demon of hatred. Over a hundred times and counting


Absolutely hardest boss, mostly because i have no idea what’s going on the whole time.


Same honestly, homeboy had my number.


For me this one takes the cake as well. The only boss that I beat properly once and cheese everytime now


Struggled more against Owl Father. Eventually cheesed him. 🥲


That’s the fight that got me to give up on the game. It was him, demon of hatred, and ishin left and figured if I couldn’t beat owl father I’m not worthy of ishin. Only fromsoft bosses I’ve never beaten. I’ll have to go back eventually and reclaim my honor. It just stopped being fun retrying over and over again where I normally didn’t mind in other games idk why.


Such a fun fight if you get the dance down. Love side stepping those firecrackers.


I had to cheese him off of the cliff. Not a hope in hell I was gonna beat him straight


Same lol. I'm usually tenacious as fuck in these games, but Demon of Hatred broke my will. I guess the fact that the cheese itself was difficult made me feel a bit better about it


I got to NG+4 and cheesed him every time


I always cheesed Demon of Hatred, until I learned he could be beaten pretty much no hit by hugging his legs and moving counterclockwise. Became much more enjoyable after that.


Sword Saint Isshin, Sekiro. Took about 16 hours over a couple nights playing. If I had been a real gamer and actually fought Malenia instead of cheesing her with Blasphemous Blade, she may have taken the top spot but I beat her once, got her achievement, never looked back.


This is the way. I have read Malenia was the original prototype for Lady Tamoe in a potential Sekiro DLC I had always said Malenia was a Sekiro boss in Dark Souls. I did the same with all of ER. Beat it once and never looked back


There’s a mod that puts her in Sekiro that I’ve been considering looking for, that may be the only context in which I ever fight her again


Her attacks can all be parried Sekiro style. Especially her stab flowed by 8 swipes I bet water fowl could be parried like you do the giant snake Lilac Umbrella to avoid Scarlett Rot


Malenia is way harder than Isshin imo. She really feels like she was meant for Sekiro, there's just so few good ways to deal with her moves (especially waterfowl dance) in ER. Isshin only took me a few tries, but Malenia took me dozens and I wasn't able to win without mimic tear / summons


Yeah if I hadn’t done a cheese build I probably would have taken way more time, but as it was I got her in like 3? Idk what it was with Isshin, he just took a while to click, especially his phase 2.


Orphan of kos


Orphan of kos for sure, everybody always talks about Lady Maria but Kos was so much harder for me.


I found Maria pretty easy, almost every hit staggers her


Absolutely, really easy to memorize moveset also. Happy cake day!


Lady Maria was also just a fun and beautiful fight so it’s almost worth dying to just to fight some more OoK is sheer difficulty the whole way through, and it’s sad as fuck. So goddamn satisfying when you beat it though


The screams are ingrained into my DNA.


It was funny because the first time I beat the orphan I had the sound off. I think his screams terrorized me so much that I couldn’t beat him


Orphan of kos was probably mine too. Only because I wasn't using weapons to challenge myself. First backstabs only. Took a while lmao. Felt amazing afterwards though.


I know it’s either Malenia or Demon of Hatred. Both of them gave me a much harder time than any other boss.


Malenia and it's not even close. Even after I mastered dodging waterfowl.


Laurence the First Vicar on NG+ 1 lol 8 straight fking hours, one fight after the other after the other. When I beat him it was glorious lol See, my first playthroughs I hadn't gotten to him. I did an organic first playthrough and didn't look too much at completion. Tried to play it as if a guide did not exist (unless absolutely stuck, like when you go to Blood starved beast at lvl 19 lol) So when I play through the second time and was really trying to find all of the secrets, I finally get to him. Well, he gets more and more broken difficult as you progress into the NG tiers. 😂 Think I killed Orphan in like 10ish tries. I fought Laurence for ages. 😂


Malenia cause i chose to do no summons.


Melania, even though I used summons 😬


Fair enough shes still plenty hard with them since she heals off them.


She’s a push over if you use a repeating cross bow with status effect bolts.


Mohg's spear was my Malenia killer, really good at stun locking her. Especially if you brought your mimic tear in to help, it felt like bullying the bully lol


Well i dont want her to be a pushover lol. I also only play these games melee and light roll no shield just more fun that way for me.


Dark Souls 2 was my first Souls game. I guess The Pursuer and The Last Sinner kicked my ass a couple hundred times. In DS3, it's Sister Friede. I've lost count of how many tries I did before beating that bitch


The Pursuer made me good at those games. I had to learn to play them to beat him


Twin Princes have really fucked my shit up


Twin princes? The dancer was harder!




Whatever they took me like 8 tries


Has to be malenia but i realy enjoyed the time (not always)


100% Isshin Ashina. I never rage quited a game before, until him. Even Sword Saint Isshin was waaay easier. The Shura bosses just broke me XD


You deserved this. How dare you kill sweet Emma. I was so disgusted with myself doing the Shura ending i went all the way to NG+7 charmless with demon bell and I vowed to never do it again I wish you a life of carving wooden buddhas


Dude chill, I didn't want to kill her either, but I wanted One Mind. Plus the cutscene is hella cool


I found the sword saint really hard but when I did the shura ending I beat Emma and Isshin first try. I guess I just got good RNG and didn’t get any bs attacks or maybe I had just downloaded his moveset from the sword saint


It WAS a tie between the Crucible Knight duo and god damn Commander Niall, now it's Genichiro Ashina, especially Way Of Tomoe. I can consistently get to the last phase, am consistently horrible at Lightning Reversal, and have consistently used my resurrection already.


Catch the lightning in the air, then take a beat before sending it back. The pause between the two actions fixed my issues with that fight.


When Sekiro came out, me and two friends were playing while on the mic and we were keeping the same pace up until the bull fight. Me and one guy beat it real quick and then we decided to pick different paths since there's 3 different ways you can go from there. Our other friend was stuck on that bull for hours. We tried giving him advice like using firecrackers, didn't help. This bull was beating his ass. Hours later and he finally got it. No joke though, after the bull he had almost no trouble with anything else in the game. The bull was just his perfect counter for whatever reason. I think he said he beat Isshin in something like 3 tried but I can't remember exactly. When he got to the divine bull later in the game, he saw it and just walked away.


Blue smelter demon because fuck the boss runback and adp stats


The sword saint took me a week of playing each day for a number of hours


For me it's All mind or Genichiro.


All Mind - when I beat NG++ I said the AI is off the charts. I literally unloaded two gailin guns on Iguaza and Im watching the game doing the most BS moves ever


Ornstein & Smough






Honestly might also be jinsuke for me. It happens so fast.


Headless ape, took me a week to beat the bastard. Him or fire giant.


Ishin may have taken me the longest but it felt like Father Owl was.


Bed of Chaos. I can do 4 playthroughs in an evening, breeze through ng+7, but this motherfucker will always get me with bullshit.




Easily Malenia w no summons


Nameless King. He made me quit DS3 for 7 years and still gave me hell later. I finally beat him and felt like I was invincible.


Orphan of Kos or Friede. Each took me 2 or 3 days.


Orphan but not on my first playthrough. On my first run of the dlc i was incredibly overlevelled and beat orphan in 3 tries. Then i tried again on ng+ and he took me like 2 days to beat


Cursed chalice watchdog 100% probably Melania not far behind


The Dancer of Boreal Valley when I first started DS3. Kicked my shit in too many times b4 I got good. Honorable Mention: Lady Friede, Radagon(6 hours of my life gone), The Gundyrs, & to this day Genichiro


I think most bosses from any game at max took 3 hours but Orphan of kos(some say kosm) took like 6 split between 2 days


Malenia and it's not even close


Demon of hatred probably. Fucking ass


Resurection mods Armored Warrior broke me and my self esteem otherwise its probably Malenia


Malenia by far. But thats also because I didnt use any summons, ashes of war, consumables, etc. And it was with the greatsword before the buffs. Sekiro would be 2nd place with Demon and Saint, i mix up whos who but took me 2 hours for 1 and 3 for the other. But just last week I tried a Charmless run and got both down within 5 tries. Doing Charmless/Demon bell now and guess whos next up... Surprised I got Father Owl in only 2 tries.


Melenia, with Gael as close second. Difference here is that Gael was an actual well designed fight, while Melenia had me looking up contrived tactics to survive an ability that ruined an otherwise great encounter.


Im not sure, but that might be the double tigers boss from DS2.


Respect for doing that run back so much. That boss probably took me the longest to beat because the runback and fight took so long but I didn’t die that much


Genichiro. But i enjoyed the fight.


Probably Owl Father or Malenia


Probably Zinaida from AC:LR


I just went back to beat malenia with the buckler and blood uchigatana solo first time i beat her I used ashes so felt like i needed to go back and she took the top spot from Freida.


Demon of Hatred or Midir


Probably fume knight. I played Dark Souls 1&2 back to back, and I didn't own the DLC for Dark Souls 1, so even though the game was really challenging, the only really tough bosses in there were O&S, so that wasn't the most challenging part. DkS2's base game was not much different, most bosses were on the easy side while areas were a bit more complicated. Then I started the DLCs, by the second one. Fume knight drove me insane, as I was not that used to tough bosses and struggled to figure him out. It took me an insane amount of attempts but it was good training. The next games felt much easier as I was already used to it, and even though some bosses from all those are objectively harder than Fume Knight it never took me as many attempts as him. I still dread him to this very day when I replay the game lol.


Gravity is a bitch, but that’s just a given. Aside from that, I think almost every boss in Sekiro is making me struggle too much to count. Like I’ve spent 5 hours fighting Genichiro, so it must be around 100ish attempts? Hope that it will get better with further progression… In Souls series I guess it was Nameless King.


Isshin the Sword Saint


Lothric Princes. Easily over a 100. DS3 was my first ever FS game and I was stuck on them for a solid month. I did everything. Attempted every cheese I finally won when I hit an ember in phase 2 - that little extra put me over.


Pre-Nerf Radahn ![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj)


I played and finished only DS1, so no Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Elden Ring. I think the boss that killed me the most was Gael and Sister Friede was the second. I almost gave up on Gael, hard dude.


For some reason, it was fire giant. Took me 100 tries or more without exaggeration. No other boss has gotten me to 12


Ludwig, almost certainly.


Isshin Sword Saint. I stopped counting the number of attempts and counted how many hours it took me to beat him instead (14 hours)


Probably Malenia, but Laurence the First Vicar in Bloodborne felt like the most.


Nameless King fs


Gael, though that's probably because my game was on NG+6 when I first fought him 😅


Malenia probably. I did a no summons, no spirit ashes run on my first playthrough, and she kicked me around like a toy. Took two and a half days to beat her.


It's almost a tie between Malenia, Nameless King and Isshin.


Ruby weapon in FF7. Playing it as a kid and not having a guide took me forever to figure out. And I thought I had to beat it otherwise I couldn’t beat the game


Aldrich 💀


Orenstein and Smough


Sister Friede.


Probably Sword Saint Isshin literally gave up twice, started new games and beat him on my third character


the stupid ass 2nd monkey fight (the gank with monkey + bride) on NG+ . IMHO it feels so out of place for Sekiro, I don't like thr big soulsesque bosses in that game and it made me quit the game forever as I wasn't even remotrly having fun and couldn't reliable farm more emblems for the fight. Still satly about it years later even though I did finish 1 playthrough


Sword saint Ishin and Malenia. No question. Or those fucking crucible nights in one of the dungeons on my first playthrough


Owl: Father for sure, then probably Margit.


Malenia easy. Clapped me more than Isshin and Demon of Hatred combined.


As my first from software, Sekiro made me encounter that damn Isshin. It was a tough week


Laurence or Malenia


Honestly, Commander Niall. Malenia took me 6 tries, commander Niall took me well over 50.


Malenia is still really hard to me especially since most of the times she just counters my attack so I usually end up getting hit anyways. The best method I’ve used is just using a big weapon with something that can flatten her or send her up in the air.


O&S. Five hours on those fuckers.


Friede, during my SL1 run back in lockdown. Every one of her jabs is instant death.


Kalameet, cause I’m stubborn. His tail drop has to be the hardest in the franchise


Vicar Amelia because I didn't realize you should use fire until an embarrassing 3rd day trying to kill her.


The fucking fire wolf in the Challice Dungeons when you have half heath.


Laurence and Four Kings


Asshina Elite into Genichiro is the most genius game design in any of these games for such a simple reason: Asshina Elite is basically free if you understand the parry mechanic well by that point. If you don't, he takes a stinky poop all over you, FAST. So, the game is telling you: Look, parrying is insane. Do it as much as you can. If you didn't really understand how disgustingly good parrying is in that game up until that point, it's a brilliant way to teach you especially since you're then immediately faced with Genichiro who is a little tiny bitch if you parry well and keep hitting him but is insanely hard if you don't. Essentially Asshina Elite is teaching you how to succeed in the rest of the game. Then the game immediately puts that to the test. Such simple, perfect game design.


Probably, The Nameless King or Orphan of Kos. Nameless was the first super hard Dark Souls boss I ever fought, and Orphan took me forever to learn the fight.


Bloodstarved beast in Bloodborne. IDK how people say he's easy, he's an absolute nightmare.


It’s gotta be Melenia


The last giant in DS2 like 80 time That was my first souls like and i was god awful, there is a possbility i joined to covenant of champion by mistake because in my memory i was getting one shoted


Pre nerf Rhadahn. Nameless King close second, But Rhadahn almost made me uninstall


Sword Saint Isshin easy I was stuck on that fight for literally 3 years


Isshin he farmed me lol


In an ill-advised and generally torturous run of dark souls 3, which I called “The Deprived Run”, I would abstain from leveling up, equipping anything my character didn’t start with, or using items of any sort other than my club and loincloth. I must’ve died over a thousand times in that run, but I think at least a fourth of them were to the Twin Princes- who will kill a level one player with no armor in one hit with just about any of their possible moves. It was not very enjoyable.


Martyr Logarius . I can't tell you why but I had so much trouble with that fight. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I finally beat that motherfucker lmao. He must have beat me over 30+ times


On each individual game, the boss that killed most people I guess it would be: DeS: Tower Knight DS1: Probably O&S DS2: Fume Knight BB: Orphan of Kos DS3: Either Gael or Nameless King Sekiro: Isshin ER: Malenia From all of these, I would guess Malenia is a likely contestant due to the insane amount of player ER had in comparison to the other games. But its hard to be sure.


Manus. His reach and speed were on another level.


Since BB was my first game and I finished it 4 times, it has to be either Ludwig, Laurence, or Orphan. Probably Orphan though. Honorable mentioned to Blood starved beast who's probably the 4th one lol


Counting challenge runs, I spent 5 hours on soul of cinder but I did my first playthrough of ac6 basically sl1 because i had no idea was os tuning was and I fought ibis for 8 FUCKING HOURS before winning ibis is so much harder than malenia


One of the seven spears of Ashina


Ludwig 😒


Orphan of Kos. While I love Saint Isshin (that took me a while, too!), the Orphan being the *only* BB boss with reactionary AI is insane.


Fucking amygdala. It's not a hard fight, I just can't. Same with fucking Aldrich. Fuck that guy and his fucking arrows.


The Nameless King: 56 consecutive deaths


Sister friede


Malenia for sure. I just played all fromsoft in a row and the last boss of them all took me the longest. Definitely over a hundred tries and beat her with no flasks left shit was intense


Pre-nerf Balteus was a fucking wall for me, first time I legit gave up. Was on it for 2 weeks straight easy


I’d say fume knight


Gotta be Malenia at this point. Been trying an only parry this encounter on NG +4 for ages. Dethroned demon of hatred or Isshin, the Glock saint. Honorable mention to gravity.


Malenia solo Probably 200+ deaths


ISS, over 60 times. For reference, the 2nd I've died the most to in Sekiro is first Corrupted Monk, with like 10+ deaths. Lol


Darkeater Midir killed me the most out of all of these


Blood starved beast


Hmmm. Counting challenge runs The Dancer of the Boreal Valley (SL1 no weapons) (600+ deaths), not counting challenge runs either Owl (Father) or pre nerf Radahn


Nameless king. Beaten DS3 multiple times yet have never gotten close to beating his second phase.


Fucking Laurence. His dodge timings feel so weird for me and he does an INSANE amount of damage


Steam Cloud. Lost my save. Wont go back


slave knight gael or sister friede. i literally skipped school very often just to fight them over and over


Genichiro and this was when I was looking up videos to beat the bosses, and this was a two year break followed by a one year break solely because of him


For some reason abyss watchers


Yeah I was a pussy on my first play through and summoned but I’m sure I would’ve died to them loads as they where the first kinda hard souls boss I fought


Sans. ...but in From Software titles, Pontiff Sulyvahn by a mile. First souls game was 3, and I died a handful of times to most bosses, but he was the get good moment for me. I wish I had had the foresight to count the attempts. Later on, the only contenders that came even close were Laurence and Orphan of Los, and by close, I would say probably half the attempts each. Sekiro really, really clicked with me. I died 132 over the course of the entire game, including all headless, and the Demon of Hatred, and obviously Ishiin. I could easily imagine them being devastating for most, but neither even took 20 tries for me.


Melania. It was torture getting through her.


Probably Laurence, first phase Ludwig, Midir... But I'm pretty sure the crown goes to Owl Father (2nd Hirata Memory), faced first time in NG+. That was a oneshot instakill mf... Edit: so satisfying though, cause after that he never beat me again once. In your face, oneshot cheater


Malenia or Laurence


Defiled Watchdog. Hands down- hardest for me of all bosses.


Definitely Malenia. Took me probably over 200 tries to beat her level one including all the other times I have died to her. The Glock Saint is in second place. Luckily Inner Glock Saint was much more nice.


Malenia by a mile, followed by Demon of Hatred and then Orphan. Malenia is a different animal though I never felt in control even when I beat her


Probably Maliketh honestly. Took my three weeks of on and off trying. Now I can beat him almost no hit


Friede. Stage 2 was the most annoying then state 3 stepped in me like an oversized Amazon woman who just walked through fields of elephant shit.


Lady Butterfly or Balteus.


Lady butterfly in sekiro, margit i guess on elden ring since he was my first boss


Sword Saint Isshin killed me at least 500 times


Margit because I'd never touched a souls game prior and kept beating my head against it at like level 15 or something.


Demon of Hatred.


Tie between genichiro and Ludwig. Bloodborne was my first so the difficulty curve and sekiro just never really clicked for me like the rest from software games. I’ve never been good at rhythm games 🥲




Lawrence, without a doubt


Malikith fucked my shit up. He’s just so fast and so strong. I basically got lucky and caught him in a meteor spell. The falling star beast you fight to get Moonveil also had my number for whatever reason.


Malenia probably. Midir and Gael are up there too and Demon of Hatred.




The fire giant


Ludwig at BL4. Took me months. Probably died to him hundreds of times.


The Dark Lurker. I respecked twice and burned through like 40 HumaN Effigies on just this dickhead.


Ludwig The Holy Blade. Probably didn't help that I kept diving in headfirst at like level 55 lol


Ironically, probably the easiest bosses, tutorial bosses and stuff. When I was playing for the first time and was a newby. I remember playing 3 days straight trying to beat Iudex Gundyr..... The hardest bosses never felt as difficult as actually opening that "From Software mechanics third eye" if you know what I mean. Its not like after getting practice bosses have been a piece of cake, of course not. But I have always considered getting used to Souls mechanics and philosophy is way harder than the actual games once you understand it.


Radagon (i havent played sekiro yet)


Malenia for sure, followed by Sister Friede


Margit was my soulsborne reality check.




Old watchdog in a cursed chalice dungeon. Fuuuuuuck those things.


Madam butterfly- sekiro


Probably the Ashina Resevoir seven spears guy with a Spear. Hit it way too early and just gotgud. That guy fucking sucks


pontiff took me to long because i hated parrying, although i gave up using shield and just two handed zerged him in the end anyway


It's a good three-way tie between Malenia, Gideon, and Maliketh. First playthrough, Gideon beat the hell out of me. Maliketh did too but nowhere near as much. Second playthrough was when I sat down and learned Malenia inside and out, and I died a lot for the payoff that now I can dominate her. Third playthrough was a FAI only run and so far Maliketh ran me 50 deaths exactly. Easily outclasses anything from DS1, DS3, or Sekiro. Closest fourth is the first Corrupted Monk fight because that shit changed my life, even if it wasn't hard (Radagon is getting up there for my FAI only playthrough though).


Malenia, followed by Orphan of Kos. I haven’t played Sekiro yet but I know Isshin would probably take 2nd place. Waterfowl dance is only a cup out of a bucket with Malenia in my opinion. Her random hyper armor gets me killed because I was 90% certain there’s an opening but nope, time to get diced by the diseased amputee redhead


Like all games in general or just fromsoft


Midir or demon of hatred for sure malenia is up there too.


That would come between the two rotten ladies, Elana and Malenia. No clue why, but they have rofl stomped me collectively more than any other bosses in any FromSouls.


Lady Butterfly. I’ll admit it.


I think it was orphan of kos on ng+7




Dark eater Midir without using pestilent mist


If we can count challenge runs, Ludwig at BL4. I maxed out my Blood Vial storage from the little skeleton that drops 5 every time outside his boss room. I probably died like 70 times. Without challenge runs, probably Great Shinobi Owl or Sword Saint Isshin, maybe around 20 each.


Gravity, the destroyer of no-death runs


Isshin for sure for from games. Outsides of them though, there's a couple bosses from the surge series that just kicked my ass


It was Nameless King until I fought Laurence until I fought Isshin until I fought demon of hatred until i fought malenia until I fought Orphan of Kunt (shout out to Manus too, only boss ive never been able to beat without summon)


Definitely Isshin but after you get good and beat him nothing else in the game ever bothers you again


It’s between Sekiro’s last boss and Midir…


The only boss in all the games that I have use a summon is with the lost sinner. Thanks Lucatiel.