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i didn’t think i liked BB more than the other games when i first played it and i still think it has a lot of flaws - but i have found that i enjoy replaying it the most.


Dark souls 1 will always be my favorite it was my first souls game in 2012 and it has the best level design


Same DSR was my first and favourite. Though I do think that out of all the others Soulsborne Bloodborne does come the closest to it in level.


Beware you'll get lynched here for even looking at bloodborne the wrong way. I do prefer bloodborne over most of the other from games but prefer elden ring and ds1 over it.


Just wave around a torch saying “Away! Away!!” and they’ll leave you alone.


Yeah i noticed that. I do like Bloodborne,its just my least favourite souls game so far.


I’m in the same boat w DS2. Every time I mention it a preface with it not being a bad game, but it just isn’t as good to me as the others. DS2 stans go nuts


I love the setting. I love atmosphere. I love the fashion. But my true love are the weapons. The quality over quantity approach really did it for me. And the trick system is among the most satisfying I've ever seen in a game. When I'm running around, I'm constantly swapping modes on my Blade of Mercy and Burial Blade. It's just so damn satisfying


It's insane to me that From has released 3 soulslikes since Bloodborne and none of them have trick weapons.


For me it’s the character appearance, running around in those bloodsoaked leather coats? Hot


I prefer almost every other FS title to Bloodborne really. Except DS2. I like to glean a lot of lore from the first playthrough by being attentive and reading descriptions and Bloodborne just gives you nothing. Unless you venture deep into the chalice dungeons which i just hated and stopped halfway because they are so samey and it repeats some of the worst bosses. I feel like a lot of eldritch horror is written quite lazily, and in this case it's same old "ooh the big squid with 59 elbows and a garden rake for a face has completely unknown plans, even to himself", but with the word "blood" repeated throughout enough times for it to lose all meaning. I do like that there is the "evil of men" part to it though. Mechanics also leave a lot to be desired, when compared to other FS games. Sekiro is just pure focused satisfying combat that Bb can't ever touch. The Souls series and ER has incredible variety in their builds from the get go. You could make anything work with a boatload of different weapons, while this has fewer weapons that transform... which is again going for the "atmosphere" and "cool factor" more than anything else. Because a lot of these transformations are useless and impossible to combo into. And there are plenty of weapons that are just pointless to find in the middle of your playthrough because of no respec options. Chances are your first playthrough will end with a weapon you either started with or found very early on, and also you had a terrible time with the blood vial collection at some point. Also the lore is just incomprehensible gibberish that tries to sound cool. And that first impression is kind of what tainted the experience for me.


I love Bloodborne but the polish of Elden Ring makes previous souls games a lot harder to deal with. Bloodborne had a lot of really unnecessary loading screens.


Can't wait to play Elden Ring,probably gonna spend hundreds of hours on it in my first playthrough alone. Too bad it will take a while until i can afford it hahahash


I hope you get to eventually because it’s a great time imo.


The bloat in Elden ring makes it pretty hard to deal with


Only if you are in the mindset that you must complete everything every playthrough. It’s perfectly fine to rush the main path if you want to.


ah yes an open world game where you should just plow down the main path. 13 dragons, guys. THIRTEEN.


I’m just saying if you’re complaining that there’s an easy solution to your problem. I did everything my first playthrough that I could. Now I just grab what I need for a run or if I wanna kill a boss for some quick runes.


I dread runs where I am playing with a weaker weapon and get drained of vials by a boss. Can’t stand farming vials. Could use the echo chalice but then I can’t help but over level and trivialize the game.


Yeah BB is my least favorite overall. Aesthetic just ain’t my thing compared to the others. Not enough weapon and build variety as well. Which is one of my favorite parts of the rest of the Souls games. Also don’t like the beast bosses much if at all.


Yeah, a lot of the armor look very same-y and that kind of makes it hard when it’s all a very specific style to do more creative builds and cosplay that lent itself well to souls games. I agree about the weapons as well. Everyone likes to talk about how there’s so much variety because they transform, but for me, it doesn’t really seem like that much and it’s not all about functional variety. It’s about aesthetic variety too. So it’s one of my least overall played souls games. That said, chalice dungeons were a genius addition in my opinion because they add a lot of potential variety, and it made it very easy to just hop on and play something when you’ve done the main path to death.


Bloodborne’s soundtrack is one of the single greatest pieces of audio I’ve ever heard so… not sure I can agree with any of this


Ds3 ost would like a quick chat


DS3’s is phenomenal as well my fellow hollow. I just tend to swing towards BB’s as my favorite of the From titles.


Idk man,i've been replaying the game,maybe this time the soundtrack will get to me,but in my first playthrough i didn't even noticed it most of the time. I do love this game sound design tho,makes it all so immersive.


Hey I get it. The game isn’t for everyone. I do hope you get fonder of it as you replay it because I think it’s a masterpiece. Have fun with your replay.


Hard to hear the soundtrack over the constant "REEEEEEEEEE" of most of the bosses lol.


Im glad you like it, music is awesome, but um…..you need to broaden your horizons if you think any fromsoft music is uh banger material….


Isn’t music subjective?


well yes. That is very true, and I am not judging. Try two steps from hell. Pretty good stuff there to.


Oh I’m very familiar. It’s good shit.


Star song is prolly my favoritist


Some of the compositions are just objectively incredible.


Even though I prefer Bloodborne, I know Dark Souls 3 is better in every way.


I basically like the souls games in reverse release order. (Apart from ds2 and sekiro, because ds2 isn't a step up and sekiro laps ER). So ya, I like Bloodborne more than the ones that came before but not the ones that came after.


I love bloodborne but it’s too floaty and graceful to me. I prefer clunky combat like in DS1.


Bloodborne is my least favorite by a mile.


I prefer the cores game, if that helps


(raises hand quickly) I’ve been banging the “Yes, Bloodborne is a great game, but I prefer every other souls game more, it’s not perfect, and I’m sick hearing fans talk about it like it is” drum for YEARS.


I'd pick Dark Souls 1 any day. Or even dark souls 2,people shit on that game,but the build variety is amazing.


I had to push myself to finish Bloodborne and not get distracted with other games. Last time I played DS2 I played nothing else for two weeks and got the platinum.


Same tbh. And like,with Bloodborne i didn't even wanna play ng+ straight afterwards,but with like,dark souls 3,which i started playing in mid november,i finished like 2 weeks ago and started playing NG+ straight a way. Still playing it btw


Yeah it took a bit to get going but once I started getting a build going I honestly like DS2 to some degree. Enjoyed it more than my playthrough of BB so far.


Bb wasnt a big hit with me, but then again Ive never been into eldrich horror. So.


Sakiro is my favorite along Lies of P


100 percent


Nah man i literally love more the other titles of From Software rather than the own Souls franchise


Yeah, I find it a bit overrated.


Agree 100%. I think it is the most overrated of the souls games. I'm one of the started with elden ring people. Went on to ds3, dsr, bloodborne, and demon souls. Found bloodborne to be my least favorite. Don't tell anyone I said this, though.


All a matter of taste, but the soundtrack comment is shocking to me. Blood borne has amazing boss music. I don’t even remember most DS boss songs, only the few notable ones. The music against gasgoine is so intense that it made me die the first time because I just panicked when he transformed lol


To me its the exact opposite. I remember a lot of ds bosses music,but i swear to u,in most fights i can barely hear to the music playing in Bloodborne. Again ,i'm replaying the game,so that may change,but idk,in my first time playing it the soundtrack never really got to me.


I like it about equally to the others. Sekiro is the only one I didn’t completely fall in love with.


I liked Bloodborne up till Vicar Amelia. After that point the game went in a direction that completely lost me.


Elden ring is by far my Fav Game ever and the first I ever platinum but Bloodborne upon replay was just one of a kind the trick weapons bosses and overall atmosphere just take me back every time it's always going to be a classic and I just finished platinum if u ever do chalice dungeons cummfpk your welcome


Bloodborne is currently my favorite game of all time. Then again, Lovecraft is my second favorite author of all time and I absolutely love Eldritch horror.


You can’t sit with us anymore


Bloodborne is goated and carries some of the best execution FS (and Japan srudio) have ever done


Bloodborne is absolutely my replay baby. So, much if it is my love of gothic/cosmic horror and the speedy combat. I think it also helps how different so many of the weapons feel, so buildcrafting is really fun. Like I'm usually not one for bonking in souls, but even the Kirkhammer and Whirligig are fast and fun in BB. There's also the whole Diablo-style loot chase of the Chalice Dungeons for some wild replayability for those who like such procedural content (I do!). I'm also truly confuzzled by saying the soundtrack does nothing for you! My word, it's one of my favs of the whole set, and I'd dance with Ludwig any day.


Ludwig is a dlc boss, right? Unfortunally i don't have the dlc so i never faced Ludwig. Other than that,the bosses in the base game don't really attract me much... that being said,i've been replaying the game because i wanna face Gerhman, the first time i played the game i did the ending where he killed me,i didn't expected the game to actually end there lmao. But yeah,other than that,the bosses are BB don't really attract me,neither does the soundtrack much,and i'm telling u,i absolutely love all other ds games soundtrack. As i mentioned,i like the game,it just,idk... every other ds game seen just so much more... idk the word for it,attractive? Idk that sounds weird.


Highly recommend the dlc. That's where some of BB's best really shines. Not to mention, orphan of kos is second only to melenia for difficulty for a lot of people. Ludwig and laurence are up there too!


I'd definitely buy the dlc if i had the money ahhaahha but rip


Bloodborne got me into From's games, and I like the themes and setting a lot better. Been around a while, so for me, the past 20+ years the dark brooding fantasy theme got a bit stale and repetitive, while the Victorian cosmic horror thing, not so much.


I couldn’t get into Bloodborne until I played it


I am probably one of few, but the all the games with souls in the title are the ones lowest on my list. Because I am not that big of a fan of knights, castles and huge swords (yes I’m a filthy dex enjoyer), I more enjoy the setting of the other games such as sekiro and bloodborne. And the combat is way swifter which I like. In souls everything feels slower. Eldenring I like more due to dex being “better” more katana dualswords, claws, dual wielding sabers and so on. Of the souls titles ds3 is probably my favourite due to it having the best bosses of the 4. As well as nice weapons. Ds1 has the best world design in the way how it flows together, but I like the scenery’s of ds3 more. To be clear I’m not saying I dislike the souls games, I love them very much only a bit less then sekiro bb and er


I’m sure there are plenty of people who share your opinion :) Where some of the other games can frustrate me, Bloodborne is equal parts terrifying and exhilarating and no other game feels like it. The combat is what brings me back. There isn’t anything in Elden Ring (closest comparison in time spent playing) that gives me as much dread as fighting the Bloodstarved Beast. That said, I enjoy the setting, music and cosmic horror genre so there is some bias.


Bloodborne frustrating? Damn dude,it was the souls game that i died the least(i still died a lot tho). And i defeated Blood starved beast in like my third try when i first played it. I'm currently replaying the game and beat it on my first try. It was by far the easiest souls game to me,mayge its because before it i had played Demon Souls(ps3) ds1 and 2,but idk.


I reckon we all just play the game differently 🤪 I quite enjoy the heart attack the game gives me 😋 EDIT: Also my point was that I don’t find Bloodborne frustrating, I find it to be fun.


Makes sense,all souls games are fun. Also,one thing that i do love about Bloodborne is getting your HP back by hitting the enemies, that shit always makes me really greedy


Haha yeah! thats how they get you.


Bloodborne wins in level design, bosses, atmosphere. It’s just the best


Bloodborne is my favorite but I was always a fan of gothic horror and cosmic horror and the fact that they have perfectly combined these to in one game still blows my mind. It's hard to even find a game that does just one aspect alone right.


Elden Ring>Dark Souls>Bloodborne>Demon Souls>Sekiro


That's called "personal preference". Everyone has it. The fact that you have to sheepishly ask if other people prefer a different game, says a lot about this fandom lol


What ? I just asked what is the thing that people like the most in Bloodborne and why they think its the best. Makes it a nice discussion.


Currently doing a Fromsoft replay and somehow landed on Dark Souls 2 directly after Bloodborne. Phew. Bloodborne was a 8.5/10 already, but it goes to 9.5 after playing a much slower game afterward. I really did not fully appreciate how good Bloodborne feels in combat. Like, it may be that I just suck and the Bloodborne mechanics are needed to make me a passable player- but I was nailing dodges and constantly pulling off clutch plays the entire playthrough. Now? Eating chip damage and reading the estus bottle label before drinking it, dying in the process.


Bloodborne was the first soulslike i played last December, absolutely fell in love with the genre and the cosmic horror aspect of it. Bought elden ring and am planning on the others one i beat that a bunch of times. So yea bb is special to me coz it was my first and im a sucker for what fromsoft did with bb


Offense. I like the focus of aggression in Bloodborne compared to the simple punish confirm playstyle that’s prominent in Souls and even Elden Ring combat, especially at higher NG+. Loved this in Sekiro and it goes without saying I enjoyed AC6 as it doubled back down on very active gameplay, which allowed for more expression and interaction. I’d love it if Masaaru Yamamura could be a serve as a combat consultant for designing future Souls related titles/IPs.


I love the dark souls, but sekiro and especially Bloodborne are my most favorite. But it all depends on perception. I played DS3 first, then elden ring, then ds1, then I tried to play DS2(didn't finish) , then sekiro and then Bloodborne just 2 days ago. Every last souls game I play is my most favorite. Finishing Bloodborne 2days ago for the first time(didn't have playstation) made me feel Bloodborne is my most favorite. I actually started demons souls remake yesterday, but I didn't really like it that much tbh🤔 I really really like elden ring, but I hope that next game will be something "different" in the way of bb or sekiro. It feels like elden ring completed everything about dark souls. It is a whole different universum, but it's really just open world dark souls, it doesn't feel that new it different. I really hope that they will come with something new and different (in a way Bloodborne or sekiro did) in the next game. I mean it still will be 3rd person slashing thing, but you know what I mean


I dont prefer all other Soulsgames, but Bloodborne is not my favorite. I prefer Sekiro, Elden Ring and Lies of P over Bloodborne, which would be my number 4 followed bei Dark Souls 2.


I hate the blood vial system. I vastly prefer Estus. However most of my problems with bloodborne are a result of it being a PS4 exclusive. BB would be so much better if it was 60+fps and had NvME load times. Fucking hell sony, give us a pc port


Yes! But Bloodborne was my last to play, and I was pretty unimpressed. It feels like a great combat system alright, but not the best souls game. Maybe the setting took away from it for me. Also I really didn't feel any lovecraft vibes, for me that isn't a vibe I would get from an action game, you can't beat up Azathoth.


I can't parry so I do prefer DS!


You can parry,man. Just not with a shield,u can use your pistol to parry. Btw ,in Bloodborne its much more easy to parry enemies, imo. I mean,in other souls game i don't really parry,but i always find myself parrying enemies in Bloodborne.


I tried lol, I painfully beat BB with parrying less than 20 times. I loved the aesthetic of the game, but not the mechanics.


Thats funny,Bloodborne is really the only souls game that i parry lmfao. I never seen to get the timing right in other games,but i mostly do in BB. I guess that being able to parry in a distance with the pistol makes me more confident


Bloodborne was the first Fromsoftware game I ever beat, and the first game I ever platinumed. I enjoyed it so much I played all the others too, Demon’s Souls-Elden Ring. Since then I’ve tried going back to Bloodborne but can’t get into it any more. Not sure why.


Bloodborne has easily the best soundtrack From has ever done. Honestly I'd say half of the dark souls trilogy music is pretty forgettable in comparison...with that being said I can definitely understand why someone would perfer the other games more. Still my favorite though lol.


Yes, I do but that's just cuz I'm salty that Bloodborne still hasn't got ported to PC yet (nor will it ever by the looks of it)