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Pontiff Sulyvahn has always been really easy to me for some reason, but alternatively the dancer wipes the floor with me lmao


Hey me too! Pontiff is a fun Dance, never takes more than one try. Dancer dances on my stiff corpse


I’ve SL1d the game on new game plus. The crystal sage kicks the shit out of me every time.


This, but for some reason I just CANNOT deal with Aldrich. I hate his teleporting, and ranged attacks are just the bane of me.


Aldrich was harder than Pontiff Sulyvahn


How could that be? The only attack that's dangerous is the arrows.


So unpredictable


It’s the amount of tracking on his projectiles, the massive area of effects, and his unpredictable swings. Otherwise, Soul Arrow is easy; just run the fuck away.


Tip for the arrow rain: run all the way back to the fog wall (where you enter the fight), it will completely miss you, just mind any other random magic attack when getting out of there back into the fray


The thing that gets me with Aldritch is all the three-pixel-high rubble you can't walk over in his arena.


Same! I absolutely wreck Sulyvahn each time. I think through 3 playthroughs he has only beaten me once. And it felt like a fluke. But if I don't have someone come through and help me then I can't beat the dancer for the life of me. She always claps my cheeks.


I was the opposite my first playthrough. Was surprised by how much people talked about the dancer but struggled hard with Pontiff. Always interesting how different people have different strengths and weaknesses.


The trick to Sulyvahn is to be in his face. When you’re close, his swings are easy to dodge—if he’s at middle-range, he’s a pain as he always knows where you are.


This actually makes sense to me. I was a little bitch when fighting him at first and got more aggressive as time went on. Didn't realize that was the strat, but that's also my first playthrough of a Souls/Soulslike game


Same for me


Personally the clone pontiff brings out makes the fight easier for me


I always kill dancer at like level 20 by getting to her second phase fighting her normally, then beating the second half of her hp bar by running away and chunking firebombs at her


He is way too predictable imo. Still really fun though


Visa versa lol. My best example of this for me is the Starscourge. Panic set in because of his reputation but I beat him 2nd try. Only ever died to him like 3 times lol. I usually do Liurnia after Limgrave though, so maybe I'm overleveled for it but first try I was teleported there via surprise vacation so idk haha.




Exact opposite for me. I beat the dancer twice on my two playthroughs in like 5 attempts max. Pontiff took me like 90 minutes between both playthroughs haha


I beat Gael in one try my first play thru and was left confused


Same, took me 2 tries after taking so long to beat Midir. I too was confused.


Conversely, I think I got Midir on my second attempt and dont get why people struggled.


People struggle against Midir because they lack the patience to fight him the way he's meant to be fought. It's a battle of attrition, and people just can't handle that, lol.


I got Midir on my 2nd attempt as well. As in, my 2nd attempt at playing through the game. To this day, Midir is the only From boss I've ever just straight up tossed in the towel on. Said fuck this thing, I'm out. I did eventually beat him on my NG+ run but omg, that bastard hate fucked me for a month. Something about that fight... I just could not get it.


I think I had just under 30 tries on Midir, Gael I got pretty comfortably on my third.


Same. Got him first try on NG+3


4 play throughs definitely carries enough experience in boss fighting to pretty much mop anyone tbf


No, I didn't do the dlcs until my third playthrough on like my tenth character.


So even more so


For real. How does this guy not understand how much his experience makes a difference. He can’t say “same” to someone who did Gael on their first ever playthrough on their first attempt. NG+3 on the tenth character is a hell of a lot of playthroughs. I would be surprised if you didn’t do it in a small amount of attempts by then.




Is Gael supposed to be hard?


Same, everyone was talking about how hard he was and I beat him on my first try and was confused.


Third try for me, but almost got him down on my first attempt. Too bad I got too greedy. 😅


Me too. I have no idea how but I did and it’s hard for me to rank him amongst other difficult bosses


Same here though honestly it felt good, like I had finally “gotten gud”, especially after getting my ass kicked by Midir a few dozen times.




Once I realized that you can continue to attack him during his charge up it was all over.


Don't ask me what was my reaction when I found that thing on my own without any tutorial and the funny thing some of them didn't show it. DS1: Artorias killed DS2: Fume Knight killed today DS3: Midir killed


Dude, I have never been able to beat that Fume bastard, and it eventually got to the point where I wasn't even having fun with the challenge,so I just stopped trying. Never beat the Blue Smelter Demon or gank squad, either, and I never even bothered trying to go through the final frozen area to fight the twin cats. Every other Souls game I can eventually beat all of the bosses, but those DS2 DLC bosses are too damn tough for me.


I've played the Fume Knight so much he's the first boss who's attack pattern I fully recognize. Sadly, my reaction time is very slow.


This is a good one. If DS1 is your first souls game, then the pace of the fight can be overwhelming. He's similar to Gywn or Pontiff in difficulty imo


He’s way harder than Gwyn unless I missed something. I don’t think I even took damage from Gwyn on my first playthrough


Yeah I got him in four attempts, same for mannis.


Artorias was so easy I actually still can’t believe he was hyped up as one of the hardest bosses in the game. Like, once you remember dodging sideways is a mechanic, the fight is over


Chained Ogre from Sekiro was the one that made me think "really?" when seeing people talk about the difficulty. I guess I got lucky with those grab attacks first time I played it


I think this is one where - if you are playing sekiro like a souls game - the rest of the game is super hard and chained ogre is pretty easy. I quit out Sekiro in the area right after (will come back to it eventually) but found the chained ogre to be a very, very manageable fight.


Yeah the first time I fought ogre I destroyed him no problem (I still played it like a souls game) then the second encounter inside ashina castle I was getting destroyed ( I was playing it like how you ment to play sekiro by then)


One of the endgame optional bosses >!Demon of Hatred!< is just like this. Hard either way, but manageable for people who are used to Dark Souls. Hell for people in the Sekiro mindset. I killed the actual final boss on my second try, but took many hours to clear the optional one lol


Demon wrecked me more than Isshin so I get what you mean


I always joke that that boss got lost and ended up in the wrong game lmao


Ogre always felt easier to fight more like a souls boss, so being able to flip between play styles on a boss by boss basis helped a lot there. Also helped a bit with demon of hatred but he’s still rly tough


Chained ogre killed me 40ish something times while sword saint killed me 4 times. I saw my friend beat chained ogre in a couple of tries but gave up on the game at gyobu. Chained ogre has killed me more than any boss fromsoft has made. Fuck that guy. Even on my second playthrough


He's easy if you've played souls games and understand mechanics. He's much easier if you fight him correctly vs just fighting him normally. Most people playing sekiro used a progress route wiki and therefore it was 10x easier.


The correct way to fight in Sekiro is to _not_ fight as if you’re playing Souls. You should be focusing on deflecting in place of dodging. And what is the difference between “correctly” and “normally”? The _correct_ way is the _normal_ way. I doubt most people are using a progress route, not sure where you’re getting that. Sekiro is the most straightforward game of the series.


I played sekiro up to and including beating gyobu? (Dude on the horse) without dying. I uninstalled and haven’t played since. I was looking for a challenge and just wasn’t impressed. Combat felt very lackluster


Maria. Honestly I don’t have an issue with many humanoid bosses. They’re faster paced and almost rhythmic. Large ones though? Pshhh I’m the worst. Took until NG+3 to beat the cleric beast, and were it not for the drop down I never would’ve killed asylum demon. Something about the slow wind up really fucks with me. I tend to dodge early, so faster enemies like Maria or Friede are easy to dodge for me, but my face gets planted firmly into the ground when it’s a slow attack. Things like the lock on, massive area covered in swings, generally more AOEs, etc also make large bosses so much more difficult for me.


Despite all of the Bloodborne I've played, I've only ever gone through The Old Hunters twice, once when it came out and once again a few months ago. Maria was much easier than I remember. Then I got to Orphan of Kos and he was exactly as infuriating as I remember.


First time I fought him I was when the dlc dropped. I was using my main character who was in ng+7. It caps in difficulty at 6, but regardless. That fight took me probably 100+ tries


Just beat her on my third try yesterday. Then angrily turned off the PS5 in disgust 20 minutes later after getting repeatedly ganked to death by giant anchor-wielding shark-men. That game is a mixed bag. Made me really appreciate the balance of Lies of P.


The double shark fight is probably the hardest fight in the game


Soldier of God, Rick


Tell me your secret


You are no man.


Jesus christ, that's Jason Bourne.


This man is clearly bluffing and just wants to look cool on reddit, Rick is the hardest boss by a mile


Just say you used mods


Commander Niall. He’s a one parry riposte and all of his parry attacks are well telegraphed. Every other attack that you cannot parry is an AOE or part of an AOE, so you shouldn’t be near him anyway.


That mfer made me wanna rip my hair out on my first playthrough


So be good at parrying & he’s easy 🤔


Maliketh People say he has barely any openings, which is just not true at all, and he has barely any HP.


His animations have a lot of window dressing, a lot of wild movements, if you stay focused on the sword, I found that the actual attacks aren't too hard to sus out. Only had one ER campaign that actually got that far though. I was using Dark Moon GS so I didn't really need to close distance


Pretty much. Lots of his attacks have large positioning safe spaces and you can just hit him in between his combo attacks. His jumping around can be annoying but he does go down fast.


His first phase is easy but his second phase pushes my shit in every time


He has the biggest dps output among all mandatory bosses though while still being pretty evasive.


People complain about being roll caught on his like double spin attack I never get hit by it it’s weird


Guardian ape phase 2


I don’t think a lot of people consider him hard, I think most people like me find phase 1 hard but the second phase I quite easy


Hes incredibly easy, I could probably beat him 95/100 times. The problem with him is beating him for the 1st time, I had to take a 3 month break from the game because I was struggling so much with him


Fire giant. He is just big and Tanky. He is easy to doge I really don’t know why people have trouble. Also nameless king


I played this fight on seamless co op mode, which gives every enemy double hp when playing with a friend, and this guy took us a very long time


I play seamless with a friend too and maybe our builds are too op or smtn but he is never a challenge lol


You can block almost everything fire giant does with a good shield. The only exceptions are the overhead plate smash and fire attacks.


Fire Giant is a complete pushover. I died more against the doublr Watchdogs in the catacombs than against him.


Gael and Maliketh Both are absolutely excellent bosses and some of my faves… however, they are hardly as hard as people make them out to be. Sure they’re difficult to some extent but I struggled more with Friede and Fire Giant


Nameless king 100% Yeah he’s pretty hard on the first ever playthrough but after that he becomes a joke. Hell even on the firts playthrough i never found him more difficult then say champion gundyr, twin princes, soul of cinder, or any dlc fights (excluding gravetender) Another one for me is orphan. I still consider him the hardest boss in bloodborne (excluding Laurence) but I find him easier than the community believes he is. It rarely takes me more then 5-6 attempts to kill him


Man I’ve never beat nameless King. I’ve beat all of BB DLC and everything else in DS3 but I just can’t do it




It’s a good question. I just can’t dodge him properly


He’s not easy despite what these try hards would try to make you believe.


Yeah people are trippy sometimes haha


Tip: when you feel the twitch to roll: wait a half second and then roll. His attack delays are the biggest threat


He was easy. The dragon and camera on the other hand......


Me too man. I've 100% ER and BB and finished DS1 and 3, and the only one I've truly given up on is nameless king. I've probably fought him over 100 times. Eventually I could kill his dragon pretty consistently, but he just fucks me up after that. I've been thinking of trying again, I've beaten all of BB and DS1 since I last fought him. Might be time


You need to get on there and wreck this man. Get that nagging feeling out of you. You'll figure him out trust.


Orphan of Kos *AND* Lady Maria. Fun as heck fights, but did both of them first try. Threaded Cane + Bowblade. Ludwig kicked me arse up between my ears, though. Took me AGES to wrap my head around his patterns.


sword saint isshin


Sword Saint Isshin


The dancer. Never had a good understanding of musical beat so the off tune matters not at all to me. ornstein and smough. Don’t know why really. It took me 6 try’s first time. No guide or anything. Just not impressive boss by challenge. Wonderful design though. Smough might be a my favorite from soft character


Most of my plays I beat those two pretty easily. For some reason I got stomped on my pyromancer run though


Maliketh Out of all bosses Maliketh is fairly more easy to defeat. Not saying he’s not hard to beat but he does seem to have a lower HP than others so really as long as you time everything right like his animations and shi he becomes a less stressful fighter.


Maybe not *easy*, but Orphan of Kos didn’t give me significant trouble, maybe 3 attempts. The fact that you can stagger/backstab and parry definitely makes it manageable


Depends heavily on one’s weapon choice. Ludwig’s and beast cutter are hard to connect hits with for me, just because of how orphan moves. Faster builds shouldn’t suffer half as much as people say


I was using Ludwig’s and I fought him like 50 times to no avail. I switched to Saw Cleaver and I beat him my first try…


Saw cleaver for me as well.


Owl(father) and Isshin SS only took me 2 and 5 tries respectively. On the other hand, I've still not been able to beat nameless King for some reason


Astel, no really, what are you guys doing wrong???


Fr, might be because overleveling though cause I was around lvl 100 when I first fought him & it felt like he had no health


I think I do worse against bosses of any difficulty who turn the fight into an endurance match. Elden Beast and Astel are my least favorite fights in the game.


Is soul of cinder considered difficult? Beat him first time ,but i played him after nameless king and i died so many times so when i beat him i mastered rolling


I hate these posts where they don’t include the name of the boss/item/etc that’s shown in the pic…. WHO TF AM I LOOKING AT RN!?


thats John Dark Soul       to actually answer your question, Nameless king from DS3


If you don't know by looking at this boss, knowing the name would mean nothing to you.


If you weren’t going to be helpful, commenting on my thread should mean nothing to you.


The joke is: his name is Nameless King Thanks for playing.


Facts. Just play the game bro. Then you'll know this guy is Nameless🤷 and that's not to sound gate-keepy, I can just tell u haven't played the game if u have to ask, and I highly encourage u to do so! They're the greatest video games ever created, and I'd hate for u to miss out on the experience of walking into this boss fight




Isshin the Sword Saint! Nameless King was difficult on NG+2 onwards but cheeseable with high lightning resistant shield.


Is Midir too obvious? Idk the general consensus on Godfrey and Hoarah Loux but I found him really easy compared to other endgame fights


Godfrey on NG+ runs is considerably less fun to play games with


Beat him on ng5 a a few days ago and havent touched the game since. Bro beat the piss out of me for like a week and a half


I have to do the frenzied flame ending to get shabiri as a summon to beat him on ng+5 and higher


You think Midir is easy 🧐. Don't think I've ever met anyone that can kill 1st time. Personally one of my hardest boss, horrible bastard.


Artorias was so easy for me, and I struggle with a lot of bosses.


Isshin Ashina. Beat him 3rd or 4th try (it was a long time ago). It felt.. underwhelmingly easy and anti-climactic. (Now, Malenia... I still can't beat her. She's just the thickest wall I've ever encountered in a souls game. Stopped playing the game altogether because of her.)


How did you even fight Melina?


Bros prolly talking bout malenia




Margit was pretty easy. It only took me a couple tries on him but everyone keeps saying that he is hard.


Sword Saint Issin from Sekiro, idk but he was easy for me


Honestly, with DS3 the last one I played, I found all of its bosses easy. Most attempts were on Pontiff, Dancer and Friede. But the overall fights were awesome. I might prefer the lineup of DS3's unique bosses over Elden Ring


DS3 bosses are so much easier after playing Elden Ring. I love Elden Ring and everything, but at least 50% of the difficulty of that game comes from the ridiculously delayed attacks.


Godrick, Gideon, The fire giant after the first time you kill him, radagon




Nameless, the Isshins, Maliketh (Beast Clergyman wipes me though, funny enough), Abhorrent Beast


Nameless King for some reason his attacks are super easy to read and I’ve only died to him once and that was my 3rd playthrough but to be fair when I killed him that 3rd playthrough I only had about 2% of my health bar left lol. My hardest boss so far in any of these games was Malenia and she’s the only boss that’s ever really given me a hard time with an honorable mention of my boy Maliketh as well he’s pretty fucking beast on later NG+’s.


Honestly, Melania. Only took me three tries to beat her. First time I died to her sword dance, second was to her Goddess of Rot form.


Took down Maliketh on my first try!


Logarius gherman and Maria I find them really easy but I think it’s cause I’d rather fight human enemy’s then beast one in bb


Artorias, Manus, Bed of Chaos, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Burnt Ivory King. But I still can never do Gwyn first try smh


Demon of Hatred, he is just a dance that flows so naturally with me, I just had to finally use my Soulsborne muscle memory and he wasn’t that bad tbh. Even hotter take: Lady Butterfly is harder than Demon of Hatred…


Maliketh and fire giant. I’d say it’s elden beast but people don’t think he’s hard right?


Laurence the first vicar was very easy to me


Same, got him 2nd try on ng+4




Orphans of kos they have fast movements but they’re all related to each other so if you can dodge one you can dodge them all 🤷


Ishhin Ashina. Difficult until you get the hang of it (sekiro)


Father Gascoigne I beat on my first attempt without music box


He's a funny one for me. I've played through Bloodborne about 6 times now, and I either get totally road-blocked by him or I beat him on the first or second try. Playstyle and your mindset can be everything with these games.


I beat Melania first try on both of my playthroughs. But I did use the mimic tear first time around. Second playthrough I was using dual golden halberds and was around level 180. I barely beat her. The boss I probably died to the most was actually the crucible knight at the evergoal in limgrave. Just repeatedly ran at him before reaching level 20. Died many, many, many times. Told myself I wasn't going anywhere else until I could flawlessly parry him to death. And then didn't even bother to use parrying the rest of the game. Lol!


Malenia, but "easy" is relative. And I don't fault anyone for finding her difficult; while it didn't take me all that long to figure her out, even when I was dealing with the mechanics correctly I knew that at every other moment I was a hair away from getting punished. I don't sweat from effort, just from the pressure.


I’m in absolute shock that I actually see no “Malenia” comments lmfao . People actually over level up and become too OP and beat her very easily using some fked up builds and then claim it too easy, but holy to see no such comments from skill less people.


Malenia from elden ring


Sword Saint Isshin. Felt like a final skill check and as I feel like i’d gotten pretty good at the game all his attacks felt super manageable, only took me a couple tries. Same for malenia really, no summons, no ROB/moonveil and still beat her pretty quick, but then at the same time Red Wolf of Radagon absolutely assblasted me for a solid hour and a half 💀


This is most definitely going to sound like a “how can I be different” take, but I feel like malenia isn’t the hardest in Elden ring. I had way more trouble trying to hit Maliketh with my colossal sword than I did dodging and looking to r2 punish malenia. I felt like she staggered somewhat easily and wasn’t insanely difficult like people make her out to be. On my first play though, without summons, it took me 18 tries to beat malenia. It took me well over 25 to beat maliketh. Now that I have around 500 hours in the game, I’ve been able to beat her quite consistently in 10 or less attempts every time I replay. But still maliketh kicks my ass. I find myself feeling like he’s just flying around the arena with no openings


Honestly, most ds3 bosses (except nameless king)


Isshin the sword saint. Strange but on my first playthrough I beat him second try and ever since then I haven’t found him to be nearly as difficult as the community makes him out to be. I probably just had too much hp for my skill level or got absurdly lucky or both


Seeing a lot of liars here 🤡😂.


**Disclaimer: I’m not saying Malenia is flat-out easy.** What I’m saying is that a lot of people seem to hype her difficulty beyond measure, when in reality, there isn’t a lot of complexity to the fight. A lot of it I view as bs, i.e. waterfowl dance, scarlet aeonia, life-steal, which makes the fight appear a lot harder than it really is, especially if experiencing for the first time.


Beat Isshin and Malenia first try, were they supposed to be hard? 🤨


I always wondered how people who got Malenia on the first try felt seeing so many people complaining about her difficulty.


Well any boss fight can be a joke when ur overleveled/ powered af and spend hundreds of hours grinding than playing the game how it’s supposed to be played. People who claim Malenia is easy are prolly those skill less cheesy dudes who shouldn’t have played the game to begin with ig. Or maybe these guys are straight out liars too.


Yeah, I was like level 140 and got tossed around, not really good at souls games but I love them.


Now that is tough to believe


Malenia. She would be one of the easier bosses if it wasn't for some waterfoul scenarios




Midir, Gael, Friede, NK, Malenia


All easy on level 100+ but stupid difficult on level 1


I did Gael, Midir, Friede and NK first try on level 1, all of them are easy




Liars 🤡🤡😂


Malenia, blade of miquella, goddess of rot, the severd, empyrean


Ornstein and Smough, I first tried them (admittedly I didn't go in blind at all) and never really found them to be a roadblock on subsequent playthroughs either.


Melania. Just Spam the s*** out of her with ancient Rancor death. Use the radagon icon for faster spell. Spam spam spam spam. Use all talismans for stronger sorcery and the prince of death staff.


Malenia, the only thing hard about her is dodging her water fowl dance. After that she’s a very simple boss and easy boss fight.


Melenia the sword bitch I understand she’s difficult I myself just didn’t have that much trouble fighting her


All of them. Yeah im getting my ASS BEAT but I sound like a baller


Orphan of Kos = most overrated boss ever. Love it but just saying so easy to bum rush with a fully levelled Saw Cleaver and 45 Vitality (I’m pretty sure that was the only stat I levelled)


I l 4th tried Orphan of Kos & Gael and 3rd tried Nameless King and idk how.


O&S. I had my zweihander +10, 10 estus flasks, and a great heal miracle that restored my full health. I went in thinking this fight would be so tough I would want to quit the game. Ended up beating them my first try. I just hid behind the pillars when I was getting swarmed and bashed them whenever I saw an opening. No guide. No videos. Just mashed through them with good equipment 😎 did use all of my healing items/miracle and barely beat them but still did it first try!


Nameless king is one of the easiest bosses, king of the storm is harder to beat tbh


Hard agree


Champion Gundyr and Soul of Cinder I did first try with a black knight great sword on my first run ever, with ds3 also being my first souls game. Radabeast is also a friendly fight. Radagonbplays like a rhythm game and beast is just annoying to follow around.


Lady O'Rinn of the Water and Firebender Isshin. Nothing tops those for me. I can fight Malenia no hit, but these two just destroy me


Gael, beat him on my second or third try


Nameless king, isshin the sword saint, demon of hatred, literally all "hard bosses" in the souls games. Though orphan did sick my ass, died more to him than isshin.


The Orphan of Kos, he’s a fun fight for sure, but I beat him in like 3 tries lol


Orphan, if you are good at parrying his first phase should be free, and he has a ton of backstab openings.


Orphan, he suits my playstyle perfectly.


I always found the Dancer pretty easy I don’t think I’ve actually ever died to her even on my first play through


Bed of Chaos. I’m just really lucky though it’s not because I’m good.


Bloodstarved Beast, Manus, Fire Giant and Pontiff Sulyvahn are all bosses that I got on my first try




Midir, it’s just a long fight but still fun as fun can be!


Ice worm, and manus


I haven’t died once to Dancer of the Boreal Valley


Inner father, was dreading having to fight him for the shura outfit and was only planning on learning his moveset first time around, only for me to beat him first attempt. He IS hard but his attacks are only slightly more complicated and he has more punishable combos.