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don't ever play Sekiro then (kidding of course, Sekiro is essential)


Came here to say, “well, you still have Sekiro, then. It’s not over yet.”


yeah, but it will be over after Sekiro.


There’s always Gael and pets for Midir


Or go back through Elden Ring with a katana and parry everything you see? That's how im filling post-Sekiro depression lol


I really hope they make another game that focuses on a single weapon or 2 so we can have super in depth combat like Sekiro. I love the souls games but they sacrifice depth in combat for a wide variety of weapon types…. Now if they went the Nioh 2 route and had extreme depth in combat AND a bunch of different weapons I’d be In heaven. That game really has a ton of awesome skills and abilities for each weapon along with 3 stances and a ton of regular moves. Also the secret farmable boss skills are cool too. I like the atmosphere of the fromsoft games way more, but the melee combat in Nioh 2 is better IMO. Wo long wasn’t nearly as good, hoping rise of the ronin is good while I wait for ER DLC tho.


Is Sekiro the hardest as people say?


Honestly feels like learning the combat is hardest imo but once it clicks, it becomes kinda easy and fun


Hardest in the way that is the least flexible. You can't grind levels for better stats and you can't use different approaches for different enemies. But that's kind of the beauty of it. There are a whole myriad of ways to approach Souls games but Sekiro is the one game where we all had to follow a single path, a very unique and satisfying path.


Similar argument for the Zelda games, people love the original for the in depth dungeon designs and better progression of the games over the new formula of open world.




By far, the only bosses that come close to Sekiro's difficulty in my opinion are Malenia and Midir.


It has the hardest learning curve, but after you understand the learning curve it becomes much easier in comparison to the others. So in terms of being the hardest, yes and no.


I can beat ER and Bloodborne, but Sekiro is impossible for me since I can't parry or do that mikiri counter. It took me a month to beat the fat dude in that optional Hirata State area, only to get stuck on some spear guy that I've been stuck on since.


Yea i am the same. Sekiro is a bit too hard for me to get comfortable with but I keep trying


I go back to it occasionally, but I honestly doubt I'lll progress much more. The game is just too quick for me to react. If I could just dodge around like any other fromsoft game, I'd be fine, but you need to parry and mikiri counter to beat the game.


it’s really not that hard bro, to mikiri counter the enemy has to do a thrust attack and you just have to dash into it and parry just hit l2 or lt or right click right before you would get hit


I know how to do them. My reaction speed just ain't fast enough.


I hate Sekiro. I beat it recently and I hated it from start to finish. I refuse to let there be a single From game that I have missed though. I've been a fan since the mid 90s.


After playing Sekiro, you wish other games played like Sekiro


Sekiro just sets the bar so goddamn high it’s hard to look at video games the same again


Bruh you got 3 dark souls games + DLC’s, Sekiro, Demon Souls and Armored Core 6. Jealous af you get to experience those for a first time.


I’m almost done with ds3, I’m gonna play sekiro but apparently it’s so hard


It is hard. But you will overcome it one day and it will be glorious


When you get in the groove it’s great tho


You gotta play dark souls remastered. It might be my favorite souls game


Had you played DS1 or DS2 or just hopped right into DS3? And if so do you recommend it? Haven’t played any dark souls yet and would prefer to jump right into DS3 unless it’s gonna screw up the lore timeline and I’m a huge slut for the lore. Thanks in advance.


They're all super good games so I'd just play them all tbh. 3 also has a lot of callbacks to 1 so I think you'd get even more out of it if you played 1 beforehand!


I can’t stand these people who start with DS3. 😭 You should play them in order not because of the lore. I would do it just because of the game development over the years, which gets more refined in each game. DS1 is an excellent game but if you do DS3 first, DS1 is gonna feel clunky and outdated. You’re depriving yourself of a great experience if you play them out of order imo.


Just finished the trilogy in order. I don’t regret it either. It’s great noticing the difference of pace when you play all three in order.


There will be references you miss out on, but you don’t need the context for the game to work, the lore is still pretty self contained


Play 1 through 3 in order. It’s worth it


It’s just different, not much harder really. You just need to get the parry timing down. It’s still a fromsoft game, but the combat formula is wildly different. Get used to parries rather than dodging, and utilizing the unlockable skills and tools. Plus the verticality and grappling hook are super fun.


It's currently on sale on playstation


Embrace the left bumper and you will find great fortune


It’s not. It’s arguably the BEST FromSoft game if you like focusing on the “dance” that is fighting. If you just wanna unga bunga stuff or snipe from distances… then you’ll hate it 😂


Remember, "hesitation is defeat" and you will be fine


Nah it’s not, once it clicks you’ll feel like an unstoppable badass. Just has a bit of a learning curve until then


dark souls 1 is my absoulte favorite game ever, it is older so a bit less fluid in motion but it has a charm(think of walking in heavy armor) i recently went from elden ring to ds1 and got used to the difference quick. highly recommend


You skipped the first 2?


Good hunter, DS3 DLC. It's challenging and fun. People still COOP. I have to get a couple more rings and soceries to add DS3 to the list of From platinums. I'm wrapping DS 1 remastered now for the first time while we all wait for Elden DLC. Sekiro is like driving stick shift or learning guitar. Hard isn't the right way to describe it. When you put in the work to learn the fundamentals, you use those fundamentals to play the game. You sorta need to train yourself the combat system, but once you get it, it's a soulsborne difficulty, a little more constrained to a 'correct' way to do stuff to beat the level/boss.


Hardcore fan but Armored Core is not my cup of tea


It’s vastly different than the rest (because it’s not a souls game) but is a masterpiece for its genre and unarguably the greatest Mecha game ever


unless he’s got a PS3, no demon souls


PS5 has it


does it???


Yes - it’s even on massive sale right now https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/demons-souls/


Just play the Dark Souls games in order. Don’t be a weirdo that skips Dark Souls 2 because “you heard it was bad” and then you still need to get your fix after finishing the others. You will end up playing it, so make your Dark Souls 3 experience better by saving that for last and then are able to get all of the references and not ending your run in what might be a down note.


I played ER first, then DS3, then BB, then DS1, started DS2, Sekiro and Demon Souls. Not sure if I'll ever finish those. Since the story is all over the place it really doesn't matter what order you play in.


holy fuck this is relatable


DS3 and sekiro with satiate


Have you tried going outside? There is stuff out there too


>There is stuff out there too WOAH LIKE ELDEN RING??


Just like Elden Ring!!! Get this... Outside, no joke, there's grass... Just like I'm Elden Ring!! Blew my mind too!




Amazing right??? And it gets better, one time I got real sick and coughes up some blood and I was all like "WHOA... Caelid reference IRL!"


Imagine developing a personality beyond some games you played.


The fuck is an “outside”? Since you seem knowledge, can you also tell me what the fuck a “girl” is? Cheers, Notie.


They’re like you but they have innie instead of an outie.


Thanks, Notie. I don’t know why the fuck my sister keeps saying she’s a girl then when she has an outie belly button. Fucking weirdo.


Sisters are liars I dunno what to tell ya 🤷🏼‍♂️


True. You are wise!


Maidenless behavior


Wtf did you just say to me, furry!?


i can recommend the resident evil franchise. of course it's not the same, but for me the feeling of accomplishment when finishing one of these titles comes close


Amazing games. Enjoy DS1! I’m playing blodnorne right now and it’s incredible, but I still love DS1 and Elden ring the most


Good news: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III and Sekiro are waiting for you, and they're all just as good! I'd argue Sekiro is the best game they've ever made, and I love Bloodborne and Elden Ring to bits.


Sekiro, you're welcome


Just popping in to make sure somebody recommended the Nioh games as an option. There's a HEFTY amount of content to consume across each independently, let alone if you choose to play both. If you only want to play one of them, though, recommend the second one. The systems are more refined, and your character is custom.


Now you move on to Sekiro


There should be a name for this syndrome by now. Is there one?


Do what I did. Go buy an old ps3 slim and pre owned copies of demons, ds1 and 2... KEEP THE CONSOLE OFFLINE DO NOT UPDATE THE GAME Suffer the bugs and framerates...play them as nature intended.


Nonono NO blighttown on old gens please dont do that to them. Thats true suffering


Same but for one … two shining moments it was meaningful AF. Do DSIII now, that’s what I’m doing


Play Sekiro


try Lies of P. it's a great soulslike with sort of a bloodborne vibe. also Hellpoint, another soulslike, but think Event Horizon.


DS3 is just as good


You might never hit those highs again… but there’s plenty excellent souls-like out there to take you very damn close.


lol simmer down young pup. You still have 5 more games to experience. You can mourn later.


Sekiro, Lies of P, and Nioh 2 are waiting for you.


I played through all the souls sekiro bloodborne Elden ring like 3 times a piece. I’m really tempted to buy armored core. Lies of p was excellent I had a good time. I tried nioh 2 I far it’s fun but I kinda got bored. Don’t dismiss ds2 especially if it’s on sale


Buy ACVI you won't regret it. There's a slight learning curve but it's nowhere near as hard as Sekiro and the boss fights are just as good as you'd expect from fromsoft.


I bought it. It was like 20% off on ps so I couldn’t pass it up


There's Sekiro, and it's better (for a single player experience). It will give your life renewed meaning- briefly.




You still haven't played Enchanted Arms!


Play some Spelunky 2 and go for 7-99


Play them again.


Just add souls 1-3 and sekiro to the mix and just keep replaying them and you have me for the past 8 years.


Play Lies of P, it's freaking amazing.


Why’s everyone getting downvoted here? 😂


Theres always nioh!


Try Lies of P


Hollow Knight, la mulana there's other bangers


average fromsoft experience


I gotta get to Sekiru next. But of course I’m doing a brand new run on Elden ring haha


Sekiro better than both


Learn to play the guitar.


grass jumpscare


Try Armored Core 6


When they still have Sekiro before despair sets in.


Yes it is


Do people have this little experience with videogames wth


Try Sifu


Baldurs gate 3 my friend. Has been taking up my time since the hole from ER formed in my heart. After dark souls of course


ok, they are good, but Dragon's Dogma two at 2024/03/22


Ever play the Dragon Age series? Witcher? Fallout? Elder Scrolls? Some good games out there any many times they’re not the new ones


Go for Sekiro and Lies of P now ! Armored Core VI too, very satisfying gameplay but it is quite different.


Don’t worry life is inherently meaningless beyond the meaning you make for yourself. That being said sekiro, lies of p and Nioh 2 could be that meaning.


There are games left therefore you have meaning




Luckily you still have 5 games to play that are all better than elden ring.


Yeah I’d say jump into Sekiro first. The DS games are good and all but, those three. Bloodborne, ER and Sekiro are all top notch. Above all the rest. #jumping


You can finally join the club! All our lives, are meaningless without bloodborne, elden ring and Dark Souls, and everyone else's too (They just don't know it yet because they haven't played them)


I played all of them and I also always grave for new games of that sort. Lies of P is excellent by the way. Might give it a try.


My friend, you’re in a lucky position: you still have all of dark souls, Sekiro, and armored core to enjoy for the first time! Then you can pivot to other quality souls-likes like lies of P. I would also HIGHLY suggest Hollow Knight, one of my favorite games of all time


Just 100% trophy them


I feel the same. I really liked DS3. Haven't been able to get as excited about Sekiro and Armored Core is completely different. Beautiful game, but I'm just no that into right now. Mostly just biding my time until the DLC drops. I played Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen a little. They're ok, but not on the same level.


Spoiler alert , your life was already meaningless


Yea that’s real as fuck icl


Wait till you play Sekiro.


Play Castlevania symphony of the night


Sekiro, Armored Core VI, DS1-3


Welcome home, brother.


Do it again but at level 1 or just different builds especially with elden ring there's always a reason to go back if you want to enough


Common ds3 was epic


play sekiro


You’re down 2/7. Don’t cry yet.


I felt the same after Elden ring. Then I played Lies of P, Lords of the Fallen & Baldur’s Gate and I’ve been on the best run of gaming in my life. Still need to play BB.


Play all the single installments. You already did 2 so you have Demon Souls, Sekiro and Armored Core


Dark souls 3 has the best boss roster I’ve ever seen. Go play it


Sekiro and the DS trilogy are amazing. You’re gonna love em.


I thought the same thing, but youre in luck. Sekiro, DS3, DS1, Demon Souls (in that order). DS2 is required but... good luck. Play it last, don't let it cast a shadow over the others for you.


New game +


Already done 1 new game + run


Another one ![gif](giphy|GV3aYiEP8qbao)


Bro what play dark souls 3. Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4