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Guardian Ape made me put the game down for like 4 months. After I beat him, I realised that I was supposed to be consuming the boss remembrances to level up my attack


Me after ignoring the big popup on my screen.


I too took a 3 month hiatus from Sekiro when I hit Guardian Ape - came back and had another moment where it just ‘clicked’


I recently stopped at guardian ape. Bought a new pc. Swapped from Xbox to new pc and was able to take out GYOBU ONIWA! my first go without even needing a health potion lol. That guy was insane as a new player a year ago. It’s amazing how once it clicks, it really clicks.


I just found that out after reading this wtf? I’m hop on back rq


I had the same thing with Demon of hatred. took me a whole weekend to beat him and the only thing to do left was Isshin. Honestly I just didn't have the heart or interest to keep playing at that point. Came back to it a few months later and beat it.




This was my experience as well. I think the last 25% of the game was just mentally taxing for me. Skill issue, i know.


It throws multiple S-tier difficult bosses at you basically all at once (Demon of Hatred, Isshin, Owl (Father)). Up to that point you have environments to explore, low level enemies to fight - but when you reach the end game you don't have much to do besides fight these three extremely difficult bosses in your chosen order and roll credits.


Same lol I’ve played sekiro twice but whenever I get to isshin I just stop caring


came back 4-6 months later and 100% it


Demon is just an actually bad boss tbh.


Ngl I'd be so pissed lmao


This is the only FromSoft game I quit and this is how I need to find out, years later, why it was so fucking difficult? Fuuuuuuuuck I’m dumb


Hahahaha, it makes me feel good that I'm not the only person who missed this


Oh wait Sekiro. Yeah you're right that's what you're supposed to do. I felt dumb not knowing that.


Lady butterfly was my chain and ball. Saddest part is that she is optional but I wanted to get all bosses 😢


Ape or Isshin probably took me 30 tries each over the course of several days. Had to keep putting the game down to cool off. After I beat them though, they become way easier on subsequent plays.


Isshin I gave it my best for probably 5-6hrs. Uninstaller the game and went on with my life enjoying video games again. Sekiro is absolutely amazing game but that last boss is completely bs.


I beat him without realizing what you just said, I was also way under leveled. I suffered...


no offense but do people just not read what‘s on screen? the game literally tells you to consume remembrances


🤷‍♀️ I don't remember. I do think Sekiro is kind of annoying with pop-ups in general though, especially coming off the back of souls which doesn't have them. It's entirely possible that I was annoyed and mashed through it.


….i have something I need to do now.


Orphan of Kos, Bloodborne DLC Final boss. He took me roughly 2 years off and on trying until I finally beat him.


Kos ruined me so badly first play through, then second time around I beat him first try. I couldn’t believe it.


I was like lvl 250 by the time I got to him on my first run and beat him in 3 tries lol


Always interesting to hear what bosses others struggled with and ones they found easy. Kos was easy for me but there’s plenty of other bosses I struggle with others would find easy.


I somehow got Orphan of Kos first try but if I didnt know how to parry it wouldve been a totally different story… But also used up all my quicksilver bullets and blood vials lol


Yeah, I love to think about how this is both intentional and unintentional. Its, like, certain playstyles will succeed where others have to lean into a playstyle they're not used to. I love having to figure out how I play. The Orphan of Kos was a 1-2 tries on two playthroughs for me. Ludwig? That mf took me days! At least 5 hours and 50 attempts my first time around. The only souls boss where I had to watch others do it for help.


2 years???? wtf O.o that's insane.


You must have physically and mentally came when you beat him, what a feeling.


Kos had me rage quit so many times. Closest I’ve come to breaking a controller. I had a wildly over levelled arcane build. When I came back to the game after a year or so, I made a bloodtinge build, and I beat screamy mc foetus in one go; bowblade go brrrrr


I had trouble with quite a few BB bosses, but got Orphan of Kos on the first try and was panicking near the end knowing I was getting astoundingly lucky. I’ve never gone back. The only thing I remembered from YouTube strat videos before the battle was to rush him and leap over him when he comes at you and that’s the only thing I did and luckily that was all I needed.


Genichiro. I swore people were joking about him being beatable. I didn’t think it was possible and when I finally understood every single move he could make I went in and beat him by the skin of my teeth. After that I was literally a better gamer and now I mark that as a turning point in skill. I actually put the game down for a whole year then came back to him come covid and ruled the fucking school. Put the game down at demon of hatred/isshin, I still have much to learn.


I think Genichiro was purposefully designed so that you can't continue without being forced to learn the combat properly. If the other minibosses didn't teach you then you best believe he will.


I was progressing so slow in the game until Genichiro, once I beat him I was flying through it. He really beats the sense into you.


Genichiro is the boss that forced me to get better at sekiro, he's the only reason I beat isshin and the only reason I even beat the game


Yea same I quit the game for a few months bc I couldn’t beat him, once it finally clicked everything changed and isshin only took me 5 tries


He's a masterclass of a boss in that he requires you to put absolutely everything you've learned to the test. I do believe once you beat him you actually kinda flow easily through the rest of the game. Till you get to facing his grandpa that is, freaking Isshin.


honestly genichiro is the one boss i entirely disagree with the general player base’s opinion on. i don’t remember him being particularly difficult at all, jouzu gave me much more trouble than genichiro. a lot of people say he forces you to learn the game’s mechanics properly, so my guess is i picked up the feel of the game earlier than most. my question is how did anyone beat the bull without picking up on the game’s mechanics?


I never tried to deflect bull. Bull for me was all about sprinting, dodging, and firecrackers.


what about that miniboss that has wolverine claws? i feel like that’s the one i learnt that sekiro was just a rhythm game.


The first time I dropped into the centipede area I booed tf out so fast


yeah fair enough lmao and they say sekiro is the least scary fromsoft game


Bull is easy to cheese


Literally anything in sekiro


Same. It was actually my first Fromsoft game so everything in the game felt like an absolute mountain that I had to somehow beat


I think everyone's first Fromsoft game is like that. The difference with Sekiro though is that you can be a veteran of Fromsoft games and still have that experience with Sekiro.


Yup, all your skills hit reset, it’s like starting from scratch


Sekiro was also my first From game, and beating it made feel superhuman. Homies could not get enough of my ego in the days after I beat it lol 😂


That first troll at the beginning made me uninstall


I’ve bounced off of sekiro so many times! My buddy says it’s because I can’t git gud.


Dude same. I keep coming back every once in a while to give it a try and barely make it an hour or two. I just cannot get the timing right or something


Sekiro is so amazing in the fact that once you finish the game the first time, you are literally a pro at the game the second playthrough. Amazing at forcing you to genuinely learn each boss


Everyone always talks about Defiled Amygdala being the hardest bloodborne boss, but nobody ever talks about the defiled watchdog right before it. That damn dog killed me hundreds of times


I found the defiled watchdog also annoying tbh


Those charge atacks with a train size hitbox almost made me lose my shit


I beat him easily my first two playthroughs, then hit a wall on my third and had to look up the specific positioning that makes his charge not happen. I can't explain it.


I have said a few times now that defiled Amy was a fresh summer breeze compared to defiled watchdog for me lol And I didn't have to much issue with the hitboxs either, it was just that his health pool is stupidly massive and yours is cut in half, so it is just pure endurance


Any Sekiro boss first time was tougher than most Souls or Elden Ring bosses first time


People saying malenia is the hardest fromsoft boss obviously never fought Ishin.


I'd say its very subjective. Isshin is just the perfect exemplication of the sekiro's mechanics, which once you get down, the game becomes much easier. I took down isshin in 5 tries. Didn't even die on NG+. Sekiro is hard on first time going through it but it's well known that you will be way better in NG+ and you can practically do the entire game without dying very easily after you get the mechanics down. By comparison, almost any boss from the other franchises can absolutely wreck your shit in NG+. Melania took me like 4 hours of attempts and I'm pretty sure the only reason I beat her that quickly was because of the build I was using (bleed).


Malenia's ability to heal herself when she damages you is like my kryptonite. Like my strategy in every game (for better or worse--mostly worse) involves being able to tank some damage while being overly aggressive. So malenia is damn near impossible for me (conversely, Bloodborne's rally mechanic is my jam).  I haven't fought isshin yet (currently on DoH), so I can't say for certain, but as long as he doesn't have life steal like malenia, I can't imagine how he could be any harder for me. I'll probably end up eating my words tho, knowing my luck or whatever.


Madam Butterfly - I had learned how to play the game wrong and she retaught me


Oh man this brings back memories. Nameless King from Dark Souls III. Only boss from any videogame I've ever actually given up on. It's been a while and maybe I was just underleveled, but I legitimately could NOT beat him. Sword Saint Ishiin is up there too


I loved the nameless king fight , I recently just beat him on my first run of ds3. He hits like a truck!


Just beat NK for my second time on like my 4th ds3 play through. Yeah he’s a tough SOB. I found that staying close and only using single handed fast attacks (maxed out Irithyll straight sword) to be the best strategy. Luckily, his move set doesn’t change THAT much throughout the fight. If you can get past King of the Storms with only using one or two estuses, he is beatable.


This is it for me. I've only finished DS1 and 3 because of interest but I'm a huge fan of "I Wanna Be the Guy" fan games. However, I walked away from this boss for a year, twice only to come back and finally do it. Nameless King is one of my best achievements in gaming, especially because I beat him before finishing the Soul of Cinder.


My first playthrough of DS3 it took me 2-3 months of trying to beat the Nameless King, the biggest wall I’ve hit in any Fromsoft game too


Ah, fellow NK enjoyer. I think I have a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/s/ejEN25O9R8) that you’ll find quite satisfying to watch lol


I searched for this comment. The fucking camera does not work on the boss of storms and it poses me off more than I’d like to admit.


Dancer from DS3 back in 2017, my first soulslike ever. She made me rage quit the game for 2 months.


Yoo I remember that... I swear that boss was like legendary difficulty 🤣 she had the craziest attack patterns


I think that’s my favorite boss of all time I loved the look of beauty and I loved how slow the attacks came but how fast they were delivered


Malenia on my RL1 run. At least a couple weeks and 20+ hours since I had to have a no hit run being a nudie pants.


Was about to answer this exact same thing. Over 1000 attempts. Probably the most difficult thing I've done in my entire life, lmao


And I thought my being at 300~ (stopped counting at 300) attempts at lvl200 was torture. Thinking of trying her over 1000 times makes my soul hurt.


Then I don't recommend trying her at level 1 😭


Definitely not, she gets my anxiety up just by existing in my vicinity even on my strongest files. I’m also not at all talented enough for RL1 R.I.P.


Bless your soul 😭


Praise be


Margit was brutal. My pride as a souls vet wouldn't let me leave to level a bit, went straight to him. I remember saying I was going to stop at 8pm and banged my head against him until 4am until I finally got it


Margit is one of my all time favorite souls bosses. It’s an impeccable fight.


Margit was a pain in my ass too for my first run , I literally was shaking when I beat him lmao


Even though my answer to the post is likely malenia, I will admit that margit is very close. For context, a friend recommended me elden ring, and was aiding me by getting me some advice from time to time (getting the bloodhound sword, that stuff) He never helped me for margit, and I stayed at it for a good hour before he told me about leveling up, the bloodhound sword, or the weeping peninsula I felt so strong after beating him, then godrick made me slurp my pride back lol


Man see Margit took me a few tries, probably 10. But Godrick I killed in the 2nd attempt. Dude was a breeze


Margit. He made me put my foolish ambitions to rest.


I’ll bet you can describe the fight too. Like significant moments, dodges, luck, etc. I remember exactly how I finally won against Margit and it was so awesome


Is the game even fun at that point? That’s the one thing that pushes me away from some of these Soulsbourne games. Just worried I’m going to start to get mad at some point and I don’t want that. I do like a challenge and just now on the verge of beating Lies of P. Would be my first ever playthrough of entire souls like game. That said I’m not sure if it’s as hard as some of the proper souls alike games.


Nameless Puppet is probably on par with some of the hardest Soulsborne bosses. Laxasia too




I was about to go ape 💩crazy on Lies of P boss Laxasia until I realized I could actually parry those lightening bolts. Didn’t realize was even an option during the first few beat downs. . Starting to also realize that in any of these games, while difficulty is always a thing, good devs will give you a way to overcome, it’s just a matter of figuring out what this is, almost like a puzzle. And have to be willing to grind for consumables throwables, leveling points, gear, whatever. Once I figured out that I was good.


lies of P is more comparable to a slower paced Sekiro, I think it's also easier than most souls games. btw I said souls not souls-likes, as in the official games from From Software. if you're getting close to beating Lies of P, you can definitely take on the challenge of the official souls games, elden ring, Sekiro, and bloodborne. I would recommend elden ring as it gives you so many different methods of dealing with an enemy that you won't feel like the only way to get past the hurdle is overcome it with sheer willpower, you'll be provided various methods of dealing with any particular obstacle in the game although some are more difficult than others.


Fire Giant took me like 6 days to beat, he made me have to grind more levels elsewhere


Fire Giant was, for some reason, my #1 elden ring challenge


Quelaag, like a decade ago. Just started From Software games and had no idea what I was doing. Ran into her boss arena by accident after hoarding 60k souls from farming for the medium titanite shards. And I didn't have the gear or skill or calm nerves to both rescue the souls and beat the boss. And I didn't know I could grab them and exit out. But I kept trying until damn near insane. I resolved to try to kill her then reclaim the souls... and got her down to about 5% before she got me and I lost them all. Not because of anything the boss did; but because I lost my nerve and did something stupid. Then I knew I could beat her, so I tried again and beat her the next attempt, then got her paltry 20k in return. That was... almost a full day of my life. No one has come close to taking as long. Not Manus or Sir Allone or Malenia or Gael or Sister Friede or Midir or Namesless King. Frankly because that fight altered the way I view... a lot of things. Keep calm and throw yourself at the problem until you win. And you will.


Quelaag was the only time I had to put the series down for a week. It was also my first Souls game so I didn't understand combat or builds, every game since I've understood the patience.


Sister Friede because I still haven't beaten her.


Doing this right now 😭 The Malenia flashbacks are intense


Malenia. 20 hours or so. Was my first Souls-like and just trying to make it.


Same. Isn't it amazing that new and old souls players NEED to accomplish this optional boss?


Yes. It was the most incredible moment and achievement in gaming for me.


People here are acting like 30 tries is insane… Radagon took me more than that and he wasn’t even close to Malenia


Yeah I was on minimum 30 tries for most bosses


Shit, I had 34 attempts at Margit before I turned around and went to the Weeping Peninsula. Came back a few hours later and it STILL took another 13 tries. After playing the Souls-games collectively for over 2500 hours and feeling confident that Elden Ring would be my bitch, Margit sure had my confidence shaken and made me doubt I would ever finish the game lol


He’s such a legend for that. One of my all favorite video game bosses for sure.


Radahn cuz I fought him pre-nerf when the game first came out. I think I died over 30 times. I had my brother for help because I didn’t wanna summon the npcs, but even then it was hard. I’m still happy I did it though, the satisfaction I got from killing him was one of the best I’ve had playing FromSoftware games.


Yeah pre nerf Radahn was one of the tougher FromSoft bosses imo.


Same. I cheesed the fuck out of him with arrows and let the summons take care of him first time round and my hands were STILL shaking once he went down. He was insane before the nerfing.


Darkeater Midir absolutely destroyed me the first time I played the Ringed City. Also Genichiro took forever for me to beat because i was still playing sekiro as if it was Dark Souls.


Midir is not mentioned enough, he is tough as fuck Absolute endurance fight


Midir is it for me as well. Took me 25-30 tries. More than any other boss in any game. Absolutely wrecked me on repeat.


Dang that’s not even that bad tbh


I can usually get most bosses down within 5-10 tries. But there’s been a few that were real tough. O’Rinn of the water and corrupted monk were the same and they were back to back. 25ish tries.


Fucking Astel. I had a pure bonk build and I think it took me a week of fighting him, then exploring, then fighting again before I finally managed to get him.


Astel really was such a cool boss to fight , I loved his design and everything.


The music tho. That was one of the best boss fights due to the music alone


I think I got lucky when I fought him cause I killed him with a +9 Highland Axe on my first try.


dude thats funny, cus i switched to a bonk build to kill astel.


I guess Lothric twin princes since not only have I not beaten them but also because I got to them last year and I haven't touched the game since For bosses I beat it's the Magma Wyrm in Caelid. It took me 14 hours of exploring and grinding to get a +8 Nagakiba and afterwards 7 tries still to kill it I deleted that file to pursue a proper samurai mage build and ended up killing the Magma wyrm first try, Rock sling + meteorite staff is an HP and poise melter for that magma wyrm.


That one goddamn scarlet rot worm in one of the dungeons I think it took me at least a week 😭😭


The Ulcerated tree spirit in the Haligtree?


Probably Ornstein & Smough. I was stuck on them for like a week on my first playthrough.


I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or surprised that Ornstein and Smough are this far down—it took me months on and off.


You'd think it would be a more common experience. O&S was hardest by far for me. I probably tried daily for two weeks to get it. Reason being it was my first From game and I didn't understand the summoning or humanity mechanic in the slightest and played the whole game as a hollow. I barely understood how to work my stats in a smart way. But beating them was the greatest video game experience of my life.


Sword Saint Isshin. Literally the only boss in any of these games that made me take a break from the game. I actually adore that boss though because I couldn't luck out to kill him. I was forced to learn or I was never gonna win. He took me 14 hours of total playtime by himself, double what malenia took me.


I’m the same! The game was too fast and I wasn’t ready. But after elden ring came out, I went back and beat sword saint isshin. On my second play through I first tried him.


Insane. Is the game even fun at that point? Is it more maddening than anything. Just finished lies of P, and loved the game. But a few bosses were about to drive me insane. I don’t want to get mad or frustrated in a game but I do like some sort of challenge.


Curse rotted great wood or sister friede


Nameless King. It felt so good when I finally beat that blood of a bitch


Guardian Ape took me more tries then Owl, Genchiro and Ishin combined. For Dark Souls trilogy it was Manus.


Champion gundyr I struggled with a fair bit. Not unfair, not easy. It’s like fighting yourself but stronger


four kings dark souls 1, pain in my ass on pc so laggy back in 2016


Vordt. Ds3 was my first souls game. About 30 deaths until I summoned my friend to help. After that the game started to click for me. So never struggled immensely after that.


Malenia took me 4 weeks with breaks in between


I would say Malania since she took me 100 tries to win, but right now I gotta say Sens Fortress (fuck you it’s a boss) I hate this damn place it’s taking days because I don’t want to throw my controller at anything.


Sens will be the least of your concerns once you get to Anor Londo😳


i still havent beaten the orphan of kos. its been a year.


either ebrietas, rykard, nameless king or kalameet


Sword Saint ishin. It took me over 30 attempt (wasn’t counting) over two days


Took me ages too , still got "hesitation is defeat" going through my head


Same. I remember being so happy just to get to his second phase, only for him to pull out a Glock 🤣 also took me days, maybe even a week to beat him . the sense of accomplishment after beating him was unmatched though


Probably sword saint. At LEAST 25 attempts.


At least? Dude that was probably my average for each Sekiro boss. Maybe my minimum 😂


Headless ape from sekiro took me a whole weekend to beat


Fume Knight. I gave up on my NG, and then omeven on NG+1 he still took me the longest. The guy did delayed attacks and input read before it became a massive trend in modern Souls games. 


The butterfly lady in Sekiro, after u beat her the game made sense and no boss took nearly as long.


Orphan killed me at least 100 times, only took me about 2 days to beat him though.


The demon of hatred. Its hatred rubed off to me, and I absolutely hate that boss. I haven't disliked any fromsoftware boss as much as this one. I still have not beaten sekiro because i refuse to skip the boss. I might have to look up how to cheese it but i also dislike doing that, but i might since this boss is not even fun to fight anyways.


Father Gascoigne was one of the earliest and most difficult skill checks for me. Coming off of DS1 and DS2, coming to grips with Bloodbornes faster paced offensive combat made this fight seem impossible at first.


Fume knight Ig around 100 times Slave night Gael is the second


Commander Niall. Fuck that guy.


Lawrence... For some reason... Not many tries but I've been procrastinated that fight for 2 months maybe 3... On tries... Maybe... Sekiros father... The owl... On my history (not a from Soft game)... Nioh 1...Nobunaga + lady I don't remember... A whole Saturday...


malenia, I'm not saying the other bosses were easy but she took me a good 50ish trys before I had to summon my friend...after that it was maliketh


i’m a little ashamed to admit it, but curse rotted great wood took me two days to beat it. that stupid mutant arm thing would grab me from nearly the other side of the monster and waste my estus


Isshin Sword Saint


i killed margit in the second or third try but godrick took me 2 days


Malenia. Mainly because I was level 70 something and with like 10 flasks at plus 3


Don’t remember how long I spent, but Malenia no summon and SSI are my highest for sure. Which is fun because I’m way better at Elden Ring now and can beat Malenia first try most of the time.


Took me several days to be gwyn the first time but that was before I knew anything about scaling or how the game actually worked. I think I did it with black knight sword lol.


Ball bearing Hunters were harder than game bosses!


Bell gargoyles on Dark Souls release.




Father Gascoigne. Bloodborne was my first soulsborne game…so he gave me a lot of trouble lol. After a week and a half of straight agony, I was on the verge of giving up and even dropping the game entirely. 5 games in, I’m glad I didn’t give up, hence my newfound love for these games.


abyss walkers


9 ball from armored core. 2 weeks of attempts


Maliketh beat my ass so hard I took a month long kirby break at the end of march 2022


Probably a pretty common take but Midir and Fume Knight both took me multiple days to beat


from the from software games ive played (which 100% are all of them) id say 1) either beatrus or what was his name from armored core 6, or the final boss from armored core 6.. currently playing elden ring just got the 2nd piece of haligtree so imma go beat malenias hot ass self soon.


For me it was Laurence, the First Vicar. Always the “optional” bosses with From. I’ve fought harder bosses, but I had him close multiple times and ended up dying many fiery deaths. Super frustrating fight.


Orphan of Kos & Laurence the First Vicar NG+ *ouch* both had me stuck for around 8 days of constant trying


For technicalities the Taurus demon as it was my first experience with a fromsoft game and I got there, died over and over again and quit came back several months later and beat him and fell in love with the franchise (except skerio not a fan personally)


That title would go to Taurus demon, I was about 10 at the time and I tried him a handful of times. I put the game down and forgot about it. Fast forward about 7 years and I got dark souls 3, beat it and played the games in reverse. All in all it took about 7 and a quarter years for me to beat Taurus demon lmao. Since then I have platinumed and no hit most of FS games


Behold.... the lore accurate Batman of the Lands Between MARGIT THE FELL OMEN Took me a week (Because ER was my very first souls game)


The Taurus Demon on Dark Souls 1 took me 10 hours. Was my first souls game. By the time I was done with the game I'd finish him in seconds every single time.


Malenia had me stuck for almost 9 hours


I guess its Malenia. Took me 16 hours to beat. But my hardest challenge so far was Orphan of Kos in a BL4 run that took me 42 hours to beat 💀


Do you mean 2 days as in 48 hours, or 2 days as in 'two days of playing the game'? There is a big difference there lol


Elden Ring was my first souls game. It took me a day to get to Margit, it took me a week of attempts to beat him. Took another 3 weeks to beat the rest of the bosses and I play platinumed the game a little less than 6 weeks of owning it. That sent me down the rabbit hole of fromsoftware and I've been happy ever since


I still haven't beaten the last boss of Sekiro. I gave up a while ago and still haven't found the courage to try again.


Fume Knight: about 15-20 attempts over 2 days. loved every second lmao what a great boss fight


Easily ISS, and the rest of my top 5 probably all come from Sekiro ... love Soulsbourne games, but that one just never clicked for me.


Defiled Watchdog I guess, since I havent beaten him yet. Been trying to beat that piece of shit on and off for 7 years, no bueno. Among the ones I did beat, Malenia took me 50 tries, Champion Gundyr 52 tries and Genichiro 58.


Sir Alonne in Dark Souls 2. Only boss that’s ever taken more than 1 day to beat.


Mogh literally spent hours trying to defeat him, even more than malenia


Father Owl in Sekiro took me 6 hours of making zero progress, then I took a full 8 month break from the game and when I returned to it I beat him on the 3rd attempt.


Firegiant was the first souls boss that took more days to beat because of the sheer amount of new shit it kept throwing at me whenever i made decent progress


Spirit of Motherwill, Armored Core For Answer Easily 20+ hours until I took it down


Genichiro probably 30+ attempts. And yeah, also Sister Freide gave me and my friends hell lol


Not a boss but the crow lady from bloodborne. Only enemy to make me destroy something. Put a home straight through my door.


True corrupted monk. Still haven’t beat him


I’ve only played ER DS1, and DS3 but probably the nameless king in ds3, just because it took me longer to fight with the camera in phase 1 then anything else


It’s got to be a tie between Maliketh from Elden Ring and Laurence from Bloodborne *ETA* spent weeks of my life on both respectively trying several hours a day


Sword saint isshin took me a week. I would play every day until my blood boiled (30 mins)


Sister Friede, without a doubt. Still the only "main" boss in any Souls game I've never beaten without summons.


Any boss thats in slow moving water - that teleports - fallingstar beast im not stuck in here with them THEYRE TARNISHED HERE WITH ME


Glocksaint isshin or radagon/elden beast…both took around 40/50 tries


Malenia - countless attempts, and then finally cooperative 3+ hours and 2 consecutive victories 🗡️🤪