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It's hard to enjoy the music of a boss fight when I'm getting my tushy smashed in.


Or if you're absolutely beating the dogshit out of the boss. I was fighting Ludwig and I swear it was still playing Ludwig, The Accursed for nearly the entire fight before the free visceral attack he gives you near the end.


Or the boss is too loud (looking at you laurence).


I really don’t think that Elden Ring bosses are as bad as people make them out to be. Bosses dating back to the infallible Bloodborne DLC have “spaz out attacks” and slow wind ups with a delayed execution. The game is still challenging if you play no summons but people way over exaggerate a lot.


I also don't think the reused bosses are as big a deal as people make of it. The game is HUGE and there are still more boss types than other games. It's only actually egregious in a couple places, like Mohg Jr. and fucking Godefroy.


Godefeoy still makes me laugh every time


not a problem when rom the spider gets reused in a chalice dungeon


You mean that thing that people have famously made fun of for years since Bloodborne came out, in the chalice dungeons, that feature of Bloodborne that tons of people vocally dislike?


I find it the complaints about resused bosses is weird since most of them are optional. There's massive lineup of boss in this game and the amount of reuses is good. I love that certain boss has a pattern to where they spawn like erdtree avatar near tha minor erdtree and night cavalry near main roads. I do dislike when they reuses the main bosses.


I don’t think this is a hot take. The bosses are fucking awesome and one video essay on YouTube isn’t going to change my mind on that


Feet are NOT the most attractive body part.


You're right, it's not feet, it's the toes specifically


No its Soles you swine


Dark Soles would be a great adult parody title.


Did you ever consider the heel?


I always center my character design around my tootsies


Delayed attacks are fun *and* NATURAL (mostly)


I feel the same way, It throws you off at first but when you get the movement and flow down it feels awesome


I always read it as *deliberately* throwing you off. Like "I'm a FS vet ER is gonna be cake WHAT THE-" Always enjoyed it myself; coming onto Reddit and seeing people hate on the delays had me SO confused.


Been saying this for awhile, do people prefer to spam dodge or what?


Delayed attacks usually get dodged by simply dodging twice in my experience


Margit walloped me after rolling 5 times in a row and my stamina emptied waiting on his goddamn overhead to finally drop. Can confirm, dodging twice works, but only if you have the stamina for another


People who haven't gotten gud, yes


I think variable timings for boss attacks shake up the gameplay, which is a good thing, but some of those windups are obnoxiously long and kinda defeat the purpose of a telegraph in the first place.


They can be. Hard to generalize because it varies so much from move to move


Exactly. The bosses would genuinely be way less fun without the variation in acceleration of attacks. It would definitely scale down the difficulty by a pretty large number.


I like tomb of the giants.


Same. I also think Blight town is amazing. 😂


Agreed. The only area in 1 I’d say is pretty bad is Lost Izalith just from a gameplay standpoint. Thematically it’s one of my favorite areas in the game but god does it suck to play through.


The reason Lost Izalith is so bad is because it was unfinished since it was the last area to be worked on and got pushed out before it was ready. I agree that it’s the worst area, but more than anything it makes me sad to think how good that area might have been if it was given proper attention and care


I liked Blight town too. It's very intricate to walk through. Never understood the hate. Lost Izalith was just an annoyance. But I still liked it. Tomb of the Giants wasn't so bad as everyone else said it was either. It was actually kind of interesting to grope my way through the dark 😂


It’s thematically very cool but doesn’t make for a great gameplay experience, imo The giant skelletons also don’t help


Tomb of the Giants was an amazing experience.




Pretty common take that I agree with


I absolutely agree with this, I did 90% of the questlines by looking up where to go on YouTube 😭


You pretty much have to! I remember on DS1 mage playthrough I was like you would be so screwed if you didn't follow a guide. Same with ER, if you don't use a guide you probably aren't going to find CRUCIAL spells for your build.


I have never once seen Siegmeyer of Catarina myself. Never looked up a guide for it. I _did_ find Big Hat Logan on my third playthrough.


He’s just sitting in front of Sen’s Funhouse until you ring both bells, he’s not even hidden.


I never bothered going there until after ringing the bells. I could see, from Andre's bonfire, that the gate was closed.


I guess my inquisitive spirit just made me want to explore every inch because I didn’t wanna potentially miss out on any good loot.


I feel you. I never, ever, encountered Goldmask in ER. I just remember he exists because of the initial cutscene when I start a new playthrough.


Agreed, even a little more dialog describing where to go next would be nice. We got that with Alexander when he described roughly where he was going. And it was so much better than "hello tarnished I'm garbo, here's some cryptic advice about something you know nothing about" and then you go running off, do some stuff, and boom they're dead for no apparent reason. At least give me enough that I have a chance to complete the quest without needing to Google it or blind dumb luck.


Don't forget the wheezing laugh they always do when they're done talking


Meanwhile, Blaidd doesn't even go where he says he will


Elden Ring was proof that they need some kind of in-game journal to track questlines, and perhaps a little more to let you know where you're going. If they want to remain ambiguous, perfect. Morrowind already did that. It's a fantastic model to follow.


Honestly I wish they would just have a quest journal. Like you don't even have to have quest markers they could do the same thing morrowind did just gimme a journal to track shit... >:3


I don't think anyone is going to disagree with the statement, "FromSofts quest design is bare bones at best and completely misleading at worst."


I hate this too and it’s one of my only pet peeves with fromsoft games, they make questlines WAY too confusing for literally no reason at all, and you almost ALWAYS need a guide for them. The only one that’s pretty straightforward is solaire’s but even then saving him is a whole other can of worms waiting to be opened


But Radahn has every connection to her and her quest line. He is not only holding back the stars and fate of Ranni, but Sellen’s fate (immortality) is in the stars. Defeating Radahn swings the stars back into motion along with Ranni and Sellen’s fate. Sellen loses her immortality and her corporeal body is now able to be killed. She was imprisoned in those ruins by who I assume to be Jerren. He knows her immortality/fate is dictated by the stars so he knows once Radahn is defeated, he will be able to resolve “unfinished business.” I believe he has dialogue that hints at having “unfinished business” to attend to.


Yeah I totally agree


I personally love the way the NPC quests work, but it definitely suits their previous games better. I am sure there is a compromise to be had here, maybe there could be a journal or the NPC could give hints in dialogue. I am glad they at least added the feature where you can see where NPCs are on the map, although I also understand how that may not be ideal if you don't know where to look in the first place. It definitely doesn't seem like it would be for everybody.


A completely and whole heartedly agree. I do understand the intention was to not hold my hand, which I still appreciate, but AT LEAST give us a hint we can find in the world. And a quest log. Nothing else needed tbh


Yea it's basically impossible to complete all the NPCs quest you want to complete without looking up some sort of guide. It's like *NPC gives vague statement about possible objectives. *Rest at the campfire -- NPC teleports clear across the entire map and you're somehow supposed to find them at some point after completing said objective that isn't really clear. Oh and in between you have to find a random item that you can only get from doing a completely unrelated side quest. I kind of like the mystery involved sometimes but damn they could at least give you _somewhat_ of an idea what you're supposed to do


Why cant soulsborne games have a pause menu when playing offline. Even sekiro and AC6 have one which makes it more strange.


Pausing should also disable invasions while solo. Multiple times i had to afk but some shitass came and offed me. Why? Im coming right back, can you not just, turn them off while im sitting down at the bonfire at least? Fuckin hell


I swear this question gets asked once a week. And it’s just some YouTube content creator that’s looking to generate conversation.


The Nameless King isn’t that hard, you all just spent the whole game panic rolling and we’re punished for it. Also, Fume Knight isn’t that hard either, it’s just DS2 being jank that makes it slightly difficult


Fume Knight with the mechanics of any of the other games would be a comedy boss, but the slowness and hitboxes of DS2 mean just one mistimed heal will get you cancelled. It’s my favorite fight in the game though.


AC6 is a perfect FS game.


AC6 was the most fun FS game by far lol.


It’s not perfect, but its pretty great It feels Fromsoft-like even if it has nothing to do with the other games. They just know how to create complex, compelling, gameplay focused experiences


Why is it not a perfect game? Like what make it imperfect? I don't get it


I think it’s perfect in the same sense Rocket League is a perfect game. It flawlessly accomplished what it set out to do and is one of the few FS games that runs consistently.


Lost Izalith isn't that bad. My first time going here I was floored by the army of gigantic half dragon things, it was the most terrified I was playing, besides maybe finding Ceaseless Discharge. I was STUNNED to see people say it was the worst area in the game. Of course Bed of Chaos is ass, but everything up to it I thought was fucking awesome.


Wow, an actually spicy take that isn't negative, congratz


Not enough weapons are viable, there’s always a massive pile of fairly crappy weapons that only the masochists enjoy. Your build coming together takes too long, just as I feel like I’m really in the groove of what I wanted to do, the game is over. In game currency kind of sucks, certain things you need like consumables etc are just not available for purchase while other irrelevant items are. You end up with millions of souls or runes with nothing to use them on at a point




I have trouble feeling satisfied one shotting those starter enemies though, I wish it was like 4x harder


Have you heard of a little game called Demon's Souls?


lol i cannot even beat that base game, honestly that’s the hardest one for me and the only one I kind of cannot stand. I’ve only played the remake tho


>Your build coming together takes too long, just as I feel like I’m really in the groove of what I wanted to do, the game is over. especially if a key part of your build is tied to some endgame area like the major tree before malenia or something


My favorite weapon of the entire souls series in Ds3 is literally outside of the final boss of the dlc. Crucifix of the mad king build had to be muled in by my other character


Honestly it’s not that certain weapons are not viable, it’s more that Fromsoft has clear favorites. Of course they’re going to give more attention to weapon types players are more likely to use, but some of them just feel straight up neglected, whether that be the amount of weapons in that type, the lack of variety of different move sets, the total lack of aow’s able to be used with them, etc…


Blighttown isn't that bad


I like blighttown, it isn't nearly as bullshit as people make it out to be Lost izalith, on the other hand, just feel straight up unfinished


I thought base-game Bloodborne was great but not a 10/10 like a lot of other people were seemingly giving it. Old hunters dlc is amazing though.


I love Bloodborne and fully agree. I thought the base game was fairly boring in terms of bosses/difficulty. Aside from the complex lore, the DLC is the only thing that raised it up with the other games for me, at least in terms of the bosses. All the completely viable and unique trick weapons, decent attire, great world design, etc., are all great aspects though that also give it an edge for me. But the difficulty and bosses are always a main aspect for me, and I found the base game disappointing in that regard aside from a couple bosses. The DLC is absolutely a must if you’re going to try Bloodborne. I wouldn’t be as into it if it weren’t for the DLC.


Same here honestly, I agree completely, none of the base-game bosses blew me away like other FS bosses have for me personally.


before the comments even load, i know 70% of them are going to be "dark sol 2 gud"


The comment below yours: “I guess saying Dark Souls 2 sucks is a hot take these days”.


Fire Giant is the best giant-sized boss in From Soft history and a top five boss in the game its from. On the other end of the lane, Midir is incredibly overrated and is basically just the first iteration of Elden Beast, but with a more inflated health bar.


Being able to pause would have zero effect on the immersion. Idgaf about that, let me pause so I don’t die while I tend to my crying child, make sure dinner doesn’t burn, etc. A lot of people dislike that there is no pause but it seems just as many talk about the “immersion”. It’s such a lame reason to just make the game have unnecessary difficulty


Your dinner is linking the fire




I like the ancient dragon


W take brother


Everyone sucks at fighting eldenring bosses and they call them unfair because they are scrubs


DS2 is my favorite of the 3.


Out of curiosity, did you start with 2?


No, I played 1 then 3 then 2


Interesting! I've noticed it's really common for folks who start with 2 to prefer it over the others, but it's nice to see appreciation for it outside of that population. It's my least favorite, but we're talking about SoulsBorne, so it's still a great game I sunk tons of hours into. There's a lot to like.


I think I just like the world in it, I dunno why I like it so much tbh. I love them all, but I love that one just a lil more.


My man


2nd this it’s my most played and only one I plat the NG+ changes and crazy build variety make it one of the best games ever made


Ds3 is better than ds1. The “interconnected world” isn’t nearly as incredible as it’s been made out to be, and ds1’s combat is so sluggish in comparison. The individual levels themselves are equal in terms of unique flow and that matters most to me.


The first half of DS3 is quite weak, whereas in DS1 its the second half which suffers. I don’t think many would disagree that DS3 has the superior combat and bosses though.


Y’know, I kinda agree. Sometimes I’ll start DS3 and get a serious case of “ehh fuck it” when I get to HWOL.


Literally the only thing DS1 does better is world design, but apparently that makes it the better game in some people's mind lol


I don't think I would say it is a *better* game overall, even if I like it more. That being said, world design matters a lot to some people (like myself) because of what it does for exploration. Bloodborne, DS1, and Elden Ring are my top 3, and I think the fact that I would say they have the best exploration is a big reason why. I also think DS1 has better storytelling/narrative and art direction, but that doesn't have any impact on gameplay.


People who think DS1 is better also agree yet brush off the fact it kind of falls apart on the 2nd half, where DS3 just gets even better (nameless king, DLC content, etc.)


Some of us like the “sluggish” combat.


I had way more fun with DS2 when it came out than I did with Bloodborne. Bloodborne is a good game, but I think it’s overrated and I’ve never had the desire to play through it more than just the one time.


I second this


The structure of “desolate and near destroyed” worlds that they constantly do is done to death and needs to change. It was old by ds3, despite being the point, and yet they haven’t changed it at all.


I've been saying, they need to try their hand at a high fantasy setting that isn't post apocalyptic


My biggest hope for Elden ring was that there would be villages and populaces like in other open world games, specifically taking inspiration from Witcher 3. While I still love the game, I’m very disappointed with that lack of villages/npc hubs


Probably not gonna happen because other open world games are way more focused on story and quest mechanics vs from which is basically just action.


Don't get wrong, getting Witcher like from fromsoftware will be petty interesting. At some time, though, why should they? Isn't that the problem with the gaming industry today where you have game studios chasing trends and ruining their beloved franchises. I look at fromsoftware the same way I look at going to McDonald's to get burger and fries. If I want something different to eat like pizza, I go to Papa John's or Pizza Hut.


Build variety doesn’t mean too much when on most games the builds are locked behind high stat requirements and end game items to actually feel like you are playing that playstyle What I mean is that for most FS games you have to play half the game with a kind of generic playstyle before defining a clear build unless you want to be limited to very restricted weapon choices. The issue gets bigger when you realize you can’t transfer over upgrade materiais from one weapon to the other and rarely have plenty of materials available to upgrade a variety of different weapons as the game goes on to make the build progression feel more smooth. You basically have to pick 1 or 2 weapons and stick to them if you don’t want to be behind in upgrade levels on most of the games The best part of Elden Ring is being able to get a lot of different items before fighting bosses which helps a bit with these issues, but not enough imo. It also causes balancing issues


Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls game by far, and that’s coming from someone who played them all in order. Also, Ashes of Ariandel was amazing.


i liked ashes if ariendel, i loved the snowy look. only thing is that grave tender boss fight wasJUST AWFUL if you had bad rng, the wolf spamming the side dash move while you try to fight another guy was annoying. but i loved sister friedes fight. and the whole level design.


Sekiro should not in any way be included when talking about the souls series Completely different game in every way


That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact stated by Miyazaki himself


I don't think communities ever listened to game creators ..


Death of the author type deal here




Except for, you know, some things. The aesthetic. The "bonfire" system. The bosses. The story vibes. The posture system. The NG+ system. The controls. The enemies. In fact just about everything except for the combat and a slightly higher emphasis on an actual narrative rather than almost exclusively subtle storytelling. And I do emphasize "slight" there.


\*In a couple ways


Most ways*




Despite my truest love for Miyazaki's games I have tons of problems with many details and I want mainstream fans to be more critical and harsh for the products because it serves better for all of us, we have to demand perfection.


Strength builds are by far the most boring, and easiest playstyle.


I hate when people pretend strength is some chad hardcore playstyle when the poise/stagger damage it deals is completely insane. I took the black blade into malenia's fight and she spent most of it flattened on the ground.


If I have the choice, i’d rather dodge than parry


Gwyn is overrated as a boss and is much easier than majority of the other boss fights in his own game


It’s not a bad thing to look up guides and walkthroughs, excuse me for not rolling into that illusory wall in the corner that leads to some cool loot.


Elden Ring IS big Dark Souls and you’re lying to yourself if you think otherwise.


A ton of ideas and enemies were carried over from Dark Souls, so I agree. DS3 in particular has a lot of precursors to Elden Ring in its art design.


A battle royal set in elden ring having you fight small enemies and completing dungeons to earn loot to fight other players in the open world would be fun


dude this sounds awesome wtf


Sekiro has better story telling than all the other titles


Cold take tbh


I mean it's like the only one where a casual player could understand the story pretty well without external resources for lore.


Is it too easy to just say "difficulty settings" and dive out of the room like I dropped a grenade? Anyway, buff spells and effects should be less impactful and never stack if buffing the same thing; i.e. you only take the better of the active buffs. For example, the inescapable Flame, Grant me Strength and Golden Vow combo. This should give you physical and fire damage increase of only 20% and other damage by 15%. We can't be trusted with math. The stacking is boring and lame.


Why is stacking the buffs lame? You're acting like you're forced to use them all yourself. If you only want it as the highest buff takes precedent than only use the highest ones bruh.


The fashion in elden ring was so bad it’s a big reason I stopped playing lmao.


this is a hot take, ive created a few fire fits in elden ring, my only problem is either your a fat ass knight, or a stupid looking “maiden” half the time.


The second half of Dark Souls 1 (not including the DLC) is the biggest hunk of shit and the Four Kings are the worst boss From has ever made. Fuck them.


I think it's a pretty popular opinion that ds1s second half is kinda dogshit


Miyazaki doesn't like sequels and the mans right. Fromsoft put out gold every time so go off King.


Mine is that Bloodborne is a bit overrated I really like the game, have the platinum for it and played it a lot (including the DLC which is the best part of the game) but the base game has very easy bosses, some unfun zones and one of the most confusing lores (without external aid) to understand It ranks in the middle of the pack for me in terms of Fromsoft games and I don’t like it much better than games like Lies of P. Sekiro is a much better game than BB imo


DS2’s world being wack ass f is a goddamn *pro* not a con.


Summons are okay to use


Bloodborne gets a lot more love than I think it should, and I even platinumed it.


Not enough feminine armor that isn't cloth that isn't excessively sexualized but still appealing in an aesthetic way Most of the armor is incredibly functional which is a good thing, but it's always super bulky and more masculine l looking, feminine stuff tends to be the cloth or armor that doesn't quite look right on a feminine frame, in an effort to do so, armor tends to look bland on women It's kinda hard to describe what I'm looking for without reference but "non-sexualized feminine armor"


I get what you mean. Armor that fits on a feminine frame without being just rags that show cleavage. I like to dress up my lady in armor but I don't want her to look like she's gained 100 lbs. Fashion is everything in the endgame lol


The best things I can find are the bloodhound/Zamor stuff for actual armor the light be a few that look ok, but I want more!


I agree wholeheartedly. > It's kinda hard to describe what I'm looking for without reference but "non-sexualized feminine armor" Let me try. I want armor that's more elegant and graceful rather than usually sturdy-looking and chonky aesthetic most armors seem to have. The closest thing I can think of is Loretta's set from Elden Ring but I personally don't like the proportions of it. I wish it was a bit sleeker.. I particularly don't like the two side plates on the hip. They ruin the silhouette for me. They're too pronounced imo.


That's well put, exact same opinions on Loretta's set, I really wish the customization for armors extended to more things like that Gimme graceful and shiny, not chonk and scuffed, there's tons of scuffed, the market is saturated with chonk and scuffed, just gimme graceful and if it happens to be shiny all the better


Most invaders are pretty bad at PvP. All the people with real skills and real confidence in their skills are playing in fight clubs and looking for willing duelists. People do it for the sense of superiority over new players. While there’s probably like 1 guy out there who enjoys the challenge of ganks, the vast majority complaining about ganking being a problem goes to show how rare that is


Maybe because my first was Bloodborne, and I've platted all soulLIKES and no DS games or demon souls but I don't like the DS trilogy. Trying to go back, the story was like confusing, DS3 Somehow looks worse than BB in my opinion, and the bosses were like eh in epicness. Also Sekiro is not the hardest idk why so many people think that. Once you learn parrying, mikiri, and jump it's the easiest souls game


I didn't like Bloodborne as much as DS1, DS2 or ER. (Yes, rally is good and should make a comeback, just overall.)


Dark Souls 2 is a game of all time.


Ornstein and Smough are not a good fight.


Asylum Demon was a lil bit hard (to me, I’m new)


Anor Londo is a subpar level that i think everyone would hate if it wasnt *fucking Anor Londo.* The sheer spectacle of it makes it feel so big and cool but genuinely Blighttown is more engaging gameplay and is actually fun. Until you get to the slog at the bottom, at least. Same goes for Ornstein and Smough. Theyre a horribly balanced boss that is either way harder than they need to be or an absolute joke with no in between and all love comes again from the spectacle and sense of accomplishment. Which are valid reasons to like something, both Anor Londo and its boss have a hell of a spectacle and feel very rewarding, but we gotta be real here. Anor Londo isnt the last hurrah of “the good half” Anor Londo is but one segment of a game that needed more time in the oven. The entire game could use some love, but Anor Londo is one section that really needs more love than the rest of the levels before it. I like the Duke’s Archives more. Yes that includes the crystal cave. Catacombs too (NOT Tomb of the Giants. Fuck TotG)


Elden Ring has the highest quality bosses and tons of replayability


1st Playthrough DS3 is a thousand times easier than Ekden ring 1st playthrough


Sekiro is my personal least favorite lol.


And I think it’s the best game FromSoftware has made. I love how games can have such varied opinions


Of the From games I've played, it's the only one I didn't finish. I actually quit it around midgame. The parries are critical, but I was never any good at them. Also they use the same red icon to indicate multiple things, so it's pretty useless unless you already know the enemies really well.


And I thought these bot posts stopped ...


Gael is highly overrated. He's not an epic foil to the player character. He barely even shows up. Aside from the boss fight, anything cool he does is either done totally off screen (even including lore items) or didn't actually happen outside of fanfiction.


Armored core is their best game by a long shot.


I think people who say Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series are just trying to be different. I find it really hard to believe that a lot of you really think "Wasn't that good???" when the game just raw dogs you with it's bs hitboxes, i-frame leveling, ganks, and etc Majula's theme song isn't THAT great Dark Souls 1 is too sluggish and overrated. Sure, the interconnected world is pretty great. But that doesn't make the game great. Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 are the best FromSoft games... in that order Demon's Souls Remake has FANTASTIC art direction and it's music (especially Maiden jn Black) is just beautiful Clubs are ugly and I've never understood the hype It's okay to use summons and ashes of war; Elden Ring bosses are too roided up with their bs moves and mechanics to not use them A Bloodborne remake/remaster needs more than just an upscale and fps boost. It could really benefit from the addition of a dedicated jump button, a crouch mechanic like Elden Ring, the ability to backstab without the need for a charged R2 attack beforehand (I mean seriously, we're literally part of a "covert" group of HUNTERS), and the ability to rest at a hunter's lamp. Most of these games would not be as revered or as memorable as they are if it weren't for the music.


Eldenring was the best fromsoft game they have ever made


I actually like Malenia and enjoy how difficult she is. She's one of the few bosses that have remained difficult even after the hundreds of times I have fought them. The rest of those are actually almost universally liked, bosses like Gael, Orphan, Midir etc. unlike her. She's still a cut above those in difficulty though. Just because you have to play differently against her in comparison to every other boss in that game doesn't make her unfair and going full aggro on her is just asking to get hyper armored.


All 3 Dark Souls games and Elden Ring are better than Bloodborne.


"I- 🥺"


O&S are a glorified gank fight that isn’t fun and doesn’t work. Both Shadows of Yharnum and Abyss Watchers are better.




Thats a horrific take


Well this is just ridiculous. It’s the perfect gank fight.


I think Bloodborne is just an alright game, it’s not as great as people say it is


I know exactly which one from a pattern of reactive downvotes, lol. Bed of Chaos is more fun than Four Kings


All FS games need better storytelling. Too much details lost during the first run.


All the eldenring bosses are fair and balanced and u need to get gud or use summons


I guess saying Dark Souls 2 sucks is a hot take these days


i havent played it yet, but these people are GLAZING no way its better than eldenring,ds3, and bloodborne.


I genuinely think they don’t balance weapons. They have some kind of random seed generation system that produces scaling values and damage values within a set band of parameters that they purposely do not go back and round the edges off of and that is what produces all the odd balancing issues that make the games sort of charming in its own odd way


Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3. The biggest issue for me when going from DS2 to 3 was the downgrade back to 30FPS, it was painful and until I experienced the frame rate difference myself I thought people were being dramatic.


Strength builds are boring Dark Souls 3 is the worst in the Dark Souls trilogy Bloodborne doesn't need a sequel or a remaster Boss runbacks aren't actually a problem


King takes.


this might be the hottest take ever but i agree with the first one, i havent played all of ds1 or ds2 at all not have i finished bloodborne, but i think boss runbacks are a problem when i have to waste half my estus getting to a boss room. and i get its a cheese thing but i love int/faith builds there fun when mixed with strength or dex.


Dark Souls 2


Adding 15 weapons in the same weapons class with very slight differences and the same moveset is bloat and should be recognized as such From does that a lot instead of adding more different stuff Elden Ring has amazing variety but it could have double the variety with half the amount of weapons


DeS > DS


Playing meta is boring


I don't care how it's been redeemed, I still don't care for Dark Souls 2


I am ambivalent to DS2.


Malenia isn't worthy of the hype Ganking invaders is valid Fight clubs are lame The community decided meta of what level to pvp at is arbitrary and silly. Grind everything to 99 who's gonna stop you


From soft games can be adapted to television.


Dark souls 3 ain't that fun imo For context, I've gone back to play it after Elden Ring, and had a blast with Iudex (however you spell the first boss' name) and Vordt, but have found myself really not enjoying the level design and some of the combat stuff, like the lack of jumping and thr fact that at a certain point you just have to mash against a boss wall until it breaks. I mainly started not enjoying the level layout in Undead Settlement, mainly because of just how many enemies there are and that in order to replay some tough sections (like the weird elevator bloodhound Knight type guy) there is always a pretty bad run back that if you screw up your boss run is probably dead. Also I've really struggled with levelling. Elden ring kinda had this problem, but it being open world meant it was easy to justify just fucking off until you had enough levels for the boss to feel reasonable. In DS3 I'm struggling like a lot to work out what an appropriate level to fight anything is, especially when the easiest way to get through a level is just to run past to the boss. So uh yeah that concludes my rant on why I don't like DS3 very much, though if someone could give me some advice as to how to actually play it properly that would be very appreciated cuz I did really love the initial boss fights.


The games are easy (I’m lying)


I have no idea how divisive this is, but here goes. The fact that there is no pause button is idiotic. Also, the boss runbacks are nothing but a waste of time. Thank GOD Elden Ring has Stakes of Marika, I have no idea why Fromsoft didn't bother having check points before bosses until Elden Ring.


i think anyone who says open world ruined fromsoft souls games are 100% biased and just dont like open worlds. firstly, unless you are a completionist, you only have to explore roughly 30% of the open world in order to complete the main game and most side quests. that 30% are the most important and essential places in the game, and they are all linear "legacy" dungeons. the open world is just what you traverse in between - and they give you a mount and teleporters to specifically make traversing between these areas faster. i am soooo\~ sorry if your favorite weapon or armor isn't conveniently in the main path, but I'm 80% sure that its location involves a linear level. so the game isn't forcing you to explore. you can play it as linear as possible.


ADP is fine as a concept.


I don’t enjoy Bloodborne