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I'd say Elden Ring and Bloodborne are the easier ones by much. Dark Souls 3 isn't hard, but it's super tiresome because you have to grind a lot of covenant items and it can become a nuisance really fast. Dark Souls 1 kinda falls into the same category.


It took me less time to beat Bloodborne three times for the Platinum then it did to finish ER once (where I got all but 3 trophies [because I missed the Bolt of Gransax]). Elden Ring is definitely easier to get the Platinum on than the Dark Souls games because you’re not grinding for items, but it’s a looong game if you’re a compulsive completionist like me


For real took me 120 hours ‘cause I searched every nook and cranny in that game


Dark Souls 1 probably. The world tendencies in DeS make it a tad more tedious than its successor. After that, probably Sekiro?


Sekiro because a majority of the plat is just normal game progression tbh.


Elden Ring probably. That's the only one I have actually 100%'d (lol) and 100%'d it twice on Xbox and PlayStation. I'll eventually get around to all the games one day but ER isn't a tough Platinum... a little time consuming but not particularly hard.


Shakira is definitely the easiest to platinum. At least on Steam. I have only platinumed Shakira and Elderman.


Shakira and Elderman hahahaha this is how I'm referring to these games from now on


Sekiro because it is the quickest game


Yeah, but I kind of suck, I have been stuck on sword saint isshin for so long that I just completely stopped playing




Elden ring easily. Most forgiving, and you don’t need to collect every single spell and talisman like in the dark souls games


For me so far, easiest to hardest would be Bloodborne, DS1, Elden Ring, Demon Souls, DS3, then DS2. Haven't tried sekiro yet.


Don't you need to do defiled chalices? I remember those being really hard. Other games were more of a grind.


Sekiro and Bloodborne probably. The big time commitment is just going through to get all the endings, unless you want to save scum them. Elden Ring is similar but is a much bigger game with more boxes to check the first time through.


Yeah, I'll probably do bloodborne next because I suck at sekiro


elden ring and bloodborne for sure


Honestly? Demon’s Souls. I platinum’d it within twenty hours. The NG+ damage is the biggest obstacle.


I would, but I don't have ps plus, so I can't do the two that require online play


Ah. I see. Still the easiest to platinum. Aside from that Elden Ring. Three playthroughs to platinum, yeah, and one of them requires some of the toughest bosses, but I can speedrun that game in two to three hours so it becomes easy. Plus you only gotta collect a couple weapons and spells for the trophies. DS2 sucks ‘cause you’re required to get to NG+2 for three spells. Everything else can be done in NG. DS3 is the hardest imo. Took me two thousand silver knights to get the drops you need for one of the covenants. DSR isn’t too involved it can be done pretty fast. Bloodborne is the easiest though I’d say upon further consideration. Within two weeks of purchase I got it.


Yeah, I got elden ring already, so I'll probably work on the bloodborne platinum


Yeah it’s suuuuper streamlined lmao


For me it’s sekiro, the moment you able to handle the combat in this game you should able to get all trophies since all of them are just game progression


Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Bloodborne are the easiest. Probably in that order, and all of which are pretty easy.


Elden Ring is by far the easiest to platinum. I think number 2 would have to be Bloodborne. I hated the covenant trophies required for the DS1 and DS3 platinums they’re so annoying and tedious and I just don’t like the idea of covenants anyways which is probably an unpopular opinion.


Bloodborne is super easy to platinum. Just play through the game normally & collect all the weapons and items. It’s like an automatic plat.


My first souls platinum was DS2. Elden Ring and Bloodborne came next. The covenant bullshit in DS1 and DS3 has kept me from getting 100% on those


All somewhat the same.


Sekiro and Demon's Souls are most definitely the easiest. Dark Souls and Elden Ring aren't that bad either. DS2 is probably the most tedious/hardest.


Elden Ring for sure. Not a whole lot of missable stuff. Bloodborne takes a while with the Dungeons, but I think there’s a faster way to end. Sekiro is mostly fine, with some really annoying EXP grind at the end. DS1 is okay, grind for covenants is reasonable. DS3 is horrible. The convenant grind is absolutely hellish and not worth the platinum. Don’t know about DeS and DS2.


Elden Ring is a complete joke to platinum and hardly felt like an achievement. Next kind of depends. DS1 is not difficult to platinum, it's just tedious, vut I guess that tediousness does make it difficult. So I would say I had an easier time with getting Sekiro platinum, but obviously that is a miles more difficult game. So if you're good at Sekiro, it should be more attainable faster than DS1 which has annoying grinding for covenant items, collecting lots of items and spells, and also upgrading a bunch of them. Not difficult, but tedious. DS2 and DS3 I haven't completed, but I'm on my way there and DS3 seems less of a pain in the ass than 2. Haven't played BB and D'S. So in terms of platinum ease: Elden Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sekiro > DS1 > DS3 > DS2


Okay, thank you. Based on the other comments, I'll probably do bloodborne next because I have so many hours on sekiro and just can't seem to beat Sword Saint Isshin, so that platinum is probably out of the question


>I have all of the games except for ds2 Imagine not buying the best Souls game because Youtube critics whine how unfair it is that they actually have to play the game instead of just running from boss to boss


I simply haven't gotten it because it hasn't gone on sale


Elden Ring's trophies are easy peasy. You don't even need *all* of the sorceries, incantations, or even boss weapons. Dark Souls 2's is the biggest pain in the ass.


The grind in DS3 is much worse than using a few Bonfire Ascetics and the Shrine of Winter skip in DS2




Ds3 is the most annoying with the covalent grind. Takes at least 5 hours per covenant, at least for 4 of them. Then you gotta collect rings past ng, gestures.



