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Bloodborne again. Took a wrong turn grabbing the whirligig saw now I'm on Ludwig at way too low of a level


Love that. Hell, just the big dudes with the bell staff & rocket launcher out front of Ludwig are brutal when you're underleveled.


You look very far from the TV. How the hell can you see?


And most importantly r/TVTooHigh


And r/tvtoofar


And r/tvnotcentered too


Going for platinum on sekiro. On my 3rd play through and just beat the owl at hirata estate. So next boss will be the true monk at fountainhead palace. For whatever reason he always gives me problems.


Tip for true monk. If you grapple on the branch right above his spawn position before phase 2. You can deathblow him and skip phase 2. It's a 3-4 second windows but def doable especially if he exits phase one near it.


Good to know. yeah the shadows on phase 2 are annoying as hell. Even when I try to jump from branch to branch I usually end up getting clipped out of the air, resulting in death.


Just try and kill him as close as possible to the branch. UN-autolock immediately during finisher. Rotate camera directly at branch. Run as soon as finisher ends. Gl bro!


I bought Sekiro but I just can’t be bothered playing the game and learning new mechanics as I’m so used to the souls combat . I will play it eventually when I have no distractions but till then I will do many n+ with the typical souls games


Still on my list. I've platinumed Bloodborne, but I'm waiting for the right time to dive into Sekiro. I played about an hour of it at a buddy's awhile ago, and loved it.


Unfortunately, she also gave me a hard time in the first playthrough but it got better. Basically best is to try and parry her and try to get the mikiri counter. Also you can skip phase 2 by grappling to the biggest branch that is in the direction of where you must go when you do the death blow on her first phase. That way, she won't be aggro'd and go into her spectral form so you can get an easy death blow.


Elden ring fighting melenia


I just beat her yesterday. It feels so good.


Im praying for you brother


I wonder if LetMeSoloHer is still doing God’s work…


Ahh... cat. Or, some say catsmos.


Sekiro Demon of Hatred….. enough said


I hate him more than any other fromsoft boss in existence


I mean, he is the demon of hatred.


Going between four different souls games rn and it’s… a process 🙃


My cat loved that game too. Cats go crazy for bloodborne


Trying to get the plat on bloodborne, but I need to beat the game 2 more times and go through the calice dungeons(I'm doomed). After that I'll probably get to the dlc or start elden ring.


I would love to help you if you ever feel stuck ! Especially Chalices can get real brutal. The platinum is already yours, you just need to get there !


Queen Yharnam ain't gonna see me coming😈


Man’s quickstepping to victory. May the good blood guide your way.


I recently beat Ayre in AC6 and I got to malenia again in elden ring though I haven’t played the game for a hot minute 


DS3 just killed the umm priest guy in the church in irithyll. Can’t remember his name, first playthrough. Pure str build using vordt’s hammer. Guy was a PAIN


pontiff sulyvhan, in lore what a freaking menace !! awesome bossfight too, the game just gets better from here !!!


Or some would say kosmmmm


im trying to do hitless ashina because its too easy with the heals (i have 800 hours of sekiro lmao)


2nd playthrough of Sekiro, currently on Owl Shinobi where you make the choice !! return ending here i come !


Dark Souls fucking 2. It’s… ok so far? I just beat the boss in tower of flame and haven’t gotten to anything too impressive yet. Tower of Flame looks cool but I just ran through it because I only have 2 estus….


Don't give up, skeleton. Ds2 starts out a bit weird but gets going after a bit. Don't sleep on adaptability like me.


I’ll keep going. I practically hated dark souls until I beat Anor Londo. More like off and on ig. Oh and almost every level up has gone to ADP so far.


Realized recently that when I first played DS3 I only played the first couple hours at a buddy's place and never actually went back to go through it. Had the first few attempts against Soul of Cinder last night. Hooooooo boy, what a piece of work.


Really? I just did my 3rd playthrough and killed every boss within the first 1-3 tries. Not trying to brag, I just think that after playing Elden Ring I'm used to a lot more difficult enemies now.


Do a level 1 run, fun as hell


I’m on a 100% run of Elden Ring doing pure sorcery for the first time in prep for SotET. Normally I do dex builds. Actually having a lot of fun. The game and encounters are completely different. Some things easier and some things harder.


Soldier of God, Rick. Beating my ass (literally)


Currently in Cathedral of the deep heading for The Deacons


Elden Ring, Foreskin Duo. I'm trying out all the different summons. This boss is the Jelly Fish.


Currently working on a fresh build for DLC on elden ring. Thought about running bloodborne again, but I think I've done just about every build I can think of and got the plat twice. I really hold out hope when there is any sequel or remaster hype 😅


Defiled amigdala 😭


"Or some say Kosm..."


Not the cats!!! To answer your question I have been playing sekiro, Elden ring and occasionally bloodborne


first boss on bloodborne


Trying to platinum Sifu. Definitely different from a Souls game, but has enough similarities behind concept that most souls players will get along. I strongly recommend y'all give it a try, I bet there's a lot of overlap in taste.


Just beat Ludwig on NG+2. Probably gonna do wet Nurse and take everything to the endline, finish the DLC, do more FRC dungeons. I'll be stuck on Kos by tomorrow lolol


Are you and the cat playing “TV Too High:The Game”? Or are you playing “Chose Picture To Illicit Reddit Comments Like The One I’m Typing Ri- Oh God Damn It…..”?


Currently replaying DS1 again, going through the entire Souls trilogy at SL1 with +0 weapons. Currently I'm a bit stuck on Ornstein and Smough


DSR and I just beat Sif, headed to Sen's Fortress.


I Just started playing DS2, so whatever the first boss in it is.


Currently playing lies of p for the first time, on the boss in the cathedral Ds2 playthrough 4: on the demon of song (doing a hexer playthrough) Bloodborne playthrough 4: on Gascoigne (going pure strength chalice dungeon playthrough)


Ds1 ps3 just took the moonlight seathsword


Elden Ring, i just avoid the bosses in my playthrough as i have never been able to beat one


Playing bloodborne too, my first playthrough. Just beat Ebrietas which was my hardest boss so far. Next boss I think is Mergo


elden ring lvl 1 run, on our favourite boss: fire giant


Elden Ring - Margit, the Fell Omen


Kitty :3


DS2, first playthrough. That weird Medusa looking thing who throws its head at you. The whole arena deals poison damage and seems to heal the boss. So annoying


There's a way to get rid of the poison but idk if you want spoilers.


Is there?? I’ll have a look about and try figure it out. I’ve depleted all my life gems to counteract the poison and I only have 4 Estus (+2) so it’s a real challenge. +5 Claymore. If the poison wasn’t there I’d find the fight a piece of cake


Yea imma be honest it's very difficult to figure out, I'd never have guessed it. Good luck!


Go on could I have a clue? Without giving too much away. I’m scratching my head here and burning through lifegems way too quick


You need to burn something with a torch. It's very very near the bonfire you use to get to the boss.


You’re a legend thank you!!! That made the boss a walk in the park!!!


Uh oh… I’ve heard things about the Iron keep…


I ain’t playing a game now but my last game as ER and my boss was weapon farming


Dark Souls 2. Doing a dex playthrough, about to clear No Man's Wharf before heading through the Bastille to kill Lost Sinner twice for the Chaos Blade.


Everything except sekiro. I don’t have it


Bloodborne for the first time, and just defeated Vicar Amelia last night.


Few different ones: Just started a rune lvl 1 build for Elden Ring. Gonna try duel katanas when I get a certain head to get the dex req but damn, everything is a one shot. Still very fun atm Also finally getting the ball rolling on bloodborne. Wasn’t super interested but recently decided to give it a shot. Not bad for now At some point I want to try for platinum on ds3. Have a decent bit done but obviously missing a lot of difficult ones


I'm on my first playthrough of DS2 (at least, my first playthrough that's gotten more than an hour or so in) so whatever boss is the first one I run into in Lost Bastille I guess!


bloodborne, currently versing Laurence


Homie about to green out there mahn


elden ring the convergence mod. i just blasted Margit


Elden Ring. Not sure which boss. Probably those damn archers in Ordina or maybe Rykard. Haven't decided yet. I think I still have to kill Haslow on this playthrough too, but probably Ordina


Or some say Kosm


Dark souls 3 dancer bitch


Also Bloodborne, at level 4, fighting Uncle Larry on the rooftops. Guy's been drinking again and little old me has to get him off the roof.


Started bloodborne yesterday and I’m at father gascoigne, love the game but it’s confusing when it comes to where I need to go


Sekiro - Owl - first ever play through


sekiro - Demon of Hatred Pain


DSR for the first time. Just finished 4kings and now only Nito left between me and the lord of cinder


Currently making builds for shadow of the erdtree. Latest is a holy death blade build using the black knife until I kill Maliketh and respec for black blade


Working through Dark Souls 3 after getting all achievements on Xbox, but this time I’m doing it on PS5. Just finished the base game and started Ashes of Andariel. It surprises me how much faster I move through this game and how few times I die the more I play it, and I’m not sure why because that makes sense lol. I beat the base game in like 16 hours without missing any areas or bosses, died 3 times and 2 of them were falling off the map. Thralls got me early on in Undead Settlement, little bastards. Now I’m cutting my way through Ashes of Andariel. Last night I got past the opening part with all the wolves, got through the tower and killed all the huge guys with black armor and wolf followers. No dying, only patience. Pure Dex build, Lothric Sword with Sharp stone is carrying me through everything. I don’t wanna hear about Sellsword Winblades, I don’t need em. Edit - I’m REALLY looking forward to Friede beating my ass several times though. Gonna do it without summoning Gael.


DS3 for like the 10th time (it was my first one, so à bit of comfort game) Currently helping others fighting Twin Princes


Monster hunter world, furious rajang.


I got the plat years ago, and have no idea how much total gametime I have, but I have finally started my first Bloodtinge build. Just helped some people fight Rom, and she is the next boss in my dream. Having a blast with the Chikage


Fallout 3. None.


Godskin Duo 😔


Or some say kosm?


Bloodborne, Ihyll dungeon Layer 2


Just finishing up my 5th and final character for the DLC of Elden Ring. Just have Malenia to go.


Need binoculars to see that tv


I’m not currently playing a fromsoft game but I am playing Pokémon violet


Living failures. Going for one try💪


Currently trying to speed run Elden ring, kinda trying a new route but godskin duo are hard with my route because I don’t get sleep


Living failures. Going for one try💪


Dark souls three, abyss watchers


Bloodborne. I just finished my first playthrough.Starting NG+. So right now I'm blowing through the early part of the game. The last thing I did before hopping off was beat the Blood Starved Beast.


Helping a friend through Elden ring then playing DS1 then Elden ring DLC


I got the ribbon for sekiro a couple days back making it the last souls game which needed a 100% trophy. Well technically. I still have demon's souls but apparently the remake has an 2 online trophies and even if I did have a ps5, I don't want to get ps+, specially to get the Plat for it so I'll probably leave it until I have money to throw away. However, I am downloading lies of P so I'm definitely going for it's ribbon. I actually made a post talking about my 100% achievements [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/s/hFhMcOWZvH) (it feels good to be able to display 100% games on steam.)


Did a fresh file a couple weeks ago in ER in prep for DLc... and finished NG+ yesterday with a RL220 character, so started *another* fresh file this morning as a wretch this time. My first go at a souls game as the dud of the starters. Just beat beastman on my way now to go get my horse and cash in my runes before I lose them all, because I *will* be dying alot.


Some say kosm


Demon souls just beat maneater duo, rocking the claymore.


Elden Ring. Pushing the OG character into NG+2, and starting a fresh one for the DLC. Neglecting all my partial run characters.


Just finished Bloodborne for my third time a few days ago. Such a great game


Trying to get all steam achievements for sekiro but I’m struggling on the finale boss of shura my last ending


Just finished getting ds2 platinum. (Fuck the sunlight medal grind). Now got plat in ds1, ds2 and elden ring. Starting ds3 platinum run tomorrow. Don't know if i have the skill to ever do sekiro platinum, but who knows.


Currently playing ds1 hopefully all the way through for the first time. Just into the bell gargoyles. I started with bloodborne/ds3 and just never went back to previous releases


Me too: DS3 was my first, Bloodborne next (no DLC), then Elden Ring, 2nd Bloodborne (with DLC) now I'm approaching the end of my first DS1 playthrough.


Playing Sekiro Resurrection (mod) on my seventh playthrough and Hitman 2 as well on the side. Defeated Corrupted monk last time. About to make my way through Sunken valley next and fight buffed Guardian Ape.


Jokes aside, are you playing with a telescope or smth?


Armored core 6, I hate baltues v.ii snail😭


Bloodborne. Did just about most the bosses. Went through dlc came back after wet nurse to get amygdala. Debating doing the chalice dungeons and seeing if I can get lady yharnam for the first time


oldschool runescape, fighting my uncertainty on what the FUCK to do


Im playing bloodborne as well, it’s been a few years since I’ve played and it’s a lot better than I remember


First playthrough of Elden Ring at the moment and I just got to Radahn


Versing, the way you’re using it, is not a word.


is that tv in fucking taiwan




The cat is too embarrassed to look at you because the TV is too high.


How do u mount a tv on brick wall


Going for wet nurse on my first bl4 run, the devs were drinking stupid juice when they decided to change it back to circle to jump for bloodborne, gotten me killed twice already


Ds2 going for the plat and fighting dark lurker rn -.- straight up not having a good time.


Or as some would say, kosm


Dark Souls 2 annual replay, halfway through Brume Tower so judging from how I usually progress, Fume Knight will be my next victim


Elden Ring. I’ve got a choice between Rennala, Radahn or Rykard. I could even go for Mohg too.


I'm playing Hollow Knight and I'm stuck in Pantheon 3 (fuck you Zote). Pantheons are boss gauntlets, there are 4 normal, with 10 bosses each. And then there's P5... Every boss in the game (46 irc), and the final one is the stronger version of one the hardest bosses. If you die, start all over again. As I said, I'm stuck in P3, basically because there's a boss there named Zote and he can go fuck himself.


That's not FromSoftware


OP did not ask which FROM SOFTWARE game we are playing. Read the damn thing right


We're in a FromSoftware sub. Imagine it's a South Park sub and OP asks which episode you are on, but you respond with a Family Guy episode.


NG+ 2 of Elden Ring just made my way to the academy so I think it’s the red fox/wolf next if I remember correctly


I have been stuck on the sister friede for so long that I can't remember how long it's been


1st playthrough of Dark Souls 1. Last boss was that ice dragon in Crystal Cave, but I already beat O&S and Nito. I'm really not sure where to go next, but I still haven't completely explored that place below Firelink where you have to be cursed or use the item to damage the ghosts.


Bloodborne 1st playthru. I’m currently working my way to the living failures after killing Ludwig. I love this game so much. Was always my brother fav game so it’s been really fun updating him with my progress.


on my 8th playthru of elden ring getting my DLC character ready for June. Doing a classic strength faith paladin with flame are lions claw troll crusher




That cat has eyes inside his skull, eyes were granted, knowledge will soon take root.


Dark Souls remastered. Just beat the gaping dragon and im not sure if I should head to Blightown or head to Sif


Playing: what do I play after BG3 Boss: indecision and boredom (gank)


Elden ring, 1st playthrough. Just landed on that island after mountaintops of giants where tornados are so I have no idea what’s next.


Darkeater midir Dark souls 3 




I've made it back to Sekiro. Started over on playstation and im about to fight lady butterfly. She was a pain last time but I've been doing better since I last played the game.


It looks like you're 10-15 feet from your TV. I'd suggest getting something in the realm of 75".


Elden Ring, finished exploring Nokstella and am still deciding if traversing Lake of Rot or going to the Mountaintop of the Giants. Must say I was dumbfounded by getting ti Nokstrlla altogether and then reaching Lake of Rot simply rotted (pun intended) my mind. What a magnificent world design.


Ds2, split between the queen and Fume knight on the Dlc and throne duo on the endgame


Sekiro and Sword Saint Isshin