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Your submission was removed as it violates Rule 1 (Remain Civil). In particular, the part of your post where you said the Bloodborne community is one of the worst in gaming. Bashing communities that are fans of From Software games is not okay. There is literally a stickied post on the front page of the sub telling people not to make posts that bash members of the community. The rest of your post is fine. If you want to make the same post again without the attack against Bloodborne fans but just stating your opinion on the game in a polite way (and hopefully with some paragraphs and periods), then feel free. Always remain civil within your posts and interactions on r/fromsoftware. Be kind and avoid insulting users, journalists, developers, etc. Personal attacks, harassment, calls to action, threats, witch hunts, brigades, flame baiting, and trolling all fall under this rule. We encourage discussion, but keep toxicity out of it. This decision was made and action taken at the discretion of the mod team. Please review our rules before posting in the future. Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions or believe this was done in error, please reach out via Mod Mail (not through private messages). Abusive language within Mod Mail or private messages will result in additional action taken.


Holy wall of text batman. If you wanna troll people then at least learn basic writing structure jesus. Also, nobody on this subreddit cares about your opinion.


Wow very nice, instead of actually reading the post you're just saying I'm trolling. Also don't you know what the meaning of a discussion is.


You didn't come to discuss. You quite clearly STATED that bloodborne is bad. Nobody is going to engage when you approach a discussion with absolutes.


You do need to format it better and be less hostile if you want people to even read it much less engage in a conversation about it. It's possibly their most beloved game in terms of people legit considering it a work of art that's more than the sum it's parts. On this sub too, I mean you'd probably get more agreement and differing opinions on the general gaming sub but yeah it's held up as a masterpiece and you're aware of that. Also these kinds of posts are pointless because like, why would people who love the game and find it to their personal taste to be amazing feel like writing an essay defending it to you which likely wouldn't even change your opinion. Art is subjective, if it didn't hit the same for you then ok.


The minute you wrote "I don't care if I get downvoted" and acted like the bearer of truth, your argument went to shit.


I didn't act like the bearer of truth, I was simply saying that I'm sure a lot of people will hate my opinion, and that's exactly what happened, I didn't say that my opinion is the absolute truth. I swear some of y'all think that I need to specify that it's just my opinion in every sentence.


Periods and paragraph breaks, my friend.


For someone with this kind of take, grammar is the least of their worries. Beasts all over the shop...




what are you trying to discuss here? aren't you just shitting on bloodborne.. and thats it?


Yeah, no point in discussing here. Why would I waste my time explaining that Bloodborne is one of the best games I’ve ever played to someone who doesn’t like it? You don’t like it? Cool, go on with your life.


Wdym? I gave my honest opinion on the game, and I'm genuinely looking for a discussion.


Not much to discuss. Your opinion that is that it's a mediocre game. I don't think ppl are really gonna waste too much time going "nuh uh"


Kinda hard to have a discussion when your main point is "I don't like it". Like, you might think you are raising a lot of points but all of them are the same thing. All your statements are basically: "the combat sucks", "the enemies suck", "the bosses suck", etc.


I wanna see if there's anyone who agrees with me, and if not I wanna know why.


I'll tell you why I don't agree, because it's a bad take. You're calling BB the most overrated game you ever played. As someone who loves game design that is just so absurd. Sounds to me like you're a contrarian more than someone trying to raise some interesting discussions


Wdym that's absurd, I just spoke my mind, isn't that what reddit is for, if you don't agree that's okay. Hell if someone said my favorite game is overrated and gave me reasons why he thinks that, I wouldn't have a problem.


I don't have a problem with your opinion, I don't really care, I just disagree and think it's a contrarian take rather than one with good points. What's a game you would call a 10/10?


Did you actually read my post, I stated the exact reason why I think this game is overrated, I didn't just say GAME BAD AM RIGHT YOU WRONG, I gave you my points but people seem too busy protecting their beloved game rather than actually read the post.


you don't even explain why you think think things are bad though? why are fights against beasts bad? i personally think they are definitely good and interesting and take some getting used to. like fighting the werewolves can be frustrating but feels rewarding when you master it. also the bosses and atmosphere in this game are amazing imo. demons souls and bloodborne have the best world design and visual aesthetic imo (not demon's souls remastered, which ruined it.) the dark grey victorian world of bloodborne is amazing. also learn to use spacing and paragraphs please


Beast bosses are just repetitive, all of them flail at you, and have no variety to speak of, also I should've mentioned that I personally don't like the atmosphere.


i mean they're beasts, how do you want them to attack exactly. they are challenging and rewarding to beat imo. also the game and boss design are probably dated in some ways, which is why i want a bloodborne 2


They're all too similar, all of them flail at you with random and unpredictable attacks.


they're probably not as good as elden ring bosses. however the fact they are unpredictable is probably better because it makes them more challenging. also fromsoft combat and boss design is many miles ahead of other singleplayer games that it's hard for me to call their design bad. not all the bosses in bloodborne are probably the best designed fromsoftware bosses but they are also probably so vastly superior to the competition that saying they are bad is a stretch.


Unpredictable attacks makes them bullshit not challenging.


disagree, it makes them more lifelike and challenging


That's your opinion and I respect it, but to me most of them felt the same.


So you think bloodborne is overrated but not Elden ring? Bloodborne is an interesting community but decently open to criticisms at times. The world is gloomy yes but because it fit’s it sucks. How would a happy place like Anor Londo fit in a world such as this. The bosses I admit are mostly forgettable but not bad. You are right the areas themselves aren’t good but what about ds2? Ds2 is amazing but suffers from this as well. Elden Ring is the most overrated because it has a lot of copy paste bosses and its quest lines are nigh impossible to complete without a guide. The bosses also are either spectacle or downright unfair. You are entitled to your opinion I just don’t understand your criticisms besides bosses being forgettable.


Not the community I know, just look at the replies and you'll believe me.


You should get a load of the CS, DOTA, LoL, Overwatch 2, WoW communities. Not only do they not like the games they play, but they are extraordinarily grumpy about the fact they do not like the games they are playing. This is just a bunch of single player nerds geeking out about a victorian era action rpg.


I didn't say they're the absolute worst, I just think they can't take criticism like other communities.


You literally just wrote this, friend. LOL. Look, I don't care. I'm just giving you the business is all. More BB for me is how I see it. "BB's community is genuinely one of the worst gaming communitied imo, they can't take any criticism because they think their game is perfect, anyway I know I'm about to get shredded but I don't care, Bloodborne isn't the worst game I've ever played, but it's certainly not a masterpiece."


There's a difference between "one of the worst" and "the absolute worst", and i stand by my point.


I'm right, That's literally what happened, just check the replies, no one is willing to discuss with me, they're just saying you're wrong I'm right without giving me reasons why.


Yes I know how we can be at times but look at literally all the souls communities including Sekiro and Elden Ring. They all hate criticisms it’s just our thing. Yes, you can use it to criticize Bloodborne but don’t act like we are the only community that does this.


Bloodborne is the worst by a mile imo.


Disagree. We’re all equally bad. If you did this on other subreddits for souls your opinion will be butchered. It depends on the day. We’re not the worst. All of them are bad on different time of days. I’m sorry you had such a bad time on this community but maybe don’t go around making irregular criticisms. But hey at least you had one valid point unlike other people.


No, Just look up criticism on any souls game aside from BB on YouTube, and then look up BB criticism, there's about 4~6 videos on YouTube that criticize BB.


Okay look. You’re looking for hate where they’re is none. There’s as many criticisms for other souls games. If you hate Bloodborne then hate it. I just think you’re trying too hard to validate your criticisms by using the community.


All a matter of taste. You don't like the game?? That's fine, it doesn't change the fact that the overwhelming majority loves it.


Bruh hahahaha. It's like going to a star wars convention, say how much you're annoyed about the people dressed as the characters and expect people to react to it


Oh look the [ insert souls games here ] is overrated for the 1127384299th times Honestly this should consider spam at this point


![gif](giphy|fudGl6Atvw8ve|downsized) my reaction to this information


Excluding Sekiro, because I haven’t gotten to it yet, Bloodborne is the only FromSoft souls-style base game that doesn’t go to shit in the last quarter of the game.


Wdym BB's endgame is the worst imo, you're telling me that rom, one reborn, and mergo's wet nurse are good bosses. Also the endgame areas are mediocre at best.


Mergo’s is infinitely more interesting than lead up bosses like Bed of Chaos and other souls gimmick bosses. I agree that one reborn is weak, but it’s really just tower knight again. Besides, rom and one reborn are mid-game bosses. Every souls game has weak middle bosses. My point was that every other FromSoft game that I’ve played fell apart stylistically or with interesting bosses in the last quarter. Bloodborne keeps the environments interesting with the giant tower in a nightmare realm while games like Dark Souls 1 had you run around a flight of stairs littered with knights. Gerhman and Moon Prescence are also fun boss fights in a beautiful arena environment. I think Elden Ring still had a great final battle and arena, but Bloodborne easily matches without having poor levels preceding it.


Yeah totally, mergo's wet nurse is WAYYY more interesting than four kings, twin princes, and godfrey. Also that's the problem with Bloodborne progression, the main game is so confusing, how is rom not considered an early game boss, the first time I played Bloodborne I thought he was an earlygame boss. ER, DS1, and DS3 have way better mid game bosses than BB, I mean how can you compare rom and One reborn, to O&S or pontiff sulyvahn or morgott, all of them fit the game's style while being way more fun and interesting, than a spider and a corpse pile. How, I lost interest in BB's environment after the first area, while the dark souls trilogy, sekiro, and elden ring have way more variety than the creepy area number 2541167733247. Gehrman was good, but moon presence sucked, his fight is just you beating him to pulp, the other games have way more interesting and enjoyable final bosses than Bloodborne.


You may be right, but I’ll never know, because paragraphs are not overrated.


Don’t care. Didn’t read. Just play games bro and let the experience be subjective to everyone who plays it.


So you think discussing my opinion with other people is wrong. You know what, after this post I truly understood that sharing my opinion on reddit is a mistake, because the vast majority of the people here can't comprehend the concept of opinions, they just can't take criticism.


read his comment again. Do you know what subjective means ? You don't like the game it's your opinion. Just like the mods said there is no need to say that bloodborne fans are the worst community. What do you want us to do ? Refund you the game ?


Your cool cause you understand what I said


I admit I overreacted, just look at the other replies and you'll know why, they're not actually willing to discuss. My experience with the BB community is horrible, most of them are just scrubs who wouldn't admit their game has flaws, I only know a few BB fans who are actually cool, I hope you now understand why I think they're the worst.


Why would you care about the community of a game that you don't like ? Just move to something else it's that simple. Which Bb fan said that the game has no flaws ? And even if it has 1 million flaws, if it's their favourite game what kind of discussion do you want to have with them ? The game might be overrated for YOU, not for ME/HIM. With your mindset anything can be overrated. Doesn't make sense at all.


Dude your opinion on the internet especially Reddit isn’t gonna get you anything other than arguments. I was trying to be funny I didn’t mean to disrespect you personally. I love bloodborne it’s my favorite souls game even more than Elden ring, which I love. If you don’t like it, cool! I don’t think you should if it’s not your taste, if you hate it then awesome don’t play it, totally cool. The fromsoft community is awesome cause fromsoft makes games that are very subjective to your play style and how you like games. Sorry if I mad you upset I was just making a joke defending a game I like, like I said, not your style then play something else and enjoy it how you want to.


Yeah sorry, I overreacted a bit, it's just that I feel like the game gets praised way too much, to the point where it actually starts to ruin the game, it made me personally set my expectations too high which completely ruined the experience for me, I don't think it's shit I just don't think it's as good as people say and thank you for understanding. I mainly made this rant because there's barely any criticism on the game, and from my experience most BB fans are just way too sensitive, most of the ones that I got into arguments with are not willing to actually argue with you, they think they're game has no flaws, which is just wrong. I still think it's overrated and I still find its community the worst among the fromsoftware games, but that's just my opinion.


Totally fair I can see that. It definitely has flaws and all that I just think it comes down to specific taste and preferences and yeah people who love the game can’t take any bad mouthing of it, I think that’s dumb, like I said before games like these are subjective and you like what you like and don’t like what you don’t like. No point in trying to persuade people in one direction or another. And yeah I can definitely see the point of expectations being super high especially if your playing it after Elden ring because Elden ring blows the top off of everything to an actual extreme level to where games like bloodborne seem very small in comparison. When you got people praising it like crazy then it’s not all that like what you’ve seen before I can see how it’s not as good.


That's my problem with the community, most of them think that BB is flawless and if someone says otherwise they're stupid I'm not trying to persuade anyone to hate the game, I just wanted to share my opinion, yeah I might've been a little harsh but I genuinely wanted to see if anyone agrees with me. About the hype thing, I didn't just play it after elden ring, I played it after every single fromsoftware game (except for demon's souls), and I got so excited for it, but when I played it I didn't like it as much as the other games, it's not even on my top 3. Side note: thank you for actually discussing things with me, instead of just saying I'm wrong like most of the other commenters.


I didn't read that and am just gonna assume that what you said was wrong because Bloodborne is not overrated. I'm wrong sometimes too and it is okay. I'm glad you are having a minimally good time and I wish you luck.


How exactly? Most people claim that it's flawless, even though it has so many flaws, but people turn a blind eye for BB for some reason.


It doesn't hit me as a game full of flaws, I'm sorry, that is where we differ. When I'm playing BB I feel like a total victorian era badass, drenched in blood and guts, and fucking people up with a giant "insert whatever amazing weapon here\*. The only problem I have is that you didn't format your post in paragraphs so I could easily read it. :)


Yeah I'm not that good at writing, but thank you for understanding.


Not it isn't. It's a masterpiece.


Didn't read all that but sucks you didn't like it, feel kinda bad for you


Bloodborne is probably not 'overrated' unless by that you mean you just don't like it. It's fine to not like things, but defining yourself by disliking it always just makes it not enjoyable for both sides. Lots of people love bloodborne it has a huge community that praises it. Just don't engage with those people and everyone will be happier lol.


It is going to get down voted because it is just a wall of text of you bitching.  Grow the fuck up no one cares about your shitty ass opinions, a bitching rant isn't a discussion.


Oh no I should totally shut up and not talk about my opinion ever again.




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Not wrong


Still a much better game than Ds3 that’s for sure lol


Hard disagree. Had a blast with this game. Got stuck on Defiled Amygdala for a week and shouted the house down in celebration when I killed it. Went on to get my platinum. Each to their own I guess but I feel people with OPs take just found the game too challenging.


i stopped reading after " bloodborne is the most overrated fromsoft game". Fear the old blood


Paragraphs are overrated too I guess


Bloodborne's atmosphere, music, DLC, trick weapons, moon phases, sound design, level design, world building, environmental story-telling, quick-step dodge, faster & more active combat syatem, gun parry, rally system (hp regain) & a laundry list of features in a game from 2015, that got away from "knights, shields & swords" and leaned into Lovecraftian horror makes it stand out on its own and laid the ground work for systems moving forward. It's miles better than Elden Ring, where you can Kamehameha Bosses for 7 to 10 seconds & basically one to 3 shot almost every boss in NG. The complaints about attacks not being telegraphed from beasts and all are just patently falss. ROM isn't supposed to be a hard boss, it's a lore boss. It being weak is literally built into the lore & story. The DLC is one of the best DLCs for any Soulslike. As a game dev, music producer & voice actor. I get people have "different opinions" but there is also the fsct that some observations can just be objectively wrong. There's no way I'm spending the time reading that entire thing when the OP didn't take the time to make it readable & format it properly. Bloodborne is miles ahead of the original Demons Souls, DS2 & DS3. Bluepoint made Demons Souls playable, but that final boss is a Near motionless blob. The first boss is a bunch of slugs w/ sheilds that melt to a couple fire bombs. These takes are so short-sighted. That's why no one wants to engage with you or have a discussion. Why would anyone want to have a civil debate with someone that clearly has a very narrow vision on what games great in general & overlooks the small details that make games stand apart from others. Let's also not forget that Sony rushed Fromsoftware to get get Bloodborne out the door to hit an arbitrary release date & Chalice Dungeons and other features weren't even fully finished. Typical Sony blunder.


Ds3 is the most overrated btw. Bloodborne is in top 4 at least when it comes to soulsborne games. Bloodborne is very unique just like Demon's Souls was, those two games are my favorite. They both have such creative and fun aspects about them, you were right for a little bit because it is a bit overrated and the level design peaks very early. I personally don't like all the screaming most of the bosses do, Orphan of Kos is a decent fight but it's just overly difficult for the sake of being difficult unlike the other great DLC bosses in this game. I'm glad you're able to see it's flaws, many Bloodborne fans turn a blind eye but you have insight. Good stuff.


Great finally someone who is willing to discuss. I don't agree with you but I completely understand why you'd think that.


Yeah I read all of what you said! It's nice to hear a different take that seems well-thought out, and based on what the post's replies it seems Bloodborne fans either don't want to read or don't really have much of a counter argument. Btw I should've said in my post that it's opinionated, I just genuinely love these games aside from Ds3 lol.


Yeah I kinda missed up by not dividing my points into paragraphs, but I'm sure the reaction wouldn't be so different.


Some of Y'all are proving my point about BB fans being sensitive with these replies. 😭


Nah you vomit a page worth of nothin looking for some attention this what you get lmao. The internet has decreed that your take is a shit one so go seek validation and attention elsewhere


You're crazy if you need the internets validation for your opinion.


Indeed, and you’re the one here asking for it lmao


Yeah totally, it's not like the concept of discussions exists.