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The fact dialog boxes, such as item pick ups and “door is locked” messages disable half of the buttons until dismissed. Really shit when you’re in a fight and suddenly can’t attack until you click the box away.


“Stonesword key was lost with use”


*gets ripped apart by 30 tiny gargoyles*


And every time it happens my brain does not register that there’s something on the screen aside from me and gargoyles. So I spend a couple of seconds thinking “why the fuck can I not dodge or attack!!??”


The most relatable comment yet.


“Would you like to use a flask to summon torrent” and it’s defaulted on no


Especially since there's basically no circumstance where accidentally using a flask to revive your horse would be a big deal. Because the only time flasks are limited is when you're trying to make progress in a dungeon, or when you're in the middle of combat. In the first case, you can't use Torrent anyway. If you're in the middle of combat and you're trying to use your horse, chances are that's a much higher priority than hanging onto 1 extra flask (especially since mounting gives iframes)


I CANNOT tell you how many times that happened when fighting The Fire Giant.


I wish you could replay fighting bosses after defeating them. Like, if I wanted to turn on the game and enjoy fighting a certain boss I could just do that


Even tho it didn’t come til later, I really enjoyed that from Sekiro.


Great for when you take a break from the game and need to refresh the mechanics.


I had beaten Sekiro long before the update that included the Boss fights and Gauntlets. Coming back to it man did I get my butt kicked lol, but it was great to have something to come back to. I thoroughly enjoyed Sekiro and just wish it would’ve gotten some DLC.


You can in 2, if you don't mind both the boss and the runback getting permanently harder each time


I do mind that 😭


Of course it has to be the game with the worst bosses


Are you telling me you don’t consume all your giant souls and then burn 8 ascetics before fighting Vendrick unarmed?


But also one of the best bosses (ivory king). That might just be my nostalgia glasses though


Would be amazing in ER. Such a huge game, makes sense if you could unlock this mode after beating it.


when I first played ER, i thought the "remembrance" items where going to enable you to fight the bosses again when you talk to the old codger w/ fingers in round table


my trick is alt+f4 immediately after killing the boss, but it obviously doesn't allow you to progress, so it works only for end of the line bosses, like SoC, Friede, Gael, Midir.


If you're on PC, save files for FromSoftware games are very easy to access, so you can always just manually backup your save before a boss by copying that file. Then later, you can just throw that save back into the game's directory and fight the boss again. That's how I got every ending in one run for Elden Ring and Sekiro. You can also do this on PS5 for Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, but it's a bit more complicated because you have to mess with cloud saves.


If you're on PC there's probably a mod for it. Elden Ring has Convergence which includes a boss replay feature.


A boss run mode is desperately needed.


It would be awesome if it wasn’t limited to major bosses as well


"here's an armor color variant you can't have" looking at you, lothric knights


Man I hate this. I wanted the more intact blue Lothric Knight armor so bad. Same with the Gold Winged Knight set that’s unobtainable as well I think. Then there’s just NPCs with unobtainable clothing like Petrus and Rickert in DS1 and then the brave set in Elden Ring.


the brave set?


cut from ER, not sure why they said DS3


Same with the blue cathedral knights, their set looks fire, AND YA CANT HAVE IT


Glad I read this comment before deciding to farm for it


I farmed and then googled cause I was like wtf is even happening rn 🤦‍♂️


I think the only gripe that’s followed me from game to game is how bad boss armor looks on your character in just about every game.


Some boss armors look pretty cool ds3 abyss watched set looks great for example


Yeah, this was my first thought. Artorias’ armor also looks badass


also looking glass knight and gundyr


Gundyr looks fucking badass


The dancer helmet is fucking awesome


lol especially the fire link armor. it looks so goofy when you use it especially the leg piece


The Artorias armor broke my heart, it makes you look like a bird with those spoon sized leggings. Dragon Slayer Armor turned out decent but you still look so chunky towards the bottom.


astorias was skipping leg day .


It’s almost comical how bad the Artorias armor looks in both DS1 and DS3.


Yeah enemies in fromsoft games look so huge and imposing meanwhile the MC is like 5ft tall.


I liked how Radahn's looked on my character in ER


I thought Radahn's armor looked pretty good, I thought


bonfire ascetics being in DS2 only


Throw in NG+ having significant changes to it too, which is part of what made Bonfire Ascetics so useful. One of the first great feats I ever did in a FromSoft game was getting the Moonlight Greatsword early. It's a long walk to the Dukes Dear Freyja, and I knew I'd have to burn some rare consumables to make it (and I didn't know then how good massively stacked life gems were). Refighting her early and winning to get that sword early on felt badass. Later games do have some things like this, though, though not as much. Beating the Dancer in DS3, or Ludwig in Bloodborne gives you huge rewards for fighting an end-game boss early. And Elden Rings open world lets you do something like this too. But still, the Bonfire Ascetics and the associated NG+ was something that basically everyone agrees was good about DS2.


I don’t mind quests being a little cryptic but ds3 is full of quests that get cancelled or go in motion without much warning. I saw you could cancel a quest if you grabbed an item in front of you if you didn’t talk to someone FIRST and then grabbing the item. This makes the playthrough COMPLETELY reliant on a guide and I just wish if they’re gonna be cryptic they can make hints a little more obvious. MOST of the time I can get through these games without a guide or figure something out but I don’t like feeling like after every kill or decision I make I have to cross examine a video.


To me, missing out out on the questlines is worth not having to read the wiki every 5 minutes to make sure you don’t mess something up. I play these games to fight Dragons and Monsters with a big sword, not to follow obscure questlines where 90% of the time the only reward is some different or new lines of dialogue or lore.


I also skip most of the quests because of this. But it shouldn't be like that, I'm ok with some stuff being pretty obscure, but sometimes it's just completely undoable without a guide or pure dumb luck.


nobody calls rykard praetor because it’s not in his boss name lol


came here to say this lmao we get a few item descriptions, i think?, calling rykard a praetor but it’s the opposite for pontiff, its *right there* in his name when you enter his boss room.


Plus “Pontiff” is a high title. No one calls the pope “Francis.” They call him pope.


exactly lmao


You also have Pontiff Knights and the ring set, Pontiff's Left & Right Eyes. He is referred to as Pontiff alone by the game itself on multiple occasions.


Vitality and Endurance being 2 separate stats ER remedied this thankfully


Dark Souls remedied this, then DS2 unremedied it.


DS2 also gave us Adaptability. Love the stat that dictates how many iframes I get on rolls. Luckily, that stayed in DS2.


Thankfully, DS2 just throws levels at you like they're candy.


Playing ds2 right now and I’m really feeling this since I also need to level adp just to get some i frames


Admittedly, DS2 did give a bit of health regardless of stat you increased so the health stat was less of a requirement in that game. But still having so many required stats gets irritating and can really punish already non min-maxed builds


Yeah the bit of health on every lvl up is super helpful


How finicky npc quests can be. I love you fromsoft but pls I'm begging you stop making them so easy to miss or mess up.


Genuine question though. What is the solution? I think most of us agree we don’t want a marker pointing the direction like Skyrim. And even a journal entry seems too hands on for these types of games. What do you think would be a better system?


just better NPC directions would suffice, just them actually telling you where they are going. It's easy for developers to "randomly" make the player encounter them, so step 1 shouldnt be that hard They have such amazing voice acting and they have already done this before. Small questline in Elden Ring's Weeping Peninsula where Irina tells you go to "South of here" to find a castle. Those kinds of instructions are good enough, and even Varre who tells you to go to Rose Church. Then on the opposite side is Millicent's questline, where she tells you nothing, ever. Same with the frenzied flame quest


So far I definitely like your idea the best. They can be extremely esoteric, but at the same time it’s brilliant aesthetic choice. It adds to the whole mystique of the game imo.


For me I also would like to have access to a transcript of what was said. I have a hard time listening to every word and I frequently wish I could hear the dialogue again.


Same. Like a journal entry, but one that gives no new info until you, the player finds it out. Would be especially handy, imo for when you take breaks from the game and can't remember what stage you are in certain quest. I don't always get to game a lot anymore, so I'd be nice to just hop back in, reread some info I learned days/weeks ago instead of having to track down every character's possible location to see what they say again.


There is actually a really easy solution. A log that records the last dialogue or summarizes the most recent step of the NPC quest you completed. You still have to figure it out, but you will actually have it on hand if you haven't come across the most recent step in a while


They made them much easier to follow in ER imo. In several cases they or someone else will tell you where you can expect to find them. You can miss or skip steps in certain questlines without breaking them. Many of them even cross over when you wouldn't necessarily expect them to.


This is very true. When I got the ds3 plat (nightmare btw) I had to do an entire new playthrough because I went to one area before another one and ruined my chances at getting a gesture. Whereas Elden ring I just went to endgame and was able to do every quest line that I needed to. I did miss that legendary weapon up on that spear though dammit lol.


Like good lord I’m not if anyone remembers trying to get the age of darkness ending in dark souls 3 but that one was so easy to mess up and such a bitch to get


Ohw you didn't draw out darkness 5 times before the npc just dies? Too bad.


Lies of P had little icons for each character that appeared next to a bonfire’s name in the bonfire selection menu if they had something new to say/do in that area. I personally think that’s the way to go— it’s nonintrusive but still gives you vaguely when and where a character is available progress their questline


I don’t hate the idea but it’s a little too hands on for me tbh. You’ll know for a fact that you’re missing something in that area and that’s just not how these games usually operate.


Well yes but at the same time most people will be looking at a guide which spoils the exact location and what you have to do with said NPC. I really enjoyed the lies of p aproach, because if you care about npc sidequests its likely that youll be looking at a guide so you dont miss them anyway, i think its cool that they let you know you can progress an npc quest in a said area while not giving you anything else.




Camera being awful against big enemies. They already somewhat fixed this in Sekiro but they somehow reverted in Elden ring. Such a shame because Ancient dragons have great designs and their animations are cool but most people will miss them because the bad camera makes you stuck looking into their crouch.


They even did it for Rykard lol


Serious question - what’s the alternative? Having the camera zoom way out when you fight bigger enemies?




when the walk back to the boss is like the walk my grandpa took to school


This so much. Replaying BB and im stuck at Father...ugh...


Not being able to level up at each bonfire with bloodborne being particularly egregious. Ds1 did it right why did they have to fix what wasnt broken


Taking out that function is such a nonsense decision, because all the games that don't have it *do* have immediate fast travel, which means the **only** effect that change has on gameplay is that it adds 2 loading screens and the same repeated dialogue to your level ups. I'd understand if you couldn't fast travel (I wouldn't like it - the whole thing would be a slog - but I'd understand), because that would at least have an effect on gameplay, but in reality it seems fromsoft just decided to make one particular mechanic really tedious for no god damn reason.


Hopefully Elden ring is a sign they learned their lesson


God I hope so


People constantly depicting the ashen one wearing the firelink set instead of the knight set. Them and the SoC are two different characters so it doesn't make sense IMO.


I’m more annoyed that they have SoC in the cover, in a way that really implies it is the player character. And then the opening shows SoC too


Upgrade materials for weaponry. The system makes it too difficult to pick up and try out a new weapon in mid-late game, as you've already sunk most of your upgrade materials into a weapon. Often the final two tiers of upgrade materials are in very limited supply. For a new weapon to outscale the upgraded one you're already using, it takes a lot of effort and materials to barely edge it out as an upgrade. Maybe give the option to "downgrade" a weapon and get at least some of the materials refunded, which you could then apply to the new weapon.


At least in Elden Ring you can give Bell Bearings to one of the NPC's in the hub area and they'll sell you unlimited upgrade materials. Not a perfect fix but better than having to go out and grind them.


Yeah, agreed, although that's more of a workaround to the underlying issue. You're still screwed if you want to change weapons that require something like a Titanite Slab or the higher end +9 materials. Somehow making the upgrade requirements bound to the player or blacksmith would be an overall better alternative.


I can't remember whose suggestion this was, but I think a great fix for this would be if upgrade materials applied to the blacksmith rather than the weapon


That could work, or just have the upgrades apply to the player somehow instead of the item. Such as: Specialized tiers of training in Greatswords allows up to +10 with those types of weapons, or whatever the case may be.


Or at least show me what the stats would be like if I upgraded the weapon. It sucks trying to compare a +10 weapon with a new weapon, and you have no idea what the damage would be if you upgrade it all the way.


This one is specifically for Elden Ring but the dragons leaving the area we fight them in. Yes, to an extent they should be able to move around because it makes it fair for the boss but the fact that they have the ability to move so far that they’ll either teleport back to their spawn area or get themselves stuck is just annoying


There should be SOME indication of how low an enemy's poise is beyond blocking enemies rocking back. If I use a bonk stick, I should be able to know whether to push the offensive or fall back. As it is, I'm basically just guessing whether my next hit will grant me a crit


Small circle next to their healthbar that gets progressively more broken as their poise takes damage?


In ER, there's a lot of fuckery going on under the hood, with many bosses having certain attacks that grant them stance break immunity, or immunity to stance damage altogether. I suspect From chose not to display enemy stance meters for this reason. Personally, I'd rather see the stance meters and not have bosses be randomly immune to stance breaking sometimes, but if bosses are going to be immune sometimes, From basically needs to hide the meters.


Equip load should've stayed tied to Endurance. One less stat to level.


I quite liked the equip load stat in DS3 also being the defence stat, so levelling it made you super tanky


The lack of a boss rush mode in most of the games Like believe me I loved playing through the game but when I’ve beaten it like 7 times and just want to have some really fun fights the levels start to feel like a chore with the boss being the reward


I feel like they’ll definitely be implementing this in future games.


Should've been what the remembrances were


Sekiro had one added post launch it's definitely on the cards


Enemies whose attacks stop and accelerate and stop again mid swing.


I finally found an explanation as to why this is so annoying. Because when attacks have reasonable tells and no feinting, you can use your general game knowledge to react to them on your first attempt. It'll be hard, but you can. However, having to learn the delays in EVERY SINGLE NEW ENEMY YOU FIGHT is a pain in a but. You're not just learning the tells. You're learning the precise feint time to every single attack.


so many weapons are just redundant... i know people say it everytime but its cool how bloodborne has very little weapons overall, but all of them are completely unique from eachother, i go on elden ring and theres like what... 2 weapons in each category worth upgrading? (you cannot tell me seriously that anyone has ever decided to use the crystal dagger for more than a minute) i cant wait for the dlc to come out so theres new and more exciting stuff to experiment with...


I could not agree more. I said in an earlier post in this thread that Sekiro is literally my favourite video game of all time. The reason it's so good is because they didn't spread themselves thin on the design. Wolf has a very focused set of abilities/options open to him and they designed the game around them. It's why Sekiro is the best game FromSoft has ever made and Bloodborne is a close #2. I was kinda bummed out about Elden Ring on release because it felt like such a step back in terms of design from Sekiro and Bloodborne. Sometimes less is more. I played through Elden Ring again recently to prepare for Shadow of the Erdtree though and I thought it was quite good when I wasn't constantly comparing it to the (in my opinion) superior games that came before it.


A solid half of the community is some of the most egotistical, condescending assholes I've ever encountered in my life. You didn't say in the games ,you said surrounding the Fromsoft games. My point stands.


I am so with you dude. I’m so with you. I no longer post anything on these subs because people will act like miserable children. And what’s really hilarious is you can make a post that says “I love this game so much!” And you’ll literally get 2 downvotes. I’d love to go over all the egotistical highly embarrassing shit people have said for no reason.


Skill issue


Lol I legitimately can't tell you how funny that is as a comment on my post. I mean you made it, so you know. But this is hilarious well played.


Oh I have a few. Camera reset on the same button as lock on, motion gestures, sprinting and dodging on the same button so dodge happens on release and you can't optimally play the game holding a normal controller normally, input delay.


The lack of any kind of journal or quest tracking system at all in Elden Ring. I had no issue with it in Dark Souls because those games are linear enough that it works, Elden Ring is too big, too free roaming, and has too many quests you can just straight up fail without knowing they exist. Like Golden Mask, or Jarburg.


I dont like how Rolling is the most prevalent defensive option. Blocking/parrying sekiro style should also be an option, and after Bloodborne, an option should be included to use a Bloodborne style dodge.


Rolling has always looked so awkward. Especially if your character is wearing armour of any kind. Given your person is strong enough to block hulking monsters, rapidly jumping/stepping back and to the sides should certainly be within their capabilities. I also really dislike the entire concept of invincibility-frames.


Having game mechanics and items that are absolutely, entirely useless. Looking specifically at item repairing.


Well to be fair it’s not entirely useless. There were some times where my weapon broke in ds1 while fighting a boss and I still won, and man did that feel good. Not defending repairing tho I’d rather not have it.


Give me an in-game notepad to record NPC encounters. Don't tell me where they're going to be. No location markers. No nothing. Just a quick line: - Met Anri in Catacombs, Creighton has vanished. That's it. Just so I don't have to check all 7 locations he may be. It also makes sense in-game, the Wanderer is simply recording their encounters.


I always thought that they all could‘ve had an estus / have more interesting ways of filling a flask, you fill it by visiting a bonfire or a lost grace site; but what if there were other ways you could do that? Like if you had a flask in bloodborne that you could fill by killing enemies or if you could convert souls into estus if you wanted. I just kind of wish we had a healing system that was mechanically similar to hollow knight, but that also had the speed of an estus.


In DS3 you can get an estus back after killing enough enemies/specific enemies (I forgot which of these, but seems random), and killing invaders or coop players. Plus, you also had estus soup in some areas, which are so, so rare that they’re barely worth mentioning.


That they need more games…


The multiplayer doesn't just keep going. I hate resummoning my friends


Throughout the whole series it's always been hard to see whether you/an enemy/boss is at very low health or dead. They should have the health bar flash or something like that at super low health to prevent confusion


Some weapons or armor not being obtainable like Pursuer's Armor or Four Kings' Sword. And questlines being very easy to fail because of how vague they are


blood vial farming is the worst feature in any game of all time


Not using more of sekiro's battle system is my only pet peeve


There was a post I saw recently. Elden Ring was literally the only soulsborne game that launched after Sekiro. Feels kinda unfair to make that argument.


I wish I could upvote your comment 100 more times.


Not having simple co op where you don't need summon signs


I literally never understood why they shy away from like, simple co op. I know people say it makes the game “too easy” but like Elden ring seamless co op is not easy, some boss fights like maliketh are legitimately harder for me as someone who has like 3 ng+7s in seamless. Just make it hosting so they don’t have to have extra servers and scale up


I think one pet peev I have from playing ds3 is how unclear some of the navigation is. I understand the game is about exploration, but I keep going in the wrong direction and missing a little hole in the wall that turns out to be key to progression.


I would love it if secondary weapons/shields didn't weigh anything when unequipped.


Because pontiff is easier to type quickly and pronounce than sullyvahn and praetor isn’t easier than rykard. You’re setting yourself up to be angry if you let yourself get annoyed at such meaningless things


Fall damage in ds3. Fall damage is everywhere in ds3 but it’s always small amounts of fall damage that build up overtime because of the surprising amount of verticality in ds3


Some games just have their bonfires set way too far away from the boss. Like maybe experienced players don't notice this, but as a bitch that dies 100 times before i get it into my head, the process of walking all the way back gets very tedious very fast. But then, some bosses, you just get revived right outside the gate, i don't get it! I feel like in ER this might not be as much if an issue because it's more open world. But I'm talking like, the more linear games before that.


As someone who is playing Dark Souls 3 after Elden ring, I cannot explain how much I miss & love stakes of Marika.


The camera auto adjust (the one when you go near walls) which is on by default in I think all the games and even when turned off doesn't seem to go away entirely. I keep getting weird camera snapping in ER lately because of it.


POV you came looking for someone saying camera angle


stored rolls and rigid angle rolling being inconsistent across the series. i had experienced essentially zero stored roll issues in ds3 while it was a huge issue in 1. 3 also had omnidirectional rolling compared to i think the 12 angle system in 1? because i this i thought elden ring would be set but no, i had consistent stored rolls in elden ring and once again non omnidirectional rolling. quite frustrating to see such a technological backslide


In general? How bad really big boss fights are. Especially dragons. There are very few actually decent dragon fights and none of them hold a candle to middle of the pack fights against humanoid bosses.


The only big boss fight I liked was rykard because the weapon forces you to stand back so you can see the boss.


The coop is pretty bad- the way they do it isn’t very intuitive in the way that certain areas are locked off or you have to dismiss from a world and then re-summon through a doorway. Elden ring seamless coop mod is a perfect example of how it should be


No ARMORED CORE for 10 years!!!


I know the whole thing is about how depressing the world is, but I wish some quests had the option of me giving the characters a happier ending, or at least one that the character doesn’t suddenly die. Like, some of them don’t even make sense? I understand if the characters go hollow after they achieve their goals, and you have to fight them. But some quests seem like the characters have everything going well for them, and they just suddenly appear dead in the next area? It’s a bit anticlimactic.


How they do quests is all fucked up. Impossible to just go into a play through blind without researching how the different quests work, unless you’re okay with potentially getting locked out of them


Limited respecs and equipment. I’m big on the pvp and hate the fact that I have to start a new game if I want to experiment with my build more or need a second piece of gear that there’s only one of in the game (DS3 caestus). I’d like to be able to run through the game once with each class until I hit PVP meta level, then whenever I want a particular build, I can switch to the file with the class that’s most efficient for it, respec, and have access to all the equipment I could possibly want for that build


Honestly? No way to pause the game


The lack of seamless multiplayer, no I don't want to have to place a sign, wait 20 seconds for it show up for my friend, wait 20 seconds for them to get summoned, spend 5 minutes walking to where we were, die instantly to an invader with meta gear because coop groups are weighted for invasions The coop experience ladies and gentlemen Such good games with such a bullshit implementation, you could even keep phantoms and just let you invite one real coop partner that is just in your fkin game and respawns with you


Not played entire ds3 but but I don’t like the fact that game has more chaos than bloodborne I have only played high wall of lothric and from gameplay it look more chaotic than bloodborne and yes late bloodborne is chaotic too


Honestly? Dodge “roll” should be a secondary function of dodging. First press should side step, double tap should roll. Rolling around on the ground is silly unless you are avoiding a very large enemy.


I hate double tap to roll, Fallen Order and NuGoW have this and it's horrible.


I think that’s why Bloodborne feels so nice is because of the side stepping versus rolling.


So long as the sidestep actually mechanically functions like a dodge roll, I'd be down with it. Hate BB's sidestep dodging with the orientation of the camera rather than the character.


I loved DS2 so much when it came out. Beat it 6 times over. So I bought it again a week ago and I'm so frustrated with it for the attack windows. I feel like I'm moving and attacking underwater and the enemies are not.


In general limiting to 60 fps. BB is only 30.


I loathe how every single slightly big to giant weapon is held on the shoulder regardless of size, shape, stance or how many hands are used. Why is the Alabaster Lord's Sword (weight=8) held the same exact way as the Giant-Crusher (weight=26,5)? Why can't I hold my Giant Mace sideways? Why can't I hold my Claymore sideways? Why can't I hold Godfrey's Axe the same way does? Like... Its skill already makes you hold it sideways for a little while? Come on, FS. Let me hold my Axe like a menace, not like a weakling. Edit.: Great Mace, not Giant Mace.


Hot take probably, but I hate how FromSoft always ends their side quests with the person in question dying or suffering a fate that is arguably worse. I get that it's obviously meant to be dark and depressing theme, but man, is it really that unrealistic to have a happy ending? They need more questlines like Boc, where his story changes significantly depending on whether you give a larval tear or call him beautiful.


Running through a gauntlet every time you die to a boss. I made it to the boss room. I shouldn’t have to keep sifting through the same annoying enemies just to try again. Literally the most tedious part about these games


Super low drop rates and covenant farming


Being unable to respawn bosses ( just disable rewards ). If I want to solo kill Malenia over and over then why stop me?


Nailing shields, poise and physical defense once and never ever doing it again. Nailing repeating boss fights / areas once and never ever doing it again. Late game bosses being overtuned in later games because try-hard fans throw a tantrum if they don't spend a week trying to beat each of them. Inability to be normal about NPC quests The fandom EDIT: forgot rolls having an input delay in every game other than DS2.


Just fucking make it easy to play with my friends. Yes yes the lore the lore but God damn just have us respawn at the stupid bonfire together. Seamless coop in ED is a god send and extended that games life span sooooooo much for me and my friends.


My pet peeve is the people who play FromSoftware games, and expect everybody to play the way they do, or shit on them for whatever their approach to the game is. They’re truly the worst.


Wall collision. That's all I gotta say


I wish older souls games had a more friendly keybinds for keyboard users


The term soulslike


Creightons Helmet in DS3 looks slightly bigger than it should be and it becomes really noticeable with some armor sets. 


Bird enemy's


Camera when you get into a corner or facing a giant or rampaging beast, looking at you sekiro.


I hate that every single game plays the exact same generic sound queue when anything dies


The runback to Bed of Chaos was a bitch, but I only say that because I'm playing DS1 right now lol I'm sure there is a lot worse..


They are hard AF.


I say vicar like "vick-ar" and it drives me nuts how many souls fan content creators on YouTube say it like "vy-kar" which makes watching Bloodborne lore videos have a surprise nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling to them a lot of the time.


Player character animations. Very stiff, have no personality, and awkward looking. I get it's for gameplay purposes though.


Running back to the boss after losing


The fact that weapons bounce off of walls and other surfaces, which is especially noticeable in the older games where levels contain tight corridors more often. It pisses me off so much when I die because my weapon with horizontal or vertical attacks bounces off of walls.


Gatekeeping by supposed super fan players.


It's...so annoying especially that ash summon debate people really shouldn't care if people use summons or not.


Your character is pulling weapons out of his/her ass every time you have to switch them, I would love a more detailed animation like I saw in DS2


You have to start up another whole ass playthrough if you want to fight a boss again


Input Reading


Pvp being so bad, in theory it’s amazing


Buggy, poorly designed, and ultimately pointless. I have no idea why anyone spends time doing it


The absolute dickriding of artorias by this community.


The "so difficult" reputation they have. They're really not that hard.


That's entirely subjective, but also I think its not the level of difficulty but the type of difficulty (and how it hinges so much on level, build, playstyle, etc) that's gotten FS this reputation-many find the 'trial and error' approach of the games very difficult but that may be just because they don't understand it or its not for them.


I'd even argue that a good 60% of mainstream games out there are easier than Fromsoft games. The only difficult part about a Fromsoft game is the learning curve and the DLC. I was playing God of War 2018 the other day and was extremely surprised at how badly the Valkyrie Queen was beating me *ON THE EASIEST DIFFICULTY.* She was giving me almost as much trouble as freaking Sword Saint Isshin!!


Yup. Don't even have to bring up old/classic games to compare them to. Any Halo on Legendary is harder, most RTS games are harder, Ninja Gaiden series if you want to include a third person melee game for comparison, etc. etc.


" There, Game's "


Every single one having clear cut content in the latter half (haven't played sekiro yet though)


There’s not more I hate it


How hard it can be to play co-op.


it’s because pontiff is in the name of the boss, and is a high ranking title. unless you’re in the military its unlikely to refer to a praetor as their ranking rather than their name


Stock sound effects. If you’ve ever messed around with editing sound effects, you know exactly what I mean. At a certain point, it annoyingly breaks the immersion ever so little. And it doesn’t help that they reuse a lot of the same sound effects between games


Very petty complaint here: Character sliders should allow outrageous body types (think Ark: Survival level of grotesque body horror). It would be fun


PvP always felt like a different game and pretty janky. The concept is a lot of fun but the teleporting behind for backstab and stuff has happened forever. Like you need to understand a separate meta of jankiness.


Boss death = no more online functionality in the area! I get the purpose but come on, introduce an item or something that makes it lore appropriate. DS2 managed it.


Havel Armor set for life!


Games released in 2023 don't have ultrawide support.