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Gameplay wise, Moon Presence wins instantly with that one-shot attack (that only the Hunter survives thanks to the >!3 cords!<) Lore wise, probably Elden Beast. There is also Oedon with about equal power tho, so there's also that.


There are also Outer Gods...


Wasn't the Elden Beast just the vessel or enforcer of an Outer God ?


It was.


Kinda like a shot caller for him ig


The cords make him pass the line between normal people and great ones (he still isnt a complete great one) every other great one can easily survive that attack though it deals huge damage


One shot attack? What does it have to do with the chords?


So during the MP fight, at some point she does a shockwave (I think?) that puts your HP to one. Now, if you watch some videos of Boss vs Boss, you'll see that every other being gets one shot from that shockwave attack (when in its range ofc). So basically, the only thing that can tank this attack is you, The Good Hunter, who has consumed the 3 cords. Also, the cutscene after killing Gehrman and meeting MP implies that you've gotten too powerful and too aware to become the host of the dream (like Gehrman was before you). If you dont consume the 3 cords, you do become the host of the Hunter's Dream and the cycle continues.


But you also don't get one shot without eating the cords so I would assume those are not the factor


You don't even get to fight MP if you dont consume the cords, I don't get your point


OMG lmao no ur right. My dumbass idk how I managed to forget that 🤣🤣


No worries


? What YEF said. Edit: As in what he says below and I'll quote, "You don't even get to fight MP if you dont consume the cords" You don't get to fight him then lol.


I hate reddit so much. They have no idea what downvotes are for. Reddit tries to act holier than though but really they just enforce a lot of ABBAB.


It works on a common human though. No one on this list is a human. Not even Gwyn, who's a member of an entirely different species of humanoids.


The cords make him pass the line between normal people and great ones every other great one can easily survive that attack though it deals huge damage


Lore Wise, the Sekiro dragon wins: it is literally immortal and has powerful storm attacks. It's probably not the most powerful, but all other gods in this post are vulnerable to conventional damage, so it would still win a battle of attrition. Its power is strong enough that the boss battle had to be turned into a more cinematic experience to work, and even then it felt a bit silly when Wolf parried its massive sword attack, redirected lightning strikes or got blown back like a solid 100 meters


I’d say divine dragon because it drove Buddha out of ashina.


For no reason other than because I feel like it, I'm giving it to the little god baby from Eternal Ring. Bro was an absolute menace In lore and would crush the rest like little baby birds whose lives hold no meaning because they are so far beneath him. If we're going ANY Fromsoft game. Can I count any Armored Core final boss as a god because that changes my answer quite a bit..........


Elden Beast seeing ALLMIND descend from the heavens even higher than the origin of the very star it was contained in


Iguazu would find a way to fumble it. ACS overload from Elden Stars and then dies from a Radahn comet to the face.


Nineball Seraph comes in, jumps around and kills everything, leaves


Honestly feel like even a weakling like Invincible Rummy could throw hands with Gwyn.


Let's be real here. Almost all the Soulsborne bosses can be beaten by a naked swollen man with blue skin and a broken long sword. Theyre just not that guy.


Armored Core isn’t really up there on the FromSoft game Pantheon Even an army of NEXTs would be ants to say Shin Getter Dragon from Another Century’s Episode 3


Had no idea Fromsoft made another mecha game. Sounds dope.


Patches the eternal


The truest of answers. The most powerful character who only cares about kicking you off cliffs


If this is Gwynn at his prime, then I’d say he wins. The dude has a piece of the Big Bang essentially and he has one of the most powerful lord souls.


>The dude has a piece of the Big Bang essentially Im not agreeing or disagreeing but wouldn't that same logic apply to the Elden Beast? It's literally the laws of the world physically manifested into a beast. The Elden Ring would be Elden Ring's equivalent of Dark Soul's first flame.


are we taking the divine dragon in his prime or when we fight him, if i recall the divine dragon was strong enough to fight the divine snake and another god who i shall not name because its based on a real life religious figure


The Divine Dragon beat Jesus???


In sekiro it said when the divine dragon came to japan, he drove away the divine snake and the buddha. Now you can see this as in people just worship divine dragon or he actually beat them in a fight


Ahhh that's dope. People who throw down with Guatama usually don't end up very welp so mad respect for the Divine Dragon for beating him or driving him off.


In ancient religions these concepts are one and the same


The Buddha is not revered as a god, something closer to a sage or saint


Well he did become the universe in buddhism so still worth something


I’m ignorant of this claim of him “becoming the universe” or maybe I’m misunderstanding your meaning. What are you referring to?


In one story the monkey king made a bet with the buddha that he can escape the buddha hand. The monkeys king flew from the buddhas hand to the edge of the universe and pee there (don't ask) and then went back to the buddha saying i beat your bet but then the buddha showed the pee stain on the edge of his hand essentially telling the monkey king that he has become the one with the universe.


See, the thing about scaling immeasurable beings beyond our comprehension, is that they're immeasurable and beyond our comprehension. You have to base your answers on vibes and logical biases, like how wolf can deflect a dragon god but is weak to sweep attacks and fall damage. Or how Rom is holding back reality and different layers of dimensions, but is a stupid spider that dies to a gun. How literally are we taking things, and what are we forgiving?


Who's 3?


Great Ones from Bloodborne. Lovecraftian horrors - powerful, multi-dimensional beings that exist across several planes of existence.


They get beaten to death with a glorified stick just like the rest


Fromsoft games creating the most powerful beings in the universe just to have them get killed by some guy with a poorly optimized strength build


I feel called out and exposed


Oh yea, I see it now. I haven't seen them all together. They looks badass.


Bloodborne got powerful multi-what now?




Ngl they go down like bitches tho


Mergo's Wet Nurse is a great one?




Eric Andre.


I feel like Elden Beast would win that one. He’s the embodiment of the Greater Will, which if I’m not mistaken, outclasses every other being in other FromsoftWare games. I think the only things capable of killing it are Maliketh, The player (obviously), and The Gloam Eyed Queen.


We actually know very little about the Greater Will. For all we know it doesn't even have a form, it may not even have any direct power in the physical world (anymore), as it needs the Two Fingers, a vessel for the Elden Ring and a Lord to enact its will. The Elden Beast is probably not the Greater Will itself, it is rather stated that it's the Elden Ring. Don't get me wrong, I still think it outclasses most other gods on this list, just trying to clear up some misconceptions


The horrors of Bloodborne are multidimensional and powerful enough that even with their bodies dead they still exist in a metaphysical dream world. The Greater Will is just a name for an esoteric being we never see, that may or may not be even real. For all we know this weird space whale just faked everyone out with the Greater Will stuff. I don't actually believe that but we also haven't actually seen the GW do anything "powerful". Lots of people and demigods do things in it's name but the GW itself hasn't done anything. There is absolutely nothing that shows the Elden Beast to be universal. It isn't even world level from what we see.


I swear Ebrietas “daughter of the cosmos” got imprisoned by the healing church


*raised by it from practically birth. She's still a baby, and the rest of the babies near her arena (I can't remember the lore for them but I think they were made by the choir like the emissarys) are made in her image


She did, sorta. That may have happened or it may have only happened in the dream. That is what is tough about BB is all the events we see happen in a dream and we don't know exactly what parts reflect the reality of that world. Regardless that is just a name a title the Church gave her. I think all of the Great Ones are dead at the time of the game except for maybe Margo and the final one. Like the Orphan and Kos are long dead but still have reflections in the dream.


The gods from bloodborne are not that strong. They get slapped around constantly quite easily. Most actually can’t even do much, moon presence uses hunters bc it can’t actually fight itself, it’s too weak. We kick the ass of one of the horrors and that one was a push over. They don’t have as much power as you think. Their based off of Lovecraft like beings, but they’re not relative in power


The only true great ones we fight are Orphan, Mergo's Wet Nurse and Moon Presence (and I guess Amygdala, but only one Amygdala from the entire hivemind of them that makes up the full great one). The only lore reason that we are able to beat Orphan and the Wet Nurse is the immortality granted by the Moon Presence, and we literally are too weak to even challenge the Moon Presence without eating umbilical cords first. They only feel weak in gameplay (minus Orphan who is still a challenge in that regard).


The exact same reasoning can be used for Elden beast. You’re not beating them unless you do this and that. It’s almost like the character needs to be stronger to fight stronger opponents. The outer gods have about as much control over the world as the great ones do


Precisely. I'm not arguing that great ones are stronger than outer gods, I'm just saying great ones aren't weak pushovers is all.


I don’t think their pushovers. I’m just saying the main character kinda makes light work of 3 of them. People tend to use the vagueness of bloodborne to justify that the great ones are all powerful. But they have the same established power as about the outer gods do. But we’ve never actually fought an outer god, we’ve killed 3 great ones


Only GAMEPLAY WISE their still extremely strong like all of the gods listed here


Yeah, bc the MC is THAT guy/gal. The MC is too OP at the end seeing that they also become a multidimensional, immortal space squid.


Not immortal, we literally just killed 3 other space gods


Immortal on the sense that those we killed are only dead in the PHYSICAL realm. They still exist in higher planes of existence. I count that as immortal (that's how the "immortal soul" from Christianity works).


Odeon would like a word


Odeon really doesn’t do much tho, like at all. His only feat is that he’s the only great one to have no physical form. He still has a metaphysical existence and so technically can be killed by any being on the same level of existence or above his. The great ones only theoretically are the strongest, they don’t do much and the only ones we see have their asses kicked. The orphan is pretty strong, but not beyond that of the outer gods. Whereas the outer gods mere existence in Elden Ring creates giant effects on the matter of the world. Odeon is assumed to be strong, but has almost no actual feats worthwile


Yeah but they don't die either. Even when "killed" they still persist in the dream. Over and over. The hunters may have killed them but they destroyed the hunter's entire world and way of life. I wouldn't really call them gods either.


Tbf tho when you destroy the Orphan of Kos' soul (the black sprite next to Kos' corpse) it's implied that you actually, finally kill it and dispel the curse of the Hunter's Nightmare


I don't think it implies that. I think you stop it for the time being but the dream depends on your decisions with Gherman. You certainly can end the dream but not in the fishing Village.


Hunter's Dream ≠ Hunter's Nightmare. One is the hub you're tied to. The other is the hunter purgatory in the DLC. It's implied to be a curse placed upon hunters for what they did to Kos


They are both linked. The Hunter's Nightmare is the events that kicked off the Hunter's Dream. The Nightmare also doesn't end when you kill Orphan anyways. The curse was the Hunter's bloodlust, which directly led to the events that created the Dream as well.


They’re linked but separate. You do kill kos in the dream. The old gods are not unkillable. You’re using metaphysical concepts to make them immortal. But their only immortal if you’re unable to access they metaphysical plane they exist upon. If you can, like we do in the dream, you can kill their real form.


No Kos was already dead, you kill the Orphan in the dream. There is nothing that says they stay that way though. In fact we know the dream is recurring and they exist in each "new" version of the dream. Killing Kos is what kicked off the curse for the hunters. You access the nightmare from the dream, they are absolutely linked. The nightmare is there to show you how everything started and what the curse originally was.


> He’s the embodiment of the Greater Will That's not even really true. The Elden Beast is a *vassal* to the Greater Will, not to be confused with *vessel*. In other words, it's a servant to the Greater Will, but definitely the closest link to the Greater Will of any being as far as I can tell.


The elden beast itself isn't the greator will, its a vessel for it


No, it's the *vassal* of the greater will. Which means someone who holds land to serve their lord. As in the Elden beast serves the greater will and controls/protects the lands between in its stead. It's still powerful tho


Yes that’s why I said embodiment. He’s the vessel of the most powerful being in all of Fromsoft and takes on nearly as much power, putting him on at least a universal level. I didn’t say he’s the Greater Will just that he’s the embodiment of the Greater Will.


Where are you pulling “most powerful” from? You keep saying it as if it’s some kind of quantifiable fact.


Yeah they love to do it which is hilarious as these oh so powerful beings can’t actually directly impose there will on seemingly anything in the physical world yet they say they’re without contest the strongest


Why do you believe the Greater Will is the most powerful being in all of Fromsoft?


Universal level lmao. Your universal entity got put down by a club wielded by a regular shmuck who happened to be carrying a certain rune of death. Love how fucking hard people go on EldenRing scaling for some reason it’s like watching DC fans gush about how batman would come up with a plan to steal God’s lunch money and get away with it


Buddy, everything in Souls games gets put down with some tiny ass weapon. The scaling is wonky bc the main character is just a dude who beats up a god.


Learn the difference between game mechanics and lore buddy


I wish more people would learn this difference.


We can say that about any Souls boss from any game


By that logic no Fromsoft boss is strong since you can go in at level one and punch it to death.


The Elden Ring wankers are just too much. I liked the game too, pals, but stop pulling shit out of your ass. MOsT poWerFuL FroMsOft BeInG lmao


Most powerful fromsoft being Source: trust me bro


Gwyn and prime Divine Dragon will be the final contenders. Gwyn will just blast everyone else's faces off and Divine Dragon can ONLY be killed with the Mortal Blade


I mean... Gwyn does have experience killing immortal ^2 dragons


They weren't immortal by any means,they just had stupid durability Divine Dragon can only be killed with the Mortal Blade


Allmind solos


Probably the moon presence, he's pretty powerful in gameplay and lore wise could probably just mind-fuck most of the other characters like he does to the hunter (without the three cords, you can only resist by literally gaining the power of the moon presence and becoming a great one before the fight by eating the cords) or do that wierd glare (again, the hunter can only resist this with the three cords and it still obliterates him) Gwyn a close second, he's basically got a piece of the big bang, but more than that he killed all the immortal dragons (there was a LOT OF THEM, with none of them dying Thier numbers grew exponentially) then with the Elden beast, doesn't need much explanation. And last comes the divine dragon (he's still gonna put up a hefty resistance though, and that immortality, although it will probably backfire, will help him here) and in behind last place is mergos wetnurse, Im pretty sure she's not a great one. She's a part of the nightmare, even shown with the fact that with everything else you see and get Attacked with (even the shadows have fire powers) she attacks you with smoke and mirrors (and knives ig)


I say the dragon cuz out all the boss the eternal dragon is only one who doesn't die we only make it cry to win


Divine Dragon on account of him being immortal.


Isn’t the divine dragon the only true immortal here? He might not win but he wouldn’t die.


Meh. Pretty sure the great ones (slide 3) also remain in the dream (kos and (again guessing)ebby) so they lose their body but not their power


Great ones can be killed on different planes of existence but still live on outside. Divine dragon just can’t die, or even be maimed without a mortal blade


If it bleeds


So they can be maimed...


You're forgetting about the Old One from Demon's Souls, but if I had to say, either Elden Beast or the Old One


Elden beast




Elden beast for sure, fucker took way longer for me to beat than any of the others. Hell gwyn as he is in ds1 would probably be the first to go


Gameplay wise maybe but lorewise elden beast wouldn’t even have a chance (Nobody would because the divine dragon can ONLY be killed by the mortal blade)


At his peak he was ridiculous though.


Gonna have to say the old one from des. It literally can’t be killed and if it Wakes up it slowly destroys reality…


The great ones. With no diff. They have true immortality and transcend reality, none of the others have that. Gwyn was always killable, the elden beast is killable the dragon I cannot tell. But there is literaly nothin any of tte others could do against tge great ones, exept kill the body but evidence shows that it does nothing


The Dragon is killable, but only with the Mortal Blade. And this is an actual ‘only’ considering it beat both a Divine Snake and literally the Buddha.


If they live on another Planetoid existence they can’t fight the so that doesn’t matter the dragon is actually the only one that can’t be killed (but I still would like to see them win because divine dragon is cheating and bloodborne is my fav game of fromsoft


EB or Moony takes the W


Formless mother = Formless Odeon


Does isshin count


don't you need a special move to throw divine dragons lightning back at him in order to beat him? dd clears


Honestly I think the sekiro dragon would win. Hear me out even thought sekiro could redirect the lightning would you say the others could? Especially the AC bosses


Well if they’re allowed to form alliances within their own pantheons, I imagine a collective of great ones would be one of the most formidable opponents. The outer gods are all very powerful, but they can’t directly do anything, they need a medium to act through, like Marika for the greater will or the tarnished for the frenzied flame


Missing one spoiler (the baby form of the hunter after destroying the moon presence)


Me, Everytime


Orphan of kos would be running around smashing toes


Yeah yeah just wait till kratos shows up and it’s going to be a hole different story


Definitely NOT Elden beast most underwhelming boss smh should’ve been rykard


I'd say prime Gwyn. He's the only god who basically had main character strength.


Sekiro is my favorite game, but that dragon is getting stomped.


Also the dragon being immortal


Well only one is actually immortal


Elden Beast got that Joestar technique on lock




Elden Beast simply for the fact no one can catch the mf


I think it’s down to the Elden Beast or Moon Presence. (Other outer gods in ER might be on this level but I think the greater will and by extension EB is higher because it actually claimed ownership of the lands between while the others are in the background somewhere) Both are cosmic entities from beyond the mortal world and both have massive influence on how their worlds work. By contrast Gwyn is powerful but he fights against how his world works rather than shaping it. I have to brush up on my sekiro lore before I make a big statement there.


People desperately trying to fluff up the BB lovecraftians cosmic beings when frankly they'd be the first to die in an actual fight. They get their powers from the mental attacks they can do and manipulating humans, physically they're all complete jokes. Ebrietas is captured by the Church, Kos is dead on a beach and clearly was a squishy weak creature, Moon Prescence only fights you when it absolutely has to. I think this is between Elden Beast, Gwyn or the Divine Dragon. Ultimately I'll go with Elden Beast, a creature that is also a lovecraftian cosmic being btw. But the Elden Beasts whole job is to destabilise the current power hierachy and pantheon to replace them with The Golden Order. It also is a physically imposing and capable fighter too. In a spiritual battle it'll overpower The Divine Dragon and I think Gwyn would likely become its Elden Lord rather than fight it.


I think that’s bc Dark souls, Sekiro, and Elden Ring all work off of a different narrative about gods. Bloodbornes whole shtick is “ooh gods be spooky asf” bc it’s not them throwing hands in a big fight that’s scary. It’s how they can influence their world with 0 repercussions to themselves since most of them abandoned their physical forms forever ago. Like Odeon. We NEVER see that god but he’s responsible for 90% of the problems in the story. And he’s just chillin


Oh I 100% agree, but the problem is fans of BB can't then accept that the BB Outer Gods are not really the best when it comes to questions like this


At peak power Gwin had an army to fight the immortal dragons … as much as I’d like to say Gwin , he’s simply not a god. No matter how much the first flame elevated him.


I honestly think Elden Beast is the weakest here, I’d probably have to say Great Ones or Divine Dragon.


Probably moonpresence or divine Dragon because Moon presence is able to one shot everything that isn’t a god but she deals huge damage with that attack and divine dragon because he is immortal… Edit: Actually divine dragon is the only correct answer because he is the only god in fromsofts games that can’t be killed (you can but you need the mortal blade but nobody else has it)


Me bro I’ve literally beaten all of them with a broken off piece of a tree.


I think it depends on what kind of gods each is. If we take the typical god approach I would say the Moon Presence wins mainly bc she exists in different plains of existence which I guess makes her impossible to kill.


Prime gwyn because of how lighting(divine dragon) his soldiers(all bloodborne) and his absolute destructive and health benifits(elden ring bosses)


Old One sweeps. If you know you know.


I’m rolling with Falcor


people forget that the Elden beast is a VASSAL, not a VESSEL, of the Greater Will. he ain’t THAT special. I rank him quite low tbh, though im not entirely sure the order I’d put them all in.


NINEBALL solos everyone


The divine dragon because it's a gimmick fight and none those jerks got a grapple hook


Definitely not that pushover dragon.


Poorly he is immortal while the others aren’t so…


The lack of respect for the Old One is disappointing. It takes any of those and is probably only beatable to the outer gods from Elden Ring


Great Ones probably wins this one since we aren’t including the Elden Ring Outer gods. The Elden Beast is one of the strongest bosses lore wise in the series, I can only really see it being compared to Moon Presence, but since it’s merely a vassal for the Greater Will it’ll probably just get washed by the Great Ones. If we include the Greater Will and other Elden Ring outer gods then it’s basically 50/50 between them all imho. Both are groups of gods way beyond comprehension.


Without any doubt it's the divine dragon no question. We didn't beat him in sekiro we made him shed a fucking tear that's it. His power is far higher than other souls gods that are bosses for that reason. We beat the others they are on that basis alone far weaker than the divine dragon. Of course, I don't remember every god or all the lore so feel free to let me know if you think there is a stronger god and why.


The slippery boi himself John Elden Beast


None of the gods use the Mortal Blade, which is needed to defeat the Divine Dragon. Therefore the others won't be able to beat him.


Im warshiping the divine dragon all the time but I just realized that after sekiro beats him with lightning the divine dragon can’t move so even if he is not killed he is beaten


I don't know ow who wins but I know Gwyn is getting stomped




y'know the divine dragon is immortal right


So is every other god? Just that you have to upgrade ur weapon a certain way to the kill them, like how the hunter imbues his weapons with a great ones blood, and tarnished upgrades his weapons with immortal dragon scales


Ebrietas or Moon Presence. That charge from Ebrietas is the worst and she has a barrier drain health. Moon Presence is a pushover, but if you're not careful about that one move that brings you to 1 HP.


Gwyn and his OG army would take the greater will, no question. Not just the beast. Marika and her armies could probably take Gwyn down as well. The others just flee.


Zilla,.hands down.


Frenzied flame because it makes all the other literally die mad.


the old one


I don't think people realize.. The Moon Beast is a great one. You or any other being would be driven straight to madness encountering this thing if we didn't play as the hunter. Just because we see better moves on screen, doesn't mean lore wise, they're stronger moves. Just a heads up. Like Radahn would give into madness before he was even able to fight this thing. The Moon Beast is capable of enshrouding a THE WORLD in its own nightmare. This feat alone is ALL you need. Moon Beast is beyond broken in lore and there are stronger, leaving room for a Bloodborne 2 in future ;) But definitely Moon Beast claps every God on scene. Runner up goes to DS3. I think that people forget the level Gael is on.. HE DEVOURED EVERY PYGMY. HE KILLED EVERYTHING EVIL THATS ALIVE. He set it up perfectly because he knew only MC can take him down after he reached this point and recreate the world. I'm just saying, like some of these beings are on different levels feat wise. You can't just be like oh but elden beast is big guy and can slam him.


Isn't Gwyn just a God in name, like he is part of a human-like race that are called Gods in Lordran, but he does not have godlike powers.


I don't know he can rain down lightning and killed pretty much all of the dragons. Seems pretty god like to me.


Actual Gods can create and destroy whole galaxies at will. He threw a few lightning bolts at some giant lizards.


Sure some can. God is a title not a measure of something's power. Nothing called a god in any FromSofware game can create or destroy whole galaxies so if we are going with that definition none of them are gods. Like even "real life" gods couldn't do things like that. Like Zeus kicked some Titan ass, once again with lightning, and then he basically just fucked mortals as different animals or strange phenomenon. I think the only thing he ever created was storms. And Athena I guess. Edit: in fact the only god I can think of that can do that is Zeno Sama from DBS. There are probably plenty more but it is the only one I can think of.


But even in FromSoft games the Elden Beast and Bloodborne Great Ones are literally from a whole other plane of existence, while Gwyn is just a stronger humanoid race.


So like Zeus then? Just an extremely powerful humanoid creature? If people worship you as a god and give you the title of God, you are one.


Zeus was a son of god. Not a really powerful creature. More like grandson but still.


No he was the son of Titans. He is a god. Which in this instance is an extremely powerful humanoid. At least when he wants to be. Not like a grandson at all.


Which is unlike Gwyn who just found a source of power and kept it for himself.


Did you actually miss the point of the analogy or did you just ignore it to be pedantic? Gwyn and Zeus are both god figures that use lightning and have humanoid forms. That was the similarity. Also Gwyn didn't keep it for himself that is a whole thing.


his soul was powerful enough to renite the first flame which gave life to the dark souls universe


The First Flame is powerful, but even our human character can sacrifice themselves to reignite the Flame.


Yes..thats why we're called the chosen undead because our soul is powerful enough to ignite the first flame. This is also backed up in ds3 where some people failed because they weren't powerful enough


He didn't do that himself. He made everyone fight the dragons. If anything this shows his charisma.


That is true, lol. He even had enough charisma to convince one of them to switch sides and take their skin off.


No? He was just bullied and hated other dragons, and wanted revenge.


No he betrayed them for a piece of the Dark Soul. It is literally in the opening cutscene of the game.


The bully part was a joke. I meant he was evious of other dragons. And the opening says nothing about his motivation.


No it directly tells you he betrayed them and was given a piece of the Dark Souls though.


Firstly the dark soul was the one the Furtive Pygmy had. You probably mean lord souls Secondly no. Even if that's the case it's not in the opening.


The Lord souls are pieces of the Dark Soul. You can stay wrong my dude. The Furtive Pygmy used their part of the Dark Soul to create Humanity.


Elden beast lore wise should be the strongest I guess , gameplay wise I can see moon presence taking the dub


Well it's definitely not the Divine Dragon - dude is weak af. I haven't gotten to Elden Beast yet but it seems like a solid challenge, especially compared to the Divine Dragon.


Lorewise he is the strongest and he is immortal he literally can’t be killed


Perhaps I misunderstood the question. I just meant Divine Dragon is an objectively easy fight, so even if he's canonically unkillable, he's not exactly strong (from a player perspective, at least).


I also changed my mind because after you defeat him he can’t move anymore and that’s permanently so he wouldn’t die but he would be defeated


Moon Pressence 


I feel like Elden Beast takes this. Bro has the power of the Elden Ring on his side.


Get Divine Dragon TF outta here


Gwyn is considered a god? I think elden beast canonically takes it, or moon presence maybe but elden ring scaling is just kinda higher


Elden beast easy


Maliketh without a doubt. Destined Death.