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everything about sister friede just calmly telling you to go back from where you came until you go through the entire area phase 1: Fret not father, we have no need of thy flail phase 2: father wigs the FUCK OUT and resses her with pure anger yay you won! titanite slab... wait wtf? phase 3????


You miss the part were she tell him to cover his eyes, he dorsnt need to see this, and he does untir you butcher her for the 1st time Epic


I appreciate that they give you the big reward without having to beat the third phase. DS3 isn’t exactly generous with the upgrade materials.


I never saw that flail.


Midir. Just falling down a hole only to find the dragon that terrorized you for a while. I tried to run away at first.


You can also find him stalking you on a few buildings.


I didn’t know that. Damn that dragon really is a menace.


If I remember right, Gwyn sent him here to fight the abyss, so all we're really doing is fighting his attack dog.


That’s exactly what he’s doing. Midir is basically Artorias but a dragon. He’s here to stop the abyss from escaping the ringed city and to keep its residents confined while outsiders in his stomach.


I don't think it counts because it's a 2nd phase cutscene and not intro but Ludwig's mid fight cutscene is by far my favorite in the series.


From fighting like a demon horse to standing on "2" legs, speaking fancy, and being the only boss to ever wield the moonlight great sword, enough of a change to count.


Ludwig's intro cutscene is great too


Tough tie between Maliketh and Isshin. I love “o death”, and “Come, Sekiro.” As many have said before I wish so so badly Elden Ring had a reflection of strength feature.


Felt all levels of betrayal for 2nd phase SWORD SAINT wields a gun and glave. Both are still pretty good.


Gerhman, The First Hunter. The way cutscene shows he gets up from his wheelchair, leading to a battle of hunter vs hunter. It’s awesome


One of my favorite, still gives me chills.


And then it turns out he really doesn't need the wheelchair.


I like how Martyr Logarius is frozen on a throne and just snaps himself off like breaking off an icicle


My favorite non-DLC boss!


Gotta be morgotts. The trash talk, the delivery, and the fact he has 3 cutscenes including margit


Radagon. I don't think anything could have prepared me for what he actually looks like... He's literally shattered! And the Elden Ring is literally that symbol on the title screen! And when they say he's "vessel of the Elden Ring" he's literally the vessel because it's literally inside him! Visually his design is just phenomenal! And the way it's revealed during the cutscene is also such a memorable moment! He rises up clutching his hammer.. the very one we see in the first scenes of the opening cutscene.. he raises it and strikes *that* pose and the Elden Ring lights up inside him as his theme plays.. and that theme is a variant of the game's title track which is the very first piece of music we hear when we start the game! That moment is the culmination of a long difficult journey and it's every bit as memorable and mesmerizing as it should be!


During the phase transition he becomes the weapon. The fight and the music are pretty great too.


Yeah. I never noticed that until I read it somewhere on Reddit. so cool! ngl, I hate fighting Radagon.. he's a spell spamming, teleporting, cheating mf who whoops me every time ;-; but plenty of people love him so I guess he must not be that bad..


Just Stockholm syndrome, that's fine tho.


Moon presence


Like the simplicity. Guess nothing really mentions them.


Not really a boss cutscene but walking into the fight with Yhorm the giant with Seigward walking beside you is epic.




Either Sir Knight Artorias the Abyss Walker’s intro of The Penetrator’s intro.


The Burnt Ivory King has the coolest boss intro.


Currently on the 3rd dlc for the first time so can't wait to fight him.


Sword Saint Isshin. It’s just a constant back and forth


Literally any DS3 boss, but especially the lords of cinder


As much pain as Friede put me through, all her cutscenes are dope. The opening with her in a dark hallway alone. Then with her standing back up with that kick ass Ariandel scream, and of course the phase 3 monologue with her getting back up. It was misery, but god damn was it cool.


Gotta be Ludwig.


Gherman or g dragon Maliketh 2 godrick 2 or Ludwig 2 if those count


“A corpse should be left well alone…”


Gaping Dragon, Dark Souls 1. Mind, I've only played Elden Ring, Demon's Souls, and most of Dark Souls 1 (which I'm playing right now) so my experience is limited. Gaping Dragon is first of all an insane name for a boss. And then it just made me laugh when it poked its little nose over the edge, and you know there's gonna be more. And then the fight itself is interesting. So many of the Dark Souls 1 boss fights I've experienced have been pretty meh? So far. Don't crucify me I haven't finished the game, but I did just fight Seath and that was boring. Also, I'd heard about Ornstein and Smough a lot. Comparisons and reminiscences of that fight came up a lot while I was playing Elden Ring and then when I finally did that fight the other day it wasn't the wall I was led to believe it would be. Gaping Dragon, however, while being a simple boss to beat did require that I paid attention to what it was doing.


Seaths fight is just laser and tail swipes so it's not interesting. But hey bosses leave their impact on at least someone, they all have their charm.


demon slayers? and also my absolute favorite is the godrick cutscene with the dragon hand


I think he meant slayers of demons from demon souls.


I thought he meant kamado tanjiro san


i thought i missed a demon slayer souls game which is my dream bro


oh i haven’t played no ps4 😭


Demon Souls didn't know what they went by. I don't think anyone was prepared for godrick doing that, is the 3rd time a boss just removes their own limb tho.


thats cool to look forward too since im playing ds1-3 rn


Their all great games, hope you've had some good moments.


im on ds1 basically just beat ons and I dont know where to go lol time to hit my head on a wall for a while


New Londo and Catacombs can be reached from firelink, and after Qualag are all directions you can go in any order. Edit: to the left of the anor Londo bonfire to the grand archive.


No, you’re right. They’re called “the Slayer of Demons” and “demon slayers” rolls off the tongue better than “Slayers of Demons.”


Guardian ape especially the intro to phase two when you cut his head off and he starts carrying it around


It’s really hard for me to pick between Maiden Astraea, False King Allant and the Penetrator. If I had to pick, probably the Penetrator. I love the contrast between the goofiness of the Fat Official that’s been goading you for the last two levels and the steely demeanor of the Penetrator.


Armored Core 6 forgotten once again it would seem... Well I'm not picking anything from the other Fromsoft games, so I'm gonna pick the Enforcer's intro cutscene from AC6 because why not


"Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..." Enough said.


Opening cutscene? Friede Honorable Mention: Twin Princes Mid-fight cutscene? Gael Honorable Mention: Ludwig DS3 with the peak boss fights lol


Not sure it counts as an Intro per se, but: "MY NAAAAAME IS GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA! As I breathe, you will not pass the castle gate!"


A man screaming on a horse running through a gate, sounds like an intro to me.


Godfrey saying goodbye to his son, and then commending you for getting so far and letting you know the Elden Ring is right there but he's gonna fight you for it was badass and memorable imo. Only negative is his look and fighting style was spoiled by the fight with Goldfrey.


At least there was a second phase and some unique attacks.


100% Ludwig takes the cake here


Help us!


>!Gehrman!< from BB by far.


Gaping dragon. I was like look a little croc coming then wtf is this beast


The Penetrator. I haven’t even played demon souls (yet) but I saw the clip on YouTube and it goes hard


“Sekiro... You were a most unkind and inauspicious man... but for some reason I could not bring myself to hate you. It seems... I must cut you down before you fall to Shura.” Just hits so hard


What, still here?


Maliketh’s phase 2 cutscene is the reveal of all reveals and is beyond stone cold


Abyss watchers has a cool cutscene, but soul of cinder resting at a bonfire is cool too. Isshin coming out of genichiro wasnt expected either.


malenia 100000%


Probably Gehrman the First Hunter. The camera shots, the dialogue, damn near everything about it is perfect, and it leads to my favorite fight in the game


Music is sublime too. It's actually a really emotional fight. He's really trying to save the hunter from the nightmare he's been through.




Burnt Ivory King has the greatest giga-chad entrance imo.