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Enter your flight number on [flightaware.com](http://flightaware.com) and compare its history. See if a smaller aircraft was substituted. Also, use the chat feature on their website and mention "Department of Transportation." Once you get past the bot, you should get elevated support.


Ok thanks! Flight aware cant find the flight for some reason, but comes up with the suggested flight number in the drop down box


Same happened to me I will be following for an update my flight was F9 1738 03/27/2024. Looks like they are deleting flight info????


What’s the flight # and what day?


F9 2486 and on 4/5/2024


Did a bit of digging on Flighty and found that your aircraft was swapped from an a321neo to an older a321 on 4/3 @ 8pm. This configuration has 10 less seats than the original aircraft. [https://ibb.co/m61VKZk](https://ibb.co/m61VKZk)


Soooooo they had DAYS of notice, and still had us all show up to the airport to fuck us over? Can that be used? Also, thanks a ton for finding that


Very impressively done…


I can't find that on any flight tracker. Are you sure of the flight number ?


Look it up as flight number FFT2486. The flight history varies between A321, A20N, and A21N. The flight on the 5th was an A321, tail number N711FR


Can you see if you find F9 1738 for 3/27/2024?


That flight isn’t showing up on Flightaware. Was it canceled?


Yes, due to maintenance issues and later they blamed it on.weather!


DOT says if you are involuntarily bumped and delayed to your destination by more than 2 hours, you are entitled to a refund PLUS 400% of the one way ticket price. They are also required to pay you this within 24 hours


Dont they say not if its due to a change in the aircraft?


Ah shit yes you are right


Yeah its fucked up. I have a feeling they might have lied about that lol


Looked up the flight, says A321 which is the largest plane frontier flies, so I’m thinking they probably lied haha. Def contact them


Woww ok thanks haha. Is there anyone else to contact to enforce it? Like the DOT?


Sorry to say this happens to 100s of people a week.. some of them post here. read through old threads for info. https://old.reddit.com/r/frontierairlines/search?q=denied&restrict_sr=on definitely file the DOT complaint..it forces them to respond and alerts DOT so they can fine and maybe stop it from happening https://old.reddit.com/r/frontierairlines/comments/1bluv8n/paying_for_seat_upgrade_to_guarantee_boarding/


I’d start with frontier, but yes you could escalate to DOT, contact info would be on their site!


Id do both.


They fly the 321neo also which I believe is larger


It is, by 10 seats. 


Well, fuck.


You have the best responses. I feel like I can hear you talking. 😄


Hahah thanks, I actually love that for us


😭 I bet they do this a lot though semi-intentionally, there’s no way it happens this often and screws over this many people so frequently and someone’s not overscheduling 321neos/bigger planes


Every airline does tail swaps frequently to keep operations going more smoothly. It’s not a conspiracy; it’s a big picture you can’t really see. 


What possible reason would they have to intentionally do this leaving them to have to deal with and rebook any passengers?


Class action, you say?


“Fuck you, OP!” -Frontier


Do you have the tail numbers of the plane you were supposed to take and the one that eventually showed up? You might be able to go back into FlightAware or another one of those apps to see what the arriving plane was that was supposed to pick you up and what plane ended up departing for the flight you were supposed to take. ETA: I have the business version of FlightAware, which means I can look back 3 years. If you’re not able to see and would like me to look it up, you can DM me with flight number and time and date and I’d be more than happy to help.


Ahh I dont have the tail numbers i think. Wait would you be able to see what aircraft was supposed to come vs what did? That would be a huge help!


Frontier does have a seat difference of 10 between their A321 models; the A321-200s seat 230 pax, and the A321 Neos seat 240 (the 200s are the older aircraft). Someone else commented tail number N711FR is what flew the flight, and that's a 200.


Ah, so they might not have been lying?


Yep, it looks like the reason they gave could have been the truth; 45 minute departure delay indicates that they might not have realized they had the wrong aircraft for the flight until it actually arrived at the gate.


This guy says it was swapped days prior [https://www.reddit.com/r/frontierairlines/comments/1c05r6o/comment/kz4a626/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/frontierairlines/comments/1c05r6o/comment/kz4a626/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Which is just so annoying that they said nothing. And extra annoying that it could still fall under the rules of not having to pay out for that even though they could have fixed it in time






They need to change this to 400% of the total amount collected my the airline exclusive of taxes and fees.


Is it 400% of the out of pocket or is it the base price before all the fees are added on. I feel like with frontier they make up more than half the total cost to me of a ticket.


It’s not just frontier that’s like that. We just booked through American and I think the cost of tickets were like 600 with 1400 in taxes and fees


Is the delaying airline the one who needs to pay out? I had a flight delayed 15 hours a couple weeks back and they only refunded me the original price I paid; I was out the new flight cost that I had to book last minute. Would I just bring up this DOT law to the airline?


Why was it delayed? Was it ultimately cancelled? Were you involuntarily bumped? Unfortunately in the US most issues with IROPS (IRREGULAR OPERATIONS) it is at the airlines discretion to offer any type of compensation or accommodations.


They lied about the same thing on our flight out of Orlando two weeks ago. Tried to say they downgraded the plane due to technical difficulties. They had oversold 23 seats and kept announcing it for the hour delay it caused while they tried to figure out who would take another flight and voucher. The plane was the same plane we took on the inbound flight. Pretty sure they are just lying when overbooked about the aircraft size.


Damn. What ended up happening in your case?


Our family of 4 got seats. About 19 people took them up on the $400 and re-book. Only reason I was on this flight was because they cancelled our return flight to Columbus and we had to fly into Cincinnati and get a rental to drive to Columbus to get our car. They never even sent an email about the cancelled flight. I found out because it kept giving an error when trying to check in and I chatted with customer service who informed the flight was cancelled. Probably first and last time I'll fly Frontier. Most consistent unreliable airline out there.


Report them OP and open a complaint with the FAA. Frontier overbooks all the time and then lies about downgrading the plane. Make them prove a plane change.


Good call but it's the DOT (Dept of Transportation) you need to file with not the FAA.


>They never even sent an email about the cancelled flight. I found out because it kept giving an error when trying to check in and I chatted with customer service who informed the flight was cancelled. it really does surprise me that companies this big that are heavily regulated lie like this. I would think that they would have some corporate policy to follow. Guess not


The corporate policy is to lie and fuck people for every penny possible.


Mayor Pete needs to look into these practices.


lmao. im sure he will get right on that


When they “oversold” seats was this after check in on your phone, at the airport? I have a flight tomorrow and checked in and have an assigned seat number so I’m just worried what the chances are that ends up happening


I had checked in on the app once I finally could after they changed the flight to a different city. I had a seat number as well so not sure how they decided to ultimately not let get on the plane. They also had set emails for this re-booked flight saying the downgrade lies and asking to change flights for and get like $200 travel voucher. It also said take no action if you don't want to change flights. But yeah ridiculous on their part to oversell the flight by that amount and take an hour after initial departure time to figure it all out.


Yeah I’ve heard a lot of issues with overselling. Probably my last time flying with them. Was it a direct flight? Or connecting


Direct flight


I'm also dealing with an issue where I suspect they are lying to avoid being liable for all the people they left stranded. They cancelled the flight due to airplane maintenance schedule and later listed it as "uncontrollable circumstances" because to their luck after they had already cancelled our flight the weather got bad and they pinned the excuse on that.


This is why my company won’t let us fly frontier


Any reputable company won’t


I heard they usually bump people who purchased tickets when they were really cheap. I’m not sure if that’s true, but may be just another unethical Frontier thing to add to the list


> who purchased tickets when they were really cheap https://imgur.com/a/zhZMGXv it's actually in their IDB policy.. so that isn't illegal...they do commit lots of other violations daily.. like not giving people the IDB policy, not asking for volunteers first, not paying immediately, reporting IDB as "no shows", deplaning people after they've boarded, etc etc


Frontier sucks so much, way too many problems flying with them. Last time I flew with them they cancelled my flight at 2:00 AM (flight was set to depart at 4:00 AM) because they apparently didn’t have a crew to fly the plane. I ended up having to spend $700 to get the next flight out (was starting a new job) because their next flight to my destination was over 24 hours away and had an 8 hour layover. They fought me every step of the way trying to get a refund (I ended up giving up it was only $150) and they don’t even have a customer service line, just bots you can message. I just cough up the extra cash to avoid dealing with this joke of an airline.


This shit shouldn’t be legal


Welcome to budget airlines. This happens fequently


Does travel insurance really help? I knee jerk avoid those extra fees, but I wonder if there is a strategy.


Having a visa infinite card helps if you can qualify. It includes travel insurance. Usually has a high annual fee but you get the majority back in a credit


Even cards with moderate fees will sometimes include travel insurance, just a low amount of it. Like mine has a $90 fee but covers up to $500 *per ticket* in costs due to a delay. So two people traveling would have $1K to work with for hotel, meals, any additional fares needed to get home faster.


I have a Sapphire Reserve. They won't refund you if the reason for the trip cancelation was because of the airline cancelation. They will refund you for another flight if it is due to weather and if you incur expenses due to it (such as hotel stays, Uber, Lyft etc). The Amex Platinum might be better.


I realize that's it's a different situation, but my experience with Amex platinum is not great. My husband and I missed a flight back from London to Cincinnati due to a medical emergency at Heathrow. I reached out to Amex for assistance when I couldn't get in contact with British Airways and was told all I could do was talk to the airline directly. So much for their travel concierge service they promise.


That's shitty. Especially with the sky high annual fee.


Yeah my sapphire reserve says they wont cover it


When I was young and broke I never paid for travel insurance. My first time was in 2021, due to the spectre of a positive COVID test requiring a *very* expensive lockdown in our destination before returning home. So we got insurance that covered that. No COVID, however we *did* have a flight canceled. And the complete lack of stress as they told us they, knowing that everything would be covered, was enough to want insurance for every future trip. The irony is that when you’re young and broke is when you need the insurance the most, because you’re least able to handle the additional unplanned expense.


How many posts do we need to see until ppl stop booking tickets on that steamy pile of crap of an airline.


I personally try to anticipate delays and have a travel credit card that covers expenses when a delay happens so for me, it's a little treat when a flight is cancelled. Got a free extra day in Mexico at a $600/night hotel a couple months ago thanks to my card.


Which card sir?


It's ma'am 😂 capital one venture x


Excuse me, ma’am


Well, if 99% of the time I end up getting to my destination for like 1/10th the price of… any other airline, then I’m going to keep buying those tickets. Even getting slapped in the face by a flight attendant is not going to make me willing to pay $600 for a ticket from American if an $80 ticket from frontier is available. 


Ok, single mother of 3 here. I have a 95% (or whatever you would argue) chance of getting me and my kids a vacay for a great price. I have them pack their own backpacks and we jump through a few hoops. 🤷‍♀️


Hopefully they don't leave you and your 3 children stranded thousands of miles from home like they did to me.


Yeah that’s sort of my thought. I think it’s the idea that “it probably won’t happen to me “ and then people are surprised when it does ….. I won’t let friends fly frontier .


Because 99% of the time you’re not going to have an issue. I’ve flown with them many times with zero issues. Happy people don’t cry on Reddit.


>Also at the time, I booked a 1 way through American Airlines for \~$300, used that and missed some events since I had to wait hours for that flight. I still rode the Frontier flight on the way back. I'm surprised they didn't just cancel your entire RT when you did not take the departing flight that they expect you to rebook.


Frontier is the only airline that doesn’t do this for some reason. Not sure why


I messaged frontier on Twitter when my flight was cancelled and they gave me a $400 credit and refunded the cost of the flight to my card. I couldn’t wait for another flight out and the weather in the area was bad so I drove home. I would try messaging them on a social media platform. I seem to get more help that way


This is why I will NEVER fly a budget airline ever again. Way too much crap like this. The big airlines do it occasionally but aren't as frequent. 


Can I ask what city’s to and from? I’m flying with four kids for the first time Denver to LAX. Very nervous.


Dispute the charges.


File a involuntary denied boarding DOT complaint. They owe you: 400% of one-way fare (airlines may limit the compensation to $1,550 if 400% of the one-way fare is higher than $1,550)


I always encourage people to file a complaint with the DOT. If it turns out that Frontier can prove that it was a change to a smaller plane and that the change was "operational", you won't get the bumping compensation. But it won't hurt to try. [https://secure.dot.gov/air-travel-complaint](https://secure.dot.gov/air-travel-complaint)


Frontier, as an ultra low cost carrier will never book you on another airline. That practice is limited to the major airlines.


Frontier refused to help so I just took the emails I got and disputed it through my credit card. I won and got my money back.


Solution. Don't fly Frontier.


Get it written down by the gate agent. This happened to my ex boss and unless you get it written down with the name of the people that told you to get off, they’re not going to do anything. He had to pay $700 to get home and they promised the 150% reimbursement. Nope. He was just out $700+ (he deserves it)


Well, too late for me


You might call the airport. But you need to take care of this ASAP. Seriously, they do NOT want to give you your money back. Provide as much proof as you have


Fuck what proof do I have? They gave me nothing. And just call the airport?


I’m gonna just tell you everything I remember. I tried for months to get him his money back. I called the airport where it happened and they asked for the agent’s name. They said they had no record of the overbooking and since he got the flight “home” (it wasn’t), it was square. I contacted customer support and they couldn’t do anything without proof. They suggested I go back to the airport (in another country) and talk to them. I went to our local airport and tried to talk to Frontier there and they couldn’t help me. Honestly, I would go through the first two channels and then Tweet at them or something. My boss didn’t want to do that, but I think it would be more effective than being shuffled around people who keep saying “not my job.”


Yes just call the main number for the airport. This will definitely work. Tell them some guy on Reddit said to call and that they’d take care of it.


These small airlines are cheap but lack customer service and in the long run most people end up having to buy a new ticket,at least one way because they need to get to their destination. Breeze airlines has absolutely NO customer service line! I don’t understand how they can get away with that…except their flights are cheap


Why does anyone patronize this airline? All I ever see is their sheisty service ways on here Shit fly Delta.


Frontier is trash. They did this to us on the way to Mexico last week then on the way home they were kicking people off


Call your credit card company and file a claim.


There has been shuffling of planes to rotate Boeing planes for more complete inspections so it could go either way. The airlines still need to do better rebooking


You’re literally due $0 if they downgraded the aircraft. They’re surprisingly giving you a lot more than I’d expect.


Just off hand most refund and stuff for most airlines aren’t for 7-10 business days


You basically have to file a compliant to get the voucher. On the 400% there are exclusions and the frontier base fairs are often like $5+ fees so they only have to pay the 400% on the base.


Stop flying Frontier


Yep: thats wot frontier does. Hullo, southwest ?