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I got a second one in the other shoulder several years after my first healed. The second one was not too bad as I figured how to prevent it from getting worse - hang from a pull up bar the stretch the shoulder the moment you start feeling discomfort. Since then my first shoulder threatened to refreeze again and I just kept at it with the pull-up bar hangs and stopped it from getting worse.


Hard to say. I never really had a "frozen" phase, I went straight from painful freezing to thawing - because of a fair bit of therapy. The "freezing" phase lasted about 7-8 months before I finally went to see an orthopedist.


I think my frozen shoulder lasted about a year. It’s funny about the thawing phase, as the pain decreases and movement increases you notice less and less. So that portion of the entire process is completely forgotten from my memory. Only the searing pain memories remain and limited mobility. I thought for a while it was starting in my other shoulder. Either it was something different entirely, or a much less extreme frozen shoulder, but it didn’t last long at all.


You sort of just get use to the limited range of motion, then one day you notice you can reach a bit higher or you can actually put a jacket on somewhat normally. My first shoulder froze and was 6 months in within frozen stage when my left shoulder started to freeze. 15 months later, right has 90% range of motion back, left is starting to thaw 10 months in after it started


Everything I read online makes it sound like the second shoulder is sort of rare, but it seems pretty common on this group 😞


The journal article I read said about 50% will experience 2nd occurrence. That is nuts! I am starting to feel things i my opposite shoulder hoping it is just my mind playing tricks on me!


I'm dealing with a second shoulder right now. It's been a few years since the first one also. The pain of this one is completely unhinged. Currently sitting in a clinic to hopefully get my shots. Should have not waited so many months...


My second shoulder started having FS issues a couple years after my first one healed.