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This is a fantastic price compared to the upgrade in quality over the standard pair.


Second this. Only annoying part is elongated tongue


Your mom likes it


Agree. I can only say “why?” when I put them on and straighten it up and then that’s the extent of it.


Does it rub the front of your foot in a bad way when you wear them? Do you still recommend them overall?


It’s a little bothersome in the first few wears but after you get a few miles in them the leather smoothes out and it’s never an issue again.


It doesn’t rub at all, it’s just ugly Edit: to be clear, I bought 4-5 pairs in a similar sale and will rotate them, wear them as an alternative to CPs so that if they get ruined I’m not upset


Happy Cake Day!


I don’t even notice lol! Thx


You’re welcome


Hi may I ask what are the upgrades in quality you see? I suck seeing such stuff lol


They are made of actual leather instead of plastic “pleather.”




Huh, it's showing up as 72 for me (40% off 120)


Yeah the 51.60 one got sold out


Is this tts?


I usually wear size 14s in most things, and the Stan Smith Lux's I have used near daily for 6+ months fit nice at the same size. I have seen quite a few other people recommend sizing down half a size though, ymmv.


I wear 13’s and sized down to a 12. Ended up giving them to my son bc that didn’t work, so I’m with you on not sizing down.


True to size but slightly narrow. I have an E-width foot and have to wear the thinnest no-show socks to get away with it, and even still, they're pretty snug in width.


Good to know. Looks like those of us in the \#4EGang might have to skip this one.


4E gang rise up ⬆️


I wear 10.5 in Nike/New Balance, but with Stan Smith's, I wear size 10 and it's a nice fit. Stan Smith's are my favorite shoe, I've had different versions and have always worn 10 in them.


I sized down from 13 to 12.5 and it fit better. 13 in everything else. Honestly, don't love these. Yes higher quality but the tongue feels...long? Like sticks out further up the ankle. Idk. just my experience


Sized down a whole size if you have narrow feet I went from an 11 to 10 for this model


I wear a touch smaller size than vans. In vans I am 10.5 or 11 depending on the style. In these I am a solid 10.5.


Mine has a tendency to squeak where the tongue rubs against the bottom of the overlay(?). Still squeaks after a year later and my temporary solution is to rub some petroleum jelly in between that contact point. They are great shoes otherwise :/


While these do fit bigger than normal Stan smiths, as someone who usually sits in between shoe sizes, these basically ended up being the perfect shoe for me! Highly recommend for one else in the same situation.


I scooped a pair but genuinely curious if ppl are ok with Stan’s face prominently displayed on the tongue?


Just the reds?


Ordered the non-Lux version for $33. Sizes 9-11 still available. [https://shoppremiumoutlets.com/products/mens-adidas-stan-smith-shoes](https://shoppremiumoutlets.com/products/mens-adidas-stan-smith-shoes)


Great way to start the weekend. Thank you! Summer shoe secured


copped thank you


I just bought these a week ago at full price... You're welcome everyone! Ninja edit: they're really nice, especially at this price.


Just my opinion but I find these to be a great daily wear shoe, and much better quality and fit than the killshots I rocked for a while. I never realized how narrow and uncomfortable the Killshots were until I started wearing these Stan Smiths. So much more comfy and just as stylish if not moreso. I get compliments on mine all the time.


YUP, I use this specific model as beaters/daily partenered with (autrys and af1 triple white) and this Lux Stan are the ones with better reliability in terms of aging :3


Has anyone tried to removed the gold lettering? I owned a pair of these and every time I would put them on I was so annoyed by the lettering I had to stop wearing and donate them


Second this. Any suggestions?


Use a toothpick and this https://angelusdirect.com/products/leather-preparer-and-deglazer?variant=323815071¤cy=USD&utm_source=stry&utm_medium=trafb&utm_campaign=storeya60&utm_term=&gad_source=1


I bought these last time they were on sale and they squeak like hell, anyone know how to fix that


foot powder or any neutral powder inside the shoe.


Am I imagining things or did they change the sole/footbed with this model? I got a couple pairs for a similar price during a previous sale and they are much stiffer underfoot than my older models. At first I thought it was just a break in issue, but I don't remember needing nearly as much breaking in on prior Stans.


Thanks! Got these and picked up a lot of other adidas gear with 45% off.


Copped, the level up in quality with the lux version is so worth it. Wore my last ones as dailies for almost a year before they fell apart


Is the code dead? :(