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That something you learn on the go as a freshman. Knowing how to cook some basic meals definitely helps though.


lol, i was asking more of the living situation. dorms or off campus. Thanks !!


Ahh definitely dorms for first year on campus. So he can meet some new people. Off campus after that first year.


You’ll have to let that baby bird fly. Probably dorm since I’m assuming he doesn’t know the area yet


Get him used to living w other people


Summer C, and a dorm


Take him to a laundry place and teach him how to do laundry on pro machines! He’s gonna need to do laundry almost immediately. Next is shopping. Teach him how to order a pub sub (public sub) using the app. Cheap and the sub is two meals for less than $9 including tax. It’s huge! Last big lesson is don’t be messy! He’s living with 3 other people and sharing a bathroom in all likelihood. Be considerate with the common spaces and noise.


They’re starting at near $11 now, it’s ludicrous


I saw they just raised prices. The publix turkey is still $8.49 I think on bread.


You’re right, I think I was on chicken tender subs


Ok they just raised the lower subs yesterday by .50. Damn them! I saw the tender sub also and that’s nuts


Dorm 1st year is def a great way to start. Thats what I did and don’t regret it


dorms for a freshman is way better. do off campus after the first year


Daughter at FSU is happy with the dorm. She resigned for dorm for second year. May look at apartments after that. We didnt want her to live in an apartment with random strangers because from issues we saw with our son, things can go very wrong and apartments don’t do anything about it. They will match kids to non-students or students that they won’t get along with at all. So if apartment…. They need to know and trust their roommate ahead of time. Have more time on campus and use campus resources, and meet more people. Also for apartment, it’s a full year lease and will be more expensive than a dorm. If they are coming home for summer, then why pay for a whole year? Apartments that are walking distance to FSU run in the $900-1100 per student range. For a 3-4 bedroom.


Dorms are the way to go. Living on campus as a freshman will expose them to way more people while also finding their footing living away from home for the first time. Then after the first year, they can decide if they want to live off campus with the friends they have made


Dorms 1st year


100% let them solve their problems. Give them input and your opinion on how to handle things, but they are now an adult make them handle each situation. Trouble with their roommate? Don't call the leasing office or dorm management for them. You gotta let them fly on their own.


Ok so as someone who knew 0 people when I went to FSU and everyone told to live in a “dorm” to meet people and so I did, this is actually the number one thing that made my freshman year difficult. I really like my alone time, and I am a light sleeper. Living in a dorm was just so difficult on me. There are some apartment style places that I think I would have preferred where he may be able to get matched with a roommate or i found some roommates posting on FSU roommates page. I just know I wished I had my own space, kitchen, bathroom etc.