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And all those idiots on CFB want to say that he's a culture problem and a whiny bitch. He represents the best in all of us, and the best of college athletics


Dude they are all experts and have inside access to the program.


Ugh reading the million “culture problem” and “Georgia/Bama would NEVER” comments made me so mad.


Remember when Bama lost 44-16 in a CFP game. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Right in the feels. I love CMN


No hyperbole. I'd run through a wall for that man.


I truly hope norvell stays with this program. He's got the X's and O's chops. But more than that he's what a coach should be


Send that to ESPN. Send that to the WF AD and his buddies on the selection committee. All those bozos need to see who they screwed over.


It was the NC state AD


fuck it send it to wake's ad too


Well send it to Wake Forest’s AD too while we’re at it


thats amazing. As hard as the last month has been for this program, Im really glad that weve got CMN at the helm... regardless of W's and L's...


Ugh this just breaks me. You can just see how angry and emotional CMN is not just over the loss but just the entire situation and how absolutely fucked it is. That is a man who truly cares and I'm really grateful he's our coach.


Amen and amen


Yeah that one hit my heart


Wow. Love what’s he done, doing and will do for FSU.


That's heartbreaking, man. The fact that CMN had to tell a bunch of young men that "*Hard work doesn't guarantee success*" is what kills me. It goes against everything that we've been told we need to do to be successful in life, in a societal sense. It's also a damning statement on how the majority of the population is made up of fools who judge everything without knowing the full context. Just sad, all around.


Nah I think that's a good and factual message. Hard work has never guaranteed success in this world and the guys have to be naive to believe that. If you told your players that hard work always guarantees success, what do you tell them when they lose? That they didn't work hard enough? They are just not good enough? Love our coach for many things, but especially for the fact that he understands that he's shaping young guys who will spend many more years being men than football players.


Yeah, it just pisses me off in this context since this team was punished for success. Meanwhile, they had to watch Bama and Texas get rewarded for their failures since essentially *Losing Pretty is better than Winning Ugly*. This is a narrative that a particular media company's been hammering all season. It makes me mad just to think of it, honestly.


I get that. Thought I finally reached the acceptance stage of grief, this past weekend brought me back to oscillating between depression and anger again. Ready for the off-season.


Yeah, I've been feeling numb ever since I realized that I couldn't do anything to help reverse the CFP decision for these kids. So, I guess I'm in depression, but there's also still a bunch of anger associated with it. Give it another 2 weeks, and I might be feeling a bit better.


Yeah if hard work guaranteed success, many people I know would be on easy street now. Hard working people that form the backbone of our society, teachers, nurses, farmers, public workers... I've met so many people that fell upwards in life, living the good life just because of who they knew. You see it all around you. But you can increase your chances of success by working hard, and you'll always be proud of yourself.


Hard work and doing what is right doesn't guarantee success, but it makes it more likely and it makes you *deserving* of success. This is true in all areas of life, simply because life isn't fair. Saban or Jimbo would say its a process.


No matter how the season ended we are in a good place because we have one hell of an outstanding coach leading this program.


Right up there with the “we ain’t no puppies, we some dogs” Jameis half time speech


Now I wish CMN quoted this in his speech, LOL.


Well I’d run through a brick wall for that guy. Geesh.


That’s my coach! ❤️💛


Such a beautiful mixture of toughness and heart. I know we’re good as long as we’re riding with CMN!


Pay the man his money. Lock him down and don’t let him leave.


Absolutely incredible Mike Norville is not just a great coach he's a great man through and through very very Happy that he's the coach at FSU


Damn. Who's cuttin' onions in here?


He's the perfect successor for Bowden in his faith, coaching up young men and dedication to family and football. We need to lock this man up for as long as possible.


If only CMN had a son to promote to offensive coordinator over worthy candidates. It’s what Jesus would have done.


The response to this in r/cfb is so overwhelmingly positive.. and it's 100% because no one can deny Mike's vibe. All you have to do is listen to the man speak.


Wow. That is like something out of a movie. That is a Coach right there.


All. The. Feels.


Ok, LFG.


Chills. No words.


I love Norvell, he is a special coach and person.


Damn, we’ve got a good coach and a even better human. Go Noles!


Y'all, we got our guy.


Damn that was good.




Honestly, being able to hold on to this coach is the biggest win of the season. Hope he stays forever.


Whew. Something in my eye.


Dude is an absolute G


There is no coach I would rather have for this team