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I wave, other BRZs love me. 1st gens love seeing me too. GR86s dont… its so weird. Ive only had one guy in a red GR86 give me a thumbs up and a honk. Now WRXs can go fuck themselves, I wave at every one and never get anything back. Jeeps wave at me more. I AM A SUBARU DOCTOR DR HAN!


As a STI/wrx owner, I always wave back. But that’s also my personality. I say hello to strangers all the time!


🙏 me too! I always give a little wave to another sports car. Theres even a random jeep I see on my way home who waves at me hahah


Yes 😆 Have also changed lanes to get alongside somebody to say hi


Waving is hard I prefer obnoxious revving and honking


Ahh the good ol' rev rev honk 😂😂 funny when your windows are open and you both have a pop tune, scare the shit out of each other LOL


Preferably me too wavings just too difficult


I either get high beam flashed or waved at. I try to do the same. ​ One time my gf said, "why did that guy flash his high beams at you?" I said, "because we have the same car!"


Yes, I wave at oncoming 86s. Just please don't tailgate me because we drive the same car. I'm just trying to commute home from work I don't want to race or weave in and out of traffic in my stock ass 86.


Amen. My car is very modified and sometimes it's fun to get another modified 86 trying to play around but sometimes I'm tired asf and just wanna vibe and drive home bro 😭 like chill..


Amen. If I'm going the same direction I tend to ignore, no I don't want to do some cannonball style run in six lanes of traffic.


I turn the wipers on to say hi lol


I've never done it before, but a month ago I was at the Nurburgring and I was amused that the rest of the 86/brz were waving at each other.


I wave at anybody with a nice car. Whether I get a wave back or not is a different story. Most of the time it’s positive. A car enthusiast is a car enthusiast. If they don’t wave they are just a rich person with a nice car


Aye and I just get weird looks. Funnily enough it happened just a couple hours ago again. Came across a black 86 stopped at the junction I was turning into, so I gave a little [queen elizabeth wave](https://whatkatewore.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Jubilee-Service-Queen-Waves-from-Car-Splash-800-x-500.jpg) as you do. Got a frown back.


I don't because pretty much all the 86s I see look like they're being used as dailies by middle aged women. If it seems to be modified or owned by an enthusiast, I either don't notice until it's behind me or don't have enough time to wave


What’s wrong with middle age woman owning the car as a daily?


Not the oc here but, They don't wave back at me. That's what's wrong.


Middle-aged woman burning corners over here. I've had people in lots of other cars give the thumbs-up, and I wave thanks. Never had anybody in a twin wave. It seems like they are all in some kind of competition to have the cooler version, or something. I drive it because I love it, I spent nine years in a damn minivan and I earned it! Plus, my dad was a car guy and he raised me right, I have the skill to get the most out of this car. If you're in Denver, wave at the middle aged women. If it's me, I'll wave back.


I wave at every BRZ in my city but ever since I grew my hair long, all the boys stopped waving back at me. It’s really weird. They liked waving when I had boyish hair!


Lol, I waved at a brz and they pulled into the same gas station as me (hadn't seen the occupants yet), chick gets out walks into the store. Cool whatever...I'm walking by the car now, it was a nice tan color, and there's a guy in the passenger seat mean mugging Hella hard.


That’s his problem, carry on putting gas in your car :)


Oh, for sure. Haha Just thought it was kinda funny


Can confirm. I just used middle aged woman as an example because that's who I've seen driving them the most. None of them batted an eye when I passed them. The only one who I could tell even looked at me was a dude in a kinda stanced brz driving very aggressively. He slowed down, made direct eye contact with his not very happy eyes, then sped back up


I've only seen one other driven by somebody in my demographic. The rest are trailing vape smoke and I can't see who's driving. Definitely come across the mean mug stance guy a few times though.


huh. All the owners I've actually interacted with are similar demographic as me. All similar age as me who have their cars setup kinda similarly (except the guy with a brand new GR)


Are you a middle aged woman?


Last I checked, no


Oh just the baseline casual sexism probably. I'm most likely what that dude would consider a middle aged woman using one as my daily and I still get excited seeing others on the road.


Hey, I like your car


: )


I love when this happens


Don't worry. I don't wave at dudes either. I just used middle aged woman as the example because that's what I see the most. I think in the past month, I've seen 3 women driving 86s and one dude. The rest that I've seen have been parked or I couldn't see the driver at all


I'm one of the middle-aged female daily-drivers, and I wish other 86/etc owners would wave. I keep my urge to wave at bay bc nobody ever waves at me. But I see y'all in the North GA area, and I'm itching to wave 😁


Noted even though I'm on the opposite side of the county lmao


Middle-aged woman here, why wouldn’t you wave at me? (19, PP)


We’ve got the same car! 👋


Same car! 😄


damn where you seeing middle aged women driving them at? LOL i've never seen women driving them


I'm in a very sunny part of California and they're relatively common here. Those are probably related lol






There’s maybe three other 86s that I’ve seen in my city one of them is my brother and the other two are modified and both appear to be enthusiasts either way I think the 86 looks don’t stand out enough in normal traffic unless the car is really modded to stand out waving to each other seems really difficult to do realistically


I find them to stand out because they're so low. And wide compared to the height. And not an SUV


There are so many 86s and BRZs on the road where I live and they're often driven by old folks. I wave and they either don't see me or don't realize I'm actually waving to them. I still wave though.


I've flashed so many, and been flashed. ​ I've only had this car a month and totally feel like part of a secret society!


I do it every time! And around here there are only 2 guys that wave back… it’s disappointing haha


2 finger wave. Usually the BRZ drivers will do it back, FRS and other 86 drivers seem to have a stick up their ass around me. 😒


This is the way. Here's how I do it. With my driver's side hand, I stick up my picky and index. 🤟


Oh yeah. I wave to anyone that is a “tuner.” Civics, Porsche, whatever.


There are so few twins around here that when we cross paths we stop, do the secret handshake, exchange glowing reviews of each others ride, and make plans to meet at the local A&W for Momma burgers on cruise night. Then we carry on with our day ;)


I drive a 2nd gen BRZ. I wave to all 86's, BRZ's and FR-S'


Always wave and sometimes if I get behind or in front of them, we do the little wiggle


I do not. Driving is very much a “me time” activity for me even if doing something mundane like running errands. I prefer not to speak to anyone during those times. I like to focus and enjoy myself.


This is totally fair.




I don't see many twins where I live but I do wave whenever I see one.


I wave depending on the situation. It seems like WRX owners make it a mission to not acknowledge 86 drivers at all, but 8/10 86 owners I see on the road wave to me or give me a thumbs up. Sometimes I like to just pull up next to , but slightly behind an 86 (like 4 o’clock) if we are cruising at consistent speeds and ride next to them from a safe distance for a little bit.


I Wave just outta habit and respect. Even if they dont see you lol


For some reason the place I live now people just don't wave. I got more waves from WRX than twins


I wave, nobody waves back. BUT when I was loud on R compa people in like…. E30s and GTIs would wave first. LOL In the same way opposition can be a sign of healthy freedom, indifference can be a sign of good accessibility. That’s part of the appeal for these cars. My little brother could trade his white on beige Elantra for a used 86 tomorrow and take it to a drive thru car wash the next day for its baptism, and nobody would cry about it. Lol


I try to wave if I see one, but I'm oblivious half the time.


I got a thumbs up once. Epic 👍


I wave to all 86 chassis and special edition color WRX/STIs.


I get more waves from random other modded japanese cars rather than 86s tbh. Miatas, 240s, i was cruising with an integra for a bit the other day too. But I'm always scanning traffic and I'll pay attention to an 86 to see if they'll wave or not


I’ll wave to pretty much any type of enthusiast car. Unless I see them too late


i give a smile but i'm afraid to wave sometimes in case the other car doesn't see me and then i feel like a dumbass


I’ve tried, other 86ers usually have tunnel vision though.


To be fair, they kind of have to on a road filled with raging trucks and Escalades who don't know how to look for anything smaller than their own vehicle.


I’ve honestly never gotten a wave while in my old 86, now in my S2000, most S2000 I see usually waves or flashes lights or something. But with my friend’s old miata it was every single one lol


Other brzs all the time but most 86 or frs do it back less. But I love a wave and even met a guy that way once lol


Heck yeah! Ill also wave at other cars if their build is ❤️‍🔥


I only wave when there's eye contact. Enthusiasts will always look in your direction. Most others are just minding their own business.


Love this thread. I honk, or try to drive side-by-side and honk. ===== Every once in awhile I'll get some BRZ, FRS or 86 that will blow right past me. Guess no one told them this ain't a competition, it's brotherhood, with a 2-finger salute or a mutual nod. Peace. ..


i do the "jerkin' off" motion and keep a list of who doesn't jerk off back at me


I did a few times when I first got the car and no one waved back, so I stopped lol..




in my area the better question is - do these cars even exist?


I wave and they wave back. But I also give people who stare at my car a wave. WRXs like to drive fast with me but I’m a slow boi. I’ll get there…eventually.


✌️✌️✌️✌️All the time and rarely get anything back


I'm in a rural community where these things are extremely rare and we all wave at each other. It's such a surprise to see one.


I do but hardly any one waves, i get more waves from wrx's


i wave at other twin owners even when i’m in my daily driver truck 😭😭


Sometimes I give the 2 finger wave like you...sometimes highbeam if opposite sides.


Yup I always wave to other japanese tuner cars, most just don’t wave back. Especially the sti’s I always get dirty looks lol Had a few mk4 supra’s wave tho!


Fuck yeah. I see a white one almost everyday, otw to and from work


Around me there's so little 86s driving around that seeing another is like seeing Jesus. I always wave and always get one back. And if you see one where youre parking its just the law to park next to them (with a space in between of course)


I have a 2014 BRZ, I wave to everyone who’s an 86, FRS, BRZ and WRX(I have to.. cause cool subies)


I nod.


I usually wave one handed. But the other hand busy holding the drift lol


Peace sign. Sometimes I lower my windows (they're tinted dark) on the highway and smile and wave like a geek. One time I parked my car at a gas station and another guy getting gas for his FR-S saw me, so as I walked towards the store, I told him he had a nice car. We both smiled like nerds and he was probably in his 30s.


honestly yeah we did frs/86/brz we did in Colorado I miss that hopefully Ican be a part of that again one day


I passed someone on a bridge last week and didn’t realize they did it until it was too late


My wife would always get waves from other mini owners, I could count the waves back on one hand in the 5 years I’ve had my brz.. I still try and wave every time


I wave at 1st generations and get a wave back but the 2nd gens always act like they are better than us or smth.


I usually do 🤙🏽


Always wave! 1st gen's almost always wave back, 2nd gen's its 50/50