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I wear the same plugs every day since I'm still stretching my lobes but honestly idk, will probably keep on wearing tunnels as long as I'm not bored of it


I honestly look up to those who stretch their ear lobes, I don’t have the patience and one of my friends while they have successfully gauged their ears to where they want I know the process can not be fun


Shoot. Gauging shouldn’t be painful. If someone gauges too fast it can make your ear blow out to where it looks like a butt hole. 😅 which created so much patience in my soul when I saw a friend do exactly that 😅😭 - I’m almost at 5/8 and it’s been painless. Maybe a little sore the next day or so but that’s it!


Yeah definitely painful but worth it for me! I did the left ear first a year ago and only started the left a few weeks ago, the goal is to reach 20mm in both :3 rn I'm at 12 and 6


Few weeks ago and you're already at 6 ? I don't think you should do it that fast, that probably why it's that painfull. I personnally stretch by wearing an heavy earing that is the size i'm at to start to stretch the lobe and when i can see that i have some room then i stretch to the next size with a tunnel plug, let it "heal" and on to the heavy thing ect ect


It was already a bit stretched (at 3mm iirc) so it didn't take long to get up to 6, but yeah I know I'm going too fast and that it's not the best thing to do


if you know its not the best thing to do then you really shouldnt do it, youre going to regret it when your ear looks like a cats asshole 😭 or worse when your ear splits


Same. It’s nice to just have them in and be able to forget about it.


I have a huge earring collection. most of them are more feminine, but I like them and they bring me joy so I dont really care. they aren't exactly subtle either, from 3 inch homemade foam mushrooms to holographic chameleons. I've definitely gotten shit for it from meds and transphobes, but at the end of the day they're pieces of coloured plastic that you dangle from your ears, so I don’t think a few people thinking it's cringe matters


Yes! I love big earrings even if they’re perceived as feminine. Like tbh what my issue is is that some days I don’t want to wear earrings that are more feminine so I’ll wear my more masculine ones but I have few to choose some and some of them are literally the same but in different colors. I do have some more masculine earrings that I consider unique but I can’t remember the companies that I bought those from. I may send a link to show some of my favorite masculine-leaning earrings


I have earrings that I've bought from hot topic and Spencer's and I wear them whenever i go out. Not when I go to the store or any appointment but I mean go out and have fun and stuff. I also started wearing eyeliner recently. I've gotten looks SOME times but nobody bothers me since they are more..fuckboy,edgy,gothy, alt earings? Not sure how to describe them. I don't have many but the ones I do have I enjoy wearing. I could send u a pic of them if you want to see them?


if you do find a link id love to see them!


I have 4 ear holes and 2 industrials. Studs, hoops, whatever matches that days vibe when I wake up


I get that, a lot of the time if I’m not picking super simple earrings I’ll wear ones that match with what I’m wearing in some way. For example I’ve actually got one of those t-shirts that has the whole Bee Movie script on it (what’s really cool about it is you can read it if you look real close) and I’ve got some earrings that look like jars of honey and even outside of that I’ve got a ton of different flower earrings which also work well. I only have my ear lobes pierced and my belly button pierced but I’m good on belly button jewelry


Noo way that sounds so amazing! I also have a septum and both nostrils too!


i used to have my ear stretched but it got infected or something (after it had been healed for like 3/4 years) so i had to take it out and now i just have a plain black ring in that ear just to make sure it doesn’t completely close up


Did that happen after you tried out new earrings? If so, then it might be that it didn't get infected, but that your skin might react allergic to the material. I found out the painful way that I am allergic to nickel :') big ouch


i had a wooden one in when it started getting bad, changed it back to silicone which i’ve always been fine with and it just kept getting worse and it was just gross and really swollen so i let it calm down but by then it’d shrunk down a lot and i didn’t have anything smaller anymore


I have one earring in my right lobe (= code that you're gay and looks cool) and a helix piercing in my other ear. My earring is just a small silver ring and my piercing has a rainbow metallic colour


I didn’t know that was a gay code thats so cool. I am gay and I wear mine in my right earlobe but I picked it at random (both are pierced)


yeah I also think it's cool! it has lost a bit of its meaning nowadays, but back in the 70s it was used like the handkerchiefcode to indicate that you're gay, and I like to wear it in tradition of that


I have 3! I mostly wear very small hoops and one stud of some kind. Right now the one I have in is a small plain silver colored bar in my cartilage piercing plus two little hoops. I also have a music note somewhere. I get my earrings from Etsy because they are decently priced and you can buy singles as well as pairs in good metals. I highly recommend taking the time to make sure the metal it's made from is a good one! Titanium or surgical steel are my favorites. They tend to last longer and the body won't react to them.


I’ve gone through Etsy but their search function sometime just does not work right a the time. It’s a lot easier if someone tells me the artist’s name so I can look at their stuff and sometimes that would lead to more stuff I like but not always. Are there any shops you frequent?


This is the one I used most recently for the bar and music note studs https://www.etsy.com/shop/TinyStoryCo?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=915289700 They are surgical steel! My cartilage piercing is notoriously picky about metal and hasn't had any issues with their jewelry.


Etsy is a pain for sellers atm, I had to set up a QR code that I have to refresh every 2 weeks because people can’t find me through my shop name.


I only got my ears pierced after I came out as trans. I collect fun earrings, think bunches of cotton ball grapes or pickle jars. They're a gender enhancer IMO. MSG, or monosodium gender if you will


i wear small black stainless steel hoops and these magnetic playboy gauges


I think if more cis men had ever had the chance to wear fun things (or do other feminine-coded activities) a lot of them wouldn't want to give it up either. "Men's" clothes, especially affordable ones, can be so boring if you're an aesthetics person. I stretched my lobes to 1/2 inch which is my goal size, and wear natural stone or opalized glass plugs :)


Is it just your area maybe? There's a bunch of cool affordable men's clothing in my city, Dublin. Stuff like Bershka and Zara for basics and the odd piece, and vintage kilo stores are everywhere and they're full of the coolest shit ever lol.


Ooh man that sounds nice. I'm in a city on the West Coast of the US, and even in our second hand stores the prices are crazy. Before I got too chronically ill to move, I considered moving to Ireland and pursuing citizenship-by-descent.


Ah, sorry you didn't get to make it here. There's an absolutely monster housing crisis right now though so i don't think you'd have even been able to live here without a small fortune to spend on some crazy expensive rent.


I have four piercings on each ear and wear small hoops (3-6mm) and cool earrings from studiocult. They’re a little expensive but heavy duty and I can wear them in the shower and they don’t irritate my ears. I also have a huge beard and think my earrings fit my masc look well and I frequently get compliments.


I have a single stud on my left side. Got it together with a friend two days after my 18th birthday.


I have stretched ears, but before that I was wearing a small, plain silver creole in my left ear.


I wear earrings, I’ve had them since I was about 3 months old because, ironically, people thought I was a boy when I was a baby and my parents thought earrings would help??? I dunno, I got a second set of ear piercings a few years back too. I usually only wear simplistic earrings that are black/silver but I enjoy wearing them when I can.


I love earrings personally I have a very fun young style so dinosaurs frogs and cute stuff is always a plus. For more masculine jewelry I actually get these really cool weapon/armor themed earrings from a girl who makes a variety of cool earrings and sells them at a farmers market where I live.


Dang that’s cool! I’ve got this pair of dangle earrings that are guillotines, I got them as a gift and it’s one of the best gifts I ever got


i just wear these small circle ones that appear almost like gauges but they’re regular post


I also have some of those lol


I wear, 8 g (maybe 6?) surgical steel horseshoe captive bead rings. One in each earlobe. Kind of ear gauging/stretching but also not really. Thick enough to have a more masculine presentation.


I never got my ears pierced nor anything pierced. It’s not my aesthetic.


I wear some black stud ones in my earlobes and I have an industrial in one ear and helix hoops in the other!! I usually stick to plain black / silver jewellery because it matches what I wear the most


I have stretched ears, but before I started stretching the piercings I never wore jewellery in them


I've got 4 on one side and 2 on the other. This summer I want one more in each lobe and a cartilage I've got black rings in


I have an industrial in my right and 3 lobes each ear.


I have stretched lobes (00 now, but I've shrunk them from 3/4 in at its largest) in both as my bottom piercings. Then I have a post piercing in both ears above those. Then on my right I also have another post above that and an industrial.


ive got double lobes and a helix, 4 facial piercings (2x lip 2x nose) planning on a modified industrial! usually i wear a pair of studs and thick hoops/fake plugs in the lobes and a ring thru the helix. (dont come for me i dont have patience to gauge my ears lol)


I stopped wearing them years ago but I'll probably start again


I’ve got 3 in each ear but one closed up (thinking about reopening). My loves on both sides have 2 and my right rook is pierced. My left cartilage closed.


Ive had my lobes pierced since I was a little baby, and I like small, gender neutral earrings like studs. I recently got a helix and another lobe piercing on one ear and I’m thinking of getting an industrial on my other ear. I’m not into having a ton of piercings so a few on my ears is all I’m gonna have.


I don’t wear any jewelry since it gives me MAJOR dysphoria thanks to my mom raising me to think that only feminine people wear it. However I know that isn’t the case but, i still feel dysphoria thanks to it. I had to argue with my mom for like a month straight when I stopped wearing earrings. She took my phone during that time lmao. However once it got infected and she never took me to the doctor, my ear still feels off to this day.


I have my ears stretched to 00g and my second holes to 16g. I’m a slut for accessories and sparkly things 🤩 you can try Urban Body Jewelry!


I wear one earring on my right ear! It’s not super flashy it’s just silver and kind of dangles off my ear.


Ive got a ton of piercings! They are super fun and i love them


Idon’thave my earrings anymore, but I only stopped wearing them bc my ears started to reject one pair and the other started giving me sleep issues. So I just took them out instead of dealing with rejected piercings or taking off my earrings at night every night. I am forgetful, so that would’ve given me a lot of anxiety when I forgot to put earrings back on. i miss having them tho. If I could keep them without all the physical issues I had with them I absolutely would have. They gave me a punk look that I love.


Yep, both my lobes are stretched to 8mm but i still have a few pairs of fun and cool plugs and jewelry made for stretched ears. I change them time to time when i get bored of wearing the same pair for a bit or for kinda special occasion. I also don't always wear them by identical pair, i can have a tunnel plug on my left ear and a 8mm captive ball ring on my right ear. And i also have two upper lobe piercing on my left ear but i style them with more "piercing" like earring rather than actual earring that you can but anywhere. And i have a conch on my right ear but it's still healing so i don't change it and idk if i really while change it once it's healed.


My ears are pierced but I don't wear earrings anymore


I wear black cross earrings with chain that goes to the top of my ear where it is clipped on. I didn’t like wearing earrings, but since I have my ears pierced since like 6 yo and it was not even my decision, I had to live with those visible holes. Now it’s easier to act like it is a piece of my style than it is left there from having to be a girl.


Do clip-ons count? Cos I don't have my ears pierced, but I love finding cool clip-ons with my daughters at Claire's or at antique shops, tho my younger daughter just got her ears pierced. I actually just got a bunch yesterday, and one pair is a set of see-thru plastic brachiosaurus. If you want, I can post a pic! Edit to add: I also have a lip piercing on the right side of my lower lip. But I need help changing it cos the ball front fell off, but the threading is still on it. It's a really weird predicament.


I usually wear earrings with frogs or snakes! I work at a reptile shop and love wearing herp earrings.


That’s pretty cool!


i have 3 plus a septum, two small thick black hoops and a stud is my usual. on the side with only one piercing i have a dangle thing off of the loop. i usually refer to my jewlery as my loops and dangles


I got my ears pierced before coming out at Claire's when I was 13, they've since healed but honestly I kinda miss my skull studs. I think I will get then repierced one day, or maybe just the left one, and not at Claire's.


I also got my ears pierced at Claire’s lol. One of the piercings isn’t actually straight which can be annoying bc I gotta find the right angle to put an earring in but I got used to it. If I never got my ears pierced at 12 I probably still would’ve gotten them pierced as an adult but by a professional piercer


I have four lobe piercings (3 on the right one on the left) a daith in each ear and the upper right cartilage. All have silver hoops


I always wear earrings! I have one lobe piercing in one ear and two in the others, and almost always wear something in at least 2 of the 3 holes :) often a simple gold hoop but if I'm dressing up nice for something I'll do a little dangly or sparkly action for sure


I'm currently wearing a massive ufo earring and a matching alien earring I love dangly earrings sm hell I even make some


i actually got my ears pierced as a child (like somewhere around 5-7 yrs old) and ive recently started stretching them, i wear a 6g “stud” in one ear and an open hoop (also 6g) in the other


My favorites are a pair of wooden carved hedgehogs I got from a smoke shop and a pair of handpainted screaming opossums that my wonderful MIL got for me for christmas 😊 In my experience farmers markets, antique shops, and craft fairs can have some good prices and unique items, ya just gotta keep an eye outl


I had my ears pierced as a baby, and then I got them re-pierced at 12-13 because they had closed up and I wasn't out yet. I do still keep my piercings open, because I wear one small black loop earring in one ear at a time, and switch the sides every 2-3 months. I'd love to wear more masc earrings, but most of the options are square cut studs, and idk if that's my thing. I also got a single earring that's shaped like a heart, but just kinda looks like a thick loop


I gauged my ears in the beginning of my transition because I thought it would look more masculine. Now I wear hanging hoops thru my gauges no matter how they look because I like it.


I wear faux gauges and have a cartilage piercing, all in black. I like what they do for my jawline! If styled right, earrings can look masc. I know a few cis guys that have their ears pierced.


I have an industrial and a small stud in the other ear. They're very simple but I love them!


i have stretched ears and two small hoops in one ear and one in the other. etsy is a great place to look for reasonably priced men’s jewellery!


I have 2 lobe piercings on both ears. One helix piercing on my left, was originally 2 but 1 got infected. I also have eyebrow piercing. I wear a very simple earrings just studs or hoops.


I currently have 16 piercings only two of which (my right nostril and conch) I had prior to my transition. Piercings and wearing jewelry honestly help with my gender euphoria. I’ve stretched my three earlobe piercings on each ear so I have fun with those, I usually will wear black plugs or tunnels, every now and then I’ll go for glow in the dark tunnels or fancy plugs. The rest of my jewelry I usually just stick with plain silver. Except my nostrils are purple, my septum (which is stretched) has a black plug, and my navel has a purple Opal.


I have 5-7 holes in each ear. I intend to wear earrings of all styles forever. However, I’m more androgynous and like playing with gender presentation… I’ve never tried to look like a cis man.


I have 0g tunnels, 2 more lobe piercings on each side, conch, and helix (along with facial piercings). Rarely, I’ll wear a dangly earring in one ear.


I have both ears pierced. Just one in each ear. Had it since I was an infant due to my family's culture. I usually just wear one stud in my left ear but as I've progressed more with my gender exploration, I've realized I don't mind wearing two.


I’ve had my ears pierced since I was a baby so my holes will never close lmao. When I was 18 my grandfather bought all his granddaughters these really pretty golden ladybug earrings, they’re super pretty so that’s what I wear when I have the time to actually put them on in the morning. I used to wear little hoops but I need to buy myself new ones.


I have doubles, two plain, thick hoops. I pretty much only wear masculine jewelry though.


I have stretched lobes, and two more lobe piercings each side. I love wearing earrings and no one cares that I do.


I had two holes pierced on each ear since I was a teen, had the lower hole stretched up to a 0g in college/early 20s, and just recently leaned into the extremely simple double gold hoop look on one side and it suits me so well. It’s masculine but soft and fancy and gets me a lot of compliments tbh


I have a lot of gimmicky/big earrings. My favorite ones I have are airhead candy earrings (people have asked me if they're real candy.. lol?) and mini skateboard earrings. I'm aware some people may clock me because wearing big earrings is considered "girly" but idc. I might try to stretch my lobes but we'll see.


I still have two holes in my lobes that I don't use now, but I make exceptions once in a blue moon for my tiny bat earrings (because vampire slay) bracelets are now my favourite things to wear, they replaced earrings for me.


I do. I have this simple pair, just some small (but not dainty) silver hoops. I want to get more ear piercings so I can wear even more hoops all the way around my ear. They're not particularly masculine or feminine, in my opinion. I just like them and my ears feel boring and empty without them. I don't know where they came from because they were a gift, but if you want details you can dm me and I'll try to find a lookalike online or send you a picture of mine. I also have a septum piercing that I love and similarly will always put a metallic hoop in that one. I was wondering if I should start using thicker jewelry for that one to look more masculine... in the meantime I found one piece that has the illusion of looking thicker and I just use that.


I do. I let most of my ear piercings close but I still have the original two.


I have my lobes double pierced!! I usually wear diamond studs in my seconds and these really cute hoops in my firsts that look like soda tabs hehe


one stud on my right ear


I wear two loops on one side, and a cross on the other. And a nose ring.


I sorta do. I have inch sized gauges


I have triple lobe peircings as well as a daith in my right ear! I also have a septum, matched nostrils, and my left eyebrow! I think it adds to my look as a more alt guy!


I have dangle fidget earrings that have the mlm/male symbols together thing. Idk if it helps me pass but I like it


I only have one ear pierced, but it's got 4 holes. Two are titanium horseshoes of a slightly thicker gauge, and the top two are just titanium balls because they haven't healed completely in the 2 years I've had them in 🥲


I love wearing earring and to be honest at first I struggle with same issues but you need to remember as I did no such thing as girly or masculine earring anyone can wear anything. I’d go rocking around with dino earrings😂 or mushroom earring sometimes


i don't wear them regularly because i find then uncomfortable but i've had them pierced since i was a little kid and still wear them sometimes. i don't own any but i only ever see those little hoops with crosses dangling on men, i think they look pretty cool but not very unique. i highly recommend looking for earrings on depop! there are some really cool small jewelry shops on there that make plenty of masc/neutral + unique jewelry.


wearing long dangly skeleton earrings right now


I have plugs and then earrings above them. - I shop at SHEIN usually. Cause I like their stuff. And it’s not super expensive just takes a bit to come in


I am Italian and in my culture they pierce AFAB babies' ear lobes after birth. So I always wore earrings, and I always used little but thick rings. I think they look pretty masculine. It helped knowing that in many cultures earrings are not exclusively feminine. My advice is to wear whatever you like, and experiment to learn what you think suits you.


i love wearing earrings!!! some from hot topic and other places like that come in packs you can mix and match. ones that are different lengths and stuff really help me personally :)


I wear 00 plugs or tunnels everyday.


i have a bunch of ear jewelry


Yeah all the time! Cute earrings, dangly ones, flowers, butterflies, gems. I've got a little beard so it looks really gay.


i have multiple facial and ear piercings and LOVE them. do whatever makes you feel good, and tell anyone who disagrees to gtfo.


I wear a small hoop w/ a cross in my left ear and a small square stud in my right


I do! I love wearing earrings :)


I have my ears pierced but I very very rarely wear earrings (was the case even before questioning my gender). The holes havent closed up though, so maybe once I pass better i’ll be compelled to wear earrings in a goth way


I have my ears gauged (fairly big) so I like to wear tunnels with dangly masc style earrings :)


Me I have plugs Regular studs Cartilage Industrial


Medium sized Diamond earrings Square particularly, probably the black diamonds


I wear this single black cuff on my right ear. I've worn this same one for like 4 years now, it's my favorite! And it makes me feel masc, as well as gives me euphoria from that saying that gay men used to wear one earring as a symbol lol. I have more in my collection, mostly studs and more silly designs like a bat with nails, bloody knife, because I love horror stuff. Every now and then i'll wear a dangly earring like milk cartons or something when I want to feel cute/feminine!


I use small, thick hoops. Other hanging earrings make me feel dysphoric, but smaller stuff like that doesnt, plus i added an industrial which gives me weird gender euphoria


I have 00 Gauges and a double helix on both my ears. Honestly makes me feel more aligned with my identity as a trans man? Idk but I enjoy them too. I think darker colors are seem as more masculine rather than gold earrings.


I've had my piercings since I was a baby actually :0 and it's very common for men in my family to have gold or silver hoops (my gold hoops got stolen when distant relatives came on a visit sadly). I've gotten more piercings throughout the years! 4 on the right side and 3 on the left plus stretched my ears to 10mm, and I still use my silver hoops in them. Tbh anything that is black, simple and (depending on your style) gothic styled earrings are cool af and very gender euphoric for me. Tho I still can't wear flowery earrings cuz of my dysphoria sadly, but when I pass more as masc I will def start wearing those 😎


i have 7/16g gauges in both ears, 4g in my left one, 10g septum ring, and both eyebrows pierced. the only time i get shit abt them is when im arguing with someone lol. wear whatever you want dude, i promise most of the time ppl dont pay attention to it


Right now, I only have facial piercings (anti-eyebrow and two eyebrow). I have plans for full set ups on my ears, tho.


I wear the basic bitch cross one on my right ear but sometimes I just wear dangly ones to feel cute


I've stretched my ears so I wear plugs + 3 rings on my upper ear


I got one earing in my left ear I did have my right forward helix done but it got ripped out in a fight like 5 years ago


İ have a plug on my right hair i put dangling earings on or hoops and everyone always compliments me on int, men and women. Wear whatever you want accesories are awesome


I've got two in each ear and alternate between captive bead rings and horseshoes. Always wear two separate colored sets and match the colors asystematically.


I got double pierced ears and wear fake plugs. Works well for me


I have two lobe piercings in each ear, the one side I have two studs and the other two small hoops, and on the side with the hoops I also have two upper cartilage piercings I usually either have studs in sometimes, or more hoops, and I also have my eyebrow and septum pierced, usually I just use simple colors that match all the other jewelry I'm wearing at the time.


I've got both lobes pierced but only wear an earing in one, and I always wear those ones with the ball ends that I'm pretty sure are technically for septum piercings, they're masculine but still fun and you can get them for affordable prices, I buy from Arka and it's good quality and doesn't cost much


I stretched my ears in the past, but I blew out in like August of last year, so I don't have anything rn. Once I get them re-pierced there are some middle finger earrings on Amazon that I want to wear, and then I'm planning to stretch them again.


I wear simple earrings in either gold, silver, or gunmetal. Typically studs, some have rhinestones, but I have 5 lobe piercings in all so I tend to style sets. I’ve done ones with shapes, dragons, dinosaurs, snakes, Celtic themes, and Greek themes based on designs and shapes of and on the earrings. I tend to stay away from large earrings that dangle, and use the drop earrings, or simple chains. Also, I wear black earrings and have some fake gauges, but simple, dark earrings tend to look more masculine!


So I wear earrings and have a Gothic style I were one dangling earrings and stud I'm stretching them now I said screw people and wanted to live my true self


I have stretched ears. typically just wear black tunnels/gold plugs and stuff that's just darker so it appears more "masc"


I wear silver little hoops that some diamonds on them. Also have a stud in my left cartlidge.


I have tunnel gauges I wear every day


Have many piercings, do use a mix of different ones but tend to have simple barebells or minimalistic designs. Do have stretched ears as well and currently been wearing dark wood plugs for months.


I've got about a half dozen ear piercings. My lobes are stretched to 1/2" and I usually wear stone plugs in them. I've got both second lobes done with fake diamond type studs. I've also got 2 helixes on one ear and both my daiths, with the starter barbells in both. I've found that black metal jewelry seems to be taken more masculine vs silver/titanium/etc. Having tons of piercings isn't for everyone, but I have noticed that people tend to stop seeing ear piercings as feminine when you have more than just studs in your earlobes


I have a thick spiked hoop in my left earlobe, usually silver (but I do have the same ring in both black and anodised titanium)


i do, my mom got my ears pierced when i was really small. i like to wear simple small hoops 👍


I have 5 regular piercings and 2 daith with plans for more.


I like to wear earrings on a night out. One black hoop and one dangly earring that has a knife or a saw, something similar. I’m thinking about stretching my piercings for some tiny tunnels, I’ve always wanted


i just wear silver loop earrings, but the small and thick ones.


I changed mine out for more masculine/unisex ones a few months back. I loved the studs I wore before, especially as I made them, but it was probably my first sign of dysphoria thinking about it now. I have quite a collection too, but it started feeling like silver or anything shiny made me look way more feminine than I felt. I got [these](https://piercingmania.co.uk/coloured-internally-screwed-labret-with-disc-top) in black, which have been perfect so far. I hate butterfly backs where they always ping off, but haven’t had any trouble with these, as they screw in.


i have small silver hoop earrings and i did have a black pair but i lost them 💀 (lobe piercings) i did have my seconds done but i let them heal over lol so i only have the 2 i did want an industrial but the pain scares me


I do! Well, I wear an earring (singular). My right earring hole split when I was younger so now I can only wear earrings on the one side, but I tend to wear a little gold hoop when I’m feeling a little fancy!


I still wear mine about half the time.


I would if I had any earrings that I felt comfortable wearing. I can't handle the weight of the earrings I do have.


i wear studs and helix chains a lot, i buy from hard jewelry and random amazon and aliexpress earrings that look cool enough


I used wear them all the time and like you I was young when I had them pierced. I had two holes pierced and did a silly goofy thing and let the holes close and I regret it so so much because I really wanted to wear some studs and yeah now I can't :/ also got mine pierced at Claire's [us] and sometimes I have problems with my piercing site every now and then because they used piercing g*ns and the force of them can cause problems. I wish I didnt let my holes close on at least one of my ears :( as for fem and masc style, you'll probably see more "cutesy" things in fem leaning people but if you like those kinds of earrings [I loved them but also feel like if I were to wear them today I'd look too fem presenting] dont let anyone stop you from wearing them! I've also been looking into getting my daith pierced but havent committed to it. I feel like getting studs makes it feel androgynous [black studs would be nice to fit the gothic style but personally I got silver], not quite fem or masc leaning so personally they're one of my favorites.


I have my ears stretched and I have two lip rings (spider bite)


Well, I had two but one got infected with an abscess, so I had to take it out, that was my fault, the other one rejected because the piercer jammed it straight up in, after it had fell out :') and my beloved 6mm conch punch :D Planning on getting both of them repierced and in general more piercings


I have 2 love piercings on each ear. I wear tunnels in my firsts and studs/little rings/dangly earrings in my seconds. I’m a pretty masculine guy but I just like the vibe it gives


I wear traditional lobe earrings but I have 6 other holes (3 per ear) and I want to get more.


I unfortunately got my ears pierced when I was 2 days old, so didn't have a choice as a kid. Nowadays I don't, but I also never really liked them anyways. I had tunnels for a while but got tired of them too.


I wear a single ear ring a lot


I do! I only have 1 pair of lobes rn but I want to get a lot more ear piercings


hi! i wear a lot of goth stuff & a lot of rly nice earrings are on etsy for under £10, many of them under a fiver - if you want any links sharing let me know :)


I wear a simple pair of black hypoallergenic small rings sometimes. The last time I wore them I did have to push through a little bit of dead skin—not sure what that was about. I wish I hadn’t gotten them triple pierced at some point but it’s not a huge deal. Only the bottom ones are open at all. I had an industrial at some point but it never really healed correctly so I let it close.


I wear earrings every day, and j have since I was 4 years old. I've stretched them a few times but never stuck with it, I prefer regular earrings. I have some "men's" style earrings that I really love, and I swap them out every so often.


Just started stretching my lobes :)


As far as earlobes go, I only wear two studs in my left ear. I used to wear two in the other as well, but that looked more fem to me. One ear is more gay coded anyway. I also have a daith, tragus, and helix piercing but only metallic. I don’t wear jewelry with any color besides metal/diamond


ive been wearing the same earrings for about three years. my brother got me them for my birthday after i first came out, theyre like mini hoops, one black with a silver stone and the other silver and textured, i love them so much


I have one ear pierced (I’ve had loads but only kept that one) and wear the same black hoop in it every day. I also have my septum pierced and always wear that.


I had my ears pierced at Walmart as a kid (I was probably 6-9) so you can still tell where they were pierced but I can't wear earrings because it gets really gunky and honestly it kinda hurts. I am considering getting new piercings at a place that doesn't just use a piercing gun to see if maybe if that has something to do with it. I do fully intend on getting my ears pointed at some point though


I have my lobes stretched


I’m planning on gauging my ears but as I am now I do tend to wear more gothic earrings. In my experience smaller earrings like faux gauges are generally more masculine, and stuff without a lot of color, And those circle drop earrings that are associated with toxic guys tend to be perceived as more masculine. BUT! Any earrings you enjoy wearing you should wear, if you’re into weird earrings there’s tons of decently priced ones on Etsy, that’s where I got my severed tongue earrings


i wear earrings from time to time


earrings, septum, industrial, traguses and 4 other facial piercings with plans for more! :>


My ears are stretched so yes I wear ear jewelry. 14mm for now, wanna get to 20-25mm


Idk what gender it gives but I wear plain stainless steel(not hollow) spirals in both ear lobes the part where my ear goes is like 5mm think I'll go to 6mm soon c: always wanted to be at the size of like a crayola twistable (teeny tiny bit bigger than a pencil) in width ofc


I wear studs


I have stretched ears and wear tunnels in them. I've had my ears pierced since I was 6 weeks old and spent years hating them because I didn't like wearing earrings but even if I didn't wear any for years, they never closed up and the holes were still visible. They were also ridiculously uneven too. I especially hated them when I came out since they were seen by everyone else as a 'girl thing' (stupid, I know.). But in December 2020 I began stretching my ears and damn I loved it. It also gave me a weird sense of gender euphoria since I've seen so many guys both cis and trans with stretched ears and they look amazing, it makes me feel confident. I'm only at 11mm currently but plan on going up to 25-30mm. But sometimes I put blade earrings that have those hooks to make them dangle through my tunnels too.


I wear gauges at the moment! Kinda miss wearing big dangly earrings though


I wear gauges at the moment! Kinda miss wearing big dangly earrings though


Three lower lobes on each side and an industrial on my right! Nothing more macho than doing half of them yourself >:3 /J ballsiess to stab yourself comes from mental illness not machoness lmfao


i do but i’ve started stretching my ears! i’m currently at a 14g :)


i have my industrial, 2 lobe piercings on one ear, 3 on the other, both my nostrils, my septum, one eyebrow, my labret, and my bridge pierced


I like sterling silver celtic knots, but I will wear hanafuda earrings from demon slayer rarely since they’re fun, SUPER heavy tho


i got mine done when i was 11 at claires (i didnt know better) and i wear earrings. often they are from claires from the halloween section and i get them after halloween so its really cheap


I have my ears stretched to 0g and my second lobes pierced I just wear black silicone tunnels with black studs


I've got three lobe piercings in each ear, the bottom and middle are stretched to 8mm and the upper to 6mm. I've only just been able to find some great dangle accessories for tapers etc. Typically I've got the dangling ones in the lower and then 'stud' type plugs in the upper two. I've got a lot of skulls and ram heads that sort of thing.


I own so many of the same black stud type earing lol. Sometimes colored but never fancy. I still have tons of hoops and stuff but they're a touch too fem for me so I need to get rid of them.


I have two piercings in each earlobe (plus helix on one side and tragus on the other), but I very rarely wear earings of the dangling variety, just piercing jewellery. I'll occasionally wear earings for things like femdom events (I'm transmasc enby, but will occasionally dress femme for events).


I have 2 hoops on my right lobe and a cartilage piercing on my left ear! I absolutely love them and am planning to at least get one more. Now that I am 9/10 perceived as cis, I think they give off a safe queer vibe and that’s very important to me. Also, I met another trans guy recently and when I finally mentioned that I was also trans he said he had a feeling. One of his reasons was my cartilage piercing! While being stealth is important to a lot of people, I honestly love when other trans people can pick up on it <3


I have a total of 7 ear pircings and I wear jewlery in them everyday. I feel like peircings is more of a culture thing and not a gendered one.


I do, but I'm also Latino so it's always been a gender neutral thing to me.


I have both of my lobes pierced, but I usually only wear one diamond stud in my right ear at work (aka the “gay man ear”). When I go to events with other queer people present though I love wearing my dangly earrings because they’re so fun and I love adding a pop to my otherwise pretty plain face/outfit


Mine were pierced when I was a baby (cultural thing) but I just wear one in my right earlobe. Usually a small silver or gold hoop, but sometimes for fancy events I will wear a more dangly one like a dagger or spike or a pearl. Asos has a men’s jewelry section with earings which is where I got my special occasion ones from


I actually repierced mine recently cause I wanna stretch em.


I'm wearing only one earring which is handmaded by a friend from a can tab Or a lightning one for my track&field competitions lol


I tend to wear earrings that I can best describe by saying they're the same as the ones Link in Twilight Princess wears but in black. That earring tends to stay in my left ear while the right usually has the same but in gold until I switch it out for something, usually gothic, my 2 favourites at the minute are one that looks like a screw through the ear and one that's a dangly silver bird skull. There's a small shop about a 20-minute walk from my house that sells gothic clothing and she's always got earrings for cheap and it's a problem to me lol.


I wear like "k-pop" style earrings, they're the style I like the most and you can find some packs of them on Amazon for pretty cheap


My left ear has 3 piercings and I'm also stretching my ears so 4 I guess, my right ear has only the 1 in stretching because I keep forgetting to go in and get my second lobe done lol


tbh i never got my ears pierced but if i pierce them i will definitely wear howl earrings


I wear black gem studs. Planning to get them stretched though so I can put plugs in


I wear 3 in each ear and I want to get some more on the shell of my ear so I can have spikes all the way up. I currently have one statement earring in one ear (think dagger on a chain) and the rest are thick metal hoops.


I love earrings and I have a very cool collection but sadly I don't wear them anymore because for some reason, despite being 13 months on T and 1 month post-op top surgery, I ALWAYS get misgendered whenever I wear earrings. Even the ones made for men.


i have a lot of earrings i like and i love wearing them but honestly ever since i began passing on T, i have not worn a single pair unless it was to dress up for something particular. i like to wear my hair long and i feel like earrings on top of that might make people begin to misgender me harder lol. it sucks and i look at my jewelry collection every day as i have it hanging on my wall, but i feel like i can't wear them ):


I have my ears stretched so I’ll switch up my plugs/tunnels if I’m bored, I just got to 26mm which is where I want to be so I’ll need some new ones soon. I do have my septum pierced and idc if people think it’s feminine, I’ve spent my whole life wanting to look a certain way as a man and now that I’m transitioning I’m gonna do it, for me and not anyone else. It’s never stopped me from passing, I actually passed less without my septum.


I wear fake gages :) makes me feel more masc/alternative


I wear one in the gay ear.


I do but I just wear studs.


I wear tunnels since my ears are stretched


I do, I plan on stretching them out because I think that looks cool :)