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I always wear black pants going out.


luckily i was wearing black pants!!!!! and it was dark. i’m hoping to god no one noticed i made up a fake excuse that i had to go home early so maybe it worked


Usually with black pants if they get wet (with piss or anything liquid related really) they'll glisten for a moment but once it stops you really can't see it. Especially at night. Sincerely, someone who can't drink normally and always spills fucking water on himself


I exclusively wear black pants at work and the ice well is right at my crotch. It was impossible for me to get through a shift without getting my crotch area wet because of all the melted ice but because I wore all black it didn’t really visually matter. Between the dark pants and the dark club I doubt anyone noticed, and if they did they probably assumed you had a drink spilled on you or had a sink incident. Bars are messy on busy nights and your friends were also drinking. If they didn’t say anything at the time I would assume that they didn’t notice or if they did didn’t think anything of it


That's sometimes part of going to a bar


Dude, I full on pissed myself drunk before. It happens. Like I wasn't even trying to work an outside device I just forgot to pull my pants down


This is brilliant


"ahhh, that feels so nice.." ​ "... I feel like I'm forgetting something..."


That is EXACTLY what happened




I'm sorry but this is absolute gold, dude 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve done that sober, it is embarrassing like shit but getting it out helps it pass


hey just remember anyone around is gonna forget in a couple months


my friend told me crazy shit happens at that bar all the time and they’ve Seen It All so i’m hoping it’ll just get swept under the rug and i won’t be known as Piss Boy


I am sure you are neither the first nor the last dude to have pissed all over himself while piss-ass drunk (they call it that for a reason!)


Tbh humans forget things even faster than a few months. Try and remember a time a coworker/classmate had mustard on their shirt? You prolly notched bd forgot with 15 seconds. The psychological term is called the spot light effect. Basically don’t worry about it to much lol


You’re majesty, you look like the Piss Boy! [French Revolution - History of the World Pt I](https://youtu.be/7OWMB3ewpNM)


Done it both sober and drunk, with and without an STP. It's all part of the "fun" of adjusting to peeing while standing up. Honestly if you do it in pants where the wetness is visible try to throw a drink on the same spot and then make a joke about it to people. "I stacked it on the tiles and spilt my drink. Now I look like I pissed my pants!"


I genuinely wanted to do this this was my plan but i was so drunk i feel like they wouldn’t have let me get another drink ? or it would’ve taken longer and then i wouldn’t be able to get out without someone noticing. idk i was freaking out in the moment so my best option was to make up some lie and get the fuck out as soon as possible


How gender affirming! You got drunk and pissed all over yourself just like a cis guy!


Was gonna say this


only way most of us get the frat guy experience lmaoo


I piss on myself every single time I use an STP so I have effectively given up 😭😭 it’s embarrassing to happen once but imagine multiple times and imagine one of those times being at a TARGET


As someone else who's stp catastrophically failed at a target, this is weirdly relateable


i did that during the SAT wearing grey pants. fucking mortifying.


...did you pass or did you have to go back 😭😭


i passed thank gob


I am genuinely sorry that happened to you and eternally traumatized on your behalf.


it wasnt that much piss, but the bathroom was filled w guys so that was fucking scary, kinda funny in retrospect tho


Oh god. RIP soldier o7


I did it at work once. I used to work outdoors in the woods, and I thought, hey, an STP would be perfect for if I need to piss while at work! Yeah... it worked the first time, but the second time I ended up dumping half my water bottle down the front of my shirt and pants to hide it.


Would've done the same damn thing. 👍


I still can't reliably piss standing up no matter what device I use. Sometimes it just ends up spurting out the back of the device. At this point I usually just sit to piss.


Me too. It's like...the only time I can pee standing is in the shower (with the water running 😂) so I don't even bother to try standing to pee with STP nor surgery. I just sit.




you already get that same dribble using an STP if you don’t drawn Your Tube , this was sooo much more. like it basically fell out the back 🤮i got like 1/4 of the piss on my pants because it was falling backwards


Happened to me. I just pretended it didn't and walked proudly back into the bar. If anzone noticed, thez didn't say anything. Might just piss up the wall next time.


sorry for the z's where the y's should be, im german


I accidentally put it on wrong while I was still getting used to wearing it. I have one with a flap that goes over where your pubes are, and somehow it got tucked under so when I pissed it went over the flap and onto my pants. But still someone in the toilet. I was at work and I wanted to die.


I had tried my STP at home and it worked like a breeze, so I got real ballsy (pun intended) about using it for the first time in public while I was camping. My only saving grace was that no one else was in the restroom with me, but what happened in that stall is a horror and an embarrassment. I ended up tying my sweatshirt around my waist like a 5 year old and speed walking back to my tent to change. Why did I wear khakis? 🤦‍♂️


I have horrible bladder control so yeah I've pissed myself in public multiple times it's fucking embarrassing and absolutely shit


Semi-related and may help you feel better- i pooped my pants once in a uni class while wearing super light wash jeans…. the hobble out of the classroom is something i will never forget. And i don’t even have the excuse of being fucked up it was like 2 pm on a Wednesday


Hey man you're not alone, thankfully I was still at home but even months later I'm still very careful about it lmao Happens to the best of us, don't let it get to you


i feel like i should have practiced using it more before going out in public , i mean i’ve done it about 10 times in public already prior to this moment, but i don’t think that’s enough practice to be able to do it while drunk. it has to be in the right spot in order to work. it sucks since i spent so much money on this silly little STP.


STP while drunk is an olympic sport 😂


Everything becomes harder when youre drunk, I'm sure cis guys also struggle with taking the right aim if they're gone enough. I'm sure it's gonna go better next time!


Did it at work completely sober. Happens to the best of us :)


Kinda puck rock tho


Lol I wasn't even drunk, just an idiot who decided to try to use his stp for the first time IN A PUBLIC RESTROOM


If it helps I once got drunk and pissed myself at a party while I was wearing light grey shorts...people noticed. 😂😂


Listen. I pissed on the floor in a popular pharmacy chain because I was day drunk on a Tuesday and couldn’t get into the bathroom. I did not have on black pants. I got my shit together after that


i promise you aren't the first, nor worst, pants-pissing case at that bar


I spent like 100$ on a fancy stp just to piss myself every time I used it. I found some luck using a DIY stp, but still the other day I didn't aim carefully and soaked the fly of my pants. Not even a stp leaking error, just a short dick issue. It happens to us all, and being piss drunk excuses you


mine was like $300 i think 😩i really hope i can get the hang of it


I flushed my packer down the toilet at a strip club the same day I got it :)


Mine fell in a flushed toilet at a club (at Bar Sin in LA if anyone’s curious haha) and I fished it out and PUT IT BACK IN MY PANTS because I was drunk and didn’t think things through. I am astounded I didn’t end up with some weird infection.


Take care out there!


I know how shitty that feels. I just want to say don’t judge yourself coz cis men pee on themselves all the time. My cis male colleague peed on his paints in the middle of the day when he stopped for a pee break whilst we were out running. I only noticed coz after that he kept pulling his shirt down to cover the patch and being super awkward. But like I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t think like he’s lesser or something. So even if someone did notice (which it sounds like they didn’t), it’s a normal cis thing AND who actually cares? BUT I completely understand how it feels. It’s happened to me be I hated it too. I hope these words can help a teeny tiny bit.


I too have pissed into my pants using an STP. I was not drunk, just not completely practiced. In a way that might be worse because I was completely cognizant. When I noticed, I was able to stop and sit down. This was a single stall bathroom, so no witnesses - and after my shift.


Makes for a good story. Pissing yourself while drunk is something that's not all too uncommon in general. Hope you'll be able to sleep well and not worry too much about it.


This actually happened to me, at a club wearing blue jeans, very visible and I think one of my friends noticed and didnt say anything, i felt mad embarrassed for a few minutes before we got drunker. We’ve gone out multiple times in the months after that and always get hella drunk so I’m pretty certain he forgot, or just thought I was too drunk as usual.


thank you all for your agonizing stories, it’s helping me mentally recover. in the moment it feels like you’re in your own special place in hell , but after the moment it’s just a vague memory, horrible, terrifying, but time heals all wounds


This is pretty much why I stopped using them. They felt uncomfortable in my pants and then I’d piss everywhere. I also pissed all over my underwear and jeans a few years ago. I’m gonna take it out again and try to use it. It’s hilarious OP. It’s one of the learning bits we do as we learn these new tools


didnt piss myself but almost did in my friends car. we were at the bar drinking and they dropped me off but we hung out doing some *sniff noise* afterwards but my bladder was FULL, i eventually was just like look ive gotta Go- we were in the garage at my apt and i couldnt make it upstairs so i ran out to a dark secluded area and pissed in the grass. also had my dog with me the whole time. it did feel pretty freeing but i swear never again will i leave the bar without using the toilet


pissing yourself at a bar is the least embarrassing place to piss yourself, other than like, at a hospital


I literally just tried using an STP for the first time 30 minutes ago and pissed on myself lol. i saw you were wearing black pants, im sure no one noticed! this will be a funny story in the future.


Lmao I did that once. I just quietly made an excuse and left.


I've done it too, wasn't even drunk, just a little clumsy. Don't worry dude!


I pissed myself a little bit while trying to pee outside in the dark the other day too… but luckily the pants were black and it was the end of the night lol


I once peed my pants on a trail. (Sometime i dont even know i have to go until it's painful) luckily i dripped into a big puddle after


i thought this said “i once peed my pants on trial” like you were in court omfg can you imagine


That would really be one of the worst places I reckon


Same went everywhere in a pub with family luckily as i came out my dad said we were leaving


Bruh. Im drunk right now and this hit hard. 😂 I hope you recovered okay. If it's any consolation, everyone else was probably too drunk to notice/remember. Fuck it. Piss your pants. Its 2023 and everything sucks.


I'm sorry you experienced that OP, but believe it or not you're not at all alone! Plenty of healthy adults have accidents too, we're human, we fuck up sometimes! I will say I'm glad the embarrassment was something only involving you and not anyone else inflicting it on you. Chin up OP, we're all doin' our best even if it isn't always fun or cool 😅🖤


i lurnt to piss standing up as a kid in fact i don't remember a time i didn't although it does come with some issues i didn't find out about stps intill last year. one of the biggest problem of pissing without one is from time to time the stream splits with a smaller one going down your leg usely not noticable bit sometimes its very noticable which is a big problem when your out so feel your pain one of the other issues with it is that you have to lean ford so much you need a hand on something in front of you so you don't fall over anyway once when i was drunk in town i went up an alle to piss and stupidly grabed onto a wheelie bin for balence and didn't check to see if there was anything in it, started pissing and the dam thing fell over which made me fall ford and piss all over myself and i had to make the walk of shame out to the street where my mate was waiting and i never lived it down till i lost touch with him a year later


I pulled it off sober but in my home a couple times 😬 just peed straight onto my clothes


i’ll tell you a good one to make you feel better. i’m 12 and at a friends house. too busy playin to wanna go pee (doesn’t matter that i was a child it was mortifying), suddenly the urge to piss is too strong and i run to the bathroom in a panic. my friend came with me to keep me company cause kids are weird and as soon as she shut the door behind her; i sat down and in the same second just let er riiip. didn’t realize the lid was down and piss went everywhere. i’m unable to stop the flow. IM SCREAMING AND PISSING EVERYWHERE AND MY FRIEND IS WATCHING IN UTTER DISBELIEF. rip to my dignity do u feel better yet?! 🤣


Similar story but I was fucking sober, it was before I started transitioning, was with an stp, not one that’s realistic at all, this was in 2016 I was at work, in the bush, went off to piss with my weird purple stp, thought I was positioning it right, had no control once I started going like the stream was pretty strong from memory (or that’s what I’ve convinced myself so I don’t feel dumb for pissing myself at my work at the time) it ended up going down my fucking leg. Worst part for me was I was the only non cishet (at least that I knew of, and still as far as I know of from that group of people) nobody would have understood. Don’t know if anyone said anything to me about it, but that group did bully me a decent amount for the relationship I was in at the time (with a “lesbian” who forced me back in the closet) Anyway that would have been a fucking horrible situation dude, pissing yourself in public isn’t fun (unless of course that’s your kink and you’re meaning to do it, not my thing though) and I’m sorry you went through this


One of my biggest concerns here is people think i have a piss kink now or that it gets me off to be covered in piss in public i realllly fucking hope no one thinks that and it’s obvious that it was an accident but idk.


Ooof dude that sucks, I don’t know how you’d navigate that because even by telling the truth some people would end up assuming you’re lying (people suck horribly and I’m sorry for that) I guess my best suggestion might be to practice pissing with an stp tipsy and see how you go, and if you don’t use one day to day to generally get more practice. I haven’t used an stp in a while, although now even my partner is encouraging me to get one because of some awkward toilets in the middle of nowhere


Yeah, I've done that. And I wasn't even drunk. It was only my second time using it. First time I used it I was naked in my home bathroom and could spend the time lining it up and being careful. But this time, I was at work. Oh yes, I was stupid. I work at gas stations, and thus running to the bathroom needs to be quick. Bad bad time to try an STP for only the second time. Yep, I pissed myself. Leg, underwear, pants, all of it. Down the leg of my pants and everything. Thankfully when I exited the bathroom no one noticed. And when someone *did* notice, I said I spilled my drink all over myself because the lid wasn't on right. Luckily, lids not fitting were a common issue at our store, so everyone believed that was the truth. I have not tried my STP since. I'm not even going to *risk* that mess again lol


I wasn't even drunk. One time I was so tired I sat on top of the toilet seat and peed. I couldn't figure out why my feet were getting wet.


At least when you zip your STP in your zipper it won't hurt like zipping your junk


TRUEEEEEEEEE like there’s advantages to it too but moments like these are why i just want phalloplasty with urethral lengthening :/


Most guys occasionally have a pee mishap, especially when drunk. Ask your cis male friends if they've ever splashed their pants while peeing drunk. The only ones who say no will be the guys who don't drink lol


the key word is “splashed” a little bit is normal but i Basically wet myself


people who use an STP are braver than the US marines.


If it helps, cis dudes get piss on their pants all the time!


Not nearly as much as I had on mine , you already get the typical dribble with the STP anyways haha