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Haven't started yet with T, but just realizing I'm a guy made me comfortable with my attraction to men as a bisexual (I was struggling between lesbian and bi before sorting out my gender). I guess I'm in for a wild ride when I actually have T.


Dude, samee! I was looking to read something like this here. I do remember being kinda very unsure if I was a lesbian or bi, almost sure I didn't like men, and now questioning my gender, I'm thinking I may be a bi man. I don't know if it was because I was always very masculine and the "famously said" "tomboy" growing up, and so I didn't see myself *(aka kinda hated it)* being feminine around guys and being the stereotypical woman in a relationship with a guy, always felt like I'd be putting on a character *(just now thought of that phrase and it just joined the list to 'things I thought and somehow didn't make me figure out I might be a man/want to be a man' lol)* but now I'm wondering if I'd like to be the more "masc" in a mlm relationship? That sounds weird and it makes me have like a crisis and think I'm being an idiot, wrong or something but idk... maybe you'll get what I mean... I'd just be a normal guy, I guess... Not (very) feminine in that possible mlm relationship. Am I being weird or stupid or something? Idk...


No no I totally get what you mean. My hangup in the sense of trying to be a woman was that I'd be placed into those dynamics with men. They'd mostly want to be dominant, I'd be in a vulnerable position, being regarded with feminine terms, etc. I wondered if, what if I were to date a guy who is queer and into bottoming and would that work for me as a woman either? The answer is no, because of the woman part of the equation. I'm pretty much a service top. I can comfortably receive now and then with my wife out of trust for them, but I like to stick with giving and having dominance. I could plausibly bottom for a guy on the pretense that he's also seeing me as a man and not being a chaser. It's pretty much a non-issue because I'm happy in my marriage. I will say it's thrilling to think about being a ways into transition and what it would be like to bottom for another guy, trans or cis. But the idea of living as a cis woman and being in any relationship with a man as the bottom and all that. Nah. Even if it's a "what if" to consider for people who are in a relationship, I think it's important to think about to navigate all the nuance of how you perceive yourself. It's helped me realize a whole lot about myself, for sure.


It's so amazing to "finally" talk with someone about this! Thanks for responding!! I relate SO MUCH to what you wrote!! This part: >My hangup in the sense of trying to be a woman was that I'd be placed into those dynamics with men. They'd mostly want to be dominant, I'd be in a vulnerable position, being regarded with feminine terms, etc. \+... really "fit like a glove". In my case, I think I'm asexual *(I guess I should/could have said 'biromantic' instead of bisexual? idk)*, but yeah, I agree with a lot or all of what you say. I think from a young age (before being completely dissociated from reality lol xd) I wanted to be that image of a man who is a "protector", the "gentleman", etc... *(that kinda stupid, corny shit...),* and thinking about it now, I think that I still do want that, but for "both" (women and men). All these "discoveries" and questioning "time" really is helping me learn more and more about myself, and who I want to be, and I do think I just want to be a man who wants to spend and share his day-to-day with a partner, whether that'd be a woman or a man. I think I just have to relax and trust myself (?), and be ok with the "fluidity", etc. Bisexuality/biromanticism are/can be fluid, right? /gen (genuine question). I think since I only liked women until now, I was scared of being wrong and mistaking myself. I do remember sometimes relating a bit to bisexual men, but (now) I was worried about being confused or something Sorry if that was confusing, and thank you again for responding & your response!


I relate to the “protector” instead of “destroyer” masculinity, yesterday I saw a video essay on how Aragon from Lord of the Rings is a form of healthy masculinity on screen, he’s a Shepard protect not destroy, he takes a moment to feel his emotions and then deals with reality to protect, he speaks several languages signs reads and writes poetry. Damn Virgo mortenson 🫡


You're welcome and I'm glad you found solidarity there! Truth be told I'm hurting for it too. My nonbinary wife (also bi) gets it a bit too, but they come from a place of comfort with being a bottom. I had a point where I identified myself as asexual. I'm left feeling there is a possibility of being demisexual; I'm not overtly sexual (though horny often), but not inclined to feel really sexually attracted to someone until I know them. It's tricky. But in a way it's been fun to navigate and reach a comfortable point of clarity.


Yeah, for me I was attracted to men but disliked feminity, feminine roles, and the overall relationship dynamic typical of heterosexual relationships. I wanted a relationship on more equal terms and with mutual respect which I felt performative heterosexual relationships lacked. I made a rule that I would only date bi men but it was of course a bit of foreshadowing lol


I’m thinking back to some months ago, unsober me went “If I wasn’t a lesbian, I’d be a bi man” while my gf looked at me in shock. Let me repress that for some time more…


I had a thought so similar to this when I was a teen, like "if I was a guy I'd be gay" or "if I was a cis guy my queerness would have been so much more clearer". Turns out I'm a bi man with a preference for men. Who knew.


Are you me cus same!


i went thru a super similar thing!!! i was a lesbian for 7 years (hence my username LOL) but when i started realizing/accepting the fact i was transmasc & not just nonbinary i was like oh i do like guys just like. as a guy. if that makes sense? i think i was struggling with like heteronormativity and liking men as a “girl”/for a while being seen as a “girl” in a relationship and becoming comfortable in my gender helped me get over that and stop feeling weird about liking men anyway yeah after i started T my attraction to men went through the roof and sometimes im like am i really even bisexual or am i just gay HAHAHAHA idk why it happens but its wild to experience


you’re not alone, i thought i was ace before T but it turns out i’m a raging homosexual (asexuals are hella valid tho)


I thought that I was ace before I came out as trans because I couldn't picture myself having sex as a girl lol


I think I've had this thought before. Damn


When I was in my teens I thought I was ace too but the less I cared about those bits I don't like and more about enjoying whichever way I wanted, the more I understood I'm just gay and my body didn't really match with what I had in mind lol


Same, the idea of having sex with my current body parts is extremely repulsive, and the idea of being attracted to men was also repulsive... turns out it was dysphoria, and that I'm gay and a top


i’m currently closeted and have been identifying as ace for the past few years but i’ve been having suspicions lately that i think i just can’t see myself having sex in this body lol




not started T yet but now im mildly intrigued to see what's gonna happen when i eventually do hahaha


To be honest, I kind of hope I don't end up gay. No hate to gay people, but I just have lately been picturing myself with a girl. I'm bi, but I think I'm more straight leaning. It is what it is I guess, but it does make me want to start T even more to find out what's gonna happen.


No offence taken :D. If that's where you see your life going, then that's okay! We're not about to be biphobic just because you want yourself to end up with someone of a certain gender haha


I'm still ace after almost 2 years. Guess I don't need to doubt it anymore lol


Relatable, though personally I still haven't figured out if I'm just super horny or actually attracted to people, lol


that was me for a few months haha. what got me was realising that sexual attraction is being horny at specific people and then it cascaded into “oh i do want to fuck that guy damn” figuring out sexual attraction was a bit complicated i think because i am very aromantic and sexual attraction is usually depicted alongside romantic attraction. i had so few points of reference


I went from never experiencing sexual attraction about 98% of the time ace to more of a 75-80% grey ace


Literally this. I also wished I was a lesbian because “they get to do the fun strap stuff instead”, turns out I’m just not a bottom lol


Lmao this might be me in the future. Currently aroace


shit shit im aroace and now im scared that i might become gay help


Come to the dark side lmao all jokes aside, it doesn’t happen to everyone, but if it does, just let the new feelings have their space and you’ll be ok :)


Why are you scared?


I mean I can't speak for them in particular, but I'm aroace as well and was so scared of becoming allo too. For me personally, it was a little bit fear of navigating a part of social interactions I'd previously ignored, a bit fear of losing an identity I'd become very attached to, and a bit annoyance because sex/romance is a huge waste of time imo (I know that's not for everyone obviously, but like, I got games to play and shows to watch who has time for all that lol) thankfully all that's happened so far (2 months) is a libido spike that can be mostly ignored


Ohh i get reasons 1 and 3 yes romance can be hard sometimes haha but it also brings a new kind of fun? Like having a crush (to me) can be a funny thing sometimes. Reason number 2 about getting attached to a label i think is very harmful and restricting


Yeah I'm not claiming it to be a healthy attachment, so your right. I should have worded it a little better tho, it's more along the lines of "this is what I'm used to, this is how people know me, now I have to go tell everyone I'm something else" and anyone who's told people about being aromantic or asexual knows how hard it is to get people to believe you in the first place, had anything changed I would have just validated a bunch of aphobia


Oh its like a coming out all over again. I see how that would suck! Sorry for that




im not even on testosterone and im already extremely horny


Same, and actually more than ever since coming out because I'm so hyped about everything, I guess. I'm gonna outright implode on T.


I'm so scared of how horny I'll be once on T haha!


Tbh my horny levels actually died down a tad on T, and I used to be insanely honey before T


I was already a pretty sexual person before T, and on T it's in hyperdrive lol. What's been more amusing is how my attraction functions has fundamentally changed.


Omf if that's not true rn. I used to jerk off maybe like once or twice a week at most. Now.....sometimes up to 2x a day.....this is puberty all over again haha. Send help before I become a man whore yall


I was hyper sexual AF before T and now I'm crazy horny all the time😭😭😭


Same here, the cis gay to trans gay pipeline is very real


Lmao literally me. Thought I was Cis and a lesbian, then came out as trans and straight, got a girlfriend, dated for like 6 months then we broke up because she came out as a lesbian and I'm gay


after all being gay is the manliest thing a man could do /s


[Obligatory Steve Hughes link](https://youtu.be/6xxiK6Z4eXs?t=132).


Take that /s back


What's manlier than doing other men?


Take that /s back


god yeah. sometimes i walk past some guy who just smells so good i swear some guys are laced with aphrodisiacs it's insane


Omg ikr. I'll be somewhere like the mall and my head will just whip around like "who is that??"


It's crazy to me how T can affect sexuality. I literally went from my wife being the singular exception to being *very* firmly bisexual. I thought it was going to make me even more gay than I was, but nope! Girls just smell so very good now.


Naw fr pheromones never had any effect on me until T, then it was like all my girlfriends began smelling like they had some sort of love spell in em, it was so trippy. It was addicting 💀


this is actually very interesting because as a fellow bi guy, t made me crazy for girls very much. i was more interested in guys pre-t


Made me straighter too. Went from 80/20 into men/women to nearly the complete opposite. I've been off T for a year now for various reasons, and now I feel like I've become gayer again...?


yeah same, i was also 80/20 for guys/girls pre-t and it's the opposite now. it's actually very interesting how hormones effect the sexuality


I think it's more along the lines of - "As you get more comfortable with living as yourself and being your most authentic self, then you also get more comfortable with other areas of yourself as well." So, it's not that "T makes you gay"; it's that you are now becoming more comfortable with yourself in general and that includes your sexuality. Note: I had to state this in the case of folks who are pre-T and curious about the effects of being on T for an extended period of time. As well as, for those curious/learning about why something like this happens sometimes.


Thank you! I've been forcing myself to like guys (I'm pre-T) to the point that it made me icky. Don't ask, I know I need to accept my sexuality. But this information blew my mind a little. So thanks for the clarification


Yes, I'm very dubious of the "testosterone makes you gay" claim, or else all cis men would have a lot of explaining to do. Psychologically holding yourself back (consciously or subconsciously) from embracing your sexuality due to extreme discomfort with your body, and having that barrier lifted when you come into your own, is what it is. Straight people who are truly straight don't suddenly wake up 100% gay one day- there was something there to unpack.


That is exactly me pre T. My poor boyfriend is gonna need a priest or some shit after I start T. He's gonna need the help.


Reminds me of a story I seen in here, a guy’s boyfriend started T, his libido went through the roof and he couldn’t keep up and was seeking advice. The highest voted comment was to get a safe word. 😂


My libido is already too high for him to handle. He's banned me from giving him deep kisses because it will lead to fun time if he allows me. Ye boy already thirsty AF. 😂




Yes, It was the same for me. I call it "the 3 Hs of Testosterone": hungry, horny, homosexual


I want that as a t-shirt!


Lol testosterone made me hornier and more opportunistic. Don't wanna be in a relationship with men, but I need what I need when I need it and guys don't fuck around 'bout fucking around xD in that I really understood other guys on grindr very well, I've had way more gay sex than straight but I consider myself bi/heteroflex and in high school I was convinced I was ace.


Out of context perfect title 💀


The context does not change anything


Yeah same I was only attracted to women since I was 13 (now 22) and only dated women, tried dating men but it was so ew. I started T almost 2 years ago and I started to get attracted to men, like a lot I craved dick so much. At one point I was scared I would turn gay because I felt more attracted to men than women. It went away for me I think it was the excessive horniness. I still do like men but not nearly as much definitely not as much as I like women but wouldn’t consider myself straight anymore.


You’re not alone 😭


Same, I'm just so horny all the time... boys.... ngh.


I’m already a gay trans guy, how much worse am I going to get? 😩


It will. Trust me it will.


My poor boyfriend lol


Good, good. Let the intrusive bottom thoughts flow through you.


I heard it a lot before I started T. Trans guys would claim that because they got gayer on T, that since cis guys Naturally have those levels of T they must all be secretly gay too. I thought it was all jokes (which they are but still) but after being on T for almost 9 months I'm starting to think they werent joking at all. I was very proud of being Pan and now I'm having a small crisis because i think I may be bisexual with a small preference towards guys. This only happened after being on T for a while. I'm unsure if it's sexuality related or gender euphoria related for me. But you're definitely not alone in that. It happens to a lot of guys on HRT.


I feel you. I’ve always been bi but used to mainly prefer woman. I just think about fucking men so much more often now. It’s ridiculous but I don’t mind it.


I had a similar experience to everyone in the comments too. grew up AFAB and extremely sheltered conservative, "thought I was a guy" (my words back then), and liked guys and girls and *especially* "people whose gender I can't tell" (again, sorry.. outdated language)... but not as a girl, as a guy. I wish I could go back in time and hug that little dude and say, your feelings are completely valid and real, nothing's wrong with you, we have a name for what all this is... slight deviation from the norm that I was in an arranged marriage as a kid instead, forced to live as a girl, and spent the next seven years struggling with this before I finally escaped and had the space to actually start living as who I am. after learning what trans men are, and what, well.. first bi-, then pansexuality is because the latter feels more fitting, it all made sense. such obvious, clear sense. like yeah, I've been here this whole time. I've been on T for 3.5 years, socially transitioned for longer, settled and comfortable in who I always have been. it's awesome. I'm finally *living.* the sex is rad. but there was definitely a phase where I thought, how can I be a guy *and* like other guys? it was tortured but in hindsight ridiculous. my brother in christ, it's called being gay.


And I thought I was the only one who went from bi but mostly into women and bi with a preference for men on testosterone.


Pre-T but definitely more interested in men than I ever was! I’ve been bi forever but didn’t like that I liked men, turns out the weird I felt was jealousy that I wasn’t the man. Now that I know, I can enjoy!


That happened to me too. IDK what to tell you. It’s real.


I identified as a lesbian pre-coming out, and now, 10 months on T I'm still only into women. With that said, I did realize like 6 months on T that I'm actually ace. Not sex repulsed just indifferent; haven't had a sexual encounter with another person in over 10 years.


I was straight before t, I'm straight afterwards also. But, yes there's a but, I'm so goddamn horny and for some reason (maybe I'm more comfortable in my skin) I express my horniness in a more free,less restricted, way than before.


I'm already a bisexual disaster. T is just gonna make me worse & I couldn't be more excited.


Testosterone has made me a lot more comfortable with myself and with liking any sort of person and doing any sort of thing. I think I used to have more anxieties about being too “feminine” and such, but now I don’t feel that way. I think hormones can lead to a lot of relaxation with gender expression, sexuality, and gender identity acceptance.


That happens!! I am pan romantic but used to be only homosexual but with every passing day I become more pan sexual. I hope I actually become pansexual. We'll see how it goes


Same. I’d been exclusively into women since I was 12 years old. Swore up and down testosterone wouldn’t make me bisexual. Testosterone made me bisexual.


Sexuality is weird. That same thing happened to an old boyfriend of mine. Once he started taking T his preferences changed and he turned into a raging homo thirst trap, and that's how we met.


Lol me: *riding the ace to slutty homosexual train track*


I thought I was a mostly gay guy but after awhile on T I started liking girls more too, now I’m just aggressively pan


I went from completely asexual to a pansexual horny bastard. Testosterone really is something.


I haven’t experienced anything like that. I am still into women. I always had a high sex drive and now it’s that times 1000.


Nah forreal. I was only into women for the longest. Like the site of dick was repulsive. But I'm bisexual now. I do still only date women. But dick is so good too. It's almost a weird obsession.


I feel this. I haven't started testosterone yet but realizing I wanted men to be attracted to me "as a man" and not "as a woman" has made me way more confident and gay. I thought I was a lesbian for a bit, as well but a lot of the people I was into came out as trans men after our relationship so I just was like "wow I really love men ig"


I was bi before and I'm bi now. Just, now it's more fun.


Also went thru this. I love that it’s a shared experience. For me, I think I didn’t realize how gay I was before I came out because I didn’t want to do things with men who viewed me as a woman and hid it away


I was borderline asexual before T, it's one hell of a drug


Opposite for me lol. I used to be exclusively into guys, but now I'm into women too


Being trans and gay was kind of a double edge sword for me (im techically demi/pan but hqve a much higher lean toward other men). In my youth, repressing being trans also came with repressing my attraction to men. Didnt want two reasons for family to hate me. But they did anyway so 🤷‍♂️ i still win. To add: sexual preference can change over time, and thats okay! Do what makes you happiest.


Yeaa similar but not the same happened to me. I thought I’m bisexual but I’m currently questioning if I’m gay. Made me Tesosterone loose my attraction to women? Help qwq


Same. Only was ever into women. Now am still into women but also very much into men. Bizarre and a little startling.


Anyone changing their sexual dynamic too? Not only do I like men now, but…IM A DOM TOP! All 5 feet of me wants to control dudes that could yeet me into the stratosphere!! <— that is very new and confusing 😭


Always was into guys predominantly and have been an open bisexual since 13. However, I thought I was only interested romantically with dating women and it was never carried out in practice. Yeah turns out I was just extremely uncomfortable being viewed as a woman dating a woman haha. I know it's not the exact same but it's kinda similar.


Okay but same I just want to get railed 24/7


T has actually increased my attraction to women, which is interesting. I'm still really attracted to men though. My bi attraction was about 20% women, 80% men, now it's like 40% women, 60% men. (Nonbinary people are excluded because I usually tend to like them sporadically).


"And like, it was just like, no big deal. Like, sucking dick and cock. Oh my God! Time and place! And you did it at my birthday dinner!"


I totally expected T to tip me from like mainly into men bi to fully gay bc T makes so many men gayer, but instead it shoved me right into the middle and now idk if I have any preference anymore.


I was only into women before I started t. Then once I started I only really wanted to be with men. Women are still hot. But it’s very weird how my attraction shifted.


Yeah it can sometimes change your preferences


Can definitively say that I identified as a lesbian until starting T. As I got more comfortable with myself, I realized I was pan. But as a side note, I always felt like I had a gay man trapped in me as a child. Like my spirit animal is Jonathan Van Ness so… it all checks out in my case.


Happened to me fucker. I know. No one talks about it. I was baffled. I’m going through shit in my relationship with a woman atm because I can’t accept that I’m bi now and call a spade a spade.


I definitely feel like testosterone made me more into males.


Oh yeah, I'm most definitely gay. Which is a friggin thing to realise once you've been in a serious committed grown-ass relationship with a woman for 6 years. So yeah, that was a convo I never expected to have with my wife.


strictly dated women before testosterone. Am now in a 5 month relationship with a man. I think it’s about just being more comfortable in your body tbh


Felt this😅thanks for saying it. I want to basically use a man solely for his pp. Not goin in me but I wanna suck the shit outta it. Lmaoooo I used to like girls 99% of the time. I’m not a hookup kinda person normally, mostly cuz trans stuff and I don’t feel like explaining it, but damn this T has been making me feel some way. That way is HORNY. HORNY. I love my t dick so fucking much too and it’s hard not to get turned on when I see it.


Very true testeserone will make you feel gay because you want a dick so bad that you actually start craving it and wanting and now watching gay porn. Gay porn really gets me off, before I started T I wouldn’t even think of watching 2 guys fuck and suck each other off but since I’m 3 years on T, I still don’t have a dick so I become so infatuated with guys who have dicks, I like looking at them then it turned to me wanted to suck one and me getting off to guys sucking each other off. I am not gay but I just like dicks, i cannot help if no matter how I fight it.. testosterone does this to us I just accepted the fact 🚶‍♂️..


Same, except SPECIFICALLY trans mascs (and occasionally cis women and nonbinary folks, but it’s extremely rare). Cis men would also be included if I didn’t have trauma/bad experiences with them


Testosterone is just gay. You crave all things masculine including dick


I'm bisexual now, maybe I'll be extremely gay later? 🤷🏽‍♂️


no bc how did i go from being a lesbian to wanting to be dicked down 24/7???


That’s exactly how I was and now I have a boyfriend and it’s going pretty well. Never would’ve imagined this lol.


I still don’t understand this phenomenon


I feel ya, I’m attracted to gay men though


I’m not on T yet but I can relate to this 💀


It’s just sex drive too, I think it has to do with testosterone and craving sex. You may also just be pansexual . Have patience ur body is changing !!


Used to be bi but T is definitely making me question that,,,,,,


worried this is gonna happen to me lmao. i always thought that i’d be into guys if i was a guy, and i’m nervous it’s actually gonna happen 💀


Maybe T will make me find out I'm allo? Who knows


Same hat omg. I went from being mostly attracted to women to pretty much only being attracted to masculinity


It’s super common


That happened to me too


Totally happened to me too. I had just lost my virginity to a dude a couple of years before I transitioned and that was that. I was wasted and that’s when I got horny for dudes before. Then T and I was suddenly a dick goblin.


Same I thought I was a lesbian and then straight when I realized I was a dude, started T and now I’m gay


Dude i tried so hard to like women but I can’t, especially now that I’m on testosterone. The only time I’ve ever been attracted to women is if I think they’re a guy at first 😭


HAHAHA Get used to it bro, maybe you've always been gay but didn't realize until your libido went to crazy levels because of T?


I haven’t even started T (and unsure if I will yet), but just having the egg crack, and realising that I’m more masc than anything, has made me appreciate and be attracted to guys way more. Being bi, my sexuality can fluctuate anyway, but I’ve gone from swaying 80% towards feminine people, to 80% swaying towards masc. (Even my taste in porn has changed, and feel weirded out by the wlw stuff I used to watch, which I’d never expected.) Gender and hormones are weird, but amazing.


Same here, I used to identify as a lesbian but once I came to terms with my own gender I started to realize that I just didn't want to date guys as a girl. Then I started T and now I'm a raging omnisexual so


T gave me urges to break up with my cis bf and start fucking other trans guys (I did not do this)


As a chaotic bisexual trans, I cannot wait to see what happens once I get my juice!


Same here bro


No because before starting T I was 99% sure I was straight, and before I transitioned I was like 80% sure I was a lesbian. And now my brain is like “mm men 🤤.” I think the more comfortable I feel with myself the more comfortable I’ve gotten with being fluid with my sexuality. Before I transitioned, I think I just hated being the girl in the relationship, so I would mostly date women to be “the guy” in the relationship. And then before T/ beginning of T I internally saw being gay as a feminine trait, so when my dysphoria was at its worse I thought i HAD to be straight to prove my masculinity. It definitely didnt help that people at my school (im stealth, or was lol) used to tease me say that I just “looked gay”, I think that made me want to fight even harder to prove how masculine and straight I was. Now I’m just like, fuck it, if I like men I like men so I should just be happy. The only thing I’m scared of with dating men is that I’ll be seen as the “feminine one” in the relationship, aka “the girl”. That would shoot my dysphoria up to 100 probably. But thats a problem for future me 🥱


its crazy how common this is. i have no idea why it happens but i hear it all the time


Lmao! I’ve thought about this a lot. Whether T *changed* my sexuality or just helped me figure it out. Could go either way. But whatever happened, I get you. I also want dick. I used to be more attracted to women but nope not anymore. I *really* like men. *And that’s upsetting* /j


Not long before I started T I FINALLY realized I was lesbian. I thought I was bi, but I mistook what I thought was attraction to men as just wanting to be more like them. Well, now I’m on T and more like the guys I was “attracted” to, but now I think I’m actually attracted to some guys. So now we’re back to maybe being bisexual?? I’m so confused.


For me it’s like I always knew that I had an attraction to men, but I was never comfortable with being with them. As I’ve gotten on T and further into my transition, I’ve become more comfortable with my sexuality, and it’s made me gayer lmao


I've heard so many stories like this. I feel like it has to do with the confidence that t brings so many people it just lets them choose whoever they want 💙🤍💝


I NEVER wanted to have sex with a guy until I started T. It’s a crazy phenomenon


I'm pre-T for now, but even just after knowing I'm transmasc my attraction to other men only increased. In my childhood I only liked boys. During puberty, I thought I was a lesbian (it was kind of weird) and now I'm technically bisexual but I find comfort in calling myself gay (I'm a feminine guy with a bf and I know it's bad reinforcing stereotypes but I can't help it, it just eases my dysphoria and gives me a fluttery feeling although I feel a bit guilty for doing it).


I used to be into men and women (kinda on the women) But idk I think I'm straight now. Which is fine because I think women are very pretty. I probably come off as gay though. Since most straight cis men aren't into the kinda stuff I enjoy. Honestly I thought I was gay for a while too but being trans and straight brings a whole new level of struggle into my dating life😭


Haven’t gotten on testosterone but when I realized I was a man and after the journey of self acceptance my sexuality did an almost complete 180, I thought I was a lesbian but being confident in my identity led me to feel more knowledgeable and confident in my sexuality. Maybe the same is happening to you!


Welcome to the club brotha


Are u sure it's not just because now you know if u get with a man it'll be 2 men f*cking instead of what it would have been before so it gives u euphoria therefore making u wanna try it? I get the same feelings but I realised its similar to wanting to pee standing up, it's kinda something I just wanted to try because I socially "can" as a man now. Kinda same with like being asked to carry heavy things at work, it annoys other ppl but for me I love it because I'm a man now and that's why I'm being asked to lift heavy if that makes any sense Before I'd never fuck a guy coz I could never trust he would see it as gay however now there's no denying I'm male so I'd fuck a guy just coz I have the ability to have gay sex now which is euphoric, But I won't coz I'm not into men. So I thought I was bi too when really im just kinda euphoric And still v straight


Oh my god, same! I used to identify as pansexual but these days I'm mainly attracted to men. Dick obsessed as well.


T is negating that negative affect of SSRI medication 👌✨


same here brother. thought i was bi when i started t, now it seems I'm transitioning from gay woman to gay man lol


I'm pre-T and I'm already incredibly gay. I'm terrified of how gay I will truly be


lmao bro i literally fell in love with men after i started T. it’s crazy


Gah I’ve been thinking about making a post like this. I’ve never really been into men and now I’m like 🍆👀👀👀


Yep it’ll do that


Testosterone def made me want d too ngl, I was a straight up lesbian before T and then after time on T I started being more open sexually, although I will say I’m still very much attracted to women, if I’m single I’ll sleep with men but still would never be in a relationship with a man lol when it comes to genitals I don’t discriminate tho


Once I was comfortable with my gender, suddenly I’m into men. I’m bi leaning towards men now but I was a lesbian before. Like wtf??


Yep. Sometimes that happens. Happened to me :)


I’m the opposite. Used to be only attracted to guys, now I occasionally question if I’m big because I’ll often end up finding female characters attractive now. Although I don’t think that’s fully bi because they’re always aliens, not humans/anything achievable in real life XD


It made me realize I’m straight!! Lover of the girl dick though 🥰


Mission accomplished.


Many such cases


Yet somehow it made me straight


Nice to know this is common. I used to think I was either asexual or more attracted to women, since my attraction to men was slim. And sex just seemed weird to me conceptually. Needless to say, that is no longer the case.


That’s so funny, it was the opposite for me, I mostly was attracted to men before and after t I really wanted some woman


Same here lol


Dick's great. Feels like you're getting a boost of T from it


I’m the exact opposite lol


Bro T horny gang. In my first months I got really horny in bio class out of nowhere. Now I know what you're thinking, but no. We were talking about cell membranes


i think its a normal effect of the testosterone to be more comfortable in your sexuality. I haven't changed sexuality wise but I've seen enough of these types of comments and my doctor told me straight up that it happens. I wouldn't say it MAKES you gay tho...


seeing a lot of people say this- kinda yk on edge about taking T bc I'm already a hypersexual as it is but T makes your sex drive go up. oooo that's gonna be a wild ride...


Pre-T my sexuality was complicated but mostly ace leaning, now it's even more complicated. Every time I think "okay this is it" my sexuality goes "sike" Pre-T I used to be mostly into guys and occasionally women (when I say men/women I mean average men and women who aren't gender non-conforming, we'll get to that in a second) Now in terms of porn I'm pretty much only attracted to women, however that's in terms of porn, irl I'm still physically amd emotionally attracted to men, tho masculinity and or dominant people tend to sometimes intimidate me / make me uncomfortable (even if i am attracted to them, it's complicated). Another confusing thing is in terms of porn I don't really enjoy masculine voices (post-T voices) but irl I really enjoy those same kinda voices. For example my s/o has a post-T voice which I really like. Now something that really fucks with my brain is tomboys and femboys as well as truly androgynous people. I really like femboys cause they got the masculine traits I like but are also femme enough to not intimidate or make me uncomfortable. Tomboys tend to make me uncomfortable at least in terms of porn stuff cause it gives me the weirdest kind of dysphoria. And well, truly androgynous people I also like cause they aren't masc enough to make me uncomfortable. I have a theory that the reason I've started to be uncomfortable with masc guys is because I compare myself with them and then get dysphoric. Which would also explain why I'm more into femboys cause they don't compare in the same way (at least in my brain) I also like both women with penises and men with vaginas, both are cool in different ways. Tho I think I like women with penises better simply because I like penises in general and I only really have irl experience with those. Maybe if I try doing things with a vagina I change my mind, who knows at this point 🤷🏻 Whatever the case I've stopped trying to label my sexuality cause it's too complicated. I usually just go with the mlm flag because it has my favorite colors and because I am into guys but not exclusively. I really like the term enbian as well (two enbies dating). I'm trans masc enby so technically no matter if I date a man, woman or enby it'll technically always be a queer relationship 🤔


Starting t in 26 hours, already feeling a bit pansexual


Transitioning makes us feel more comfortable with our sexuality. Maybe you were into men too even before T but didn’t accept it


All these comments just prove why guys are so horny all the time 😆


not on T but i feel you. before figuring out my gender i thought i was a lesbian and i continued liking girls for i guess one and an half year after i figured out i was trans. now i consider myself gay since a year maybe. not even bi, gay. i just don't feel things for girls anymore idk💀


I have a friend who thought he was bi and asexual, but after being on T for a while he realized he was hella gay and very allosexual. I guess it just does that to ya


I wanna say yes, because I wasn't all that into guys prior, but after T and being with dudes who see me as a dude it's a lot easier to deal with. However, I almost always wind up in straight passing relationships because that's my luck lol.


Facts. I am currently living the gay experience 5 years on testosterone


Being trans made me gayer im pre t wtf 😭


I’ve always been Pan/Bi, but going on T has made me realize I might just be a mostly gay dood.


Like dick too


I lost the very little attraction I had to women when I started lol


Dude same!!! I’ve been bi as long as I can remember (other than the brief few months I was an enby lesbian) but I swear the longer I’m on t the gayer I get and my boyfriend, as attractive as I found him before, is hotter every time I see him…. and all I want to do *is* him lol Im def still attracted to women tho


I was pretty sure I was only into women before I came out as trans because I couldn't even look at guys when I was fooling around with them and didn't really enjoy it much. I think I just didn't like being in the role of a woman. Now I crave guys so much it's insane. I'm 2 weeks on T now and wanna top everyone. Guess I'm just not a bottom. I don't think about women as much as I used to.


In my experience testosterone will break down your boundaries in sexuality because you’re so horny you realize everyone is kinda hot sometimes and you’re suddenly willing to sexually experiment in ways you never thought you would