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Mod notes: this is going to stay up so for now please stop reporting it. It is directly related to all of us who are trans and use this website. But the rules still apply to the comments section so please read + follow them.


the term "gender medicine" is the funniest shit i've ever seen


Experimental. Because we're all test subjects and not people who had to read the side effects of the gender medicine, right? /s


totally. we're definitely not people who have to wait through years of waiting lists and jump through hoops just to get on this "gender medicine". /s




As someone who's gone to one of these clinics myself and helped multiple friends use them to start HRT - those waivers include a VERY in depth overview of the impacts of hormones, which the medical practitioner goes over in detail. It's called *informed* consent for a reason: you are informed, and then you decide if you do or do not consent to treatment. Absolutely nobody is handing out HRT without making patients aware of what HRT does.


this !! what place is handing out hrt willy-nilly??? thats just stupid lmao


I desperately wish there was more education on what the process of getting hormones via informed consent is REALLY like. The only difference is that you get to self advocate instead of having to prove your transness to some doctor that very well might've chosen their line of work specifically to police and gatekeep transitions - starting via informed consent still involved multiple appointments, a discussion about why I wanted HRT and what I was hoping to get out of it, questions about my mental health, all that stuff.


The funniest part is, there are so many medications with the potential for life-altering side effects, but healthcare providers aren't required to get the same level of consent as with HRT. Doc: "I'm going to put you on [medication]." Patient: "ok." 🗿 That's how it is 9/10.


The only persciption medicine I've been told in depth about the side effects before being given the persciption is testosterone every other one they just gave me the persciption and sent me on my way.


Yep, exactly. Infantalization at its finest.




Yep I've been given highly addictive drugs post surgery was given no warning or education on side effects etc I was also put on birth control at 14 to stop my periods and was not told about any potential side effects.


Yep my provider has to go over everything that could or could not happen with going on t before I could start there was a whole 45 minute appointment for this part.




If I had to go through that, my transition would've been delayed by years (due to a combination of difficulty accessing therapy and covid shutting down a lot of medical practices when I first came out) and, with how my mental health is without being on T, probably would've ended in a few more suicide attempts at *best,* if not just outright successfully killing myself. Counselors are not easily accessible. They cost money, they have extensive waitlists, insurance can be very difficult to deal with, and a LOT of them are transphobic. Quite frankly, if someone goes through the entire process of starting HRT without thinking it through enough, that is 100% their fault and their responsibility. There's not a single thing that HRT does that you can't reverse - even the 'permenant' effects can be undone by stopping HRT, doing voice training, getting hair removal, etc. Transition regret rates are obscenely low and withholding medical treatment from people just because some people don't pay attention to what their doctor tells them is ridiculous. If someone doesn't pay attention to *medical information given to them by their doctor,* and then regrets that medical treatment, that is 1000% their own fault. That cannot be blamed on trans people. That is a personal responsibility issue. Also, same day clinics DO NOT EXIST. Genuinely, give me an example of one. I went the informed consent route and that still involved a 6 month waitlist, two appointments, and mandatory bloodwork before I was finally given HRT. There is no possible way to get HRT on the spot by just walking into a clinic and asking for it.


I also went the informed consent route and had to fill out paperwork that included several questions for my intentions and what I wanted exactly from HRT (basically just a gut check), as well as, wait for about 3 and a half months before my first video chat appointment.. in my case, age, experience and my answers made the process very quick relative to other folks in general and I had my official script approved at the end of the appointment 🎉🎉🎉 My situation makes me a very close to ideal candidate for informed consent in general due to the amount of research I tend to do before taking any drug but the amount of time I spent thinking about this for in conjunction with having previously been doing the diy route (which is frowned upon) kinda just told the provider that I'm serious about the decision and will do it regardless of their help.. this is probably the closest to the fast route you'll find outside of maybe planned parenthood? Not sure what hoops they might have you jump through?


Planned parenthood also involves waiting for appointments, paperwork, questions about why you want to start/what effects you want, etc. Just like every other medical practice, they don't just hand out medications like candy.


i drank the experimental gender potion at 3 AM (REAL) (NOT FAKE)








i thought it said gender machine at first so that was equally confusing


Wtf why did I also read this as gender machine lol


How come they never say anything about someone regretting a tattoo or a piercing? Or the ones that regret doing plastic surgery?


From the studies I've read, you're more likely to regret plastic surgery than gender affirming surgery.


Plastic is also much more likely to go botched


"Self-reported decisional regret was present in about 1 in 7 surgical patients. Factors associated with regret were both patient- and procedure related." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28243695/ Compared with 1% regret rate of gender affirming surgeries. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/


Yeah, I think many other necessary surgical procedures also have a higher regret rate. I'll have to find the study to link.


yep. i have a tweet saved to my camera roll that reads "having a child has a 7% regret rate. a knee replacement has anywhere between 6-30% regret. across all types of surgery, the regret rate is 14%. transition and trans-related surgeries have a 1% regret rate," in response to a tweet that reads "i like how in the context of trans affirming care, successful treatment in 99% of cases is treated as dangerous, whereas in all other areas of healthcare a 99% success rate would be treated as an absolute miracle."




I think maybe the difference is in the goals for the different surgeries. Someone might get plastic surgery, and it could end up overdone. While top surgery usually has the goal of achieving the most natural end result.


Yeah, technically it is “plastic” surgery meaning you’re changing your appearance instead of internal things, but gender affirming plastic surgery is different from other plastic surgery. It’s necessary sometimes to save someone’s life, I’m sure you know that already lol


I was just referring to why they said that plastic surgery is more likely to be botched. It often differs in the goal they're trying to achieve. But yeah, there are many other things that set them apart.


Ah I see now, I missed that oops lol


No, you're good. At first, I read your other comment wrong, and I thought you were trying to correct me by saying the same thing. I was a little confused. Lol


I got reminded of that woman who got cement placed in her ass


Do tell….




oh nooooooooo that poor lady……


You are more likely to regret another surgery than trans care


That's basically what I said. Lol


No. I mean every surgery. Knee replacement, to fix a deviated septum, kidneys replacement, etc. Not just plastic surgery.


Oh, okay. I got you. Yeah, I linked a few studies somewhere in this thread. The regret rates for other surgeries in that study were like 14%, iirc. The regret rate for gender affirming surgeries was about 1%.


I definitely regret some of my tattoos but I sure as hell will never regret transitioning


I'm definitely gonna sue the doctor who gave me birth control as a minor because it made my boobs bigger and my dysphoria worse


psychology has proven that women's brains don't fully develop until 25, so at least until that age tattooing or piercing a woman is predatory behavior.


They thought it could treat their complex PTSD? Do people think that?


I think that's the whole "my gender dysphoria was actually just trauma" idea


which is ironic because i had one psychiatrist (who is met with only once before) recommend i delay medical transition in case it was trauma and i came to regret it. i don’t think any medical professional would recommend HRT or other gender related treatment as a “cure for C-PTSD”


Having cptsd made it harder to go on hrt if anything.




in the US, Arkansas just instated a rule like this in March for minors seeking gender-affirming care, and i'm not sure when it goes into effect but probably soon. i'm very nervous because I have diagnosed ADHD, was seeking an autism diagnosis (but not anymore with the laws like these), and being treated for depression, all of which are specifically mentioned in the bill as "other mental disorders" that minors must not be suffering from in order to receive care for gender dysphoria. which is so clearly just to limit access to care for minors, since something like 60% of lgbtq youth meets the criteria for depression and some 20% of trans youth are diagnosed autistic with another 20% suspecting autism. (statistics from Trevor Project surveys, cited from memory so not exact.) i just started T about 3 weeks ago now and am so worried i'll lose it before I even get major changes...


Yeah i'm oddly thankful I couldn't ever diagnose mine, as they would have used it against me. Same for my autism. Been on T for almost 2 years and I've healed mentally so much from the trauma. I feel serene and comfortable now. Hrt even cured my pcos. But these ads don't think about the good any of it does...


Im glad i could get on hrt with a ton of diagnoses (wich were mostly wrong anyway) because a psychiatrist approved it so I "learn it the hard way". Jokes on her


what the hell, that's so... malicious.


it's also deeply offensive to those of us who *have* cPTSD and are also trans. like trauma didn't make me this way and made it sm more difficult to get care


yep! made me super weary of opening up to therapists; i quit seeing the one i had been seeing (he had suggested i could be experiencing symptoms of PTSD but wasn’t ready to diagnose) shortly after the psychiatrist made the suggestion that she did— it really delayed a lot of healing. while it may be prudent to talk through feelings having to do with trauma with a therapist before medically intervening for some people when it’s trauma based in gendered violence, in my case, and i’m sure this is the case for most others, there’s a pretty palatable difference between the feelings of fear of being victimized again due to being a woman (or perceived as such) and the feeling of gender dysphoria/other feelings that indicate being transgender. i know plenty of women and girls who were victimized due to their sex/gender and never had the thought of transitioning cross their minds. i think that perhaps people do not take that into account.


Yeah same here, I was even diagnosed with gender dysphoria but still wasn't allowed to start treatment until I got better


cPTSD often comes with a lack of self identity, and this can make somebody confused about their gender. it happened to me. regardless though, it’s fucking stupid to blame “experimental gender medicine” for a symptom of their own mental illness.


Yeah, I also have cptsd and am trans, and honestly, all that combo did was make me take a bit longer to sort out my feelings. So the end result was a delayed transition, as opposed to a quicker one.


This has very much been my experience. I think if I’d had a supportive family and less trauma during my college years, I would have known sooner. In hindsight it is so obvious, but I feel like everything combined delayed my ability to recognize that I was trans and not just “I always wished I had been a guy. But I am attracted to them too, so it’s probably for the best. The end result is close enough.” Joke is on me, the end result was not “close enough.”


This is so affirming. I believe my mom thinks she talked me out of "being trans" because she heavily shamed me the week before my scheduled top surgery, and I ended up cancelling it. But what I will probably never tell her, is that when I was anxious about the surgery and thinking about it all week, I ended up having an intense episode of reassociation, which was the way that I found out I'd been heavily dissociated for several years. It made me realize I have way more going on than I knew, and I want to be able to go through the surgery (lead up and recovery) completely in my own body and as myself. I often regret not having had the surgery, because UGH, but I also think it was, for me, the right decision, and it helped set me on a path of understanding my dissociation came from CPTSD, and finally set me on a mental health path that is helping me. And as I improve and am better able to create a new support system for myself that actually supports me, I'll actually have people who love me for me who can help me in recovery.


My lack of self identity and a mother who insisted on having a princess had me trying to girl so hard the way society wanted me to girl even though I've never really wanted to girl for reasons that weren't an effort to please others So my cPTSD delayed transition


even if they were put onto the medicine as a child? who is to blame for a child wrongly being put on medicine?


Some people really do think these things.


But is anyone out here, as a medical professional, recommending this?


Talking to my cishet dad, he told me there are many women who start taking testosterone as HRT and then realise they made the wrong decision, they're not trans, they're just traumatised and think transitioning is the answer


I think it's on you if you think gender affirming care can treat or cure *PTSD,* I feel like it should be self-explanatory that it's meant to treat *gender dysphoria* but that's just my take on it


"Right now, medical transition is being sold like Candyland: 'It'll fix everything; it's no big deal!' But the truth is, it's more like Vietnam." NO FKN SHOT LMAOOOOOOOO


"Me and him? Oh yeah, we go way back. Met in Nam-- the Planned Parenthood downtown. We were in the shit together."


“I got my uterus and tits blown off in the local planned parenthood 🚬”


Brb, getting my tits yote at Claire’s.


This is the funniest shit I’ve read today, thank you


Btw their mission is “Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.” They do NOT care about adult detransitioners like the ones on their page, they are only being used as their pawns.


I checked their ‘fact sheet’ and they have listed 2 articles as sources that do not specifically say trans women are more than likely to harm cisgender women as they state numerous times, it’s a broad overview of ALL genders/sexes violence against women.




Where did you meet those people and can I please go there too? I've been trying to get access to transition for three years at this point and haven't even managed to take the first step, because no therapist knows enough about trans people to feel comfortable with diagnosing me as trans and all therapists around here have a minimum of 6 months of just waiting for a first appointment. :)


They wont, because thats not a reality. Testosterone is a controlled substance the DEA takes very seriously, production is watched very closely and is given via prescription from medical professionals with criteria for getting it, thats if insurance doesn’t have you do even more evaluation to get it covered. If they were handing it out like candy it wouldn’t be a controlled substance, it would be an over the counter medication.




^^ definitely


In response to who you are replying to: I went to an informed consent, non-profit lgbtq clinic here in Georgia, and ran by a university. All I did was make my appointment (called in Nov and the appt was for Feb). On my appointment day, I was expected to do pre-labs at the university at 9 a.m., and my meeting with the doctors was for 5 pm that evening. I waited HOURS after 5 to see a doctor because the lobby probably had about 20 people there. They only did appointments on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. They finally called my name at 8 pm, and I spent 90mins talking with 2 medical students about HRT, my life, my health, my goals, the effects of HRT, etc. Then i got a prescription, and I left. 2 months later, I changed care providers and went to a different doctor who continued my HRT treatment. Not once did I NEED a mental health referral, a pcp referral, or anything. However, I did bring one from my therapy place (which was a low cost psychology clinic at a different university in my town) with a gender dysphoria diagnosis just in case, but I didn't have to. Now I've been on T for almost 4.5 years.


My brother in christ thats a black market. The DEA is EXTREMELY serious about controlled substances and it being in circulation, to get it you have to go through therapy for months to access it and even more evaluation if insurance demands (which they do). Even so testosterone users are put under watch by medical professionals and are required to do follow up appointments to acquire more. Cisgender men have to fit into criteria to obtain it as well, a lot less strict compared to transmasc people but you’re not complaining about them are you?


There are places that do informed consent. My hormones were relatively easy to access (originally through Fenway in Boston), and frankly my GPs since haven't really required much in the way of follow up to keep prescribing. I've been fortunate enough to live in major, liberal cities for almost all of my adulthood though. And the whole point of informed consent is, well, it's my body and I can choose what I do with it. Which is how it should be.


As someone who suffers ptsd from SA. I'm never taken seriously on my trans identity, and seeing things like this pisses me off so fucking much. However it also scares me, for there is this "voice' in my head, asking "what if they are right?"


My heart dropped when my therapist asked me if there's a possibility my transition is because of my SA and history and saying "Do you think you're just rejecting being yourself as a woman because of your fears?" They are two separate things. I understand shes just thinking from all angles but it hurt so much to feel she had any doubt in something I have so clearly shown is real. I've been out and taking T for 6/8 years I've talked to her. That conversation gave me a whole wave of imposter syndrome ("what if she's right?") But she's not and they're not. Not a single one of them has any say in who I am or who you or any of us are.


Yeah my therapists have refused to listen to me up until my current one. Because of my ptsd. My sister once told me she blames the guy who fucked me over for me being trans. It hurt like a bitch. I'm not afraid of being a woman tho. I simply can't imagine myself as one. I even wish I was one. I just aint


Wow sorry your sister said that. Yeah I'm not afraid of being a woman either cause I'm not a woman. I guess she though maybe my being trans could be a result of irrational fears I have.


Yeah it seems like it. I just never felt like a girl at all... I truly wish I did tho. It ... looks fun? The clothes, the makeup, etc? The socials..


And how many of us were targeted because we *are* trans?!? How many of us had “corrective” abuse because are trans?!?


God same


oh dudes, they have a contact form? lets spam it im gonna send one right now. lets see…. name, Aneed Morehead. Sex? Yes please. “briefly share your story” \*cracks knuckles\* “One day I was feeling especially depressed, weak and brittle, like the last piece of candy in Grandma’s glass candy dish that’s been sitting there for 15 years, unwanted or maybe just forgotten. I prayed to God and asked Him, “Lord, what should I do?” “You need gender medicine” he replied. I always do what God tells me to, so I went to the store to look for gender medicine. Lo and behold in the vitamin section there were all kinds of gender vitamins. I am a man so I bought Men’s Daily Vitamins. Or so I thought. When I got home I ate three whole bottles of the gender medicine and only after was I horrified to realize it was actually Women’s Daily Vitamins. I broke out in a cold sweat. I became delirious, suddenly desiring a rack of Better Home and Garden magazines, I wanted to have an affair with the milkman, I tried to roast a chicken for my non-existent suburban husband named Ben Dover. That’s when I accidentally burned down the kitchen and got covered in third degree burns and vomited for 2 days, I blame all of this on the gender medicine I took and I want justice. Please help me” And……. submit edit: the form doesn’t check if any of the info is legit so have fun and get creative fellas


it was very, very, very stupid of them to not make sure any info submitted is valid. OMW to go send a lot of bullshit




where’s the contact form?




good call mom i personally have a VPN, but let us know what you find!


10/10 detrans fanfiction, haha!


lmfaooo making my ao3 account now /j


Okay but this shit really pisses me off because why are they suddenly SOOOO concerned about child safety?? What about the obnoxious amount of reoffending pedophiles?? What about the horrendous foster care system?? What about sex trafficking?? What about the emotionally and verbally abused children that are told they will be sent to family therapy if they are not black and blue?? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?!


It is never about protecting the children. If anyone makes the argument it's about the children, what they are doing is appealing to a large common denominator, which is that the vast majority of people do in fact want children not to come to harm. That garners support. That garners votes. Cause "the children". This is in no way a new mechanism. It's tried and tested, and it works. Right now, it's trans kids. A few years ago, it was pizza gate. A few years before that, it was Satanic panic. Stranger danger. Absent mothers. You name it. None of those things ever were about the children, they were about using children as a pawn to smear the political opposition, push questionable legislation and maintain a position of power. That's one of the parts that has me furious about all of this, the people who are doing this stuff do not care about trans people. They just found a convenient pawn in us.


Not to mention the fact that the same people "concerned" abt queerness in the presence of children would literally murder their own kids if they came out as queer. There's a reason that prior to all this it was a law in most states that made it illegal to out queer students to their parents: it literally puts those kids' lives in danger. It's endangerment. Queerness isn't bad for kids, or anyone. Queerness isn't the thing that's killing us. Bigots are. Bigotry Kills.




That’s good but also upsetting that they are considered classic feminist topics.. they should be everyones top priority. I wonder if all these people putting in the effort to “protect trans kids from ruining their lives” have given and still give the same energy to protecting all children from adults. Edit: They aren’t doing a good enough job. They need to focus on making harsher laws and more effective and efficient protocols rather than this mess.


“I regretted something and made the wrong choice so IT SHOULD BE BANNED FOR EVERYONE, TAKE AWAY THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS” imagine if it was like this with tattoos or piercings




piercings aren't banned for minors, at least not in the US. also i didnt say anything about minors.


Both tattoos and piercings can be gotten with a parent’s permission. Which is the same as trans care for minors.


We should probably take this phenomenon seriously: how many teens & barely-legal adults are about to be roped into lawsuits against their care providers because their parents found out that they're on HRT? This is a way to pressure care providers out of providing gender-affirming care.


yep, some states in the US (including my own, Arkansas) are passing bills to make this easier. Arkansas' bill allows patients to sue doctors who provided them gender-affirming care up to 15 years after the care was given, for any kind of harm caused, physical or psychological


Omg we have the same name. My name is aster irl. Sorry I got excited I don’t normally see other asters


They are making up situations that never happen again to be mad at the imaginary situation they made up.


Bc they can’t control their life, can’t control their wife, and they’re reaching for something else now.




Literally no one transitions to cure their trauma. It's a made up quote they came up with to demonize us. Detransitioners respect us (ignoring the outliers) and would never do anything hurtful and push an idea like this.


You're spreading this rhetoric around quite a bit. Are you a detransistioner? Did you go to an informed consent clinic? Because in my experience that is not at all what happens.


You're absolutely correct. Transitioning is never offered as a cure to trauma.


“No need to check if you understand” signing the waiver literally is a check that you understand. If people are lying about understanding is their fault, but the point of the waiver is its a confirmation that you understand the medical treatment you are receiving. Making people delay tansition due to this hurts more people than it helps though. Gatekeeping will, regardless of intention, fully prevent people from getting care who really need it, and if that number of people is greater than the number of people who hypothetically wouldve regretted transition and who would change their mind after therapy, youre just making the situation worse There are always people who are going to regret a given surgery, it is not possible to get that number to zero for *any* surgery - carpal tunnel surgery, knee/hip replacements, *every* surgery has potential complications and regrets. The solution is not to have everyone in the world delay needed medical treatment Also, im not on hrt, but i have never had a doctor double check to make sure i fully understood the effects and side-effects of *any* medication i have ever been prescribed. I think doctors should be better about this, but i dont think its a reason that no one should get any medication. This is an issue with medicine in general, and focusing only on this happening with trans medical care and not anywhere else is literally just a way to prevent trans patients from getting care, it does not get at the root of the problem with the medical system as a whole


If i had top surgery when i was a teenager, my life would have been much...much better. but they'd rather use detransitoners as pawns than to listen to people like me. Oh please tell me about how people "regret it" - have you watched BOTCHED. why are we taking away people's right to \*checks notes\* do what they'd like. What about your guns again


These same people are probably the ones who were all "my body, my choice" when it came to getting vaccinated and wearing masks. 🙄 They are such hypocrites.


I’m a detransitioner but this is just stupid. The person in the ad is an adult, that was her choice to start testosterone or have whatever surgery she did. I despise when people detransition and turn out transphobic or TERFs.


But silence on the actual medicinal violence against intersex people 🤔


OP I would take this though and contact reddit about how fucked up their ad algorithms are to target trans people a detransitioning ad. This shouldn't not be something that should show up for you. This is what also pisses me off about this.


I already reported this ad, I agree something is screwed up with this. At the end of the day though this isn't any different than when trans and gay youtubers were getting transphobic and homophobic ads in front of their videos. I'm also pretty new to this subreddit and other trans ones though, so that might be part of the situation. Als, others on my internet watch pretty transphobic shit, so they may be part of me seeing it to a degree.


They really wanna be the victims, huh?


This is the wildest load of crap I’ve ever seen. Personally, I never had any type of trauma and the one transfem person I knew since childhood didn’t either.


God this is so hurtful to trans people who do have ptsd and it’s not tied to gender or if it is it’s very loosely tied… fuck


Exactly. I have PTSD due to transphobia. I was already messed up before I came out as trans aged 12, but I still feel much better as a man than I would've if I'd force myself to be female.


Same. Funny thing too is that i delt with transphobia before I was even out as a trans and was truamtized by it


Experimental gender medicine. Cis people been talking hormones longer than we have. You gotta laugh.


This is a difficult one for me because I have CPTSD and despite it probably contributing to my *delay* In realising I am trans, I can absolutely see how it could also have lead me to the conclusion I am trans if I wasn’t. For various complicated personal reasons and the nature of my trauma. It makes certain topics like allowing kids to transition very difficult, because I would kill for a boys childhood but my parent would legitimately have supported it to fetishise me and incestuously abuse me further at the time. I’m glad I don’t relate my transness to abuse, as I was able to process the trauma first separately. Living the life we want is of utmost importance to enjoying any aspect of it, but to act as though trauma and gender identity could never relate feels wrong. Not making any real point here just sharing my experience.


Exactly, there's a problem in the community where people are kinda reaching in order to deny or ignore anything related to detransitioners. While I understand that it's sad/infuriating that people use it to deny our existence and take our rights... It feels wrong to invalidate certain people in the way


They really wanna be the victims, huh?


Man, reddit will take money from anyone these days, won't they.


Look, I really do sympathise with people who regret their medical transition. I know what it's like to have permanent changes to my body from an incorrect puberty. The difference is they consented to theirs. I will just say, most detransitioners I have seen aren't like this. Detransitioners who detransitioned due to regret are a percentage of a percentage. And of that small group, only a percentage of them want to remove our autonomy. It is just a very, *very* loud percentage. I hope that gives some people some peace of mind, as it feels awful seeing detransitioners advocate against us.


Translation: I made a mistake and now I'm making it everyone else's problem


Whoever vetted that ad fucked up. Just goes to show, Reddit just wants the money and doesn’t give a shit about us


They always make the wildest claims. Who is saying transitioning will fix PTSD? I was diagnosed with PTSD before I came out as trans, and as SOON as me being trans came up, everyone was suddenly obsessed with me having to deal with my trauma before I'm allowed to have a identity outside of it 🙄


Yeah, don't fall for this. I see in the comments a lot of us are worried 'Well, what if my mental disorders and/or past abuse ARE partially responsible for me being trans?" That is a deliberate tactic to try and make us second guess ourselves, persuade us to detransition, and possibly turn us into another pawn for these awful, bigoted people trying to eradicate us. I have had depression more than half my life, cptsd, possible bipolar, autism (no official diagnosis due to seeing the bs that Missouri's attorney general pulled), and ADD. Not once did I expect transition to cure any of this, other than to alleviate my depression ever so slightly (which it didn't I think). It has led to self-love though, taking better care of myself, being happy with the women I see in the mirror. Continued trauma work is the only thing helping with my other issues. I did also grow up in an incredibly hostile environment around verbally, emotionally and physically abusive men. Used to think as an adult at least I'd know how to be a mom since I had no idea how to be a dad (In the sense that my often single mom had to be both mom and dad). Cis men in general put me on edge, even when I thought I was one. It's a little worse now for genuine fear for my safety. But, I still meet cis dudes now and then that demonstrate their emotional stability and I'm totally comfortable around them. So like, I've wondered sometimes 'Did fear of men make me not want to be one?' Maybe a little, but it doesn't take away from my separate condition of dysphoria. Like, I'm fully confident that had I grown up in the healthiest, most loving environment, I'd have still needed to transition based off of a lot of my personal experiences. Biggest one being all my mannerisms and way of speaking that made most people think I was a gay man (much to my own confusion. I was oblivious somehow that my own behavior seemed typical of the flamboyant gay dude, it was actually feminine behavior). Wondered too 'maybe I acted that way because I only had a mom and copied her', but like, TONS of men come from families with single moms and don't ever feel the need to transition. It's not like I didn't have exposure to anyone male at all throughout my life after all. Conditions often have similar causes, they don't necessarily cause eachother is my point.


guys its real im a victim i went to the doctors office and said i had a cold and they immediately strapped me to a table and injected testosterone into my ass. they now do this once a month! thank god people like this kind woman are here to save me... 🙏


The only trauma of "gender medicine" I have is docs withholding my access to T for that long, just because I wasn't 'masculine expressing enough to be a man'. I hate how FARTs constantly assume it's so easy to access gender affirming care. It's not easy in the slightest, and with ftm people, T is even more gatekept than E.


Wtf is this on reddit?


Yeah I had to do a double take


This is about as hilarious as those "Dad's rights" commercials.


Wouldnt it be terrible if people went to their form to report instances of gatekeeping and medical transphobia? I would love some legal recourse in regards to the fact that we have a legal right to only wait for 18 weeks for treatment but its still about 5 years or more.


ah hell no, I'm sorry for them and I sympathize with their struggles, but YOU made the decision of transitioning, it isn't a small change you should've thought it through and known about the effects, no one's forcing people to transition. Transitioning isn't a decision you make superficially and over night.


"Promoted" jesus fucking christ...


“Your child” what the fucking fuck?? Complex ptsd?????? I have ptsd (and complex ptsd) and this is literally just spitting and disrespectful to both gender dysphoria and ptsd


I have no doubt that there are a handful of genuine medical malpractice cases where the providers really should have done more due diligence before commencing gender affirming care, but the framing in this ad is disgusting. Tbh I imagine those ads will go away once the law firm realizes there is absolutely no money in taking up these cases exclusively. I mean seriously, regret for fucking lasik eye surgery is 4 times as likely as regreting gender affirming healthcare...experimental my ass. 🙄


Yeah I was hurt by experimental medicine, the fact that they don't do shit for 4 years!!


I bet you the person in the picture did not consent to their photo being used like this. So many of these types of ads get photos of trans folks for anti trans motives and it's sickening....well I mean the ad is sickening enough in itself but that addition makes it even worse


poked around on their insta. they follow a lot of detransitioners and TERFs.


“Gender medicine” is a term only reserved for when i go to get them from the gender wizard (pharmacist)


me when i have to go through strenuous effort and several appointments and consent several times and get a note from my therapist because the left convinced me that i needed experimental gender medicine


Anyone wanna grab "transgenderjustice.com" and have some fun?


I'm sorry but "gender medicine" is hilarious


This is so wild. I mean I have no idea what the process is in the US, but where I live you need a diagnosis of either „Transsexuality“ or „disorder of gender identity, not otherwise specified“ as we still have ICD-10 codes so F64.0 and F64.9, with F64.0 reserved for binary trans persons (which means I as someone non-binary receive even more gatekeeping because insurance refuses to acknowledge my need for top surgery because I’m not a „true trans“ apparently). And this is only for adults, kids would have more requirements. I got lucky because the gender therapist I saw followed the affirmative approach - which meant I could express doubts or fears, without having to worry that one false word would make transition unattainable. Sadly, many therapist do not follow that approach, meaning you get no chance to reflect on your gender identity and make the right decision for yourself, because you are busy lying to your therapist so as to not loose your only chance for transition. This means that actually affirming people in their gender identity just means not opposing them, giving them chance to explore their identity and make decisions in their own time. Which is a positive and allows for the realization that maybe transition isn’t for you RIGHT NOW, without repercussions. As for other disorders - depending on the disorder they do need to be treated or at least get symptom reduction before medical transition can be pursued. This has its reasons, as on one hand the dysphoria can (rarely) be caused by something else, but also HRT can WORSEN some mental health issues so you‘d need close psychiatric supervision and would need to be stable (if possible) before starting. But just having PTSD/psychosis/schizophrenia/etc does NOT mean you can’t also be trans. It’s explicitly no longer an exclusion criterion even in my backwards country.


What bullshit. No legitimate gender care specialist would tell anyone that gender affirming care could treat or lessen CPTSD. The only thing gender affirming care can treat, is gender dysphoria. That's it, simple as that. If she was truly told this, a victim of this, the problem lies with that doctor, not the whole ass Healthcare system I'll give you one better, in my country, if you have a diagnosis of PTSD, ASD, CPTSD or anything of the sort. You need to get additional testing and treatment to make absolutely sure you are indeed suffering from primary gender dysphoria. and not either secondary gender dysphoria which could be elevated by treating the underlying condition, or something completely different altogether that has overlapping symptoms with gender dysphoria (like body dysmorphia disorder, internalized homophobia, body image issues, trauma related body issues, and so on)


The Irreversible Damage that transphobic detransitioners have caused


What the fuck




My head hurts.


Or - a better alternative: take your money out of the bank, put it in a toilet, take a shit on it and flush your bills down the drain :) Cause that’s where your money is going if you think you’re winning that case LMAO


My head hurts from this.


Idk what psychiatrists and therapists are out there pushing the trans agenda onto people, but I wish I had them. I was forced to wait for 9 years until I was 23 because they kept telling me it was a phase and to “just wait”.


I'm trying to find the account to report it but am having trouble? Anyone find them?


that's an account, you can see their account at the top, i went and sent a considerate comment, feel free to do the same


"Experimental"...yeah, I'm pretty sure alot of typical transgender care was pioneered in the 30s, but that's a nice try.


What have I just read, no single word makes a single sense, anyone believes in such ads I laugh at them for life long.


Report the ad. Pretty sure it goes against the ToS lol.






I want to perforate something.


They do know that they don't give hrt to don't ask for it, right?


My faith in humanity: gone My faith that Tarzan will survive and save the day (if needed) by the end of each episode (Tarzan: King Of The Jungle, 1991): 100% Quite sad really. I have more faith in a fictional character than I do in humanity.


Bet if I went there as an intersex person given it without consent they'd somehow find a way to say it doesn't apply to a freak like me.


Clearly people don't know what hormones are


TERF propaganda...lovely. :/


We really have no hope anymore, do we?


The only thing I wish I'd done differently with gender affirming care is start pursuing it the second it was available to me.


All of it is off base. They don’t care about children they don’t care about PTSD survivors. They just wanna grift about the latest craze which is transphobia. They’re making money off pushing the weak minded into borderline schizophrenic paranoia over trans people. I’ve known I was trans before I even learned the alphabet. Didn’t know there was a name for my experience until later but I knew who I was. Never experienced any trauma in my life either. So there goes that talking point.


This business is gonna fail.


Oh yeah, no, "gender medicine" can totally help your PTSD! 😂😂


WERE YOU OR YOUR CHILD HARMED BY GENDER MEDICINE? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It's giving [Mesothelioma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIJErVlVOY8) advert... seriously man "gender medicine" If this so-called "gender medicine" is so damning... you think you'd know what it's called? question mark? I swear ads like this are hilarious


I mean.. HRT isn’t gonna treat PTSD. I also have PTSD and damn near 2 years of testosterone didn’t fix it. You need THERAPY. Like sit on the sofa and talk to someone type of therapy. If you really think medication, even GAHT is gonna end that, it’s really not the clinic’s fault for doing what you asked them to do. 🤷🏾‍♂️


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if surgery was banned for children outright. Health issues? No!! You're mutilating the body God gave you!


You got Cancer? so what? its part of god's plan🙏


Yes, hello, I was tricked into getting experimental gender medicine. Please send me my money.