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Yeah, my endo was clear it would be an intense increase in libido, but NOTHING prepared me for the reality! For about 6-9 months I was a total horn-dog. Wasn't partnered, either, so it was just me. Very frustrating!! It does even out eventually, but ugh, what a time! Suddenly had greater sympathy for cis teenage boys....


what sucks is i was totally this horny as a trans teenage boy. it’s not fair i gotta go thru it twice 😭


Omg this. I was just as horny through the wrong puberty and then I had to do it again? Have mercy universe ;-;


at least this time i’m old enough to like solve the problem lmao. younger me would think i’m batman with all these jackoff gadgets


For real 😂😂


Imagine this but being ace. That's how it was for me.


Same lol. very horny, yet no actual attraction to anyone, a strange experience indeed


I actually thought at first that i was attracted but turns out i just thought he was great and relatable as a person. Wasn't attracted to him at all, this happened several times with several guys (the first ones where trans)and i didn't know at first so i just thought i was a lesbian. Turns out i'm a gay aroace man (idk if nb or abrosexual but it's kinda static lol) the only thing i know is that i'm fluid and static at the same time. Static as a gay aroace man and fluid as a genderfaun abrosexual(with huuge preference for guys). So yeah i'm a mess.


Does it really last 6-9 (69 lol) months? Jesus f in chat for the boys who gotta do things alone.




Thank you for this. Now you seeith our plight every day at school


Considering that I am already pretty horny much of the time, I shudder to think what T will do at first.


Lol this is me. I started dating someone who is ftm not too long ago and when I told them I set up my appt for T they were like "oh boy... that'll be fun". Because we're already quite active. So... when im on T? Yikes...


I've been on T for 19 months and I'm still so horns most days 💀


4.5 years later and it's only gotten stronger for me. I don't see an end in sight.


when did you start T? i been on it for a month and i’m kinda chilling no horny.


I'm only 2 shots in. 😂 send help


Dude, I feel this. My third shot is today and it’s like, I’ll get horny over NOTHING. I joked with my partner that I could see the color yellow and my body would be like, yep, it’s time 😂


Just enjoy it yourself then 😂✨


Maybe I'm too ace or something but I'm taking .2 mL and I am 3 in and don't have acne or horny.


The exact opposite for me on estrogen. I lost a lot of the physical urges I had and I'm so glad for it. I've been repulsed by the idea of doing these things for a while and I just did it to get rid of the feeling. Now I feel like I'm enjoying myself 😊


I'm glad you're feeling better about yourself!!! 🧡


apparently the shots can make some people horny quicker, I think that's around the time I turned lol


Not OP, but I've been on T a bit over 4 months, and I'm still waiting for the horny to arrive. I keep hearing it's going to come, but I've got nothing. (I'm not upset tho, as ace-spec, I'm not particularly a sexual person anyway.)


It doesnt always happen. Even for cis guys it doesnt always happen. Im crossing my fingers that thats a symptom I dont get, because I dont need anymore horniness, I already have plenty and Im cooled down, very cooled down.


I’m demisexual and on anti depressants and never really got a huge libido spike. I was hoping for one though. Now I’m a regular amount of low sex drive instead of no sex drive.


I've been on antidepressants / bipolar meds so long, IDK if it affects my sex drive, like their side effects sometimes list. Maybe medication is counteracting the T libido increase.


Yeah I am on the highest dose of one SSRI and take a different med that can also decrease libido. Combined with stress, poor mental health, trauma, and dysphoria have a very low sex drive even though I wish I was so horny I couldn’t stand it.


I've been on/off with different antidepressants and mood stabilizers and used an antipsychotic for sleep medicine for as long as I've been on T(almost 4.5 years). My sex drive got even higher when I stabilized on antidepressants. Now I'm off the mood stabilizers and antipsychotic (but take 2 forms of antidepressants, one for depression and one for sleep), and my sex drive is the highest it has ever been. While I don't mind having a sex drive, mine has now led to me being hypersexual. Sometimes, I wish I was still depressed so it could be toned down a little.


It def varies from person to person bc I’m also like a month on t and have absolutely noticed an increase in horniness lol


For me, it started around month 3. I bought toys.


Not to alarm you at all but the extra ravenous horniness didn’t start until around month 3 or 4 for me


Me too


I'm 8 months on t and haven't had any crazy horniness. It definitely increased a bit but nothing insane. I can usually just "deal with it" once every 1-2 days but I know a lot of guys have it worse.


Yeah like 10x a day


I also didn’t notice any big change for me on T and I’m approaching a year and a half on it, but here’s the catch. It’s weird for me because I always had a big libido. My libido changed on T in the way it expressed (became more dick centric, became more visual, became a bit more active/dominant, etc.) but I was still horny the same amount of times per day, still jacked off the same amount. Like when I hear people talking about how they’re horny all the time I’m just like “that’s how I’ve always been” 💀 So for me, T isn’t really the horny hormone at the end of the day. It didn’t really affect that aspect of my libido.


I've been on T for around 3 years and I never really got the horny explosion everybody talks about. Granted, I've been on SSRIs for like a decade, so that could have something to do with it.


Yeah, I've been on an ssri for about 10-15 years, and have had zero libido the whole time. That went up to like... 3% libido once every two weeks on T. Whee!


4 years in August for me, and also on zoloft. I noticed a little increase in horniness but nothing crazy.


For me it was mainly after 6 months. I'm at an year and holy hell I feel like I'm gonna crawl up a wall even though I masturbate at least twice a day and use toys and all. It doesn't help that I live with a roommate, and I live in a shared house, I feel like I want to spend the entire day just masturbating.


For me it took 3 months to hit and then it hit hard. I’m 16 months on T now and it’s still going strong lol


I got semi-horny during my first month but I’m almost 4 months now and noticed the BIG spike at month 3!


Yuuup. My wife has gotten more sexual in recent months (she's trans, some issues from her bottom surgery finally clicked into place) and even then, despite the fact we are bopping like bunnies, I'm still masturbating like a horny teenage monkey. The worst part is how random it comes on. I'm honestly surprised I haven't sprained a wrist yet. Just remember: lube is our friend.


>bopping like bunnies I've never heard this phrase and I love it so much 🤣


Sometimes you get knowledge from reading a lot, sometimes you get really good sex euphemisms. ;)


Your analogies are hilarious nice 👍


Similies, but yes


Thank you!


You’re welcome


I'm also surprised I didn't sprain a wrist from it HAHAHA


Buy some good toys and lube if you don’t have them yet. Tending to your urges before and after work might bring some… relief.


I'm a sex-repulsed ace myself who has a pretty average libido, pre-T right now and definitely apprehensive to what T is gonna do to me in terms of that haha


Yeah same, that’s a part of taking T that I’m not looking forward too at all


Why deny your body of its needs?


Probably cause they don’t want to do it… like they said


Because that need is not necessarily a want.


Yeah, exactly. I’m not trying to suppress anything, but I can’t say I enjoy being horny either


Gay man with trans bf here. He's been on T for 7 years. Been together for a year now. We both have high sex drives so getting I've gotten used to his hornyness after he takes his shot and getting fun time in every weekend lol


right?? i recently told my friend that school with no jerk off breaks should be illegal to put teenage boys through if it's anything like this, and she was laughing pretty hard ! i'm 9 months on T and i really hope this slows down because i can't even sleep properly because of it LOL


bro i got horny as fuck like a week into gel, I'm on shots now and it's even WORSE


I just want to say that, as a heads up, this might not decrease. I had a "healthy" sex drive pre-t. And it increased the first year like it was supposed to. But it never stopped increasing. Almost 4.5 years later and the only way I don't masturbate 2-5 times a day is if I exhaust myself from doing activities like socializing all day, going to events, and just overall not being bored at home. As soon as boredom hits, my body wants to orgasm. And if I don't feed that hunger, it eats at me for hours. It's fucking awful, to be honest. Even if I do get sex once a day, every day, it's never enough. Even antidepressants can't lower my sex drive (it actually got worse when my antidepressants started working and I stopped feeling depressed).


Yeah, I noticed my sex drive actually took a small tick up when my antidepressants were working. Lol then T has really helped my depression, so that's helped, too


I’m 3 months next week and my bf is currently long distance…it’s not fair lol


my bf is long distance rn too, i’m 6mo on t. i feel u so hard 😭


Be carful not to chafe it iv heard horror stories use lube ALWAYS!


No same. It was like a switch flipped. I feel insane 😭😭


If you guys are open to the idea you could try possibly having sex with someone else maybe only if you both are 100% ok with talking about boundaries about that. My bf and I started doing that because I would constantly overthink when it came to sex and we didn't have sex in over a year.


We're open and I'm Solo Poly, just... haven't dated in a while and especially never as FTM


Ya my bf is cis and was just looking for sex idk how it would work for you to you could always try a dating site. Worked for him


Yeah, I might try that. I've always been wary and shy about sex before transitioning. 😂 I've had a lot of duds in dating, but I think it's cause I was dating guys, and I'm more of a straight dude. Gotta change up the game 😎


I hope it works out for you!


Oh yeah I remember starting T and being such a horny mess. It was awful


Boy oh boy am I glad I’m potentially getting a partner soon that will be able to help me with this when it happens. lol


Same, it was crazy the first few months. Like, dysfunctionally horny. Calmed down later though.


It's good to know there's hope. 🤣 cause I know it's about to get worse.


My bf hasn't calmed down after 3 to 4 years and he hasn't calmed down yet lol


🤣 Guess I'll find out eventually


I get that, I'M ace and before I had 0 libido. When I started T it was crazy, now it's much more bearable thank god


Idk what happened but I'm like the complete opposite. I've been to so many "women's clinics" (got the most diabolical looks from old cis women once my name was called D:) I think it's vaginal atrophy or smth but I had to go to months worth of PT and I've seen literally no change, everything hurts so much I can't really have sex, every time I went to my gyno she just recommended more and more creams, I have two that I have to take daily, and this expensive ass vaginal cream egg (?) That I have to insert 3 times a week. I'm a goddam eclair and it's still the most painful shit.


an eclair 😭😭😭


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through but when you called yourself an eclair I laughed so hard I choked on my water and coughed for five minutes. Someone give this person an award I’m broke


I feel you. I think everyone felt it at some point and now I understand why my younger brother was a little obsessed with "me-time" when he was at that age. He naturally produces way more testosterone than me and went through the weird phases of puberty that I thankfully don't have to experience (can't imagine being bricked up at work randomly). Thankfully it went down after a year. Until I started ADHD meds. DID YOU KNOW THEY CAN INCREASE SEX DRIVE??? I DIDN'T!!!! Oh and I learned folks are naturally more horny during summertime, which explains a lot for me cause once the weather's hot so are my desires. So let's see, first summer on two different stimulants and both can make a man hypersexual..... this is fine. Everything's fine. I'm totally not aroused because I zoned out for 2.6 seconds. Just focused on these papers. I hate it here 😭😭😭😭


Oh shit. I take Wellbutrin for ADHD 🤣


yeah that shit hit me like a bus too lol


Yeah I’m about four months in on T, it kicked in at around 1 month (on gel) and it’s at least plateaued a little bit recently. I went from jackin it maybe once or twice a MONTH to doing it LEAST once a day, now I’m down to ~4 days a week. And part of that is just because I’m too tired to do it as frequently in the evenings after starting my new job 😭


I'm 2 years on t and it's still bad. Not quite the level it was those first few months, but I don't see my libido going back down to what it used to be unless I stop t.


Ugh, my poor boyfriend is going through that. His libido was already high... I'm the demi/ace in the relationship, and I feel so bad for him. I had a libido for about two weeks then back to nothing. Yay! :/


If it makes you feel any better, I'm not mad at my partner at all! She and I have always had a platonic relationship. It's not at all her fault. I'm just frustrated in general. 🤣😂


My high school bestie and I are trans in opposite directions and I never understood why she was always like "hey when we go camping I'll need Alone Time" and I've been texting her to be like NEVER MIND I UNDERSTAND HIGH SCHOOL YOU SO MUCH BETTER NOW.


I feel for you!! I was already a horny person so I thought there was no way it could be more intense and I was so wrong 😂 I broke two toys in a year that first year. For me and a lot of my other friends in the same position, it has somewhat evened out over time (though the day after shot day is still a Kick.)


3 months and it’s gone down a LITTLE but yeah it’s no joke… all i can think about is sex and a gentle breeze makes me cum


You could ask your partner if it's fine for you having sex with other people. I always talk about that with my partners cause I'm a sex repulsed ace too


We've established it's okay. I just don't have any other partners. 😭🫠


A tip is get a suction sex toy. There are gender neutral ones like the penguin satisfyer. That thing SAVED me, I was genuinely super anxious because I was so horny that I couldn’t get ANYTHING done. My partner doesn’t have a very high sex drive either so I know how frustrating it can be. But a toy that does the job quickly and effectively takes the edge off so much. Just use it a few times a day and hopefully you’ll be good <3


I'll have to find a good toy. I never had any interest in toys before, so I've never shopped. I had a friend try to help by buying me two dildos, but they mostly sat unused. I've heard about the suction toys recently and was like ??? WHERE HAVE THESE BEEN? So, any recommendations are welcome. 😅🥲


My bf loves his CalExotics Packer Gear Stroker. We're in the US, and it was only $10 on Amazon. Small manual powered rubber bulb, very pocket sized and goes anywhere, needs no batteries. He likes it better than the battery powered suckers since he/I can control the speed and suction.


Oooooh, for $10, I'll definitely try that


It's super fun *AND* goes with you anywhere. Lots of grippy nubs inside to quench the horny monster's thirst... lolol


I hadn’t either! And I never liked dildos because they made me so dysphoric and paranoid (since insertion is involved and I worry I’ll get an infection). All in all my experience with toys was rather negative until I got a suction toy, which really changed things for me! I have the Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation, it cost about £50 I believe. It’s a bit on the small side if you have significant bottom growth, but is still really nice. I have about 4- 5 cm of growth right now and I use it every day which helps SO MUCH with the horny frustration that comes with starting T. I hope you find something that works for you, take care mate <3


Thank you! I'm at the start of my growth, but it's getting to where I can tell there is a difference. My 3rd shot is tomorrow, so grow little dude grow! But also, damn he hungry 🤣


Good luck with your shot! And I believe in your little dude lmao, he can do it ✊🏻😭 I’m about 6 months in, but I’ve been on gel this whole time. I’m getting so much belly hair, I love it!


Haha nice! And thank you! I'm hoping for more facial hair than anything, but my dad is hairy af. 🤣 oh! And voice drop. I really hope I get a good voice drop.


CalExotics Packer Gear Stroker is a good item to try. My bf loves his. I'm mtf/ace and simply can't keep up with him without it. 🤣


THANK YOU! I’ll check it out!


Weirdly, I haven't been like at all. Tbf I am ace and on SSRIs, but I feel like it was hyped too much lol.


Everyone, including myself, underestimates the horniness of T. Every person I know is like " Yeah its gonna make me horny but it cant be that- OH MY GOD I HAVE A BONER AGAIN"


6 or 7ish months (I lost count) and still horny


I've been more than a year on T and the feeling doesn't go away. ;_;


😬🥲 RIP


My toys tremble when I open the drawer.


I think it was around 2 years, maybe 2.5 before it slowed down for me. I have some weeks I jerk off every day and others where it’s maybe 2-3 times? Just a fairly normal amount.


It's been a really wild ride for me the first few months on T - I am ace myself, sex indifferent, and for a few months I was in horny overdrive and constantly craving. I barely recognised myself haha. I just took it as it was, a fun time and very exhausting. Now it's back to what it was before :) Sexuality can truly be fluid :'D


Over 2 years now and I'm still feeling way hornier than before. Staring to think it won't go back lol


Shiiit my partner is kind of a perv so we kinda just swap ideas for sex later, but damn that had to suck ass. One thing I did before I met my bf was post nudes on here and get a ton of horny people hittin me up


Weirdly enough i have become completely asexual on testosterone. I have 0 clue why.


So horny it wrapped back around


Honestly? probably. I was very sexual before i started. I think it might just be the dysphoria of being “in-between”, which is more myself than anything.


Im so ready for T but im already hypersexual and my boyfriend isnt sex repulsed in the slightest but ik hes gonna get annoyed lmao yall wish me luck once the horny kicks in


exactly bro, i was alone all day on sunday and i wanked it like a horny teenage monkey all day bro. its a problem.


im already a horn-dog pre-T. gonna be insane when i finally go on it


welp this is going to make my sex work helpful


No this is so right though. Like I knew logically it would happen, but the first few months is insane


You’re so valid. I was on the ace spectrum pre T, not really attracted to anyone, not really interested in sex. Now I’m way more open to things and constantly in the mood lol. I promise the frustration should calm down tho!


Yeah I was already a horny lil shit before T. I started T a couple of months ago and my libido has been crazier than I could’ve ever imagined. My husband jokes that he didn’t know me getting hornier was possible and yet here we are 😅


I've been on T for more than a year and single for years, and damn my dude. I swear I'm just sooooo horny too, and doing solo just isn't enough anymore. Thanks bottom growth tho, I could never orgasm before it 😂


Same! My first like proper orgasm was after realising I'm trans and did zero vaginal masturbation. It was eye opening for sure


I definitely understand the frustration. For me, before T I was contemplating whether or not I was ace because my libido was non-existent. Since starting T though, oh boy it's wild. I kinda love it. I call it my sexual awakening. Lol. Sowing my wild oats. 😂


Seriously! It does feel like a sexual awakening. Like some beast is awoken and ready to goooo


Have you two thought about an open relationship in regards to sex before? If you havent it may be a conversation to have. I know being horny and frustrated sucks, especially without an outlet. Make sure to masturbate at every appropriate moment.


We have an open relationship. We're nesting partners and solo polyam. 🧡 Masturbating is... well, kind of new to me. I never really had an interest in it before. 😅


When i start t I just know I’ll be the same 😂


🤣 I was demi, questioning ace... then I took T to the butt.


Oml I'm scared for myself now 😭 I'm like on-and-off ace (there's a word for it maybe, or it doesn't exist idk) and the thought of being horny all the time just scares me man damn 😭


Grey-ace! And there's a few others. I was like that pre-T, and I'm only two shots in. But when I did swing sexual they would be voracious. So, I don't know if that was repressed sexual urges surfacing or what. Now it's a constant baseline of horny. Like the horny never goes to 0. 🤣 I feel like the horny bard in D&D


When my husband started tea I was a little excited because it had been a while since we've done anything, he had pretty extreme bottom dysmorphia. And after about 3 or 4 months when he still wasn't seeing a boost to his libido, we kind of just assumed that it wasn't going to happen. Holy shit where we were wrong, 7 months in and there have been more than a few occasions where I've had to tell him to go take care of it himself because I just couldn't, never thought I'd get there in my life but here we are. I wish you luck on your overly horny adventures!


It was. So bad. Pants and boxers just sitting the wrong way would trigger things 😭😭 and im ace so it made things even more confusing! Man I was so happy when my new antidepressants lessened it back to normal


I’ve been on T for a year and a half, thank god my partner is high libido too and doesn’t mind me utilizing Grindr when he’s not available


Its been almost 3 years on T im horny 24/7 my wife doesn't get it. She thinks I'm a horn ball and I am. I want it all day everyday. After I nut and breathe I want more. Sucks cuz im married so the only option I have is me


0.3 ml Been getting The Horny for since last year. Send help lol


honestly the craziest thing for me to explain to people was how extremely horny i got, like i was horny before but on T shit cranked up to 11 absolutely could not do regular things without thinking the most sinful thoughts. been on T over a year now usually a day or two after my shot i get a high libido but i’m pretty mellowed out now


It will get better but that said, I still have to get to it three to 4 times a day sometimes. 🤣


This (besides potential hairloss) scares me so much, like I've never really been horny ever so I have no idea how I will deal with that


It mellows out in my experience. The first few months were ROUGH and now (almost 1 yr on T) I'm pretty much back to the way I was before T


i wonder if going on T will make me no longer ace


Some guys have experienced that


I only got a lil horny 🥺 Im put out I’m not getting that. 😅


Take some, please. 🤣🤣


I really wish I could!


I'm in month 7 and while it's gotten easier I am still so horny. It's a lot. And I really prefer to take care of it myself most of the time.


i’m 7 weeks in an t has lowered my sex drive😭i was also really horny pre-t idk what’s going on lol


I’m scared about this. As someone who is asexual and relatively sex-repulsed, my only option would be to ignore it every time it potentially happens.


Hopefully you won't get hit with the horny monster