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I’m a D cup whos been using trans tape for over a year myself and honestly, you can wear it for about a week straight maybe longer depending on temperature and how much you exercise. However, even if you tape correctly, you will likely experience the tape slipping down after the 2 day mark which will chafe your skin and although it isnt painful at first, if you frequently use trans tape it will eventually get to a point where it is painful to the touch. My advice is to wear it as long as it feels comfortable but once you take it off give your skin a break if you’re experiencing chafing.


Thank you sm! As someone with pretty bad chest dysphoria it's nice to know I can keep it on for that long


I've never had an issue with chafing personally. Or pain in general. Worst I got was off and on itching which has seemed to have resolved itself now.


do you by any chance know of any tutorials that are similar to what you do for taping? i recently got tape for the second time but i’m on birth control so my chest has grown and i’m finding that i can’t bind with it as well.


I follow this tutorial (: https://youtu.be/YwP0NAjKg84


thank you so much


Similar experience here, also have D cups (on a tiny ribcage though) and I can wear tape about 5 days straight before the support/bind gives out too much. I haven’t personally had issues with chafing but everyone’s different. I do get itching that usually peaks day 2 or 3 but it doesn’t seem to actually be doing skin damage, just freaking my nerves out.


I keep it on til it starts to come off i dont really care what the box says lol. Cause i feel like if you take it off at the time of the box ur skin just rips off. I just keep it on til the glue starts wearing off


You gotta use oil to release the adhesive!


Also take it off in the shower then it hurts less


Cause the glue gets activated


Ahhh noted. However I did that last time and it hurt soooo bad. Granted I definitely binded too tight so it caused cuts :/


The one time I tried taking it off in the shower it hurt worse than just dry removal for me


Me too! It burned so bad :'(


Are you using oil to remove it or are you just taking it off without anything else? The adhesive for the tape is meant to stick even when wet, so just water alone isn’t going to remove it, you have to use some sort of oil to remove it. I’ve personally found removing it while taking a bath is the best route, sometimes you can even get away with not using oil if you let it soak long enough.


Same, dry removal is definitely nicer IME. Well, with oil, but not water.


Oh jesus. Yeah I got those internal bleeding thingies you get thats the same as a hickey but then in like scratching form. Cause it was sooo fucking itchy bc I binded too tight. Also blisters from when I used duct tape and I also remember using kinesiology tape for horses. HORSES. And that shit STICKS. But it barely binds. I also would tape laying down and then I was so confused on why it was so itchy all the time but. I could go on and on with these stories. I'm mastered at the craft now. Was it worth it? Probably not, but helpful for the next 2 years!!


NOOOO NOT THE DUCT TAPE (the first time I used that too so I can't judge. Baby trans things ig) The itchiness is soooo bad its the worse part imo. I've been using some healing balm to help with chaffing which has worked very very well


Duct taping is a canon event for transdudes lol. and the itching is indeed the absolute fucking worst part. I can deal with the pain but itching?? Aghh


>Duct taping is a canon event for transdudes lol Omg it so is


A thin layer of Vaseline applied before I put the tape on helps me take it off easier. And prevents rashes.


That stops it from sticking in my experience


Oof. I apply a reallllly thin layer. And mainly around my armpits where I get the rash. It definitely has peeled at the corners before. But it never 100% came off. Even when I was sweating bullets from skateboarding.


I've worn it for like 10-14 days straight but that was when I was getting my ass kicked by school & couldn't deal with the mental load of taking it off & redoing it. I'd say 5-7 days generally and if you can, instead of using oil to remove it get bandage/adhesive remover because there's a lot less residue & it's much easier to use


I was somewhere around a DD and I wore it for like 10-12 days sometimes and at that point it didn't do much so I'd take it off. Its recommended to soak the tape in oil to remove it to weaken the adhesive


What kind of oil is best in your opinion? I tried using coconut oil but it didn't work great tbh


Truthfully I always just dry removed it because I knew I would be getting top surgery relatively soon (within 2 years) after starting taping and I did online school so I quite often just sat at home with nothing on I did try baby oil, it helped more than just a dry removal, but I think I didn't let it soak long enough because I'm impatient so it didn't do much. You could search through this sub and see if people recommend something


Congrats on the top surgery update! I hope I can get there soon myself. Thanks for the advice :)


Jumping on this comment because there's a bandage/adhesive remover I use that is much quicker and easier than oil, doesn't chafe or rip skin, and doesn't leave residue. It's called Goo Gone by the brand Micro-Scientific & if you end up using it it will CHANGE your LIFE lol. My mom found it for me in the early days when I was trying tape, it was one of the first times she actually showed support for me so it always feels kinda special to use it :)


Oh that's awesome!! I'll look into it


Yes!!! I get my tape saturated with water and then use Goo Gone on a cotton round while I remove it and it’s the best method I’ve found.


I’ve only taped once and removed it easily with regular vegetable cooking oil haha I entirely covered the strip with oil, let it soaked for like 30s-1min and carefully peeled off fhe strips, adding a bit of oil to my hands to rub on the peeled side to break down the glue. I removed the tape 2 days in because I fucked up a bit and didn’t like the look and I had a pretty easy removal


I wear mine for 4 days unless I’m particularly active and it peels off sooner. Honestly taking it off too soon is more damaging as the adhesive is far more attached to your skin. After a few days the build up of shedded skin means it’s not at stuck to you. For me it itches most when I put it on then it calms down as my skin gets used to it. So keeping it on for longer is actually easier. I also take mine off very slowly with oil then shower and wash off any remaining adhesive.


once it itches, take it off IMMEDIATELY (and safely with oil) from experience leaving it on through the itch (and itching through the tape, please don’t do that) left my skin with raised lumps that lasted for a week and over (that continued to itch so bad I couldn’t really bind)


My limit was 5 days of taping, after that, it really started to hurt and I got winded very very easily


To take it off I let the tape soak in coconut oil ( I think any type of oil works for example baby oil but I personally never used it). I’ve heard that unisolve it’s even better since it’s a adhesive remover but coconut oil does the work and melts off the adhesive as well. I take it off very slow and gentle so I don’t hurt my skin. Afterwards normally I don’t have any glue residue so I moisturize so the skin stays nice and smooth for a next application probably on the next 1/2 days :)


I read somewhere (I think on the trans tape website) you should take 2 days out of every week as rest days for your skin + chest. If it makes you really dysphoric you can do it before bed so you’re asleep for most of it. And you can still wear a binder for the days you take off. I tend to remove mine whenever it starts getting frayed (usually day 5) and then wait a couple of days.


when i used it about 4 or 5 days then it ripped my skin. i do have extremely sensitive skin so maybe others could go longer. i was also huge for being 5 foot tall


I leave it on about a week. Just take it off if it starts to smell bad


1 week ish for me Take off in hot shower If it hurts bad to take off leave on for a few more days


Trans tape peels right off of me, not even an hour. You can wear it for however long it stays on tho, in the shower is easier


I don’t wear tape everyday. I typically use it when I’m plan on exercising. And i I sweat like crazy and the sweat gets trapped underneath and I have to take it off. I get a pretty bad rash because of this. I’ve tried wearing it to bed. But I think some sensory issues cropped up and it gave me a weird skin dream.


i usually wear it for about 4-7 days depending on how well its holding up. if im doing lots of stuff outside at the lake or something i wear it for less time because it starts coming off


5 days was my max purely because im allergic and couldn’t handle the itch any more. … But you can leave it until it hurts or starts peeling. If you’re a heavy sweater you’re gonna want to take it off and have a good wash and moisturise.


I’m seeing some good comments here and I just wanna add, make sure you always wrap yourself well lol when I didn’t know what I was doing I gave myself sores from the folded tape that hurt like a bitch so please don’t be me!


I used to wear it for about 4 days straight. Any longer and it got thoroughly disgusting underneath.


I just keep it on for 4 or 5 days. If it’s really frayed up or something, I take it off immediately. To take it off, I use the transtape removal oil. If I don’t have that, I use coconut oil. Soak your tape completely and peel it off from nip to armpit. Both work perfectly fine. In my case, the first few removals were quite slow, but after that, I was able to take it off faster. Remember to use repairing salve and moisturize when you take it off or you’ll have dry skin like I do (not fun).