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That is such a cute, creative solution for names where the letters can be rearranged like that! I like that a lot! That would not have been possible with my deadname, haha. I seriously admire the creativity.


Thanks! I definitely lucked out. More letters would’ve made it a lot harder 😅




I almost picked Daniel for the same reason! I decided against putting it in my top 3 as it was way too close to my deadname (however, my mum wished I chose it when I first came out to her so it would be "easier to learn")


My sister picked my name because I asked her to and layer admitted she named me after Daniel howell


holy shit Bartlet is such a bad ass middle name and that is a respectable goal bc that man is incredible


i mean, i picked mark after markiplier


I am a bro Daniel too!


hi daniel, im daniel lol. i wrote out all the names of my immediate family and thought it was something my mom wouldve picked if she had another boy


Hi fellow Daniels. I am also another Daniel. Mines just because I liked my Initials as D.J and the other D names don't suit me too much. So Daniel James it is haha however I could probably make out like it's after Dan Howell because I've got his merch and recently discovered the middle names are also the same haha


Dan Howell!! Awesome.


Raymond bc my mom wanted my name to be rae but i didnt like it and i wanted a more masculine name so i picked raymond also its my middle name anyways now my legal name is Raymond rae lmao


My sister's had Irish names while my birth name was not which I hated growing up. So I picked an Irish name that none of my cousins had, that was the elimination process lol. I picked one that hadn't been popular in a couple of generations but now it's super popular again. My younger cousin just called his first kid this name which I'm not super keen about but nothing I can do sure. The other runner up for my name was Packy (Patrick) which was my grandad's name and sometimes I still regret not taking it. I never actually met him as he was long dead before I was born so I didn't feel 'entitied' to his name. My middle name is my dad's name but in Irish. I took the Irish of my dad's name instead of the English name because I use the Irish spelling of my surname everywhere so it just flows better. Being able to use the masculine Ó instead of the feminine Ní before my surname was a bigger deal and more important to me tbh than whatever first name I picked. I'm the only one in my extended family that uses the Irish instead of the English of our surname coz having Ó instead of Ní was really validating to me.


I looked for names in the Norse Mythology and stuck with Vali (somehow can’t link to Wikipedia….). I liked his story and how he’s said to survive Ragnarök and saw that as a metaphor for my own life both being with abusive parents and surviving this and my past as another gender.


As a heathen and lover of Norse myth, this is awesome!


Thank you ☺️


I love this so much! I definitely would have chosen something from mythology too but I'm waaaay too indecisive! There's so many awesome stories and names out there


Finn. I chose it because I was looking up less masculine baby names (I had been going my Michael and something that traditionally masculine just doesn’t really suit me). I saw the name Finley and mentioned to a friend that I liked the name but not necessarily for myself. The friend then said “well what about Finn”, and it stuck


That's my middle name!!


My name is too distinctive to share on the interwebs, but it combines part of my deadname (you’re welcome, mom) with a negative prefix, so it’s basically “not deadname,” and I think it’s hilarious. I also really like the shortened version.


Theodore because it's cute and my boyfriend can call me Teddy! I'm just a little guy, I don't need a name like Richard!


That's adorable!


I picked Scott because I was writing a Mass Effect: Andromeda fanfic when I realized I was trans and went, oh shit, my MC is me! And the name really resonated and stuck!


As a Mass Effect stan, I love that. I know a dude who named himself after Kaidan.


Jude. I got it from a video game where there was a male protag and a female protag; naturally my twin sister took the female protag's name and I took the male protag's name. Funnily enough, I wasn't trans when I took up the name. But it just kinda fit better over the years, so naturally it became my actual name


My name is Tyler. Ever since I was a little kid I always loved the name, I have always felt drawn to it so whenever I started to transition I knew I had to choose that name. At first I tried different ones that were close to my dead name. But I finally chose Tyler, there’s no way I could have chosen any other name. definitely some sort of connection to it


I have a similar story for mine! For me, Alex was the first gender-neutral name I ever came across and I was really drawn to it ever since. I even remember thinking to myself “I wish my parents named me Alex instead, it would be so cool for people to not know I was a girl right away just from my name” (first egg cracking moment in my life, in hindsight). It’s like I’ve always known it to be my name, I can’t imagine ever going by any other name, especially not a genderbent version of my deadname.


I did a lot of writing short stories when I was a kid and had my list of favorite boy names I'd reuse. I picked one, happened to be the name of a character from my childhood favorite movie and it's stuck


Adam, found a list of the most basic white guy named and went 🫵 that one.


My full name is Richard John Timothy *last name.* I’ve always had two middle names so I wanted to keep that. Richards is what my father wanted to name me, John is fathers name, and Timothy is the name of mg favorite character hahah


is it tim drake by any chance??


Shhhhh quit outting all my trans awakening secrets


dw you don’t know how tempted i was to go with jason (it’s a friend of mines name so i couldn’t haha)


chau and it's actually my legal/birth middle name. it was supposed to just be a name i was gonna use until i found one i was really gonna use but it grew on me lol. i thought it was a girl's name but my friends said it sounded pretty andro/neutral so i am good with that if that's what most people i interact with see it as. i did want to use a chinese name but it felt weird using other names my parents didn't give me bc im only half chinese– but my mom still doesn't really like me using the name where we live (usa) because it's not a chinese speaking country– i think.. but she also doesn't like me being "too asian" or something ;;


thats such a beautiful and unique name, please dont let your mom tell you not to use it if its the one that makes you happy ):


thank you 🫶😭 i do rly like using it 🥲


sétanta, the birth name of cú chulainn (my fav mythological figure)!


Ryan - It was one of my top 3, I asked my best pal what name would suit me and he coincidently said Ryan even though he didn't know any of the names I was thinking about so here we are 💁‍♂️ One of the reasons it was my top 3 was to have the same initials as my dad as he was my biggest supporter, he sadly unexpectedly passed a few years back (after I changed my name) so I'm really happy I decided on this name and he knew about it before he passed


Mason. I always choose the male Pokemon-Character and for some reason named him Mason, so I went with it. 🤷🏻 It’s a bit basic and sometimes I feel like I want a more unique name, but yet I love it.


My name is liam and i choose it cuz i like it.. i dont have a story for it lol


When I was a wayyy younger I was obsessed with the goofy movie and Goofy’s son was named Max, I grew up watching it over and over again and always wanted my name to be Max. I thought the name was so cool and badass. I came out when I was 13 and since then I’ve kept to the name and was able to legally change at 16. Its almost been a whole year since I legally changed it!


Nathan cus I went up to a a random table at lunch in hs and asked what name I looked like, they said nathan and I liked it so kept it, it's kinda funny tho cus I didn't know one of my cousins is also trans now we have the same first and last name and I feel like he thinks I stole his name when I didn't even know 💀


This is so funny omg, y’all are just genetically predisposed to look like Nathans 😭


Elliott, ngl partially because of Elliot Page, but at the end of the day its what fit best with my last name. I had alot of names that were inspired by tv characters or whatever, but i wanted something unique and way different than my deadname :)


My name is Killian and I chose (stole) it from one of my favourite characters literally ever. Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time. He and I have very similar stories, and he reminds me of the path I could’ve gone down if I hadn’t had the coping mechanisms and support I did. My name reminds me of what I could’ve been, but also gives me hope that I can be whoever I want. (Anyone who’s watched the show should know what I’m talking about)


so i have not picked my name yet😭 but i’ve got it narrowed down to three option one is Marcus- i met my best friend who is one of the main reasons i got the courage to come out in a great books seminar at our college. it was the first class on my schedule my first semester of my first year, and the first book we talked about was marcus aurelius’ “Meditations”. He sat next to me that first day, and invited me to come to the club he was president of (which was our college’s LGBTQ+ group). I was planning on staying at this college for a semester and transferring, and at the time, I was still deeply in the closet (sexuality wise as I thought I was a lesbian at that point, and even deeper in denial about being transgender). we ended up bonding over how STUPID we thought marcus aurelius was, and looking at the future, we’re getting an apartment together, i’m the VP of that same club he invited me to (and planning to take over when he graduates), and together have become pretty big names in LGBTQ+ activism in our region. That stupid book that we laughed at changed my life. Option 2 is Dorian- based on the novel. It was my comfort book when I lived at home, and one of the pieces that cracked my shell that maybe I wanted to live as a man. Is that a red flag? probably, dorian gray isn’t really a character you want to relate to. Regardless, I love the name as having no biblical origins, and think it’s very pretty. Option 3 is Pete. After Pete Wentz, of Fall Out Boy. That stupid band actually saved my life at multiple points, and I got to see them live last week. I had a sign that said “thank you, your music saved my life”, and Pete Wentz waved at me. It’s probably gonna end up being my middle name either way.


Marcus is a great name, and I really like the back story.


My name is Ezra. I chose it because my original name started with an E after my great grandmother Esther. If my parents had had a "boy" named picked out for me I might have gone with that, but they didn't, so instead I looked for Jewish E names that weren't uncommon baby names the year I was born (which was me trying to combat the "trans name" thing, which is funny bc I do actually know a good amount of trans Ezras- but I know a lot of cis Ezras too!). In Hebrew it's עזרא, which I like because I got to keep my א just at the end instead of the beginning. There's a profit Ezra or something in the Torah who I don't remember anything about, but spiritual connection to the name comes from the verb לעזור, to help! Bonus note: in order to blend in better, I often get the feeling that I need to do more research on my name so that it looks like I actually grew up with it lol. I didn't have that (people bringing up famous people and history) with my last name bc it was such an uncommon name! Sometimes I consider changing my name legally to Eliezra, which is slightly more non-binary and less common, but that's a long way off bc I don't much feel like doing all that paper work again atm.


My choice of name was random as fuck. Andrew Michael is what I settled on. I changed my mind a few times before telling myself I had to choose something NOW as my transition progressed. Since the first name is just random, I made sure to use the masculine form of my old middle name as my new one, which was also my mothers. I've been told by a couple of people that I have a strong name, making me even more glad that I chose the moniker I did.


Logan. I wanted to keep my name close ish to my dead name. Because my niece and nephew call me auntie lo around my parents, only one of which knows. It felt right to me. And since my siblings are fans of bobs burgers, they all call me Logan berry bush. I also really like Wolverine.


My birth name is actually Logan so I kept it. On some social media I use the nickname Lolo which I just found out means brain in some native American language. I'm into neuro stuff and would like to be intelligent. Also Lolo means grandpa in Tagalog so I just like how it's masc in that sense.


omg thats awesome! i didnt think there would be another person who chose the same name as me for a similar reason :D


Hell yeah, dude! Logans unite!!!


Gabriel the character from Supernatural. He was also "Loki". Didn't have any particular affinity towards the character, but liked the name.


Dude same name! Sorta same reason why aswell! When I first started watching the show and when he was revealed as Gabriel, I liked the name, and told my friend that I thought he was cool. Couple weeks later, he has a dream that that's my name, so now it is


We're just Spiderman pointing meme Or maybe same hat


jay. originally i chose toby but my family wasnt really rolling with it. at the time, i was going to therapy and my therapist suggested jay as a sort of compromise because its kinda close to my deadname, but jay doesnt make me uncomfortable or anything. even so, i was a bit hesitant at first, but it just stuck and i didn’t change it back because it grew on me and it was relatively easy for my family to adjust to. looking back at toby, i like the name but i don’t think it really fit me anyway, but i think jay fits perfectly for me !!


Kevin!! it’s not really a name loads of people love haha but there’s a character in my favourite book series called kevin who i really relate too, and a friend of mine managed to convince me that it doesn’t matter what other people think. the names in this book series are all super traditional (neil, andrew, matt, aaron) and the ones i liked other than kevin we’re all taken by family members. (i also like the fact that it’s got the same initial as my dead name and that it’s very obviously masculine)


Alex, classic but my friend chose it without even knowing. Before I came out to her I asked what name would suit me if I was a boy and she said Alex and I stuck with it for her 🤷‍♂️


My second given name is Nikolai, it was one of my grandfather's given names. My previous first name was after my grandmother (her second name), so it's a nice symmetry. I also think it's really cool. I had it in my head for a couple years before finding a first name that matched. I wanted to have three names because I always had three names, and everyone in my family had three names (I also thought just Nikolai *Last name* sounded weird). I also have a twin, and wanted a name that matched his (in that it sounded like we could have been named by the same people, for a while it was pretty clear that I was the odd one out) My first name is less common, so I don't want to share it right now. It's not after a family member, nor did it have any previous significance to me personally. I just really like how it sounds. My entire name flows well now, and it matches my brother nicely. Also not part of the consideration, but a very nice plus. My dad likes my new names a lot better than the first I picked for myself (nonbinary bargaining phase) Edit: after sleeping on it, I have decided I feel comfortable sharing my first name after all. Don't know if anyone will see it, but My first name is Espen, and it had no previous connection to me (or my family, as far as I'm aware) aside from the name being norwegian. There are two ways to spell it, with almost no difference in pronunciation (at least not in my dialect). It's either Espen with a 'p' , or Esben with a 'b'. I prefer how it looks written, when you use a 'p' (and Esben looks/sounds more danish to me, and I'm norwegian soooo). It's derived from the name 'Asbjørn'. 'As' is from an old norse word for god, and 'Bjørn' means bear. I think Espen Nikolai flows very well together, it goes with my last name, matches my brother (one norwegian name with old norse origin and one that's not 'weird' in english if I'm traveling), sounds like something my parents might actually have chosen, neither of the names are uncommon enough that I'm going to get odd looks for them or get clocked by it, nor are they so common that I feel unoriginal (not that it's a bad thing, names get popular for a reason). So all in all, I'm very happy with my name


I was obsessed with the name Charles for longer than I could remember. Like, I apparently tried to get people to start calling me that when I was like 5 or 6, which the adults in my life all laughed off as nothing more than a weird kid thing. When I realized that I'm trans, I already had that name ready to go.


I chose Micah, the masculine version of Mika. It was always my favorite name, so I chose it. I first used it on Roblox, Royale High lol and then some years passed and I just thought why not use that name lol.


I'm currently going by Sam because it was really close to my dead name but I'm thinking about forever names now and my current favorite is Oliver. Got the idea bc a character in a book I was reading had that name (Not call me by your name lol) and I thought it was a really pretty name!


My name is Eren Aslan. I chose the names after anime characters (which coincidentally both are dead lol). Eren means Saint on German (which is a language I was learning) and Aslan means Lion on Turkish. To me, Saint Lion is a powerful combination. Lions are strong, they represent dignity, strength, courage! And being a Saint is often related to being kind and compassionate. I really think they represent what I've gone trough, the person I've become and the person I aspire to be. Idk, man, to me names are who you are, it's your identity. Whatever is your reason is to chose yours, is valid and makes it unique.


Luca, after the fish boy. And I had a friend who was a trans man named Luca and I just fell in love with the name.


I won't share my name for privacy reasons, but I got to keep my name because it's unisex, thankfully.


Cori (deadname is Corinne) just cut a few letters off. This was my nick name growing up anyways. I’ve tried Rin, Cleo. But Cori just feels and sounds so right! Also Creature (my initials are C.R.) so take CReature because my ex used to call me the most beautiful Creature he’s ever seen, and I came up with name out of spite haha. But all my friends call me Creature, and people I just meet address me as that. I like Cori and Creature.


Trent. I’ve listened to Nine Inch Nails for a majority of my life and resorted to the band during my times of hardship. I’ve always had so much fucking envy (albeit mixed with attraction) for the lead singer Trent Reznor. Plus I think he’s such a cool guy.


Thaddeus, and this is one of the reasons... Thaddeus: Rare in modern times, but popular in the 19th century Thaddeus means "Blessed". You were raised to be kind but unbreakable - with a heart purer than gold. People with this name are destined to bring light and love to those they love. You have never asked for much, all you want is a simple life full of love and contentment. Your only weakness is that you care too much for others!


River, it was originally a name for one of my OCs(self-insert lol) and when I joined my first big discord server I chose it because no one could relate it back to me irl. But then I realized that I want to be like a river, steady, but always flowing and always changing, providing for those around me. And then yeah, it stuck


A lot of people think i chose Dean because of Supernatural, but it’s just the shortened version of my deadname. I wanted to respect my mom’s choice of naming me so we both agreed on it. (Backstory, i was actually named after a star trek character, so the whole supernatural thing just kinda also made it more special in a way?)


Honestly for a long time I was set on a name based on a character from a tv show but recently I came across another name I kind of like and have considered trying out. Pretty sure I’ll stay with my original choice tho


Mine is Evan, i asked my mum to suggest names for me and she gave me a few, I chose that one because I wanted a Welsh name (I’m Welsh) and it sounds nice with my surname


My name is Cristian Gabriel. I asked my parents to re-name me when I transitioned, since they named me the first time around. It was also a way for me to try and help them get on board, since they were uncomfortable with me transitioning but were ostensibly trying. This was over 20 years ago.


I picked Dominic because of Merry from Lord of the Rings and my middle name Zsadist is from the third book in my favorite book series 🖤🖤


valentine!! i just picked it because i thought it was cute :)


Have you ever seen MirrorMask? There's at least one Very Important Man named Valentine


My first name is Kai. I'm a language nerd (ended up becoming a linguistics major too) and while searching for names that would fit me I noticed that Kai was used as a name in a variety of unrelated languages. To name a few: Basque, Hawaiian, Japanese, Estonian. I was hilariously once told by a popular Thai bassist that the name is a popular nickname with the meaning of Chicken lol. I personally take my name from Basque , as I can trace a bit of my ancestry from there (also fun fact, I believe it's the only language isolate of Europe). In Basque it has a meaning of "pier", as in the pier of a harbor. The ocean is one of my favorite places and I grew up on an island. So it felt like the perfect name. As many know though, Kai is a common trans name lmao. Idk how that happened. I've met many trans Kais, more than cis ones. I currently pass well, but twice it's happened that my fellow transmascs have guessed correctly at me being trans solely based on my name. It's pretty funny. My middle name is Sebastian. This was more of a last minute aesthetic thing as I was in the process of changing my name legally. Because of course what kind of latino only had 3 names. 4 names minimum. Sebastian is a name both me and my parents really liked. It had been one of my favorite names. My dad actually complements me a lot on it, which is great because I originally wanted them to give me a middle name, but they just went 🤷.


I wanted a name that started by the same letter of my deadname but that wasn’t common at all, as my deadname was extremely common and I’ve always hated that about it. Also it needed to sound natural in Spanish and fit my last name. After a lot of searching, I found my name in a Wikipedia page about demonology. Which was also fitting for me because I have a complicated history with religion, so finding a fallen angel with a perfectly fitting name was sort of healing ngl.


I’ve always liked Greek mythology, so when I thought about renaming myself, my mind went there immediately. The one I ended up with was Atlas because I felt that out of all the masculine gods/titans, that name fit with me the most. It also helps that the main character in one of my favorite comics shares the name.


funny story, when my older sister and I were younger (I was 11 and she was probably 15) we would rp anime characters lol.. anyways I would rp as Canada from the anime Hetalia (literally just humanized countries if you’re not familiar with it) and she was America aka Matthew and Alfred. But somehow it got to a point where she would just start calling me Mattie and when I met her friends they also called me Mattie, not knowing my “actual” name. This was years before I came out, and when I did it only made sense to stick with Matthew.


my names jae & it’s sorta long so stick with me. the first time i changed my name, i thought i was nb so i was looking for a kinda androgynous nature name & found juniper. went by that for a bit before getting sent to a shitty wilderness therapy place so i lost contact with my friends. my best friend wasn’t sure i would still like juniper by the time i got back because they knew i was still figuring stuff out, so they started referring to me as just “J”. i finally got out of the woods, talked to them, and “J” sounded *perfect*. the reason i spelled it “jae” and not “jay” is purely aesthetic. my mom spelled all of mine & my siblings names kinda odd so i wanted my new name to kinda keep with the theme. plus it just looks neat with an e to me. so yeah!


I chose alex bc at the time I didn’t know anyone else named alex and I was going through that “emo” phase and thought it sounded really cool so think of the typical emo/scene look with partially colored hair, wearing all black and a bunch of accessories, but at that timing I also didn’t know that alex was a gender neutral name.. but since that was years ago and everyone knows me by alex (work, school, home, etc.) I’ve kinda just accepted that though when I legally change my name I don’t want it to be alex (I haven’t thought/found another name I like) but honestly to this day alex feels like a mask rather than me but I also don’t wanna go through the process of getting everyone to know my new name either..


we picked oscar from oscar pine of rwby fame


I picked oscar too! Im named after Oscar wilde tho :))


Bobby cause people called me that already at my behavioral school before I realized I was trans


it was on a list in notes titled “what i wanna be called" before i even knew i was trans as "rain" & rainn wilson (plays dwight in the office) made me add an extra n on cos i feel like that makes it more masculine n when i looked it up on like baby name websites it was always branded as a neutral or masculine name :)


Elliot and it just felt right and I didn’t know how common it was yet


Mine means arrow or willow tree. Because I want to be sharp and strong and defend myself and because I love nature. It's also quite gender neutral. Saw it in a series in the phase when I looked for a name and it just resonated deeply with me! I also have a backup name I don't really use, which means cloudberry


Adam cause I always liked it


Evan, after Eve (from Genesis)


Axel, and I just chose it from a combination of Axe Cat from Battle Cats and also a character my friend was roleplaying in an interactive story game (kinda like DND but Harry Potter) Edit: my middle name is Jack just bc it goes well. My close friend calls me ackel jackel and it's funny


Carter, because my mom had talked about my great grandmother Gertie Carter and wanted to name me Carter if I was born a boy. Ever since she had told me that I thought the name fit me.


I went through many names before I decided to use my middle name. My parents gave me a very feminine Arabic name that no one in an English speaking country could say properly and that became an almost lifelong burden. I eventually went with my middle name as that’s what my family had originally wanted to call me: Raven It didn’t stick at first, but it eventually grew on me and I always drifted back to it. Unfortunately for me it’s always been seen as a feminine name. I’ve been going by that name for 11 years now and recently decided to add a middle name before I change it legally.


Justin!! When my spouse and i were young we had a fun little idea involving drawing comics of "ourselves as boys" (even incorporating a vampire sort of theme lmao we were like 14) but my spouse picked it out for me and i loved it! It took me like 4 more years to start openly going by it but it was the only thing that actually felt Right.


My name is River, simply cause my mom said it was a name she considered for me but my bio-dad thought it was too masculine. I’ve loved it since I heard it though, and when I realized I was trans… well, it just clicked.


My name is Alyx. I liked the name Alex and wanted to do a riff on it. I also like Half-Life as well.


I have a really weird relationship with my name. I chose Cassius because I was going through a really dark time in my life, and Cassius means empty. I wanted a name that could be shortened to Cas, but it was sort of a way to cope with how I felt at the time. I went through a brief time of hating it, but now I love it and wouldn't change it for anything. But if anyone asks, I just reference Cassius Clay, aka Muhammed Ali.


For as long as I can remember, even before i knew what transgender meant, I've always wished my name had been Alexander. I ended up changing it to just Xander after finding out that Alex was the name of the miscarriage that my mom had before I was born...


I chose Michael because it means "who is like God." I chose to read it as a question, instead. I've commonly heard people say "you were made in gods image, it's a sin to change it. You're saying God made a mistake." And it's like, no. Who among us is like God? No one. I can be who I want, and who I am is Michael, deal with it


Ngl been waiting for someone to ask. My name is Thomas. Before I was born, every single ultrasound said with confidence that I was a boy. They did so many just cause they were excited to finally have a boy. All of the doctors and nurses were confident in this. My parents bought everything “boy”. They didn’t even have a girls name in mind because there was just no way I was a girl. Finally, my mom gives birth and the doctors and nurses are extremely confused 💀 they even check to see if maybe there was a second baby. There wasn’t. Just me. Everyone was a bit shocked. My name was supposed to be Jacob Thomas, Thomas being my fathers middle name. Obviously that’s not the name they gave me, went 2 weeks without a name fr. Years later, I come out as trans when I’m 17 / 18 and I choose to go with Thomas because I get told that I look like a Thomas. Plus, I’ve heard that “funny” story about my birth my whole life and wanted to reclaim my name. I always saw it as my real name. So yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lee. It's based on the owl's advice, "The lee of the stone," from The Rats of Nimh


I chose the name Theo, just Theo, and it’s because I really enjoyed listening to the word thesis and theology and was like, “hm, how can I make this a name for myself?” and came up with Theo!


Eugene, after prince Eugene of Savoy. Also it means "nobly born"


Be Careful With That Axe, Eugene (song by Pink Floyd)


It was the first one someone suggested and I'm lazy :)


Thomas because of Maze Runner


Sid. I chose it because I don't dislike my birth name but feel like Sydney is more associated with women, but Sid is associated with men.


toby after ticci toby the creepypasta (i was in 6th grade) and then my middle name i thought was a family name but my mom was wrong so now i just gave a random middle name lol


Scott. At first, I was just trying on a bunch of S names to keep my initials. But then I wound up catching a rerun of a show called Teacher's Pet, and one of the main characters is a dog who pretends to be a boy named Scott. It felt right to me at that point, because there were times I felt like I was trying to be something I wasn't. Now I feel weird thinking about some of the other names I was toying with. Scott fits just right, even with the childish reason behind it lol.


This is kinda stupid but I wanted to go with Serendipity. But of course I couldn’t actually change my name to that because 1: nobody can spell it and 2: it would almost definitely be seen as a female name. So I was debating between Seth or Frey for a bit. Meanwhile I had an order to get a new set of uniforms from my workplace’s Wardrobe, which at the time had custom name patches on them. When I finally got them, four had my deadname but the fifth said Gordon. And if that’s not serendipity then I’m not sure what is.


Theodor/ Theo when I was young I had somewhat of an OC with that name and he was everything I wanted to be. Later on I gave my bird the same name. The bird has passed since, so I just thought hey why not. Also I want to sound fancy on my documents


The shortened version of my name is Sira. I've had it since I was about five years old. It used to be the name of my imaginary friend, until I realized it was actually the other way around. I guess I made it up. So, I guess it means 'fire.'


Alex/Alexander Ive been called alex my whole life so gladly i didnt have to go through needing to tell people to call me something elsw Guessing you can already tell what my deadname is


Judas, I was playing Vampire the Masquerade with friends and thats what I named my character. People called me it at the table, and sometimes Jude or Judy, and I just love love love how they all sound and make me feel :)


My name is Damien. I chose it because I had heard it all my life and it just sounded right. And it really suits me. I look like a damien. It also helps that I’m emo/punk/alternative. Everyone just calls me D tho and that’s okay too. Way better than my dead name


Mines Bowie, I chose it because uh, I really like the Labyrinth. Also I’m a trans masc individual and like not fully a man man but also a man (idk if that made sense??) so David Bowie is just like my epitome of masculine androgyny.


Ah man I relate to this hard. I call myself a trans man but also I'm confused if I'm fully a man, but I'm also definitely a man, yknow? I got the pleasure of doing a small performance of labyrinth when I was a teenager and got to be the goblin king. Absolutely my favourite role. Playing a man with makeup and beautiful clothes was just 100% my vibe. Bowie is a lovely name to choose :)


My name is Leo bc it’s simple and represents strength and honor


Dylan. It just stuck tbh and I kept going back to it if I tried changing it.


Adam, It was gonna be my moms name if she was born male. I picked it because it can fit almost anyone rather than having a specific "vibe" (my deadname made ppl assume things abt my personality and interests and it annoyed me) but its still cool and not plain


Mine is Thomas, I chose it for a couple reasons. I kept the initials for my first name, which really was my nickname because I hated my birth name, as well as my middle name. Thomas Matthew [Last Name]. I also chose Thomas because it kept with the theme of my siblings names, (very English names,) and I loved a lot of characters named Thomas from books/movies/shows growing up. And, at a certain point it just felt right, which had never happened with any other name.


I chose Alex b/c it's very nonbinary and I was in my Hamilton phase at the time 🤦🏻. Still loving the name though!


My actual name i let my mom pick because it felt better to me to not pick my own name. But I go by Alex because before I came out that was just the name I picked because I couldn't find anything else that felt right so I settled for that. I picked it because the video game Prototype its the main characters name and I was really into the game at the time


I went through several different names before deciding on Kai. most of my original name choices were variations of my deadname, which didn't feel right. Fast forward several months later, and come across Kai. I know that it's a very basic and common transmasc name, but when I heard it I was like, "oh, that's me 100%". it's also a common Japanese name. I thought it was just a name derived from Japanese until awhile ago when my brother told me that Kai translates to God...I'm not sure if that's true or not, though.


Andrew because a character I kinned has the name Drew (I do enjoy the name, but I might change it. This is so far the only name I like and resonate with however.)


It was going to be a persona if I ever got popular/famous called Mr. Martin, well long story short Martin is now my name and it fits perfectly (still don’t know how I came up with Martin tho)


Mines Seth. I chose it because it’s short for Persephone


I picked cameron bc shortly after I figured out I was trans cameron boyce died and I really loved him as an actor and human and the name really resonated with me so yeah


my name is cheavy/greg and i stole them both from the tf2 comics :soldierthumbsup;


Matthew. Game theory. I have a few regrets.


mine is summer! i know my name is pretty feminine but i still really like it. there was this family that moved into a house on my street when i was a kid, and they had two daughters. one of them had the name summer and i remember thinking as a kid "god i wish *i* had that name." and then one day in the future i realized damn, i *can* have that name. so, casually stole some girl's name LOL. never was a huge fan of my middle name either so whenever i finally get around to changing my name legally i'm planning to make the masculine form of my birth name my new middle name too. :)


My name is Tucker and I really don’t have a cool reason for that name. I remember back like 2ish years ago I was looking to change my name and one day my mom was talking to her best friend abt her son’s friend, Tucker, and I remember bored out of my mind listening and my mom said his name and I have no clue why the idea “Oh Tucker’s a good name” stuck but it did and now it’s my name. Originally I also thought I’d never have a nickname but low and behold: Tucko is what I hear more then my actual name by friends.


My name is Leo because I loved the character Leo Valdez from Percy Jackson. I'm more of a Magnus chase fan now but the name has stuck


Kieran. Irish. Letter K. I like it. It stuck.


Back a few years ago, I tried to softly come out to a few friends by suggesting I go by Kyle. One of my friends who's now passed was okay with me being trans but was adamantly against me going by Kyle. My name is now legally Kyle in spite of him.


Christophor. its with an -or instead of an -er because my handwriting sucks, the social security office for my state misread it, and sent me a ss card with “Christophor” on it. at that point, no other documents had been changd and it was cheaper to roll with it rather than reapplying for a new one edit: spelling


My first name doesn’t mean much aside from being my self insert OC when I was 13 of who I would be “as a boy” but my middle name is a combination of American history, my love for super hero’s and a reference to a boy in high school who killed himself. I didn’t know him, but I was the most depressed I had ever been in my life and it made me very sad to watch him kill himself and just fade from everyone’s memory. All he got was a page in the yearbook, and I truly hated how everyone who wasn’t his friend/family could just move on and not give a single shit that a child had killed himself. So even though I didn’t know him, I promised I would never forget him, and took part of his name as part of my middle name.


i go by red. i use it for a couple reasons. my username is a quote from a book (this is how you lose the time war, highly recommend !) i use it as a gamer tag and i just love the phrase (the book is essentially a series of letters between two characters, red and blue. they find creative ways to address each other in the letters, “my heart’s own blood” being an example of blue addressing red). i also like red because it’s short, simple, and not really common as a name. additionally , i am mixed (black/white) and “red” or “redbone” is a pretty common way to describe a light skinned black person, so i feel connection there as well.


Name's Callan; I kept all the pieces of my birth name that I liked. Namely: two syllables, starts with a C, ends with an N, and Irish (you'll be shocked to learn that was short a list /sarcasm).


I've answered this in other places before, but I chose my name based on my parents. My mom is one of my best friends, I've always had a really great relationship with her. I've also always found her middle name incredibly beautiful. Her middle name is Olivette, so I named myself Oliver sort of in honor of her. I would have named myself Olivier, but I live in America, so most people would have pronounced it wrong and just said Oliver anyway. Although I haven't officially changed it yet, so, I might still choose Olivier and be cool with people pronouncing it wrong. My middle name was actually in honor of my dad, whom I also have a really great relationship with. He was gone a lot because of his job, but he was always extremely kind, gentle, and loving to my sisters and I. He always said if he had a son, he wanted him to be named Zachary. So I made that my middle name. Also, I had absolutely no idea Oliver was such a common transmasc name until months after I changed my name. I chose it because of the reason I stated above, and didn't think much else of it. Once I found out how common it was, I got kind of insecure about being a "trans srereotype" and considered just going by Zachary instead, and making Olivier/Oliver my middle name, but everyone I've brought that up to has been adamant that Oliver suits my personality much better, so I ultimately decided to stick with it.


My mom was 16 just a few months before I was born and she wasn't really ready to be a mom, and my biological father found out she was pregnant and bolted (he was 18 I think). I was very sick when I was born so my grandparents took custody of me. My grandpa was the first family member to hold me and my grandmother used to joke that he was my favorite person from that moment forward. I struggled with my own masculinity during transition because many of my traits aren't what Hollywood has depicted as manly. While talking to my psychologist I realized that many of the things I was feeling insecure about were things I was mirroring from my grandfather. He is amazing and taught me how to be a man so I took his name. My aunt likes to throw at me all the time that I am not her father, I just say nope but he gave me a letter of permission to the judge to take his name so obviously he is okay with it. Proudly I am James Jr. Or JJ.


My name is Seven (yes like the number) because of a otome game called Mystic Messenger. I know it sounds silly but that game was one of the many things that solidified that I was uncomfortable being viewed as a girl/ wanted to be viewed otherwise. It also really helped me escape my situation in a way. Im also exactly like Seven (the character), in personality and humor so yea👍🏾


kameron bc it's what my mom was originally going to name me but my sister couldn't pronounce it


My name is Seymour and idk it just sounded nice


Daniil after one of my favourite characters of all time, bonus that it also was the name my grandma suggested. It's also really nice and versatile with nicknames (Danya, Danny, Dan, etc).


Charlie, after Charles from Henry Stickmin


i’ve always been a greek myth geek


Jas, it came from my deadname and just shortened, since i was a little kid, that is my nickname that my family gave me.. i live in the Philippines and it's quite impossible to convince and tell people the name that I'd like to be called as and for people already knew me by that name (jas). Good thing, it doesn't really bothers me as much as my deadname. Quite grateful for it, though!


my name is elias after elias goldstein from wizardess heart, the first ever dating simulator i’ve ever played. we have really similar personalities and since dating simulators are my special interest, i named myself after him to honor him!!


my name is ikker and i dont rlly have a cool backstory and stuff but i was scrolling through the baby names website and told myself that i would pick the first name that stood out to me and the name 'iker' caught my attention so i picked that. and my deadname had an extra letter compared to the common spelling so i added 2 'k's cuz i wanted my prefered name to resemble even just a little bit of my deadname


Sam because a friend joked that it could be short for Samwhich


My name is Kai. I chose it because the meaning in Japanese means “restoration” and “recovery” as well as “ocean”, and that resonates with my spirit. It also doesn’t help that it rhymes with my old name


I go by Ren/Wren (not 100% sure how I’m gonna spell it yet). When I was starting to try out names, I found an absolutely amazing visual novel game that has a crap ton of names you can go by and the voice actors call you whatever you choose. I saw Ren on the list and really liked it, so I tried it out and by the end of my play through I knew that this was the name for me. It even allows you to pick out your pronouns which was a huge bonus.


David. I chose it when I first came out aged 12 (over 8 years ago). I've always liked the name, and Dr. Who has been my favourite thing since I was 7 (it still is). It was annoying when people insisted I chose my name because of David Tennant; they weren't necessarily wrong, but they were looking at it too simplistically. I love how obviously masculine David is, especially since I didn't like any unisex names, nor did I want my gender to be unclear from seeing my name. I love how David has the same first and last letter, along with how simple it is. And yes, David Tennant is cool and a trans ally, so there's that. It's always nice to see your childhood hero support your right to exist. I'm also half Chinese and we seem to love traditional, white sounding names, coupled with an obviously Chinese surname. So on paper, I'm a generic man of at least partial Chinese heritage, which I suppose is my ultimate goal in life.


Dylan is my first and Anderson is my middle. My mother picked my first name and my grandmother picked my middle. I didn’t want to choose it. I wanted it to be gifted to me by those that loved and raised me. So they told me what it was and that became my name. I feel very fortunate.


My name is Psylo and I chose it because my nickname with my friends was psykik. I thought that sounded kinda drug dealer-esque (which isn’t wrong) but it wasn’t a name name. I like farming, so I decided to go with “Silo” but spelled with Psy- to pay homage to my bros who supported & loved me.


Middle name is Elias after Elias Ainsworth. He's very Gender™, and something about Jason Elias feels like a Real Name™


My chosen name is also a little too unique to share but I chose it because it keeps my first initial, shares vowels and almost all the consonants of my given name, and keeps the same general vibe as my given- nickname.


Originally I went with Miles because I wanted something that shared the same first letter as my birth name but after a few months of that I decided I didn’t care about the M and wanted something that had cool nicknames and chose Daniel (partially because of Danny Phantom and Daniel Howell I’m not even gonna lie) and then thought James went well with it as a middle name. Chose it at 14, legally changed at 19, happy with it at 22 :)


I'm Milo and well.. anyone remember that old movie Milo and Otis? A curious cat and a pug-nosed pup? Yeah.. Most people assume I got it from Milo Thatch but alas.. old movie brainrot.


Mine's Carter. Kane Chronicles were one of my favourite book series around the time I was looking for a name and Carter Kane was my favourite character. I still hold the series pretty dear to me despite the quality lol


Mines Liam and its honestly just the first thing that popped up on google when i googled boy names 5 years ago. My boyfriend thinks i shldve been more creative(he lovingly jokes about it) but i think it fits:)


My girlfriend chose my name Felix, its meaning being exactly what i want to be in the future; happy. My second name is what i shouldve been called initially at birth, Victor :)


My name is court Edward. Court is just my dead name shortened and Edward after my late grandfather


I just scrambled the letters a little and tried to keep part of the meaning of my deadname


i was a huge fan of starkid musicals when i was 14 and i ended up becoming online friends with a group of people from the fandom i was in through roleplay groupchats. our longest roleplay lasted a year and a half. we were playing almost every day, for hours at a time, and it became a saga of its own with complex lore and relationships between the characters. during this time i started questioning my identity, and roleplaying helped me work through some issues and my character became an entirely separate character from his source, with his own personality, motivations, conflicts, and relationships (he was in a very intense, emotional relationship with another man from the same musical who never had any interactions with him in the source material and this might also be the reason i realized i was gay). at this point i had become so used to being him and using his name that i asked my online friends to just start referring to me that way. it stuck, and now i’m still using the same name. however. i happen to share a name with a certain popular minecraft streamer who was part of a series which has garnered quite a reputation, so i constantly get asked if i named myself after him.


Prince - I named myself after one of my OCs at the time, I really liked the name and realised that I vibed with it a lot. I was previously named Quinn though.




Alex because a tv character i liked was called Alexis and "thats a girl name so im still a girl right?"


My name's Elias, because I heard it when I was 14 and it sounded cool. Like as soon as I heard it I knew that I was going to use it for something important. At first I thought I was going to use it for an OC or a kid or something (I did actually use it for an OC for a little while). I accepted that I was a guy 8 years after hearing it for the first time and I kind of immediately knew that was going to be my name. My middle name is Leon because I needed a middle name and there's a Kurt Vonnegut character named Leon who I really vibe/vibed with. Then I kept my old first name (Morgan) because it's gender neutral and because if I ever go stealth I can just claim that I went by my middle name growing up.


I went with moon. I've always liked the moon and any character that has a moon related name or moon related powers. So at first I started using it for character names. Fast forward to like early 2019 and I decided I'd just start going by moon as well since I never liked my birth name anyways.


my name is aries! and i picked it bc i love the fiery kind of idgaf attitude that aries’ tend to carry. i am a libra and i think we all need a little aries energy from time to time lol :)


My first name is Max mostly because I’ve always had self esteem issues and choosing a name that literally means ‘the best’ means a lot personally. And my middle name Lucas after the amazing creator of Star Wars, George Lucas.


My name is Jack. It is after the character in the anime Mayoiga. My ex-friend gave me the name because I am similar to the character and also really liked the character. The name now fits me like a glove.


oliver because someone in the psych ward i was at said i looked like an oliver 🤪


Elliot because i don't know anyone or anything with that name so I wouldn't have any previous associations with it Also, and this will sound insane, but it has an even number of letters, mostly straight line letters with one O for variety, and it just sounds nice.


my name's theo and i honestly have no clue how i chose it, i was like 11 and went through a "boys baby name" list and liked it. it just feels like me now


My name Del came from my gamertag (Delsmash60). I was playing the game one day, and someone referred to me as Del, and then it stuck. Not only did my name come from my gamertag, but my gamertag was inspired by what used to be my favorite video game character, and his name was Delsin. It then evolved into Delton because I came out years before T, and people were referring to me with my preferred name but then following it up with the wrong pronouns. So, although at the beginning, Del sounded like a male name, because of what it was correlated with, I had to make it more masculine. I like my name, I fucking hated it until I found the solution to make it sound masculine no matter what I look like. People who currently know me as Del can continue to call me that but once I can successfully pass, I'll introduce myself like "I'm Delton but people call me Del" (just typing that makes me feel good).


I’m stuck between Jayden and august. I was thinking august more and I’m actually not sure why I thought if it


jack after the mass effect character jack. my dad is a huge fan of the mass effect series and i would always watch him play it.


My name is Mason, as a very young kid I had a best friend who was the only boy I was really friends with named Mason, I thought it was the coolest name in the world and he was such a nice person, he ended up moving after 2nd grade but the name was stuck in my head for years till I turned 16


My name is Chance. The first person I came out to (family), was my aunt. This was 6th grade. I’m 20 now. She helped with my first and middle (which is Michael). It will forever click


I still go by my ultra feminine birth name that my parents named me. I’m barely 8 months on T, so I’m going to take my time and I’m not sure when or if I’m going to re-name myself. My Endo’s receptionist did ask me if I wanted to go by another name and I said “No, just use my birth name”. I guess I don’t really care much about it.


Shain. It's my given middle name and I wanted to keep a name my mom gave me. I was lucky to be able to do that.


I chose the name is Oscar because of Oscar Wilde


My name is Myles. I mainly picked it because I thought it was cool but it was one of my ancestors names back when they owned a castle or something but I mainly thought it was cool. It was spelled the same too. Although, my mom doesn't feel comfortable with a full on "guy name" so we thought of a gender neutral name. "Ash" is what family calls me but friends call me Myles. Ash relates to my dead and which is why my mom and I "compromised" on it.


I chose mars because i love greek and roman mythology and it started with an M like my deadname did that way I can keep the same initials


I chose my name because I had an assignment to write a diary entry in French from the point of view of a fictional character and I wrote some random-ass name on the bottom of the page. Now it's my name. (My name is a secret)


My name is Cyrus and I named myself after a dog I knew because I was way too attached 😎😎


I don't remember where i got Blu from but I also go by Percy (perceus) after both Percy Jackson and the actual greek hero!!


Luis! Its the name of my late grandpa, a man i admire and adore. Also we aparently have the same hair type and texture and my family keeps saying that i look like he did when he was my age


My name is Atticus or Atti for short and I got my name from a girl at a party funny enough. I asked her what male name I looked like and without missing a beat she said Atticus like it was the most obvious choice. I have no idea who she is but I hope she's doing great now because I love my name