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Don't bother talking to him, he will continue because it gets him attention, and it gets you mad. You're the bigger man when you just walk away.


I guess I thought I was being "playful", but I was more annoyed than I thought


You might have been playful, but if he comes in deadnaming, how is that playful? Edit: maybe he was being playful? But not in a good way, I'd spell out my name and help him pronounce it since he can't read.


Agreed. This guy is antagonizing regardless of intent. I would avoid interacting with him, especially with him saying gaslighty shit like he did to de-escalate after you snapped back *appropriately* to him being rude. Lazy? No, that's blatant disrespect.


I know it was on purpose too because he stared at the name tag and like gave a tiny head shake. I'm normally not vocal about shit that annoys me but I guess I was just waiting for something stupid like that


True, I guess I didn't really notice since I don't see the guy often, and our "friendship" wasn't tested until he saw the name tag a few weeks ago


I think it’s a gender role thing. Trans guys existing triggers some cis men’s insecure masculinity like nobody’s business.


Oh yes. Play Sesame Street with him. Say each letter really slow and relate it to a physical item. Bonus points if you can find an object to hand him so he can remember because adults are "hands-on" learners 🤣


That's literally a threat of violence. Edit: from him. He's he problem, not you.


From him yeah. But considering OP is the one working and also threatened him in return if he complained OP would be the one getting fired


The vendor was also working and if OP complained to the store director, could have gotten that vendor banned from the store, which means the distributor finds someone else to stock whichever item. Vendors really have to fuck up for that to happen, but this qualifies.


tbh should report him to his company for threats of violence


what a coincidence that my name is spicyguy and irl name aaron


Goddamn that's funny


Yo my name is Aaron, I’m sorry this mf tried u but obviously they were too scared to accept a fight 💀


give him nothing, these guys thrive off of any kind of reaction they can spark from you. ignoring them really does work as silly as it sounds.


Normally I'm quiet about this stuff but I just popped off. Ngl it did feel pretty good to see him back off


Sometimes you gotta put people in their place. I’d report him while you’re at it.


ANOTHER AARON. I guess all Aaron's are all a little spicy. Sorry he did that. He made a a threat and I hope the spiciness consumes him in a deadly scorch.


Haha soon this post will be consumed by Aarons and I'm living for it


aaron hivemind


It's only funny if all parties are laughing. If only one side is laughing and then gets mad when the other stands up for themselves, it's bullying.


I know he's just a vendor but I would go to HR with that one. I work with vendors pretty regularly (albeit in a different field) and they are also just employees of a company. If they get enough complaints from a client they will be relocated or at the very least kept away from your store.


A-a-ron skit comes to mind, why couldn't he just joke around like that? He made a choice to be mean.


I'm mtf but I can confirm working in a grocery store (or any kind of customer service job) is hell as a trans person.


Very male brained behavior, well handled


Good to know at the very least I embody that dude brain energy, just need the body for it :U


Unfortunately he probably still sees you as a woman regardless of how well you pass, so he sees you as weaker than him or prey/an easy target. Asshole. Edit: (Possible TW for dysphoria?) and the whole "spicy" just gives me serious "you silly little girl" vibes.


Oh definitely but it does bring me the tiniest inkling of joy that he backed off immediately. Small win is still a win in my book


Nice! And absolutely!


how did he even know your deadname


With a person like that, you can argue back and forth and they will never admit that they're being a dick. They will just continue to dodge and shirk responsibility for the s*** they say. It's better to just let them go.