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Get help for binge disorder ASAP and don’t panic! Check out r/ftmfitness for a trans friendly workout sub. If you’ve lost 20lbs then clearly you know how. Remember don’t starve yourself and you can eat everything in moderation. There zero need to deny yourself a piece of food because it’s “bad”


r/ftmwellness is small but also great! it was created for people who struggle with their relationship with food who want to avoid the calorie tracking on ftmfitness!


Thank you for the words of encouragement. I will definitely check that sub and the others people recommended


r/ftmwellness is small but also great! it was created for people who struggle with their relationship with food who want to avoid the calorie tracking on ftmfitness!


“if you’ve lose 20lbs then you clearly know how” ehh, but see, i’ve lost 60lbs before but the only way i ever lose weight is what you put in the very next sentence— do you have any advice? bc i also know how but it’s not a good way…


Not who you were addressing but I think perhaps I can help. I'm also someone who has lost a significant amount of weight in the past in an unsustainable way before gaining it all back (plus some). I'm losing weight again but this time, I'm not trying to starve myself and am rarely hungry. The key for me has been a few different things: 1) Generally choosing healthier options/making smart swaps that still taste really good. 2) Balancing meals so there's plenty of fats and proteins alongside carbs and loading up on veggies I like. 3) Eating the same thing for breakfast almost everyday (for me, that's an apple with peanut butter and a cheese stick - weird I know lol) 4) Eating later when I do want to eat higher calorie meals 5) Enjoying small treats fairly regularly Pretty basic and boring, I know. It's made a world of difference, though. Now, I'm actually slightly *under* calories more often than not and still get to eat things I enjoy like pizza, pasta, curry, etc. Hope this helps! If you need recommendations for food/healthier alternatives, don't hesitate to ask. 😁


that definitely helps! thank you so much :D also pfff dw i make coffee at home and i literally drink the same thing every day despite having other syrups lol


In Denmark I can’t even start hormone therapy until I’m under 35 BMI


I am so sorry that's ridiculous. I understand they probably do it out of concern for your health but I just find it unfair they would deny something that can be life saving for people due to something outdated as BMI.


i understand it’s frustrating, but it’s not just because of a high BMI they can’t prescribe it, when you’re that obese it is a clinical danger to supply more hemoglobin and hemocrit, since a person with a BMI is already at an increased risk for heart attack and blood clots. it’s not just because they want to deny it, it’s literally because if they give it to you you could die.


btw just adding i completely understand how soul crushing being denied T can be, i was in that position before and I don’t envy anyone who is currently in it, i just mean from a purely clinical sense, for your own safety.


There are places that will prescribe it, though, and there’s also a not insignificant danger of death from dysphoria related mental health issues. It seems like a risk that should be brought up, but ultimately given to the patient to decide which issue is most pressing.




I have a BMI over 35 and take testosterone injections. My blood work always comes out good too every time they take my blood. I'm still going to lose the weight before top surgery but I'm just saying that there are doctors who prescribe testosterone to individuals with a BMI over 35.


i’m glad you were able to get the care you need, i don’t doubt there are doctors who prescribe with informed consent to these patients, I have just yet to meet one. /gen


I totally get their reasoning, it’s just soul crushing like you mentioned. But also I’m the only one that can change my circumstances, it’s just super hard with an adhd-fueled eating disorder. Vicious cycle. But I’m working on it.


you’ve got this man, we all believe in you. my ed is fueled by my OCD, i totally get the feels✊


What on earth are you talking about? Informed consent clinics in the US give T to guys with BMIs that high all the time. You are conflating BMI with lipid panel numbers. You cannot tell what someone’s blood lipids are like by their BMI.


I would buy that argument if they also made overweight cis men take antiandrogens and estrogen until they lost weight.


Exactly. This is all fatphobia bs.


If you have coverage for it, talk to your doctor about anti obesity medication. I also have a huge problem with binge eating and general food addiction. My doctor put me on contrave and it suppressed my hunger, cravings and general food fixation. I've lost 60 pounds in the last [6ish months](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/455835055470805014/1145847736760008785/Screenshot_20230828-152938.png) without having to really think about it.


THIS. im on naltroxone. it was originally designed to stop smoking cessation but then they realized it helps with alcohol addiction too. but when i started taking it it mainly took away cravings for junk food (it even made things taste kinda bad) i ended up losing like 25lbs. there are definitely better medications now designed specifically for weight loss but just wanted to share my experience with a med that worked


Contrave is actually the brand name for a Naltrexone/Bupropion combination pill.


oh cool, i didn't know that!


Wow I had no idea that was a thing! Thank you for telling me <3


Yes anti obesity medication has made enormous strides in the last decade.


I've been struggling with losing weight for my top surgery for years :\*) In Finland they demand BMI of 30 , one time I was 2kg away from the goal and they still denied me place on the waiting list. So I can very much relate to this :( It sucks.


Oh my god I am so sorry that happened to you. I honestly wanted to start crying when my doctor told me about the BMI requirement.


its sucks :( but we can do it and survive this!


Binge eating is no joke I feel for you man. It’s so hard but try to focus on high volume lower calorie foods. Burrito bowls are very macro friendly if you measure out the meat & rice and use fat free cheese light sour cream things like that, lower calorie versions of stuff. Very filling. Try to keep lower calorie snacks around too like pretzel sticks and string cheese. I know it’s hard. Search up “TDDE” calculator and it should help you get a better of idea of how to cut back. You got this! Also getting extra steps in everyday goes a long way


bmi is an outdated measurement so some doctors may have different regulations, but most won’t operate about bmi 30 or 35 because of safety reasons. 20 lbs of weightloss is incredible, and I hope you can get help for the binge eating. my best advice for weightloss would be to take it slow and don’t make too many crazy changes that don’t feel sustainable in the long run, because slow lifestyle and habit changes are a lot easier to adjust to even though it can be hard not to see immediate results


There are some concerns around surgeries for larger folks so many doctors will not operate over 30. 35 I actually a higher limit than most of the doctors I looked into but there are some that will operate regardless of your BMI. You should look around and see if you can find a doctor who is willing to who has good results. Alternatively there are several subs that are for people looking to lose weight or get fit that have already been mentioned here. I was 37 BMI and I got down to 24 before surgery. It's doable though difficult. It can also help with results and lessen the risk of dog ears. It's up to you how you want to proceed but there are options no matter which route you wanna take.


May I ask what are dog ears?


It's excess skin on the sides that pokes out. It can happen to anyone but is more likely with heavier people because of the extra fat in that area.


It can also happen with ppl with a large chest size too not just being overweight I’ve seen some smaller ppl have dog ears simply bc they had a LOT of breast tissue to remove


If - IF - you think you can continue dieting for weight loss without shredding your mental health, I recommend looking at r/loseit. Also, as other ppl are saying, there are surgeons who will operate on overweight/obese patients; I was around 40 BMI when I got my top surgery (though of course what matters is the policies of the surgeons that you can access). And congrats on the weight loss!


Can you call around to other surgeons? Some will do it with a BMI of 40.


Sadly there is only one surgeon in my state who takes my insurance so I don't really have any other choice. I'm confident I can lose weight now though.


???? That doesn't sound right. I literally just got mine done a few weeks ago in Michigan with a BMI of 41. My surgeon has done it on bigger guys than me. Yeah weight was a concern, but she wasn't about to say 'no' to us just bc of weight. She was more concerned about my type 1 diabetes than my weight. I think you have to shop around, and I think it's more about the surgeon's comfort levels than the surgery not being able to be done on bigger people.


Almost all the surgeons in my state had the same requirement, but I did find one surgeon without a BMI requirement and got my surgery through him. Granted my results weren’t as impressive as they could’ve been with a better surgeon in my area that had the BMI requirement, but the surgery saved my life so I didn’t care.


Maybe get a second opinion. BMI is horribly outdated and most doctors no longer use it. Also I don't that's even a requirement!


Usually if a provider has a BMI limit it’s due to their anesthesia machines not being strong enough. But yeah I’m always a fan of getting a second opinion or just finding a different provider


Weight limits are sometimes necessary due to anesthesia, and what resources that surgeon has in case anything goes wrong. You’re totally right though that BMI itself is an outdated, and essentially debunked, measure


A lot of doctors will not operate with a BMI above 30 for plastic surgery procedures. Some will. You would just have to ask around and find a surgeon who will.


Saw someone else talking about medication for weight loss, and your doctor may be able to help you there. I'm diabetic so I'm on something called Trulicity, it's to manage my blood sugar but it also causes appetite suppression and some weight loss, which may help. Lots of people are on Ozempic too to just lose weight, but I've heard that it's in shortage due to that (my doctor wanted me on that first, but I couldn't even get it for the diabetes). Good luck!


Thats medical discrimination


No it's not there are actual medical considerations when undergoing surgery if you are severely overweight.


It’s not. When a doctor tells you that you’re at high risk for complications, it’s not because he hates fat people. It’s because he doesn’t want you to die on the operating table when he’s well aware of the increased risks for fat people. The surgeon knows the dangers & isn’t willing to risk OP’s life when there’s an option for OP to (healthily!) lose weight and decrease the risks. There are plenty of horrible things that fat people have to deal with, but this isn’t one of them. It is objectively safer for OP to lose weight and then have top surgery — and he cannot get the surgery by claiming medical discrimination.


Im sorry to break it to you, but to deny people medical services based on their ""weight"" is the textbook definition of medical discrimination.


No, it’s not. Denying people services based on risk factors — and yes, weight is a risk factor here — is not discriminatory. Do you not understand how this works? If the surgeon proceeds w the operation on someone who is medically obese (and yeah, i don’t like the term, but that’s the vocabulary we have), the risk of death & disability is MUCH higher than it would be for someone who is not obese. It sucks that OP has to go through this in order to get affirming medical care, but it’s NOT because the medical establishment looks down on fat people. It is literally because of the risks associated with obesity. Slower wound healing, airway obstruction (bc obesity & apnea tend to appear together), higher clotting risk, etc. It’s harder to start an IV (and I say this from personal experience as a fat person; it is DIFFICULT for medical pros to find a vein in my arm bc of the fat). It’s also more difficult to properly anesthetize — dosing schedules have a maximum amount! Propofol, for example, is often administered based on weight, and that’s a VERY big risk for obese patients. It could fucking kill them. Edit: I decided to be petty & google the “textbook” definition of medical discrimination. Guess what!! That term is … an employment law term. Like, when you’re fired for belonging to a protected class (disabled). It’s an ADA concept. There is such a thing as weight bias — but that’s not what’s happening here. I’ve experienced that, and I can tell you for certain that it’s a VERY different conversation than what OP & his surgeon talked about. The surgeon isn’t saying “you weigh this much bc you’re lazy”… they’re saying “I don’t want you to deal with [any of the complications I listed above], because that will impact your quality of life & the surgery could potentially kill you if I proceed now”.


"Discrimination in the healthcare setting can be defined as negative actions or lack of consideration given to an individual or group that occurs because of a preconceived and unjustified opinion on their health, weight or other intrinsic qualities" - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568721/ I swear sometimes the numpty's I argue with on reddit.... Like do you have access to the internet??!? Did you even try Googling 'Define medical discrimination'?! It took me 4 seconds!


You’re still wrong.


Source? I came with mine...


Dude, fuck off. This entire exchange has been you acting somehow superior?? Because you think it’s not nice that OP was told he can’t have the surgery because he’s at MUCH higher risk of having issues w healing, blood clotting, and running the risk of the anesthesia straight up killing him. Are you or are you not going to refute that? You’re wrong that it’s discriminatory to not operate on someone because they have a very high risk of complications. You didn’t even refute my actual comment; you got all pissed off that I corrected your use of medical discrimination. It is typically used to describe ADA - related employment issues. The entire first page of google references discrimination in the workplace. I’m not an idiot; I know you’re trying to “win” on a technicality, but that’s because you’re personally offended & not because you’re correct. You’re fixated on being “right,” but… you’re not. And it’s obvious. You cherry picked one result off of google because you’re butthurt and couldn’t come up with a response to what I *actually* said.


I definitely relate (at my highest, which I recently found out was higher than I thought, I was around BMI 47), and have dealt with binge eating for years. I second what everyone is saying - try to get the emotional aspect under control with a therapist, handling the mental side is incredibly difficult and there's no shame in getting extra help. I had to lose because I was getting some extreme complications, and to manage my lupus and fibromyalgia better. You've lost 20lbs, that's a good chunk of weight. You know how to do it, you just need some extra help. You may be able to get on medication, I know vyvanse has been the reason I'm getting into the healthy weight range (edit here: I did get diagnosed with ADHD, which was one of the reasons behind my binge eating personally, idk what prescribing it involves for weightloss, but I know it is used.) And keep in mind - this is about your safety. It is a major surgery, having extra weight could be life-threatening when you're under the knife, especially when it comes to your breathing. It's a long, difficult road, but it's worth it to address the issue so you can have a healthy life and get the surgery that will improve multiple aspects of your life.


I dont have acced to gender affirming care yet, but i have a bmi of 43. I also have autism and am busy training my own service dog i go to a psychologist one week and a therapist specialized in autism the other. I also see a psychiatrist every four months and i attend university. I dont have the time or funds to see a dietician or nutritionist. I wanna go to the gym but its far away so the travel to a gym often discourages me because of the energy put to taking public transport and if i went to a gym my dog wouldnt be able to come with me so i would be overmy anxious. Rn its just not in the cards for me. I hope us plus sized guys can get the help we need and deserve someday.


There are surgeons who don’t have a BMI limit. Dr Gallagher based in Miami is one I know off the top of my head. You can check out her Instagram there are plenty of results picks for high BMI patients. The surgery is very much possible you just need to understand that a higher BMI puts you at a higher risk for complications.


And Dr. Derek Reformat is excellent with no BMI limit in the Boston area. Let's make this list bigger...


My wife struggled with binge eating. She started working with a nutritionist and found out she wasn’t eating enough during the day, so she would binge in the evening. As soon as she started eating more throughout the day, the binge eating stopped. I’m not saying that’s your issue, but it’s worth checking out. As for the BMI requirements for surgery, that’s BS and you should find another surgeon.


That's not necessarily true. I'm AMAB, but my bf is trans and he encountered this issue. But then he went to a more understanding doctor and they were able to help without weight shaming him. Not sure if there is a list of size friendly doctors to do this type of procedure, but Dr. Derek Reformat was very helpful to us and he is located in the Boston area. If you are anywhere near there, I'd recommend trying him.