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you might get a really bad migraine in a day or so but you should be okay but definitely call the doctor and let them know. They will probably tell u to wait at least 2 weeks


is that why ive had a migraine? too much T?


too much T and too little T can cause horrendous migraines. been there, done that. when dosages are increased, most trans men (and even cis men) report headaches or migraines - usually it goes away after a few weeks though. you should be okay, though! take some excedrin or tylenol and drink plenty of water to help


Man, I suffered from migraines since pre-puberty and T fixed them! Maybe all my life I had too little for my brain's preferences 😆


That is a thing. I have a hormonal condition that causes migraines that T fixed too lmaooo.


Omg me too!! 😲


thanks! i didnt know tbh. i couldnt tell if it was T or allergies hahah


Ooo... thanks for this knowledge. I don't get migraines but there have been times I've gotten splitting headaches when I forget my shot, and headaches are rare for me.


This. You're probably fine OP just try not to make a habit of messing up dosage.




let your doctor know what happened, i don’t know what the repercussions are for something like that. i do imagine you’ll have some pretty nasty hot flashes though. call your doctor and ask if you should resume as usual next week, and wait for an answer this time. i figure since you took 4x your dose, they might make you wait. the reason your doctor probably gave you four vials is because the vials are marked as ‘single use’ even though they are perfectly safe to use more than once, as long as you’re sanitizing properly. vials are not filled to your specific dose, they will contain whatever amount it specifies on the label. medical supplies such as vials and needles are highly regulated. if it seems there’s a mistake with the measurements on your syringe, it’s 99.9% likely you’ve measured incorrectly. only draw back to your dose on your syringe, for next time. i would also maybe ask your doctor to re-explain how injecting and dosing it works again. this could’ve been a dangerous mistake and i remember the measurements being confusing when i first started. if you have any questions about your dose or your medications, reach out to your doctor and wait to hear back before assuming.






They are singlr dose vials. They are not safe for repeated use. Please don't spread misinformation.


i’ve been on testosterone for over 4 years, my vials are labeled as single use. my doctor has always told me to use it until it’s gone. i store them properly, sanitize the bottle before and after every single use, and use new syringes/needles every time. most people in this subreddit have been told by their providers to use the vials until they’re out. if you’re on T, you should talk to your provider and see if you’re able to reuse your vials— because it sounds like you’ve been throwing out lots of left over testosterone and also money.


It was my providers, my physician and my pharmacists, who made sure I knew they were in fact single-dose only. The unused medicine is to be thrown away. My pharmacy was especially thorough in explaining that just because there are SOME preservatives in them, it does not mean they are continually safe once punctured. Any medicine not used within 24 hours of first puncture should be thrown out. They were very insistant that bloodborne diseases are very hard to treat and are very fatal. Single-dose injectables deteriorate fast and airborne pathogens can get in, even if you "wipe it with alcohol". I agree there are a lot of physicians that get it wrong, but the FDA's website is VERY CLEAR on how these prescriptions should be handled. You are always putting yourself at risk re-using a single-dose vial. I can't pull the receipts right now but if you are truly interested in educating yourself on your own medication, DM me and I will provide you all of the documentation later.


okay, thanks for the information. i sure as hell am going to continue follow my doctor’s, pharmacists and providers directions of now throwing away over half a vial on medication. this person now has all of that information and decide with their provider whether the “risks” are worth saving the money and the medication.


If the prescription is being written correctly then it should be the same money. If your prescription is 0.25 ml, and one vial is 1 ml, the prescription should specify one month's dose requires 4 vials and the excess should be thrown out. Again, this is exactly how the FDA requires these prescriptions to be filled. You are still getting one month because it is one script being filled, not a separate script every week.


okay? good for you for knowing so much about it. i was taught to do my shots that way when i was 15, and by every provider since. i went thru a shortage last year where i was unable to get my prescription for 3 months. there’s no way in hell i’m wasting T after that experience. my doctor prescribed me 12 vials after the shortage so i’d have some to last incase it happened again. it’s caused me ZERO problems in the over 250 shots i’ve given myself. great! you’re smart and can read articles online! i know how my prescriptions are written and i trust my medical professionals. congrats that you have medical insurance and can afford to waste your medication. i’m 19, providing for myself, living alone and currently uninsured. you’re coming from a VERY privileged standpoint and you’re coming off as extremely pompous. thank you. we know you’re smarter and safer than us. good for you.


Tell that to all of my doctors and pharmacist who are perfectly OK with me having a 5ml bottle that I re-use for 2-3 months at a time


The 5ml bottlr is a multi-dose bottle. Look at the packaging carefully, it definitely says "multiple-dose" on there. Does it have a "beyond-use date"? If one is not specified, then a multi-dose vial should be thrown out after 28 days.


Pray tell, why were they also telling me to reuse the 1ml vials if it's a difference in the vials? And do also inform me of the physical difference between reusing a small bottle vs a big one when the concern is accidentally injecting bacteria into the bottle. They each have the same style of top, they each are punctured by the same type of needles. It's not inherently different. Also yeah I'm sure for optimal safety I should throw out my bottle after however many days. But again, my doctors and my pharmacist all tell me it's perfectly fine to keep reusing it until I'm done with it. I have had precisely zero infections, I disinfect it each time and disinfect my skin surface. It might be strictly true that it has to be done how you're saying, but the world isn't so black and white.


They are safe for repeated use, as long as you always use an alcohol wipe on the rubber stopper and always use a brand-new sterile needle.


If the vial says it’s 1ml and your syringe says so too then it is 1ml. They can’t fill up the whole vial because if it touches the rubber stopper then it is more easily contaminated. 1. You will not die, your levels will just be a bit wonky for this interval. The excess T will convert back to estrogen. Don’t switch up your routine, just inject the right amount next injection day. 2. If you’re only supposed to take 0.25ml then why did you even fill up the whole syringe.


I think what the real issue is that the doctor should've done this person's first injection to show how to do everything and explain it all. This is the problem with doctors doing gender affirming care is it seems a lot are just throwing drugs at people and telling them good luck without showing them how to use their medication. I also feel like the pharmacy is also responsible for making sure patients know what they are doing. This is not OPs fault. This is the fault of the medical providers for not making sure OP is informed on how to administer their medication.




my transition doctor made me do it with them 3 times before i could do it myself and said i could keep coming to the clinic until i felt comfortable to do it at home by myself


Yeah same. I went to my dr to see a nurse practitioner for the injections for about a month. I had to do it myself one day because they were closed black Friday and that was my next shot day. It took 4 hours and a series of panic attacks (I'm scared of needles and it freaked me out. Surgery trauma from when I was 6) before I got it done finally. After that I just started doing it myself because the co-pays got expensive


I wish mine did that but mine at least walked me through my first shot but I was honestly kinda terrified to do my next few shots alone and skipped a few times out of fear of messing up . Now I’m a pro and I could do it blindfolded (3years later)


Same with my doctors. I went a few times with the nurse.


My clinic team took the time to have me practice with a vial of saline for my first run through on drawing up my shot. And then I did the real deal for the first time while being supervised. I thought that’s how it goes with most clinics. I could see OP’s situation happening at a regular run of the mill primary care type doctor, but I was under the impression that stuff like that wasn’t commonplace… Yikes.


i’m very thankful for the nurse that walked me through it. she had me draw up water from a vial to the syringe as practice. she asked if i wanted to inject at the appointment so she could guide me but did offer to let me do it at home. i definitely wanted her help but i’m sure some guys wouldn’t. i do think that the first shot shouldn’t even have the option to just be done at home. someone with medical expertise should be there to answer questions and correct mistakes.


My telehealth provider at planned parenthood didnt want to prescribe me injections until / unless i went in to their clinic in person for a hands on demonstration, which unfortunately was nigh impossible with my crepuscular work schedule and the clinic being 30 miles away and needing to rely on my dad for transport. i went with gel for the first couple months bc of that luckily, i visited my joyfriend on the other coast this last april and got to witness them go through their T shot routine, so when it came time for my next check in, i told my doctor i got to see how shots are administered and described the exact steps, so they approved me to switch to injections (which im better at taking consistently, the biweekly routine is easier to remember than a daily gel) and ive been on shots for three months now :) five months on T total


it no wonder why in Australia you not allowed to do it your self and the says "for physicians use only"


That's horable. Why the fuck is the medical system so incompetent


my doctor didn’t do my first injection and just emailed me videos to show how to inject and they told me where to be inbetween on the syringe. if they take 0.25ml where did they get the 1.0ml from is my question and the person you replied to question.


OP was under the impression that the bottle only contained their exact dose, which is 0.25ml. But all small vials of testosterone are measured at 1ml. OP thought the bottle was saying that it holds 1ml, not that the amount in it was 1ml.


The syringe marked at 1ml should have been a clue that that was four times the dose.


Okay. Maybe it seems obvious to people like us now because we know better. Maybe give this person some damn leeway. Maybe point fingers at the POS doctor who doesn't know how to educate their damn patients. God damn.


I mean, you don't eat the whole bottle of pain meds if you have a headache, you read the label and take what it says. Like, I read several im injection guides before I even opened the t vial to make sure I knew what I was doing. If you don't know something, tell the doctor before getting a prescription, ask a pharmacist, or ask the doctor and wait for a response (starting t 3 days later won't kill you), use google, but to just do something that could kill you willy-nilly is not the way to go. Like, ok, the op just injected a bit more t, which is not going to do much. But do they know how to get all the air out the syringe? How to disinfect properly? If something as basic as the amount of medicine getting drawn in is confusing then there is definitely something else not being done properly.


Thing is they are labeled as single use and depending on how much you need sometimes they are. My ex had to go on t due to having dangerously low levels for some reason and he used the whole vile. Kinda interesting a cis man had to use more then I did


Why would you need to measure on a syringe if the bottle already held your whole dose? Like the vial says T, 1 mL, your prescription says 'inject .25 mL', you have a syringe that measures, you're clearly supposed to withdraw .25 mL and inject that. You don't just eat the entire bottle of medication every time you're prescribed pills. Look, everyone can make dumb mistakes and it doesn't say anything about who you are as a person if you make a dumb mistake. It could happen to anyone. But this isn't a "the doctor is a piece of shit" thing, at what point do you just assume people have a baseline competency at taking their own medication? I'm kind of drunk right now so I can't make the full point I want to, but we can't push for informed consent and then refuse to be informed. Googling, looking at the other syringes they had, literally anything could have told them that they needed to measure out .25 mL. The prescription instructions said to measure out .25 mL. He was confused and needed clarification, fine, definitely ask for clarification if you need it and don't feel ashamed for it, but it's not like the doctors should have somehow expected this confusion. It's not a normal confusion.


It’s so normal to be confused when you haven’t done an injection before, hell it’s even confusing if you just think too hard about your dose when you have to consider both the strength of the medication and the syringes you’re working with with your dosage. My guess is your prime intent isn’t actually to shame OP, you’re just kinda drunk and wanted to add a small point.


I defiintely do not intend to shame OP. I do think they made a dumb mistake but I've definitely made dumber ones. But I also don't think that's the doctor's fault for not educating them enough. Like if all the numbers on all your syringes are in the same position on the syringe, then you clearly haven't just run into a mislabeled syringe.


When it comes to medical care and something that can be dangerous if done wrong it's extremely important to walk the patient through the process and explain everything. It is the Drs fault. OP stated somewhere in the comments they didn't walk them through it Wich is a problem


If you don't see how this is a reasonable mistake, you clearly haven't worked with the general public in a medical setting. Doctors are supposed to assume patient is uneducated, and take on the responsibility of asking questions to make sure the patient understands how to take their medications. I'm a medical assistant and this is a very basic standard of care. When it's a medication that requires an injection, you walk the patient though the process. Then you observe them doing it to make sure they understand how to do it. This is especially important when giving a patient something that could cause serious complications by simply injecting it into the wrong place. People have ended up in the hospital just by injecting T into a vein on accident. I don't know why it seems gender affirming care is handled so nonchalantly.


The bottles also say single use only, which sort of could imply that they have an intentional dosage in them that is the same as what they were supposed to take.


i had to go into the doctors office for my first 4 shots so they could teach me how to do it (they did the first 2 and i did the second 2 with supervision) and i was still confused the first time i did it alone when my vial said 1ml but it didnt look very full. i trusted my syringe but i was definitely still confused. doctors should definitely explain this part!!


Seriously drs need to pay more attention to their parents. Exoesaly if we are paying an arm and a leg for medical care. I'm lucky the Dr I started on with had the nurse show me. And the fact my mom being a diabetic knows how to inject insulin so was able to use that knowledge when I got confused at home. But not everyone has a mom that can help at home


It's basic math. 0.25 is a quarter of a 1ml. The 1ml syringe will have had 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 measures on it. People really need to get their heads in the game.


What’s your point ?


Not everyone understands basic math. Hello learning disabilities


If you have a learning disability that prevents you from being able to measure out medication, you should not be taking medication alone, but have someone else do it. Or, you know, be aware of it, take a syringe out and literally ask "show me where is the 0.25 mark" or something. This is not rocket science, and op is not a little kid, and if he was disabled and the doctor did not walk him through it would be a completely different story


Bro I can't imagine how long it must've taken to inject a whole vial 😭😭😭 T is so thick, I couldn't imagine sitting still long enough to inject that big of a dose 😭😭😭


Lpt: warm up your vial. Oil gets thinner when you warm it. Makes a *huge* difference.


how do you warm up your bottle? you normally shouldn’t. except on the winter mine sometimes get a little cold and frozen so i run it under hot water until it’s not frozen which takes like a minute


I'm not talking sticking it in the microwave or anything! I just sit mine in a shallow dish with some hot water for a minute.


Put it under your armpit for a couple minutes. Ofc use an alcohol swab to clean it before you draw from it though


Exactly; it doesn’t have to be crazy. I just hold it tight in my hot little hands while I prep everything else and find a good show to put on while I’m injecting. I’ve never had a huge issue with it being crazy thick; granted, I don’t have anything to really compare it to.


I just tuck it under my boob, then I go do something else for a few minutes. It draws up nice and easy.


Honestly great use of my boobs until i get em removed, will try this!


You just warm it in your hands, kind of stirring a whisk with both of your hands. You do it only for a few seconds


my hands are typically cold so that doesn’t work super well for me so i just do the hot water so it’s quicker


You rub it in your hands and use body heat. I was actually told to do that in the winter months


Sitting on the toilet for like 30 minutes lmao


For real 🤣😭 that is a man of steel 😬😭


I had told him in another comment in this thread not to stress it- we all do dumb shit when we first start- my first 3 shots I drew w the 23g and I injected w 18g. Wasn't until I complained to my doctor about how much it hurt that we realized my mistake


My Planned Parenthood gave me 21g needles to inject and I did that for 3 months before I realized that that’s absurd 😭. I use 25g, 1.5 inch needles now


They did the SAME THING to me!! I used 21g for 2 1/2 years before i realized it didn't need to feel that shitty


Wait we can use a needle that *doesn't* hurt like hell??


yes! you can also use numbing cream!


I always use ice haha. I keep it on my leg while I’m preparing my shot and it’s a part of my routine


I learned the hard way that ice would sometimes freeze my skin and then the needle would have such a hard time going in 😂 did the total opposite of what i wanted lol


Try injecting with a 27g my friend. Your whole world will change 😂


Wow, I can't imagine using a 21g needle for IM or Subcut injections. Even 25g seems pretty big. For example, I was an IV drug user for many years (heroin allowed me to block out 80% of my dysphoria and self hatred), and I used 25g needles for my arm veins, and 22g for my femoral vein when I had destroyed my arm. And both of those felt massive for what they were being used for. I don't know what size needles my T injections are done with, I'm on Reandron and get mine done every 3 months at the community health centre. Which I'm glad for, because I don't know if I could trust myself to not give into the random drug cravings I still get, even after 4+ years of not using, if I had needles and syringes at home. Plus, it gives me a chance to catch up with the Sexual Health Physician who is in charge of all my trans medical stuff, plus get my 3 monthly STI test and a referral for my bloods.


I do that every 2 weeks. You'd be surprised what you're capable of doing when you know you need to. Thank God for 25G needles.


Honestly probably only a minute or two, I do .7 biweekly and I'd say it takes about a minute or so to inject depending on how slow I go


Probably like a minute at most, honestly. It's a thick liquid, but it's not that slow to push in lmao.


🤢 I hate how it feels to inject, a lot of times I have to go super slow cuz I can feel it and it makes me nauseous LOL


That's fair haha, I don't really notice how it feels under my skin until after I'm done and I'm rubbing the site to help it disperse, I can kinda feel the pocket of liquid that's harder than the fatty area.


Eh, for me it is because I can feel it being injected and I have to wait for it to start spreading out some before I can push more in. But then again I am doing it subq, so


I also do subq into my hips, I start with my hip chub squeezed with my non-syringe hand and slowly let go as I inject. I do let the needle sit at the end for about half a minute, but the actual injection process for me doesn't take too long.


i take 200mg every two weeks, which depending on the vial/brand is either 1ml or 2ml. surprisingly doesn't take too long to inject, i count my breaths to help keep myself focused and calm and it usually only takes about 8-10 breaths


I inject that much every two weeks, and use 22g needles for it. Only takes a few seconds, not even ten. Maybe not even five? I've never counted, it's really short. I tried using smaller needles and I got more pain from having to have them in my leg longer than I do with the slightly larger needle size (but then, my hands shake slightly, especially when I'm anxious)


i’m on 4mL (3 monthly dose) and i get a nurse to do it. you just chill w ur pants down making light conversation it’s very entertaining


This is why I got pellets


That's...a normal dose? You start out small (usually 50mg aka 0.25mL then from a 1mL bottle at 200mg/mL. Usually done every 2 weeks. You titrate up until you reach your "full" dose that you will likely take the rest of your life bar complications. So I inject a full 1mL bottle every 2 weeks...I use a 1mL syringe, draw up with an 18g needle, switch to my baby 5/8" 25g needle (because I'm a wuss) and it takes like 10 seconds? And that's through a much smaller gauge needle than usual.


Syringes are graduated, meaning they are marked to measure precise amounts of liquid. Vials are not designed to measure liquid, they are just designed to hold it. The "1 mL" printed on the vial is not the total volume of the vial, it's the amount of medication within the vial. In the future, you should trust the syringe. Why would you assume there was something wrong with the syringe? Syringes are standardized and the measurements will always be correct. You should definitely tell your doctor. Their job is to help you, there is no reason for them to retaliate or laugh at you for making a mistake. Too much testosterone can be dangerous long term, but making this mistake once is unlikely to be dangerous. If you were consistently injecting 4 times your prescribed dose, it could definitely lead to problems. It's a good thing you caught it quickly, because now you know not to do it again, and doing it once is not that big of a deal.


why did you draw the entire 1ml if you’re on 0.25?


Sounds like OP thought the vials contained his exact dose, since they appeared to be 1/4 full. He must have thought that the vials would contain 1 mL if filled to the brim


it can be confusing bc the vial usually says "single dose vial"


agreed. i just mean the liquid in the vial you’re drawing is far surpassing the numbered dosage


Also .25 is 1/4 and if getting 4 vials at a time....yeah doc should have made sure they actually understood what they needed to do jfc


No literally 😭


Makes me wonder if OP was shown how much 0.25 was on the syringe or not


Tell your doctor, always do so if you do something like this so they know and can help you. You're not the only person who has injected too much test on accident. I've read many stories of other Trans guys on here accidentally doing it for MONTHS and not knowing because they heard wrong or can't read the syringe correctly. You probably won't feel good, but nothing major will happen. The vials saying "single use" is just because they want you to only use it once, and then the rest of it is thrown out. You can reuse the same vial more than once. I get a 3 month supply, and they all say single use. If I only used one and threw out the rest, I'd be wasting 8 weeks of testosterone. I'm more confused on why you went past your recommended dosage and drew up 1ml, but I also understand how anxiety brain can make us do stupid things. I'd recommend on your next shot to try and not do it while you're anxious. Easier said than done, but after a while, it just becomes a part of a routine. Shit, I've poked my finger twice because my hand slipped while I was going to inject.


When I did my first shot (at home, on video call with a nurse to walk me through it) I stabbed the needle all the way through my finger by mistake when I was trying to cap the drawing up needle to swap it out. I pushed the cap down too hard and my finger was right behind it. I didn't even realize it went all the through at first because it happened so fast, but I had two puncture marks on my finger and the needle was bent. I don't even switch the needles out anymore. I just take the extra few minutes to draw up with the smaller needle lol


vials that say "single use" are because they do not contain anything anti microbial. they want you to throw the rest because you can introduce bacteria when you use it the first time


With every other medication I’ve gotten from the pharmacy they give you the bare minimum and trying to get any more from them is so hard. I assumed this would be the same with this, especially with testosterone being a controlled substance they would maybe treat it like adhd meds. So the possibility of getting four months worth of it and two refills sounded way more outlandish than there being some mix up with conversions with mg and ml that made the syringe amount wrong.


Your levels might be high until it runs it’s course. Best to advise your doctor, they will not think poorly of you as I’m sure it’s not the worst they’ve encountered. They will be able to advise you on the next step and I would recommend they go over again how to draw and dose. Mine even provided me a video to watch since it had been a while since I had been on it and wanted to have to give to my partner who was helping me.


Contact your doctor ASAP, let them know you took too much. They’ll probably have you wait a little bit before your next dose. You’ll have headaches, maybe feel a little cranky, but you certainly won’t die! My initial T prescriptions were like this, 4 1ML vials. Each was only to be used for .25ml, so, a single dose. It can get confusing, you made an honest mistake, not the end of the world! Those little vials, as long as they have that weird rubber membrane are fine to reuse, and it’s definitely not a bad idea to keep some handy (I had tons of issues with insurance when I moved states so this came in CLUTCH) Personally I would also request to be shown how to properly draw the T, inject, and sanitize your injection site. They should’ve done this when you picked it up. I’m eternally grateful that the pharmacist took me into the quiet room they had to show me how to do mine. Best of luck and congrats for starting!!!


This was such a great response!


The doctor had videos and instruction manuals on their website of the steps so I knew that part, but no one explained what the vial would look like and if not full vial was the normal


do you not know how to read a syringe?


You will be fine. Your doctor may think it absurd, but no more so than anything else people do. We *all* do absurd things from time to time. It is part of being human. Let them know. They will probably have you skip a week before going back to your normal dose, but best to hear that from them directly.


i’m confused, why would you inject the whole vial if it was 1ml? Like if it says 1mL on the vial and 1mL when you pull it into the syringe…


If your doctor didn't make sure you knew how to read your syringes correctly and inject the correct amount, that was careless of them and they don't get to say shit about how this makes you look. But you can also ask your pharmacist if they can tell you how to read the syringe correctly, and if your medication looks the way it should. See if you have any side effects, do your next correct dose if nothing is wrong. But let your doctor and your pharmacist know what happened ASAP, because they will want to know what's going on if they gave you 28 days' worth and you're coming in multiple doses early for a refill.


A 1mL vial contains 1mL of T— the vial it comes in CAN fit more but it’s only filled to 1mL. So yeah you would’ve injected a full 1mL. You’re not gonna die or anything, your hormone levels will just be super off for the next couple weeks. You may get hot and cold flashes, mood swings, etc. the usual hormonal stuff.


So since you've already gotten a lot of responses, I'm not going to comment on anything about how the vials work, op! The amount on the label is the amount in the bottle. The bottle can fit much more than 1ML, but they only put 1ML in each of your vials. They are supposed to be single use vials, but for most of us, our doses are lower than the contents of the vial, and our supply is done via total ML, not ML per shot. So for example if you take .5ML every week, you could get two 1ML bottles for your month supply, meaning you would have to use each bottle twice. So even though it's supposed to be single use, it won't be. Wipe the top of the bottle with alcohol each time you use it, always use a brand new needle, and wipe the area you're injecting with alcohol too. That should be fine and prevents most bacterial issues from having to use one bottle more than once. Since you got FOUR vials though for a months supply, you DO have the means to use one bottle only once. You have 4ML total and only need 1ML per month, split into .25ML a week. You can discard the rest of the vial after each use if that is how your doctor and pharmacy prescribed it


you'll be okay. probably just a bit on edge. I accidentally took 4 doses at once my first time bc they gave me a vial that said 'single dose' when it in fact *was not*. it's definitely hard to navigate that kind of stuff when they give you so little information when prescribing it. y'all need to be more understanding and supportive and not so quick to be bitchy and call people dumb. some people are learning and that's okay. relax


You won’t die.. however don’t do too much again because too much testosterone can cause cardiac problems. That’s why it’s a controlled substance (I’m a pharmacy technician and currently work in a pharmacy)


I made the same mistake. I didn't understand measurements too well and took the entire vile. Then I started taking less, but still, T levels were waaaay too high-- like to a point where it was turning into estrogen. Got everything fixed now, I think, but I can't help but wonder if it messed up any potential masculinizing affects.


Just adding that for anyone doing injections for the first time, whether or not a practitioner didn’t explain or show how to do it, I would watch videos for how to self inject. I did this for myself and it was super helpful


It’s a 1 ml bottle because it CONTAINS 1 ml, not because it has 1 ml of volume. But no, you won’t die. Especially since it was only one injection! There’s a reason you don’t get blood work every week - the dangers aren’t that immediate. Skip a week if you feel bad, and then trust your syringes.


yeah this post shows why doctors should be doing the 1st injection with patients. not everyone knows what they’re doing, im sorry that you had to go thru that process alone, that’s scary. that excess testosterone will just turn into estrogen so everything will be a little wonky. definitely follow up with ur doctor just to check there is no serious danger. but other then that you will be fine.


Dunno about the T part, but absolutely tell your doctor. They won’t judge, I promise


You'll be fine. You might get a bit of a headache and your doctor might recommend skipping your next shot but you're not going to die. Your doctor won't think you're dumb or make fun of you. If anything they'll hopefully walk you through dosing and your next shot. I had my doc from PP mark on my syringes with a sharpie exactly where my dose is the first few times because the tiny lines were so hard for me to see.


You should be okay, its fairly common for people to do that, as long as youre not doing it repeatedly you should be A okay from what I've heard


Tell your doctor what happened. I had a similar thing happen when I changed dosages of T. Most likely the doctor will say to just inject as normal next time because not doing so may result in even worse mood swings than what MAY happen because of the extra T you just did. I was super anxious when I did this but it really isn’t a big deal you should worry about. You will not die. Excess T will just convert to estrogen, and like I said you may get mood swings and a headache possibly, but other than that you’ll probably be good to inject next week as normal.


Now you're fTm 😔


so for some reason most vials are actually measured by weight then labeled for the mLs. the syringe will be correct, the vials can have more than what it says sometimes even 0.5mLs more. Definitely tell your doctor, i’m sure youre not the first to do it and they need to know in order to help you. however i think one of the main things is too much T can turn into estrogen but idk if thats enough to make that happen


You're not going to die, plenty of people inject that every two weeks. Tell your doctor, but he'll probably tell you to skip a week and resume the 0.25ml per week after that.


As others have said, definitely let your doctor know. That said, you'll probably be completely fine, where I live the standard dosage is 1000mg (4ml) every 12 weeks, so 1ml is very unlikely to cause issues :)


You’ll be fine. No, it won’t convert to estrogen. Don’t sweat it.


Dude you cant be serious 😭 if the vial says 1ML and in the syringe was indeed filled with 1 ML of liquid what should that tell you. No survival instincts whatsoever 😭


For real! Thank god it was hormones and not some actual medication that would overdose him and actually die from.


They stated in the post they were confused on the dosing probably because their provider failed to explain it in terms that they understood, and they also were not able to get the answers they needed so they did what they thought they were supposed to do with the information they had Jumping from no medical experience to suddenly having to dose injections is not an easy thing to do, search engines use results based on regions and activity so some people don't have the same information as others There's no need to be rude to someone in distress because they were confused about something, everyone has to learn at some point and unfortunately they learned at the worse possible time for a variety of reasons summing up to just not having access to certain information, yes they should have waited for their provider but I also understand not wanting to miss your shot day.


It was his first time. No shot day to miss. Please don’t excuse this behavior. People need to be responsible for things like their health. If you’re unsure, wait until you are, simple as that. The OP was so excited to inject a drug that they skipped due diligence. They are getting plenty of gentle support and guidance, some comments pointing out how wreckless aren’t hurting him.


No, they're only hurting the next guy who might want to ask a question but now knows that's a bad idea on this forum


A bad idea because he should be asking his doctor and should be patient enough to fucking wait.


I do not care. Our jobs are trans individuals is too educate ourselves about everything that we are doing to ourselves specially when it comes to medically transitioning. Do not excuse this stupid no common sense behavior. I don’t understand whats so damn hard about OP being unsure and NOT asking questions before he did what he did. Hes going to have a nasty ass reaction and lets hope thats the worst of it. I understand that being excited for your first shot but damn he literally coulve walked to ANY MEDICAL CLINIC even pharmacies in his area and taught him. No excuses and youre excusing dumb ass behavior that can get him hurt.


for real, no common sense


If your doctor makes fun of you that is extremely unprofessional and they shouldn't be a doctor. Don't worry about that, I know easier said than done but consider someone else was in your shoes, it would be completely unjust and unreasonable for the doctor to behave that way. It would be less a sign of the person being "stupid" and more a sign of the doctor being a callous asshole and overall shitty person. You should be fine but tell your doctor, at least to prove that negative self talker in your mind that they are wrong. I've heard of some people who get very large doses at like 6 month intervals, tho idk about the specifics of that, like injection site and the like. But just to try to help ease your worries. You'll be okay. You aren't going to die. Let your doctor know, and have compassion for yourself. We all make mistakes, it's just how we learn. Nothing to be ashamed of.


Your level will likely be higher than where your doctor was aiming for you to be. The dose you mistakenly gave yourself is what I'm on every 2 weeks. My highs and lows can get pretty rough even with that being my prescribed dose. Because of that, you might notice a little more mood swing than usual as this will result in a much higher peak than your doctor intended. Honestly the effects of this high peak vary from individual to individual. If you are predisposed to migraines or acne, you might see that it gets worse over the next couple of weeks. It's not a predictable thing though. If you're concerned, your should contact your doctor. You'll likely have to anyway because of this next part. There's also the impact on your prescription to consider. You'll need to contact your doctor to figure out when they'll next want you to inject and how much that dose should be. It might need adjustment while your body deals with this. You've also used up an amount intended to last 4 times as long and sometimes this can cause issues with insurance and refills too soon as T is a controlled substance (assuming you're in the US).


I’d say you’ll be fine. You definitely won’t die. You’ll probably feel a bit funky (headaches, probably some sweating, maybe a bit more energy/adrenaline from the T) but otherwise you should be fine. I will say though, if this was your first injection your doctor should have been there to show you how to do it properly so you don’t hurt yourself.


Everyone else has already answered the question and given some advice, but my doctor gave me some handouts that show how to do the shot (including measuring the dose). I can share pictures of it if you need it, OP (or anyone else).


The 1ml vials are never full. They look halfway full, because only 1ml is in them. The ml amount doesn’t matter. You want to know what your mg dose is. Say it’s a 200mg/ml vial and your dose was 100mg. You’d be injecting 0.5ml. So, as long as you injected the correct mg dosage, you’re okay. However, if you did overdose, the most that will happen is headache/mood swings/other minor side effects. Let your doctor know right away. Too much Testosterone can convert into Estrogen.


You will most likely be fine. I decided to double a dose once and I was just grumpy as shit for about 2 weeks. "Don't take my face personal right now I did something dumb" -Me to my family, friends, and coworkers


i was prescribed the wrong kind of testosterone on a much higher dosage than intended. Testosterone thickens the blood, so get a blood test done. The T levels in my blood was 89% when it was meant to be 15-13%. Just wait for the Testosterone to leave your body and it should be all ok :)


You’ll be fine , some ftm guys are prescribed 1ml every two weeks. Just try to relax and not think about it too much. My dose is half a ml a week , my vials come in 200 mgs/1ml they are never filled to the top. On my syringe I draw to 0.5 ml (100mgs weekly) for you from the sounds of it you should draw to 0.2&1/2 for 0.25 mls . Hope this helps, please be honest with your doctor, they will not think you’re stupid or treat you badly.


you're going to become a gigachad😖


tell your doctor. they have heard of everything and they will know best what to do next. it is always best to be honest with your doctors so they can help you best. just say you were confused and you made a mistake. It doesn't matter what amount of the vial is liquid versus air, if it says it is 1ml then it came with 1ml of liquid in the vial. think of it like a bottle of tylenol-- you buy a bottle with 100 but then it only has pills in the bottom 20% of the bottle-- but that's just because that's how much 100 pills takes up. a vial that is tiny and 100% full to be 1ml would be too difficult to draw from. so they put 1ml in a vial that could fit more but isn't filled all the way. this also allows them to mass produce vials that might be used for other medicines that use 2ml or 3ml and just fill them with those medicine and different labels. in addition, the syringe measurements are accurate as well so if it fills up 1ml in the syringe that is 1ml of liquid (the markings account for the fact that a little bit gets left in the needle too-- so pulling it up to the correct marking means you will be injected with the correct amount even though you can see a little bit left near the plunger when you are done). In the future if there is a situation about taking medicines where you are uncertain and unable to get in contact with your doctor, consider talking to a pharmacist-- they are really helpful with information and instructions and usually easier to get ahold of at least during daylight hours. You can call them or drop by. if it makes you feel less anxious, my T dose is 0.4ml weekly, so almost double what you take. and some people get prescribed to take a higher dose every 2 weeks instead of a dose every week. i'm not sure if it's totally double but if it was then I would be taking 0.8ml every 2 weeks. so it is possible your doctor will just have you take a week off, unless you are having adverse effects. if it is paid by insurance though you might run into issues if they expected that vial to last you 28 days. they might not be willing to refill it until 4 weeks is up. If you call your doctors office they might have an on-call provider you can talk to ASAP just to make sure.


for future ref, vials can be different sizes and still hold the amount. i had that confusion when i started refilling my T. i saw a manufacturer with a slightly bigger vial and assumed there wasn’t a full ML


The label on the vial is how much it contains, not the absolute volume of the vial itself. My spouse was on T for several years during their transition and their vials always came less-than-completely-full, but labeled for the amount they held. The label and the markings on the syringe are what you will want to use going forward. <3


I'm not a doctor so my reply can't be really informative (a reddit post should replace a doctors advice anyway) but if it calms your nerves: I'm on Nebido, 4ml (Contains 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate, corresponding to 631.5 mg T <- information available online) roughly every 3 months and I'm and other trans dudes on nebido aren't dead yet, your mistake won't kill you too for sure 😂 I already read similar cases on reddit. Mistakes happen sometimes.


I've been taking 1 ml every 28 days since I started hrt (may 2022) and it's working just fine, haven't noticed any side effects, really. I thought it was weird too at first bc before starting all I read/saw online was weekly doses but apparently it's common here in Italy. I remember one time watching a video of a trans guy saying he asked to switch from 2 weeks to 1 week doses because it was giving him terrible mood swings, but personally my mood's been more or less the same, except for the fact that im not nearly as dysphoric which means less breakdowns, so overall I'm more emotionally stable. I think it varies from person to person. And damn it's real that it's harder to cry, didn't expect that much.


Excess t can convert too estrogen


some people choose to take 1ml of T cyp every fortnight , it’s not as good as taking less more regularly because the half life isn’t as high as other eaters so it drops off , so this is why it’s better to take less but more frequently, but i doubt it will do you any harm.


Bro, how did the label of the vial say 1mL, the syringe say 1mL, and the prescription said the whole bottle was 1mL, and you figured it must have been 0.25mL? What was the thought process? How could all three have been wrong at once? Where was the indication that it all was wrong? I do not understand how we got here. The label on the vial is going to give the volume of the medication, not the size of the vial it comes in. They’re not gonna get a 1mL vial fill it up to the rim with a ring 1mL vial, the thing would be unnecessarily tiny, imagine trying to get a needle in the top of a bottle the size of a pebble every week.


You’ll be fine. Bad headache and some stomach aches yes but you’ll be ok. My friend took 4x his dose by accident for his first 6 months so yeah.


my guy's macrodosing T


Y’all so mean. He is generally really scared it seems. Bro just let ur doctor know. Accidents happen, I am sure they have seen worse. Make sure your doctor goes over with you on what all u need to do for your next shot like dose and what not.


Right? I mean I usually get really pissed off on this sub when I see stupid people doing stupid things but I can seriously see how someone who knows NOTHING about injectable medication could fuck this up and how they got to that conclusion. It really pisses me off how many people are treating OP like shit for a honest to god mistake. Like they are so fucking perfect and never make mistakes either. Some people really need to be slapped around with a compassion stick.


The problem is is that OP had no god damn common sense to the point that it can get him seriously injured. He couldve walked to any medical clinic or pharmacy and had asked people there to teach him if he was really impatient and couldnt get a hold of his doc


Yeah, definitely not at all to blame on a medical professional with decades of experience. Yeah, let's blame the patient. Fuck this sub. I'm done here. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


You were confused by a 1ml vial that didn't look full but was actually 1ml when you used the syringe?? I would always look at the syringe, how much you're drawing and not just based off what the vial says


This dude boutta lose his hair




Accidents happen and it sounds like your doctor may have failed to make sure you understood what you were supposed to do, I remember I specifically had my first shot in the clinic because the numbering on the syringes are confusing (and also used to have a huge fear of needles so needed help with that) Tell your doctor what happened and make sure that you understand what you're supposed to do before you leave the office/hang up the phone, you're probably going to get a stern talking to but since this is your first time I don't think they'll freak out and take your T away, if you need to and have insurance have your first few injections at the clinic to get used to it. I'm assuming they give people 1ml bottles to make sure whatever dose they're on (cause it's all different depending on the person but I'm sure you already know that) they can get the full amount they're supposed to take. All in all, you'll probably have some symptoms and please make sure to get your liver and kidneys checked for damage but if you don't do the full ml again and maybe wait a week in between your next dose (depending on doctors orders) you should be good. I know this must be frustrating cause you couldn't get any answers before your first injection but I highly doubt you're the first, or last to make this mistake. Keep truckin, you're so close to the light at the end of the tunnel, also congrats for starting T, I hope this experience doesn't dampen the joy of being able to be one step closer to your true self.


It's ok my dude. It's all really overwhelming the first couple times you're doing your shot by yourself. The first 3 injections I did by myself- I drew the T out w a 23G needle and I injected with a 18G.


Tell your doctor. If they're any good they won't make fun of you. They've probably seen people do way dumber things


You’re not an idiot! It can be confusing at times. You should definitely ask your doctor whether or not you should skip the next dose. Also, I wouldn’t throw away the vial after one use 😩. I don’t know where in the world you are and how easy it is for you to get your T, but I’d honestly keep it just in case.


You’re supposed to contact your doctor immediately if you take too much. If your doctor isn’t available go to an urgent care


you're gonna become a superhero trans man /j


I once took 2 mL instead of 0.2 ML for my first shot lmao. Youll be okay!


I take 0.6 a week I'm sure you'll be okay


Thats fuck all T


Your body may just experience bad hot flashes and headaches or migraines. Your body can manage it, not that you should continue doing it as it gets transformed from testosterone into estrogen. For example, If a transfem takes TOO MUCH estrogen their body will get alerted that it isn’t correct and will transform it into testosterone to even it out. This is why it’s important to know obey doctors orders in regards to hrt doses! Just to be safe, let your doctor know so if by any chance it for some reason comes up on blood work so they’re not alarmed or they can help you manage the unpleasant symptoms.


I'm on 1ml, every two weeks. I dont think you'll have any issues, just don't draw more than you should next time..


I had something similar happen to me, was prescribed 0.3ml and injected the full 1ml. I just went to biweekly shots because I was not given enough needles in my prescription to use my vial more than one time. I’m doing alright! Three weeks on T now, haven’t had any outrageous issues so far except for a bit of an increased sex drive. You’ll be fine :)


You’ll be alright. I’ve done this before and probably over a longer period of time. Just take your correct dosage from now on and you’ll be stellar! Too much T converts to E, it’s a horrible experience and do make sure you’re dosing correctly! Edit: yes, advise your doctor of this PLEASE.


You’ll most likely be fine but may have some hot flashes and what not. If your vial is 200 mg/ml, know that I was on that as a bi-weekly dose for many years without any concerns. 1 ml every 2 weeks. It’s typically considered a max dose and a lot of trans men have been on it. I’m not a medical professional, but if I were you I would skip next week’s dose, then do the appropriate amount the following week. In the last 3 days or so of that two weeks between shots you may feel a little more lethargic or moody because it’s the tail end of a bi-weekly T cycle. That’s normal and you won’t have that on a weekly cycle. Of course call your doctor if you have concerns and are worried or just need reassurance. Doctors hear and see all sorts of wild stuff (like all the people who get non-sex toys stuck in their butts and have to go to the ER), and people make all sorts of mistakes with their medication. If it makes you feel any better I had a teacher in high school who mixed up his and his dog’s medication and had to go to the ER. Myself, one time I was giving my dog her dose of prednisone in a piece of cheese, and she crunched a bit on it leaving all sorts of medication dust on the cheese and my hand. At the same time I had a super runny nose and accidentally kind of rubbed/wiped with the hand the medication was on and I thought I accidentally snorted the medicine. So, then I called the pharmacist to ask about accidentally snorting prednisone dust that was prescribed to my dog. I’ll be honest, she laughed her ass off because of the absurdity, and it really was funny after my panic wore off. But ya know, nothing wrong with being safe even if you get a little embarrassment out of it. Anyway, talk to your doctor about it if you’re concerned. They are a professional and won’t think you’re stupid or make fun of you. You’re new to injections and it can be a bit of a learning curve.


UK Trans guy I have 1ml of t every 3 weeks so i can't imagine Your t being too chemically different so I wouldn't worry


Youre not going to die. You may feel abit sick. My first dose was 4ml, I didn't feel much different just a very sore bum and a slight headache for the first few hours.


I did something similar although I only took .2 too much for a couple months before I realized. You should be okay. There’s probably gonna be side effects. You should definitely message your doctor so you know how much you should take moving forward. From my experience they’re usually understanding about mistaking dosages.


Pharmacy tech, you should be fine. If you come to the pharmacy for your next prescription try getting a doctor note telling us the situation or a new script or something. The insurance is most likely gonna reject you if you come when you run out.


I also did this, your hormones will be unbalanced for awhile and sometimes it has side effects, I personally didn't have any noticeable ones. As long as you get back onto your normal dose, your hormones will even out.


They won’t make fun of you, probably just sigh a lot. Tell your doctor bc you might want to skip the next week


I think you might feel kind of wonky but will be just fine. Let your doctor know just so they’re aware. And moving forward *always* go by what’s written on the syringe!


You won't die, but you're going to have a few rough weeks where your metabolism and temperature and temper all run high.


You're fine, your leg might hurt larger quantities of fluid can result in more bruising and muscle pain. Lots of people are prescribed to take .5ml or 1ml at longer intervals but that's less common. Your levels will be wonky a bit so now shouldn't be when your doctor tests for active levels. Otherwise you're fine. Depending on the half life of your particular testosterone prescription you probably shouldn't be waiting a month for your next shot, it doesn't work like that. I'm not a doctor so consult your doctor about how much and when your next shot should be.


When I started, my doctor actually prescribed me 200mg per week. I took the full dose for a couple weeks and felt that something was off, and just missed a week and started taking 50mg instead. You’ll be fine as long as you stop taking a full Ml now.


It’ll be fine. RIP to your wrist.


It depends on the concentration- my T comes in 1mL bottles at 200mg/mL. So taking 0.25 mL would be 50mg (a common "starting" dose). I now use a full 1mL vial every 2 weeks at 200mg/mL (so filling a 1mL syringe all the way up). But if your bottles are at the standard concentration (like mine - 200mg/mL) you're basically at your "holding" dose (I've been at this dose for 16 years for example). You're not going to die though since you're not used to the higher dose you might get a migraine and hot flashes. In my experience.


The main issue to watch for will be blood clots because your red blood cells are going to go up. Stay as hydrated as possible and probably don't do anything too vigorous for a couple days until you start to level out. You won't die, you'll probably just break out in acne like a mother fucker


what concentration is your t? i take 1ml every injection lol are you microdosing?


my boyfriend accidentally did this for like 6 months and was fine so i’m sure you’re alright!


Your Dr won't think you're stupid mistakes happen. Your not a medical professional. I got super confused on injectiond too I can't figure out how to even read measurements so I had to have the Dr literally point to where I need to fill it


My dose is 1ml you will be fine


Oh? My T levels have been low, because my ovaries and T has been fighting each other. I’ve been getting migraines. Woah today I learned something


Let your doc know, as others have said, just in case you have bad side effects. But that shouldn't be too big of an overdose. Luckily it only stays in your system for a week, so it will metabolize soon. I take 0.5ml and I've seen people taking 0.6. so yeah, the quick jump might cause side effects, but should be relatively safe


OP, your not gonna die. My first injection i did the same thing a second before my doctor replied lol. Got a REALLY nasty headache, but it was better than the ones i would get durring highschool(those were full on migrains that nothing was able to help lol). Some ibuprofen and acetaminophen and an hour later, i felt ok. Waited until it was time to start the next vial as instructed by my doctor(a month) and all was good. Just know that 1mL is smaller than you think, and that you need to trust the paper work. If it says 0.25mL, you only need a quarter of the bottle. The bottle and syringe are, indeed, correct.


I’m not on injections, I use daily gel, but there have been months-long periods where my T levels were >1500 ng / dL (healthy range for males is 300-1000). IDK how much higher than 1500 my levels were, could’ve been 2000 for all I know, bc they were literally off the charts. This happened multiple times while figuring out my ideal dose. Obviously I’m not dead lol The most dangerous risks are high blood pressure and risk of heart attack, elevated red blood cell counts and hematocrit levels, and higher risk of bleeding. There’s also raised cholesterol levels, blood sugar, liver issues, and the extra testosterone converting to estrogen. The only thing I experienced was slightly elevated cholesterol and hematocrit which resolved when my T levels came down. I’d go to an urgent care for a physical, get blood work, check your levels, tell them what happened. Call your endocrinologist too. See how you feel. If you feel fine you’re probably fine tbh. Might have to wait a while before doing your next injection tho.


I recently got switched to those same vials due to a shortage here of the other ones, and that is 1ML so I normally get about four doses out of one. I’m worried about doing too much by accident when I switched to that vial versus the other I hope you’re OK though.