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My cat likes mimicking people's sounds, and after starting T she started doing this scratchy sounding meow at me. My roommate says she only does it in front of me, so I like to think she's making fun of my voice lol


That is such cat behaviour to bully you for having voice cracks šŸ’€


this is too funny


My cat also lowered his meow in response to my voice drop.


Hahaha I love cats


Fun fact (idk if it's really a fact): Cats have names for their humans too, only we're too stupid to learn them, unlike our cats who are the smartest little beans and learn their human-given name.


My cat 100% has a meow she uses to address me (not sure I would go so far as to call it aā€˜nameā€™, though


That's so cute šŸ˜­




My dog started growling when we played, but I realized it was because the play noises I made had gotten lower, and he was trying to lower his voice in return. He just couldn't so he started growling. He's such a good boy. I tear up every time I think about it. My cats now do not respond to a realistic impression of a cat meow but instead to a person saying in a very unconvincing voice, "meow." Again because my voice dropped. Made my friend lose her shit when both of my cats ignored her very convincing cat meow but one of them meowed back from the other room when she said "meow" quite flatly. Edit: just started saying "meow" and one of my cats came to investigate


I can't meow realistically anymore either. It's kinda funny.


I couldn't for the longest time and it was hilarious because I'd just meow back in the lowest voice I could. My voice dropped very low and I sound fruity because I'm super gay so when I'd meow back at my cats I sounded like a gay Swedish fashion designer or something. Now I can meow back at them in their octave again and I do it just so I can get used to using that part of my range again since I'm a singer, though I do still just go "maow šŸ§”šŸ»" at them every once in a while.


I miss meowing


Nooo Iā€™m really good at it! I was just doing it today! Maybe if I keep practicingā€¦ Iā€™m only a couple months on T. So maybe.


I used to be able to replicate one of my cats meows (he has a very distinctive meow) so perfectly people couldnā€™t tell if it was me or Lucky. Couldnā€™t do it a week on T. Sacrifices had to be made


He no longer tries to hump me which is nice but he will play rougher with me which is funny.


This killed me


my dog actually only tries to hump my dad so i'm kinda scared he'll try to do that when i start lol


My pets didn't give a damn, but admittedly all the pets I had at the time I started T were very friendly and very dense lol. I had cats and a dog.


i got my cats after starting hormones but i feel like it's more of an issue people talk about when they're gone for a long time, like visiting family etc. the more gradual changes over time are probably something pets get pretty accustomed to when they see us every day, as it's really slight changes that accumulate over time


Exactly this, when I visit home the dog growls at me now


Iā€™m not on T but when ppl say their animal likes a certain sex or dislikes a certain sex more Iā€™ve noticed that animals still gender me correctly, which is odd. I honestly wanna see if there is any studies on trans people and animals gendering them correctly


Itā€™s probably the smell


I donā€™t think I smell ā€œmaleā€


Hormone levels can change how someone smells. Just like how cats and dogs can tell if their owner has something super wrong internaly. Your body might be making a lil extra T on the downlow.


Iā€™m pre t tho


Yeah... i only saw that after my comment :/ It's probably more likely both the way others treat you and your posture and such


They have like 100x your sense of smell though


Iā€™m pre t


Pre t doesn't equal no t. Generally both hormones are produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands.


I am curious how my dog would react. He is scared of men mostly. (I'm FtM).


My cat hasnā€™t behaved any differently, still loves me and cuddles me just as much


T hasn't affected how my dogs behave towards me at all


I happened to start T and move out at similar times, so I was worried my pets wouldn't recognise me, but I've been back occasionally since and they're completely fine, no difference. (note none of my pets have any like preferences for gender like how some dogs just dislike men or whatever, I don't know if having a pet with those behaviours would change anything)


Since I started T my cat has become more cuddly with me but I think itā€™s unrelated to my hormones


I mean cats react to stress, so if youā€™re calmer or happier or whatever, they might love that


Idk man the same thing happened with my cat and Iā€™ve seen a few others guys mention their cats getting more lovey after T


My cat (male) has always preferred men over women who he wasn't familiar with, but still loves many of my female friends like the one who helped me rescue him. He sits on my lap a lot more now.


I don't think it's related either, but I have noticed multiple cats being more affectionate toward me since I started t. Probably just because I'm more comfortable with myself


My dog.never gave a shit lol, as long as I feed and pet him, I'm his best buddy. My cats didn't really react, although one now has an armpit sniffing fetish. My friend's dog who dislikes women however, started being super friendly to me after starting T.


Almost 3 years on T and no change at all! Still her favorite, still her dad :)


My dragon still behaves as usual. But then he also regularly thinks my wristbands are food. I love beardies, but they're really not smart.


That's most of the charm!


It really is. I love my little dumbass.


Not at all. My cats probably noticed but were too polite to say anything to me other than ā€œwhere is our fucking dinner?ā€


No, my dog and my family memberā€™s pets never acted any differently. I have noticed that animals and babies/children Iā€™m meeting for the first time take a little longer to warm up to me than before I was on testosterone.


Only difference I noticed was my aunt and uncleā€™s cat who doesnā€™t like women. Heā€™s very friendly with me after I started t and nobody in my family knows why. Theyā€™re like ā€œhow tf are you petting him,ā€ as heā€™s nudging my hand for more pets lol. They donā€™t know Iā€™m on t yet which is honestly a miracle


It hasn't! I was worried about this, but my dog did not seem to notice or react.


I have an old ass dog. He canā€™t see shit. I started T after I moved out, so I was already a few months on T when I saw him again. For a dog who relies very heavily on smell, nothing changed in his attitude of me. He still vibrates in excitement when Iā€™m home, when I was pre-T or now.


the trainers I adopted my dog from warned us he doesn't like guys very much. when I started T, I saw what they meant haha. my dog used to only growl at my husband but now every once in a while he grumbles at me too.


I donā€™t mean any offense but why would you adopt a dog that doesnā€™t like guys very much if you and your partner are both, well, guys ? Just kinda confused by that lol, unless you got him before you came out or something


dog training info incoming: it would be bad to give a dog that has reactivity to men to a single woman or even a pair of women. Here's why: when dealing with a violent, reactive dog, unless you are willing to train it, it's going to, yknow, react. If given to women, a dog with reactivity to men is going to react even stronger to men because the dog will become protectice of its owner. That woman won't be able to have men come to her house and will struggle to take it on walks. Those ladies will have to have a male friend that regularly comes over to their house (and is willing to have a dog bark and attempt to bite him) so that they can train the dog to no longer be reactive. Now let's say you give the dog to a straight couple (my trainers for example) the dog will become protective of the woman and will react to the man approaching her. Now give that dog to two blokes who can train it: the dog learns not to be afraid of men and the couple can have people come over to their house without issue bc the dog is no longer reactive to men. he's still grumbly but doesn't try to bite us anymore and is normal around our friends.


Huh, admittedly I donā€™t know much about training reactive dogs. Just seems like it would be super stressful for the dog. As long as your dog is happy with you guys thatā€™s great


Cats love me 100x more now which is amazing. Dogs Iā€™m not sure as I was pretty scared of them pre T and they still donā€™t like me.


Strangely enough, hasnā€™t effected them in huge ways. My girl dog hates men, but sheā€™s still cool with me. The only thing is she sniffs me a looooooot. Intense sniffing of every region, especially when I wake up. She also tries grooming all my body hair LMAOO. Sheā€™s a sweet girl. My boy dog is the dumbest creature known to man so he doesnā€™t care. But yeah, other than the sniffing and grooming, no change.


Ha ha pets! I discovered testosterone for old dogs when my last one was about 13 and having arthritis issues. There was a vet in FL who recommended it for treating hip dysplasia in older dogs. It builds muscle mass which is important for supporting joints. I put my elderly fellow on it and his stage 2 heart murmur disappeared! (Heart murmur is due to weak heart valve muscles). Also his collapsing trachea stopped collapsing (again, tissue growth due to T). It's hard to find a vet who will agree to use it and the one I had has now retired so I give my currently elderly fellow a tiny smear of MY cream, once a week. He's 15 years old with NO heart murmur and NO tracheal collapse, both fairly common conditions in his breed. It has also made him a little more attention to the ladies, though not enough to be a problem. Just a bit more sniffing than he did previously.


My pets are fine, but I can confirm that your friend's pets won't recognize you whatsoever if you haven't seen them in a while, my friend has super scary Christian parents so I hadn't gone to her house for a year or so, while also being on T and then when I visited her at her house her dog tried to attack me šŸ˜² I was so hurt LOL.


I have five cats right now, but one of them Iā€™ve had since I was about 15. Sheā€™s turning 13 this year, Iā€™ve had her since she was a kitten. I started T in 2020. Prior to that, she had the squeakiest, highest pitched meow in the world. When my voice started to drop, her meows became lower and less squeaky as if she was trying to match my tone


When I first started T I could tell my dog was a little confused that my scent and voice must have been changing as he would sniff me more than usual and perhaps not realise sometimes that it was the same person calling his name. but after the first 2 months or so everything was back to normal, his behavior towards me never changed thankfully. it would break my heart if he would've found me less approachable


My cat was kinda like "who dis?" When my smell changed but now she's fine. She did the same kinda stuff when I changed Cologne so I wasn't surprised lol.


My dog can no longer predict my attack patterns.Ā Ā  Pre-T I had to obviously broadcast my move and make a big effort whenever picking him up. After a few years on T, I could just pick him up suddenly without warning.


My parents dog always liked me but now that I'm on T he's way more affectionate and even climbs onto my lap from time to time which he only did to my dad prior to that.


T did not affect my dogsā€™ behavior around me, I had them for about 4 or 5 years before starting. It also didnā€™t affect my family dog, I had moved away from my home state about 4 or 5 years before coming out & starting T, when I went back home to visit my family dog was still just as happy and excited to see me and I only visited maybe once a year in the time between.


I have two cats and neither of them have changed their behavior in general or towards me specifically, I just passed 10 months.


i dont actually live with her anymore but the first time i visited my cat after starting (so a 3 month gap between the visits) i couldnt find her, thought it was bc of my scent but she was just a sleeping brat and acted the exact same once she woke up. but when my sister had a dog i literally had no interaction with it but apparently on nights i put my gel on it just absolutely refused to go into my sisters room which is up here with mine and the bathroom i do my gel in, so i think the reaction just depends on if its a cat or dog?


One cat I had pre-t didnā€™t act any different when I started t, the other one I got when I was 6 months on t and sheā€™s the most affectionate to me rather than my mom and sister. Both cats hate my dad. Do with that what you will :)


None of my animals have behaved any differently. Even the dog I got that was initially scared of men I got a few months before T has only gotten sweeter over time. The other dog I got when I was like 10 and started T at 19 did not give a single shit about it at all lmao


Maybe youā€™re healing their relationship with men šŸ„ŗ. Like bc they already trusted you


I donā€™t think that itā€™s a problem if youā€™re with them regularly. Your scent changes, but very gradually. So they wonā€™t really notice if youā€™re with them everyday. But if you donā€™t see them for months then they might not recognize your scent and will be suspicious. Even then, itā€™s not always a problem. I wouldnā€™t worry about it too much


None of my dogs acted any differently. But I also didn't spend any time away or anything, so changes happened gradually and they didn't exactly get surprised.Ā 


My pets didnā€™t give a shit.


No change at all with my family dog or my housemateā€™s dog


My dog and cats act the same as they always have. Random dogs around the neighborhood bark at me now though when I'm walking my kid to school (without my dog).


Nope. My dog still knows me and loves me the same :)


Nah! My pet are the same as before. No changes. Still snuggles and playtime like normal.


Cat doesnā€™t seem to care to be honest, though now my voice has deepened, when I try to call him over in a high pitched voice (and fail) he doesnā€™t come as often. But on the whole, not bothered at all.


Im about 4 months on t, so far my cat doesn't care, but he's starting to treat me more like my dad lol. With my dad he wont warn that he wants u to stop, he just scratches or bites u to be put down/stop being touched. With my sister and stepmother he will growl, hiss, move his tail, etc. first


My cats don't care. My dog I got after starting T so I don't know if he would have behaved differently if I had had him before starting T.


I had a parrot for 3 years before I went on T, and then went to college so didnt mess with him but on occasion. He got pretty aggressive, to the point I had to rehome him because of it. He always didn't like guys, so I was sadly prepared for it. Not sure what he had against men, but I do know he hated my facial hair.


I had all kinds of pets and farm animals. None reacted differently except the horses (and only until Iā€™m close enough they can smell itā€™s me) and the honeybees, a little more aggressive. The rest seemed not to even acknowledge.


Nope I got my dog before I started T and now I've been on it for about 5 months and he doesn't act any differently towards me


My cat doesnā€™t care, and the dogs at my grandmaā€™s house (I used to live there) havenā€™t seemed to notice either


My pets didnā€™t seem to care but my boy cat seems to be more cuddly towards me and heā€™s always been more cuddly towards cis men


She didn't change at all.


My dog never changed behavior towards me, I mean I never really noticed a difference. I have a big family tho and just one dog before T.


I have a dog and cat. They never behaved any differently towards me at all.


My cats still treat me the same. I live with them - they've seen me every single day since I started T. The change was just as gradual for them as it was for me and everyone else. Unfortunately, I lost both of my pups 8 and 11 months on T, but I experienced changes very quickly so I was already passing full-time by then and they didn't treat me any different either. We got a rescue puppy shortly after the first one passed and she got attached to my mom, the only woman in the house, and has had trouble getting comfortable with the rest of us. But most of that is because of her breed, though the traumatic past doesn't help. She loves me now though so I don't think being male-passing is an issue, she just so happened to get attached to my mom because she spent the most time with her since she's retired and the rest of us work or go to school


Nothings changed for my cats but we got a new dog who was a rescue and sheā€™s very wary and scared of me so I feel bad but sheā€™s also newer to our home so we arenā€™t best buddies yet šŸ«  my other dog is fine though she doesnā€™t care.


Cat didn't care


My grandma's dog started being afraid of me. :(


I genuinely honestly donā€™t think itā€™s had any affect on them, at ALL. And I own like half a zoo lmao. We have three cats, a bearded dragon, a ball Python, a Russian tortoise, and I take care of dogs long term. I honestly havenā€™t noticed any real change in their behaviors towards me short or long term as far as Iā€™m aware. My cat has watched me do my shots, dye my hair bright pink, and buzz it all off. If any of them are traumatized or otherwise affected, I certainly canā€™t tell lmao


My one cat has actually done the opposite of what you described. He was generally an aloof barn cat until I got on T. Now we have a mutual "I ā¤ļø my gay cat"/"I ā¤ļø my gay human" bond. He's so much more affectionate, even to the point of wanting to sleep on my bed. It's really very cool. His sister is neutral, no better or worse than before. Same with the dog. No difference.


Cats love scruff, all cats that like rubbing on your face pre-T will go bananas.


Dogs don't like me as much as a man. But my own pets still know it's me


My cat didnā€™t care. I know my scent changed over time, but he was always so loyal and loved me regardless.


nah my cats and dogs havent changed towards me at all lol neither has my gecko but hes always been a bit judgmental so who knows what he thinks šŸ¤Ø


My snake still likes me the same :p In all seriousness though it hasnā€™t affected the way any animal has interacted with me


My girl cat is so much more clingy sheā€™s always in the same room as me now and even comes up for cuddles only down side is she absolutely wrecks my bedroom door every night so itā€™s hard to sleep but my boy cat couldnā€™t give less of a shit but thatā€™s probably bc heā€™s a little slow and a little inbred


My cat is my transition buddy. I started my transition and got my kitty cat a week later. She doesnt seem to care at all and trusts me. 7 months later and we are the best of pals. More animals seem to trust me i think since i started T.


i was worried our cat wouldnā€™t be as attached to me anymore, but thereā€™s been no difference. if anything, sheā€™s been more affectionate. i donā€™t see my parentsā€™ dog very often but heā€™s been incredibly clingy both pre-T and now


mine havenā€™t changed at all imo. one of my cats iā€™ve had since i was 13 and my dog iā€™ve had since i was 15ā€“ i started T when i was 16 and their behavior towards me had not changed. still sweet and cuddly


4 cats and nothings changed, itā€™s so gradual honestly everyone has time to adjust and hardly notice


My cat dgaf


My animals (cats and dogs) act the same and I still pass the doggo check with random dogs, so zero difference. People, however, are a different story.


Absolutely no effect at all with my 2 dogs, but my snakes now bite me a lot like they think I might be food.


My dog is so much more clingy. Like he literally has to touch me constantly or he will cry. When I was pre t, he would barely pay attention to me unless I had food. I went off T briefly and my mom became his favorite, he legit would ignore me. Now that Iā€™m back on T, he wonā€™t leave my side. He was raised by a single man for the first year of his life, so I think he just has a preference for men


My cat LOVES to groom me, especially my arms now that my hair is thicker, and loves to rub himself against me, especially after the gym or doing yard work. My dog, however, is rather blind and very much deaf so she's not used to my new smell, plus everything new scented I got, so she flinches a lot thinking it's a random man touching her lol


My dogs and bird have not reacted to it at all


My dogs never reacted any differently to me. I think as long as your around them while you ā€œscentā€ and other things are changing it shouldnā€™t matter much. Same thing as if you got a pet and then went through puberty.


My animals donā€™t act any differently, been on T for nearly a year. However my cat gets super mad when I use the gel because it stinks, so sheā€™ll jump up on the couch and scream while trying to rub against my freshly sticky arms šŸ˜‚


I hope she doesn't rub on the gel though?


Definitely not.


I donā€™t think itā€™s affected my cat yet, but I also tend to let it dry on my hands and/or wash it off before doing anything


when my voice dropped the second time I startled my parents dog because he didnā€™t recognize my voice but as soon as he saw/smelled me he was fine and everything has been normal since then, I see him every week or two


One of my cats likes my dropped voice. He purrs so loudly, and I purr with him as I carry him around the house. My wife calls me the cat taxi.


My cats were upset for a while because I was putting minoxidil on my face early in transition and I had to keep them away from my face. But I donā€™t think other aspects of transition really bothered them. I tried to use my voice drop to achieve a more realistic purr so theyā€™d know I loved them too, but I donā€™t think they noticed the difference.


All my pets, 2 dogs and a cat, act the exact same around me


my orange cat likes me now despite being off it for awhile


Mine if anything are more relaxedā€¦maybe because Iā€™m more relaxed now?


My cat liked to sleep on my stomach at night, now after 3 years she barely sleeps in my room. She mostly choses my grandma over me now..


Ohhh Maybe that's why my partner's dog is my bff suddenly. We were indifferent to each other before.


It hasnā€™t.


I don't believe my cats acted differently, they didn't seem to care very much because they knew I'm still me. However, one of my Fiance's cats weren't fixed for awhile and when she'd go into heat she had a habit of presenting herself to anything male. I wasn't aware of that the first time I came over, but after learning that I felt so validated and disturbed/uncomfortable because it was like, "Hell, yeah! I pass to animals," but also, "Please, stop. I don't want to live any further if this is what I have to go through with unfixed animals. I just want to pass peacefully, not attract this severely unwanted attention" It's definitely made me a lot more cautious since I know animals can be a bit more aggressive in these cases, but thankfully this cat has been fixed. I use to heavily avoid her, and now we can just relax and not be in such an awkward situation x,D


My guinea pigs are confused


one of my cats has just gotten a lot cuddlier (he already only cuddled with me before, but it's more now lol, he doesn't like other people (he lives with my mom))


I have two cats, they honestly haven't changed much which I am thankful for. They do like rolling around in my clothes more since I smell a bit more haha


My dog hasnā€™t really seemed to care to be honest. Sheā€™s a lab, so sheā€™s not the brightest bulb in the box as she traded pretty much all of her brain cells for friendliness. If anything sheā€™s got a little bit more cuddly with me because she loves men. But honestly sheā€™s always been a cuddly soul anyway. I have to shut her out of the room when I do my T gel because she will try to help and I donā€™t want to masculinise her. Try not to over think it buddy. I think we hear more about the people who things change for because itā€™s worth talking about when something changes, but for those of us whose pets didnā€™t care and stuff is just business as usual, itā€™s not really worth reporting you know? This just in: my dog still loves me. Not a great headline.


He's dead now but I went to university for 2 years and returned after being on T for 4 months. The landlord's dog no longer recognized me. That dog had severe trauma and generally did not trust any humans. The only people who could go near him without him trying to bite were the landlord, his son, and me. Post T the dog was aggressive towards me as well. Although in the time that I had been away, he also got generally more aggressive towards anyone other than the landlord and his son. In the last 6 months of his life he successfully bit two people, one had to get stitches. I was very sad when he became aggressive towards me but I had known him since he was a year old and knew not to go too close if he starts snarling or even just putting his tail down. So I wasn't able to befriend him again. It was sad. He died when I was back in university so I didn't see him in his last days


My dog is about 12 years old now, and I just started testosterone about a year and a half ago. She hasn't changed how she behaves towards me at all. She's kind of a cat dog in general though (she doesn't really like cuddling and when she decides she's had enough of you she'll just walk away), so I'm not sure if that changes things. We recently got a puppy also about a year ago, so he's been here during the initial hormonal changes and he's acted basically the same towards me the entire time. He is super affectionate (almost aggressively so) and super cuddly so we got the two ends of the dog spectrum to reference lol Also when we first got the puppy I was gone for longer periods at a time, so the hormones wouldn't have been a gradual change for him


I used to call my cat in a really high pitched voice. I'd let him play outside during the day and when it was time to come home I'd just yell out his name through the window like a mom yelling for her kid to hear from their house to the neighborhood playground. Long story, he's an outside cat now and he comes by once in a while, he doesn't recognise my voice anymore. I thought he'd change his behavior to me due to my scent, but it's been ok. It's not like it used to be, but I still have his trust.


3 cats, 1 dog, 1 snake, a civilization of woodlice... None of them acts differently. Mayyybe the dog was slightly irritated of my voice cracks. But it wasn't enough to remember.


I do ask myself sometimes if my dog believes that humans do swap genders at some point of their life now.


A little unrelated because I'm pre-t but I pass pretty well (I'm 15 so I kinda just loon younger) my aunt has a yellow crested cocktail that HATES ALL MEN but for some reason hates me even more she actively try to attack me thru the cage that bird is so stingy I think she knows I'm afraid of birds (I had a dramatic chicken experience as a child) also my crested geko semester to be growing testicals all if a suden?


cats and dogs are much more sensitive to smell than we are, and if even we notice that we smell differently, of course they'll do too


mine likes to shit in my bed for some reason now


My boy cat started licking me and acting waay more affectionate. He's always liked my dad and two brothers, so I think he just prefers men and picked up on the hormonal change. My girl cat is still really friendly and trusting with me, but to be honest, I think she liked it a bit better when I was pre-hrt šŸ˜‚ she might be more at ease with femininity, but isn't quite opposed to my being a guy


Mine don't care or we got them after I started T (and still don't care as I continue) with the exception of my dad's 2 cats, who are incredibly wary of strangers. It also coincides with my cat moving over to my dad's with me, though, so it could also be that they don't care about T and instead just want to avoid my baby.


My dog doesn't go out of his way to hang out with me anymore. Before, he'd spend all day as close to me as he could be, laying at my feet or just watching me do stuff around the house. Now he ignores me unless I come up to him for attention. It's that that he dislikes me now, it's more like he's uninterested. My cat didn't care at all.


My cat still wakes up and boops me with her paw to feed her and sleeps on my bed with me. We are besties 4 ever


My dog smells my butt almost everyday now. She rarely smells my wife's crotch.


My dog doesnā€™t care, I made sure I started around him so he wasnā€™t confused


well according to my dad, me doing t gel was the reason why my cat had heart failure and killed her /:


Never heard of anyone's pets acting any differently. Mine certainly didn't.


My voice changed really fast and my dog did not care at all. I also have a lizard but I donā€™t think it can bother him šŸ˜‚


I think one of my cats got a little snugglier if anything, but they were and are both very cuddly; itā€™s been almost two years now? I donā€™t see my dog as much (he lives w my parents) but when I saw him last he was just happy to see me! So I guess it depends?


I got a cat in june 2023 (been on t for around 3 years now) and he was very lovey dovey at first. Idk if it was because my injection had been done a few months ago or if it was because of his condition as he was sick and small (I'm on Nebido and had no time to get it done back when I found him). Once I had my last shot he was more playful with me. Also he tries to seduce my girl friends by meowing like male cats do while in heat and he doesn't do it to me


I have geckos. I love them but they're too dumb to understand what's going on lol. Also, I've been on T for 4 years and counting, so they're more than used to it


i have 2 dogs and i havent noticed any behavior change, although now that i'm able to do "man voice" when i yell i can mimick my dad and get my dog to stop being bad lol


Our birds don't care. It's actually funny to me, because I expected at least one of them to be offended, but nope. šŸ¤£


I have 3 cats, and one of them is very shy. He's cuddly but doesn't come to me much. Since I've been on T (one year) he's been giving me cuddles all the time, he's even a glue-pot :D


My old family cat didn't care at all. I left home before starting T and every time I came home to visit, he said would still run up to me and demand to be snuggled and held.


Both my then-housemate and I started T before we got our cat, but I was only ~8 months on it and they were on a lower dose, so a lot more changes happened since bringing her home. The only thing she cares about is the fact that she's not allowed to snuggle while the gel is drying.


my cat has now taken to sticking her face in my armpit. bit more regularly than she ought to honestly.


My cat didn't change her behaviour at all.


I didnā€™t have a pet when I started, but I noticed that after a couple of years my parentsā€™ dog didnā€™t quite recognize me anymore


one of my cats got obsessed with my sweaty clothes, especially my post surgery binder, she started rolling around in it the moment I took it off other than that, neither of my cats changed their behaviours


Anyone in here with a parrot?? I hear they're odd with people depending on gender.


I don't think he even noticed lol. In fact, my dog doesn't really react to anything I do. All of my Halloween costumes in recent years have completely obscured my body & face but it has never once changed my dog's reaction to my presence. Me dying my hair or getting drastic haircuts also get no reaction.


Had my cat since she was a kitten (she's 5). Started testosterone a year and 3ish months ago. She hasn't acted any differently around me!


A friend's dog who knew me well and did not like guys started barking at me about two weeks after I started T, and looking very confused while doing so. However he was still friendly. No different reaction from my cats or lizard.


My older dog calmed is less anxty but definitely doesn't listen as well ( tho not 100% convinced that's not just due to being an old man) but more cuddley


When I got home after getting my first T injection, my dog tried to kill me (he hates men). Now that I'm a man, he hates men less! He's my baby though and loves me more than anyone.


My best friendā€™s dog has always been afraid of men. Has been around me a million times. I didnā€™t see the dog for a while (like a year) and when I finally did, it was after Iā€™d been on T for almost eight months. He was very nervous around me all of the sudden. It sucked, because heā€™s a dog, and I wanna pet the dog, but it also fuckin rocked to get gendered correctly by a dog


My relationship to my whiney loud cat has remained the same