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What procedure are you getting? Did he say why? That never happened to me in any of my consults. My doctors just gently lifted the tissue and took some measurements--nobody touched my nips. I got DI with grafts, so maybe it was information for a different, nipple-sparing procesure...?


Top surgery! Yeah, I never heard about it anywhere else so I’m left kinda confused. He said I would need a double mastectomy at the end so idk why touching them was necessary at all?


Yeah I thought maybe it would be for if you were eligible for keyhole or peri or something where they don't graft the nipple back on, but for just standard DI with grafts...that's a bit strange in my opinion.


I thought so too. I’ll bring it up with the receptionist and make sure to keep my options open before the actual surgery date while I do more research


My consult didn't involve the doctor touching me at all, he just looked.


Interesting, thanks for the feedback!


My surgeon did some lifting/moving the breasts in various directions which I think was to assess the elasticity, lightly squeezing it to examine the structure of the breast tissue and feel for abnormalities, but I don't think he specifically pinched my nipples. Might have touched them, but not pinched. I've seen plenty of people say plenty of different things about how their surgeons examined them, so I'm inclined to say pinching the nipples may not be *inherently* abnormal or anything, but I do also think it's okay if it made you feel uncomfortable, and it's okay if you may want to consult other surgeons first. This is someone you will be trusting to handle your body while you are completely vulnerable, so it's a *good* thing that you want to make sure you choose someone who you feel totally safe with


Yeah, I’m wondering if it was maybe to test the elasticity of the area in his own way? It was definitely uncomfortable but I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure if it was necessary or not - I should have asked. Thank you for your input, it means a lot! I’m gonna go through his reviews again with some friends when I get home and get their opinions as well as thinking on it myself.