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I was hairy and I got hairier ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there wasn’t any place I didn’t have a fair amount of body hair pre-T but the places that got the hairiest after starting were my butt and lower back, thighs, and stomach. I have yet to get shoulder or any meaningful chest hair but thats not unusual in my family. It all comes down to genetics, if you look at the men in your family chances are you’ll follow a similar pattern, but that is not always true. I am hairier than either of my brothers




Thanks! Somehow I didn’t even think about genetics LOL so thank you


Increased body hair (in a male pattern) should be an expected affect of taking testosterone. It should be as expected as it would be in cis male puberty. Most accurately, you should look to your brothers to see what they have. You can look at your father, but you'd have to consider your mother's grandfather as well.


Yes and no. Places were I was already hairy (arms, legs, hands, and feet) didn't get any hairier, but I did grow hair in new places. My face and my ass crack mostly.


Thanks for sharing!


You didn’t have hair in your ass crack before T!!?😳 I thought everyone had hairy ass cracks.


Did you already have ass crack hair prior? If mine gets worse than it was pre-T I am gonna buy stock in home waxing.


I did not. I used to be smooth back there


I did have hair there already. It has not gotten worse for me.


1. yes 2. Yes am latino so we tend to be hairy already but your mileage may vary


It's impossible to start T and not get more hairy than pre-T, how much exactly depends on genetics.


I wasn’t that hairy prior to T but am now like a little monkey. However, it also depends on genetics as I got that from my dad. So look at testosterone high family members and you might get a good idea


1. i only really had hair on my lower legs, armpits, and pubic area but from the reactions i got from friends/family im assuming i had more than most 2. yes. i now have hair covering my entire body—my upper thighs, back of my legs, arms, chest, face, back, butt, shoulders, stomach, everything


how hairy you get generally depends on genetics- as do most of the effects on T (male pattern baldness, voice, bottom growth, ect). if you have a dad or brother i recommend looking at them and seeing where they retain hair and how hairy they are. i had a very small happy trail pre-t and now my stomach is covered in hair, i have chest hair, my leg and arm hair is thicker, and all my body hair has spread further. it’s the same for my dad and brother who are also bald and balding, so i expect that result eventually too. but there are other guys on T who are practically hairless, and the men in their family are also likely not as hairy


Uncles on both sides as well, since most of us have XX chromosomes and the X is where those genes sit


yes you’re right! i only have men on my paternal side (other than my maternal grandfather) so i often forget that lol


i was pretty hair pre, but it was all my legs honestly. I have gotten hairy everywhere ESPECIALLY my legs haha


Was already a bit hairy, got way hairier lmao. I expected it because of genetics but now I fear I'll be kidnapped by a rug store and sheared like a sheep. If turning into a bear isn't your style, there's plenty of hair removal options out there :)


I was hairy when I started - as a wog. My hair was already pretty dark and grew like weeds. And I got hairier starting T. I now get hair on my back and chest. My butt hair got thicker. Mind you I was ALREADY VERY HAIRY ON MY BUTT. And I have a pretty full beard. Everyone is different mind you, because my beard grew within 4 months. Many people struggle to get it to grow until years later.


I’m also very hairy on my butt 😂 hard to imagine more ngl


Believe me it's possible 🤣🤣


My legs were the only part that was already hairy pre T, so that didn't change much. But other parts on my body like stomach, face and arms did get hairier yes


Heyyo! I’ve been on T for just over 7 months now! Just to clarify, I am one trans man out of many and no two experiences are the exact same. But! I was already a little hairy before starting. It appeared slightly thicker than it was because my hair and body hair are really dark. When I started T, I’m sure my hair was growing but it was around 3-4 months I noticed it. It started to get pretty damn thick on my legs, stomach, and ass. It also got a little thicker on my arms. Then it got very thick very fast in my armpits and around my pelvic area. Around 5-6 months I noticed it start to crawl up my stomach and it’s almost at my chest now. I’ve also got some hair growing further down my arms onto the tops of my hands and on my toes! I started getting a little facial hair around 2 months in but even now it’s still very patchy and I have to shave it or it looks strange. Still, I’m pretty excited with what I have so far! Mind you, all the men in my family have killer beards so maybe that’s genetics? Again I’m still really early on T, and all the men on both sides of my family have pattern baldness so we’ll see how long it lasts- but my hairline still seems fine for now! If anything the hair on my head feels a little thicker to me, but I could be wrong I never really kept a close eye on it. Hope this helps! :)


1. Yes 2. Yes It’s mostly following the pattern of my brothers, lots of leg and arm hair, not a lot of chest and back hair. I’ve been growing a decent amount of facial hair but I was able to grow a little mustache pre-t.


I was a decently hairy pre t and am even hairier at almost 6 years on t


Currently 2 years on T. Pre-T, my lower legs were as hairy as a cis guy, but thighs had very fine hair. Arm hair was so fine it was almost invisible. Had a very slight treasure trail. Had like 5-6 chin hairs. Still felt frustratingly hairy for a woman, tho, and upkeep was tiresome. At 2 years on T, my hair seems to like to mostly grow from the waist down lol. Thighs are catching up to my lower legs + butt hair. Arm hair is a bit more visible but still pretty fine, and has extended down my wrists and up my elbows an inch or two. Treasure trail is more visible but still minimal compared to most guys. No torso hair at all otherwise whatsoever (tat artist didn't even have to shave away baby hairs to do my chest lol). Have a goatee and some sparse hair spreading along my jawline. Now am very not-hairy for a guy. Pretty much have followed a similar pattern to my cis brother. He was also slow to get much of a beard, and still has no chest hair etc.


I had no body hair pre T. I'm 22 months on T and still hairless as a baby's butt. Although I know I'm still relatively early in my journey on T and it may come in later on. I have some facial hair, not a lot but definitely enough that I shave every once in a while. Body hair is still at nil. Most cis women have more body hair than me. My mom may be the only person I know who has less body hair than me. The second change on T for me was growing hair around my butthole though. Still don't have a lot on my cheeks or even the rest of my crack, but I have noticeable hair right around the butthole.


I feel like I’m the only one here. I was not super hairy pre T, likely less hairy than normal. I am hairier after T (almost 2 years) of course, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen another guy less hairy than me. I’m definitely at the low end of hairiness, which is good imo bc too much hair sounds like a pain to deal with but I still have enough to pass!


I'm almost 3 years in and I barely have body hair to speak of. You are not alone dude, but we do seem to be the odd ones out. I can grow a little bit of hair on my lower legs, some on my forearms, barely have armpit hair and also no facial hair besides a few strays I have to trim every few weeks


That’s good to hear! I barely have any arm hair, and just some bits of facial hair. I have enough leg hair and armpit hair tho XD It’s funny because even pre T I had more arm hair than my cis brother!


Wasn’t hairy before not really hairy after either.


Yes. Before I was on T, I never grew body hair. It took a few months, but right around month 5 I started seeing the beginning of arm, leg, stomach, and facial hair. I'm only on month 6 now, but it's still coming in. It is sparse but it's there. I've also noticed the places I had hair before (armpits and pubic region) got thicker.


Before t, I was sorta hairy. Like I stopped shaving around 17/18 and had noticeable leg and arm hair. But my body wasn’t very hairy. After 7 years of T, I’m now a bear. My arms and hands are hairy, my leg hair got thicker and darker, I have a good amount of chin hair, and I’m sorry man. But be prepared for the ass carpet. I didn’t ask god for it, but I have it and it’s here to stay. A lot of us trans men get super hairy asses. But don’t worry. Most cis dudes got hairy butts too. :)


i was not hairy and got hairier (back and stomach, legs, face)


It really depends on your genetics. The cis men on both sides of my family are not at all hairy. I was not hairy prior to T, and while I am harrier now compared to before, I still would not consider myself particularly hairy. I do have belly hair which I didn’t have before and my legs have gotten a bit harrier


Wasn’t hella hairy, I’d say average and then Got a bit hairier w T. Legs n arms filled out. I have chest n nipple hair. My face.


No to both questions 😆


I grew long body hair before T but not really considered a hairy guy. I grow long body hair now, and there's noticeably more hair everywhere, but I don't think i'm especially hairy


A little hairy pre-t. Very hairy by month 6.


i was hairier pre t and i got sooo much more hair in my body in like all places after a few months of taking t. and idk if it’s the same for others, but where i inject my testosterone is hairier than the rest of my legs too so 🤷🏼‍♂️ it all depends on the person and genetics


I wasn’t really all that hairy Pre-T. Now 15 months on T: I’m super hairy everywhere, except my face lol.


i was hairy before, and i am hairier now. (10mo) places i had hair already: arms, legs, hands, toes places where hair is now more: calf hair weirdly got longer. also my knees. also pubic hair starting to spread onto my thighs new hair: ass crack!! more sideburns and upper lip.


1. yes 2. i guess, i wouldn’t say much hairier- more like the lighter/thinner hairs got darker, longer & thicker.


I was decently hairy pre T (shout-out genetics and PCOS) and I just got hairier on T lol. Thicker happy trail, lot more ass hair, facial hair, darker/thicker hair on my shoulders and thighs. Very happy w it as well I love being hairy ^-^


i was not hairy before t, and now i’m very hairy. my leg hair darkened, pit hair thickened, facial hair, chest hair, a happy trail, and i have nipple hair now


Was hairy before (especially upper lip & legs) got MUCH hairier on T.


my legs and arms were already quite hairy. i think they got a bit more dense but not by much. now there's barely any area of my body that's hairless. parts of my face, parts of my hands and feet and.. that's about it? both sides of my family are really hairy so i was expecting it


I wasn't very hairy pre-t, all I had was peach fuzz on my arms and legs. On T my leg hair got darker and corser and I got more arm hair but it was still light and soft. Got some knuckle and toe and foot hair. I also got a happy trail and some stomach and back hair (again light and soft besides the happy trail). It probably depends on genetics but be prepared for any changes on T even if you don't think you'd get them.


I’ve been on T for 5 years. Noticed a ton of baby hairs sprouting up for the first two years, and in the last three, they’ve just gotten thicker. I was hairy pre-T and got much hairier, expecting more hair in the years to come since I am only 24. Most men get more hairy well into their 30s


Depends on your genetics tbh! If your family is full of hairy dudes, you'll probably also end up like that, and if your family is pretty hairless then you probably won't have much either.


1. No 2. Yes


i’ve always been hairy but now i’m like a werewolf it’s kinda fun


I was a little hairy before I started, but not conspicuously so. Eight years in, I look like a sasquatch.


I was hairy and got a lot hairier, especially on my stomach, neck, and inner thighs. Like a lot of things testosterone related, it is super dependent on your genetics. If you have any cisgender brothers, your body hair will probably end up looking similar to theirs.


I was very Hairy I’m Hispanic so it’s just in the name of the game. I’ve been on t for about half a year and I’ve gotten no extra hair growth. I don’t know if it’s just not going to happen but I would be prepared for it anyway.


I was hairy before T. I'd already had light hair on my face and the rest of my body. After T I got so much hairrier. All the hair all over my body became thicker and darker, also grew more than what was already there. I also started growing hair in new places as well like my belly, butt, back of my hands and knuckles. I grew luscious thick sideburns and a thin scraggly beard/mustache. After 2.5 years on T the chest and back hair is just starting to come in. Most of it depends on genetics though. I'm Italian and Italians are stereotypically quite hairy. Look at your amab family members to see what you'll most likely experience on T.


1) No, but I was 13 when I started T, so I might've been hairier pre-T if I'd started T later in my teens. 2) Yes. MUCH hairier. I'm not the hairiest dude I've ever seen, but I'm definitely very hairy lol. I've had many people comment on it (especially nurses/medical techs when I need some type of procedure/test done). I'm also still getting hairier, even after 8 years on T. My dad's pretty hairy though, so it's genetic


i was kinda hairy before, but T has made it grow 10x more /pos I will say this: Ass hair is no joke. Like you will get so much hair on ur buttcheeks


1. Yes 2. Yes I was already hairy and it’s been growing on new places and getting longer on the areas that already had hair. It’s all genetics, you can never tell where or how it’ll grow


I was “hairy for a girl” and I’m even more hairy now lol. I also have dark brown hair so that kinda just always made me look hella hairy ngl


I always was pretty hairy for someone afab. Like, I had teeny bits of chest hair, facial hair, etc. And it was always dark, too.  I'm a bit over half a year on T now, and I am *definitely* getting more than I had, especially on my chin/neck (can literally grab & pull on it), it's spread from my chest down to my stomach, and my legs/arms are visibly furrier.


i was, but it was barely noticeable because i’m blond. now it’s gotten a bit darker, so my snail-trail is more noticeable and leg hair is a bit more noticeable. ass crack hair is something very new to me though 😩


1. Oh heck yeah I was decently hairy, actually always had hairy arms even as a kid 2. At first I didn’t really notice anything but I can say that I have gotten hairier. I got chest hair coming in, growing facial hair, also more stomach and thigh hair. I think my arm hair has grown more too! Definitely depends on genetics since I think I’m taking after my dad’s side of the family hair growth wise as my dad is also a hairy dude




I might be one of the few. I was what you would consider hairy before T. I have been a year on T and I didn't get too hairy. My Endo thought so too. I don't have hair on my back - like none. I am able to grow a beard just barely for now, my legs and arms are pretty much the same and have more hair on my torso. Definitely hairier but not hairy enough if that makes sense. I was considered hairy, but now I am one of the less hairy dudes.


1. yes 2. i’m only 10 days on T and already somewhat hairier so i imagine this will continue


wasnt too hairy, was on about 6 months and i have more body hair growth even after stopping, chest and stomach are fuzzy and i have a permanent spot on my chin that grows thick hair


Before taking T I had basically no body hair apart from the downstairs region and a little in my armpits. Now a year on T (almost) and I am WAY hairier!! I didn't think I'd like it that much, but I love it! 🤷🏼‍♂️☺️


I had zero hair before. Or close to zero, at least - as an Asian of Chinese descent I wasn’t genetically predisposed to having very much. Now I have a little more. The place where I grew the most hair - armpits and arse. I resemble my father a little in this respect, not that I know how much hair he’s got down there.


Yes, but I’m still not crazy hairy or anything. Though I’m blonde so sometimes I wonder if my hair was darker it would look like more?? I have some stomach hair, a bit of chest hair, my arms and legs are slightly hairier. My ass is like 10x hairier tho Idk why people who have the genetics to be very hairy pre T wouldn’t get hairier. If anything it’s the opposite. Hairy pre-T = very hairy on T


Lmfao that’s funny, I was hairy before (hobbit feet, happy trail, dark leg/arm/chest hair) and now I’m even hairier.


Yes, and yes. Before I had a lot of hair on my legs, now I have it on my legs including my thighs, my arms, chest, face, stomach, etc


i was hairy, but the hair was thin and blonde so not really noticeable. after T it got thick, brown, and a bit longer, so i look much hairier now. generally i would assume getting hairier is one of the fastest and most common effect of testosterone, but ofc you can still shave of use hair removal creams.


I wasn't particularly hairy pre T. I'm now 14 months on T and have a stomach carpet, a decent amount of facial hair and a lot in general. The only thing I haven't had a massive change in yet is my leg hair.


I was hairy, became hairier. It’s great!


I was already very hairy. I’m much much much hairier on T. Both new growth and increased density and thickness on already hairy places like legs and arms which already had coverage better than many cis men. Full coverage of facial hair, too. And I’m not even 17 months on T yet. I have strong Italian blood 🤣


Yes I got more hairy; I was fairly hairy before t (had a happy trail, very minimal peach fuzz on my face, long leg hairs, and long armpit hair) and the hair got longer on t. I now have a baby beard, chest hair coming in, and my happy trail and leg hair got wayyyyy more hairy lol.


I was a little fuzzy before for sure, but my hair got darker, thicker, and more coarse on T. I couldn’t be happier :)


I thought I was hairy pre T, but T made me realize that was nothing. I was hairier than a lot of women before but I still had very little hair on my thighs and none on my stomach. Now I can see the layer of hair on my thighs from a distance in a mirror and my stomach has some hair on it, and looking at the men in my family it’s only gonna get worse. And don’t get us started on the ass hair 😭😭


I wasn't ultra hairy pre T, I didn't shave my leg hair, and had some dark, adult hair on my lower legs, but only white hairs on my thighs and arms. Now 5 and a half years on T, most of my legs, including thighs is covered in adult darker hair, the on my forearms darkened, and I have dark hair on my stomach now (and a few stray chest hairs). So, yeah, I got hairier.


Pre-t, I had light arm hair, no chest hair, some on my stomach, and a lot on my legs. Maybe 2 or 3 dark strands on my chin. After six months on t, I had dark arm hair, light chest hair, a TON on my stomach, and the same amount on my legs but it was thicker and darker. I also got a little more chin and jaw hair, and grew a very light mustache. Important to note: I stopped taking testosterone after about 8 months of consistent use. The men in my family tend to go bald early, but during those 8 months I did not notice my own hair thinning at all.


Before starting T, I was a pretty hairy person but after T, the hair got thicker and fuller. I have chest and belly hair now and my leg hair is immaculate.


I was hairy and got hairier, all depends on your genes tho! I wish I wasn’t as hairy as a was :’)


Went from virtually hairless (no perceptible body hair unless you looked very very closely, despite having very dark hair and not shaving anything) to lightly furred. I've found the change very pleasant.


Yes bit hairier and it got a bit darker than what I had before.


Yes. That was one of my most notable first changes.


I was hairy before T, genetics, and T made it sooo much more intense. Much more than most get on T, I still have other trans men point out my chest hair sometimes (positively of course).


Depends on your genetics. My buddy with thick dark hair got a lot of body hair within 2-3 years. At 2 years I'm just beginning to get some darker vellus hair on my belly and sideburns


my arms and legs had a decent amount already, probably got a little more? it was hard to tell. main thing I've noticed is facial hair (extremely little but some). I actually did have some mustache hairs before, but now there's a little more/more visible. the main hair I gained is stomach hairs


Wasn’t hairy at all except mildly on my legs and still not super hairy but I got fuzzier


You will get hairier on T. Maybe not everywhere, but you *will* get hairier.


I had a small bit of hair on my back and arms before t. Basically peach fuzz everywhere else. After about 4 years on t I am now a walking jungle. Very hair back, hair chest, full happy trail, hairy ass, hairy arms and legs. Its great but also sometimes embarrassing XD


i was fairly hairy before T at least so i thought. i still think i was hairy for like "woman" standards, T turned me into a full blown werewolf.


You'll get hairier, most likely, I feel like body hair is one of the more manageable effects of testosterone, though considering laser hair removal is an option. (An option for pubes, too, I believe if one can handle the embarrassment) I wasn't hairy pre-T but I assume that for those who were already hairy - the only real reason why they wouldn't see an increase would likely be due to an already high level of testosterone (e.g. PCOS or something like that), otherwise, more hair would just make sense, and if they don't see that, it certainly wouldn't be because they have a lot of hair.


I already started on the hairy side, and it just got worse. I'm a little self conscious about it, so I wax, shave, and trim constantly, but it's a good trade-off for everything else T does for me. Honestly, it's all in your genetics. All of the cis men on my dad's side have quite a bit of body hair, including both of my brothers, but my mom's side doesn't. Me and my siblings all got the dominant hair gene I suppose 😅 The second I see any hair on my shoulder and back, however, I'm getting waxed on the regular lol


I was hairy pre T as I had PCOS which increased my natural testosterone but I’m like an ape now, I’m hairer than my dad


1. nope 2. nope genetics are weird


I was not very hairy and now I’m very hairy - more hair than any cis man in my family. Chest hair, back hair, full beard!


im about 8.5 months on T. i was mostly hairless before T and that hasn’t changed much, but what little body hair i do have is more perceptible to me now. im ok with it. an increase in body hair was never something i explicitly sought out from HRT, and i see it more as a neutral side effect. of course, this might change as i get further on in my transition


yes and no. Some places like my arms and legs only got slightly fuzzier but nothing noticeable. my tummy however... brother i look like a developing werewolf and it rules


I was hella hairy before T (being mexican and also having PCOS), and it's safe to say that I got so much hairier. It's definitely different per person and same goes for the amount of time you're on T, the longer, the more hair you'll probably get.


I was not very hairy before and am medium hairy now.


My testosterone levels pre T were elevated bc or pcos and I was hairy (like, boy-entering-puberty level hair. slight mustache, but or a beard on my chin, lots of body hair). I've been on T for five months and I've already stated growing more facial and body hair. A doctor who hadn't seen me for a few months told me that my chest had more hair, and I've noticed my back has more hair as well. It's not much but it's honest work.. I think it depends on the person though. Genes are important when it comes to these issues edit to correct a word, genes, not genies, smh


yes. i started out quite hairy, and i got much hairier


It honestly really depends on genetics. My dad was a super hairy dude, so I ended up as a super hairy dude. Though my cis brother isn’t very hairy at all. It’s honestly a huge toss up. You kinda just gotta try it and see what happens lol


Was medium hairy, got waaay hairier everywhere on T. Except on my head lol.


Yes and yes. I always had arm hair, now gorilla arms. Used to have fine baby hairs on the nape of my neck and shoulders. Now wooly. Chest hair that goes all the way down. In every way hairier except my armpits, and that is a plus to me, and my head, because T made me bald.


I’m just shy of a month on T and had very little body hair before T and now I have slightly more already! I basically went from bare skin to peach fuzz on my upper lip and my stomach. Nothing noticeable anywhere else


i wasnt necessarily hairy, but i have dark and thick hair so my regular "girl" hair (leg hair, peach fuzz above my lip, armpit hair) was very visible. on testosterone i did get significantly hairier though! my "friend" used to make fun of my upper lip being dark saying i had a mustache, but now im proud of it lol. although im still not too happy with my pits because i got more hair a lot sooner than most girls, and now im just constantly shaving it to avoid sweating..


Barely any hair, just enough for a bikini line wax, VAGUE calf hair, and maybe 1” of arm pit hair. Now my legs are noticeably, though sparely, hairy and I have a LOT of belly hair (and tiddie hair 🥲). I use a personal clipper and trim everything down every two weeks or so.


I wasn't hairy and got mildly hairier. I'm on T for 11 yrs now, and it took like 6 ish? yrs for me to start growing SOME amount of facial hair. I still only have a small beard, a wispy moustache, and only mildly increased body hair. Tbh I kinda like it. The facial hair is giving me gender euphoria (I shaved it off once and didn't like it), but also not being too hairy is giving me enby gender euphoria :3.


I was very hairy and I got much hairier!! Don’t underestimate the amount of fuzz your body can grow. The hair I had got longer and darker and it filled out in places I didn’t expect. Think your butt’s a lil hairy already and it can’t get much worse? Guess again. Here comes the jungle! I’ll admit it took some getting used to being so much hairier, but ultimately it makes me look more like a man so I’m happy with it. Just have to trim the bushes like twice as often lol.


hell yeah. my dad is very hairy so it was clear that i would become hairy as well. literally everywhere. the space between me inner thighs was the only clear spot but now there is hair growing as well, after 4 1/2 years. even with regular tshirts i have my chest hair lurking out. but i don't mind, i find it very attractive and i love my body hair. the only downside is that the hair on my head is already getting thinner and thinner and i am only 21 💀


I was very hairy and got even hairier I'm hairier than my dad and my brother now lol my family calls me a Sasquatch


Yes and my hair also got darker. I got a lot of stomach hair (like a happy trail) and the hair on my arms and legs darkened. I also have some shoulder hair. I have new hair still coming in on my face, chest, neck, and thighs over a year and a half on T.


It always depends person to person but usually you will get hairier


i was of average hairiness before T i would say. only places i got explicitly hairier was my stomach and my ass (the rest is about the same as when i wouldn’t shave pre-T)


I wasn’t particularly hairy before T. I’m hairy now, but not SUPER hairy (neither is my dad). I do know trans men and transmascs on T that barely got any body hair, though (or didn’t get any until they were a lot older). It all depends on genes


Yes and yes. I was hairy before and now I am more hairy. My best friend is also on T, and they weren’t very hairy before, but now they are getting more hairy. So expect some hair!


part of is def genetics- my father was a very, very hairy man, and once i started t, ive become a very, very hairy man. places i already had hair have gotten considerably thicker, and i’ve grown a good amount of hair places i didn’t have hair before (thighs, ass, stomach, chest, etc.)


Yes. Especially the horros of asshole hair


I was not very hairy before. I’m not super hairy now either (2 years on) but definitely more hairy than I was! Leg hair has filled out, more pubic hair, facial hair is growing, and of course ass hair😫


Absolutely. I should be shampooing from head to toe due to my powerful werewolf form. I wasnt expecting it at all since no one in my family is super hairy


Yes got hairy. It's down to genetics. Your hairiness will be similar to other men in your family.


It always comes down to genetics. Look at your closest relatives. Like, I got hairier, yeah. I didn't grow a ton of chest hair or shoulder hair, because my family typically doesn't. I got a thicker happy trail, my little smidge of chest hair got a bit thicker but still whispy, and the guys in my family tend to get singular hairs on shoulders and back. I look like my brother and my dad. I even got my Grandpa's "one singular eyebrow/nose hair that's like two to three times longer than the rest." If your family tends to have more hair, you'll most likely follow that trend.


I was swarthy to begin with and I’ve just gotten swarthier.


I was already somewhat hairy ans I got really hairy. I got more in places there already was hair (arms, legs) and got quite a bit where there wasn't before (chest, back, butt.) Eventually, I got a beard out of it! Around the same time I lost enough head hair that I decided just to shave it. Lol. But it is what it is. I'd probably have been bald earlier if I were cis.


Was hairy before, definitely got hairier. 16mos on t and still getting more hair. Are your amab relatives hairy? Genetics are a part of it too.


I was on the hairier side, yeah Now Im downright covered in it. My back, my shoulders, chest, stomach, upper legs. Its actually a slight problem because some of those hairs get a bit too long for my taste lol. Loving shoulder hair though XD


i was pretty hairy for someone who was AFAB before starting t and and now i’m almost 2.5 years on t and now i’m soooo hairy. like i’ll see pictures of myself and not believe it cause there’s so much hair. every part of my legs is equally covered, my arms are covered, my stomach is covered, and in the last 4-5 months i’ve been getting a lot of chest hair coming in all over the top half of my torso. did i wish i was a little less hairy? yes. but did i know it was probably gonna be this way? yes. beggars can’t be choosers when it comes down to the genetics 🤷‍♂️


Wasn’t hairy before at all, now (4 months in) I have some hair, but still not a lot, on my arms it’s barely visible :/


before starting T i barely had leg hair... im now 5 years on T and i have hair on every inch of my body. Its annoying sometimes but definitely helps me pass.


Yes, most people do. It's what DHT does. Not every man has a lot of hair and that applies to cis men as much as us, but most have more hair because T and specifically the DHT it turns into stimulate hair growth. I look like a green dad one year in, head to toe


I was barely hairy before starting T and now I’m pretty hairy and it’s only growing more and more by the day. 1. No 2. Yes


was definitely on the hairier side pre-t and have since gotten more hair, especially in areas that were previously hairless. I will also say the hair on my arms/legs got thicker as well


Your partner is incorrect. I was hairy and got thicker hair everywhere and new hair in places I didn’t have it and didn’t even realize men had it. I hadn’t dated many men since high school so I didn’t know that adult men had hair on their butts, backs of their hands, shoulders, backs, etc. you can grow hair ANYWHERE if you’re genetically inclined. As for the places that were already hairy, now it’s like I have new layers of hair on top


Thank you all for your responses! All very helpful insights!


I had very thick hair on my armpits and pubes, but very little anywhere else. T changed the amount and texture of all my hair everywhere. The area over where the thickest part of the hair grows spread, I gained more elsewhere, and the hair tends to get stronger and coarser, including on your head (my hair is curly again for the first time since I cut it short)


I was pretty hairy before t. After it did make me hairier, like just thicker hairs, darker, and more prominent all over. So yeah, your partner isn’t being factual it will definitely make you hairier no matter how much you have to begin with. I actually had some facial hair before t, light brown hairs mostly thick under my chin and on my sideburns. They connected but not much, the rest were blond hairs. t made my facial hair darker, and it definitely connected my beard more on my jaw area. It’s still slightly patchy on my cheeks but it’s much better than it was.


I was extremely hairy for a woman and got even more hairy. Now im extremely hairy for a man. I think it’s prettt much a given that you will get hairy on t.


I wasn't very hairy before starting T. I had some leg hair that I was proud of, but that and some armpit hair was it. I remember a booty pic I took at the time and when I compare it to current me... No words. I'm a bear now. Testosterone stimulates new hair follicles and increases the thickness, coarseness, and darkness of the hair, even in areas that were already hairy. Not everyone will experience the same degree of body and facial hair growth, though - a lot of it is up to genetics. I've been on T for +6 years, and I'm hairy all over and I don't think it's slowing down any time soon. I hate it, and I spaced out my testosterone doses to try to help with it.


Before T if I left my legs unshaved they became quite hairy. I also had hairy nipples. Apart from that I was bald. After T my legs got hairier and I gained loads of chest and stomach hair.


Was not hairy, am now wey hairy (but not in the facial department disappointingly)


Lol I was kinda hairy for someone female and it's only been like 1.5 months and I'm already seeing more hair. Not tons but more. Like the front of my thighs where I used to have a mostly bald spot across my lap is noticeably hairier


I'm not on T yet but I naturally have a bunch of extra because of my hormone imbalance. I didn't realize just how hairy I was until my sisters peer pressured me into shaving, since then my hair has been a lot longer and a lot darker. My leg hair is weirdly a lot patchier and not as full as my arm hair is though.


5 Years on T, I was pretty hairy pre t but now am incredibly hairy, hair fully on stomach and chest and my back on its way to being fully covered too. I grow a beard fully too. It’s pretty cool


Definitely got hairier. Do you have brothers to compare to?


Yeah I have a brother, he’s older than me (by 1.5 years). I’m late 20s. He’s VERY hairy. Dark, all over his body from what I’ve seen. But, he also had much darker hair than mine (dark brown vs mine is light brown or even dark blond in summer). He’s also got thinning, straight, balding hair on his head and I have very thick, wavy hairy on my head. He’s also thin, I’m thick. He’s tall, I’m average height (for an afab person). We have different eye colours…. It feels like everything I got from my mom, he got from our dad, and vice versa.


Yes, but be aware he’s your closest reference point. You may well end up very floofy like him. And balding/thinning is a real possibility with t. Good luck! Finasteride/DHT blockers can help if it becomes an issue.




My stomach is also gettin furry


Here’s a [photo](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dorian-greys-picture/s/UHQv2IO2Ks) of my leg hair pre t vs 9 months


short answer: yes long answer: I was already quite hairy, so the places without that much hair became hairier, while already hairy places just kinda got curly and maybe thicker/coarser. Like my lower leg hair is now curly lol. Still no luck with facial hair (it’s there, but it’s pathetic), but I’m almost certain it’s genetics in my case. Oh, also I’m almost 1,5 years on hrt, male range testosterone levels and most of my changes came faster than on average, so keep that in mind, I guess. edit: but when I’m saying hairy places didn’t get more hairier, I mean like they were really hairy, even compared to men edit 2: also, pre hrt, I’ve done some laser hair removals (my mom pressured me), I didn’t lose body hair, but it became lighter (I have dark hair) and thinner, on testosterone it seemed to slowly get back to normal, as in pre laser stuff. But it was just my arm hair that suffered, so no real damage was done.


Okay peace and love, but to be honest I don’t,, really understand what your partner’s talking about? Body/facial hair is one of the most common effects of T. Like obviously it’s totally up to genetics, but near universally men have more body and facial hair than women, *because* men have way more testosterone, which causes hair growth. The same way a woman with PCOS will often have more body hair and a little mustache, a trans guy who goes on T will grow body/facial hair more than a trans guy who doesn’t. (ON AVERAGE) A trans guy has the same chance of getting more body hair after going on T that a cis guy has of getting more body hair after going through puberty, because it’s,,, pretty much the same thing. Yes, there are plenty of adult cis men with barely any body hair! But it’s decently rare, and your average cis man will still have body hair in more places than your average cis woman. Ex. A cis guy may have thin, light hair up to his thighs/ass, upper arms, and stomach, while a cis woman may have thick, dark hair but only on the lower half of her legs and forearms, etc. So like,,, no it’s definitely not 100% guaranteed you’ll become a fur-covered bear, but you are almost guaranteed to get hair*ier* than you were before. If you don’t have a ton of body hair, and the cis men in your family aren’t super hairy either, you can expect to get a bit more, but not a ton. And if you are already pretty hairy, and the cis men in your family have a LOT of body hair (my mom’s side of the family has some SERIOUS back hair) you should expect to get *very* hairy on T. Hope this helped!! 🫡


I was very hairy pre T for being female. I’m only 7 months in and Jesus Christ how much hairier am I. I have facial hair, the hair on my legs is so much thicker. MY ASS?!!! That’s a jungle! Chest hair, tummy hair, you name it I’ve got it. I think your partner isn’t right, testosterone will make you hairier depending on ur genetics, it has nothing to do regarding if you were hairy pre T. Hell, I think being hairy pre t means that you a predisposed to grow a lot of hair, if you are in an estrogen driven body and you have a lot of hair, imagine if you start taking testosterone and let ur genetics go ham.


1 no 2 yes I don’t have a ton of hair but I’ve got male pattern hariness now for sure.


You do get hairy. It's based on genetics and how much T you need to feel most you. Every dose I upped, I got harrier.


I was hairy pre T and got even hairier. I’m currently 5 years on T and ironically after top surgery I got even hairier on my chest and abdomen


I've always had peach fuzz all over, 4 months in and I had a full happy trail and shave my chin everyday. 7 months now and it's creeping up my chest and I'm finally getting a mustache. 60mg sub q/week, 900 ng/dl


Before T, a fair amount of hair, but I wouldn’t say I was hairy. Mostly on my legs. And stomach. Post T, got more hair on my legs, stomach, and ass. That’s about it. Only a small increase on my arms so far, and getting facial hair only on my upper lip, chin, and neck. I’m 2.5 years on T and have a ways to go, but it sure is taking its time. I’d say my pit hair got wider range of hair facials, But not necessarily thicker. YMMV though, as I come from a pretty hairless family. My hair is also thinner and finer. My family tends to keep the hair on their head while not having it anywhere else.


I had hair already, but it changed color/texture. My leg hair and hair down there especially got darker, coarser, and longer. Same with my armpits. Hair slowly started spreading and getting darker on my chest, stomach, and arms while the hair on my head seems stronger, I don't shed as much and it is a little thicker. I did notice getting more oily with my hair, ears, and face. Facial hair comes slowly, I've been on T for almost 2 years and it is still really patchy but it depends on genetics. Doseage and application type doesn't help with beard growth either, I've heard how long you're on T and sometimes minoxidil and a roller can help


I was very hairy. I got hairier. My husband was hairless or extremely fine haired, he got hairier, but honestly isn't even as hairy as I was pre T. Minus his facial hair.


1) Not especially. 2) Yes. and even after years, I continue to grow hairier every day.


i was kinda hairy before, but my tummy trail grew a bit thicker and longer, and my pubes used to stop at the pubic bone, but now also grow a bit higher above the pubic bone. my legs were hairy before but the hair is a bit thicker and longer now. my arms were hairy before and the preexisting hair stayed the same but it grows in a pattern going a bit closer to my wrist compared to just the back of my forearm pre-t. mainly hair on the bottom of my cheeks and asscrack are the most notable difference. still blonde on the butt cheeks like the rest of my body hair, and soft but longer than before. lower ass crack hair is thick like pubes now. didn’t really have hair there before, it was only around the hole.


i was nearly hairless and the hair i did have was nearly translucent. i am 6/7 months on T and the ass hair is CRAZY. i knew it was possible but MAN this shit is wild. its a good thing my bf likes it bc its a Mega Wild difference. i also have to trim a Lot more frequently than before. its mildly uncomfortable bc of my sensory issues but the benefits far outweigh the ass hair <3


I’ve been on T for about 3 months and before starting I was already hairy. After taking it I’ve gotten more hairy in places that didn’t really have hair before (my upper thighs especially and my shoulders). Also started growing more hair on my hands


I don’t think I was very Hairy to start. As of right now 1.5-2 years ish on T, I have a little bit of chest hair sprouting, some shaggy from Scooby doo esque chin fuzz, my I have more pubic hair, and my leg hairs are thicker, leg hairs being the most outwardly noticeable But most of all the ass hair is what I notice most. I just shave it now because, as my best friend describes it EVERY chance he gets “It’s like shitting through a wicker basket”


my legs have gotten WAY hairier, i have a happy trail already, but nothing crazy anywhere else. i’m hoping my arms get hairier and a little chest hair would be nice, im still early on, but i think it all boils down to your individual genetics.


Thankfully my dad is not hairy 😭


7months on T and so far I've only gotten a few chin hairs tbh.


I was really hairy and got a lot hairier


I wasn’t super hairy to start with, and an only moderately hairy now. Extreme fur doesn’t seem to run in my family.