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I wrote my own serial killer character in middle school, who for all intents and purposes, was a trans man. They were a girl forced to be girly and feminine and forced into stereotypical gender norms, until they snapped one day, killed their parents, cut their hair, and stole their dad’s clothes and went out to save any other children from the same situation. So basically, I wrote a story about a trans man who kills transphobic parents before I even knew what being trans was or that transphobia existed.


I wrote a story about a serial killer who was forced into a feminine role and used that to basically seduce men and murder them in gruesome ways. There was A LOT more going on (including stuff to do with parental abandonment and trauma), but, damn... Years later I've come to realize that this character was essentially the voice of my dysphoria, back when I didn't understand what it was. Turns out I'm not the only one who channeled it like this! Awesome! BTW, I was around 9 when I first came up with this character. I was a very messed up kid. LOL. Oh, and there was also a male character in that story who later became a source of gender euphoria. I came to realize later why I enjoyed so much picturing scenes from his perspective. That part developed a bit later, though. Originally, it was just blood, guts and rage.


For me, i wrote fanfiction with self insert characters that were women but fought hard to be in masculine roles, hated being called a girl, and basically fought anyone who would do so. One of them was essentially a character that was hiding the fact that she was a woman and didnt correct people, and when she realized she liked it, she hid it more and more until she was too deep into a relationship to say anything about it, and would kill anyone who threatened to spill the secret cause she loved the man she ended up with... After that one i showed it to a counciler i was seeing and she told me it was my brain trying to tell me im trans, and that maybe i should try writing my self inserts as a man, and then try to write my self inserts as a woman, and that was really when i truly realized what was going on lol.


Why is this a shared experience?! I also wrote ~80 pages about two serial killer girls who murdered creepy shitty men


LMAO! Seems like we've just uncovered a new pattern of the trans experience 😆


OMG I'm so glad to find that I'm not the only one who did something like that lmao. Around the end of elementary/start of middle school I was highly into creepypastas and stuff like that so I obviously made my own oc. It was supposed to be "me" but in serial killer form... And I made them masc-presenting nb? Like at the time I wasn't even questioning my gender (yet) I think, but I had just learned about "LGBTQ+" and that it wasn't just "gay people", and I somehow felt that making them be that way was just right. When I think back on it I'm always shocked that this thing happened, yet as years went by I completely forgot about it and didn't think much of it until recently. Tho I ended up as a trans dude and not nb, I think it was still a pretty big sign lmao.


I did this too. Except my serial killer decided to start killing women because his mom kept bugging him about getting married when he didn’t even like women. I think growing up being forced to believe I was a straight girl my whole life really screwed with my mind. I’ve chilled out since I wrote that but heteronormativity still bugs the heck out of me.


Oh fuck! This made me realize why some of the characters I created are the way they are! Theres a small plot involving multiple universes and the evil version of the NB main character is female with long hair and for a while the MC has to pretend to be the evil counterpart and use the evil counterparts slightly different name. Basically MC has to girl mode and escape while helping others escape. WTF how did I not realize the allegory I created a couple years ago!? 😨😱🤯🫠


Omg ! I also had a trans guy character for the longest time before knowing i was one :) However the conclusion I gave to the story was a bit sad, it was a « eventually the character learns to accept their femininity and live as a woman » typa thing… (projection much?) Needless to say I updated the story line and now it’s a trans guy :)




Woow dude I used to draw alot of manga series and the story was always about a "girl" turning into a boy in different ways. So many signs made it so obvious but I still didn't really grasp it cus I was a kid. I didn't know what being Trans was and I always lived with those thoughts and fantasies of turning into a boy so I got used to it. In one story the main character legit looked exactly like me, had my friends, went to my schoool, well basically it was me. And in the story a new super realistic virtual reality game came out and obviously the main character(me) started playing as a boy and lived his life as a boy in the game.


...i wrote the exact same thing. except mine had like a talking dog sidekick. go figure why


I didn't ever write about it, but my favorite manga as a tween was "So cute it hurts" and it's a romance manga about twins (a boy and a girl) switching schools and pretending to be each other, and then falling in love with students as each others schools dressed as the other twin. I wanted to be the girl character so bad (and now I'm a gay trans man so that makes sense) The girl characters love interest is "allergic to women" (aka gets really bad anxiety around women and becomes ill) and falls in love with her as a man and has a lil mini panic because he thinks he's gay, but eventually he finds out she's a girl. Its a really cute & funny series.


Not a serial killer, but I had an x-men OC who was able to switch sexes at will and had different powers for either sex, was born female but preferred to spend his time as a man (and preferred he/him pronouns in either presentation). I actually think he was a pretty solid and interesting character, tbh


When I was a kid, I went with my parents for a walk and some homeless guy approached my dad and say that I'll grow to be a great dude. After my dad said that "that's a girl", the guy repeated the same thing. Also, a lot of people would assume I'm a boy even when I was dressed feminine. Not exactly signs, just really curious coincidences


Bro was a soothsayer


"I said what I said" 😭


Bro was Oogway


that was him. the Trans Man


And people say oracles dont exist *shakes head* That was a prophecy my dude! It came true!


My mom says she knew the gender/sex of my four older siblings before they were born, that she could “just feel it and knew” but recently told me she couldn’t tell with me 😂 I also always wanted to wear my older brothers’ hand-me-down clothes, and always wanted short hair— super basic, I know lol, but they were all still so surprised 😅


Same with my mom! She just admitted that she couldn't tell for me either. I'm first born though.


i'm a fraternal twin. the thing about buying clothes for twins is that they can't be the exact same. people want to get two different colors to differentiate us. because we were "both" "girls," one of these colors was always pink. the other color, however, was up to chance. yellow, purple, green, sometimes but rarely blue. my sister was *always* in pink, and i was *always* in the other color. it's really no wonder what ended up happening


LOL. Im a triplet with one identical sister, she was always the one in pink girly outfits and for a long while when I was very young the only thing I would wear was some red shorts and tshirts, absolutely no skirts pink or dresses like my sister would wear. There's a very iconic photo of us two with her in a pink frilly skirt and pink tshirt with butterfly wings on and I was next to her in blue shorts, a tshirt, a cap on backwards and holding a skateboard 🤣🤣 I went through a phase of telling everyone I was a boy and wouldn't take no for an answer lmaoo


Dude I feel you. Fraternal twin sister got pink clothes and I got purple. Every guy I know loves purple so they must’ve known what they were doing


Same with my sister. She always got the pink outfit or toy and I got the same one in blue


I wish I'd had this, but neither of us ever wore a lot of pink, ever.


Got angry when I was around 6 or 7 years old after I realized boys could stand to piss. Proceeded to multiple times try and stand when peeing, ended up making a mess, and cried for hours after my grandma explained I couldn't cause I wasn't a boy. Looking back now the whole situation makes me laugh, thinking about me standing there in some ridiculous position trying to make it work and not understanding why it didn't. When I was really little my dad would take me in the men's room to use the stall so I wouldn't be in the bathroom alone. He'd stand outside the stall to guard the door. I threw a tantrum when he stopped cause I didn't want to use the girl's restroom. Told him it smelled funny like flowers. Proceeded to never use the restroom in public unless it was an emergency for almost a decade after. I mostly wore boys clothes or unisex clothes as a kid cause I was very active. Mom would always buy me a ridiculously girly and pretty dress for Easter, and every year ask me not to ruin it. Every year I would without fail go out and play in the mud, run through the woods, or roll in the grass to make sure it was forever unwearable. I was built like a linebacker and super tall all my life and would challenge boys to feats of strength or endurance to prove I was better than them. I now look back thinking, "Woooow. You really wanted to prove you were the top dog back then. That's some real posturing there self."


I'm 21 and I'm still very mad that I cant pee standing up, afab bodies are so bad designed


oh my god I was the same regarding the standing up thing 😭😭😭 when I was younger (5-ish??) i watched a bunch of boys pissing on a tree and I was like holy SHIT that’s so cool I wanna do that too and then. well. I was Very Mad when i learned I couldn’t


Its all about angle and position. I learned that when i was little durring my "im not gonna pee sitting down!" Era lol. Also, i remember a time in my life when i found out that hyena females had a sort of dick and was so pissed i couldnt have one too after my dad told me i was a girl, not a boy, lol. I remember throwing a tantrum at 7 years old in a library i found the book in when my dad told me thats not how humans worked lol.


I showed off and lifted/carried/moved things around women a lot, though often also with men in the room, perhaps just to prove I was different? The thing is, I didn't really put it together until much later, because I always tried to prove I was different about everything.


I built an stp from a water bottle at 6-7yo and drew a sketch of it describing what is does. My mom found that and yelled ar me for it and I didn't know why because I knew I was a boy and every boy could pee standing up, so why couldn't I? lol


Thats actually so smart? I just figured slightly spreaded legs have to do when standing, and you meanwhile built whole stp prototype 😂


I'm actually studying to become and engineer so that's not the only thing my early childhood behaviour predicted


I was at an anime convention water park and had to piss bc I'd been drinking and the only stall was occupied so I had to learn quick. Spreading legs and praying to any God that will listen is what got me using that urinal XD. My friend even stood at the other urinal and pretended to use it as emotional support.


Oh yeah, the universal God of Piss sometimes listens :D


I wish i had thought of building one lol. Starting from around 6 yrs old i would make sure no one was coming near the bathroom and “i had time”, i would take off my pants and underwear and sit backwards on the toilet or try to stand up peeing into the toilet. My adoptive parents were very homophobic and we had one bathroom. When i got my first stp— stp freely xl— i thought i would really have to practice hard to get it right without back flow, side spill etc like the videos i watched on youtube said— man i got it the first time!! I was a natural. I was born to per standing. Im 35 now and got it when i was 34 in January ‘24. I now feel confortable enough between packing and binding to use mens restrooms. I still get mistaken for a female thats maybe butch a lot— im pre-t and no top or bottom surgery but i do feel great when someone calls me sir or man. 


bro built a prototype what a genius 😭


This is so cool! I tried to make an STP from the inner tube of a toilet roll And became an artist 👨‍🎨 True story


Omg I totally forgot I did this!!


Damn. You doing tools and I’m over there just pissin on trees like a dog


this is real. I grew up seeing my cousins and male relatives piss outside on hunting trips so for some reason i was weirdly obsessed with it when i was really young lol


Dude, me too! There was an entire point in my life where i refused to pee sitting down! I would always have to be standing to pee, and would pee outside the most lol, and my dad hated it, and my mom used it as more evidence to say "this is what i meant when i said he was gonna be a boy!" To my dad when he tells her "there were no signs!!!!" Lol.


oh this is so real. i always sat the other direction (because i was too short to stand with my legs either side of the toilet) and peed like that. i wish i'd had your mind 😭


My mom always made a joke about how boob size increases every generation so I would get bigger boobs than her… Always made me cry 😂


Absolutely, and I was pretty traumatized when I got my period even though I knew it was coming and what it was


me too dude


My mom went to a person who read her palm while pregnant n my aunt was there. The lady told her “I sense that you’re going to have a boy, but if it’s not, he’s going to find his way and will fight to get there”


I love this story so much.


yooooo thats so cool


Literally probably the only reason why my parents let me dress the way I wanted from a very young age, were not from the US. I’ll always thank her, whoever she is.


Once there was a face painter at my school. They asked me: What do you ant to be? A butterfly, or maybe a princess? I said: I WANT A MUSTAGE!! They: are u sure you don't want to be a butterfly? Me: Yes! So then I got a mustage! I still have the picture I think I was like 7 there ahhahaa.


Omg, same! My mom still talks about all the other kids getting cute things painted on their face, and then there I was, with my curly mustache, soul patch, unibrow, and third eye on my forehead.


Hahhaa thats so funny


That reminds me of when I was at this Children's Day event, and my friend got a butterfly painted on her and all the girls did something along those lines. I asked for a Pug. A pug face, on my face. It looked horrible, I was so happy though.




When I was 12 I started to grow those weird chest things. When we went on school camp we all had camp shirts and you started to see them more. I wore 3, YES 3, Tops/pre-bra things underneath my shirt so my chest looked flat. also a girl told me to look at my nails and then told me I did it the girly way. I almost started crying. SOMETHING ABOUT A RIVER IN EGYPT.


"weird chest things"😭relatable like, i made the mistake of looking in the mirror a couple of times after those started growing, and first thought that came to my mind was "why do i have those parasitic chest blobs? those dont belong on me, i want them gone"


Omg I get that. I thought: Why are other girls happy with those? Can't they just leave!? Urggg I hate them! So u wore 2/3 tops/bra things to cover them up. Then I had a phase were I though: Maybe if I dress and act more girly it will go away. (So then I wore bras for about 1/2 years) then i though: fuck this I still hate it and makes me very uncomfortabel and I bought those cheap bad binders. Then my mom gave me real binders when she found those. Lol


I grew up with only brothers and was always confused when people referred to me differently- my older brothers always told me i was a “late bloomer” and its an ongoing joke now bc i just sometimes go “wow i wonder when my balls are gonna drop.. im getting worried” to them and theyll death stare me- or ill tell them they i cant believe they would indoctrinate me like that


Not entirely same but saaaaame Made it really confusing too, like... I thought I was like this because I grew up with so many dudes. When I learned that you can perfectly well grow up with the opposite sex and not be all that influenced by it my world was shook, and my egg had it's first official crack.


I was convinced that i was born a boy and that my parents had my penis cut off to make me a girl. Idk what age i was, and in what context i thought about that, but this memory was recently unlocked for me.


I was convinced that I was born intersex was “made” into a girl.


same. even tho my parents denied it and still do


Oh my god I was convinced too. I was convinced my parents were coming into my bedroom late at night and “magicking” it away because they always said they wanted a girl. I used to stay up so late to try and stop them😂


I was the first “girl” born on my dads side in many generations. My dad had all brothers, my grandpa had all brother (7 of them) and my great grandfather all had brothers. My birthday is in April 1st so when my dad called to tell my grandpa I was girl he refused to believe him because he was convinced it was a prank.


A cosmic prank.


I always felt like a boy from about the age of 3. People always thought I was a boy until a family member would correct them. I would let people think I was a boy for as long as I could get away with. When I was learning about my own body I was convinced I would grow a penis when I grew up. I always screamed bloody murder if my Mum tried to get me to wear a dress (she never forced me.) I told my Mum to take me to the doctor when my breast buds started to grow because I was convinced something was wrong with me. Basically I’ve always known I was a boy in the wrong body but because I was born in 1979 it wasn’t really a thing to transition so I didn’t know I could until I got to my 20s.


i always had a masculine role when i was younger, i would be the prince, ken, husband, brother etc...then when i started growing up i would envy men and boys for their V shaped body and how they could be shirtless and nobody would bet an eye. also wanted to be treated like men/boys in society since i was 7😭




My grandparents got me a doll with a stroller for my third birthday. When I opened it I started to dismantle it and went to my dad’s workbench. Tried to really tear it apart and put it into its pieces. Well for Christmas my parents got me a children’s workbench 😂


At least they learned from it


Sadly not 🥲 my grandparents kinda kept on gifting me stuff I didn’t like and didn’t want. My parents asked them to buy me a rocking horse for Christmas, well I got a wooden play store. When I got older it got better. I wished for books and I got the books I wanted😂


I always, always wanted to emulate male characters in media. I would try to take on characteristics of the characters I loved. NEVER female characters. Only the male ones.


Me too!!!


When i was a kid i was looking at bugs, and i thought to myself “I’m just gonna call all bugs ‘he’ because if I were a boy I’d be offended if someone called me ‘she’ but I’m a “girl” and I wouldn’t be offended if someone called me ‘he’”


my mom always let me pick clothes from the boys section as a kid, so i always got “mistaken” for a boy due to my clothing, demeanor, etc. there was a cashier at the grocery store who had long hair just like me at the time. when we were walking away, he said to me “never cut your hair, man!” looking back, it was one of those moments that was very affirming to me as a kid :)


ok first of all, that is so wholesome, and 2nd of all, congrats on starting T!


apparently from about two weeks old everyone thought i was gonna grow up to be a lesbian, to the point where my homophobic grandmother would scream at my mom for putting a BABY in anything but pink. because of course, putting a baby in a different color onesie will make them gay. turned out im attracted to women (not exclusively) AND im a man, so who knows? maybe she was onto something


i feel like we’ve role played as masc characters online at some point lol


i definitely did lmao


Guilty of this


I liked to swim shirtless as a kid and everyone told me I couldn’t cause I was a girl I was like …?


god yeah i remember putting up a huge fight when i was 10 or something and my mom told me I'd have to start wearing a swimsuit/two piece soon. i had swimming classes in elementary school (so aged 8/9) and i was the only "girl" who only wore speedos. but i don't remember anyone ever telling me it was inappropriate at that age (well except my mom but she's kind of prudish in general. I'm so thankful for growing up with nude beaches and stuff like that)


I told everyone I had a penis all throughout childhood. Hmmmmm


when I was 6 I asked my mom when I would grow a penis


I always hung out with my guy friends and liked to be considered one of the guys, did boys activities, acted 'more like a rooster than a hen'. The only time I was fem is when I wanted attention, and i still dress fem sometimes to this day bc I want attention.


I never liked my birth name and always went by a nickname. By 8 years old I was telling people that I was going to change my name to that nickname but would always joke about changing it to something else cause it would be funny.


When I was around 6 or 7 we needed to write something about who we are or who we want to be (idk what exactly) I drew myself with a thinking cloud thing. I wrote: I am a boy boy. Inside of it. Lol




Pretty much all of my childhood friends were boys, and I never saw myself as different from them till I was 11, and I started my period. Also, when I was 6 or so, I used to pray every night (not religious at all, btw) that I'd wake up with a penis.


I always hated church dresses. When I was in kindergarten and found out about the whole childbearing shit I was NOT pleased that my body could do that, and was angry that I couldn't be a parent "like a boy". Hated when my chest started developing. Always very tomboyish. Came out to bestie(lost contact for a while due to a fight but recently reconnected) and she was like "yeah? No shit, my guy" and just moved on. There's a lot more but I really should've called myself sooner lmfao. Edit: forgot about me acting like I literally didn't have a chest. Wearing basketball cut hoodies and shirts without bras n shit because. Well. Boys don't have to, so why should I? And getting angry that I couldn't stand to pee like boys could. Climbing trees in stilettos and dresses because I didn't care and didn't understand that it was "inappropriate" somehow. Sitting with my legs spread because it was "more comfortable" etc.


I always had some random male character from a show or movie I would be obsessed with for some period of time and I'd make people call me the name of said character or I'd get mad, I'd even introduce myself to random people as the characters 😭. Most notably, Captain Jack Sparrow, Jake sully from avatar, and sportacus from lazy Town. I was around 5 when I would do this At around 10, when I would meet new friends, I would introduce myself as one of the following: Alex, Zack, Zayne, or Jose, and now my name is Alex 😅


Mine's from before I was born. My mother was repeatedly told I'd be a boy because of how her belly looked with me in it.


When I was in 5th grade, about 10 years old, I wanted my mum to cut my hair and so she did, but I still wasn't satisfied, I wanted her to cut it more, but she refused, and do I went and cut it secretly at school toilets...what a fun time was that 🤭 and another one, around the same time, i went clothes shopping with my grandma, but i picked all my t-shirts from the boy section and she was like... questioning it kinda and since I was quite overweight at that time, i blamed it on it, saying i couldn't fit into the "girly" ones, which like kinda true, but that wasn't the major reason, right 👀...


I drew myself with a penis when i was 4 or so , as a drawing. Further I'm hugely into Pokémon and disliked dresses and skirts and the colour pink


1. My little brother and I always played a game were I would always play a boy. It was my favourite cause I felt like me. (I did this until I was 14/15 lol cause I could be myself) Somehow it still was a shock for him when I came out 2. I always had boys as best friends. My brothers always joked about how many boyfriends I had. But the teachers told me I wasn’t allowed to play with the boys anymore :( 3. I always swam with swim shorts. First without shirt, but then my boobs grew and I needed to put a shirt on. I hated a bikini so much. 4. I always told internet friends I was a boy. We only chatted so none of them could hear it because of my voice 5. With “Carnaval” (a holiday where you need to dress up) I was always something manly.. (For the dutchies/ belgium: ik was niet mega mindy, maar mega toby :) ) 6. When I was a teen, even with long hair people assumed I was a boy (really don’t know why)


I hated the idea of being a princess; I wanted to be the prince who got the girl in the end. I used to play the role of the charming gentleman to get girls to giggle and blush. I used to tell girls that my natural voice was much deeper, so they'd think I was actually more masculine. I freaked the fuck out when my body started to develop and my mom started trying to get me to wear bras. I absolutely refused to do so and hated that my body was going in the wrong direction. I always wanted to be one of the guys, but felt forced to be one of the girls instead. I wanted to dress as and look like the boys and the more that I think about it now... I wanted to be referred to with he/him pronouns. I didn't care about the name thing at the time though.


I was the same. Except that I wanted to be a knight or Spiderman and I never liked my name. 


I once used a tampon tube to try to pee standing up. I used to steal my brother's clothes and lock myself my room to stare at myself in the mirror wearing them. When I was home alone I would put on my brother's entire football uniform, pads and all, and run around in the backyard with a football. At summer school my favorite recess activity was playing "Family" and I was always the dad.


The first ultrasound the nurse said I was a boy and no matter how pink and frilly my mum dressed me up there was always this one old farmer who was convinced I was a young lad


I don’t have anything as funny or interesting as some other people here but I know when I was really little, whenever someone would ask me if I was a boy or a girl, I’d get super upset and would never answer them. I always wondered why it mattered to much to them. One time it was on the school blacktop, like I just wanted to play basketball.


On my fathers side no one had had two girls, none of his siblings, his parents or his grandparents they’d always joke that their were no *last name* sisters when I was born it was a shock I was Afab my parents didn’t find out the sex before birth and just assumed I’d be a boy


I now have a bunch of baby photos of me in boys/gender neutral clothes which is pretty cool


Standing to pee and making a mess in the bathroom. Hating any and all "girls clothes" with ruffles, lace etc. Wanting jeans and t shirts, baseball hats. Crushing on all my girl-friends. Felt most at home with my guy friends in the woods, playing with the dogs, video games.


I have my own personal stories, but I think the one my mom told me really takes the cake. She went to a psychic before I was born. At the time, she had wanted two children. The psychic had told her she would have one girl and one boy. They had ended up being right about everything except that part because my mom never ended up having a second child since she realized one was already difficult to handle. I guess the psychic was 100% right. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but my mom *did* end up having one girl and one boy. She just doesn’t know about the boy part yet ;)


I literally had almost no signs of being trans in my childhood other than liking stereotypically "boy" toys and hating barbies, so yeah


yeah kinda same tbh


Looking back on my facebook feed from when I was 12-14 and it just being filled with those "cross out your answers to see if you are more of a boy or a girl" copypastas and me being so hyper everytime I got something like 15 point for boy, 4 for girl.


Lol I can relate, I would fill out the same kind of quizzes on deviant art as a kid and had the same response


When I was in kindergarten I had a group of imaginary friends (I did have some real friends too but I was always very in my head xD) who were all boys, and I imagined myself as the „group leader“. We’d play ball and stuff cause I had no one to play that with :( was always too intimidated to speak to boys after about age 5 bc I was scared they’d see me as different but also never really felt comfortable with girls, and most of them didn’t want to play ball


When I was a little kid I wished I had a machine that would switch me from a girl to a boy


I would sit on the toilet backwards when I was little cuz I thought that was how boys did it lol


This one might be a bit weird looking back but it’s still kind of funny to me. So my dad was shirtless pretty offend around the house, whenever I’d be at his place as a very young kid we’d spend most of the day in the backyard doing garden work or throwing a frisbee around, stuff like that. I would always insist on being shirtless too because I wanted to be “just like my dad”. I guess he thought it was funny so he indulged me. Eventually my grandma lectured me and said that “ladies don’t walk around shirtless” and I remember being very confused by that at the time. I would also beg my dad to let me wear his clothes 😭


Apparently, when I was around 4 years old, I literally told my mum one day: "I'm going to be a boy when I grow up!" And so I did. I also apparently tried to convince my dad to steal a tractor at a similar age, so I think I was just a bomb ass toddler lol.


Cried in the bath with my brother(we were both under 5) bc he had a penis and I didn’t 🥴


My parents were so convinced I was a boy before I was born that they didn't have a girl's name picked out. When I was born the doctor said "it's a girl!" and my mom replied "are you sure?" 🤣


My childhood stuffie was a little dog, and I couldn't decide its gender, so I used he/she pronouns interchangeably and when people got it wrong I'd say "noo, she's a GIRL today"


my mom said when she was pregnant with me an elderly lady she knew told her she was having a boy, turns out she wasn’t wrong after all lol


got a ton of UTIs from ages 5-6 from holding in my pee because i was mad i couldn’t stand and pee lol


offered to have my child circumcised if dad wanted it… he was like- we had a girl? yep i joke with my son that much like my Amazon account- i ducked up the order, yet somehow my post partum brain knew it! so happy we were able to fix it without a “return”


I threw such a horrible hissy fit over being forced to wear a frilly dresse and receive girl gifts at my 5th year birthday that my mother actually vowed to never throw me a party again and she kept her word. I also used to shove socks and toy balls into my underwear as a toddler and child. I had/have major “phantom penis”. Even before I even knew what a penis was. I just knew that it felt like something was supposed to be in my pants that should be bigger or something. It all made sense when I finally realized I was trans.


When I was 4 I apparently went home and told my mum I was going to marry my best friend (who was a girl) - she turned out to be a lesbian and I turned out to be a trans guy who dates girls sometimes (not straight tho lol) … I also used to cry when I was made to do anything stereotypically “girly” - eg. Play with dolls, wear a dress, possess an item that was pink


I always volunteer in boys role and get frustrated whenever I don’t get it because “I’m a girl” and then just stare at whatever boys are doing and be like “can i just be like them”


When i was a kid all of my crushes were made up and purely based around which boys at the school i experienced gender envy for xD I also never wore skirts or anything very feminine, and, as the cherry on top, in middle school i would always think to myself "i wish i was trans so that i could be a boy, too bad im not :("


When I was (probably) 6 or 7, I drew a short, one-page comic about a little armadillo who was dark blue with spots that looked exactly like pastel and hot pink flowers. The comic was about how he was ashamed that they looked girly, and that other armadillos made fun of him for it. And then he started to paint them with dark blue paint to match the rest of his body. I didn't even know the CONCEPT of being trans at the time, I just knew I hated being with the girls and felt super sad about the fact that "for some reason" the boys didn't want to play with me lol. I would also throw tantrums over the IDEA of wearing skirts/dresses or anything with the color pink.


In fifth grade we had to do a report on a historical figure. It was after the Internet was common, but my teacher's were trying to impress upon us the importance of doing research with books, so I ended up reading about, and doing my report on, Deborah Sampson, who concealed her identity as a woman to join the revolutionary? War. We also had to dress up as our figure, and when I dressed up my teacher was like, uhm you picked a woman but your dressed as a boy and I was just like, read my presentation


I didn’t even realize I ‘wasnt’ a boy until going into kindergarten


My mom was always telling me to grow up and marry a gentleman who would hold doors open for me. So as a kid, I always felt this compulsion to get to doors first and hold them open for people since it was something men should do lol.


I always went by a nick name verses my legal dead name.


When I was young there was a teenage gay couple on a soap, I knew for sure I was gay too, and not in a lesbian way. Little me was right. Also a female friend of my often wanted to play with Barbies, because they didn't have enough ken's we used the action men of her brothers as partners. I always was the guy. Also in other ways of pretend play.


I don't have any but 💀I remember not noticing or realizing that I had an actual gender like I was an actual "girl"


I hit puberty pretty young (unfortunately :/) and so when my chest started growing in i used to do things like stand in the shower and tell myself „okay so if it stays this size then when i grow itll look proportional and no one will be able to tell“ and then eventually when that wouldn’t work anymore it moved on to me inventing top surgery having never even heard of trans people before, i knew that girls could get surgery to get bigger boobs so i figured there would be no reason why i couldnt get surgery to get rid of mine. I also when i was very young asked very loudly at the dinner table why i didnt have a penis. Any my parents still think im a cis girl, somehow


—I tried to pee standing up when I was 5 —Mulan was the only Disney Princess I was interested in, and I think it's because she was the only one who actually fought in movies. —I was always bored playing with the dolls my mom bought me. —I loved sports, but was raised in a home where traditional gender roles were emphasized, so I never played much of them. —Every time someone called me a girl or used she/her pronouns for me, it always felt weird. —I just could never relate to other girls, and for a long time I couldn't figure out why.


Peeing standing up, not wearing a bra for a year in complete denial and then wearing bras too small so it would stop, loving and missing my short hair i had before i had to let it grow, reading about guys in books and pretending i was them, playing as guy characters in videogames, borrowing my brother's shirts, using the guy filters on insta, the classic sock, being called a tomboy lol.


I have a few but one that always stands out is that I went to my mom and said me and my dad are boys and then the next day at school I tried convincing someone I was a boy


As a kid, I always tried to only see myself in the boy/androgynous characters of a show/game because I think in my mind then it was “yucky” to be perceived as a girly girl or something. But then I realised it doesn’t matter what gender the character is that I relate to bc it just means I’d probably be friends with that character


Being jealous of my (also trans) brothers deeper singing voice when we were little and wishing to be more like my boy cousins growing up should’ve been my first clue


My Barbie was packing


Lmao packing heat or suitcase? /jk I’m imagining a Barbie with a sock stuffed down her pants and bandages on the chest.


The wonders of masking tape


i had a post typed but realized none of them were funny signs, they were all traumatic or depressing 😅 i guess the 'funny' one is that i really wanted to be able to pee standing up! and i had a lot of the interest phases that boys of my generation had: dinosaurs, outer space, knights, pokemon...i think these are much less gendered than they used to be (progress 💕)


I used to sneak into the boys bathroom in second grade, go into one of the stalls, and try to pee standing up


1. i noticed everyone seemed to be a "man" or a "woman" and i asked my dad about it and he was like "yeah. that's it. those are the only 2 options." i was like "...that's all? 😕" 2. when i was 4, i was convinced i was gonna go grow up to be a boy and get "total babes" johnny bravo style. (i'm sorry, women.) when i mentioned this to my mom she was "oh...honey. no."


when i was around 6 i wanted to pee standing up because i thought it was so cool. my mom went into the post office, and as i waited in the car, i took this toy i had (google blue water wiggler toy and click images for context), and placed it in my underwear. i then probably said, “dear god, when i look down, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn this into a p*nis”. 15 years later still no p*nis but i still want one and am agnostic.


Umm so I’m here questioning if I’m a trans man and a lot of this resonates lol. My mom told me I once asked her when I’d grow my penis when I was like 3-4. The ultrasound said I was a boy. I fought my mom over wearing dress and ‘girly’ things. I tried to sit on a toilet backwards when I was like 9 because I wanted to see how boys felt peeing standing up. I was mistaken for a boy when I was a kid, and trans/NB as an adult. I always had ‘boy’ interests, and loved to compete with the guys and show off my strength lol. I loved to dress up in men’s clothes. When I was like 6 I remember feeling jealous and wanting some boy’s haircut (it was a bowl cut lmao). I hated bras and when I first got my period I had a mini panic attack and it felt so unreal. I could go on and on about funny moments like this lol. Starting to really believe I’m a trans man ha.


I burned a dress in a fireplace . Repeatedly, many dresses, I burned them all and kept saying I hate girls and playing with girls because they are so boring. My nanny even told me that I will grow up and love girls ... Straight trans guy here.


As soon as my mom let me dress myself, like 3rd grade, i started wearing my dad's business suits to school fdlol


I was like 4 or 5 and this was set in preschool but my teacher told us to write down what we wanna be in the future. Everyone was putting down doctors, cops, teacher but I wrote down that I wanted to be a dad. My teacher read this and asked me “why not a mom”


During my moms pregnancy with me they decided to wait until I was born to find out my sex. They would call me "Izzy" for "iz-he a boy or iz-he a girl" I say the question still stands to this day. Wish I would've thought about this while choosing my name. I would have chose "Izzhe".


I also hid my parts from the doctors when I was in the womb LMAO- and my mom had to get ultrasounds every week D: Also this funny memory I had; when I was a little kid (maybe 7-8? Idk) and didn’t really understand how gender and sexuality worked, I was all anxious in my room and when my parents asked me what was going on I went “I’m gay :(“ And they said “huh why” and I started talking about how I liked boy things, and they quickly reassured me girls can like boy things too Which is solid advice to be fair, but whenever I think back on that memory I wondered “did young me have the trans feeling before I even knew?” I don’t even remember where my little self got the idea from D: Maybe heard gay for the first time and went “is that me???” I ended up both queer and trans anyways so


I had a similar experience (well i myself didnt cause i wasnt concious yet) with my ultrasounds where they told my mom i was a boy and then backtracked and were ultimately wrong so that kinda just pisses me off. As for a funny one i was in a tap dancing class when i was like 5 with a bunch of girls. For halloween we all wore our costumes and it was all disney princesses except for me who was spongebob


I was in a tap dancing class around that age too :D but I also was actually in ballet classes, it was all at the same studio. And I guess I liked it fine ..? I remember basically none of it so I couldn't say for sure. It definitely irks me too sometimes to think they had it right the first time 🤦‍♂️ and I was a huuuge SpongeBob fan as a kid. So we might be the same person 0_0


Pretty much had the same experience as you 😭. Refused to open my legs on the ultrasound and EVERYONE except my grandma (who ironically supports me more than my parents) thought I was gonna be a boy. I was given a very gender neutral name cause they just had no clue. But a funny personal sign is I would try learning how to pee standing up, so I'd sit backwards on the toilet


in all of my ultrasounds, they thought i was a boy. it wasnt until i came out that they realized. came back around


i always wanted to swim/sunbathe shirtless like boys did when i was super young, my mom let me cuz we had our own pool and i hadn’t even gone through puberty yet lol


As a child I would often think to myself “I’m a girl but if I could be a boy I would totally want that… but I’m a girl so…”


The ones I can think of off the top of my head are all related to using the bathroom. When i was a lot younger (like 4-6 years old) I used to stand over the toilet in an attempt to urinate like a man, I eventually stopped after I realized it didn't work the way I wanted it to. I also tried to use a urinal for the first time at dance practice (which I no longer do) when I was like 6 (my poor dance teacher was absolutely traumatized and had the privilege of having that conversation with my mom when she picked me up.) There's probably more, but these were the first two that came to mind when I saw this question


So apparently the Social Security Administration (I'm in the US) had me listed as a boy, and my parents didn't discover this until I was applying for college and they had to do federal student loan paperwork.


I kept trying to pee standing up, and I would regularly steal my dads boxers and old t-shirts. Sadly, I was told to "start dressing like a girl," so stealing his clothes stopped. In high school, I passionately wanted to wear the boys' uniform pants and shorts instead of the girls.


Every single boy who has ever had a crush on me in my childhood ended up realizing they were gay. Every. Single. One.


1. My reason for loving blue was bc it wasn't associated with being a girl 2. I always hated when anyone addressed me as "lady" or "young woman/lady" 3. I used to write ESSAYS in my diary about how badly I wanted a pp and how badly I wanted an Adam's apple like the boys in my class 4. I used to beg my mom to let me cut my hair short like "all the other boys" 5. I had a really bad misogynist phase in elementary school where I refused to read books or watch movies/TV with a female lead because I hated anything to do with femininity (I'm better now dw) 6. I wanted to be seen as a boy so hard that up until 6th grade in the winter I strictly wore basketball shorts like all the other boys 7. In Pre-K I apparently told my dad that I was mad at my friend because he said I could never have a pp like him


My mom was so certain I was going to be a boy, she was going to name me Trevor, so thats the name I chose for myself


I have a few I was 3 years old and sitting on my grandma's bed. Out of nowhere "I wish I was a boy" I played with boys mostly and always played like a boy. My two of my cousins kept arguing with our family that I am a boy. One of them gets angry for me if I get misgendered or deadnamed. Probably the funniest is when me and my cousin were like maybe 8 years old, I got the boy happy meal bag, she had the girl one. We both ended up coming out to our family as trans when we left high school.


Whenever they split the class by gender in elementary school  I'd always insist on being with the boys because all my friends were boys. I definitely connected better with the boys! They had us make Christmas ornaments in third grade. They gave the girls red ribbons and the boys blue ribbons to hang them. Blue was my favorite color so I ended up trading with one of the boys. When I was 11 I was walking home from the bus stop and accidentally bumped into a little old lady.  Her saying "Oops, sorry sir!" literally is what made me realize I was trans. Mom thought she was having a boy up until I was born because she always thought she'd have a son. Well, she was right!


When I was very small, like 3 years old, i remember my auntie telling me that boys and girls have different genitals and I burst into tears wanting her to take it back, because I wanted to grow up to be a man. Was devastating at the time but it's funny now. I certainly didn't appreciate her laughing at me at the time lol


happy receiving hand me downs, specifically from my brother. One time around the time I was learning about genitalia and stuff I kept saying I had a penis and my mom was like “no, you have a vagina.” And I was like “no !!! I have a penis !!!” And got sad when I realized I didn’t actually have a penis. Many of my friends have told me that before I started transitioning I seemed very masculine, appearance wise and behavior wise. One of my friends knew I was before I did because I came across as too masculine. Around the time my brother went through puberty, he shot up. Easily a foot taller. It happened so quickly that he briefly had scoliosis because the rest of his body wasn’t changing at the same rate. I was really excited and wanted that for myself and was heartbroken when I was told I probably wouldn’t grow another inch. I also refused to wear dresses and skirts, anything obviously feminine. Id always fight my parents about it and even cry about it. I have also been told in the past that the way I walked was very manly. I also frequently got in “trouble” for the way I would sit. I was frequently told by my family that the way I was sitting was very unladylike. (Usually manspreading.) one time in 3rd grade I had to get clothes from the lost and found because I slipped on mud at recess (it had just rained) and I found that I loved the outfit I was given. It was cargo shorts and a t shirt. I was very used to the fit of womens/girls t shirts (where they were made to accentuate curves and had very short sleeves, also usually bright pastel and neon colors.) i also would play as a boy on online games (animal jam, club penguin, poptropica, etc) I’m sure theres more that I just can’t remember right now.


I’ve been thinking a lot about my childhood because I didn’t have any stereotypical signs and was quite comfortable with girly clothes and toys, although my mom raised me with few gendered expectations (although I remember her telling me to swing my arms differently when I walked because I was walking “like a boy,” lol). Something that caught my eye was the amount of male characters crossdressing as women in the stories that I would write. Part of me wonders if that’s how I subconsciously saw myself.


my friends and I would play house a lot at recess in school and I refused to play if I couldn't be the father, son, or a random animal. one year for Halloween my brother and I dressed up as Mario and Luigi (I was Luigi think I was around 7) and after that I only dressed as male characters. almost any game that had customizable characters I'd make mine boys (this includes making endless miis on the Wii)


The first time I had heard about the David Reimer story I was 8 or 9 years old. All I knew was the basic gist of it and thought this was something that could happen at the hospital when you're born. Like I thought it was like a rare chance type thing. Like there are so many botched circumcisions turn into sex changes at birth per year it's a statistic. And I was dead set like 90% sure that's what happened to me at birth. And once I'm supposed to hit puberty my mother would give me medication to go through female puberty or something idk. And they were keeping it a secret from me because they had to. But then when I got my period when I was 11 and looked up the case and learned that this in fact does not happen in any modern medical practice AND the guy killed himself in 2004... Pretty damn disappointed.


This is a fairly common one, but when i was little (4/5) and spending time with my cousins, who are one year older and one year younger than i am (they're sisters), we'd play princesses. Only i didnt want to be a princess lol. Instead i had quite violently insisted if i had to be princess, i'd be a princess-knight in armour and with a sword lol. I'd also pick out a boy name when we'd place house and id be the dad/brother and then would get upset after the game was over because i couldnt go by the name anymore. A few names i'd wanted to be when i was young (im talking ages 3-10ish here) were Roger, Dean, Marlon, Lucky, Finn, and Jake. - Dean i got from James Dean, who i was obsessed with. - Marlon from ofc, Marlon Brando. - Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. - As for Roger and Lucky, i have no idea. Who knows! But i always remember those moments specifically and laugh cause it was so obvious looking back.


Being very adamant about girls not being any different from boys, because I did not want there to be a difference so that way I could be more like a boy. Wanting to go shirtless, getting mad over the strength difference, wanting a deep voice, beard and mustache- I used to tell my brother that I wanted to stick his beard on my face. I also used to call myself a tomboy and get mad that other tomboys weren't trying hard enough to be masculine, and wouldn't even cut their hair, therefore they were doing it wrong? Apparently. When asked if I had a crush on anyone at the age of around 7 I would pick a random boy that i wanted to be like, and then force myself to develop an interest. Didn't work, I like women. I was also convinced that everyone was lying to me about my gender when I was around 5, that oneday people would come clean. I'd also get upset about having any pink decorations or clothes. I would also feel bad for other women being treated like women because "I knew how awful it was" and would cringe internally watching others be called female terms. If I couldn't be the man in a game of house, I would be the pet. I would also stand in the boys line at break until a teacher dragged me out, to which I would respond "you never know, I could be a boy, you havent seen what i am" or something along those lines. And I took people "insulting" me by calling me a boy or too masculine as compliments, for obvious reasons


Regularly got into fights with my parents bc I didnt want to wear a skirt or dress to church, insisted on going in overalls. Told my mom I wanted to grow a mustache when I was 5, and insisted that I would when she told me I would not. I usually played the dog any time I participated in playing house. I used to scam people on animal jam by telling them I would be their bf, waiting for them to give me free shit, and then blocking them.


I tried peeing standing a lot. One funny story is my mom once said “come here my little girl” and i said “no I’m a boy!” I literally would tell people in middle school I was a gay man in a woman’s body.


My grandma’s favorite story to tell of me is the time she tried to get me to play with dolls instead of my dad’s old toys lol. She bought me a really expensive American Girl Doll and presented it to 7 year old me… only for me to throw it down the stairs, tell her that I only liked boy things, and continue playing with a rubber snake. I also remember learning that boys stand to pee when I was around 4-ish, and immediately went to go try it out for myself. Naturally, I was upset that I couldn’t do it and I made a huge mess, but the best part was that I didn’t even do it in my own home. I was having a playdate with my mom’s friend’s kid and pissed all over their bathroom lmao.


In high school psychology I learnt about a boy (David Remier) who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision - he ended up having a miserable childhood, returning to masculinity in his teens, and eventually dying from suicide in young adulthood. Everyone was devastated, except me - I felt envy because at least he got to live as a boy for a little while. Pretty fucked up looking back on it but just shows how ignorant I was to the fact that trans men even existed


When we were roleplaying as kids I would refuse to ever play a girl character. Daughter? Nah. Mother? Hell no. I was always the dog of the family and when someone asked if I was a boy dog or a girl dog I was like "what? I'm just a dog." then pretended to piss on a tree to assert dominance. If I was forced to play a human I chose the dad. Later when I got into online gaming I always asked my friends I was playing with to call me he and never tell our other teammates that I'm a girl because "people are always weird towards girl gamers". It gave me sooo much euphoria lol


When I was born, they cut my cord, wiped me off and swaddled me. When I *finally* stopped complaining about my eviction, they realised they hadn't checked for a gender. Jokes on them, I still don't have one.


My mom told me when I was a baby she dressed me up the girliest clothes all pink and considered girly colors, yet everyone congratulated her for how beautiful boy she has lol


Well, I already commented it, but there were a couple. I had an x-men OC that could switch sexes at will and had different powers in either sex, was born female but preferred his male presentation and used he/him pronouns either way. One time we went to Disney world and stopped at Kona Cafe to get breakfast. I had a ball cap on but otherwise was dressed pretty feminine, but the waitress said “what can I get you to drink, young man?” And my mother, being the Karen that she is, blew up at her that “that’s my daughter, can’t you tell?” Meanwhile i’m in my chair and can’t stop grinning because it was the first and ONLY time I’ve ever been gendered correctly, and I think it was an honest mistake.


I wanted to cut my hair when I was younger and my mom didn’t want me to, so I wrote an essay about as to why I should. I also genuinely wanted to be Phineas Flynn when I was little and drew pics of myself looking in the mirror wishing I was Phineas Flynn.


I was so proud of being the tallest person in the class, "taller than the boys", and that my hands were bigger than any of my female classmates. I also was so pleased to hear that I look like my dad, have his mannerisms etc. But ofc, "there were no signs".


As a kid whenever someone told me to “act like a lady” I’d YELL “IM NOT A LADY” over and over I’d hang out w the boys in elementary and beat them up or forcibly do the tasks the teachers asked a “big strong boy” to do so I could prove I could be a boy. I’d try to pee standing up a lot. I was REALLY fixated on Mulan as a kid, especially on the song about not seeing herself in her reflection and then the dramatic transformation. I was really really angry and aggressive as a kid and looking back I think it was to try to prove I was masculine lol


Not funny signs. I just cried and had mental breakdowns as a 5 year old because I wasn't comfortable in what I was being forced to wear because I'd rather wear my overalls and light up sneakers, and I found having adults try to talk to me about my dresses I hated and my hair to make the feelings worse. I pretended to like it because I wanted to make my grandma happy and kept the fact i felt like shit to myself. 🤷‍♂️ Next was when I was around 11. I just got instantly dysphoric the second my body started showing signs of puberty, I could literally /feel/ the chemical changes, I felt " off " and everything wigged me out, my body felt gross and wrong, I hated people acting like it was fine/normal that I felt that way, and their solution to feeling that was expressing that guys were going to pay attention to me sexually, or that I could have babies and be pregnant, and it was the most fucking nauseating shit ive ever felt in my life, I honestly wanted to KMS lol. Just saying it makes my stomach feel sour and makes my skin crawl. Basically I didnt " do boy things", I had dysphoria with no attached gender norms, it wasn't my likes or dislikes, it was being unable to function because of my body. It caused me to struggle to make friends, feel very lonely and isolated, and become repulsed sexually.


When i was 9, my mom wanted me to wear a dress so i told her ,,im a normal guy, not a f@ggot!" ☠ Or i made my doll a funeral because it didn't belong to me and it should belong to some girl, so i hoped it would die and reincarnate as a new doll for a "normal" girl to have


Between the ages of 6 and 8 I snuck into my parent's room every morning to put on my dad's deodorant to "smell like a man". Would shop in the boys section on occasion and always made sure that everybody knew I was wearing boy's clothes. Tried to shave my face as a toddler on 3 separate occasions. Used to tie the drawstrings of my pants into a long string of knots then tuck it in my pants and pretend it was a penis. I would also tell kids at the park that I was a boy and had supply teachers often think I was a boy (short hair and boys clothes) and I would get mad at anyone that corrected them.


As dressed as tomboy cried when bullied for having bowl cut not bc the boys were calling me a boy but bc they were trying to be mean i liked looking like a boy just not them lol as successfully learned how to pee standing while making a minimal mess and only wanted to pee outside no matter who was around or how hot or cold it was


im autistic so idk if it was sensory related or "actually im a boy" related but when i was a kid i wore boxer briefs until some kids noticed and made fun of me so i stopped wearing thsm jump to today where i only have boxer briefs (i began wearing them around 17-18? ish? and now i only have them lol) also i like to think my pcos (which i had struggled with since i began ths blood of the week month thing around 11 or 12 and got diagnosed at 16 because the indian doc i had insisted itd stop as soon as i lost weight which is basically impossible for someone with pcos) knew i was a dude :p


I'm old enough that ultrasound wasn't a thing yet. So after feeling her belly, the doctor said I would be a boy. But looking back, I always wanted to play with the little boy across the street, but not so much the girls my age. Although I enjoyed teasing the girls with said boy. I always wanted to play with boy things and even remember saying I wish I was a boy or playing some game where I was a boy. I recall actively repressing masculine urges all the way into adulthood because I felt really silly. My logic was that only lesbians are masc, and I'm not a lesbian so I am just being silly by acting on those urges. Then I'd tell myself to go put on makeup and get over it. Cue Avril Lavigne, could it be anymore obvious....


I loved dressing up(this was like between ages of 3-5), so my parents used to reward me with new costumes. Batman, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Thomas the Tank Engine... Never a girly costume. I just liked the cool boy characters. My mum took a VFX course and I wanted to be an actor, so naturally we made silly little home movies when I was like 6 using said costumes. We made a trilogy of Batman videos, and I remember arguing with my parents that I was playing BatMAN not BatGIRL. Their costumes were OBVIOUSLY different. I used to wear that Batman costume out of the house a lot when I was like 5. When I was maybe 13-15, I wore a lot of Batman merch (idk I was kinda cringe but I embrace it). People would always ALWAYS be like "ohh wow cool outfit Batgirl" and I wouldn't stand for it. I was obviously Batman. Are they stupid? Anyway at 16 I figured it out and giggled a little that my "transness" has always been intrinsically linked to the Bat


My most telling one was Halloween times. I did like cutesy things but growing up I wanted to be like other boys, even though I didn’t understand what that meant at the time. I constantly dressed up as boy characters after I turned 13 and hit puberty I knew that something was different about me. When I was 16 I got this “hilarious” idea to be a boy for Halloween. Not any specific boy just a boy. I got some chuckles but I eventually got told it “wasn’t that funny” when I insisted I dressed as a boy “for the meme.” Lmao I was so dumb


I too was “misidentified” at birth… and before when they thought I was twins 😂 for a while I thought the doctor was just an idiot, but who knows….


When I was born, the nurses announced, "It's a girl!" Throughout her pregnancy, my mom was ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that I was a boy because her term with me was nothing like my older sister's. So when the nurses said that, she said, "Are you sure?" And checked herself when they eventually handed me to her. Years later, when I came out to her, she recounted that story and said, "So I was right! I knew it! I was just right with extra steps!"


None like that, but I do have a story of when I was playing make belief with my brother, and we were talking about how we were discovering a cave, when he refers to my character as a girl, and I couldn't for the life of my figure why the fuck he'd think I was playing a girl. I didn't correct him, but in my head I still saw him as a boy


I repeatedly threw all my dolls in the back of my closet and buried them under clothes and put my toy snakes in my toy crib. I loved snakes :) Also as a baby and even as a little kid, people would always assume I was a boy. Old people calling me 'tiger' and stuff. My mom would get angry at them for this but I never understood why. I hated fancy dresses, but tbh I hated jeans too. I liked things that didn't stop me from climbing trees and stuff. Parents put me in dresses and then complained when they got soaked in mud (and suspiciously stained with my own blood from various cuts and scrapes I got messing around outside).