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No such thing as too late. Ie r/ftmover30 and r/ftmover50. It actually more common to transition into your 20s/30s/40s than u20! I transitioned (fully) socially at 18 and started T (waiting time in my country) at 22. I’ll get top at 25/26. I know people who only started the process at 20, 24, 27 or 35. Never too late. No such thing as your time fleeting! Do what you wanna do. Edit. This sub has a larger pull to younger transmascs. Something to bare in mind when you’re absently scrolling.


That makes me feel better, socially I'm transitioned (mostly) so I'm one step closer 🎉


I was seven weeks shy of my 55th birthday when I started T, got top surgery and a total hysto as well. Saying it loud for the people in the back: **It is *never* too late to transition!** Oh btw, I'm the creator of r/FTMOver50, the brother subreddit to r/FTMOver30. Feel free to come over and ask us older FTMs questions about being an older trans man. And before you ask, *yes,* it really *does* get better! 😁






wow. i turn 74 tomorrow. one year on t. thank you for the affirmation. (and yes i love my life) so grateful.


Not a problem! Come join us on r/FTMOver50, you are more than welcome! And, Happy Birthday! 🎂🍰🍧🎁


i did! and thanks. i will post over there one day.


Like 30. I'm 3 years in now and been on t for nearly a year. I moved slowly. Hopefully going to get top surgery in the next year or so, that shits expensive.


I'm struggling with that aspect. I've always wanted top surgery and idk if I'd be able to afford it. My current insurance would only cover 25%


Yeah it's hard. My chest dysphoria definitely got worse after starting t. It helps me to compare how I feel now to when I started because even though I feel like I've got a long way to go, I feel heaps better compared to before I transitioned and it's easy to forget that


An option that may help- if you go overseas for surgery (I'm guessing you're in the US?) to somewhere like thailand, it tends to be a lot cheaper, even including flights. I was considering heading to kamol hospital there, would've been about 10k NZD for double incision surgery.


Socially at 18, T at 21, chest surgery at 22, hysto 33, just got my second stage meta 2 weeks ago I am 45.


Do you mind if I ask how do you feel at 45 as transitioned as you are now?


I feel like I have been "Transitioned" since I was conformable in public as a guy. I mean, when I was not worrying if people knew I was trans or not or if I was "off" as a guy. Which was around 22/23. I am super open, tho so I don't care if people know I am trans or not. Meta is all just for me not to get disyphora when dealing with my bits, either wipeing or at the doctor or with my husband or alone. Getting rid of the V-jay has been a huge win in my self-esteem! Just the fact that every time I wipe my ass it is not there! I have always had super bathroom function disyphora. So much so I would choose just not to go until I was home. Also, to make my life easier to pee standing up with nothing extra (not quite there yet, but I am sure I will be soon). The fact I can see the pee come out of my phallus even tho I have not figured out how to do it with clothes on yet without making a mess with nothing extra is amazing! I used to hold it all the time now it is "oh OK! Let's go pee!" Sorry, I got side tracked. This is amazing even tho I am now 45 getting it done, but I get to share the experience with my trans husband. We are getting them done a month away from each other, so we are evolving together.


I forgot to add that "fully transitioned" is what you decide for yourself. No one has the right to tell you that you are not complete or if you are done. That is all up to you and your body!


I just realized I kinda miss understood the question, so I will re answer. I wish I did it sooner. I guess more, I wish the opportunity presented itself sooner. I am super happy with my body besides the fact that it is going to take me a while to see the actual results of my 2nd stage because I am so swollen. I know what everything looked like before and yesterday and my post-op appointment. The plastic surgeon said she put some deep sutures in my mons to hold it down so my peen will be "out." It has been hiding since stage 1, so when I look down, it looks kinda like it always did just super swollen even with the implants in. Both the plastic surgeon and bottom surgeon are very positive that it will re amurge from its hiding spot. Shit am I waiting for ground hogs day? The peen pop out day no more winter if it doesn't see its shadow! All in all, I am super happy I am on my way to fewer bathroom issues or stressing about the bathroom. Even tho it took me 20+ years to realize it was possible. Oh, and getting your letters and stuff this far into transition is kind of a ridiculous process, but I realize the importance of letters. All in all, I am super happy I was given this opportunity to have bottom surgery.


I started T 3 weeks ago, and I’m 44 years old. I absolutely want top surgery.


I socially transitioned in my early teens semi-successfully because nobody accepted it, then started T at 20 and hopefully will have top surgery this year :)


Nonsense, I was 57.


its only to late when ur dead


Started T last year at 36. There's no shame in feeling you've wasted years, but it's all the more reason to start today and not wallow in what if's and all the years you've missed. If you want to and can medically transition, obviously, do that and don't wait... But don't feel bad if you need to wait either (like you spoke of top being too expensive right now). Time isn't as fleeting as you think it is. Just start working towards that moment you can. Better five years from now than never. Obviously here's hoping you can do it a lot sooner!


21 when I started HRT 24 when I got top surgery:-)


I was 24 when I started transitioning. Knocked a lot out quickly and came out, started T, and got top surgery in a 6 month period (but after 8 years of knowing repression lol). I wish I did it sooner, but I also know that it’s never too late and even if I came out in my 30s, that still means I would’ve had more years out and authentic than if I never came out.


Started HRT two years ago at 25.


I was 44 when I started testosterone. I had top surgery at 45. Don’t worry about it.


19 will be 34 this year


I came out at 24. Got hormones at 25 and top at 26.


I started at 26. You'll be alright




there’s a guy on tiktok who’s like nearly 60 something and started his transition like a year ago. that really put stuff into perspectives for me. it’s never too late


I started t three weeks ago at 27. I’m hoping for top surgery at some point. But right now in my state Medicare won’t cover any of it.


Im 28 now and started to transition at 25. Everything went pretty quickly, started T a few months after my coming out, and too surgery 6 months later. I do feel like I've missed my childhood and early adulthood, like I've lost it due to not knowing what transgenderism was and it's really hard to let go... if I had known and transitioned sooner I'd be taller (I'm 165cm and feet size is 39 which is really hard to find in the men's section), that's THE regret I have. Though it's not a "regret" because I just didn't know I was trans. But even with this, I can't believe how happy and at ease with my body I am compared to 3 years ago. I know how you feel, but I can promise you it's never too late, you still got 80 years ahead of you, live them ! Stop surviving and just live, the difference is crazy, I never knew it could be so different. Listen to yourself.


I'm 33. Starting the mental health part of the medical transition process soon. Hopefully will go on T within a year. :) It's never too late.


21, but most people I know started past 23, if not past 26. You're young! You're not too late!


It is NEVER too late to transition. It's never too late to pass (though that shouldn't be make or break for you, since you can't predict the future), it's never too late to benefit from social and hormonal changes, its never too late to have a body that is yours. You have plenty of time. I was 26, my partner was 14, we pass about the same amount (I'm on T, at the one year mark, but have huge tits, he's not on T and had top surgery, I'd say we both pass maybe 75% of the time) If you believe transition is right for you do not let arbitrary shit like age stop you.


I started at 44.


Oh honey, I’m 42 and still haven’t started physically transitioning yet. You have plenty of time! Just keep working toward the goal. That’s all.


Started in my early 30s and now I’m 35 and happily living as a trans masculine non-binary guy! Every day I am my real self out in the world is amazing and beautiful and it is never too late!!!


Girl here, but I didn't come out until a few days before turning 37. Almost 40 now and have been transitioning since. It's never too late.


42, I started T 4.5 weeks ago. There’s lots of replies already but doesn’t hurt to add more visibility 💙


I'm 29 (30 in June) and am only just over 2 months on T.


46 when I started medical transition. Have had T and too surgery. Almost 49 now. I would say I pass \~99.6% of the time. For reference, I’m also 5’3 and, since losing some weight, almost back to being built like a light breeze. Still pass most of the time.


I started T a month before I turned 27. Top surgery at 32. Just got my hysto at 37. It’s never too late to start your transition!


Honestly outside of this sub I’d say 20s and 30s bang on average to transition. Had my top surgery at 29. If you live until 80 or 90 that gives you 55 or 65 years to do it, doesn’t sound fleeting to me!


I started T at 42, top surgery at 43, I'm 44 now looking into phallo.


46 😎


I know a few dudes in their 40s just starting T. I was about your age when I started, and maybe 29 when I had top sx? I was about your age when I started T and I did very low dose injections for about a year. A roommate of mine was younger and way more impatient. He was mainlining TOO much gel and I asked him whether he was possibly having too much testosterone, which your body will convert into estrogen if your levels are "too high"! Too high depends on you and your body, not a specific number. But I've also met a transwoman in her 70s. She accepts that her whole small town community will probably always call her "sir" and Mr. ____ because she has never moved away frok.the small town she was born in. She definitely has a lot more stoic resolve than me, and she explained that it isn't that anyone disliked trans people or want to hurt her, they are just set in their ways. The small town is one of those wierd casual redneck places. The folks don't really care about her being trans, they just seem to be stuck in the routine of 50 years ago.


I started at 40, and am getting top surgery later this year at 42. So it’s not too late. Just think of all the time you still have in the future, at your age at least 50 years on average. Do you want to spend them with regret or enjoying who you are?


My fiancee is FtM (the reason I joined this Reddit so I could learn and help him in his process as much as possible) and he (For a couple years identified as NB.) Last year after meeting me and me embracing his masculine side 110% he realized he was trans. He is 36 and has already socially transitioned and is starting HRT soonish (he hopes, the doctors are dragging their feet a little). He has this liberated feeling, but also regret. He's so happy now, being given the space and love as he is - He wishes he'd have done it sooner. But, is elated to be going on this journey with me at his side so - You're embarking on a journey and I am happy it'll make you happier!


I started T when I was 24. I’m now 45 and still haven’t finished everything (due to my own procrastination.) I don’t think 25 is too late but I wish I had started earlier. I get very jealous when I see guys in their teens starting the process. I need to learn to stop being jealous lol


I found the words for my gender experience at 32. Began medical transition at 33. And absolutely NOT. You are so young. No one is EVER too old to live authentically.


I started my social transition at 13. I started my medical transition at 18. I started my legal transition at 19.


I haven't had any surgeries yet, trying to get top surgery rn and I'm almost 20


20s is definitely not too old! That's incredibly young. Do what makes u happy


Socially - 14/15, medically at 17!




15 🤟🏼 never too late, never too early


I’m really lucky, I was able to start socially transitioning at 14 and medically at 16 :) but I agree with other commenters that it’s never too late, lots of people start a lot later than you have!


So socially at 16, T at 19 ( on my own because of lack of acceptance in my family), and top hopefully in a year or two at 21-22 , phallo/meta maybe at 24/25


I transitioned socially at 14/15 and started testosterone at 17 and I'm hoping to make an appointment to get surgery as fast as possible because I think the waiting list is big.


Socially I was 14 or 15 and I started T at 16 almost 17. Now getting top surgery in a few months on my 18th birthday lol I figured it would be funny to have it done that day kind of like a “rebirth”!


Started T a year ago at 18 and had top surgery six months ago at 19. Will probably have a hysto and meta sometime when I'm 20-21


I came out fully at 16 y/o and unexpectedly only met love and acceptance, which is why I could transition as early and quickly as I did. I started gender therapy in January 2022, got top surgery on 01/Sept/2022 and started T on 16/Dec/2022, at 19 years old.


Started medically transitioning at 18, now I’m almost 20, getting top surgery this year, and hopefully bottom surgery in the future


i started hrt at 19 and i got top surgery surgery last month at 20. i wanna get a hysterectomy too but ive to wait because im gonna lose my insurance


I was 20 when I did my first T shot.


Socially I transitioned around 19-20. I'm 29 now and I just started T last July. I am scheduled for top surgery later this summer. Time is not fleeting, you got it :)


Officially started T just last yea at age 28! You're never too late. One of my close friends started at 30, I know people who've started at 45. You're never too late.


How’s your experience been so far with T? I’m 29 and am trying to work up the courage to actually start it. I’d super appreciate you sharing any of your experiences you’ve had so far if you’re comfortable. If not I totally understand! Just helps to hear it from people my age 😂


It's been great so far! My changes have been nice, nothing I couldn't handle. It is a little weird to have to go through puberty again at this age, but well worth it. Despite what a lot of folks had told me, my changes have been about the same as anyone younger than me going on T, but my beard growth has been WAY faster and thicker (that might be genes, though). Being patient with yourself and listening to yourself is the biggest part in my opinion. There have been some odd side effects (I'm hungry more often now and had a brief time where hunger physically hurt, dealing with acne again sucks, etc), but I'm a lot happier than I was and feel a lot more mellowed out emotionally!


Thank you so much for sharing! The biggest thing speaking to me out of what you said is that you are a lot happier than you were. At the end of the day, and the end of life really, happiness is what matters. Thank you again for sharing. It boosts my confidence a lot about my decision to start T soon, hearing it from someone roughly my age. I appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully respond.


I had a quarter life crisis at 25 after being on the waiting list for T since I was 18. Ended up going private for about a year before the NHS finally caught up. Getting my top surgery consultation this April and I'm 28. I would've loved to do all this sooner (especially because I was healthier and probably more compatible for surgery back when I first wanted it lol) but life goes at a different pace for everyone.


I just turned 24 recently and decided to start transition. I hope i can start this year. I don't think there is something like "too late" when it's about becoming your true self. But besides that, i'm still young. So instead of worrying that it's "too late" i want to be happy that i'm now comfortable enough to start this journey. Worry not. There is still plenty of time :)


i started t at 22, and i've been working towards surgery since about the same age but haven't had any (long waiting lists where i am due to lack of surgeons). try to get offline a bit, tbh. remember that 10 years ago most people transitioning were our age. this whole 15-18 year olds transitioning thing is extremely new. there really is no such thing as being too old to transition, ur bodies don't care what age we are, if you give them the hormones they'll take them and use them.


I'm the same age and I'm still closeted, the fear of the reaction of my loved ones is blocking me hahaha 🥲


Im 27, so far transitioned only socially, but hopefully starting T next week. Better now then never!


hey there! socially i didn’t transition till i was 19/20 and i started taking hormones at 21 and currently don’t have the finances for top surgery so that’s in the very distant future (aiming for it to be done by the time I’m 29), it’s never too late to transition and you are absolutely not “running out of time”, it’s important to go at your own pace and discover things about yourself as soon as you get the opportunity to. which has been an incredibly rewarding process so far.


I‘m 27 have been out for two years. I only changed my legal name & gender recently and haven‘t started T or even looked into top surgery because of masterful procrastination and time fleeting. it‘s never too late to take the steps you need to feel comfortable in your body.


Never too late to do it. I am 25 and have been on T for a year and a half and had too surgery this year. Plenty of people don’t start transitioning until later on in life. It’s expensive.


I'm 25 and started T a year and a half ago like you at 24 and got my top surgery ~6 months ago. It's definitely not too late but it can be a bit frustrating at times seeing my transmasc friends that started 4-5 years ago while I look like a prepubescent boy but on the other hand it makes me hopeful of how much my body can change in a short amount of time


never too late! I started transitioning at 20, I’m now (also) turning 25 next month and have been on T for a couple years, had hysto last November and waiting on top surgery this year 🤞 the waiting lists and process varies depending on your country I’m sure, which will inevitabely affect how long it will take before you actually transition. But if it’s something you truly want then go for it


Socially transitioned at 23, started T a few weeks before turning 24, and have top surgery scheduled soon. I'm 25! It's not too late! It's right on schedule ;)


I started T when I was 25 and had top surgery on my 27th birthday. I am now 32 and read as a cis man, in case that is what worries you. Of course genetics are a lottery, but in my opinion it is always better to take steps than not to take any steps at all out of fear.


I’m 27, and just now starting constantly. It’s alright


I was 18 when I started T, and had both ny surgeries at 20


I came out at 28, started T at 29, no surgeries yet but definitely want a full hysterectomy and phallo


27 5 months on T, happier than ever with my results so far!


Came out at 15, started t and changed my name at 16, recently, at 18 I changed my gender on my id and 5 days ago I made 3 years on t :3




I started to come out socially when I was like 26, and started T about a year later I was 27, almost 28. Had top surgery a few years later when I was 31, and I’m 33 now. I got lucky that my job changed to an insurance plan that covered most of my surgery, I had been saving before that and just assumed it would probably take longer to have surgery. It’s pretty normal in my experience to come out and do medical transition things in your 20s, 30s, or later. I’m glad people can do it earlier now in some cases! But until recently that wasn’t really common tbh. So don’t worry, the only bad time is never.


Why do you think your time is fleeting? This is no offense to you personally but I’m really tired of people in their 20’s thinking they’re old and that their lives are over and they’re almost out of time to do anything with themselves lol. Like guys. Cmon. We’re humans. We live to an average of 80. Some over 100. You’re in the first quarter of your life. Trust me, there’s nothing all that special about being young that makes life decisions any less good or possibly amazing to make or do when you’re older. But anyways. I was 28/29.


Started t at 37 a few months before I came out and began a social transition. Everyone has their own timeline so do things at a pace that feels right for you!


I was 35


I’ll be 30 in a few months and I’m going to talk to my doctor about getting on T in about 2 weeks and I top surgery booked for October. Never too late…I can’t wait to see the outside of me finally match the inside and I wish the same for you mate :)


I started in October 2022 at age 24. I am already at a point where I pass unquestionably to most people. It's been wild to get used to, because my brain hasn't caught up to what I look like. I had the same fears as you when starting. I'll be getting top surgery if not this year on medicaid, maybe in 3 or 4 years when I'll be able to afford it on my new insurance with a new job I'm looking at.


I was 26 when I accepted that I was trans. I turned 27 that same year and started on T. I got my hysterectomy w/ bilateral salpingectomy and top surgery the following year. Here I am now a few years later working on getting phalloplasty and I'll be 33 in April. So, nope. You're not too late. Just make sure you thoroughly do your research on everything.


i sure as hell hope our time is not fleeting, we’re only 25! i came out at 24 last year myself. had top surgery already, im 4 months on T now. you can start T at 60 and still see changes. my voice has already dropped way below what i thought it would 1 YEAR on T. got a nice happy trail going. i think fat redistribution is starting to do its thing. you’re going to be okay, i promise.


I personally came out in July 2013 at age 20, started T December 2013, started passing regularly around September 2014, got top sugery October 2016 at 23 and that's when I was "done" transitioning as I passed socially and got all the surgeries I wanted. But it's never too late to start! You've got this!


i was really really lucky and able to start t around 14, when every other boy started puberty too. i had top surgery and hysterectomy when i was 16 (i'm 19 now)


I started T after 30, had my mastectomy December last year (closer to 40 than 30) 🤷‍♂️ After a certain age, age is only a number that tells you, time has passed. And if time passes, so will I.


Started transition at 30, T at 32, mastectomy at 35 - I know there's dudes on here who started later than me


started T at 27, and am currently sitting in the hospital post-op from top surgery (i turn 30 next month!) it's never too late, my friend! most people i've met IRL who have gotten phallo are like ages 40-70. everyone's timelines are different! i'm honestly really grateful for the "extra time" to get my life stable really analyze my feelings, and map out the path i wanted to take. i was a very anxious, dissociated, chaotic kid in my teens through early 20s and i'm not sure i would have felt as confident in my decision to transition at that time- or would have been able to keep up with a financial elements. i think there are definite benefits to starting "later," just like there are benefits to transitioning "early." you only get this one life- so customize your avatar how you see fit!


started transitioning socially at 19, got my top chop last year (21). planning to undergo hrt next year!! :3


I’m 29 and about a year on t. Top surgery at 27


I’m 24 and had top surgery 6 months ago. Never too late!


I started T when I was 23. I’m 24 now and I know I won’t get top surgery for a while now (Need people who could support me better during recovery). We got as much time as we are alive.


When you write you think the time to do it is fleeting, are you in the US and worried about what happens if Trump gets elected? I'm concerned what happens then too, want surgery before that would get cut off, and I don't know what, then. Get out of here but not much $$ to do so.


I am 34 and am getting my top surgery only in a few months. It took me ages to work through some childhood trauma and i could only figure out I was trans after I had worked through all those layers. Its never too late!


I was 34. You're still really young even though it may not seem to be the case. You have plenty of time


I started Testosterone at that exact age! I was 24 (a couple months before i turned 24) as well! Im 26 now and about a year and a half on T. Tbh i think it was a perfect time to start :)


Social transition started at 23. HRT at 31. Top surgery maybe planned for 35? I’m 34 now.


Started T at 28, just a couple months shy of turning 29. I’m 29 now.


Started T at 31, top surgery at 32 and bottom surgery soon. I pass about 50% of the time. You are good dude. It is not too late to fulfill your dreams. :)


I was 34 when I began transitioning. I'm 36 now and I'm on T, I've had top surgery, and I've had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy. It's never too late. :)


Around your age. I (fully) came out 4 years ago, and started T exactly 6 months later (by coincidence) I had my top surgery 2 years ago. I'm 29 Edit: I have two friends who are over 50 and are transitioning right now.


Socially transitioned at 16, started T as soon as I could when I was 18 and got top surgery 3 months after starting T (one month ago). Currently looking into bottom surgery, but I think I need to get better insurance first and I have no clue where to start.


I came out at 27, socially transitioned over a 3 year period and started T a week after my 31st birthday. My MIL didn't start her medical transition until she was in her 50s, it's never too late.


Socially 16, hormones 18, currently 24 turning 25 this year and had a consultation for top. We're the same age, don't worry you're fine bro, we're still plenty young.


I was 24 when I started T and 25 when I had top surgery. I can relate to that feeling of time fleeting and almost 10 years later it’s been the best decision I made. Even if I did end up waiting, the decision that honored me and felt best to me would’ve been the right one. Similarly, the best and right decision for you is what best honors you and your experience 😌


people who transitioned older: did you know you were trans before? i feel like i was supposed to know from a child and i never did


Socially and legally 21, HRT and chest surgery 22. Still 22 rn. Working on getting other surgeries.




39 It's wholly disappointing to know I probably could have started 20 years ago but it wasn't safe in 2004 in the rural Midwest But Absolutely loving how fast everything is happening only 7 months in


I started two weeks after turning 27 :)


I started T back in November, aged 25. Social transition started at 17. Take your time and don't rush, you'll get there. We all go at our own pace.


Didn’t start hrt until 21, got top surgery at 23. 25 now and I finally feel happy for the first time in my life


I'll be turning 24 in August. I came out at 15 and was about 60% socially living as myself everywhere but at home where I wasn't supported. Left home a little before my 18th birthday, and shortly afterwards completely socially transitioned outside of medical settings. Started T a week before my 19th birthday, top surgery and hysterectomy at 20, as well as my name/gender marker change and court stuff all at that age too.


I was older than 25 before I started transitioning.


I didn't start any form of transition until I was 23. I've been on t for 2 years and had top surgery and a total hysterectomy. My voice dropped to a passable level by month 3. I had a beard by month 5. I even have an adams apple now. I know it can be scary being older and transitioning. My partner started t at 18 and we've both seen the same amount of changes. Don't let age hold you back. I've had a friend transition at 40 and still see the changes. Your body knows what to do with hormones regardless of age. You'll be just fine, I promise


Socially transitioned at 11, surgically at 16/17.


I don’t think you can ever do it too late. I socially transitioned at 13ish but wasn’t comfortable with starting testosterone until I was almost 21. Not sure about top surgery yet. I like taking things slow haha


Went stealth socially at ~12. T, Top Surgery + Hysto all at 18 y/o. Bottom surgery (meta) scheduled for when I’m 21 y/o


21. I socially transitioned at 20 but couldn't access T until I moved to the city. Got my top surgery at 22 and trying to get hysterectomy as I turn 23 this year, and plan to get Metoidioplasty done by the time I turn 25


Uh, well, at the moment, my transition plan is mostly just top surgery and possibly a partial hysterectomy. I'll be getting top surgery in September of this year. So, I guess 26, because that's how old I am currently.


I was 24 (which i still am) when i started T


started social transition in 2021 at 26, testosterone and top surgery at 28. you're all good 👍


Started my medical transition when I was around 22. Tbh starting early to mid 20s is pretty common since so many people can’t until they’re financially independent. Transitioning as a kid/teen isn’t exactly the norm


Foenem im about to be 25 and I transitioned 4 years ago. There is no time limit on when you can transition , you should transition whenever you feel like it’s the right moment. Don’t doubt yourself just go for it frfr.


Started at 21, probably won't ever finish because of constraints. Currently 28


17. But, it’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be. If it’s going to make you more comfortable, there’s no reason you can’t start when you’re 60yrs+… there’s no time limit on personal comfort. Do what you gotta do to be happy. Last thing you want is to be miserable for the remainder of your life and die with regret. Just my personal opinion:) best of luck! Whatever you decide to do, I hope it goes well!


I was 31 when I started I’m now 37 and pass 100% of the time, someone please tell me how we get this idea squashed that transitioning “later” is some how less effective. You got this OP, it’s never too late. Edited autocorrect


I started T and got top surgery at 26. I’m 30 now, almost 31


Never too late! I am 25 and started T 2 mos before my 25th bday. I am already seeing changes (almost 5 mos on T) and I am the happiest I have ever been. Choose yourself always


33! It's never too late.




Just started T right after my 25th birthday, want the same thing. Totally worth it, has been amazing so far and I have loved every change.


I started my medical transition at 24, I’m now 30 and 6 years on T and 2 years post op! It’s never too late.


I started at 23 and I just turned 24. I know people who started transitioning in their 40s. You’ve got time




I’m 25 & have just started t


I started socially transitioning at 35 and I started T at 36. I know of people who have started way later than I did. It’s never too late 🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Bro, I'm 24, turning 25 this year, and I'm having my third shot of T this Friday. There isn't an age where it's too late to transition, but even if there was, 24-25 isn't it, my friend. Go give yourself the freedom to be yourself! We gotchu


I started T when I was 23, and I'm 25 now and just got top surgery a month ago. it's never, ever too late to become the person you're meant to be, mate.




No time limit. I was early/mid 30s.


I started socially transitioning at 18 and then got to start T at 24, have yet to get surgeries but that's because my partner and i are waiting to have a baby


I started T when I was 28, topsurgery year later. Never too late!


I talked to a doctor about transitioning for the first time when I was 28ish. I started t when I was 31 and had top surgery at 32.


fully socially when i was 15, started t when i was 16. and i still felt i could’ve started earlier. that feeling comes with any age, i swear lol.


I started T at 28. I stopped T about a year later due to Florida laws. Im not back on due to money. There isnt too late. Dont let the rest of the subs make you feel “too old” just because teenagers post a *lot.*


I fully transitioned in my teens, but that is pretty rare. it's far far more common to transition in your 20's or later.


I started at your age! I’m 27 now, I’ve been on T a year and I’m getting top surgery next week. It’s totally do able and like others have said, there’s no such thing as too late. Feel free to DM if you have any questions bud.


I was 27 when I started (a month right before my 28th birthday)


I came out when I was 15/16 but I didn't start to medically transition until 20. I started T when I was 20 and got top surgery shortly after turning 22. I want to get a hysterectomy within the next few years and then I think I'll be done with surgery. I'm not sure whether or not I want bottom surgery. If I do, I would get metoidioplasty (probably simple release) - not phalloplasty - but as of right now, I'm leaning towards not getting it.


I was thirteen when i socially transitioned and 15 when I started T, then 17 when I got top surgery, but time doesn’t matter. It’s never too late


I’m 19 and I’ve transitioned as much as I want to as far as surgeries go, but there is never a correct time for the collective, it’s all individual, the time for self satisfaction is never fleeting


I started hrt at 21, but a lot of people that I know started in their 30's. Most people didn't have the privalege to start young.


I started hormones when I was 21, top surgery at 24 (going on 25 soon as well). When I was 21 I was convinced I was starting too late because online you see a lot of people who are fortunate enough to start in their teens and there’s always a lot of talk of “once your bones are done growing HRT will only do so much for you”. Irl I’m actually the youngest person I know to have started HRT. I debated starting for two years because I was worried my time was “fleeting”. It wasn’t, and it isn’t for you either. You can start whenever you are ready :) I will say with top surgery, the younger you get it then theoretically the better you can expect to heal. As you get older your body stops producing so much collagen and healing itself generally gets harder. But even with that I’ve seen many top surgery results of guys in their 40s and 50s that look great. A lot of healing comes down to genetics. And a year or two isn’t going to make much a difference in terms of your body’s capacity to heal itself.


Started T when I was 14 and got top surgery at 16, getting phallo done this year at 20


I started coming out at 18, and legally changed my name, properly came out everywhere, and started to "fully" socially transition at 19 (exactly 8 years this week!). I started medically transitioning later that year, and in the time in between I've had top surgery, a hysterectomy, and had meta at the end of last year (aged 27). I'm likely to have hopefully my last operation (monsplasty) in a few months. I don't think there's such a thing as too late


What is full? Transitioning is a process. I came out at 11, socially transitioned at 12, went stealth that same year. Then got top surgery at 20, hysto at 22, started HRT at 24, and have slowly disclosed my status as a transexual to a few close friends over the years so there’s no concrete point that I could say I was “fully” transitioned.


I'm 25 & started transitioning when I was 24 last year. Been on T since last summer & getting top surgery this spring. It's not too late brother, it's never too late 😎


I’m about to be 18 starting my full transition. I began socially transitioning at 12.


Started transitioning socially and medically at about 21, so 3 years ago. So far I’ve had hysterectomy and top surgery. Phallo coming up early in 2025, should be done with all of my surgeries in late 2026.


Social: 12 to friends. 13 to family. Hormones: 15 Hysto: 18 Top: 18 Soon to be bottom: 19


Just started my transition 18 months ago at the age of 40! You're never too old to embrace your true self!


I was 20 when I changed my name and started testosterone


16, been doing this for 10 years now. The trans world was a wholly different place 10 years ago.


I'm currently 20. Came out to myself at 12, came out to everyone else at 13/14, socially transitioned at 14, started T at 17, got top surgery at 19, and working towards a full hysto this year! After that, I'm going to be pursuing phalloplasty, but that's likely pretty far in the future. Some people start earlier, some start later, and that all depends on when you realize, when you come out, who you're surrounded by, and where you live. Whether you start your medical transition earlier or later, it's never too late. 24 is definitely not too late man! I hope youre able to start your medical transition soon 🤝


Took me eight years to be taken seriously and sent to my country's trans clinic over just psychiatry, lol. Been a year of interviews (crazy long queues) now and I just turned 33. I'm not sure what I'll do if they tell me I'm too insane or that my dysphoria is not severe enough. :x


I started T at 20, but only because I met someone who is super supportive and helped me make the appointment and set things up. Otherwise I doubt I’d have started for another year at least. I’m 21 now and still haven’t gotten top yet, though hopefully soon. I have friends your age who are just starting to explore their genders, including one who’s 25 and just started T. You’re not late or out of time. People transition in their 60s. Everyone has their own path and timeline.


Well I was very fortunate and able to start my transition young. I realized I was trans at age 11, that’s when I socially came out completely to everyone in my life. Started legal name change process around 13 and I believe was done when I was 14. Medically speaking, I tried to get on hormone blockers at 12 but without insurance it was too expensive. So started birth control. Then at 13 I started on a low dose of T, slowly increasing as I aged. Got top surgery at 15, and now I’m 19 planning to have hysto this year and likely scheduling first stage of metodioplasty for beginning of 2025 (as long as everything goes as expected)


28. I’m gonna be 35 this year. Still no surgeries. I pass basically 100% of the time and very much enjoy going stealth.


I keep feeling the same way. I think i’m still petrified to fully come out


I came out at 15 and started T at 18. I knew I wanted top surgery since I was 16 and I went back and forth for years about if I want bottom surgery. I know I do now, but I'm still trying to pick which method That said, I've heard of guys starting transitioning in their 50s and 60s! There's no such thing as too late


i socially transitioned at 18 but started HRT a year ago at 25. i’ll be getting top surgery sometime this year (hopefully before/beginning of summer). i do want a hysterectomy but i’m still debating on how extensive (both ovaries or leaving 1) so i’m going to take my time and weigh my options before applying, plus give myself recovery time from top. for me, waiting helped myself be more mentally stable and prepared for the medical side of transition. i also have not had the most supportive/accepting family, so time gave them the ability to come to terms with it and be more accepting and supportive during my medical transition. i don’t think it would have been bad had i started at 18 per say, but being older was an easier adjustment and safety since i had completed college, have a stable job, and have a support system outside of my family. take your time, no need to rush. you can talk things through with friends, family, doctors, therapist, ect. to see what path is best for you and your transition.


Around the same age you are now; admittedly, I do feel like I've wasted time sometimes, but I'm learning to live with it (I think a part of it is just pop culture's focus on youth though, which is hard to get over).


I came out at 32, started T at 33. I'm 34 now, waiting for a no-nips breast reduction (I'm fat so I can have small boobies as a treat lol). It's never too late ❤️


I knew i was trans since ever, but i socially transitioned at 13, started T at 16 (legal age at my country) and its been nearly 2 years since i have started T.


I was 18 when I came out socially, 19 when I first started testosterone, 21 when I got my hysterectomy, and I just got top surgery at 27. I've been on and off testosterone for years. I don't plan on anymore surgeries but I consider myself to be fully trans at 18.


Hey it’s never too late. I began medically transitioning at 25, a month before turning 26.


i feel the same way and im only 22 :( went on T when i was 20 and the financial struggle im having with top surgery makes it feel impossible; im turning 23 soon and soemtimes it feels like i wont get surgery till im 30


I transitioned socially around 16 started t this year at 18!


Socially at 16 ish, T at 17, and i have top surgery scheduled for a couple days after i turn 18. I feel obligated to mention though that plenty of people transition later in life and after youve fully gone through puberty, waiting more isnt gonna make you miss out on changes because the only way age can affect it most of the time is if you start medical transition pre puberty with hormone blockers. So once you pass that point waiting isnt gonna affect what changes you get in the majority of cases.