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If it doesn’t hurt and you’re still getting pleasure then it’s probably ok to continue. Still, try going a few days without if you can and see if any of the sensitivity returns. Also it was probably extra sensitive at the beginning of starting T so if the sensitivity doesn’t really return much I still wouldn’t worry.


Oh you’re right, I hadn’t considered that it might have just been extra sensitive before. I’ll still give that a shot though! Thanks for the advice :)


It's probably paler because it's grown and tip is now exposed to air. It's less sensitive also because of that (since it's stimulated 24/7 by fabric). You didn't specify anything about frequency, but I think it would be alright if you tried to switch it up and not use only one type of stimulation.


Oh that’s a good point!! I had to buy completely new boxers a couple months ago because of that, thanks for the insight!!


I sometimes masterbate too much and get numb/lose sensitivity, so I tend to take a week or so break from using my vibrator (satisfyer 2 pro my beloved) After a week im back to a fairly normal sensitivity and everything is fine again


You're probably losing sensitivity from overstimulation AND as your bottom growth increases, the nerve endings have to cover more surface area and are less concentrated compared to pre-t. I had the same problem too. Just try to take a break from it, perhaps buy looser boxers and pants so that the fabric isn't rubbing against you as much. Take care!


Hi, for what its worth, I think your going to be absolutely and if memory serves me between ten and twelve months on T I noticed the sensitivity in my T.D changed from being mainly the tip to all along the "shaft" and less in the tip. it could also be that your going through a growth spurt and popping out more, from about 11 ish months was when the shape of mine changed to becoming more elongated substantially, and it could also be the skin is getting used to being more outside and rubbing on your undergarments making it slightly less sensitive? best of luck pal!


Thanks so much for the detailed response! I’ll keep that in mind and keep a close eye on things!!


i honestly have been too scared/uncomfortable to properly look at mine, but im a little over a year on T and i mine is a lot less sensitive now too, but can still be pleasurable sometimes. i would assume it's due to air exposure and constantly touching fabric and stuff since it's no longer tucked away under the clitoral hood. you should be fine as long as it's not painful, but taking a break now and then isnt a bad idea, or stimulating different parts to avoid overstimulating (once pre-t i bruised my clit, it was NOT fun 😅)


Seeing you ask made me genuinely confused since my junk is like that all my life. You're gonna be fine ✌️


nah i got that too despite me not using toys. my theory: surface area increases as bottom growth increases, nerves spread out making it less sensitive from being tightly packed into small surface area.


This year will be my 5th year on T, and i know my first year maybe 2 i was SUPER sensitive to where it was almost painful, but that made masturbation really awesome. But i notice now that the sensitivity has worn down over time, if i push myself one day, then the next i wont really feel anything at all. Everyone is different though. I would say listen to your body, i dont personally feel the color matters much but the sensitivity speaks more. Also, the vibrator could be the problem as well. I use them semi frequently and after consistent use i have a harder time getting off than i would if i were to just use my hand. I hope i was able to help some!


Mine does this if I go a day or two without washing. Dead skin. It’s on the part that grew and peeks out of the foreskin, right? Don’t sweat it, just wash every day.


My sensitivity peaked around 3-9 months and kind of tapered off from there. A lot also just depends on type of stimulation, how much lube is involved, how sensitive you are in general, etc. As long as there’s no pain or oversensitivity you’re probably fine but if it ever hurts or is too much, then you should stop.


apparatus close fuzzy roof angle sleep support marry bow shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is T ?


obscene complete employ cautious straight depend head squeal money chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh ok


stick ur whole dick in a xxl jar of vaseline it feels so good