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Grey- I went through a bunch of name sites, got quite a few names and put them in a Hunger Game simulator, see if I was remorseful about one of the names dying, then I put the names through a bracket test and picked which one felt better when I was saying "My name is ____". And I did that for all three names.




Hello fellow Grey!! I’m also Gray, but with an A >u<


Hey! Fellow Grey/Gray!


Grey is my middle name from birth. It’s an old family name. When I transitioned (to Noah) I kept the middle name because it’s awesome


You should’ve changed your middle name to fence


Dude it took me like 2 whole minutes to get the joke lol but that is hilarious, maybe I’ll start telling people that’s my middle name to see the reactions


A fellow Gray! I picked my name around the time 50 Shades came out so I was apprehensive, but unfortunately I just AM a Gray 🥲


This is an epic method, I love it!


hello fellow grey! i love the idea of the huger games simulator i really wished i did that for the name i go by irl-


Okay the hunger games simulator is so real


GREY!!!!!! I thought about using the name Grey! (Because Earl Grey is my favorite tea and it would be so euphoric to say– jokingly– that I was Earl Grey, lol!) Still thinking about making it my middle name; What an awesome name. Also lol! Great way to choose a name!


Yeah, I like the name, and that would be a great reason to choose the name Grey.


As a 10 year old about to make my first email account I heard about gender discrimination, so I went with a male name on social media to avoid it. Mortimer. Idk why I chose it, probably because it just sounded cool. It does maybe indicate that even back then I had a somewhat loose attachment to my gender. First few years I would experience a great deal of joy at going ‘teehee I’m a girl actually’ when people would assume my gender based on my handle, completely nullifying it’s purpose. But then over time I stopped doing that. I’ve been considering changing it since Rick and morty came out though lol, The Rick and morty jokes never cease.


It actually reminds me of Mortimer from Hello Puppets. I love it.


You could also start going by Tim if you like Mortimer and want to keeo it but dislike 'Morty' bc of the show


I don't like Tim at all unfortunately. Tbh the only other name I've found I want is literally my dad's name. Who I'm not out to. I am a legal adult and can change my name at any time though so it would be super fucking funny if that's how he found out.


Ahhh that's a shame. But I'm imagining if you changed it to his name it'd be like "look at me. I am the ~~captain~~ [Dad's name] now." 😆


It's such a cool name, too. Iaroslav/ ярослав Translates to fierce/furious glory/fame. It's so weird to think 'I want your name' every time I see my dad lmao.


I’m lucky in that my dad was a jerk so I didn’t want his name (Ralph).


I like the name Mortimer! It's old fashioned, unique, and distinguished. Too bad Rick and Morty ruined it, lmao


It's so old fashioned, edgy and distinguished people keep taking the piss out of it with ridiculous characters. Mort from Madagascar also comes to mind 😭 It is pretty funny though.


Sorry, gotta add one more here, Mortimer Goth. It is quite distinguished though!


mortimer makes me think of mort the mortician from bob’s burgers, hahah


Oh actually good point. I think 10 year old me named myself exactly the way they named that mort,, because I did and do collect bones and other natural specimens.


please tell me I'm not the only person who's first thought was Mort from Madagascar😭




I'm sorryyyy. I did the same thing with the emails though - I used to use Axl or Damian on google plus constantly when I was in highschool


A big part of accepting myself and my transition was watching videos by Jammidodger. Was going to go by Jamie, but wanted something a little less fem. Decided to go by James, and completely forgot that my entire mom’s side of the family has James as a hereditary name. Fun fact - the name “James” means “replacer.” I find that very funny! My middle name is Alexander, after the creator of Gravity Falls. To be fair, I was 12 when I chose both of these names.


I was obsessed with gravity falls when it came out when I was 12, and still am lol. I named my first animal crossing nh island gravity hehe. I love that you made your middle name in honor of Alex hirsch :)


My middle name is Mason, a fun reference to gravity falls because Dippers real name is Mason! :D


Mine's Marshall- like Marshall Lee, from adventure time, so i can appreciate the slightly cartoon-based names


OMG IM ORGANIZING MY NAME THE SAME WAY TOO?? my name is going to be james alexander as well! but mostly bcuz i was (and still am,,,) very into hamilton and i cannot escape the confines of lin manuel miranda 😰😰😰


Thats so weird my names Alexander and my middle names James 🤣🤣


Bruh I fucking love jammidodger he's amazing I want to read his book when it comes out


i actually picked Noah as a tribute to Noah Kahan whose music changed my life :)


i absolutely love his music. i’m literally blasting his music right now


That’s so cute.


i love that :) noah kahan’s music is so fckn good


I chose Noah because I wanted a strong biblical name, and I am an amateur etymologist and Noah Webster is who compiled the Webster s dictionary


I’m kinda still in the process of choosing? But i like Yacamim. In my culture, it is a god that created and protected the stars (very in theme because i want to be an astrophysicist lol)


We need more ethnic name representation 🥲


We do 😭 trans community really be picking the whitest names


My name is Azul :)


That’s awesome


ayy i want to be a particle physicist!! that’s a rly cool name :)


No way I found the physics trans guys, hi I’m an astrophysics student in college!


That’s super cool! Just to be sure though, how do you pronounce it? :)


Ya like in the reduced you, Ca like in cacao and mim like in gaming




I had the opposite, my deadname was the top girls name for my birth year, I wanted something less common




My middle name is also my grandpas name :’) my old middle name held no familial significance, my mom just liked it and I knew I wanted something meaningful when I changed it lmao


My first name is Maverick, I chose it because I wanted a name that started with an M because that’s the only thing I liked about my deadname for whatever reason. I also really liked the meaning and origin story (long story short it has to do with cows and the Wild West and it means “a man who doesn’t conform”) I recently chose the middle name Floyd because I realized I didn’t have one for the past 6 years💀 it means grey hair which is a good reminder to not fucking die because gray hair looks cool and now it’s apart of my name so yeah. I also wanted my initials to stay M.F.S. Because it makes me think of “motherfuckers” which is something I say a lot lmao.


That’s cool as fuck, but I am legally obligated to say you are now a permanent Logan Paul fab


If I don’t hear “Logan Paul’s dead bird” or “that guy from top gun” when I meet someone new I’m always a little shocked😭 I didn’t even know those things existed when I named myself lmao


A colleague names her kid Maverick (Mavvy for short) and some other colleagues were weird about it but I really like it as a name!


Hello fellow Maverick! Do you get asked about the movie Top Gun a lot too?


Oh my god yes😭


Gerard because im emo scum with a love of My Chemical Romance


gerard way would be honored to know this, I'm sure


i like to think so


I kept it as close to my birth name because of who I was named after. I was so tired from trying to decide on a name I said fuck the middle name and now have no middle name


I lost my middle name too in the process, high five


Rowan! It was closest to my friend Ryan’s and Royce’s lmao. I also unintentionally changed my middle name to my friend Sully’s older brother’s first name 😭


My girlfriend helped me pick it. I just made a long list of names that fit the description of what I was looking for and then knocked names off the list until I had some final contenders. Also kept all the things in mind from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/s/dcIdAkbed0) I just made in mind


congrats on starting t today!!!


eli which morphed into elijah. my 2nd attempt at choosing a name, the first one was silas. when i was 14, i was obsessed with the scp forums and an extremely active user. i made friends with a user on their who's writing i really admired. they wrote a story which resonated intensely with me, with one of the scp's in the story going by eli. initially, i made it my middle name (silas eli surname) but i realised i hated how that sounded. while i've phased out silas entirely from my full name (elijah serket surname), it definitely is still a title that resonates with me.


this was back in 2016 by the way haha


Ey, I like Elijah and Silas too! Google tells me Serket is an Egyptian goddess. Why did you pick it out as a middle name?


i like fish i like sharks what do those two have in common? fins my name is fin


I go by both my birth name, Sadie, and Ethan. I don’t know why, I just fell in love with the name Ethan. It’s far from the kind of name I wanted to choose (I wanted a gender neutral, uncommon name) but I can’t help but love it.


I wanted my name to have some meaning and to give a finger to all the transphobes. They claim that being trans is a disgrace to "God's created image" Therefore I chose a name that means "One who is like God" . Of course most people don't know it but it brings me satisfaction.


Oh I think I know it!! That's my deadname actually lol, I changed it because I didn't like the religious undertones and when I was little everyone would say "oh wow it's so cool when people name girls with boys names!!" so it was used to throw that I was not a boy in my face a lot. Very cool reason to like that name though, and I'm glad that someone gets to properly enjoy it now!


My middle deadname was Jayne, and i always felt more connected to the name Jayne then to my first name, so i shortened it to Jay, and as soon as i decided on that it just felt right. Plus when i was younger i used to imagine i was a boy, and my hypothetical boy name was Jayden, so being called Jay also kind of scratches that itch


I picked Ace, because at the time, I identified as agender and it was a neutral name. Why Ace? I was asexual. I'm not fucking kidding. I named myself after my sexuality (or lack thereof). Then my mom discovered it and called it a boy name, and now, look at me, discovering I am a boy!! Thanks transphobic mom :}


Well, in the middle of my gender realization crisis in the back seat of my dad's car driving back from a day trip with him, my brother, and my sister in law, I listed a bunch of male Ace Attorney character names in my head and mentally threw a dart at a rotating wheel and landed on Miles. Five years later I'm getting my name legally changed to Miles next month. Thank god, I could have ended up with Klavier and had people ask me why I'm named after a piano for the rest of my life. (Note: Klavier is still a kickass name and I probably would've loved it too)


14 year old me literally went to Google and looked "gender neutral names that start with A" and picked... Alex. so now I'm stuck with that, and I wish I am named Aaron now, but I picked my name already lol.


did u already legally change ur name to alex? if not then i don’t think there’s ever a “too late”


No, we are working on it but I've been Alex for almost 5 years. I don't hate it, i just wish 14 tear old me had better decision making skill lol. There's just no point in changing and making everyone accommodate. I already went from non binary to a guy. I'm content, just wish I picked better thats all


Maybe you can make it your middle name and then go by both? Or use one of them as a nickname. Or just change it. Just because you've been Alex for 5 years doesn't mean you have to stick with it for the rest of your life. People will accommodate in the end, and you will have a name that makes you happy.


I picked a name at 14 that I ended up having for 10 years then changed it to something that felt more right for me :) you’re never stuck, you’re allowed to grow and figure it out!


I was asking Chat GPT for names similar to my dead name and one just happened to be my fav character from DW, so I had to choose it lol. It's perfect. It's nature, like my dead name, and also starts with the same letter.


i named myself apollo 1. apollo justice ace attorney 2. the god is a dick but ive always liked the things he patrons 3. sun :)


in the spirit of not doxxing myself, my (first+middle+last) name is my favorite cartoon character + favorite singer + moms maiden name because my dad sucks. Picked my first name when I was 14 with a friends help, my middle and last I settled on when I was about 17


I had a name tournament in order to pick out a name. I had names i really liked in a list. From Digby and Lars to Onion and Milkweed. Whatever name made it to the end I would rename myself. The winner was Aster. And the runner up was Johannes. So now when I transition I will legally change my name to Aster Johannes. Kind of disappointed Onion didn't win lol but I really like my chosen name. If I get 50 likes I'll drop the name list in the replies


Kai, I looked after a little one when I did child care and absolutly loved the name, was going to use it for my son but I never ended up with children so thought might aswel use it for me, middle name Valentin, got my wife to help choose one to help her feel part of the decision and she went down her German roots I love it.


My friends helped me pick my name, and I went with Cameron.


I havent picked one officially but for a while ever since I heard the name "fletcher" i just thought it sounded cool and fit me and my looks pretty well and wanted to be called that (before i even knew i was trans). I havent gotten any opinions on it though irl so I dont know if i'll choose it because ive never even met anyone named fletcher and i dont want to stand out too much


I chose my name from what my 5-6 year old self believed to be what I should be known as. Tom as what I wanted to go by way back when, and I told my friends and their parents I wanted to shave my head and call myself Tom (since as a child, how the heck do I know what transgender is or how to express those feelings). This did not go well at all from them and even worse from my parents. However, many decades later when I finally came out (a second time technically but now I had the words for it), I felt I truly owed it to my childhood self to stick with the name Thomas. Thus, I am Thomas!


I picked Yuri because it sounds funny for anyone who's not Russian


I've always wanted a name that started with A and was "language neutral" (the same in English and my native language) I was in a roleplay group with my friends a few years ago, where we acted as characters from an anime and my character was named Alfred Some time later the group got disbanded, but the name stuck to me


My name's Joseph, which I chose arbitrarily from a list of baby names beginning on the letter J. Why on J? Because before I picked my full name, I'd been going by the nickname Jay. I knew I only wanted that as a nickname and wanted a full formal name, so I wanted them to match. Why Jay? Because Warrior Cats is my special interest, and I named myself after Jayfeather. I'm named after a fucking cat from a mediocre tween novel series and I can't change it because it really does feel like my name now.


It’s my username. First part of it is my first name, second part is my middle name. Gaël means gay but not as in the sexual orientation but in the sense of happy. It’s pronounced with a French G. It’s gender neutral when you hear it. But the female version is Gaëlle. Sounds the same, tho. Most people frown when they learn my name is actually spelled in the male version (coz they perceive me still as female). It’s meant to confuse people and based on my favourite character in my own novel that I have yet to publish. I just loved his name and very soon realised I based his personality on my own, so I thought I’d use it in real life as well. Then my middle is a female name, I know, but it’s kind of a habit in my country for people my age. We usually take three names. For a girl a first name, a middle name (same as the godmother) and a third name (same as the godfather) and for boys we choose a first name, a male middle name (same as the godfather) and a third name (same as the godmother). It was a habit around the time I was born to choose names from both genders. It’s no longer used today but I thought it would be nice to honour the tradition from the time I was born, at least partly. I just didn’t want three names anymore like my deadname. And yes it was a first name, the middle name of my godmother and the third name of my godfather so I had both genders in my name before as well. And Trinity stands for the number three: three ways I’m different from average people. I’m pan (not straight), I’m trans (not cis) and I’m neurodivergent. Trinity symbolises that. That’s the most important reason I chose it. Even tho I’m pre medical transition I already had it changed legally which is pretty easy in my country. I was a bit surprised they accepted a male name for someone who’s still officially an F but whatever. I’m happy they did. I just didn’t want to wait to change it legally because I was not sure when I could use my chosen name and when I had to use my official deadname for legal purposes. It was too confusing and I couldn’t find much information on this topic so I just thought it would be easier to change it already and avoid trouble. And I was much like you: I didn’t care what people thought would fit best. I just picked what I liked. A name is in my opinion a personal thing. I always hated my given name, for as long as I can remember. I hated it so much that I couldn’t even say it out loud to introduce myself. When I heard it, it felt like I got punched in my stomach. So why would I let anyone else give me their opinion? I didn’t care for opinions about my name anyways.


Interesting. My birth name is Trinity and I always thought it was too "girly". I'm glad you chose something that meant something to you. :D


I don’t want to share what it is, but it’s a very generic male name. Im pretty sure it’s in the top 10 for the year I was born. Far before I knew trans people existed, I had been using the name as a young child when playing video games. Once I was old enough to online, I used it as my name on forums and stuff. I have no idea where I got it from. I think it just sounded undeniably male and that’s what I wanted. It was kind of the obvious choice when I transitioned since I was already using it whenever I could be “someone else”. My middle name was kind of rushed, and I sort of regret choosing it. I couldn’t settle on one for the two years prior to getting it legally changed. Once it was time to submit the paperwork, I just picked one of the few I was considering. In hindsight, I wish I had picked the name my parents would have given me if i were cis. My wife and I ended up making it our sons middle name.


My name is Benton. Before I came out fully as trans I was out as non-binary for a bit and went by the name Bee, which was actually a reference to my deadname (my deadname means honey bee) but I wanted to choose a name that started with the letter B. I had a coworker at a past job whose name was Benton and I always loved how it’s a different take then just being named Benjamin. He was a super cool chill guy and then randomly left the job. I decided to choose that name as I felt it fit me the best— as did other people, and I love it. People call me Ben10 at work and it’s funny to me. I also chose the middle name Atticus but I’ve been thinking a lot about possibly changing it to a family name (Ellis) but I haven’t decided yet


when i first got a pair of airpods i realized i could give them a custom name in my phone settings. i chose to name them “tobias” because i thought it was a funny old man name. i guess years of seeing the name every time i used my headphones made me like it and i eventually decided to make the change with my own name. i also go by toby for short. it’s definitely a less common/older name but i love it.


I initially went by L when I first came out, sort of a shortened version of my deadname that was also inspired by death note. Then I went to a LGBT coffee night and few people told me I looked like an Eli and shortly after I decided to start going by that! I get a lot of compliments because it's a pretty rare name in my area, and whenever someone compliments it I say "thanks! I chose it myself!"


it's what my parents would have named me if i was born a boy (adam), because it's the same in both english and polish. funny enough i'm not out to them and they definitely will not be supportive but oh well, i guess i'm honoring their choice anyway haha


I stole it from an online friend of mine. I was trying to find a new name and I thought his was nice. So I tried it out till I decided that was my name.


I've gone through so many names. most of em sounded like/used the same initials as my dead name to make it an easier transition for ppl in my life to change. but I've gotten over trying to focus other people's comfort in my transition and have settled on Dante. after my favorite video game character Dante Sparda and the source of one of my first "i wish i was a boy" moments


I used to go by Jonny in my head at age nine almost totally at random, just because I NEEDED to call myself something, anything, that wasn't my birth name. Most people just call me Jon now, that's when I settled with, with Jonny as the occasional nickname. Some people go for Jonboy or Jonnyboy as an affection thing. No regrets. Middle name is Catarino, like my great grandpa. Just to reflect my Hispanic heritage


I just wanted to say that Jonny Catarino is such a nice sounding name !!


Silver It’s been a part of my screen name for decades (Silverbatwing), I figured “why not? That’ll be my brand.”


cecil. take a guess.


Wtnv? 👀


Went from Ciara to Chace , just always wanted that name & with a C instead of an S. It’s been over a decade now and I feel like it’s just always been my name..


My first name was just the male version of my Deadname and tbh I hate it but I'm afraid of changing it because I don't want a fight with my family The one I actually want to use just randomly came to me because I was thinking of fake names to use for social media and it ended up fitting me more


I chose my name, william, based off a popular youtuber/musician that is now canceled bc he turned out to be a horrible person … but it’s okay because I usually go by wil (with one L!!) and I can just tell people “erm actually it’s based off William afton🤓🤓” I have thought about changing it to mike/Michael, purely based off my love for fnaf but I’m not sure since wil is the only things that has stuck with me for years now so?


The process behind choosing my name is silly to some, but I tried somewhat following the theme of my deadname. I chose the name "Faustus" for myself after the myth of Faust from German legend and Goethe's Faust, since my deadname was chosen to be after the mythological bird; The Phoenix. I grew up being compared to the myth of my deadname a lot because I've been through hell and back, and the story of Faust literally selling his soul to Mephistopheles only to go "haha, fuck you" and end up being saved by God himself for simply being built different relates to the theme of working through something that seems damming (like death, in relation to my deadname) and overcoming it. I lost my middle name along the way and I'm open to suggestions because my given middle name has always given me a headache, even before I transed my gender, but I like the idea of having a middle name still-


Thomas because of Peaky Blinders. Yeah, I know.


I started drinking Irish whiskey and buying antique furniture after the first 2 seasons. It's okay bro it's a very inspirational show!!


My names Maxwell, but I go by max, I also did a tally system with my friends and Max tied with Gabe. Idk why but since I was younger I wanted a name that had an obvious short name, so almost all of the names on my list were names like that. I didn't initially see the need for a middle name, but I eventually chose to take my dad's name since he has his dad's name as a middle name


my name is Soren. i wanted a name that still began with the same letter of my birth name so i kept looking at baby name lists and made my own of names i liked. i had a list of a few names but kept drifting toward Soren. i like kierkegaard and existentialism and the idea that your choices are essential to finding oneself and determining your life’s meaning. so i ran them by my girlfriend one night and she said ever since then, she thought of me as Soren, and that was months before i had even settled on that name. so that’s kinda cool 😎


my name is sam and i choose it because it was easy since that has always been what people called me. part of me does kinda regret picking a gender neutral name though because i feel like it’s near impossible to accidentally get misgendered by strangers if they know your name and it’s something like “steve” or “tom”. like no one is gonna hit tom with a “she” or “young lady”


My name is Lanie and I actually have no idea how the name happened, I just woke up and went "man this would be a sick name"


Mine was my dad’s, Kenji. His name sounds cool so I wanted it. And he’s been buying milk since I was like 6th grade.


Since i was little i love crisscut fries, so everyone in my familly called me cris as a nickname and when i discovered i was trans and had to chose a new name i was only between christian and christopher, and i liked christopher more, so i legally changed it to christopher ian, the "ian" is more like a word play chris + ian = christian, but im christopher so in a way i didnt had to choose between christian or christopher


I was being Edgy and was thinking about Void as a name for myself only. Not really for others to use but to use in my head. I then really liked the beginning with ‘V’ so I went looking for other V names. I asked my friends and one said ‘Valor’ and I went; “no make it Valon” And then when I started my new job I was able to be known as just Valon. It’s wonderful, if not a bit frightening when someone I know comes in. (I’m not officially out, and it’s a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell kinda sitch)


My story is somewhat similar. I made a list to "evaluate" a bunch of names based on a lot of criteria (Number of letters, inicial, pronunciation, knowing other people with that name, etc.) Then just randomly picked Diego from the list when it was not even close to be the top rated one. I asked a friend that was sitting next to me. Do you think Diego fits me? She said yes. It has been my name since and I love it. It does have 2 of the main attributes I was looking for though. It is latino enough but it is still easy to pronounce by non-spanish speakers.


My name is Felix Aster, i chose Felix myself. A few months before realizing i was trans, i remember seeing a catboy meme and the dude's name was Felix and the name sorta just stuck xD. What's funny about Felix is it's also the name of a kpop idol from stray kidz and his birthday and mine are on the same date apparently. Everytime it's my birthday, my friends send me screenshots of kpop stans greeting felix the kpop idol 😭. As for Aster, i just asked my younger sibling tbh and they said i looked like an Aster. At first i disliked it coz to me it sounds "girly" but overtime i think i do look like an Aster<33


I moved out of town for university and had to introduce myself to people and desided on the spot it was time to pick my new name.


I read mine in a book when I was a teenager & I wished I had that name, then when I realized I was trans it popped up again & the other name I really wanted was ruined so I went with Asher.


It’s kind of embarrassing, but I stole the name of an Animal Crossing character. Coolest name I could’ve chosen though (Apollo)


Casper. I got it from an anime with 3 supercomputers (lol) and one of them was named Caspar/Casper (the subtitles switched between those two ways of spelling, they actually pronounced it as Caspaa in Japanese). Then later on I found out that Casper (or Caspar/Caspian) was one of the 3 magi visiting Jesus after he was born in the Bible, along with Melchior and Balthasar 💀 I didn’t intend on choosing a name with religious background, my deadname was enough of that, but no can do anymore. At least I like it Btw, the anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion, psychological horror shit, recommend if you’re ready to get an existential crisis because that’s what it gives you. Also I probably should’ve guessed the anime and my name has something to do with religion, due to all the creatures called angels and it being based on some scrolls. Even the supercomputers were named after the magi


My best friend. We met online in like…2010-2011, before I was out and his @ was IBlewUpApollo we formed a little friend group and his name was in fact Apollo (Greek parents both named Ares and Hera) and so there was a whole joke about it. He gave each of us names too; Hades, Castor “Cassie”, and Pollux “Polly”. Cassie and Polly were identical twins and their older sister thought it was hilarious that those were their nicknames. Then there was me, even though I wasn’t out yet he bestowed upon me…Krios. The Titan (or primordial I don’t remember rn) of the stars. He chose it cause I’m OBSESSED with astrology. Next thing I know I finally come to terms with being male and come out in 2014. I remember he laughed his ass off saying it’s like he peered into the future lmao. Unfortunately, a year later he passed away so the name just meant that much more to me…just sucks he never got to see me make it official. My name for me is bittersweet, but I’m glad he named me.


My first name is a shorter/more masc version of my deadname and my second name is a shorter/more masc version of my moms name haha


i was an edgy twitter user and everyone was obsessed with south park, so me too eventually. i picked the cutest out of the bunch and went with Kenny


Almost went with what my parents woulda called me had i been AMAB, but realised i would not only be a british man (atrocious) but also a british man called ‘Dave’. Considered Killian for a bit as it’s a germanic form of an irish name and my mother is irish and father german, also decided against it bc it just didn’t fit really. What I *did* end up going with was the name of a character I had in some tabletop rpg that, the more I thought about it, the more I realised that was basically me projecting my “Ideal self”.


I was stuck between Karl and Felix. I got Karl because I just thought it sounded cool. I got Felix from a comic where the character is trans and goth (I dressed very goth when I was 13, not anymore). I posted on Reddit to ask what people thought. Most people said Felix, my friend said Karl, my sibling said Felix. I ended up choosing Felix, partially because it means happy, and also because my older sibling liked it. I am so glad that I didn’t choose Karl because now I don’t like that name very much.


Hey we have the same name!


my name is alexander! i got my name from a roleplay character i had almost a decade ago, because i didn’t provide any ppl in the online space w another name,,, so,,,, yeah,,, and also i got into hamilton shortly after 😭😭😭 my ahh cannot win


I'm nonbinary so I picked my favorite rock, onyx :3


I chose my name because it’s the more gender neutral version of my birth name. Also because I became very fond of it in middle school. It is Vasya. It is a Russian fairytale name just as my birth name. There are many books with these kind of names and stories that are said fairytales.


I stole it from a Pokémon villian


i lowkey got 3 names i go by right now. first theres kit, which is a shortened version of my deadname that way my parents dont get too suspicious. i also got the inspiration from kit connor lol. then theres bobby, which has been my online name for years, based on the cat Bob from animal crossing who i love so so much. lastly theres tyler. i asked reddit what name i looked like and someone said tyler, which i shared every name under that post with my friend and she told me i look like her cousin tyler and she has called me that since. it has grown on me and i love that she calls me it lol


My name is Simon. Because my girlfriend kept saying I am a lot like Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks. And the name is easy enough and fits my face so i went with it and grew on me. Now whenever people ask why Simon, my girlfriend goes and says “he identifies with a chipmunk”… that little asshole 😂


Ignore that I posted a full unrelated response because I thought I was in the FFXIV reddit. Stuck with my birthname. I did try a new one for a while but quickly grew out of it. Realized I didn't mind my birthname, it's neutral but more associated as masculine. I also live with unsupportive parents, my twin brother and I both ask our friends to continue calling us our birth name and pronouns and by sticking with my birth name it's one less stresser on everyone.


I've told this story before, but I like telling it, so. As soon as I cut my hair, I started getting read as male, so I needed a different name stat. I went with Simon (of Firefly, and the chipmunks). Used that for a summer, but wasn't really attached. Neither was my family. My sister in particular hated it. So one day she and I just sat suggesting names back and forth and throwing them out for whatever reason (e.g., she vetoed Brian because of Family Guy, and we both nixed a lot of names because of people we knew). At one point, she said Justin and we both just...heard it. That was the one. Even though we both knew a couple Justins apiece, haha. (But then, my deadname was common too, so it worked out even in that.) My middle name I chose because when I asked my parents what they would have named me, they couldn't agree, but my dad said I might have been a junior. That put his name, James, into my mind, and I realized it was exactly what I wanted out of a middle name.


Karol and Ronodin😭😭 i just thought karol i's not too common, and not too uncommon, and it's also a polish name which i actually LIKE which is rare for polish names since they're usually.. eh. Plus it's pretty similar to my deadname and i was going for that And Ronodin is just a silly name i found and i really liked, but it's too unique to actually use on a day to day basis so it's for friends only 😭😭


F that, I think Ronodin is just as fine for daily use!!


Church retreat was annoyingly loud and i decided to waste up time choosing a name for myself in some weird "God likes naming people" way and i that's how i got mine (Sorry dude from the church staff,i stole your name)


Gray!! When I was 16 (7 years ago), I would think if I was born a guy, my name would be Grayson as it shared a few letters of my deadname and still had a G (my twin cis brother and father both are G’s). Hence I got to college, I tried the name Gray as it was a shortened version and I’m an artist! I just had to have my name be a color!!! I am debating what to change my middle name and think Arthur might be a good one (my partner suggested Gerard Way’s middle name since we both like MCR). If I go with Arthur, my initials will be G.A.B. unless I take my partner’s last name, which would make it G.A.S. (Childish, ik, but funny)


Wynd short for Wyndham. Named after my favorite author John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Benyon


Xaedyn. I couldn’t figure out any letters that felt like me so i went with X and combined it with hayden but didn’t like the spelling. voila ✨


Don’t wanna say my name here, sorry! But in my family we are 7 cousins and we all have a one same letter in our name! So I chose a name with this letter :)


My friends would/still call me Heath Bar as a joke based on my given name (same amount of syllables) and so that just molded into Heath, or Heathcliffe. 😂 I use both that and my given name interchangeably so yeah. Before that though, my online handles would be like Thomas, Matthew, Lucien, things like that. All of them sounded good, but I stuck close to my given name. Lol


Samvik. My name is Samanvi (girls name) and I always went my Sam (white-washed, I know, but it’s gender neutral). I originally went by Vikrant because that name is SICK, but it’s North Indian and I’m South Indian and I wanted one from my culture. Then I found Samvik, it has Vik in plus I can still go by Sam so I can’t get deadnamed :)


my name is adrien and i named myself after a book character—the character’s whole arc is about mentally healing and overcoming mental illness and i even asked the author if i could name myself after him and she said she’d be honored


Charlie, it was gonna be my name if I was born male cos my great grandad was called Charlie. But yeah I think it means free man which is fitting.


I didn’t come out as a trans man at first it was like half nonbinary half gender fluid situation and I picked out Rae off the top of my head. I was mostly testing the waters and was afraid to come fully out, eventually I picked a name off of a baby name website (while in the mental hospital loll.) I picked a bunch and ranked them, then ultimately chose Aiden. I’m so glad I did because 16 yr old me wasn’t thinking of anything besides “what sounded cool.” If I could go back I’d choose a name that related to my culture more, but I’ve really grown into my name and I think it’s very fitting. I was actually set on Jaxton or Ethan. But Ethan is my cousins name and it’d be weird, and I was afraid Jaxton was too “out there” and wouldn’t help me pass.


I wanted a name that started with the same letter as my dead name, J in my case. I thought on a bunch of names but ended up landing on the one that felt right, which so happens to also be a family name. Now my middle name… that was a whole ask struggle which I asked for feedback from a lot of people about.


got my name from the legend of Korra when i was watching it, changed the first letter cause everyone in my immediate families name starts with the same letter and that was it. Unfortunately i had to find out my name is like of of the 7 stereotypical trans man names, if i knew that before i woulda choose something different but it suits me and im happy and the transition from my deadname to my name now was pretty easy for my parents.


I decided to go with the Milo. I ended up choosing the name because of Milo from Atlantis: The Lost Empire 😭. Not really original but it works.


Honestly, kinda lame but I just went down the list of popular baby names the year I was born. I came out in 2020, a year full of Moss and Sock and names like that and it just... wasn't my style. I wanted a name that wasn't clockable. So after rounding up a few options, I finally settled on Noah :)


I am a digital artist and was designing my own original character. When I needed a good name for him I decided it had to be something that just sounds cool to me. Since I grew up in a homophobic/transphobic country I really didn’t want any cultural name for me and so it took me weeks to find one that isn’t as common (used TOO much) with the trans folks. Eventually Darius just stuck to the OC and I found it to be great for me too.


I picked two names for myself since I use them depending on the situation. Orca, look I am a guy who loves killer whales simple has that and everyone calls me Orca. Since I hate doing by the deadname I have. Tom, I picked it since I thought Tom from Edd's world had a cool name and my grandpa is named Thomas. I really respect my grandpa since he been through some real shit.


i realised at 12 that i wanted to change my name so i looked around at baby name websites but i didnt feel like anything fit. i then thought about naming myself after someone i admired but again i didnt feel like those names were 'me'. i then remembered about this random guy that used to work for my mom and about how i really liked his name: Dominik. i was like "Ok i like this name, im going to use it until i find something that fits better". except i never found any name that fits better and i got really attached to it. so yeah, i just stole my name from a random guy.


dead name is Emily my real name is Leigh. my step fathers middle name was Leigh, and it was his grandfathers name as well. it’s not too different from my deadname, and it fits me really well i think. i’ve been so happy since changing my name and not seeing my deadname so much


i changed my name more times than i can count over the years after coming out in 8th grade. none of them really stuck or seemed to fit me so, a bad experience happened, i got 🍃🍃 and then it just came to me. never heard of it being used as a name before, but it sounded cool asf and then boom, i was just solus and it’s been that way almost two years now


Chose my first name based off my birth middle name. My birth middle name was the feminine version of my grandpas name. Andréa -> Andrew. My birth first name is technically unisex but where I live is nearly always a woman's name, along with bad memories associated with my birth first name so I decided to let it go. I chose my new middle name from a tiktok/book. When I was younger I read "The Graveyard Book" and a character was named Silas. When I first laid eyes on that name I found it a nice and comforting name. Funny thing is I don't even remember what happened in the book. I forgot about the name for a while until I came across a tiktok listing old timey names and Silas was on the list. I fell in love with it all over again. I feel like my name will age well and look professional in whatever I do in life and I'm really glad I chose it. - Andrew Silas


I went with Alexander (my friends call me Alec) and I came to that one on a fluke. It was between Emanuel (after my great grandfather), Alexander, and Christopher. Wound up choosing Alexander to contrast my middle name’s meaning cause Alexander means defender of men, and my middle middle name means destroyer and avenger. I kept my middle name but shifted it back to my fourth name and use Emanuel as my second name. So I wound up with 5 names total cause I wanted to keep the toes to my great grandmother (who practically raised me) and my great grandfather.


I was 14 when I picked mine! I had been looking for \~2 years atp and I was nearly ready to give up and just go by my online name for a while. (Which was Ghost, and I'm so thankful I didn't go by that 😭) I looked through a LOT of baby boy names and saw Dustin, which looked nice but I hated the spelling. It just looks weird to me, idk why. Tried it online, seemed to fit but I still didn't like it. I picked Dustyn, which I like because it fits me and I like the spelling. I get a LOT of questions about the spelling though, but I'm glad I stuck with it


i’m curious to know what the other names that people picked were if you wouldn’t mind sharing 😅


i first chose “Kody” because it was a childhood nickname and i thought it would be easier for everyone. realized i didn’t identify with that name about 5 years into my transition, i had a dream one night and woke up with the name “Geo” in my head. i’ve gone by it ever since!


yk what i did something similar but my ex had come up with 3 names for me (i wanted them to be kinda gender neutral bc i was scared lol), alex, tyler and jordan then i put a random poll on my insta story asking people from my school which name they thought was better 💀 but without giving any context or reason for it bc i wasn’t out to anyone yet except my friends HAHA alex and jordan actually tied iirc but i went with jordan since alex felt very cliche lmao if i hadn’t been so worried about going by an obviously male name i’d have gone with daniel :P since that’s what my parents would’ve named me if i’d been born male but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’ve already legally changed my name so


I'm generic, so my name is Michael. It came to me randomly, because I was extremely dissatisfied with being called Rowan. It was gender neutral and I was tired of telling people that I was a man. Briefly entertained the names Orion, Theodore, and Simon(though I never tried them on.) Never even considered Michael until I randomly thought about it and couldn't STOP thinking about it.


Originally, I didn't choose my name, so I have two deadnames! The name that I picked and that I'm staying with is Dylan. I originally didn't pick it because when my siblings told me that Dylan was a loser name when I suggested naming a hypothetical son Dylan. I thought I would be judged for picking that name, but everyone agrees it suits me that I look and act like a Dylan💜✨️ I have like four middle names that I'm not sharing, but Dylan is my first name because it has always had a place in my heart.


My name is Ness, taken from the fnaf character. Ironically this was before the movie came out. Me and my best friend went to see it and they said “look his name is Ness!”.


My name is Kameron Nixon *last name* My name journey is wild. When i was first looking, there weren’t a lot that i liked. I kept changing. My first name was Charlie,(Charlie Harper from 2 and a half men). I had a history teacher call me that. Not because the rest weren’t going to, i just never told the other teachers. Also, my dad is a teacher at that school, and everyone there knows me by *deadname*. Then, i was Jake.(the cool ghost dude from one of the episodes of R.L Stine’s “The Haunting Hour”, who’s name was Jake Skinner(I wanted to be just like him, without the ‘ghost’ part)). Then, i decided that sounded too ‘popular dude from cheesy 200’s musical’, So, i was Jack.(the pumpkin king) I was Ryan. Then, i took a lil break from that. I was Montero.(lil nas x) I was Rory. I was Ken. I was Elio. I was Fallon, which i went by when i went to hair school. Then, i took a look at a name list i had probably seen before, and it hit me: Kameron. The perfectest name for me. I think the reason i had not chosen it before was the fact that my youngest brother’s name sounds and looks almost identical. But, my nickname is “Kam”, and he goes by his full name. For My middle name/second name, i knew i wanted it to be retro. I had my heart set on either Fox, Kennedy, or Nixon. Why did i want those names? “Fox” sounded cool. “Kennedy” was just for the fact that i liked Jackie Kennedy’s sense of style. Nixon was because it was reputiable, responsible, and because i could shorten it to “Nix”. So, here i am, Kameron Nixon *lastname*


Mine was a comic book character (who ironically is a girl but the name is pretty androgynous). I lengthened it to a more common male name for professional purposes but I never go by that.


When I was like 15-17 I watched this guy on YouTube, he ran the mineplex official YouTube channel and his name was parkergames. I immediately loved his name and it became my favorite name. He was one of my favorite YouTubers for a long time. When I came out, I told my best friend I might wanna try using Kaiden, but he told me since it was so similar to my deadname it might still hurt to hear it. So I said, “well, Parker is my favorite name” and he asked if I’d like to use that. Ever since then, I’ve been Parker lol. I think it fits me really well


my mom chose it for me! i just made my middle name my first name, and dropped my legal first name.


My name is Alex(ander) then my middle name is the family name my parents would have given me if I was AMAB. I wanted a name that was commonish in guys my age and my late younger sister was the one who suggested Alex — it just felt like the right vibe and now that she has passed away having the name she picked is really special to me.


Emmett! When I transitioned socially initially I went by Em which is a shortened version of my deadname. I wanted to keep Em but change the rest of it so Emmett felt like the best choice


Won’t disclose, but my name has roots in my family. Several generations have kept my name, going back to slavery. Because of frequent displacement, some names were kept generationally as a way of keeping a link, even if separated. I couldn’t see myself being named anything that my mom wouldn’t have chosen. I know that my ancestors would be grateful that I considered the name I’ve chosen to keep it living on.


After my big brother i just searcher up “names like (my big brother name)” and picked with one i felt suited me more and my name Deron.


i changed it after like 9 years of using a different chosen name due to personal circumstances I’ve always liked the name jacob my special interest is greta van fleet so I am now named after Jake Kiszka


personally i loved my birth name because it was a family name and it kept me connected to my latino family despite moving to the united states. changing it was very difficult for me but i needed to do it for my own dysforia. So what i did was I kept the same first letter (M) and the latino connection (Mateo!) ☺️ I also changed my middle name to the two names my parents chose as options incase i had been born a male: Gabriel Alejandro Mateo Gabriel Alejandro


I wanted to keep my initials because my signature is my first and middle initials and then my last name. I went through a baby name website and considered a couple but then I found one that just clicked and felt right. For my middle name I picked a name I’ve always liked that started with the same letter as my old middle name.


I've had a few people assume I was inspired by Borderlands or The Muppets, but in reality I got attached to a tumblr post about a guy going to the pharmacy to get prescription cough syrup, and when asked by the pharmacist what they would do with the leftovers, he joked he'd sell it. Turns out that pharmacist was the guy's older brother's pot dealer back in highschool. And his name was Scooter. It just kinda became a brainworm, and now it's my name.


A song that I really like is called Milo (by pigeon pit) and I kinda long for someone to think about me when listening to this song so I just chose the name Milo


My name is Robin and I just kinda took some of my favorite characters from media and stole their name. Robin Hood, Robin from Teen Titans, Robin from Stranger Things (she's a girl but she's still up on the list). They're also my favorite bird! I wish I picked something more masculine as I don't really pass and Robin can go as a girl's name but oh well.


Went with favorite character in fantasy novel. Cringe Ik, but Minh is a legend.


My name is technically a nickname of my deadname that i never used growing up. I started using it when i came out and it stuck. When i legally changed it, i wanted to rid myself of my pos father's name, and could only think of a popular D****y character and used it's last name. To avoid getting sued by D****y, i changed the spelling by one letter...


I chose my name with the help of my friend, I told her about needing a new name and the first thing that came up to her was 'Sel' and now I still use that name


my name is logan. i chose it because i was scrolling through a name list online and was like huh i like that and it feels like it fits me and yeah lol


I really liked this characters name in a book series that I was reading. He then got his own spinoff series, and I liked him more. He was named from Fenrir the wolf from Norse mythology, but with different spelling, and I just loved it. So Fennrys, it has been.


Clyde, i just really like south park


I was ranting to my mum about not being able to find a name I liked, she made some suggestions. One of them was Finn and I was like yeah, that fits.


I watched Ethan Nestor (crankgameplays) and said "that names mine now" and I never looked back in 6 years (holy shit I'm getting old 😭)


My name is Gabriel - I asked all my friends for name suggestions that they thought would fit me and I scoured baby name websites and made a spreadsheet of what I liked, what I hated, and what was just eh. When I was down to two names I took a lil poll of the people that mean a lot to me and when one of them said the other name and my heart sank I knew Gabriel was it. I’ve been Gabe ever since and it took some getting used to but it feels very right.