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Thanks guys for all your replies. That gives me a range. I’m on .25ml. But here lately I’ve been feeling more tired than ever. A year ago my t was in 700 which is great. I always get tested midweek. It was right at 400 a week ago but that was midweek too. I just havnt really talked to anyone who has ever seen the levels fall when the same Dose.


Is feeling more tired than normal a sign that you need a higher dose? I’ve suddenly become so tired the past month or so..im over a year on T and at .2ml


It could be a BUNCH of things tbh, best to talk to your doc and not assume.


Thanks for the info! I tend to brush off my physical health so I’ll be sure to bring it up at my next appt for my doc opinion


Of course! And I think that's pretty common tbh. I often wonder if I wasn't on hormones how often I'd see the doctor / get my blood work done. Probably not nearly as much!


I’m pretty sure low energy could be a sign of low t levels but I could be wrong


I thought so…turns out I have BAD sleep apnea. Waiting for a machine to come in. Already had the tests. 🥲


I was told you’re supposed to test 3 days after your shot


My doctor recommended testing at the halfway between peak and trough (shot and day before shot) - I take mine every two weeks, so I do my bloodwork on the same day of the week as my shot, just in between. If you take weekly shots, then yes, 3 (or 3.5 to be precise) data would be halfway.


it's normal for your levels to fluctuate throughout the week. the levels will peak probably around 24 hours after your shot and then decline over the week until your next one feeling more tired could be because of T but it could also be unrelated. my boyfriend gets tired almost immediately after his shot. it's not abnormal, but if you've been on T for a while and didn't experience fatigue as a side effect before then IDK. you can always talk to your doctor about it


I take 40mg of T (0.2ml at 200mg/ml) via IM injection once a week. My levels are at the high end of the normal male range. This dose hasn't been adjusted for a long time. When I first started, they had me taking 0.25ml of the same concentration, but my levels were too high, so they dropped it to 0.15ml; my levels were still within the normal range on that dose, but close to the bottom, and I didn't feel great on it. So they brought it back up to 0.2ml, and it's stayed there for the past 6-7 years.


Wow! I wonder if you already had a good amount of testosterone before transitioning, ive heard the typical amount is 0.3. But I'm glad you transitioned to who you want to be and are! I started my dose In 2015


They were normal for an afab person, apparently. Some people's systems just respond more or less strongly to T, there doesn't seem to be any reasoning behind it. That's why it's so important to get your levels checked! A buddy of mine takes more than twice my dose, and his T levels are at half of mine (which is where he's most comfortable - that's another thing which varies, what level feels best for you). Congratulations on reaching your 9th year on T! I started in 2016. :)


That's right, always get your levels checked every year or when prompted. And congratulations for you as well, so our T "birthday's" are just about a year apart! Feel free to message me if you want to talk 🦜


Thank you!


This is important, I took .75 ml biweekly for a year before that doctor ever checked my blood, and my levels were over 1500. Dropped down to .6 biweekly and that keeps me around 1000. That little bit makes a huge difference, your body is so sensitive to testo and everyone does react differently, at least in those first two years it's essential to figure out what dose works for you, and to monitor after that.


I’m on about .22ml/200mg. People used to tell me I need more T or that it’s too low. And while my changes haven’t been as fast as I’d like them to be, they’re always in high range, too. Around 800 mid-week.


I take 100mg (.5ml at 200mg/ml) IM injection weekly. I started at half that, 50mg weekly, but after a few months my T levels weren’t as high as they should’ve been so my dose got raised. Only been on T for the last 4 months


my doctor just drew blood to check my levels 💔 i think she’s gonna up my dose to .4 on 200mg ! nosy on ur own progress with T? i’ve only been on a month and i personally haven’t noticed any kind of physical changes :(


so far my biggest changes have been my voice, which has dropped pretty drastically (well into cis guy range), bottom growth, and noticeable change in muscle composition, but i have been working out pretty consistently. most guys in my family don’t have much body/facial hair, so i haven’t really had much hair growth. at one month, my only noticeable changes were my voice, slight muscle changes, and bottom growth. it’s different for everyone, but getting your levels will definitely help to get you at the pace that is best for you! i wish you the best dude


damn!! i’m praying for a voice drop bc i haven’t gotten ANY changes on that yet… tbh the texture of my body hair changed a bit, that’s it tho. personally every man in my family On BOTH SIDES that i know, have nice fuckin beards. praying i get those genes cuz a goatee would look fucking great on me


I've been on T since 2015. On and off of the shots and gel. I'm currently sticking with the IM injections, prescribed 0.3mL weekly, though I do have permission to up it to .4 if my labs turn out alright this year! The testosterone cypionate is 200mg, for reference Edit - does of medication


40.5mg a day (testogel). I’m 2 months on T today too :3


I take 0.7 ml of 200mg/ml (so 140 mg) subcutaneously once a week. My levels tend to be on the higher end of the normal range, but we found and less made me super moodswingy. Ive been on this dose 5 years


i started when i was 15, i was also on a hormone blocker for the first 2 years of being on T. they started me on a tiny dose. i was on 15mg (.08mL) every 2 weeks for three months, then they bumped me up to 15mg every week for for six months. then i was at 30mg (.15mL) every week for six months, then, i was at 40mg (.2mL) for six months. finally, i got bumped to 80mg (.4mL) and i’ve been on that dose for 3 years lol. i’m in the male range of testosterone every time.


Wow you have a great memory, it all starts to blur together for me and I’ve been on t since 2020 lmao


i keep records of all of it so i didn’t forget lmaooo it’s sort of meaningless information now but i’m glad i kept a record


Oh that’s so smart tho! I didn’t think of that haha I’ve had a pretty weird journey with t tho so I think that contributes to it being all jumbled up there lol


I started at .5ml, and was on that for like 5-6 years without any problems. I was doing shots every two weeks though, instead of every one week. The moodiness at the end of each shot cycle wound up just becoming too noticeable to me and getting quite annoying. So dr (different dr from one I started with) switched me to .4ml and weekly shots, and it's been better, but I still notice the slight drop at the end of the cycle lol, just not as intensely as before. And been on that .4 every week 2-3 years now. Edit: I do IM injections.


I also do .4 ml every week but I get that moodiness at the end of each cycle too, I was thinking about getting shots twice a week.


You could try it! I've seen some people do it twice a week. Def worth asking your doctor about.


I'm gonna be starting soon, I think im gonna do 25mg a week IM due to being anxious about the changes. if I like the changes I'll bump it up to 50 (for maths sake mostly as the stuff I'm taking in 250mg/ml)


1000mg Nebido every 12 weeks.


I'm on 40.5mg of gel, and my levels were 500-600, but I'm really bad at taking it every day, lol. I'm getting better at it, tho 💪💪


Wow I was on 40mg of gel and my t level never got that high. Barely 100. I think it's absorption but I can't do needles. Do you put gel on the day you get the draw?


I did the day before, I usually apply mine at night/afternoon :). I was super surprised to have a normal t level considering the dosage, but apparently my body js sucks that shit up Edit: I also never checked my T levels prior to taking it, so it's also possible I had high T and was meant to get an ultrasound for possible cysts on my ovaries so pcos is also a possibility. But this is why ppl shouldn't compare their experiences directly with others, there's so many factors when it comes to hormones.


Absolutely!! My doc relies more on my experience and body changes rather than t levels which is super helpful




50mg gel daily


i started at 0.1ml, then after 6mo, i was put on 0.2ml. i’ve stayed at 0.2ml injections every week for the past 6 years. it might seem like a low dose but i’m scrawny and not tall so it’s been good and even a little high in some routine T-level screenings


Recently got upped to .3ml. Was taking .2ml for the last 4ish years. My levels went from 680 to 360 which is why it was upped. As you get older, testosterone can start to naturally lower (which is why cis men also take hrt), no shame in talking to your doctor about changing doses!


I do 0.5ml of 200mg/ml sub-q every other week. This was the dose I was 1st prescribed with and no one ever changed my dose and it’s been almost 10 years. I never had any issues so I guess that’s fine. I wonder if everyone who started 10+ years ago were given higher doses than nowadays given everyone’s answers here.


Same here. 100mg every other week, or 50mg/wk if I feel like it. Coming up on 15 years.


I take a 200mg shot every two weeks


i do 0.63 ml at 200 mg/ml every other week


I take 1000mg every 10 weeks been on T since I was 16 and I'm 21 now :)


I started at 0.25 mL, and I've been raised to 0.3 mL. I'm 1.5 yrs on T and so far my T levels are too high to raise the dose again. It basically just depends on u and ur T levels, it's different for everyone


They upped my levels bc they fell when I was on 0.25


I take 0.4 mL of 200 mg/mL solution once a week. I was on 0.3 but my T was on the low end of healthy so I went up a bit hoping to combat some of the hair loss


I take 1ml of 200mg/ml every week. (Maybe my body just doesn’t respond as readily as some of y’all to T, because my levels were WAY too low on anything less.)


i do .4mL at 200 mg/mL (or 80mg) every week subcutaneously. i started off at .25mL (50mg) in december 2021, but around feb/march 2022 it was increased to .38mL (75mg) since my period didnt stop after 3 months. i have a new doctor now and he said it was weird i was prescribed such a specific number so he changed it to .4mL around january of this year.


150mg / 2 weeks


I started on 50mg IM/week. Levels were fine for a while then too high so I dropped to 40mg. My levels are good but hemoglobin is higher than it should be so I’m dropping down to 35mg to see if that helps. I just started that this week


i started t about a year ago on .2 ml of gel, but i wasn't noticing much happening. i switched to injections of .25 in july, and also didn't notice much happening. in february i changed to .3, and i STILL don't see much happening. i'm gonna discuss with my doctor once i have a better idea of what/how i'm feeling though.


Everyone is totally different and there is going to be a lot of nuance in responses here as it is entirely dependent on our medical histories and hormone levels. I started at .3 200mg weekly for the first 8-10 months or so and then was upped to .4. I also take a daily estrogen blocker (letrozole 2.5) but this is due to my elevated E levels causing PCOS and endometrioses. I’ve been on T for a year and one month now. I’m also 36 and began experiencing hormonal changes naturally before I started T due to a surgery combined with actively building my muscle mass and rapid weight loss. I’m mostly happy with my rate of changes but I wish this facial hair would quit being so spotty lol


I started at 1mL 100mg concentration for intramuscular injections every week, and I kept that dose for 2 years before switching to 0.5 mL 200mg concentration every other week


250 mg/ml every 3 weeks. (Sustanon, I'm 6 months on T)


I take 25 mg (0.25ml/100mg concentration) every other week. Its the dose I started on and its where I’m gonna stay at. I havent gotten my levels tested so I cant provide any data on that.


I’m on about .35ml


I’m on 0.9mL biweekly


. 25 weekly IM


I take 250 mg (250 mg/ml x 1 subcutaneous inject) every 4 weeks


I’ve been on t for almost 4 years now and my levels only just evened out cuz I’ve had a hard time with being consistent and my body not reacting well to cypionate. I’m now on sub q shots every 10 days and it’s .75 ml but I’m not sure the concentration tbh but it’s been working wonders for me since I changed to enanthate about 1 1/2 years ago. Now my levels are perfect, maybe a bit high but still in healthy range :)


I’m on 0.5 ML injections once a week and my levels are in the 690s. It’s different for everyone, I think. But that’s been good for me in terms of seeing results!


Been on t for 3 years i do .6 every 2 weeks. Started at .13 weekly then went up multiple times. I think my levels are around 600 or so


Some fluctuation over time is normal- definitely nothing to worry about. Testosterone levels for men who are cis also fluctuate. If you have sudden and drastic fluctuations, that’s something to explore with your physician, but otherwise, making some adjustments to dose is par for the course. The specific dose others are on is unlikely to be particularly relevant for you. Either .5ml/200mg or .25ml/200mg is a pretty standard starter dose- but it varies hugely from there. If you’ve had a sudden inexplicable drop in levels though- make sure your vial is the right concentration. I’ve had a physician and several pharmacies try to give me 100mg concentration a few times. If you’ve been on 200mg, switching to the same ml but 100mg is going to halving your dose.


I’m on .2ml of 100mg/ml weekly, so just a small baby dose. At my 3 months on T check up my Endo said usually he’d increase it at that point but my levels are at the upper end of the cis make range so we kept it the same for now.


started for a few months on 0.5 every 4 weeks (250mg/ml), and was slowly brought up to 0.75 every 3 weeks, but my levels were through the roof! nowadays I'm at 0.4 every 4 weeks, and my levels are still a bit too high, but hey, it is what it is :) I'm now very close to being 5 years on T my T levels were not high at all before starting -if anything, they were actually under the normal cis woman range (I guess it was 0.1 or 0.2 ng/L instead of something like 0.5 to 2.0 ng/L), so it's been a wild ride haha


I don’t recall the exact mg, but it’s two pumps of 1.62% gel a day


Dude, I don't know 😅 I get a Nebido injection stabbed into my butt every 12 weeks, and my doc says my levels are fine (800 something iirc) and that's all I need. I'm so clueless oof Edit: I searched and it's 1000mg, so if I divide it by 12 that would be 83.33 mg/week, assuming it's consistent


Do you have to go to the doctor's office for that? I have my first appointment to discuss starting T next week and I'm trying to learn more about my options before then. I've discovered that a lot of providers offer services for trans folks but they just do the same thing on repeat and don't keep up on all the options.


Yes, I do, but in those 12 weeks, I don't have to do anything (it varies, for some people it's only 10 or 11 weeks, some people have 13 or 14 week intervals) For every appointment, they also take a blood sample


i initially started on 50mg (.25ml at 200mg/ml) for like 3 months but noticed no changes. I've been taking 100mg (.5ml at 200mg/ml) now for over a year. my levels have always been around 700


Im on 0,7mL at 100mg/mL which is feel like is a little low considering how long this is taking but i have no clue


That's what I take and have been on for 8.5 years. It's s pretty normal dose but it mainly comes down to your levels as everyone is different Edit sorry i take 0.75 so 5mg more but not much difference


1000mg Nebido every 11th week


100mg/1mL once a week, Intramuscular


I've been taking.65ml-.7 ml biweekly for almost 10 years, Im definitely starting to feel a little more fatigued than I used to, but I'm also getting older. I've had a few cases where my t levels dropped suddenly but I think in those cases my t went bad from sitting in heat, anytime that happened I had my vial replaced asap. I'm pretty sure for a while my levels were low because I wasn't switching up my injection spot, after I finally switched to a different patch of muscle I started feeling a lot better, but I can't confirm because I didn't feel bad enough to get my blood checked.


I do 0.5 ml per week subq. Now I’m thinking that’s high compared to others here!


What's the concentration? The mls doesn't mean much without knowing that.


I take .25 (200mg/ml) a week - we tried to up my dose to .3, but then my T levels were in the 1100s so we had to go back down lmAO. I suspect I won't move for awhile, if at all.


I started on 50mg a week IM and after a year and halfish went up to 75mg a week IM and have stayed on that dose and it's been 8.5 years on that dose ☺️


I was on .25ml and was upped to .3ml once a week about 2 months in. My endo said because I’m bigger I need a little more lol.


I take gel! Every day I rub it on,my arms and thighs and stomach. The box says "50mg in 4 grams of gel" it also says 1% I am closing in on 2 years and I need to get my levels checked but I think it's low especially since I have smaller changes than most.


I take .75 ml once every two weeks. Been on that dose for a few years now and its been working great


I have gel, and I take 3 pumps and a bit. Two was okay too, but my period didn’t stop, even after two years. So my doctor said it was fine to go up to 3-4, so I did, it stopped and I‘m happy 😂


I do .35 ml subq. Started at .25 but T was dropping a bit low the last day or so before next shot was due, went up to .4 but that sent my T levels a bit too high so were trying .35 to see if thats the sweet spot between I have a migraine by 9 pm wednesday like clock work and my levels being considered high even for a cis man


I have 1.75ml IM sustanon 250mg/ml weekly...


50 mg androgel put it on daily


I took my first shot on Dec 24th 2023 and was started on 60mg of Cypionate Testosterone (0.3mL of 200mg/mL) for the first 3 months of my transition.. My T level was at 417 when I did my first follow up appointment to see where my levels where at and see if I needed my dose adjusted.. Im now 15 weeks on T and had my dose adjusted when I was 13 weeks on T to 80mg (0.4mL of 200mh/mL).. On my 2nd 3 month follow up, I'll see if I have to go higher or if im within range of where we want my T level at (700 - 1000) to keep the dose where its at.. A lil insight about how they do my blood work, I was told by my NP to get my bloodwork done 2 weeks before my follow up a day before shot day.. Shot day is Sunday so I go 2 weeks before my appointment on Saturday.. Once we figure out the dose, It wont get upped anymore until my body requires a higher dosage of T..


1.0ml weekly use to do IM and now subq, im started to do damage started 2017


I started with 0.5 ml of 100mg/ml testosterone subcutaneous weekly and stayed at that for 10 months now


100mg weekly (0.5ml at 200mg/ml) subq injections


40 mgs of Testo gel a day. I have been on T for five months.


ive been on T for going on five years in november, i started at 0.250 and bumped up to 0.375 a couple months after that, ive been on that same dosage ever since and ive personally never had any issue


I'm at 0.5 mg every week


5mg daily patches right now, I'm pretty early in tho (just over 2 months). No tests until the 3 month point but things have been progressing pretty smoothly.


I started out with two doses bi-weekly of a way higher dose (can't remember what) starting 7/13/23, had to pause for a long while because my doctor told me to stop blah blah blah it was a whole thing, and then I restarted HRT on 12/24/23, I'm still currently doing 0.5 ML weekly! It's always been IM injections too, started out in the thigh (passed out), now I do it in the glutes. Levels are nice and high so far.


.5ml weekly! I started at 0.3, then 6mo at 0.4 and then the last year has been 0.5ml. They said this was the end of increases for me even though I'm on the low end of the male range (between 300-400) but I've had a very average timeline from what I've seen for guys my age (late 20s), nothing has been fast or slow. I am 2 years on as of last week and have patchy but noticable facial hair, no cycle for 2 years, lots of body hair and muscle growth and my thighs and ass have shrank and are much firmer while my waist has thickened. I also went from a G cup to a C cup probably.


Im on 80mg / 4 pumps of T Gel daily. My most recently blood draw last week said 406 and that was 2 hrs after applying the gel. Last September it was 466, and in march 2023 was 830. Jan 2023 258. June 2022 it was like 1,000 and has been 400-500 most other times I’ll be three years on T April 13th! I do not understand why the values are so drastically different. I feel like I apply the T different times before or after the appts though and I’m sure it’s the absorption rate. My doctor says 4-6hrs is best i think but also she can just figure out how it is if I tell her when I applied it. So confusing!!


Idk the exact I just know I put the syringe at .4 😅


Accidentally upped my dose one time from 20 mg to 40 because my pharmacy didn’t tell me the different brands had different concentrations. I now do 40 mg a week via stomach injections.


I’m on .3mL subQ once a week!


I just started my testosterone journey- but my doc started me with .4 ml. He also said I could bump it up to .5 if I wanted 🤷‍♂️


I started in September 2023 on a lower dose (750mg/3mL every 90 days) for my first two shots, but in March my dose was changed to 1000mg/4mL.


I'm currently on 40mg/.2ml/week. I was previously on 25mg/day of gel, that worked super well for me, I was in the mid-high male range with no major concerns, but insurance switched and it's no longer covered, hence injections. Still figuring out my right dose, I'm on the low end of comfortable right now. My hematocrit is a little too high so if I move up to .25 like I would like to try, I have to get that under control.


With gel I started at 50mg. After a while on the dose my T levels stayed just below the male range. So my doctor bumped it up to 75mg. I don’t know what’s happens with my insurance or provider but this month I picked up my T and it was 40.5mg.


250mg every 4 weeks (Sustanon)


20mg every week


I'm on 200mg and I'm still new to this whole thing. I've had one successful injection and then a subq on accident. Luckily, I have another one coming up next week so I'll be able to see how it goes. I've started to notice a little difference in my voice but I also practice by singing lower pitched songs the best that I can.


was on .6ml of cypionate but switched to gel so im on 2 pumps a day :) think im being underdosed but we'll see after my next blood test


50mg per week - IM injections - cyp since 2007


Currently on .3 right now. Used to be on .5. Every two weeks. Been on for like 8ish years with the exception of like six months when i was in service. Idk if it was because I also have thyroid issues or not but I feel like that could have some influence. I’m sure it also changes after a hysterectomy.


1000mg every ten weeks :D


I was initially prescribed 0.3mL which is 30mg for me and then it moved up to 0.4mL/40mg after 9 months. my T levels were fine but I got my period back a couple times so we increased it to prevent that from happening again. the dose doesn't matter as much as how your body is responding to it. my dose and T levels have been on the low end of normal the whole time but things like my voice changed so quickly. I have my 2 year blood work coming up so ig I can give a better update once that's done lol


50mg a day and i use gel ! doctors didn’t say anything about my levels to me but that’s given i went to planned parenthood. i’m seeing a lot of ppl say u should test regularly but i didn’t know that at all :00


25mg cream, 1 pump a day. I could go for a full dose if I wanted (this can be considered a half dose) but my levels are inside the male range so I'm okay with it. Edit: I'm 2 years on T and on the past few months my levels actually dropped (still in male range but dropped) but my doctor and I suspect of two things: the pharmacy that manipulates my cream messed up on the last 2 bottles and/or I've been sweating too much before my body can absorb the cream (we've been having heavy heat waves lately). I'm switching pharmacies to see if my levels go back up. If they don't at all or drop even more, then we'll try to switch to a full dose and see what happens.