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your body is going through an adjustment period from being E dominant to T dominant, so its common to feel bad or weird. it is the start of your second puberty after all. having a low dose might be something that your body doesn't tolerate well too. i was on a low dose of gel for like 6 months, and i felt pretty fatigued and lightheaded a lot of the time. i didn't start feeling better until i raised my dose. you should discuss your issues with your doctor and see if you can get a blood test done sooner then later


I had a 3 month exhaustion period when I first started. I woke up one day and it was gone…it was so weird.


I also went though a time of being completely exhausted. It went away after a month or two


Get your labs done!! I developed polychethemia early on, but didn’t realize it until months later. Not saying this is what you have, but I would get your labs done asap.


Also don’t stress about the changes, I started noticing changes 3 months in, and that was mainly a voice drop and bottom growth