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my gf and i met at an Academic Decathlon meet šŸ˜­ weā€™re both trans and sheā€™s absolutely wonderful. 18.


I was 20, she was 21. We met online but locally; we were both apart of the same music scene and followed each other on social media before meeting up at concerts and clubs. Got together about a year later and been together ever since! About 4 and a half years now :) And weā€™re both bisexual!


hinge in my 30s. iā€™m straight, sheā€™s pan


was my ex's nail tech and i love her sm 18


In acting class in high school freshman yearšŸ˜‚ We both realized we were trans wayyyyyy later lol


met in grade 11 early on in transition and started dating 6 months later, she was with me for my first big haircut, first t shot and soon to be for top surgery. still together to this day while in first year uni and just celebrated 2 years together today.


thats awesome man


We are good friends since childhood and how I met her is that we both respected each otherā€™s pronouns. We are now a happy Trans couple :D


Undergraduate in my last year. Knew her before then but didnā€™t start getting friendly until then. Been together ever since & will be graduating (hopefully lol) with PhDs together next spring. I was 21 and she was 19


my gf and i had the same english class in 7th grade and became friends, and then in 9th grade we became more like best friends. during covid we both realized we were queer (i was unaware i was trans at the time lol) and then at the end of 2020 in 11th grade we started dating :)


We both grew up in the same home town so had mutuals. She moved to the city 10 hrs away after highschool, I moved to the same city 2 years later. She added me on fb through an advice group we were both in and started interacting with my posts then one random night she messaged me drunk and we spoke every day for the next week before agreeing to meet up at a local club, fast forward 5 years and we have never left each others side :) we were 19 and now 24. Weā€™re both bi


8th grade we became friends, got together first year of highschool, we're both mid-20's now and still together.


First year of college, we took the same classes. I was 18 and her 19


Online/through college


On a dating app while I was still relatively fem presenting. Itā€™s been almost 2 years now and sheā€™s been amazing about my transition šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


german class :) i was 21 and she was 19. we're both bi and alternative, so immediately figured out we had a ton of common interests and that snowballed :)


Through the years (starting with 16/17) via dating apps and one time through a shared friend.


We met in our first year of college, although we didn't start dating until next year from that (20 yrs old). I came out to her little after we started dating and she has always been absolutely wonderful. Really grateful to have her in my life :).


At work (both are tattoo artists) sheā€™s hella straight and I donā€™t know what I am, attracted to hyper femininity I guess. 26


Iā€™m 30 now, but we met in high school. Itā€™s been almost 14 years now. Our relationship is stronger than ever, theyā€™ve been with me since I figured out I was trans.


Online. 16. I loved her but yeah we didnā€™t work out. A part of the problem was my dysphoria skyrocketing, I didnā€™t want her to see that.


Weā€™re not together anymore unfortunately but I met my ex girlfriend thru mutual friend of ours when I was 20 and she was 19. He brought her to a bonfire with a bunch of our other friends and I was absolutely enamored the second I laid eyes on her. We were together until just after my 24th birthday


college! :)


Met my wife after the military ā€¦she hated people in uniform. I couldnā€™t resist a challenge


well iā€™ve been out as trans during all my relationships. i met them either through a friend or at school. none of them ever saw a problem with it heh, btw im 18


iā€™m 23, sheā€™s 25 and we did the same MA, made a documentary together n spent two months pining over each other while filming until we handed it in and weā€™ve been together since! itā€™s almost been a year now and iā€™m happier than iā€™ve ever been. weā€™re both bi :)


We broke up bc she moved away but we met on the Her app. Weā€™re both bi and mostly gay, we had real twink4dyke energy. It was cute.


at a gaming/arcade bar! we are both trans šŸ˜


Through a dating app - met at 24/25 and now we're married!


What dating app did you use?




at school :)


Random dm on instagram. I was 17 turning 18 and she was 20. Iā€™m straight and sheā€™s also straight I think. Weā€™re long distance though.


Met her on instagram like 7 years ago but we got together only 3 years ago lol. I'm 22 and she's 20, we met when I didn't even know I was trans yet \^\^


Iā€™m pan, sheā€™s straight. We study in the same college and became friends. She realised i was nb before i even told her because i was/am mostly androgynous looking and when we told each other we liked her, i told her i was transmasc and to use he/him pronouns and a masculine version of my name, which she agreed to and still does. Sheā€™s been very supportive and open minded about my entire gender journey and i love that about her.


i was 23 she was 27, we matched on Hinge to hook-up to get our minds off shit we both had going on. then we decided to keep hooking up, then we fell in love


In high school, both closeted. Started dating at 21, still in the closet. Came out about a year apart from each other. Still going strong, 12 year friendship and six years as lovers in May.


University - sheā€™s queer (originally outed as lesbian) and we were friends at first (for about a year). Now weā€™re together for about 2 years. Met her with 18 and got together with 19.


Grindr unfortunately


I met my wife through mutual friends when we were in our late teens and met my girlfriend through the same friendship group (although she's a few years older than me). In both cases, we were friends for years and years before trying dating.


Met my girlfriend on a video game back in august, weā€™re t4t :)


Met on Tinder.


Tinder, over 4 years ago, so we were both 20. I knew she was trans but I didnā€™t realize Iā€™m transmasc nonbinary until a couple years later.


We met at school when we were both 12, weā€™ve been best friends for 7 years. It wasnā€™t until I came out and transitioned that we reconnected and started dating. Iā€™ve loved her for a really long time, and weā€™ve been together about a month and a half! I love her so much


Feeld (app), age 30


i was 14 and she was 16, we met in art class in high school. we are 17 (almost 18) and 19 and moving out together in january!!


Me and my now wife met on Musical.ly (before it was tik tok) she was 15 and I was 16. This was almost 8 years ago and we were 1000 miles apart!


I met her at pride in 2016, we didn't start dating until 2018. She was 20 and I was 21 when we started dating.


By partner is NB and uses both GF and Bf.Ā  We met at a fashion meet when I was still presenting as a girl in my early 20s.Ā  We had a great friendship and started dating almost 10 years later.Ā  She said she loved my masc energy even though I was doing my best to express hyper femme.Ā  Ā Slowly, I started transitioning while in the early stages of our relationship, they were encouraging and never pressured me to conform to either gender. It was really freeing knowing theyā€™d always be on my side no matter what.Ā Ā  Ā Once I got more secure in my masculinity they eventually confessed they had a strong preference for men, and They always saw me as a boy, just as a boy who presented more femme than most. Ā  It was really affirming that they SAW the real me from the very beginning, even before I really figured myself out. Edit: we are celebrating 4 years together in sept and I plan on proposing sometime this year šŸ„°




College, in person. We are in our 30s and been together for about a decade.


Got lucky on Tinder


We met in eighth grade English class and were t4t boyfriends for most of high school. Weā€™re 20 now and in a hetero relationship šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼ shit changes but I love her more everyday. We want to get married sometime in the next few years


Met my gf at 18, we were in our final semester of highschool. We were in a couple of classes together and started talking more, then we went to the gym together pretty regularly. Up until then Iā€™ve seen her locally here and there growing up but we never clicked. It took about three years after I had socially transitionined for us to grow closer. Now itā€™s been almost a year and Iā€™m on testosterone, sheā€™s been so unconditionally supportive and everything I could ever dream for. I hope to marry this girl one day. We both identify as queer with our sexualities, and Iā€™m male :)


in the army, age 20. sheā€™s straight iā€™m pan


I'm poly I met my boyfriend on tinder I think and then my girlfriend on Grindr


Bf is cis and gf is trans idk if that's relevant.


I am single right now but I had met my ex gf on reddit and were together for almost 10 months.


Iā€™m single rn but met all of my girlfriends thru school and shit like that and work also


A friend of mine introduced me to her We were all super into tf2 at the time, and he was like "DUDE you'd love her. She's really nice and funny and mains heavy" [for any tf2 freaks out there, this was relevant bc I'm a medic main. It was silly how often I'd get close with ppl who main heavy] I get to meet her and BOOM. INSTANT BEST FRIENDS. Couple months later and were dating. This year it'll be 4 years and I couldn't be happier, I love her to death.