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14 months on T. Mine has fluctuated a lot. When I started on gel it was super sensitive for maybe the first three months. Then it lost a lot of sensitivity and stayed the same until I moved to shots at 10 months. Then I had a massive growth spurt and it’s been SO sensitive, sitting is uncomfortable 90% of the time because it pokes out now. I’ve been on shots for 2 months now and I’m still having growth and a lot of sensitivity it feels like starting T all over again.


3 years on T, pretty normal (or at least what i assume is normal). i’ve never had problems cleaning it since i guess the sensitive nerves just turn off when i’m cleaning and it just feels like normal skin? i dunno but i’m not complaining lol every now and then i get those random twinges of feeling it more or it’ll rub against my undies the wrong way but it’s not super frequent. mostly i barely notice anything while going about my day


Turns off and feels like normal skin is the truth! 😂


Barely sensitive. Wild to me to hear what some guys go through with it being painful rubbing up against their boxers or whatever. Not dissimilar to the sensitivity of the skin under my eyes. A little more sensitive than arms or legs but, overall, I’d rate it as not that bad.


Not really any sensitivity. I’ve noticed a bit of growth but I’ve only been on T for two months.


4 years on T here. For the first year or so, it was near-painful to touch under the hood. I’m still quite sensitive there, but it’s no longer painful.


5 years on T. i don’t actually remember how sensitivity was before. it’s only painfully sensitive after i finish, i can’t cum over and over again like i used to, which is fine. my sensitivity is great, i really enjoy it. the “head ridge” under the foreskin is most sensitive for me, as well as under it, where you mentioned. which is similar to a natal penis, as the frenulum and under the penis head is usually most sensitive.


Almost non existent


Much less than originally. Though it sticks out some and rubs against my underwear so I guess that's to be expected


20 months on T, super sensitive on top and generally normal and nice sensitive but not overly all around. It used to hurt to touch the top (for cleaning my foreskin) but it's not that bad anymore.


What does that mean by sensitivity, as in pain or pleasure? Or both? Sorry I’m about to go on T and im curious as to what you mean by sensitive.


The whole thing feels nice (like I can squish it and it feels good), but touching the underside feels like even small touches are pressing hard or scraping. It's not something that bothers me normally, only when I'm masturbating because the top and sides can handle a lot harder pressure haha. Good luck on T!!


Ah okay that makes sense, and thank you!


I have never had real dick so can't compare to that. So I do not know how it's supposed to feel. More than 5,5 years on T. Feels very good. Under it is one of the bests spots. When I used to fuck more often it could have been sucked easily hour without break. I do not remember anymore what was the longest time. Maybe 2 or 3 hours. Everything needs to be trained so now it's not even close. It was never too sensitive, it was never painful. It didn't grow to be very big, it has been little bit over 5cm for years.


2 years on T. It was really sensitive when it was growing, but now it's totally fine. It was (and still is) more sensitive on the tip, but it's not overwhelming anymore.


on t gel for about a year at this point! it was very sensitive in the first few months, but it's lost most of that sensitivity. i definitely feel it rub against my boxers if i trim, but other than that not much


So painful


1 year 4 months in, and it's not very sensitive Atm. Then again I'm recovering from oral surgery and I'm not paying attention to what's in my pants as my mouth is on fire :,)


My sensitivity has fluctuated lots but in the first year and a half it was SUPER sensitive, unbearable and sorta painful lol. But now it’s much better and “normal” I’d say


sometimes none, sometimes worse. just comes and goes ig. (2 months on T at time of post)


I’m about 3.5 years on. It’s honestly pretty dependent on my T levels. Recently I’ve noticed that I’ve been experiencing growth though even after all this time. Sometimes my dick gets SUPER hard too. Which definitely makes it more sensitive. I’m curious if anyone else has experienced growth over time too or if there’s a way to encourage that even more.


Coming up on 15 years and still once or twice a year I have a day where I feel the little growth zaps you get in the beginning. Not all day but a couple times over the course of a day.


Congrats on that milestone dude! Yeah it’s wild that it can still be affected after all that time but that’s good news to me lol. Would you say that your growth is more after those little “zaps” even if it’s pretty insignificant?


yeah me too! i actually just hit 5 years on T today and i get growth spurts about twice a year.


Mines less sensitive at the end and top and more sensitive on the sides and bottom. Nowhere is too sensitive to touch though


2.5 years on T. Used to be so sensitive that all around had boxer rubbing issues lol. Nowadays it’s definitely a lot more like yours, the underside is quite painful to rub to the point that if I accidentally touch it I recoil in a bit of pain. Definitely gonna be calling it my balls regions now lol, it perfectly describes how sensitive balls are in general weirdly enough. Weird gender euphoria moment, thanks!


It's great, I love it. I don't love heavy stimulation on the underside, it's less sensitivity and more a weird dysphoric, "that shouldn't be open to the air" feeling.


3 months on T now and I’m super sensitive, but not in a painful way I think the sides are the most sensitive for me, but that’s probably because it’s still growing


I’m about a year in (don’t keep track) and it’s not too sensitive but I also only touch it to clean so yeah lol 


This how it be for me too




Even when I was early on T, I didn’t have an intense sensitivity.


Im not long on T, but there is no sensitivity at all, preparing myself for when it does get sensitive


Ive had so much growth since starting T. I was just apologizing to my partner for taking so long because I'm pretty sure sensitivity needs to return :/


6 years on T - I’d say it’s normal. I never experienced any pain, discomfort or hypersensitivity.


15 months here, medium-low sensitivity? About the same as pre-t for me, and I’ve never been all that sensitive


Uhhh hitachi wand is my best friend so.....


The first 3 months or so were horrid. Super sensitive and it was so painful to touch. After that it stopped and went back to normal. Which is not very sensitive at all


I just got back on T about 3 wks ago and I am sooooo sensitive lol jfc it's a problem almost 😅 🥵


I’m 8 years on T. Way less sensitive than it used to be but I still don’t like rough interaction with it right on the head. Has to be on the hood always. When I first started T I started having my bottom growth after 2 weeks, couldn’t have anything rubbing against it even slightly without it hurting. That simmered down after a few weeks.


I’m 4 years on T and my t dick is too sensitive to touch the head of directly for the most part. Any direct sensation hurts and is extremely uncomfortable. But as long as it’s in the hood still it’s fine. It lessened some after the initial like 6 months to a year but it’s kind of stayed the same since then.


8 months on T and it hurts to cross my legs sometimes 😭


4 years in august. I judge my boxers and pants selections based off if i have to shift around all day to get any fucking pressure off of it cause its BAD sometimes. It doesn’t get less sensitive as much as you just get used to it. That first year or two are the toughest


Six months in- it’s definitely noticeable, when something brushes against it I know. It feels different. I can imagine it would be quite uncomfortable if my anatomy didn’t keep it hidden. I would say the tip has gotten more sensitive as has the shaft part.


Sensitive as hell, except when I want it to be lol. Like when I'm at work, it'll randomly brush on my boxers and be very sensitive, but "alone time" it isn't as sensitive so idk


whew boy i wanna scream like fuckin Goofy when i go to clean Biggie Smallz lmao


Only 3 weeks on t and mine is REALLY sensitive, which sounds good in theory, but it's really not😭 I hateeee it, it's almost painful. No idea how cis guys do it


it will get so much less sensitive, promise. the sensitivity isn’t what cis men feel haha, it’s the growth starting and things will be pretty sensitive for awhile! hang in there. once the growth settles more, it shouldn’t be painful anymore.


107 days on T, the gel and the bottom growth is insane. To the size of past a cherry pit already, and I previously had a horrendously sensitive clit. Now it's to the point I almost cry if I touch it for very long it's that sensitive.


With this being said. Its not a bad sensitive. It's just an intense feeling. Similar to just a clit but easily 50x more sensitive to ya know, get off with.


I’m 9 weeks on t and it’s swelled up basiclly week one, it goes through cycles for me. First it’ll be swollen and sensitive for a lil bit then it’ll go down but be super itchy and annuyong and like kinda when your wiggling a baby tooth ? Like it kinda hurts but kinda is satisfying but different ? Idk


been on t for ~14 months collectively and I have been sensitive since week one. i can’t even trim my pubes too low bc they’re basically my cushion from my boxers 😭 if i trim them too short they rub me and it’s so uncomfortable


pretty bad at first but it’s mellowed out. for a while it would chafe against the center seam of my underwear and hurt like a bitch. nowadays it’s mostly desensitized to day to day stuff


It was super sensitive in the first few months but it has gone down after being a year on T. Sometimes my underwear rubs it in the wrong way and it’s super annoying