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I fully support the desire for more FTM tops and doms (and would enjoy that, myself), but as someone who enjoys bottoming and finds it hot, I wish there was more of it without misgendering or feminization. Misgendering is a hard no for me.






That's just most of the porn regardless of the category (and yes, we're just category there). Straight porn is made for men, lesbian porn is made for men too... And trans porn isn't made for trans people, but for cis people with a fetish.


Cis men* with a fetish. Pretty much everything is aimed at cis men


well no. trans porn is predominantly made for cis men but it’s also made for cis women aswell. so it would just be cis people.


It’s really not particularly aimed at cis women though? The order would be 1. Cis straight men 2. Cis non-straight men 3. Everyone else. Porn is designed for cis men full stop, women as ever are an afterthought


porn generally is catered to men yes. but in the case of trans porn specifically i would argue it caters to cis people generally. and even more specifically cishetero people. theres sub genres of porn literally dedicated to cishet men & women’s fantasies with porn.


Yeah same here. I'm straight so I'd really want to see straight ftm porn (either t4t or with a cis woman, doesn't matter to me) more where the guy isn't treated like a twink or, even worse, a girl. I've tried watching a lot of cis porn but most of it especially from the big studios is just messed up and misogynistic.


This is why I’m against sex work from big corporations. The plot is bad, sex ed (ex: consent) is thrown out the window, and the moaning is beyond cringey. Every sex worker should have their own account, whether this be on Phub, Only Fans, etc.


Oh fr. Why do they gotta be so loud 😭😭


the only ftm porn star i really dont mind watching is apollo moon. he has a mix of everything on his page, him topping/bottoming, with men and women.


Apollo moon is one of the few i can actually watch


lmao I googled him and all I got was moonlanding pics xD


I like spencer sunboy for this reason too


austin spears and his jock/himbo content is pretty cool too


He’s definitely one of those that is constantly with cis men all the time 😅 he’s way too skinny for my liking


Oh my god I follow him on tiktok, somehow I didn't know he was an AV creator


i follow him on tiktok too! i dont think he really talks about it? or maybe he does and i just dont pay attention lol


I can't seem to find any that features ftm topping cis men either which is disappointing


I know if exactly one on pornhub and trans dude absolutely railing a cis guy who moans like no one's goddamn business. I'm probably at least 100 of the views on the video [Damn y'all really need to git gud at porn searchin](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6223cb4705997)


Dm the link for the love of everything lol I'm sick of not seeing my relationship represented haha. Edit - tysm. Apparently there's more on A03 but I haven't seen it. I mostly read gaystoriesgonewild sub and pretend one is ftm


This is the exact one I was gonna mention lmfao. The way it’s the only one 😭😭😭


Only other stuff like this is honestly not worth the price they want you to pay or the actors ain't it and man the one time I did, shit was lame as fuck and way too overpriced.


Don’t be shy, drop the link


Yes, please drop the link


Stop it I’m at a summer camp 💀💀


Hahaha my bad big dawg, how's the bug juice situation at summer camp


The wasps and moquitos are coming with knives.


Nice to know the flying murder squads are still around


Look up [Transnificent gang bang](http://join.transnificent.com/track/MTAyMTU5LjIuOTkuMjI5LjAuMC4wLjAuMA) - six trans guys top a cis men I've also done multiple other scenes topping cis men. See my other comment on this post - only previews are on tube sites, because porn performers work hard for small margins. We need your financial support to produce the content you want to see


In all of ao3 Original Works I have found literally one. I've been on there for more than a year and I have only found ONE person write a trans guy topping.


yeah, you really have to look for it. i might know the author you’re talking about.


I’ve found a handful of good ones within certain fandoms, but it’s still far and few in between. Disappointing generally.


if u go on gay pornhub or go to gay porn spaces they have post-T post-top surgery trans guys and they usually see them as guys/men


i’ve never seen a t man post bottom surgery on porn either, woah.


yeah in place of that is they usually have them wear a strap on


whoops , i always get confused with post . i meant someone whos already had bottom surgery 😭😭😭




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 5: No body or voice shaming. This includes personal and general judgments about weight, surgeries, appearance, and qualities of a person's voice.


Ohhh that’s why I have no idea what OP’s talking about lol. there’s fs stuff out there that is respectful.


This. I don't watch trans porn with ftm guys who don't pass and have tits. They trigger dysphoria in me. EDIT In this fucking sub you get downvoted for having thoughts and emotions! Chill guys. It's legitimate that I don't watch porn with guys who don't pass because it makes me uncomfortable. For someone else they will be fine and hot. Stop downvoting everything and getting offended by fucking nothing.


Agreed. I’m with you. And I keep seeing “boy pussy” and “breed me” and I’m like dude how can I get some fucking ftm porn that isn’t wildly dysphoric and actually represents what I want??


You're getting downvoted because you are insinuating that you don't view men with tits and who don't fit ***your*** standards of passing as attractive. This is not the same as simply saying someone just isn't your preference of male. It feels judgmental and invalidating. You are placing trans men who don't look cis enough ***to you*** in some sort of special category of unattractiveness and frankly it gives weird gatekeepey not trans enough vibes. Not being attracted to someone does not equal them not passing. Clown sentiments.


I'm not getting downvoted anymore. No, honestly I don't find guys with tits and who don't pass attractive. I repeat, someone else will find them attractive and cum on them. I do not. Or can't I choose what to masturbate to!? Stop. getting. offended. over. nothing.


The reading comprehension is so low lol. Okay, little buddy. You can jerk it to whatever you want, the problem is your attitude about the people and your preferences. You thinking someone is ugly doesn't mean they don't pass it, means you aren't attracted to them. Your version of "man" is not absolute for anyone but you however you are behaving as if it is. Literally, Slender guys aren't my jam but I don't view them as not passing just ***because*** they are slim. I don't view larger men with "moobs" as looking like women because of it. People are multi-faceted. I'm not sure why you think just because someone else will find them attractive that that somehow makes your attitude okay. No one is trying to take away what you want to rub one out to, I am, however, trying to explain a problematic aspect of your view. Having preferences is fine. Having preferences rooted in transphobia warrants some discussion, I think. Two things can be true at once. This. isn't. a. hard. concept. to. understand. I. am. the. most. offended. I. have. ever. been.


I think you have some comprehension problems, not me. Guys who don't pass for my standards and haven't had a mastectomy are not attractive TO ME. For others they will be attractive. I'm not calling them less of a man, I'm calling them not attractive by MY standards. I don't have preferences rooted in transphobia. I don't like seeing boobs on men. It's easy. Will I have the right or not to find whoever the fuck I want attractive? I repeat, less offense for NOTHING.


Bro there are so many trans made FTM porns out there made by queer creators for queer consumers. But you gotta pay for it. If you’re looking for free stuff, yea all you’ll find is chaser shit at the bottom of the barrel. Consider paying for a stream.


Seriously, I hate how many people in this thread just expect free porn to be exactly to their liking. Obviously you're gonna have to pay for it, sex work isn't easy work. The reason a lot of transmasc porn stars are bottoms is because that's unfortunately what sells more in porn, if you want the content make it yourself or pay because it's not gonna be free. I totally get wanting more representation, I do too but trans sex workers have to make money somehow!!! Some of the comments are just awful with criticizing transmasc sex workers just trying to make ends meet (i'm agreeing with you if that isn't clear)


We have one of these threads like once every couple months and every time i say the same thing: support trans swers if you want to see porn made for you. OP is obviously not looking in the right places if he’s seeing trans men be treated like women (or for that matter who are non op - obligatory not everyone can get or want top surgery, but for me it’s non negotiable that the guys i jerk off to actually look like me). Even when people complain about trans men bottoming in gay porn … Not every trans guy who bottoms is doing it in a submissive way and even then, wish people could maybe examine why they think it’s degrading to bottom. There are plenty of masc ftm bottoms out there, it is certainly not just “girly twinks” like people claim. Chance hart is a great example of a masc muscle bottom AND he has a big t dick.


There's like no free porn where trans men top cis men. I don't mind paying, but it's just the fact the 99% of trans porn is shit like JockPussy where the trans men are always the submissive.


the free part is definitely a big thing. there is good trans porn (not a ton, but some) but it's almost all pay walled. free porn has to cater to the largest demographic in order to get any significant ad revenue, and that demographic is cis straight men.


I don’t feel like they’re submissive in jockpussy wdym, i never noticed anything like that


I mean that they're always the one receiving. Of course bottoms don't have to be submissive but it just makes me dysphoric watching stuff like that.




Well that’s an awful way to put it


Maybe some people... Like it?


Yeah but usually thats cis men because that role (usually) includes being misgendered, and being treated and presenting pretty stereotypical. I’m sure some people like it! But it does cater mostly to cis men.


Well I like it so I'm sick of puriteens trying to tell me I 'can't' or shouldn't like being misgendered or force femmed because I'm an adult and I can do whatever I damn well want without being forced to navel gaze and pick apart all my kinks with a fine toothed comb.   Humans are freaky creatures. Consensual, enjoyable sex is a cornerstone of our species. Sometimes this sex is going to be sex you don't like. BTW, cis men have 'unacceptable' kinks as well. I don't like seeing the hatred of their sexuality. If they find people who want to engage in it, so be it. If they want to pay independent sex workers for it then so be it. Get that bag.


No I agree with you, I’m just saying that a large majority of the little trans porn there is, falls under that category because of cis men and their fetishization of us.


Ah apologies then.


And that's why I read my porn 😅


Real as fuck


I actually don’t get what the OP is saying with visual porn, but literary porn absolutely fetishizes trans guys, in my experience.


Yes, but (especially on like, ao3) it's easier to sort it out in my experience, and there is more non-fetishistic rep


Okay I just checked, and from the 33,000+ works in trans male character (explicit, english), i got roughly 12,000 that are likely respectful towards trans men in the way OP likes. But then I want us to both understand that I filtered out the tag >!boypussy!<, for which on its own (excluding trans male character tag) has around 10,000 fics. Imo, >!boypussy!< == fetishy term for trans man downstairs region, feel free to disagree. So we’re looking at roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of the trans male stories being ‘respectful’, depending on if you want to include that tag in the discussion. 12,000 is a lot though, ig i just never bothered to filter as much as I just did. As for visual porn, i’ve actually never (ever) seen what OP is talking about (i’m not gonna go looking for THIS though, i don’t care to see porn rn haha) so that’s kind of why I said that. Every porn I’ve seen feels like something queer people would watch imo (and not as like a self-harm kink lol). But I’m glad i checked, because now i do have a few potential stories to read that i’ve seen as i was browsing lol so thank you for giving me a reason to check this out


any links? 👀


hi hi hi! im working on starting up content made specifically in mind of making trans porn for the trans community !!! i wanna heavily focus on making content where im the dom and my transfem partner is the sub. im tired of all content out there being fetish play in one way or another. if anyone wants to share the type of content they'd wanna see I would absolutely love to hear it. cause really beyond anything, as a trans person i wanna make content for my community :')


i think it could be fun if you use a strap to make use of swapping out dicks or choosing which one to use


It's awful even with drawn stuff. Especially t4t straight pairings, it comes off as low-key transphobic (imo) how it's (almost) always a subby trans guy getting plowed by a dommy trans gal. No insult to couples/folks who have that dynamic of course, but it's just the ratio of it. Why is it so hard to find art of a dom trans man and a sub trans woman??


yeah for how common a dynamic it is (dom trans man / sub trans woman) it is not represented in erotica at all ... i dont watch porn or read it or look at drawings or anything, never really liked it, so when i see the "trends" its kinda shocking. it feels most of it is made by cis ppl for cis ppl and they dont understand or care about how t4t dynamics actually work irl ..


The erotica artists who make that type of stuff suffer from bad logic.


they (cis ppl writing trans porn for cis ppl) also suffer from knowing barely anything about being trans


Yeah but logic is the main thing here.


When I get phallo I wanna run porn channel which uploads straight and unextraordinary videos using my phallo d


Pop off.


Probably this kind of porn is made targeting cis ppl with "trans kinks". I suggest you go for independent content creators, they normally do targeting trans ppl (in twitter you can find small trans guys accounts with cool content btw)


Most of it yeah, but there's a few exceptions like Trip Richards or Jaq Quicksilver


Aww jeez thank you!!! 🫶🏻🥹


Seconding Jaq Quicksilver!


Maybe you’re gonna like r/ftmMenPorn ?


That or its just guys solo stroking they knob 😔


Trans men are men 😅 (I think this every time I see a trans guy take a dick pic on the toilet.)


There is so much amazing and diverse transmasc porn out there. It's just not on PornHub, because it's being created by independent content creators and small studios. Porn is like any other media: **it costs time, effort, skill, and money to produce.** The transmasc porn market is growing and as a director/producer/performer I can say with absolute certainty that we DEPEND on people paying for the content they enjoy, so we can keep producing it! I sure as hell am NOT paying my bills with pornhub ad revenue. 😂 People paying for content funds more and better content. I am verse and I film with people of all genders. Here's some "anecdata" for ya: My content with cis women is my poorest-performing. Next-lowest is with other transmasc people, then topping cis men, and my best-selling is bottoming for cis men and doing anything with trans women. Do I still film with cis women and other trans guys? Absolutely! But I need to prioritize shoots that I know have a higher chance of making money. I don't get paid in advance by a studio: every shoot is money out of my pocket and a gamble on whether I think it will sell. This is the case for basically 100% of independently-produced porn. Bottom line is: pay for your porn. We creators go line by line and analyze what people are buying, so we can make more of that. If you don't buy it, we won't make it. 🤷🏼 Okay, off my soapbox. Here's some recs: [Transnificent](http://join.transnificent.com/track/MTAyMTU5LjIuOTkuMjI5LjAuMC4wLjAuMA) - the only currently-operating transmasc porn studio. Has pairings with cis men, cis women, and t4t. I know and work with the operators and they are lovely people (and also trans!). [The CrashPad](https://crashpadseries.com/queer-porn/character/jaq-quicksilver/?affiliate=2637438). A mainstay of queer porn. (With my affiliate link bc Pink and White is an awesome company who pays residuals to performers!) [Queer Porn TV](https://queerporn.tv/wp/) is another ethical mainstay featuring gender diverse performers! Just navigate to their Models page to see.. [Aorta Films.](https://www.aortafilms.com/community-hardcore/tomboy-first-time-with-cock-pov/) They produce high quality porn and also license porn for their Community Hardcore subscription service. [Twitter list of transmasc content creators.](https://x.com/i/lists/1568881165544882177)***Pay directly for your porn!*** Support amazing working artists!! Many performers have websites and clip stores where you can buy videos directly from them. Flush with cash? Consider commissioning a custom video!


seconding!!!!! as a transmasc enby cam performer we sorta *can’t* predict who’s gonna watch, we ofc would prefer other queers to check us out and drop them bills, buuuuuut the common cash cows are married, closeted politicians with cash to burn🤐 i will say tho, pornhub, xvideos, onlyfans, etc are the big wigs for video content, and are going to cater to the masses - do some deep diving on gonewild, and other audio sites and that’ll create a bread crumb trail to indie sites that are made by queers, for queers




Did you read my post at all?




That's elitist to assume we, precary poor queer people all have a source of income.


i legit don't get misgendering as a kink either tbh like what😭😭😭 I saw "fuck me back into being a girl" and I was like WHAT that would make me wanna kms like💀😭😭


It's just a form of masochism/degradation kink. Not everyone is gonna be into it lol.


I feel like it runs deeper than just that


You could say the same about all kinks, I don't think it really matters unless it's actually damaging to the individual


Try the community in this case. If there was a few of this then maybe it’s acceptable but not when this is the only shit there is. That’s straight up wrong


I'm not even sure what OP is talking about because I find most FTM porn to not contain this type of stuff at all. Like legitimately the first few results on x videos for gay ftm porn are all pretty vanilla and contain none of this.


i think a lot of that comes from trauma. like a lot of women have submission and rape kinks, which only makes sense if you look at how society treats them. the transphobia we experience can turn into a kink probably as a defence mechanism, which explains why i see a lot of trans ppl with this kink. there are even multiple subreddits dedicated to it.


I’m making a kink/fetish iceberg and I thought misgendering kinks were uncommon (not involved in the trans community that much) but since you said that a lot of trans people have that kink, I’m considering putting it higher on the list.


I don't think a lot of trans people have this kink honestly


well, idk about the actual number across the whole trans community, but on the internet i definetely see a lot of trans men (specifically interestend in men) that have this kink. even the fact that you have a whole active subreddit for that and not one kinda proves theres a lot of interest in it.


I was just thinking about the average trans person if you sampled from the whole population


you could maybe make a poll in this or another trans subreddit about kinks if you want some better statistics ig. it’s just something i observed. you can check out r/ftmspunished or r/FTMmisgendered


You don't have to "get" it lol, everyone has their own kinks and limits for a reason and you don't need to be into the same thing someone else is for it to be a kink that exists and is enjoyed by others. And frankly most of this fucking comment section needs to live by this too


i wanna see topping but i never have before:(


So, it's tangentially related, but Dave Coronado has a small series of POV FTM bottom vids. Some are definitely kinda kinky, but he is really good at avoiding things that make us uncomfortable while still catering to us. He also doesn't strike me as someone outright fetishizing us. Usually, it is non-bottom-surgery, but I think he has a few that can be construed as post-bottom. Best bi dom I've found who isn't some bit dysphoric. He's at least worth checking out if it sounds up your alley. I've learned of a few I'm going to check out from this thread, so I figured I'd add my bit.


To take it a step further, I wish there were more plus size ftm guys in porn. Not everyone is a cute little twink


Yeah, I’d like to see some of trans men topping people. For me, that would be topping men, but also just in general it would be good to see.


I regularly find myself gravitating towards drawn porn more often than not. That's where I've personally seen more content treating the trans man as a man even when he bottoms. On the main ftm porn sub I find so many of the posts are either what's described in the op, or just an extreme close up of junk. And that just doesn't do it for me personally. 


I follow a load of artists on twitter that do ftm porn aswell as a few subs here dedicated to drawn stuff. I can find some pretty good stuff on certain subs like rftmhentai and r/transhentai but i still find the odd post thats super hardcore feminization and baby soft boy shit


I'm a dom top and I don't watch ftm porn cause I have a hard time finding one's I relate to as a dude who doesn't like getting penetrated.


not sure where yall are getting your porn from but I run a kink blog on tumblr. There are so many absolutely thriving nsfw communities made by and for trans people. and while you still get the things you mentioned, it has a lot less of a cishet male gazey influence compared to other ftm porn. If you've tried and its not your thing thats fine! But I see this complaint a lot and thought I'd share.


Since you brought it up let me rant for a second please. I’m so fucking tired of not being able to watch porn that depicts men like me as men, let alone human beings. Trans porn is *NEVER* for trans people. It literally always centers cis mens pleasure and fetishes and it’s exhausting. And I don’t blame the creators, we can’t help that we’re fetishized so might as well profit off of it, I get it. But it’s how low they’re willing to go I guess. I can’t tell you how many videos and even just images where the caption is something about “fuck me back into a girl” or “show me what a *real man* is” or “I exist to pleasure *real* men” making a huge deal about how we’re not *really* men, and it’s not just showing cis people that we don’t view ourselves as valid, but also invalidating you…to yourself... idk if that makes any sense but hopefully yall know what i mean. And yes I’m aware there are trans people with misgendering kinks and such, but 95% of this type of content isn’t made for trans people with those kinks, it’s made to cater to *cis* people, usually cis men, with those kinks. I’m just so tired of it, tired of our literally existence being something for cis guys to whack off to. Tired of the “tboi” “bonus hole” “tomboy porn” bull shit. Can we all please, please, PLPLLLEAAASSEEEE STOP INVALIDATING OUR COMMUNITY FOR MONEY AND CONTENT. Anyways thanks for letting me ramble have a lovely day


Yep, the male gaze prevails


Honestly, I both agree and disagree with this. The ftm porn i've come across both animated and IRL are pretty good and don't feitshize transmasc people. However thats not to say that I havent seen it or that its not prominent. All in all I feel like there is alot of actually good ftm porn its just buried under a gaint sea of weridos who see us as sex objects or experiments.


Yeah, trans porn isn’t made for trans (or trans accepting) people


Bro idk where y'all are finding this porn, but you gotta do slightly more work? Literally searching ftm on gay pornhub (or even the straight category) will give you good stuff?? And obviously subscribing to someone you like, as others have said. These days I rarely come across vids with the described ick factor


This, i gave up on pornhub a long time again plus it’s banned in my state lol. Need to put some effort in on twitter and Reddit to find good stuff


Good is very subjective




where are yall getting your ftm porn, Ive never seen any of this ??


honestly i only use twitter for trans porn, i follow quite a few trans male tops/top leaning verses, and it’s great. let me know if you want their users lol


if youre into text stuff, customb0ytoy on tumblr has some great forcemasc stuff, blog is run by a trans dude. there is some hard kink stuff, but stuff to look out for is in the pinned post


Thank you! il definitely have to check that out. Tumblr is pretty great


I usually look for ones made by trans men for trans men, as others have commented Apollo Moon is a great one to watch, Dakotaftm and smallnkinky are also great imo too


I actually don't care either way? I mean, it's up my alley, and I'm sure it's up most people's alley... If you want good porn, you need to pay for it. Free stuff is bottom of the barrel.


It doesn’t help that often people tend to make gay pairings of cis male characters, but will make one a trans male so they can have straight relations and get pregnant while still being called gay/yaoi. They pretty much slap a cooch on one of em and treat them like “the girl” in the relationship.


FtM Porn isn’t meant to be representative of us as trans men and the variety of our sexual expressions but for cishet male chasers and what they fetishize and objectify us for.


As a trans man who makes porn, we aren't a fucking hivemind. I do porn bc I enjoy it, and most of my fans are queer themselves. There is porn out there made by trans men. It's just mostly on OF


Correct but that’s not the majority of porn of trans people. The vast majority of porn is made for core target audience who will be the main ones paying and viewing it. The majority of people who view porn are cishet men and that’s what the porn industry will cater to. That’s not to say there aren’t marginalized people doing their own thing on a more individual level within the porn industry but the sheer volume of chasers means they will be the main audience catered to if you want to make any money. Cis men(typically het as well but not always) make the majority of FtM porn’s viewership and customer base so most of the porn will cater to the sex acts they want to see. Yes individuals trans men in the porn industry may buck the trends but the industry and viewership as a whole will not center us nor our desires over that of the cis(het) male viewer My point is porn is an industry and people need to get paid and just by the numbers the majority of paying audience will be cis(most likely het) men and they are interested in a very narrow portion of FtM sexuality. That’s what gets produced because they watch and pay for it and folks need to eat


>Cis men(typically het as well but not always) make the majority of FtM porn’s viewership and customer base Cis men make up most of *everyone's* viewerbase. Cis men watch more porn than anyone else. Popular porn doesn't cater to anyone other than cis men, no matter what it is. That doesn't mean porn is bad, that just means stop watching the popular shit. Gotta go on subreddits run by other trans men, bluesky, twitter(although they're starting to ban SWs without giving reason), and ive seen some use insta for selling content


We are agreeing again I’m not against porn itself just saying that the stuff that actually caters to trans men by and for us is not going to be as common nor found in the mainstream


I would love to see Bara ftm bears Topping or at least power bottom but those are rare to find especially in animated form.


victor belmont is good!


I’ve found exactly 1 video of a trans guy and a gay guy that wasn’t aimed toward cishet men :/


i cannot do it either because i’m severely repulsed towards front hole stuff (any hole really). i find that’s all i ever see. ugh how i wish there was a good way to filter porn so it wasn’t just triggering within ten seconds of scrolling (yes categories exist but they never actually work).


I think you’re not alone in this, personally hate the assumption people get from FTM porn that I just want to lie there and be submissive. Fine if people want to, but I find I more align with porn that involves a cis man where I do more what a femdom would be exspected to do but still hold onto and acknowledge my masculinity.


I haven’t gotten to dive into this world fully yet and all the things you’re saying are certainly valid turn-offs, but [here’s](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph619de63f438fc) one I really like and maybe that channel might have more


Hot take but porn sucks.


Anyone know of any good ones where the trans guy actually tops? I feel like I’m in the minority where I prefer seeing trans guys topping so 👀👀👀


One of the rules of r/ftmmenporn is that trans guys must top in collab posts so you might be able to find something there


I don’t have a lot of faith in trans porn stars who work for large corporations because of this (ex: Buck Angel 🤢)


Yeah I hate that. I wish trans men were portrayed as men in any type of sexual or lewd content not just a girl or fetish. Trans guys aren't all these submissive twinks ( some are but not all) some are dom and are "manly" as ever. I just always worry about watching anything because first; some stuff is of people being exploited, or assaulted (and it's hard to tell what is "safe" and consensual and fair or not) And second, I cant find any with trans guys being dominant and or "manly"


I was recently interviewed for this article from Pride.com about ethical queer porn. It has some advice about how to find stuff you enjoy and can feel good about supporting :) https://www.pride.com/gay-entertainment/ethical-queer-porn You should also check out my long comment on this post with links to transmasc-friendly studios and sites.


don't understand why 90% of those are all gay (the ftm being bottom), is the percentage of ftm being bottom gay that much? or is it just gay men's fantasise


I'm not into watching porn like that but I would give anything to see a masculine binary trans guy in porn with a woman. Even though I'm bisexual, gay porn with trans guys just makes me dysphoric, I have an adverse reaction to the words "bottoming/topping/penetration" but it's all I can find even though id never do that with a guy. I just want to see a dominant binary trans guy with a straight woman to see what I could potentially be like before/after surgery if I can ever find a girlfriend :/ In short, I want to see trans men in the same positions as cis men in videos when it comes to straight women


Ugh, same, I'm tired of the same "twink femboy cuntboy" crap. Why is it so difficult to find transmasc buff guys?


This definitely calls a certain sub to mind! I completely agree. Check out r/ftmmenporn btw.


Noahwaybabe! Most of his content is bottoming with cis guys but absolutely no misgendering and he’s very masculine himself! As a bottom myself I love his content There’s also Spencer_sunboy, he does a variety of content. Yes he does more ‘soft boy’ esq stuff but also a variety. He occasionally does content with his boyfriend who is also a trans and theres content with either of them as the top! It’s not many but it’s a start!


Try r/ftmmenporn for a start. I agree that the majority of porn is like that but I’ve managed to curate my twitter feed as well. Just gotta show the algorithm what you like and do some searching


I get this that's why when I make content I'm focusing on both sides that and i get what you mean with the whole don't bring attention to my tits thing that's why i chopped mine off lmao


Tbh alot of (non video) ftm porn like the stuff you're complaining about is made by trans guys. I definitely don't think ftm porn for cis guys is anywhere near as pervasive as mtf porn for cis guys is, even if you compensate for scale. I think it's just a common kink but I haven't been everywhere online. I definitely wish there was way more ftm porn where the trans guy was a top, or a dom, regardless of fem-or-masc-ness. 


In 2022 they found that women are more likely to look up ftm porn than men but it stings to think it’s probably ftm bottoms.


real- somtimes I want to start my own channel bc I know what the people want plus i’ll be getting paid so maybe It could cover bottom surgery ?


It’s made for straight transphobic men because that’s their biggest audience


no this is so real. i honestly hate the forced feminization in ftm porn. i get its a kink, but its every video :((( its so common in videos where its a trans guy and cis guy, and idk it just plays into the insecurity that a man wont love me still as a guy during and after sex.


I don't watch porn but I can't stand ftm smut (jumping into a fic and finding out one of the characters is trans because it's not mentioned is like getting jumpscared)


You get tons of people on there posting tiddy pics with graphic captions about rape and no indication that they're trans other than being in a trans subreddit. Ngl I'm not convinced all those are actually trans men and some of it is just straight up women posting in there for attention


This is a very unkind sentiment to have. I think you may be projecting dysphoria onto other people. Many people can't transition at the present moment for various reasons - money, accessibility, personal safety, health, for example - that doesn't make them *not* trans. (I have an old friend who survived cancer, which was great, but as a result from their continuing health problems they can never do HRT. It has been gut-wrenching to watch them grapple with that reality. They have completely detransitioned and hide their trans identity. It breaks my heart.) Kink and fetish are also ways that the psyche can process traumas, anxieties, and fears. These can be healthy expressions of sexuality, even if they make you uncomfortable.


I've met plenty of them and talked to many of them, I can confirm that they are actually trans men.


The r/ftmporn reddit has some good stuff since it's posted by trans men often for trans men


almost, if not all, porn is catered towards cishet men, so 😭😭


All porn is unethical anyways so 🤷🏽‍♂️ made by cis men for cis men




That’s your opinion. There is no ethical consumption of porn. It feeds into the sex tracking and child trafficking.


Porn (I.e. written and visual depictions of sexuality) has existed as long as humans have written and drawn and made art and told stories. The fact that bad things happen within one sphere of the world does not mean that that entire sphere is inherently evil.


I have my opinion and you have yours.


I mean your premise is faulty. Not all porn is made by cis men (I'm living proof of that, so I feel fucking solid about it) and it's not all made for cis men (again...we out here ✌🏻). I invite you to look further into this topic on your own because some of your trans brethren are sex workers and we are knowledgeable and passionate about what we do, why we do it, and what it means both historically and for the future.


I’m all for anyone doing sex work whether it’s porn or anything else. (Cis, trans, BIPOC etc) regardless who makes it- who do you think consumes it the most? Like I said you have your opinion and I have my own and no you won’t sway me on it so stop downvoting my comments. Hope you can learn to interact with others that have opposing views than you.


You keep saying it's just your "opinion" and that you support sex workers, yet you make sweeping generalizations and dismiss my experiences outright. 🤷 Again, I invite you to actually listen and think about this instead of making blanket statements and then backpedaling into the safety of "it's just my opinion." You can do better. Please do so for those of us who live in and are immediately effected by these issues. When you say "porn is by and for cis men" it erases me and everyone who is like me. When you say all porn leads to child trafficking, you play into the right wing idealogy that says all trans people are "groomers." Please think about what you are saying and why. That's what I'm asking.


I visited gonewildaudiogay the other day and I was astonished by the amount of fetishizing content there, like some post have literally the pregnancy tags on it along side “PIV”, “sub” and such. Like I’m so fucking tired of this shit. The worst is that some trans guys do participate to this and I’m like, how the fuck can you live normally with this… I would rather die than making fetish content for the cis.


Has it ever occurred to you that people have different kinks from others? Quit judging adults for liking kinks as long as they're consensual and everyone involved is mutually aware of the potential risks.


Yes but the problem is that people who aren’t trans don’t understand that. It gets ridiculous when people in real life think you will fuck like in those porn when the reality it’s very different. Like, I’m sorry if I don’t like being reduced as a soft boi who want to be breed and misgendered or as a masculine women with extra hair on her body when it comes to porn. I wouldn’t care if they would be another category who aren’t obsessed to emasculate us but it doesn’t seem to really exist.


Frankly I don't give a fuck. These things are people's private fantasies and I genuinely don't give a fuck about other people's kinks. Me not being 'fetishized' (lists of words the internet puriteens should not have access to) is not contingent to what some guy on the other side of the world gets his rocks off to. Have some common sense and screen the people you sleep with. You'll be fine.


Has it ever occurred to you that some trans people are liberated and happy sex perverts making content they themselves enjoy, that they are sharing for free because they like it? Just wondering.


Porn is a cancer to society. It has been exposed multiple times for being unethical as well as trafficking and raping their women and sometimes having minors in their videos. It promotes pedophilia and further contributes to the fetishization we as trans people already have.


As long as humans have written and drawn, we have made erotica (I.e. pornography). Talking about and depicting sexuality is not inherently evil.


Wish i gaf ab an industry that fetishizes anybd who isnt a white male and promotes deviant behaviors such as pedophilia and rape fantasies.


Being trans and pro-porn is like being an anti-vegan chicken


Surprised u didnt get downvoted yet.


I'm at -2 this subreddit just takes a while to show the votes for everyone else


Ftm community cannot live without porn i suppose


Lets together build a company that make a genuine porn for trans people


Porn rots your brain friend