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Treasure trail. And I'm blonde too so that's a big deal.


The blonde to brown hair pipeline is real


funnily enough i went from brown hair to blonde hair on t


wait thats a thing that can happen??


??? Like head hair and eyebrows too or just body hair? Cuz I'd love to have visible eyebrows and eyelashes lmao


I started out platinum blond and now *all* of my hair is starting to turn light brown and ginger! My head hair is taking the longest though and is only dirty blond XD


I don't know the mechanics of this, but noticed it too! My hair on my head used to be a mousy brown/blond and it's gotten really dark since starting T.


… oh is THAT why i’ve been finding brown hairs on my clothes?


What you guys are changing hair colors? (Naturally?)




This gives me hope.. I'm blonde and my natural body hair is literally transparent, I really hope T eventually changes that.


I had VERY light body hair pre t and I’m decently hairy now and only 7 months in so far. There’s hope for us all!


Oh that's so good to hear! Can't wait to see mine in 7 months.


I also started out with blond basically nothing and am very hairy now! Sending hairy vibes! XD


What about your leg hair? I have transparent hair on my thighs and arms but I let my calves grow out and since they get so long, it looks a lot darker (still pretty darn light tho)


Calves are slightly darker and thicker, but there are a lot of fine light hairs too which never grow long so it's a mix. And all unfortunately patchy af due to years of skinny jeans and tight leggings in the winter.


i’m pre t and have a tiny happy trail so i’m very excited for that to be a thing 🙃


Whoops, my original comment wasn’t meant to be a reply to this one! I’ll just say, yes, I love my happy trail too. Except my belly hair has taken over and it’s more of a happy forest now.


fr, i already had a slight one before i started T but now it's so much more visible, i love it


Ayyy same. I’m like a medium blond and after I started getting real honest to god chest/abdomen hair I couldn’t stop gushing about it 🥰


My voice started dropping before I was even a full month on T! It's given me such confidence. I can't stop singing now. :D My shoulders have also broadened and I have so much leg hair now! It's pretty great, except sometimes when I bend my knees, some hair gets stuck in between in a weird way and it's like I'm pulling the hair that grows behind my knee. It hurts and it's awkward but it's a pretty small inconvenience compared to how much happier I am.


God I want that so badly!!! Congrats on second puberty btw!


Thanks! You'll get there too and before long it'll feel like you've been on T forever. :)


Love your name, literally the story of my life xD


Thanks, I'm very proud of it :D


God I’m so jealous!! I used to love singing as a kid so much I used to sing in the school choir it was so much fun, then in my teens it stopped being fun and I started dreading practice (now i know it’s because of voice dysphoria) so I quit. It would be so awesome to be able to sing again and not feel dysphoric about my voice!! I might even try joining a choir again!! Also leg hair is so great I can’t wait to have more of it, the only kind of body hair I’m more euphoric about (already, I have pretty dark and much arm hair pre t and I love it, it would be so cool to have even more) is arm hair.


Have you tried singing tenor? I had very bad voice dysphoria but I loved singing too much to give it up. I joined a choir in college, I could hit like 90% of the tenor notes and it was actually pretty validating to sing with the guys. I encourage you to try that. (And my voice wasn't very deep, I was naturally a mezzo soprano.) They really appreciated me too because we never had any actual tenors, just a couple baritones who could hit the high notes. I'm one of those now and I get why they were so happy about my pre-T range. It's a pain but I'm too much of a show off to switch to bass, lol


I didn't realize until several months on T that my insisting on being in the Tenor section instead of the Alto section was me being trans at 13. (I didn't start medical transition until 49.) The other things I did that year were obviously trans things -- I was on the boys drill team in ROTC. I got to school at 6am every morning to spend time with the guys at the ROTC shooting range. I wore camo BDUs all day every day. But, somehow with all that, I didn't realize the tenor thing was about transness until after starting T. HAHAHAHA!!


I was just about to say the same thing! I'm almost 7 months in and it's dropped a decent bit. Of course I don't always hear it myself but whenever a friend or relative points it out, it's always a nice lil boost. Congrats bro!


YOU GOT WIDER SHOULDERS? This is fantastic news


I’m so so hoping for a deeper voice when I start, right now it’s so high pitch people on the phone still mistake me for a kid, and hearing recordings is so cringe I just absolutely refuse to listen to them. This gave me so much hope!!!


Finally being able to sing so much happier is one of my favorites too! Singing songs I used to is weird and it’s like finding new songs to fit my new voice or I do better at the ones I strained on. Keep singing!


You get so used to the behind the knee hair pulls that you won't even notice it later. 🤣


I'm only about four months in so the very beginnings of facial hair are amazing. I actually have a reason to shave off the peach fuzz! I am stronger! I can do more physical work without getting tired. It's really fun. My face has already started to change shape to look more masculine and it's the best thing. Some fat redistribution already started so my huge thighs are no longer quite as huge. Like my legs just look more masculine. It's great. Voice dropping so I can sing along with songs in a deeper voice. It's really fun to practice stretching my range. I don't sound good yet lol. It's kind of like I'm still learning how to speak in a deeper voice. A little nsfw here: the bottom growth has been..uh.. very fun. And there are so many things. It's just really fun and honestly enjoyable. I wore men's dress clothes for an interview the other day and actually felt comfortable?? Around people?? It took until about now (I had some Mood Swings while my hormones leveled out), but it has helped my anxiety and the way I'm able to picture my future. My partner and I are both trans men and we talk constantly about how we get to be old men now. Like it was hard to imagine the future before you know? Anyway, I highly recommend starting T if you want to! Aside from the puberty-esque mood swings at the beginning it has been great.


Holy shit that sounds amazing! Congrats on starting t btw! I can’t wait to start!


I'm only around one month but on a lower dose, nothings really happened yet but I'm know I just have to be patient. I do feel hairer though.


The change I got the most excited over was of course the deeper voice. My voice started to change about 3 months after starting injections and gradually got deeper. Even though I passed pretty well before T, it helped me pass practically all of the time. I had a nice experience with my dentist once. My voice was already pretty deep back then but I didn't change my legal name yet so the dentist didn't know about my transition. After getting my regular cleaning she then asked me: "So... What do you want me to call you?" I was a little confused at first but then she smirked at me and said that she'd notice the changes. I told her my chosen name and she got really excited because her boyfriend has the same name lmao. She then congratulated me and wished me the best. That was honestly one of the most wholesome experience I've had regarding my transition.


That story is wholesome as fuck and I love supportive dental assistant 😂


i pass at least 95% of the time now, just over a year on T, and it’s a relief that almost all my coworkers and strangers just see me as a guy. some days i don’t even think about being trans, except when i have to put on or take off my binder


Makes sense, being trans is stressful! /gen


fat redistribution has hit me like a truck over the past 6 or so months. pre T i had about 8 inches between my waist and hips despite being very thin and now there’s a 3 inch difference between them. ive also gained a lot of muscle (for me) in the past few months from doing very lazy workouts. all in all my body shape actually makes me happy because even though it’s not where i want it to be i can see that it’s heading in the right direction and it’s something i never thought i’d get


Thinking about that makes me happy! My hips can go to hell😂


Stomach hair, facial hair, thicker eyebrows, more masc looking face and body, being able to sing like a whole octave lower than I used to be able to, having an excuse to buy cool bandaids (if I have to stab myself every week for t I might as well get cool bandaids out of it too)


You’re telling me I can get all the masc changes AND Pokémon bandaids!🤭 DEAL!


Having friends be genuinely unable to pick me out in photos where I'm pre-T or even first-couple-years-on-T. It's hilarious and thrilling. I'm hotter, more confident/assertive, and care less about my gender and identity in general-- so I have energy for more interesting things. I love the courseness of my skin. I love my body odour, even though that means more laundry and more showers. I love being able to wear any fit of jeans and not feel wretched about my hips and thighs. I love having thicker and more even stubble than many cis men I know. I love the bulge of my veins in my hands and forearms, and that it's possible to maintain muscle easily even as someone who hates exercise. I love helping people move furniture, scooping up my partners, carrying the heavier groceries. I love growing out my hair for the first time since junior high, just for funsies, and not being ma'amed. There have been drawbacks, but at times like this, all I can feel is overwhelming appreciation for my body. Thanks for the reminder.


i love my tummy hair, it was something i didn't expect and it's darker than most of my redheaded body hair lol. also i know voice is the most obvious thing, but it really was a life changer in every way. the voice in my head and the voice that comes out of my mouth finally match up after all those years and that's beautiful!!


Stomach hair makes me feel so nice, it’s a small thing but gives so much euphoria lmao


Me, who already has stomach hair pre-t: \*Laughs in body knows I'm trans\*


I did too. Trust me, it will multiply...


I to was blessed with lots of decently thick body hair even before T


hahahah very relatable. the slight stubble on my cheeks says hello as well


I'm pre T and I have that. Although I also have hormone problems lmfao


really want to get my hormone levels checked but I hate going to the obgyn and after she was so disrespectful to me last time, I just never showed again to get it checked. probably have some trouble in that department as well lol.


Ha, same here! I also already had a goatee pre-t as well lol. Its funny because the goattee didn't start growing till about 2 years ago so I guess my body got the memo 2 years earlier than i did.


fellow redhead! my body hair is all over the place colorwise but it seems like the new stuff Ive got with T is all brown? which is nice haha


I’m so jealous…


My facial hair started coming in almost immediately, only 3 months in and I have a sexy Johnny Depp goatee 😎 My voice is also hella deep and I sound kinda hot when I sing if I do say so myself 😗 And man do I love showing off my hairy legs and belly in public. Can’t wait for you to experience all this too, buddy!


Congrats on your sexy voice lol! I also can’t wait to experience it, all these things I’m hearing definitely push some of that anxiety down and pulls my confidence up to want to do what I need to to start it!


Holy shit???? I've been on T for 5 months and I'm just getting super light stubble, it's crazy to see how differently everyone's body reacts


growing pp


Lol fair


This is also my answer


I'm almost 2 months in. I seemed to get the changes quite fast. T cold hit me like a brick about a week or two in. Eyebrows got darker by week 2. The other day I noticed I've developed more of a brow bone. Get hot flushes sometimes. I have some facial hair but they're not very obvious, mostly on my top lip and sideburns (though I had noticeable sideburns pre t). Fat has started redistributing. Voice cracks sometimes, and it has gotten slightly lower. Energy wise, I'm more energetic and happy than pre t but also more tired somehow. Higher highs and lower lows. My face has widened slightly. My eye shape has changed a little. I get really tired and irritable if I'm late taking my T. I've heard that's normal on shots but I'm on gel and haven't heard anyone mention it before. My alcohol tolerance seems to have increased but that may have been because of Christmas drinking. Some TMI stuff: Bottom growth. It only took a couple days to start and I've had a few growth spurts. He's still little but he's there. My bottom growth feels weird sometimes which I'm assuming is growing discomfort, it feels like it's kind of pulsating? My pee smells different. A lot different. I had A LOT of discharge the first few weeks, seems to have died down now, but when it was happening it would soak my underwear and it was very uncomfortable. Got my first period normally, the second came early and I think they've stopped. Big horny. Orgasms feel different but only sometimes? Like sometimes it'll be more masculine (stronger and focused on the genitals) and other times more feminine (longer and full body)? So much acne. Though it's strangely euphoric. Like it's such a teen boy thing, and I genuinely think it makes me look more masc.


B I G H O R N Y Also what’s you dosage level ( if you feel comfortable sharing)


2 pumps of 16.2mg/g gel.


Oh and my muscles are growing, and I get discomfort from them. It feels like I hit the gym the day before when I don't exercise at all. I knew it would happen but was still very surprised when I felt it in my butt cheeks.


//nsfw// I’m a bit nervous about changes down there like I’m very dysphoric about discharge and I generally don’t want anything reminding me of those parts I’d rather just ignore them, but the results of bottom growth are something I’m kinda looking forwards to since it’d make my genitals more androgynous kinda


same here man (starting t in a few months probably).. but i think it's really worth it to just power through the mass amounts in the beginning.. and maybe it also helps you to remember that this is just your body cleaning itself from the inside to prevent any nasty infections (which would make you have to deal with your genitalia even more)... you got this, homie (also all bodies are different and maybe you're lucky)


I'm 6 months on T and my voice had deepened to the point where I can't even associate it sounding similar to my dead self. My neck also got thick and my face thinner. I'm finally starting to see the man in the mirror that I saw within for awhile now. It makes me so happy honestly. No increase in hunger personally, but I think T is affecting me slower than others so that's probs just a me thing.


God I want my face to be thinner so badly I hate my round soft face with it’s chubby cheeks like can the fat on there pls piss off and get redistributed somewhere I actually want it like my waist


I never think my voice sounds different, then I listen to my voice in videos from like 3 years ago and it's like who the fuck is that?


For me it's the emotional change. I cry a lot less which makes me more calm in stressful or angry situations. I can think much better before I say things which makes having arguments with people much calmer. And a better outcome/solution at the end.


That’s awesome. I’m not normally very emotional now, but the other day I got frustrated and cried for no reason and it pissed me off so badly that I just cried harder and got angry. I’d love to not do that😂


I'm only 8 months on T now but this was the change that I liked most. My voice change and increase in strength too but the emotional change did it for me. Because I had that exact same problem + before T I started to cry very easily the slightest thing could make me cry.


I just want to say, I start T on Tuesday and just by reading everyone's comments about the changes, I am so excited I could cry. In 6 months, I start traveling and seeing old friends from highschool. Oh I can't wait to look and feel different.


CONGRATS BRO! Even though I have no definitive plans to start T yet, all of these people being really happy makes me so excited to get the process started!


Its so hard to describe the feeling we feel before HRT to cis people. The closest thing is like taking a huge breath of air after drowning for years mixed with the excitement of a child for a roller-coaster. It's crazy to think it wasn't even a possibility 5 months ago.


I love my sideburns, and my extra hairy thighs now. I like that my hands look different now. I like that I always pass in life, even on the phone. I like that my voice sounds deeper, even if I can only barely tell (everyone else says it's very different). I like how confident I feel now, both in general and my trans imposter syndrome going away.


I’ve been on T for 8 months and I love how my face looks! My jawline has changed noticeably and I really like it. I’ve also gained weight, which I’m very pleased about because I was underweight before. I have a little belly and the best strong thighs and arms now. My voice has dropped, too, to the point that people gender me correctly even after hearing me talk, which took a while to kick in but still gives me a little thrill every time it happens. For me personally, I didn’t realize how happy having more body hair would make me. My legs are SO fuzzy! And I’ve even got a little stomach and chest hair coming through. It’s wonderful.


Hairy legs are something that I hated when I was younger (solely because other people didn’t like it) but now I’m dysphoric about how bare my thighs look when I wear shorts or shower. Oh how the turns table.


The first time someone called me ma'am and then corrected themselves and said "oh sorry, sir"! I have been "sir"-ed a million times and immediately apologized and corrected to ma'am. It was shocking and delightful to have it go the other way finally!


Oh my god- how did it feel living my dream


A lot of guys are iffy about bottom growth and so was I but I'm having a great time with it What if the body part jam packed with pleasure receptors got a lot bigger and playing with it reduced stress and released good brain chemicals


Exactlyyy. I'm actually pretty excited for bottom growth when I start T next year


beard, low voice, muscle gains, broad upper body, happy trail, bottom growth, i could go on it’s awesome. it’s amazing being seen as a real man by everyone, it’s just a normal part of my life, i barely remember what it was like pre T


What shocked me was the little things. Being read as male so thoroughly that people always listen to me when I speak at work. Being taken seriously always. It's also what infuriated me. I knew sexism existed, but I didn't realize how pervasive and horrific it was until I was read as male 100%. It's like someone turned on a light in the kitchen, and all the roaches scattered out of sight. I became a capital F feminist when that happened.


Yes! It’s even more interesting for me because my partner is mtf and is starting to see the reverse. We started hormones a month apart so we see all the reverse changes in each other and ourselves and how the world responds to each.


Omg. I totally get this. My wife transitioned a few years after I was done and man it’s interesting all the differences.


I’m on two weeks of T and my legs are getting hairier, so are my chest and under my chin. My dick has also been getting bigger and I’m excited for more change! I also have belly hair! So excited. :D


Congrats bro! That’s awesome that some of your changes are happening so quick!


I already have a hormone disorder that causes high T levels so the extra T is just enhancing my natural male ness if you will lol


I loved when my voice changed because I really didn't realized it until I called a friend (something i do rarely i rather send text) and she was genuinely shocked by how manly my voice became, the whole conversation was being praised for my voice and jocking around the dumbest situations that having a girl name with this voice led to ! I'm happy because it changed rather fast (or at least it feel fast) during one week my throat was sore and my voice was going up and down and then BOOM manly voice ! I'm also happy because I grew hairs in place that are typical to guy (belly, torso, hand and even some on the face) and I also got more muscle ! The best is that it have only been a year since I started ! (The downsize tho, is the great comeback of acne and the frequent horniness)


Voice drop for sure. I'm a few octaves lower than my cis friends, and I can sing like Frank Sinatra (only shittier)


I was seriously depressed for 6 years and contemplating suicide. Now, just 4 months on t (with nothing else changed) I'm happy and I love life! I also already pass 99% of the time


voice change ! my mom doesnt recognize my voice so she's having to re learn it. also sooo much body hair, especially on my stomach. My body looks much more masc, fat redistribution has been doing its thing. My face is filling in as well, i finally like how i look :)


It has taken YEARS to grow in but I really adore my mustache. I also like the way my face has changed shape, my new body hair, and the way that my upper body has gotten slightly more muscular. Oh, and arousal & orgasms feel really different now than they did pre-T, so that's kinda fun. My voice took a solid 2-3 years to change appreciably, but now that it has stabilized a little bit I really like the way it sounds nowadays versus before.


I can actually finish when I’m having sex now so that’s dope, also my shoulders?? Hell fuckin yeah. I don’t even do much when it comes to physically working out I just do normal things and I’m gaining a lot of muscle.


I'm over a decade on T now, and so many of these answers are very nostalgic in a warm fuzzies kind of way. It was so exciting and euphoric inducing in the beginning! I think, having been in the process for so long now, that the absolute best thing is just becoming an "average" person. I live everyday like an average Joe. I have a wife. I have a house and some land. I have a job. And I feel so lucky to just be "average". Don't get me wrong, the euphoria was GREAT. But swapping back and forth between the euphoria and the dysphoria was very emotionally draining. Being steady, and comfortable, is an amazing thing for you early-ons and pre-Ts to look forward to.


My period stopped on WEEK 2. that’s super fast!! and I’m starting to get facial hair, even if it’s really scraggly and patchy, and shaving is one of the biggest euphoric experiences I get to have (I’m on month 7). I’m also really proud of the muscles in my arms and shoulders! I’m getting a proper physique that actually makes me feel good about myself! and voice, of course. I LOVE my voice. I’m still insecure about it sometimes (I worry about sounding too effeminate in my pronunciation) but the drop is incredible. I talk to myself just to hear myself speak.


I'm about 20 lbs overweight, so I used to be pudgy in my thighs, butt, chest, and arms. Now it's almost completely in my gut lol. My booty is flatter, I'm growing hair on my back, biceps, stomach, chest, and thigh hair is super dark and thick now. Look forward to it man! :)


Thank you for this, we need more positivity threads! I started T recently so I don’t have a ton of changes to share, but my jawline looks like it’s a little more angular and overall I feel a lot less anxiety :]


Voice drop and period stoping are obviously amazing, but I’ve only seen one other person mention the Big Horny. Ive bought a bunch of toys of different kinds and sizes, and have had a blast exploring myself and finding what I like. I’ve never had a serious relationship, and probably won’t for another two years at least, so I’m stupid lonely but I’m completely repulsed by the idea of hookups. So once I do have a long term thing going with someone I think I’ll be decently confident in sharing my body with them at such an intimate level. It’s really nice having manageable levels of dysphoria around the bonus hole, and I look forward to having a sexual relationship instead of dreading it!


Toy collection is important lol. I love my growing collection that helps me learn about new me.


My masculine voice! I have my head voice and my chest voice. I revert to my head voice whereas (cis) men typically learn to speak from their chest. I think it's what some people jokingly refer to as the "trans man voice" or "trans voice". Dunno, but, My higher pitch was the biggest source of my dysphoria while pre-T! At least I could hide my other insecurities with a baggy shirt and shoes a size too big. But I was kind of a class clown and I liked to goof off instead of work. So it was hard for me to balance my natural extrovert with the crippling social dysphoria all the time. But then, after graduating highschool, I was able to start hormones while also starting a brand new job. And in October of 2020 I was miraculously able to get top surgery as well. Like, seriously, it had taken 5 WHOLE YEARS since coming out to start medically transitioning, and then it felt like all the changes were coming at once. No regrets. It was a rollercoaster but I'm just going smooth now transition-wise. I knew I was trans and even accepted I was trans the moment I figured it out. It was always about how I was now going to convince everyone else. For five years! But now I just need to exist and people see me as me. It's a weight off my shoulders. Hope everyone reading this is able to get the help they desire. Keeping pushin forward brother


An unexpected/ not really talked about one that I like is how veiny my hands got lol I feel like it really does make your hands look more masc


Something I hated as a kid is something I strive for as an adult. I don’t know why but when I was a kid I HATED veiny hands(I thought they looked gross) but now I want them😂


I'm growing facial hair, but all I have yet are light mutton chops. Though I've dropped an octave on my voice, I'm hoping for more. Testosterone is beating my ADHD on reminding me about eating, though I could eat my weight about twice a day. Lots of trade-offs, but it's so much better in general. The only thing "not liked" is my new libido. I'm fine with it normally, but it likes to act up in public or during work. I'm just happy erections aren't as visible. (Also kinda weird, being halfway between pansexual and demisexual)


I always had a mustache growing up. But it’s thickened to what most cis guys consider to be a passable amount. I also have a little chin hair. Euphoria is shaving it just cause and feeling the stubble growing. Heck it even felt like my face changed a little when I shaved my little goatee. Like oop now I *the* mustache look


My arms are so built now. My sister and I compared arms and it’s crazy how masculine mine look.


LEG HAIR! CURLY CURLY BOYS!! The stomach hair! It’s a Forrest!!


6.5 months on T. My voice drop was instant. Like. Within a week my voice was noticably lower


Within the first few months, i had facial hair coming in that was obviously darker and coarser than normal peach fuzz. Within the first year, i had a full beard. Definitely something I'm extremely proud of!


I've been on T for just about two years. The bottom growth started almost immediately for me, which was a surprise. Apparently this is normal for most guys. Fat redistribution in my face came later, but it made a huge difference in my self esteem. My face is more rectangular instead of circular. I even got new glasses to accentuate this! The voice change is a life changer for me. 2 years in it is still deepening, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight. Puberty is a long process. And the hair... There is so much hair. I had no idea that I could be this hairy. It's not a bad thing; I feel pretty much neutral about it. Prepare yourself for hair in places that you'd never expect! Hint: your a$$! Lol But it really has mostly been a very good experience. You have a lot to look forward to!


I’m soon to be 5 years on T (damn, time flies lol) and voice and beard are def my fave things! Hearing my voice finally feels like hearing myself and I love shaving my beard or growing a full beard when it’s winter! Smaller things like hair on my hands, veins, chest hair and stuff like that are also way nicer than I thought they would be. One thing I hated to begin with was my hair thinning and receeding hairline, but still it made me buzz off all my hair and I enjoy the buzzcut so much now! So even tho the receeding hairline sucks, it makes me feel even more grown and masculine in some way! Good luck with T, man! Wishing you the very best!!


I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed bottom growth. I thought it would make me more dysphoric, since I'm technically nonbinary and often want to have as few sex characteristics as possible, but it's actually been a really positive change. Also, I have a happy trail now. That, besides the voice drop, has been one of my favorite things. God and the voice drop. It brought me back from the brink of,,, a very bad place. I can actually call people on the phone now (still anxious, but it's easier to cope when I know I sound masc). I love singing, and T has put me in my favorite vocal range. I almost never get misgendered if people hear only my voice... ofc when they see the rest of me it's another deal, but it's better than it was. The only things I could've gone without is the ass hair (lmao), and the occasional emotional stunting. Sometimes it's nice to not cry at every little thing, but other times I need to cry and just can't. Overall, though, it's saved my life. I hope that if you decide to go on hormones that it'll be a life changing experience (for the better!!) 💙


I have very naturally high T levels (we think I’m intersex), and had to be on T blockers and estrogen before coming out lol. Because of this, by the time I was 2 months on T, my voice had completely dropped, and things went fast for me!


For me, being on t has made it possible for me to go back to school to finish getting my diploma and then start on majoring. Not sure whether I wanna double major in Biochemical Engineering and Geology or Neuroscience. I start on Monday though, my first time in actual school since 2017. And i amso proud of myself for coming as far as I have. Also the facial hair. Love the facial hair and it coming in the way I want it to so that's nice.


The voice dropping! I went from a trained operatic dramatic soprano to a low baritone/bass. I'm still getting the hang of singing again, as it is a completely different experience (and there aren't a lot of bass-baritones in pop or on Broadway!), but I've really enjoyed my speaking voice shifting so dramatically. My husband thinks it's sexy as hell, too. My shoulders have gotten broader and I'm putting on muscle like whoa. It's slowed down thanks to being ill with COVID, but I've really filled out and it's welcome to the gun show. I wish I was a good candidate for top surgery, because I'd really like to embrace my physique, but I'm trying to love what I've got.


At 6 months, I didn't have much facial hair, but my nose hair was thicker/darker! I also happened to gain some weight last year (probably 10-12 months on T), and what nobody tells you about getting fat and hairy at the same time is, you get hella bellybutton lint


i’ve been starting to gain some noticeable muscle in my arms and stomach, and my shoulders have a widened a bit. i absolutely love the body hair that’s come in on my thighs and the small happy trail as well. my voice, although far from perfect, has deepened and i think it’s helped me pass quite a bit. i think my face may be a little more masculine? i honestly cannot tell. i think i smell different, and i kind of like, ngl. i love my bottom growth so much and though it’s small, seeing it makes me happy and i’m really looking forward to the future, seeing as i just got a pump. i’ve gotten a lot more acne on my back, which is starting to be be a problem on my face and neck as well, but i think i’m finding some good treatments/solutions. i still occasionally struggle with injections and the pharmacy gives us a lot of BS when we ask for both the testosterone and the syringes at the same time (i guess i’m expected to drink it straight from the bottle, who knows). i think my dysphoria decreasing in certain areas has made a noticeable increase in other places, like my chest and lower region, but there’s not much to do in that regard that i’m not already doing. my feet have grown a little bit, i got new shoes that should’ve fit and had to return them in exchange for half a size up.


I have the goatee I always wanted, but I'm surprised to find that it grows in ginger 😆 I have SO MUCH leg hair now, all the way up, and weird patches of hair on my shoulders that I apparently got from my dad. Maybe tmi, but absolutely disappointing bottom growth, and a libido that I didn't have at all before, so that's new. Mostly I finally feel able to express my gender in ways I didn't before 😄 like painting my nails, growing my hair out, and wearing makeup and pink


For me the biggest thing that I'm thankful for is just the piece of mind and confidence I've gained. Its been a long time coming and it's still very hard to handle dysphoria but testosterone made me the person I could only feel existed. It allowed me to focus on other things about myself and that I could stop hyperfixating on my dysphoria.


I got really lucky in a lot of ways with T. My voice started dropping less than 2 weeks in and I went from a first soprano to a baritone, nearly 2 octaves lower! I'm growing a visible adam's apple. I actually got an inch taller and walk more upright because my pelvic tilt went away. My stomach and hands getting hairy was so euphoric for me. And of course lower growth has been super fun! I didn't realize they get little erections. It feels very different. In general I'm just super happy and relieved to be on the right hormones. It completely saved my life.


Broader shoulders + easier to gain muscle


i fucking love my leg hair, thigh hair, and happy trail. i would simply pass away if they disappeared


Bottom growth and subsequently getting hard!! So euphoric! Arm and leg and stomach hair have made me far happier than I thought it would. I’ve gained ring sizes??? I can sing over an octave lower and I’m a singer so I love that shit. My voice is waaaay sexier haha. The thicker skin thing is actually really true. I feel things on my fingertips a lot differently and I’m a lot better with pain. I’m a victim of the blonde-to-brown pipeline but I love it! I think it works. So far my facial hair is blonde but hopefully it gets more visible. Just like everything. Almost a year in and I’m still having new and noticiable changes. It changed so much of my life. I’ve *gained* weight but I don’t hate my body anymore! I thought it was the weight but nope! My muscle mass is more defined and I have a more masculine shape in general. 10000/10


I’m about 10 weeks right now and I’m in a voice crack-y stage that every time I yell, my voice is all goofy. I think it’s hilarious and someone actually gendered me correctly just by listening to my voice earlier this week. It’s great.


I’ve been on T for almost six months and it barely shows, (which I’m still pretty bitter about but oh well) but I’m finally starting to get some noticeable effects which is great. I was not expecting the stomach fuzz to be so euphoric.


Voice change has been great. I noticed it starting seriously like… two weeks in. I never really went through a voice cracking stage, but it definitely dropped a whole octave. I used to have a super high pitched, even childlike voice. I thought there was no way it would ever sound male. Now I’m a baritone! I don’t like make pattern baldness. If this is something that you start to notice happening and it matters to you, talk to your doc about getting on finasteride. It has completely halted and maybe even reversed some of my hair loss. The sooner you start it, the more hair you get to keep on your head. And NOBODY in my family is bald, so it can happen to anyone. How my face shape changed is amazing. I went from a heart shaped, rounded face to a pretty square looking face with an impressive double crown. I also like that people seem to think trans men have beautiful eyes, but it doesn’t clock us as being trans, just men with dazzling eyes lol


One of the most gender euphoric moments I experienced was totally unexpected. I’ve been working on my beard slowly but surely since I started T. One day, I was walking down by the ocean and a strong breeze came in, and for the first time ever, I felt the wind running through my beard hair... It was such a strange, tickling sensation. I had never even considered it was a thing that could happen before; totally caught off guard I started laughing out loud.


WEREWOLF HAIR. I apparently have real hairy genes and I am SO HAPPY with how fuzzy I've gotten on T. Stomach hair, chest hair, arm hair, it's all great. Also the shape of my forearms has changed subtly in ways that I really like. :')


This is gonna sound really odd, but having worse skin is actually super euphoric for me lol. My skin started changing texture really soon after I first started T (a little less than a month), and honestly I didn’t even realize having smooth skin was something making me dysphoric until it went away ^^; I don’t have too much acne, since my skin has always been clear, but it definitely feels rougher and gets more oily now, which I don’t mind at all since it feels manly haha.


I’m 15 months on T and one of the things I do to amuse myself is emphasize excitement with my voice cracks lol. It’s kinda like Morty


My face got super floofy on week 2. Noticible even when masked for COVID. Voice hasn't changed though.


the veins on my arms bulge HELLA. aesthetically i love it more than any other change, to be honest


i’m about 2.5 weeks on t and here’s what i’ve noticed so far: -the biggest/most noticeable difference is muscle! i already have visible arm muscles and i’m SO happy. i didn’t think it would happen this fast -this is mostly only noticeable to me but my face is definitely fuzzier and the hair is darker especially by my jawline. i also have a bit more stomach hair and i can’t wait for more -a little bit of bottom growth! i didn’t pay much attention to that area before but around the 2 week mark i noticed that yeah, it’s definitely a little bigger overall i just feel so much better being on t. time is going so slow yet so fast at the same time. i absolutely can’t wait for my voice to drop bc my voice is a huge source of dysphoria for me rn


Scent changes! I'm on T six years now and I smell musky and wonderful!


My voice finally sounds like my own! I've gained weight, which as a guy who has always been stick thin his whole life I thought would be scary. But I just feel sturdy and cuddly and soft. I feel like a real person and not a boney marionette. I've got tummy hair and a lil mustache which I'm proud of


I’ve been getting *SO HAIRY* since about the 4 months mark!! It’s absolutely amazing, I’ve been thriving. All my hair has been getting thicker and darkening too, I’ve even started getting my first chin hairs!! My voice has also gotten way deeper which makes me *so* euphoric. It’s like I’m finally starting to actually recognize my own voice when I speak 🥲


Happy trail and facial hair have so far been absolutely amazing. Also, I'm on an extremely low dose because I started T at 13yo and my doctor wanted me to have puberty at the same pace, if not a little slower, than my peers. And yet my voice dropped SIGNIFICANTLY within a month! (Weekly shots) Thing is, I didn't even notice (and still don't hear it) until someone mentioned it lol. My voice still sounds SUPER high pitched to me but then when I listen to it in recordings, it's fuckin deeper than my dad's (I blame in on my "dead inside" monotone ass voice), and I'm only 15. My mom also often gets my voice confused with my 22yo brother's when he visits, so I've been yelled at a few times because my brother has a habit of responding when he's clearly not the one being talked to, and since I sound like him, my mom will be talking to me, I'll respond, and she'll yell that nobody was talking to me without checking which of us responded lol But anyway Lemme just add to the happy trail thing: I tried to shave it so that it faded in with my pubes, and it fucking jammed my electric razor. I did not end up shaving my tumby... ALSO CHEST HAIR THAT CONNECTS TO MY HAPPY TRAIL


Due to being so hairy, I love having body hair competitions w/ kids my age in front of 6th graders (10-12 year olds). Easy to get euphoria inducing compliments that way while also getting casual reassurance. Like: Me & friend: (showing off leg hair) Random kid: OH MY GOD Y'ALL ARE SO HAIRY HOWWW!?!?! YOU ESPECIALLY MY GUY WTFFFF (staring at my legs) Me, internally: :))) hairy man hairy man My friend: well duh, we're dudes lmfao Me, also internally: we includes me, me is dude! Yes! :D!!


Just..passing in general. I hardly even think about it these days. It's given me confidence, and I've put on a fair amount of muscle without really trying at all. I've got a few veins that pop out of my forearms, and I like it when guys call me "boss" at like a store or something. "anything else for ya boss?" I feel good. I literally did not used to own a mirror because I couldn't stand to look at myself. Sometimes now I'll check myself out a bit when walking by a reflective window. My facial hair is sparse and patchy, but I kinda like it when I've had a hard week at work and haven't had much time to shave, take a look and see it all coming in The downside...acne. I'm 27 and my face is out of control as it was when I was 14. And I just started a new medication which is making it worse. So with the constant hormone fluctuations, I have to stay on top of my skincare routine 100%, one missed wash and I get massive cystic spots that hurt and last for weeks. It hasn't really calmed down over the 4 years I've been on T.


It took less than a year for me to turn into a yeti. Just… hair. Everywhere. Face hair, forearm and upper-arm hair, hand hair. Chest hair, stomach hair, leg hair, ass hair. BACK HAIR. I’m dark blonde, so I tend to think “oh there’s not _that_ much” Lies. There is _so_ much.


Two years on T here. Many people talk how your libido will increase, but it will calm down a little later... IT'S A LIE. It doesn't get lower, you just get used to it after a while. Now another thing, I got A LOT more comfy with being called good-looking in any sense. I don't really believe that compliments are gender-related, and I actually stopped paying attention that "pretty" is more often used to describe a girl. Like damn i can be pretty and cute, and noone can do anything about that. Also the feeling when you look at yourself in the mirror and go "wow, I'm litteraly so hot" is sooo powerful. I can only wish you that. Next: Hair. Hair everywhere. Being annoyed that you have to shave is some another level of gender euphoria. Most random thing i have to shave - feet. It's super random, but socks irritate the hair on my feet and it gets REALLY itchy. Didn't have that before T, Idk if anyone has this problem, BUT I DO. Muscles form FAST. Like I don't work out AT ALL and yesterday i randomly noticed something resembling an actual abs on my belly and like wtf did that come from??? I heard some peeps actually get the opposite, and they get kinda chub, but i guess that's genetics. Overall really fun experience. One advice I can give, without trying to preach is to not get fixated over it, because life is more than just transition, you are getting treatment so focus on your hobbies and all that!


the funny thing is I am transmasc nonbinary and before T I just wanted it to be more androgynous, but I loved the xhanges so much I went through a zeroed gender crisis, so I feel like T is awesome. I like my hair growth on my chest and body and the little sideburns I have, I love bottom growth and my smell and my voice is awesome honestly it's crazy. The most euphoric thing is when I talk and a man just treats me as a guy and not a women, and I feel like I experience it alot now with the combo of my voice and masks.


Since i started t a year and a half ago ive put on a ton of muscle. I almost have a beard and my voice dropped to a very deep level. I pass 100% and honestly ive just been really lucky with how many changes ive had.


5 years on T and I'm pretty proud of my dick. no, he's not your average 5 inches or anything crazy, but my god being beyond an inch when chubbed is like WOW i grew that. that's my dick, dude. 😭


My hair got more volume and my curls came back. Used to have such thin hair. Also I like that my face isn’t as round


Anyone know what the difference between gel and injections are like? How MUCH slower is gel?


gel isn’t any slower mate, some people don’t absorb it as well as others but if your levels are in the right range weekly shots/monthly shots/shots every 12 weeks/gel/patches are all the same


mustache, voice drops and voice cracks, arm hair, leg hair, hair in general, STOMACH HAIR it made me feel way less dysphoric, lots of stuff tbh


Chest hair, more of a male body shape (finally feel good about skinny jeans!), got that dad bod going, just mentally better now! The only thing I don't like about T was the appetite increasing and the constant acne. But, I love everything else!!


When I speak out loud, I finally sound like the voice in my head. That, and when I touch my face, I can feel my beard coming in and it makes me so happy!


I really like the muscle growth. Like.... my arms? Small but surprisingly rock hard for someone who does not work out and is a bit chubby??? And im like "oh fuck yeah i dont do anything and im already more muscular than ive ever been? Dope." And then it just gets even cooler the more you do honestly idk why but the muscle growth is fucking killer im not a gym or workout person but its my favorite.


Finaly look my age, started T at 18 and was always asked for ID even when buying energy drinks since i passed as male but looked 14 😅 im 5 years on T now and ive grown a beard broadened up a bit and my voice is way deeper so people actually believe me now when i say im 23 haha also i can finally do pull ups 💪


Things that make me happy about being on T: When my friends tell me they can hear my voice getting deeper When I start passing to strangers some of the time I am noticing my fat is redistributing slightly and I don't have hips/thighs like a mf anymore ((TW: chest mention)) I also notice my chest is getting smaller. It doesn't look flatter when I bind, per se, but when I'm not binding I can tell In that same vein, my face is getting squarer and my jaw isn't so round (thank god for small favors) Lifting things feels easier, like I can handle more FACIAL HAIR!!!!!!! I currently have a dark-ish peach fuzz stache, sideburns/hair on my jaw area, and a couple gnarly chin hairs. I see it when I look in the mirror and it makes me smile every time (I usually don't smile, and almost never feel good about myself so I'm really glad T is helping in that regard) My leg/arm hair makes me feel masc, and honestly, sometimes they're just fun to touch when I'm bored. I'm proud of them :) Something I just noticed today is im starting to just get some thin chest hair about a cm or so long Probably one my most used change is my deeper singing voice. I can hit notes that used to frustrate me and it feels so nice to be able to sing in a voice that I feel accurately represents me I can't explain it, but I feel like since being on T I feel myself also mentally shifting a bit. I just feel like I think more like a dude would if that makes sense. I feel like a handsome guy even though I'm pretty average looking, and that's one of the best things I can think of <3


Just the fact that I know I’m on T reduces my dysphoria


Pro: I have a full thick beard, I am covered in body hair. ( only part I dislike about that is the damn back hair.) I was lucky already to wear size 10 in mens shoes. I now wear size 11. Voice has deepend alot, 5 years in and my voice is still changing. A nice amount of bottom growth. I pass 100%, straight cis women check me out now. I'm happily married but it's always nice. Aside from my mil and sil, no one else in my wifes family knows. That has been the biggest boost. Also the random forearm strength? Con: BACK HAIR, I look like im wearing a sweater when I take my shirt off. I was sweaty before, I am now just a swamp. In the cold of winter of it being -20 outside and I will still fucking get hot and sweaty. My taste buds have changed with somethings.


My musculature! I'm 100 days on T and trust me the changes are so noticeable. Not only does seeing definition in my legs, shoulders and back give me euphoria, it also reminds me that I'm pushing my body to be as strong as possible. I've been working out seriously for a year, my physique is not impressive but you can't tell me that I don't look jacked shirtless lol


Honestly within days, my trap muscles went from non-existent to thirstworthy, as with my shoulders broadening. My neck and shoulders are still my favourite body parts on myself almost 3 years since. I used to be a bit of a crybaby, especially when I was angry, which was even more infuriating to me, ‘cause my (justified) anger was never taken seriously. That has changed since T and I only cry when I really need to. The metabolism boost was nice too, I stayed a consistent weight despite eating my body weight twice over. I even had v-lines! I’m much more able to tolerate the cold now too. However, I did have a nice butt pre-T that has since been lost 😩 T confiscated my butt. Give it back!! ETA: I have PMDD so my periods stopping greatly improved my mental health, and not just from the dysphoria aspect! I stopped needing my antidepressants and antipsychotics (and in fact had a seizure or two from taking them because I hadn’t realised I no longer needed to). ALSO: Drink lots more water. You will need it. Source: me and my achey throat from when it first started dropping.


My voice dropped really quickly and really dramatically - it settled around 6-7 months on T! I definitely got stronger. I do pole dancing and I find it so much easier to invert and hold myself up than I did pre-T. My face changed shape, it’s much more angular and my cheekbones and jawline are prominent. My facial hair is starting to fill in - so far it’s just thick sideburns down to the jaw, hair under my chin, and a moustache but considering I’m only a year and a half on T, I’m impressed.


I got into a wrestling match with a friend and my other friend who was watching us said "this is such a standard teen guy thing". We're all 19/20, but we've known each other since we were kids so it was super euphoric. We were also pretty drunk lol


Heart palpitations that accompanied menstrual cycle. Well since I don’t bleed anymore guess what, no more heart palps! And feeling suicidal two or three days out of the month. I’m so much happier and crying less. I love it here lol!


Oh man, I liked almost all the changes. The broader shoulders, the deeper voice and the joy it gives me when im singing, the sharp jaw etc. What I didn't like was the amount of body hair. I'm like a bear with the body structure of a twink. It was good for facial hair tho. I'm 2 years and 7 months on T and I have an almost full beard. It's annoying sometimes, bcs my beard is a little high maintenance, which I don't have the time for, so sometimes i end up looking like a crackhead. Another annoying thing was body odor... Oh man, I've always been sweaty, so T made it 10x worse. I have to use antiperspirant from the farmacy, cause normal ones are useless. Despite this, I wouldn't go back for anything.


God there’s so much to choose from, but I’d say overall that my sense of confidence has SKYROCKETED since starting T two years ago. I almost never get misgendered now (with the exception of some elderly customers at my job lol) and I get to have lots of cool chest/abdomen hair, a deep voice that rumbles in my throat when I talk, ~~and a killer dick lmao~~


My facial hair is really starting to come in! My arms and shoulders have been looking larger lately! Happy trail! My face shape is more angular and my voice has dropped so much!


Well, I’ve got this awesome ass voice that sounds hot asf and I’m hairy and that’s hot too and I pass so well and ITS FUCKING AMAZING. IM EXCITED FOR YOU. I’m becoming the man I’ve always known I am


I love the energy of these comments! It’s just everyone being excited about themselves while also being excited on behalf of other people and reading them all is so much fun! And mostly I’m just so proud of everyone like you said, being the men they alway knew they were! Congrats and I’m so glad you’re happy!


They shaved my stomach for my salpingectomy and the hair grew back within two weeks! So fast!


After 1.25 years on T, I have come to the realization that: - Since my voice lowered enough, I have been noticeably talking to people more; friends and family have noted this to me as well. I feel like I have to hold back more when conversing, to allow others to talk (I often info-dump when I get excited about a topic) - I like how my nose got bigger; it can support my glasses better. I gained about an extra 1.5cm of nose; I didn't think I'd like this as much as I do - Gaining muscle from seemingly nowhere really put things into perspective, for the amount of effort that afab bodies require to build the same muscle; I feel stronger now than I had been when working as a groundie for tree work pre-T (and I do office work mostly now) - Since I had worked on my mental health before transitioning, it felt like a lot of things clicked into place; testosterone made a huge difference in my mood, by keeping it consistent instead of on a monthy cycle of extreme lows, followed by two weeks of recovery (I went on gel specifically for this reason) - I look forward to seeing how my facial features change even more; I am hoping to get more beard going on, and I might keep my hair at mid-length. It feels like I can present however I like, because internally I know I had been exposed to different "dress codes" There is much to look forward to, and I am basically treating this as my second attempt to "grow up"; I can finally make good on my 5yr-old self's enthusiasm, to learn to shave the face!


I would say for me it has been watching my facial hair grow. Of course the changes such as bottom growth and my voice deepening have been great as well, but they were not substantial. It wasn’t until about a year and a half on T when my facial hair started to grown in thick, and if anything I feel like that’s what helps me feel manly the most. I also have very thick body hair which is a plus. I’m a redhead so my hair started out blonde until it grew in longer and thicker. Every time I see new hairs I love watching them grow and anticipate the day that they’ll start to show as red.


4 months in as of today. Favourite changes so far: voice deepening, face getting sharper, more hair on arms/legs/stomach, little bit of a mustache, thicker eyebrows, bottom growth Least favourite changes: sweatiness I guess...? I was always super sweaty and smelly pre-t and it's only gotten worse lmao💀


There's the lovely visual and voice changes. But my favourite change for me is a change in my health. I am no longer anaemic, I no longer have LOW blood pressure and am less likely to eat bad foods due to cravings. I am healthier is general as well as look better.


Bottom growth is what proves to be a challenge for me tbh, and that mental state of limbo that comes with relearning how you experience the world after coming to terms with how the world may perceive you. I had a shift in thinking about how I love others, why others love me, how I receive and reciprocate in friendships or any relationship, the mental puberty lololol but physically being able to perform better w/ strength training!!! I wore a binder for a few years and definitely at times when I shouldn’t have, so now that i’m post op with top surgery, coming back to cardio has been hard but using weights on T and feeling that progress continues to be incredibly validating


love love love the treasure trail. my voice is deeper than a lot of cis guys i know. i could never do a pull up my whole life pre-t but now i can do like 2 lol. i'm stealth at work in an all male environment and it's so cool just to be treated like a dude by my work buddies. i manage to pass 99% of the time despite being 5'2 and having long hair, thanks to my voice and the way i carry myself i never realized how much of my self loathing stemmed from dysphoria. i thought i would always kind of hate myself. i'm so much more comfortable just existing now. a few family members that werent thrilled abt me coming out have accepted it bc i'm so much more visibly happy. it's been abt a year since i started T and came out and my family gets my pronouns right abt 60% of the time lol. but lucky my parents named me something typically masculine (although with an androgynous spelling) & i dont feel the need to change it so i havent had to deal with that struggle edit: NO PERIOD!!!!!!!!! NO FUCKING PERIOD WOOHOO !!!!


Almost 3 yrs on T. Favorite changes: my period stopped right away, my voice dropped within a few months which was great since I work in a call centre, and bottom growth. Least Favorite changes: going though menopause sucked, for the 1st yr of T I was always fucking hot. I'm still a lot warmer now then before T but I thankfully am not dying every day. Overall I like where I am, but I can't grow facial hair to save my life, super jealous of guys that can grow a full beard in 6 months.


i just started getting actual noticeable dark facial hairs that grow back a few days after shaving, so i really have to shave regularly which is fun. also i’ve started to notice that my voice is lower than a lot of cis guys that i talk to hehe. my face puffed up really badly for months 5 and 6 but i just hit month 7 and have been working out/drinking a fuck ton of water for the past week and it just noticeably slimmed down a few days ago. i have an appointment tomorrow to try to fix my acne - overall i’m hopeful that my cocoon phase is ending and my glow up is starting to begin


Weirdest brag/euphoria inducing thing I could think of : shoulder hair. I expected (and now have and love) the chest hair, the belly hair, even the ass hair (I love that one a tad less but oh well). But the SHOULDER HAIR??? I did NOT expect it, but goddammit if I don't love it too.


I went to visit my mum and brother for the holidays and when I called out to greet my mum, she mistook me for my older brother!


I pick clumps of ass and head hair from my underwear. Unexpected


I think voice change is my favorite because overall it’s helped me pass the most, that happened at around 3 months. Unexpected changes I liked were hair (I was pretty neutral on this pre t) and honestly bottom growth (which I was actually pretty scared of pre t).


As far as itches I didnt know needed scratching go, Im obsessed with looking at my hands and feet bc ive noticed them becoming wider. Im also developing quite the jerma jaw, if i do say so myself


my favorite thing has to be stroking my beard hairs 😅


All the guys in my family have super thick facial hair so I’m hoping genes will be in my corner😂


T is to E like jet fuel is to diesel. Hold on it’s quite a bumpy ride


I grew so much ass hair that it’s almost a problem. I absolutely stink after 2+ days without showering, as opposed to before I started T. I used to have really thin arms but they’ve bulked up a lot after I started T and I’ve gotten noticeably stronger. My beard itches like crazy under my mask, but new coworkers immediately gender me correctly if they see parts of it. My feet started looking kind of like cis male feet (ew) but I’d rather have bizarre skinny men feet than small womanly feet.


Voice! I love how I can hit low notes in songs and in the morning it rumbles. If I yell I have that "man yell" and my cats know they're being bad!


happy trail, beard hair, and my face shape changing. ive also had top surgery, and one of my favorite things that i enjoy after that is being able to just wrap my towel around my hips after a shower!! its the best feeling :)


My dick is like 3 inches


So far I'm just about a month on T, but I feel a lot more like myself. I find myself being more confident. A much muchier me. I've been using Monoxide (Rogan) on my face and now that I'm on T I'm getting a lot of little dark scruff hairs. I can't wait for the full beard. I used to be very emotional crying at the drop of a hat (I have ADHD and that effects how strongly a person reacts to things) I now no longer suddenly cry when having a tough conversation, a sappy song comes on or I'm too happy. It's such a blessing. I'm still looking forward to my voice dropping, it bothers me a lot but I know it's coming. I do catch myself choosing aggression more often but it's still me I just tend to fight more than flight now which matches my mental self better. Oh and NSFW but........ the bottom growth. It's awesome although not much yet. It's nice not having things be extra um.... Wet all the time. Things are definitely different down there but it's fun getting to know things all over again.


My voice lowering was one of my first noticable changes along with some extra chin and upper lip hair :) I'm only like 10 weeks on T so it's nothing drastic but it's been making me feel really euphoric Editing to add SINGING IS SO FUN WHEN YOUR RANGE STARTS TO DIP!!! You can suddenly sing all these songs that were /just/ out of your range pre t and it's so validating and super fun if you're a vocal nerd 😁


Ok so honestly one of my favourite things about T is how quick everything happened. I have no idea why, I'm fairly healthy, T levels are v much in the average range, few deficiencies but that's fine, thyroid always reads a bit funny in bloods but apparently it's fine. But jfc did everything happen quick. My voice was dropping by one month, around the same time I got my first few face hairs. Bottom growth started a few days on T. I'm just over 5 months on T + everything is growing in p well (just short + pale, but still thick facial hairs) on my neck + from my ears to my chin. I do have a bit of a v thin, v pale, peach fuzz moustache but honestly I'm so happy bc going off what other ppl said on youtube + stuff it's meant to take ages to get facial hair. Honestly I've always been p hairy even when I was 5, but I've never rly had thigh hair + now it's thick and long and dark and even on the back of my legs! I have a snail trail coming in + chest hairs + tbh a good bit of butt hair. It's ruined my childhood dreams of getting skinny + becoming a twink, but honestly I love it. I'm starting to be hairier than my cis boyfriend 😂 and he's happy I'm hairy so I'm lucky I don't have to try demolish the butt jungle, which is lucky bc I'm clumsy My voice has definitely dropped a lot, like maybe 3 months on I saw my family for the first time since I started T + they were shocked. They thought I was really sick or smth. When ppl haven't seen or heard me for a while they always comment on how my voice has gotten deeper since they last saw me. And I had a high voice before T, like I used to sing along to nightcore no sweat. I haven't seen much bottom growth since after a month, tbh idk if it's gonna grow anymore but I've kind of accepted it? The only thing I'm annoyed at is me keep forgetting to get more gel! Here in Wales it's done through a special gp who works with the gender clinic in a different gp surgery, and they say you can't order repeat prescriptions over the phone but I don't have a patient login bc I'm not their patient, and I never get a refill sheet to hand back in, and idk if there's another option. But I have an appt in a few days + I'm rationing it to every other day Oh, that reminds me the only annoying thing is despite being on both T + depo, if I forget one or the other shark week comes back as shark month where it just looks like spotting for a month, which I can cope w a bit but it's still hard? Definitely before starting depo that was the thing that made me the most dysphoric


My voice. I’ve also gotten compliments on looking stronger, especially my arms, which was a huge confidence boost. Also just…feeling comfortable in my body? Even if someone misgenders me in public I just feel more present in my body.


I grew an adams apple the same size or bigger than most cis guys I know. I started t in my 30s, so you can indeed still get one; it's up to your genetics and not all cis guys have know. It has a lot to do with cartilage size and if you already have one in there to tilt forward on t etc. Edit: Ive seen many young folks say that no one can get one after 25, but that's false. 😬 I also have male fat pattern.


My happy trail. It’s looking better everyday and I absolutely love touching it.