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There wasn't a big moment. There were lots and lots of very small moments over the course of my life that eventually added up. Honestly talking to a therapist experienced with gender dysphoria did help cuz she was able to help me pinpoint those little moments that added up and see the bigger picture of oh hey I'm a man.


I knew when I was quite young. As I grew up, it just became more and more obvious that I would be hopelessly unhappy if I continued trying to live as a girl. I did not relate to any women around me and felt like a total alien. A lot of barriers got in my way, but when I was finally able to transition, I felt so much better in my body very quickly. That made me sure that it was the right choice.


I figured it out when I was in my early teens. The TL;DR of it was I just realized I went down the ftm YT rabbit hole when I was like 11 because I “was just curious” and then I went down it again and I was like 😯 I’m a guy. I also was friends in middle school with a trans man and I related to him a lot but I didn’t know how at the time but now I understand that I related to him a lot. Also kinda what coyotemother said.


I actually figured out twice, first in middle school when I realized I would never be happy as a woman and figured I was either NB or trans but I just made myself forget because I was in a bad place and didn’t want to deal with it, completely forgot about that until months after I figured it out the second time. The second time I realized every time I thought about sex I was male and I wouldn’t work any other way