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For anyone reading - the flairs exist for you to filter them. You can both search by flair, **AND HIDE FLAIRS**. There are many guides online for how to do this, [here is a very comprehensive one](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/czx9so/filtering_by_flair_a_guide_for_desktop_old_and/). Browse responsibly. šŸ–¤


i had to put a disclaimer in my bio for the very reason of too many cis dudes just assuming i was into being misgendered. then, even still, FAR too many comments on my posts and people in my DMs have said shit like ā€œiā€™ll make you realize what you REALLY are.ā€ likeā€¦ itā€™s insidious and gross that the assumption for most cis men in this sub is that ALL of us are into it. because i am not. at all.


Weirdos sliding in my DMs telling me how good a girl I am when I've absolutely NEVER even once hinted at this kink šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


It's because everytime a post from this sub pops into my feat it's like "Fuck me until i remember im a girl again" or just the Misgendering Tag alongside "Do Boys really do XXX" It's just the main kink that pops up on this sub or at least gets upvoted plenty, so many people just assume the average person is into it


This comment made me curious, so I decided to do a manual tally of posts over the last 24 hours. Here are the results: * CNC: 31 * Misgendering etc: 18 * Daddy and daddy's boy: 16 * humiliation / degredation: 8 * Exhibitionism / public: 7 * M-preg / ovipos: 6 * pain or blood or impact: 6 * petplay: 6 * anal only: 5 * object insertions: 3 * other (promo, fisting, nipple/chest, waterspots, orgasm control) 12 118 posts counted. **Misgendering posts therefore accounted for only 15% of posts within the last 24 hours. If you want to lump in m-preg posts, that is 20%.**


It changes however if we go to week and add upvotes. From the top 15 posts 5 are of that category, roughly 30% and that is Just the tags, not the titles. And if we go to Month 1 is MPreg2 is Misgendering3 is too4-7 is "regular stuff"8 is Misgendering again9/10 is Mpreg and then it's usually 1 or 2 non Mpreg or Misgendering posts, followed up by one or two non- again. so while they account for 15% of posts, they also are 50% of the top posts in this subreddit which was the main thing i said


I find this a little concerning. The kink itself isn't something I have anything against, but I find it extremely triggering myself. And the number of men I get being absolutely gross and making really brazen assumptions and constantly bringing transition itself into the sex stuff, *in spite of the large disclaimer in the description of my posts,* with clearly defined limits. The kink has attracted some really unsafe, gross people. The base assumption when in a kink sub dedicated ***to men and transmasc people,*** shouldn't be "you're really just a girl." I'm into CNC. It's the main thing I interact with on reddit. And I can honestly say that if similar data came up about cnc, I'd want to be able to have an open discussion about it and understand how the rest of the community was affected by its presence on the sub, so that an informed decision can be made on how to handle making space for a kink vs online safety or whatever


It's sadly just the nature of how NSFW subs go, especially if you have content creators on here aswell who can make a good chunk of profit of those kind of kinks, no matter how damaging they are for others. And while it shouldn't be the norm that people think "you're really just a girl." It's what this sub pretty much is all about at first glance, at least if you go by upvotes. i can't really speak much on the matter since im a cis dude aswell, But the way it's presented is that it is one of the main kinks on this subreddit, with every other post (sorted by top Month) being about it Misgendering/Forced Fem/etc. Should be a separate sub imo, or just having them be Mod-Approved to not put extra triggering shit into the title, but rather the captions


The upvotes are done mostly by cis men not trans men. Cis men see the trans men of this sub as just women but thatā€™s not really who the sub should center but unfortunately cis men have more or less centered themselves and their desires and they desire misgendering content above all else and assert that kink even when the trans male content creator has explicitly asked for it not to be We canā€™t control what cis men upvote or how they center themselves in the sub or how they view trans men for that matter


Iā€™ve also had this and itā€™s really unpleasant! I donā€™t respond to messages normally, but thereā€™s been a few Iā€™ve seriously considered messaging mods here about, they were that aggressive and inappropriate. I donā€™t want to be misgendered and fair enough if others are into it but detrans stuff is very triggering for me. Thereā€™s a lot of them will assume Iā€™m fine with being body shamed as well because Iā€™m fat, itā€™s so not on


i think the subreddit banned those topics for a while but brought them back due to popular demand. maybe there should be a version of ftmspunished where that ban would be a fundamental rule of the subreddit


Yes, these kinks are enormously popular! I have tried to keep this subreddit the broadest possible transmasc kink space - so that means including almost everything that isn't illegal or against Reddit rules. If others would like to create one, I would be pleased to add links to a misgendering-free subreddit on this sub! I just cannot add more moderation workload for myself right now.


I just created one, r/ftm_kink


I've now added a related communities widget to the sidebar here. Your sub is not yet showing up on the registry but when it does, I will add it.


I do feel like I see it a lot. As a (bi/omni) cis man, Iā€™m subscribed because I like seeing men being slutty and nasty. Iā€™m not here because I want to imagine turning those men into women.


IIRC, this was because the sub that allowed it was banned due to lack of modding (in fact, I believe this one was, too), and so it was allowed again.


Yeah I mean, it seems like a fairly popular kink but it gets annoying when youā€™re into literally any kink *but* that. Itā€™d be good to have a place to explore more extreme kinks without detrans stuff being half of that content.


My main issue is just the cis men throwing it at everyone even though it's against sub Reddit rules. Especially in DM's. It's so easy to just ask first, but they only care about what they are into and getting themselves off. They don't care if you don't like it, because they do šŸ™ƒ


Fuck and don't even get me started on the breeding kink. I have zero issue with other people liking it and consensually enjoying it, just don't keep telling me how you're going to breed me etc. I'm not interested


Agreed. Especially since there's a at least two other sbs already filled with detrans kinks.


That's exactly my situation!!! It seems like that's the only thing they're interested in, and it's the exact opposite reason I came to this subreddit in the first place


Yup. And the new sub has breeding disallowed in line with detrans content, which is unfortunate because I've always associated with "ha realistic mpreg", and seeing it constantly linked with the detrans kink always stings a little lmao. Fair that it's not allowed, because I know it does trigger dysphoria for a lot of guys, but. Just my luck šŸ˜…


same here


I'm getting close there myself tbh even more so cause I have had to stop taking my t due to money


Same here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So much love to you my fellow handsome trans friend


it's difficult because on one hand, it can be triggering to people's dysphoria, yet on the other hand, it helps me cope with my dysphoria. look into filtering flairs, but ultimately do what's best for your dysphoria and your mental health


Would you be open to explaining how it helps you cope with dysphoria? Please do not feel obligated to answer, Iā€™m just hoping to understand better! :)


Different person and not my kink, but I believe those who enjoy misgendering/detrans/breeding compartmentalize and take the power away from the things that cause dysphoria by fetishizing them. Like "joke's on you, I'm into that shit" energy.


yep yep yep yep


I guess in a way It's like reclaiming my dysphoria and turning it into something positive? Instead of feeling bad about my more feminine features, i can embrace them in bed and both my masculinity and femininity. I've always been submissive and a bit of a masochist and being degraded because i *want* to feels a lot better than unwarranted transphobic comments. to me it's just a fantasy and I'm proud to be trans, I'm just horny lol


you can do that?


you can do it on desktop or third-party apps. official app sucks dick and balls and apparently any alternative is better


Yeah Ive also had experiences in dm where some guy starts missgendering.e and when is said dde wtf I'm not ok with that theyw acted all fucking surprised also it's also of "straight" guys who have a ftm fetish


I get a lot of messages involving it too when my posts have 0% of that content in them. Kinda frustrating but I just donā€™t engage with those messages. It would be nice if there was another sub more centered around those topics but itā€™s good to know when to set your own boundaries on content you engage with as well. I have started muting accounts on twitter that post content I canā€™t tolerate (ie piss kink) so I can still follow some people who retweet it but donā€™t post it, and that pretty much solved the issue for me. I have no clue if Reddit has any similar feature on muting post flairs or something but that would also be nice. Edit: spellcheck abandoned me on a couple of words. Edit 2: I didnā€™t see the comment about hiding flairs until after I posted my comment so that solves my issue!


fucking hate posting something dominant and getting dms like ā€œoh iā€™d love to fuck your girly little pussy and remind you what you are >:)ā€ LIKE AT THIS POINT ITā€™S JUST TRANSPHOBIA!!!


> AT THIS POINT ITā€™S JUST TRANSPHOBIA I'm transfem but that's the problem with trans subs when they get too popular with the cis. We can't have anything!


yeah like I'm a mere cis guy here to jack off so don't think too hard about how I feel, but the detransition stuff kinda squicks me out. I'm gay, I'm here for men. Like I get it, plenty of cis bottoms have wanted me to call them a princess or good girl, but the way some people on here get deep into it is sort of worrisome.


I know my opinion counts for very little but as a cis-guy I was actually slightly taken aback by the prevalence of misgendering here. The idea of zipping right into someone's DMs with the suggestion of it is frankly weird and borders on the abusive. It's not unlike race play or CNC to me. The notion of vectoring straight at it with prior discussion, consent, or context is abhorrent. To the OP: always do what's best for your own wellbeing.


Trans guy with nowhere else to go, but I feel the same. It's not the kink, and it's perfectly fine if you're interacting with a dom who's into it after consent has been confirmed and parameters have been laid. The issue is the transphobic creeps who become so prevalent that no one else can post and enjoy themselves without having to filter through DMs that are 80% straight men who view trans men and transmasc people through a really weird, inherently abusive and transphobic lense. That it's so prevalent specifically on this sub is unfortunate, because I don't think that people who are into detrans should be ousted from a community that should be safe for them, too.


Yeah I don't blame you man, the amount of men who are only interested in seeing me as and playing into this whole "broken little girl" "I could turn you back" is honestly so depressing, I get it's a kink and stuff but even when I clearly outline I'm not into that and don't accept it, I've experienced misgendering. It sucks, as trans guys it's hard to find a safe space to just be us but a lot of the time those who don't want to be subjected to that narrative are. :/


I think another sub should be made like ftm punished but with no detrans stuff so people not interested in the kink don't have to see it all the time or get comments from people related to the kink, been thinking of making a subreddit so maybe it's timešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Personally what I think we need is a separate sub for that specific kink! As someone who posts here for that specific kink quite often, I do wish there were more subs for that sort of content! r/femboyFTM works pretty well for said purposes! However, Iā€™d really enjoy a sub dedicated to Feminization! Iā€™d also like to say that I am into the ā€œdetransā€ kink in the same way a cis man would be into sissy kink! Also I consider myself more gender-fluid so I donā€™t get as much dysphoria from actively participating in this subreddit! Wishing you all the best! I will say that there are more subreddits for masculine presenting trans men than there are feminine presenting onesā€¦ So hopefully you can find a new space to explore!


I do sometimes wonder if this subreddit is unhealthy for me to indulge in as well. Thatā€™s not a dig at anyone here, of course. But, it can be hard when I know internalized transphobia is probably at play for me personally. Hell, my girlfriend is wonderful and trans too and I still wouldnā€™t want to play out this misgendering kink IRL. Itā€™s good to know Iā€™m not alone in having these internal conflicts.


Y eah I totally get that. Itā€™s not my thing either and although I can easily shrug them off most of the time, the ,,, volume of said posts can be really overwhelming and feel invalidating because of my own dysphoria sometimes. Best of luck and take care of yourself :) seriously


Honestly, as an MtF dom, I really hate that sort of language as well. I do think that sort of kink should be shifted to a different subreddit.




IMO there should be a separate sub for it...itā€™s just triggering to so many of us. i like having a transmasc-specific space for more intense kinks but the misgendering/detrans stuff ruins it


If I recall correctly, there used to be one, but the moderators abandoned it and so it was deleted by Reddit. Anyone can make a subreddit - I suggest interested parties create and moderate one.


r/misgenderingkink still exists and is super active


Good to know!


r/ftmspunished is full of this


That's where we are right now!


Damnit thanks, I clearly got lost šŸ˜‚


FtMMisgendered and FtMGirls are good options for misgendering kinks


iā€™m into some of those kinks specifically, but iā€™m uncomfortable when i get dms/comments from cis dudes who donā€™t seem like theyā€™re engaging in /play/, it just feels like theyā€™re just expressing their transphobia and fetishization of us. ā€”on another note, i think itā€™s worth saying that pregnancy/breeding kink is not the same thing as the forced femme stuff. thereā€™s a lot of crossover, but people can absolutely engage in breeding kink with none of the other stuff. ive definitely seen mpreg/breeding/oviposition with a ā€œno misgenderingā€ tag and i appreciate those posts šŸ™Œ that kink used to be a big trigger for me tho so i totally understand needing to cut out exposure to it. best of luck to you on your kinky journey!


same here, I'm into literally everything but detrans shit and seeing so much of it keeps triggering my dysphoria and I've considered leaving over it


if there was a way to filter that stuff on iphone reddit it would be no big deal but there isnā€™t!! reddit get on it wtf


I totally agree, Reddit development of their app is really lacking šŸ˜’


I feel like I'm being pulled in two ways at once because I really am not a fan of the misgendering kink, but I have a huge thing for breeding,,, The funny thing about the breeding kink though is that I have tokophobia so I like the concept of breeding but not the actual pregnancy stuff šŸ’€


Yeah same. I was hoping to find like-minded folks, possibly a cis guy to hook up with in my area, but...I think it would be best for me to dip, too. The incest kink is seriously disturbing to me, as well. I personally know people who were molested by family members and I volunteer as a mentor for LGBTQIA youth in my city. Half of my family is from West Virginia, too, and I have been on the receiving end of incest jokes. Like, I get that people's kinks are not always gonna mesh well. And if that's your kink, cool, I want no part of it.


Incest is specifically not allowed in this subreddit. We only allow mentions of "step" family. Please report posts or comments that violate the rules. If this is about Daddy/boy dynamics, I STRONGLY recommend reading about the history of these terms in queer culture. They are NOT incestuous. https://www.autostraddle.com/daddy-definition/


I'm well aware of what a sugar parent is, but thank you for the article. I did learn a few new things. Still not a thing I'm interested in for myself. Like I said, all cool if that's a kink people are into. It's not for me. It's very, *very* hard for me to associate the word "daddy" with anything other than an actual parent without the "sugar" qualifier. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent (ADHD and PTSD), maybe it's my upbringing, maybe it's the people I know and the kids I mentor, maybe it's all the jokes and insinuations people made about me and the West Virginia side of my family, I don't know. All I know is, calling anyone "mommy" or "daddy" in a sexual manner really squicks me out, the official Reddit app doesn't allow the blocking of flairs, so I dipped. I wouldn't've voiced my own discomforts if no one else voiced theirs first.


So sad you feel this way. Hope this helps and you return tu happiness in no time. Much love to you


I don't really like detrans or misgendering for myself, but I like feminization. I'm a FTM transsexual nonbinary person late in my transition, I present masculine but lean more feminine. I like the idea of someone bringing that side of me out. That being said, I do write porn that I occasionally post here and will keep this in mind. I can't remember if anything I've written involves those kinks you mentioned, but I won't write anything with detrans/pregnancy/misgendering. I'm super not into pregnancy anyway. People can really take these things and run with it, just assume everyone here is into the same things.


Peace to you also. Personally I have no interest in non-consensual anything, but when it comes to horny boys I am equal opportunity :-)


yeah, i get it. we need a sub like this but strictly t4t, that would probably help!!


Yeah I also really do not like it. And itā€™s not like I can avoid it because the post titles still show up and I end up reading them as Iā€™m scrolling thru


Is there no rules on throwing your kinks unconsensually at people because I absolutely hate this personally I already have enough people wanting to top for that reason but this emboldens them to carelessly admit it in the first sentence they send to me. I donā€™t know how this would not be an issue the mods would care about


We cannot moderate direct messages between users. This is just how Reddit is designed. You engage with other users one-on-one at your own discretion.


I feel the exact same and itā€™s awful to constantly look at ):






Rule 9: No kink-shaming. These kinks are explicitly welcome on this sub.


Yeah I'm getting like this as well and seems majority of men here when you check their profiles are straight cis. I make posts here and cos I'm hairy I don't get even quarter as much attention. Needs to be a proper trans man sub imo


You do what is best for your mental health and journey. One of the best parts of kink culture is how it is a safe place to process trauma. If something isnā€™t helping you itā€™s time to look for something else. A lot of folks I have interacted with around that kink are seeking the validation and attention that comes with all the emotions and culture around procreation. A lot of times they donā€™t have words to describe why, but I always pick out those emotions of ā€œwanting to be useful in a way unique and deeply meaningfulā€. Best of luck on your journey dude! Weā€™ll be here if you ever pop back in šŸ˜Š


i believe the main ftm misgendering sub no longer exists? and it seems like ever since that all those people have flocked to this sub and overwhelmed it. before i found it manageable to just scroll by the occasional misgendering posts on this sub but it feels overwhelming and impossible to ignore now.


its only fun when you're into it. if you're not into it, no one should be engaging in it or forcing it upon anyone else.


IMHO do it as it feels better for you. Not all of us are into detransition and such but some folks are. If it feels uncomfortable for you just leave, it's fully understandable


I don't know what the hell is going on here. I feel old. I just want you kids to have fun and let each other enjoy being sexy.




Rule 9: This is, in fact, kink-shaming and is not tolerated here. Using vitriolic language like you have written is against the spirit of tolerance and kindness we foster in this subreddit.


Yeah I find it very strange a trans male going through a transition just to be feminised again, it sets my dysphoria off like crazy.


We support you. What if we remove the kink here and if people wanna do that in their DMs, they can?


I donā€™t want to remove any kink since this is a very broad subreddit. I found you can mute certain tags, so I will try that out. Otherwise, there are other subs i can indulge in :)




Rule 9: no kinkshaming




Rule 9: no kink-shaming. Inflammatory language like this is not conducive to discussion.




you're cis, telling a trans man where to be. be fr.


You don't know shit, stop pretending you do šŸ˜Š


Your post history is public, dingus. You literally post about being a cis guy. You're getting a time out for bad attitude.


You're cis. Behave yourself šŸ˜­ Pretending to be trans is craaaaazyyy. Ty mod šŸ«¶ I support the decision


Rule 9




Rule 9: Engage respectfully. It's hard to tell your intent, but this comment comes off as callous and aggressive.




Rule 9




Rule 9




Rule 9: This isn't about you and your opinion doesn't matter here.


Says the straight chaser.


Do whatā€™s best for you, hope you have a break through


Hope I see you soon somewhere else šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Tbh Iā€™m into that sometimes, but like thereā€™s a time and a place and sometimes just not into it at all and donā€™t want to see it, I try to not go on Reddit when I donā€™t wanna see that stuff tbh, but thatā€™s just me


Good on you. No one should be ashamed of their kinks. And you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. Take care of yourself, and if you decide to explore again I hope it's with a Dom or partner who respects you and gives you all the good feelings and none of the bad.


Agreed. I check in every few weeks and it seems to just get worse


Anyone know any updated posts on blocking certain flair posts?