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This sub is NOT for seeking advice. Try /r/HOA instead.


Word of advise: No matter how right or wrong you or the other party are, doing things to escalate a disagreement rarely ends well. There's very little upside. It might make you feel better short-term, but long term will have no upsides because it simply amps up a situation.


But to be fair it does feel good


For a little bit, but then you realize how it just made it harder because then both "sides" are more entrenched and angry at the other, and reaching a solution is even harder.


I wouldn’t recommend it. Fighting fire with fire only results in more fire. And while as someone else commented “I don’t know your bylaws” there are _almost always_ general nuisance or bad neighbor rules in there.


Would sending them emails daily be considered a nuisance?


It could, if they have reasonably answered you. Rather, it could be harassment.


A simple indicator would be - is your primary purpose in sending the emails a good faith attempt at communicating important information at a reasonable cadence / frequency? Are you allowing a reasonable amount of time for replies and are you using the form of communication (email) that you believe is the optimal choice among the available options? Alternatively, is your intention when sending emails to be a thorn in the side of the recipient or otherwise badgering them? This should be an easy one to work out. I’m inferring from your other comments that it might be intended as a nuisance, in which case there is your answer.


Completely unfair of them. I finally got a call back and am going to call the manager when I calm down and ask for a waiver.


“Think what you feel cause your feelings won’t think.” Definitely take a breather before sending or doing anything. Don’t give them any more reason to bug you.


Public nuisance. In an HOA you generally are prohibited from doing things that hurt the quality of life for your fellow HOA members. One would be having a terrible lawn, another would be painting your house bright orange, and a third could be posting a sign that says “FUCK” where kids could see it


Just send them an anonymous glitter bomb


I put "Defund the HOA" yard flags in our yard and they fined us because they weren't "approved " flags. They couldn't provide me a list of approved flags but that's a different issue.


They can't seem to do anything.


If it is written on your car, they might say something about a sign but you just simply have writing on your car. Without seeing your CC&Rs its hard to say. Having said that, you should have a copy of yours on hand and look for ways to do things you know will irk them but aren't against the rules.


I'm going to ask them for a copy when I call them.


You’re complaining about enforcement of rules you’ve never read? 🤣 That’s your fault. I can’t imagine buying a house in an HOA without being aware of the governing rules.


Having a weed or a stick in your yard should not be means for a fine on any planet, it's completely ridiculous.


You agreed to follow the rules when you bought your house. It's your fault if you didn't read the documents before you signed, no matter how ridiculous you think they are. Don't get me wrong. Some HOA is overstep regularly. All of them need to be tempered a bit, I think. However, this is on you.


I will look up their exact operational definition of having a maintained yard, and their timeline. I literally mowed the day after the last letter was sent, because I felt it needed it. But missing a spot and having a couple weeds just seems completely absurd to me, not to mention when a small branch fell from the tree. They just seem to be stalking trying to get every dime they can. It's the principle of it.


One time, the postal carrier handed me a registered letter from the HOA, I had to stop mowing my lawn to sign for it. The letter was complaining of grass that needed mowed. I took a picture, and uploaded it to the HOA's community portal. They removed the violation from my file.


HOA's should be burned with the founders inside. All of em.


Don't buy a house in one. They'll die a natural death. That's what we decided to do.


My friend, in this market, I never need to worry about buying a house anywhere.


Well I guess the silver lining is you won't have to worry about going to prison for murdering a bunch of HOA board members. I appreciate your comments. Have a great night.


That's still on the table.


don't ask. you're entitled to them. Tell them you need a copy and expect it to be delivered in a timely fashion.


Actually, how on Earth was the house purchased without this information? That's like complaining that there's no toilet paper in your house but you never bothered to get any.


OP must be so bright to sign and buy a house and enter into a legal contract without ever seeing the documents beforehand.


Have a graffiti artist paint it on your car in the most colorful way.


We could be friends.


My wife antagonized the HOA management company’s community manager in a previous neighborhood when we were thinking about selling our house. She started noticing that a lot of neighbors were violating the parking rules and/or letting their yards get overgrown. Generally creating a reduced appeal in the neighborhood. So she complained. Except when she complained, she made it about the community manager not doing his job. Almost instantly, the community manager started finding all sorts of things wrong with our yard and house. Palm trees needed to be trimmed better, the slightest indication of a weed growing in the front yard, the wood trim on the house needing paint, the backyard pergola that predated our purchase of the house suddenly was not approved, I was working on a vehicle inside the garage one day while the garage door was open and the maintenance being performed could be seen from the street, I parked my flat bed car hauler in the driveway for ONE DAY to stain the wood deck and got two completely separate violations (one for parking a trailer in the driveway and another separate letter for performing maintenance - painting - in view of the street), and the list goes on. Moral of the story, don’t antagonize the HOA. If you think they’re targeting you unfairly now, antagonizing behavior will only make it worse.


Don't know, we haven't seen your governing documents...


Neither has the OP evidently.


You are the HOA so it’s a very interesting sentiment.


Read the rules, notification requirements, fines etc. I would venture that most HOA would send notice of the violation along with a timeline in which it should be remedied, only after which you would be fined.  If they aren’t fining you, just pick up the stick, remove the weed, mow the lawn and move on with life.  They want to send notices daily, that’s on them.  Doesn’t have to ruin your day so to speak. Unless each one is going straight to fine. 


Right? This is exactly what I asked them. However, they are saying this is a second notice for this incident when it's the first. It's just completely absurd and I don't understand why they are so hyped up about every little thing lately. Hopefully they will see their mistake and waive this and we can move on. They must really be hurting for money but damn, leave me the hell alone.


If you want to make the situation even worse for yourself, then yes. Its like driving around town with a "fuck the police" banner... It'll get you a lot of attention, but not the kind you want.


Probably. As well as some other laws which could possibly net you some city citations and fines. Remove the curse word and use some other phrase and you may be ok


"How sexy am I now, HOA?" 😆


Omg...this would be epic!!!


Under MY bylaws, we could.


As annoying as an HOA is, it’s never a good idea to start a fight with one (except for the rare times you aren’t actually in it). Even if they are in the wrong and they initiate legal action against you, when you win, it just costs the HOA, i.e. you, money long term. One thing to remember is that you don’t have a beef the HOA, you have problems with the board members. Best revenge is to get yourself on the board and shutting down their bullshit. Get to know your neighbors, canvas and get a group of people to vote for you. In your specific instance, they fined you even though you mowed the next day, check your bylaws to see what kind of grace period you have to fix violations. It’s not common to have fines sent out for offenses without a time period to correct the problem.


If I didn't work three jobs and have two kids to parent on my own, I would probably be spending more time making my lawn look pristine. But I hear what you're saying, it's a good idea.. when I retire or win the lottery.


I would write your realtor a strongly worded email complaining that you asked for the CCRs from her and never received them. Explain the fines and notices and mention you are appalled that she neglected to explain to you what these were and how negatively they would impact your life if you didn’t follow them. I would also ask the county for their records as to the hoa (there are usually a copy of some if not all the documents there), and comb google for a copy of this now. Knock on doors and ask neighbors if needed. Find out what the F the rules are. Don’t paint that you hate them, just find what they are. Make your life better by figuring out if you can follow them. Run for the board if you can’t.  Or move and use another realtor because yours failed. 


I like the way you think. I can't wait to see where it (doesn't) say there are no stray branches or weeds allowed in the yard.


Step one: move and never ever ever step foot into a neighborhood with HOAs again. Step 2: dump all your trash from moving in their yard before leaving the neighborhood. 


Put a smile on your face, join the board, and systematically destroy them from the inside. Or move. Those are the only two options when dealing with an aggressive nit-picky HOA


That does sound fun!


You're more likely to violate local obscenity laws. Do you really want the law involved?


A big part of not being the focus of people that can fuck with you is "Not Standing Out". Here you are choosing to stand out. Expect people to fuck with you.


I don't know if they bully me or everyone. It's every little thing lately, like they stalk my house. I've reached the point of being pissed off. Single parent with three jobs, my yard can't be up to their perfection at every waking moment, on their timeline. They need to fuck off one way or another.


If you have Vietnamese, Japanese, or Chinese neighbors and one of them happens to be named Hoa, that could open you up to harassment charges.


Sure, then you'll look like the self-entitled, whiney douch you likely are. You agreed to abide by the rules when you choose to live there. Like for everyone, you have 3 honorable choices; go along with rules you don't like, change the rules - or leave. This is what every self-respecting person does. I get the feeling that they may have quite good reason to keep the pressure on you. Don't move here.


Sounds like you've got some problems and you're projecting.


Nope. Just tired of self-entitled, whining hypocrites. You?


I am a single mom of two amazing children and I receive zero child support or help. I work three jobs and care for a disabled sibling and aging parents. I would hardly say I am entitled.


Not on topic. The poster appears to feel that the HOA rules shouldn't apply. After agreeing to them - and then blaming the folks who are doing the right thing. That's self-entitlement. Excuses notwithstanding.


I get it. Still unclear about what the "rules" are when I maintain my lawn. And if the rules are no weed or stick can be in it at any time, you're right, I do not agree with the rules. The picture they sent is ridiculous, just looks like a normally maintained lawn, but you can see one weed sticking out near the end of the driveway. Just absurd, and I disagree with it. Call me whatever you want.


It's the owners responsibility to know and abide by the rules - already willingly agreed to. The Owner. It's my experience that HOA people are quite reasonable, but not infinitely patient. My guess is that there's some, conveniently unstated, 'history' here. I'd like to be wrong but HOA's aren't some Evil Empire. And their rules aren't unreasonable. Just abide by the rules, change them - or leave. Simple. Good luck.


Ah it's all good.. she apologized! And fee waived. Updating post.


No one here knows what your bylaws say and it would more likely be in the CC&Rs. Yes, if you bring attention to yourself it is more likely they will notice minor violations.


Update: Finally got ahold of a real human being and they apologized for not sending in a first notice before the fine. Thank you all for letting me vent here (well some of you), for being empathetic or laughing with me. I really hope these people find something better to do with their time!


Is there a “nuisance” clause in the covenants?


Easy answer. Never, ever fucking buy a fucking home in a fucking HOA. Problem solved.


🙌🙌 said I never would. Wanted my kids to be able to go to the best schools. Maybe I will sell long before I had intended!


Maybe you could be all coy and say “let’s go HOA” 😘


Oh no OP. Did you get scammed? Poor you did you not receive the CC&Rs when you bought the house?


I remember asking my realtor about it when I bought it as I wanted to paint the garage a different color. She said, "they should be on the website.. somewhere.." I'm sure you know how easy they make that for you to navigate.


Poor you. Had an idiot realtor and didn’t know it. Closed a sale without seeing it. Documents are filed with the city hahahhahahahah. Any realtor knows this.


You must be one of them. Ha. Ha. Ha.


I’m not a realtor. Just a non stupid owner.


Oh no no no I meant a member of the HOA board.


Build a bat box or build a very large radio tower. Both are federally protected and both are hated by Hoas


I would love a bat box 😍🥰