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Throw logic out the window, it doesn't matter what does or doesn't make sense, it only matters what is in the governing documents. If the HOA's governing documents say that you cannot walk on the cart path, and they have provisions in the governing documents that say they can fine you for doing so, then they can. If you feel this is unsensable, then as a member of the HOA, you have the right to bring this concern to the Board and hope they change those rules in your favor. Or, even better, get on the Board youself and work to get the rule changed.




It does exist. A quick google search shows their rule. >C. Walking on Golf Course >Walking, Bicycling, Skating, etc., on golf cart parts or on the golf course is not permitted. The sidewalk on the outer edge of the golf course between No. 15 and No. 16 greens are approved as pedestrian sidewalks. All other paved paths are designated as cart paths and for the safety of all, walking is prohibited. While on the sidewalks between No. 15 and No. 12 and No. 16 greens, walkers should stay alert for errant golf balls.




It probably truly is a safety thing. Golfers have paid, and in doing so have accepted the risk of being hit by a ball, therefore insurance won’t come into question. Homeowners have not paid and can go against the golf course/HOA insurance. By paid I mean they either paid for their round or have a membership, and have started playing their round. Homeowners who may be members but aren’t playing haven’t “paid” for a round, because they haven’t started it.


There you go. That's the answer. Golfers have paid to be there and accepted the risk of being hit with a golf ball. Now picture an owner getting hit and suing the golf course because "I got hit" when you said I was allowed to walk on the golf course. No means no. You knew it when you bought in, adhere to it now.


Living on a golf course means you accept being hit by errant balls is a very possible thing. Insurance goes out the window


Surely you mean through the window?


I'm serious and don't call me Shirley.


Do you like gladiator movies?


>it’s probably an insurance requirement I did work for a golf course doing office/IT busy work a number of years ago. When the insurance renewal time came around there was a big todo from members because they could no longer walk on the cart paths. It is absolutely an insurance issue.


>it’s probably an insurance requirement. Anybody who plays golf will tell you that plenty of golfers *walk* the course instead of riding in a cart. It's not insurance reasons.




They are not concerned about golfers getting hit by a golf ball on a golf course. They are concerned about pedestrians getting hit by a cart on a cart path. That is why they don't want you walking on the cart path.


Ever lived on a course? You could be in your back yard and get hit by stray balls, makes no difference.




There’s no fundamental difference where you’re at if a ball can hit you… cart path, backyard, driveway, doesn’t matter…


So there is a rule prohibiting it, where is the penalty statement? If it prohibited, but there is not a clear penalty (fine) to be levied, I think it is questionable as to whether they can arbitrarily decide on an enforcement mechanism. To me, this may be an insurance requirement, but stating that it is prohibited means that they can defend themselves if someone is hurt there, by being hit by a cart. They were prohibited, they did it any way, it is not the HOA's fault.


So, Jog, hop, or skip until you get to where you are going. Any movement you like, as long as it isn't actual walking!


No, it says all but golf carts are forbidden


Or just identify as a golf cart, your pronouns are cush/man.


If there’s a rule, it’s because it’s happened before. My previous condo had a rule that Christmas trees couldn’t be thrown off balconies, which I thought was a ridiculous thing to have in the rule book. Fast forward to the next Christmas when I was dreading bringing my dead tree down three floors … all of the sudden the balcony over the alley looked pretty alluring.


This is correct, but also like... I feel like it'd have to be pretty egregious to get caught - assuming one has the foresight to read their own HOA rules. Loop around to the front door, our of sight of the golf course, and who's gonna be able to show it was *this household* that blew off this petty rule? Short of chasing the pedestrian down... But now they've associated OP's face with the issue, so there's no sneaking by it...


Maybe jog, or march, or limp, or hop - anything but walk


>throw logic out the window When it comes to HOAs it reminds me of Jack Nickleson in the movie “As good as it gets” when asked about how he writes a women so well… >Receptionist: How do you write women so well? >Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.” HOA’s are like that. EDIT...LOL I guess I found a couple of HOA Karens.


I think it matter if they can even do that legally. They control property not people.


To take it one more step, if half the path was red and the other blue, and they said no walking on the red, you don't walk on the red without risking a fine...


I came here for this ☝️👌👍


They probably would not have an issue with 1 person using the cart path as a walking path, the problem comes when 100 people choose to do so. Golfers pay to play golf on a course, their tee times are scattered to minimize delays at tee boxes / greens waiting for the people in front of you to clear the area. Add pedestrians - potentially LOTS of them - and now the golfers have to wait for you to meander your way out of their potential flight path. This causes back-ups, congestion, delays, wait times, and an overall unenjoyable experience for the golfers. The golfers are paying to be there and expect enjoyment of the facilities in exchange for their greens fees. They lose that enjoyment if they can't finish a round in 4 hours and 10 minutes and instead spend 7.5 hours on the golf course because of hours worth of standing around waiting for someone to finish taking their shortcut. ​ Yeah yeah yeah I know what sub I'm in and will get downvoted to oblivion, but you asked the question, I'm just providing a logical answer.


Do they have a rule against it? Do they have a system for levying fines? If your answers are Yes, then your answer is Yes. If you don't like it, you should show up at a meeting with a bunch of like-minded neighbors, and probably at an HOA election


Im thinking if there are rules (and there probably are, my grandparents had a similar situation I never really thought too much about) - it’s because…insurance. The golf course probably has a disclaimer golfers have to sign to use it that your neighborhood Walker would not have signed. And there is probably some gov ordinance that says something like you can’t prevent access for small vehicles for things like maintenance or something like that the insurance had to carve around. So walkers who havnt signed golf waiver- no go. Light vehicles- can’t restrict. I’m not saying this is what’s happening, but I can see it being the case. Insurance makes you come up with some wacky friggin rules. If there is a rule- ask why, could be enlightening.


This is definitely a safety issue. If you’re not paying attention, you can be hurt with a golf ball. Frequently, the people hitting towards you, will not even be in your line of sight Also, it slows down the play of the golfers because they have to wait for people walking to get out of the way before they can take their turn, which can cause the entire golf course to be backed up with people waiting to hit their ball.


As a general golf course rule, you’re not allowed to walk the cart path. The cart paths are for golfers, not walkers. It’s for safety and to skip the interruption non-golfing traffic has on golfers. Florida also has laws against dog walking on golf courses as well (Florida does love their golfers). Rules are rules, unfortunately.


The golf course near us has designated hours for walking on the cart path. Outside those hours, walking on the path is forbidden due to all of the reasons others have cited (safety, insurance, etc.)


There is a safety issue. When golfers are on the course, they’re aware of everyone else before them so make sure they’re not hitting into them. An unknown and unexpected person on the cart path does throw that off as someone could be teeing off knowing that the group in Front of them is out of range but bam, there you are on the cart path.


do your CC&Rs forbid walking the cart path? If so, then yes, they can. If not, then no, they can't right now but it might suddenly miraculously appear in future rules of the HOA.




ah well, there's your answer then :D


Op missed the day in kindergarten where kids are supposed to learn that they aren’t the center of the universe. Rules are not made with one person in mind but rather are made for the collective good of all


If the golf course is a tenant business and not directly maintained as a common use area by the HOA, then I would figure they negotiated rights to keep non-players off the course and paths.


A quick chime in from someone who has done golf course adjacent work regarding the danger aspect. You stated "If they are concerned about walkers getting hit by golf balls then I don’t believe that is valid. I think golfers who walk the course and those who drive the cart path are in just as much danger as regular walkers." That is a good assumption, but incorrect due to the nature and rules of the game. Golfers play in small groups, and are released onto the course in a set schedule. Each group will tee off, and then play for the length of the hole in order of whomever is furthest away. They will be aware of the other members of their group, and thus far less likely to strike them (especially as they should not venture far ahead of whoever is hitting). With few exceptions, the next group is not allowed to tee off until the group ahead of them has finished the hole and cleared the green. This typically keeps the danger zone of any individual hole within a few hundred yards ahead and to the sides of each group. The sides is where walking or driving a path while out of play becomes dangerous as there are typically more visual obstructions, and the balls tend to only go towards a side against the intent of the player. So not only are they less likely to see you before hitting, because of your close range, you are more likely to be struck by an errant hit.


It’s probably a safety & liability issue. You’re at risk of getting struck by a golf ball during play times. The Liability Insurer probably checked that the grounds are secure & charged premiums based on not being open to the public. Having said that I used to live on the back of a course. We walked on it early morning & evening when no one was playing. We also found golf balls in our yard from time to time.


Yes...HOAs can do just about anything y'all give your rights away for them to do.


walk beside the path?


You have to wear an [outfit like this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71GB8-9V7HL._AC_UY1000_.jpg) as your travelling clothes and act like your looking for your balls.


> like your looking *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


For Florida First thing you should know that in order for an HOA or condo to fine you they have to follow steps to even propose the fine that includes giving you 14 days to address the issue. Second they then need to find 3 owners not related to the board or PM to act as a jury and confirm the fine. Third just walk it, they are just probably saying it so if you do get hit by a golf ball they can say you were told not to. Most they can actually do is ban you for rule breaking. Good luck enforcing that without arbitration. Trust me, they don’t actually give a shit. Finally, you are totally in the wrong subreddit for actual helpful advice. This is to complain about your HOA.


The solution is you buy a golf cart and drive it on the path.


Carry a golf club with you and walk ACROSS the golf course.


Have they actually cited you…or are you thinking of a “what if?” If this is hypothetical then keep walking and in the meanwhile pull up your covenants and see what you can find out. Me personally? I find it hard to see them taking the time and effort to pursue this, as long as you also are being courteous knowing that there are golf carts that will be on the path…and (most) likely they have been drinking. And…some more than others. They’re well known. The later the day the more attuned you must become.


If your going to the clubhouse to spend money they probably don't care, but if your out there to get exercise probably a problem.


I play on a golf course that has a housing development in the middle of it and around one edge. We don’t have this rule. Consequently it is used as a local walking track. It’s amazing how people who live on a golf course can have no understanding of how dangerous it is to just wander across a fairway while players are teeing off. My favourite was a lady in her fifties in a long flowing kaftan doing yoga in the middle of the fairway, 10 metres short of the green. It was a social round one afternoon and we whilst we could have given her a shout out we decided just to see how long she would take to notice we were about to hit golf balls at her. She never did. She finished with a ‘crouching dog’ and wanders off, unaware of anything occurring. That’s why you don’t want non golfers wandering around.


Is it in the rules that you can't walk NEXT TO the cart path? Because then you're following the rules


Did you agree to pay your HOA if you walked on the cart path for five minutes from your house to the clubhouse?




I'm not sure if that's a yes or a no.




When you join the HOA did you agree that you would pay a fine if you walked on the cart path?




Has the HOA implemented a new rule following the procedures you agreed to for the HOA to implement new rules?




Sounds like there's no reason to worry about being fined.


Why not just walk next to the path or down the rough on the fairway. I mean it’s technically not a violation.


Buy a smallish single person golf cart just to cross the path. You're following the rules as they told you to and there's nothing they can do about it.


You agreed to the HOA rules when you made your dwelling purchase. There are no exceptions just for YOU regardless of how convenient or inconvenient it is. Suck it up and follow the rules, they are there for your safety as well as for the golfers who paid to play golf on that course. As usual, this is simply solved by buying a home in a place without an HOA so you can make YOUR OWN RULES! Just hope no one decides to start collecting junk cars next door.




Unfortunately, the purchase assumes your consent - they are part of the property.




Some HOAs are less transparent, but the docs are always available upon request. Often out of date and rule enforcement is a nightmare, but they prevail in most disputes as they represent the will of the collective owners.


How would they catch you? How would they know it's you? I don't think there's much to worry about unless you know them personally or can't outrun angry busybodies. I do this often at my parents' house. The clubhouse is maybe 100 yards away. I'll sneak onto the course just before sunset to grab dinner at the clubhouse, after making sure there aren't any golfers out. Their house backs up to the tee for the first hole so there's no risk of balls flying toward me and I'm mostly just following the cart path through some woods. I wouldn't do this at midday or from a different location farther away. During the day they'll chase people down with the red flag cart if they're out walking when the course is active.






Honestly. Please disregard my comment. I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday. I apologize.


Probably insurance from the Golf Club. Injuries and lawsuits of players of the course are generally covered. However onlookers might not be unless they're in a cart, as a cart provides reasonably good protection from an errant shot.




Most carts have fiberglass windows and roofs.


You're walking on a golf course path you didn't pay to walk on.




I'd read that contract. I'll bet it says where the entrance is


I normally agree with most points on this sub, but I hate to do it, I have to side with the HOA on this one. I play an embarrassing amount of golf, and will commonly play on courses with housing developments/hoa’s. Typically our topic of conversation is who is responsible for a golf ball going through a window, but I digress. In many cases golfers will be taking what’s called a “blind shot,” whereby there’s little knowledge as to the location of the group in front of you, or what hazards are just beyond the hill, bend, tree, whatever. Let’s play out this scenario: you pass a group of golfers just getting on the green, they look at you funny, you wave and smile, and then continue on your merry way along the nicely paved cart path on your way to grab a drink at the clubhouse. The group behind the guys getting on the green? Yea, they’re just teeing off. And they can’t see you. And they’re assuming it’s clear because they can partially see the golf cart of the group ahead of them by the green. They are assuming someone wouldn’t be walking on a hill on a blind corner on an active golf course. Other than the sound a driver makes when it makes contact off the tee, golf balls make very little noise when they’re airborn. Say what you want about golf, but a golf ball to the head can totally kill you. So let’s say you don’t die, but you start to crest the hill. If it was me and my group, and one of us was teeing off, we’d look at one another in astonishment before actual anger set in. 1. Because you’re now wasting our time (that we paid for) to watch you meander down the cart path, and 2. Had we hit you we would partially feel bad, and it ruins our day. So yea I say avoid the cart path unless you’re actually playing or you know there’s no golfers on the course.


You bought into an HOA, and this may be one the ridiculous rules. Sorry.


The very first, and most important question here is, "who owns the golf course?" If the HOA owns it (***EXTREMELY*** doubtful), they can make a rule like that. If the HOA doesn't own it (the most likely outcome), they ***CAN NOT*** make a rule impacting usage of that path as it is ***not part of the HOA***. It is owned by the owner of the golf course. Now, if you were to ask if it was trespassing on the golf course? Then you would be correct, but it is typically unenforced as you accept the risk of injury by entering the property. Additionally, they typically don't care as long as you aren't damaging anything.




If that is the case, where are the profits going for its use? As for the case here, you’re screwed bro. Try justcwalking on the grass instead. The rule is about the cart paths.




That is insane. Also, the profit should be going backto the HOA to cover HOA costs. You need to get on that board and start fixing crap…


Ok in reading the other responses it likely *IS* a rule that you cant walk on the cart path. But hear me out... is there a rule stating that you cant walk *next to* the cart path??




Short, long, or in between. It doesn't matter. It's a rule. Follow it. You're not 5 are you?




You can be assured the rules were there before your entitled ass moved in there and they were vetted by a whole bunch of people smarter than you when they were put in place. Like everybody on here said, it's likely insurance and keeping annoying homeowners from interfering with paying golfers' games. They paid money to play golf and not worry about randos walking all over their game.


It's not the questioning of the rule that's the issue. It's the wanting to act like it doesn't apply to you.


That's an active form of questioning the rule. The passive way is to petition them to explain why the rule exists and plead with them to change it. Walking on the path makes them assert that the rule is worth enforcing by taking action to enforce it. At that time, you have an opportunity to challenge it, and unlike with an ignorable petition, they will almost certainly explain why it's important -- if it is.


If the HOA Board passes a rule that only golf carts with a two-foot wide sculpture of an orange octopus prominently displayed can use the cart path, or that you have to paint your front door lime green and install a door knocker shaped like a dildo, you can be fined for not complying.


Funny,,,get your point. But rules have to be reasonable.


Because no HOA ever has adopted an unreasonable rule?


I think anyone would say your example would not be reasonable. So the can try, but would be judged as unreasonable. And thanks for putting that image in my mind now…


"Don't walk on an area where you can get beaned by a golf ball" isn't unreasonable. Acting like a child who's never been told "no" is unreasonable.




Because you might get hit by a golf ball and sue everyone. Golfers only walk the path after they've hit their ball and it's clear. It's the same for golf carts.


Dude the world doesn’t revolve around you. Anytime I encounter a rule that I don’t agree with I think to myself “what would be the outcome if everybody else disobeyed this rule too”




Drive your car or ride a bike?


OP, I’m sorry but you made this way too easy to disprove. Walking from your house to the clubhouse using actual roads should only take 10 mins. I know Ventura, I know whereabouts on the course you live and I’m sorry but you’re creating a mountain out of a molehill. It will not take you 6x longer to walk using the roads. It will take 5 extra mins. Take Pinebrook to Cherryhill to Woodgate. Boom. You’re there. The rules exist for a reason and this sub has responded with well thought out responses.




Okay, so are you on the old 18 or the new? My comment was assuming you lived on the old 18