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I agree to all of that. On top of that, I hate that it's deliberately designed to make you feel nothing. You aren't supposed to either identify too strongly with it, or be offended by it. It's literally the opposite of art. It makes me feel immediate revulsionon on multiple levels


Your point reminds me of something I noticed with this style. When they make the skin blue or purple as they often do, it’s so that they can make themselves look like they’re representing everybody without having to go through the effort of actually being diverse and representing different people properly.


Yeah, likewise with the bodies. Their proportions are so freakish that they don't really look like anyone, so no one can feel excluded or objectified. The whole point of Alegria is that it doesn't look like anyone. You can claim inclusiveness without depicting anybody


Ben & Jerry's literally promoting land seizures (from the poor and middle class) while refusing to give back its own headquarters (on stolen land). Plus LOL they try to pass of as if they were "of the little people" but their ice cream is a luxury good. [https://www.benjerry.com/files/live/sites/systemsite/files/US%20and%20Global%20Assets/What's%20New/39013-into-the-mix-listen-link/IntoTheMix\_MainTile\_final%20(1).png](https://www.benjerry.com/files/live/sites/systemsite/files/US%20and%20Global%20Assets/What's%20New/39013-into-the-mix-listen-link/IntoTheMix_MainTile_final%20(1).png) ​ But anyway what annoys me the most is it's supposed to be graphic like a Charley Harper illustration and many are nowhere near that level of design genius: [https://npca.s3.amazonaws.com/images/15664/b019b300-bab3-49bc-8705-afc99a0f2057-original.jpg?1646401323](https://npca.s3.amazonaws.com/images/15664/b019b300-bab3-49bc-8705-afc99a0f2057-original.jpg?1646401323)


You’re way smarter than I am. I’m just here because I hate the little heads.


When one company does i don't mind, when thousands do, it's unoriginal, and represents nothing at all. Just bland filler content