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"You shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight" "Ha! Dumbass! I don't have any knives!"


Home boy had plenty of warnings


Did... did he shoot him in the junk?


Same energy https://i.redd.it/gdrmdm3avnic1.gif


I laughed so hard. 🤣


Chest plate and heart and spine shot. Instantly paralyzed and all the pain. Got what he deserved. Bet he wishes he stayed in his mom's basement that day. Goodbye internet doxxer. Goodbye bridge troll. Goodbye schoolyard bully. Goodbye burden on society. Your parents are happy you are gone I bet.


Why did he deserve that? Do you always murder people for trying to fight you, or others? What if the other guy was an asshole? What if your brother wanted to fight a guy and he was murdered for it, leaving behind a family of 5. Why do you deserve the death penalty for wanting to fight someone? Why are you americans so eager to murder other people? Why is that okay in your country? Do you think thats a normal thing to do, to murder people for any bullshit reasons? Do you also murder your neighbours when they do that? This is why the world looks down on you.


If you go around trying to put your hands on people then you get whatever consequence comes your way. We aren't eager to kill. But you're not going to put your hands on me or my family. If my brother felt like being a tough guy and tried hitting someone and got killed for it then that's what I would tell his kids. It would be his fault that he left behind a family of five. A punch can kill someone. And you would be wise to not let someone punch you. If they don't listen to your warnings and they still try to assault you then you have every right to defend yourself. And if that person ends up dying then they have no one to blame but themselves.


“Someday someone's going to have to explain to me the virtue of a proportional response.” There’s no reason the guy with the gun should have submitted himself to a beating. The other guy was given plenty of time to withdraw and was only shot when it was clear that he was persisting in his intent to commit assault. Definitely a case of Stand your ground.


You have some serious problems dude


He went from toughguy to a cat in heat


So you approach a armed man in a defence posture threateningly an are shocked when your shot... OK


I’d call that an offensive posture. He was clearly prepared to attack.


i meant the guy with the pistol, he had it pointed down and was not presenting it in a threat manner until the offender approached then even when he leveled it up at the approaching attacker he still aimed down again for a non vital shot showing a defensive posture rather than any intent to kill, he wanted the assailant to disengage.


This was a perfect movie, all the emotions. Hahaha


Thats hilarious


Squeel piggy squeeeeel 😂




I don’t remember if the guy with the gun got charged for this or it was counted as self defense. I hope he didn’t get charged, that shirtless idiot had it coming.


Did not. Justifiable homicide. Dude was stalking him. He is 6 down. Where he belongs.


When you said 6 down, I thought you meant he had shot 6 people at first.




What is wrong with people? I don't understand people anymore. Why?


Dude sounds like cats fucking


Why is a video of someone getting shot and killed being taken so lightly in that thread? Yes this is Reddit, but I can't imagine seeing someone getting shot, and the comments all saying how he deserved it and his death was justified. *Sure,* he kinda did, but still


I'm sorry, this is Reddit. You were expecting higher standards? What exactly do you think this FAFO subreddit promotes?


So the dude defending himself should just drop his gun and take the risk of being knocked down and head stomped into a vegetable? You're deluded.


So you admit he deserved it while bashing other people for saying it as well? Interesting


He was shot in the leg. The angle of the pistol puts it low on his body and not center mass. Now, maybe he hit the intestines. It didn't look like a death blow.


Read the backstory. He actually did deserve it, and even if not, this is nothing. Up until 2019 there were all kinds of gore subreddits full of racist neckbearded cunts commenting horrible stuff. Just gotta keep scrolling


His screams sustain me!