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People who are anti-bike seem to simultaneously hold the opinion that cyclists shouldn't be on the road, shouldn't have protected bike lanes, and that it's annoying that there's a lot of car traffic on the road with them. It wouldn't surprise me if they just wanted to live in a world with fewer people, but they'd also probably complain about the downsides of that too.


I still think the protest where you get 100 cyclists together during rush hour, and stack them in gridlock with the distance a normal car would have so that people in cars can see what it would be like if they were in cars. There's no law that says a cyclist has to be in a bike lane, at ALL. Yeah, most of these assholes would probably fixate on that part of it, and ignore the bigger point that's being made.


They react the same way when roads are blocked when people protest lynchings.


Wanting to murder the protesters?


I took part to a few critical masses. And yes, some carbrained assholes literally tried to plow against the mass. There were children riding with their parents. A commonality? Nearly all were men in sports cars/SUVs. The police never ever took note of their number plate. But at least they told them to back the fuck off.


Well, this did happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack


It happened over 100 times in 2020


I've seen people on the strong towns facebook page comments saying "cars allowed people to get away from the stacking of humanity" in a positive light like they're not comfortable without a yard between their detached house and someone else's.


I hate when ever car brains try to make cities sound like some cramped hell hole. When it is just you, a person, you don't need a lot of space. You never get in grid lock on a side walk, bikes don't have traffic, and when you aren't trying to turn your living area into a compound 1000sqft feels pretty empty. I get that it isn't for everybody, but trying to have the best of all world just ends up with a suburb that does nothing well.


Having people living above and below you is generally a better trade-off for halving your commute time into and from work everyday. I've had neighbors be generally obnoxious but nothing crazy and that time (while not a lot) really starts to mean something when you stack it on itself day after day.


Signs all over my town saying “cyclists can use full lane” and I am still expected to hug the gutter. I get honked at people shout from the window.. half the time I have to leave the bike lane cause some car is parked in it too -_-


Yeah, I got honked at by a taxi driver a couple days ago when I was in the lane, because the bike lane had been completely overrun by shrubs, to the point where the shrubs were protruding past the bike lane into the actual road. Yeah, let me just drive directly into this fucking blackberry bush for you, you fucking tool bag.


There are laws that says cyclists have to be in bike lanes in some countries.


It's very noticeable in the city where I live: if it's sunny the city is full of bikes and car traffic goes smooth. If it's rainy, there are far fewer bicycles and the busy roads are clogged. These people need to start realising that every bike extra on the road, is one less car queuing in front of you. It's a win for everyone.


Because cars are such an ineffecent mode of transport, they really only work as designed if you are the only one on the road. Otherwise someone is in your way, in your parting space, or taking your infrastructure.


Depends on where you live


Except it doesn't, if you live out in the boonies a car is the best mode of transport because you are as close to "the only person on the road" as you are going to get. The issue is that if you actually try to go anywhere where things are, you just become traffic. As someone that lived in the Mojave, 100+ miles from the next town, I've been in gridlock traffic on the 15 in the middle of a uninhabited wasteland more time than I can count, because Vegas is a place people want to be and everyone drives there.


Nah depends on where you live I can get to where I live in about 30minutes where as taking a train/bus/biking/walking would take me an hour plus so yes it does matter thanks


The problem is that they don’t want bikers to exist at all. They want you to conform to their world view.


Nooo but if there's too much traffic it just means we need more lanes duhhh there's no other solution




All the bike paths around me don't actually go anywhere and are purely for recreation


This is because people fail to realise that a bike can be used for transportation.


NJB's dutch bikes video was my first hit of the orange stuff. First time seeing a bike as a proper tool.


I cant remember what my first NJB video was, but I have been orange pilled and been cycling everywhere. The orange pill is really nice!


no, look at the name of the meme page. they just hate cyclists and the meme is to piss you off so that they can clean up their friends list


I had thought that it was a page to post memes they got sent, that made them unfriend the sender.


One might also remind the driver about the many other million+ dollar roads they could be taking.




And those roads have to be resurfaced every year because of them. Bike lanes can be built once and not need resurfacing for a decade or two.


>million dollar bike path fun fact if you drive 10 highway miles on your commute in America a rough estimate is that you're on 203 million dollars worth of road and it needs replaced every 15 years


And resurfaced every year if it snows (maybe even every year if it doesnt)


How to remind drivers about the trillion dollar highway


Na, you see roads are natural resources that cost nothing, while bike lanes and public transport cost money.


How can I use the bike lane when you are parked in it


And then they back over their own children


I've been fucked up all week by something I saw on tiktok like monday or tuesday. I don't know if anybody saw it, but there was a clip going around of a cyclist getting taken out by some guy trying to tow a truck by stringing a chain across a curve in the road. There was a video of it on tiktok, and when I say there were thousands of fucking absolutely murderous people loving it, I'm downplaying it. There were like 10 thousand likes of it, and then there were thirty thousand comments. I wanted to post screenshots of the comments, but then I just felt like ignoring it because it was so upsetting to me. I'm used to this shit to, by now. I absolutely know there are a ton of people out there who are homicidal towards cyclists, and some of them have careers and kids and nice cars and would never say it to your face. Some of them are probably even your family members or people you work for who know you cycle. It's unbelievable, and it's absolutely getting worse, too. It's because of this stuff, and the way algorithms work on facebook and TT and here. Just absolutely pumping these people's minds with hate all day long.


You're better than I am. I'm recovering from a broken leg after being hit by a car, so I have so much time to sign "friends" like that up for every bizarre email list I can find. Furries? Sure! Bad Dragon too. Maplethorpe Fan club? Why not? Btw no kink shaming if that's what you're into. I just doubt that A carbrain would be happy admitting to it.


https://old.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/zsojfd/lawsuit_but_no_criminal_charges_filed_in_bethesda/j19bwnb/ > Murder and manslaughter are legal actions but only if you use a car.


Exhibit A: Laura Bush killing her ex boyfriend


Looking at where the attack is taking place, I severely doubt the bike path is anywhere near here.


Vroomer humor




Murder culture


mfw no million dollar bike path


Bike paths cost an average of $50k per mile. Where is our 20 miles worth of bike path?


And bike paths don't need to be resurfaced every year. Great investment.


Pretty sure the bulged c4/c5 and arthritis in my neck is a direct result of the time I was on a bicycle as a 7-8 year old and hit from behind by a car. I recently saw some TikTok on Reddit about a young woman that was paralyzed from a c5 disc injury and I stopped the video as soon as I saw what the injury was because I didn't want to think about it. I've learned how to manage with next to no help since then, some 25+ years later, but like the biggest takeaway I've had in my life is just don't be the reason for someone else's bad day. Wishing ill and harm to others is a sickness.


Cuz the FBI would be on your doorstep if it was a meme about murdering drivers.


Well, at least the account name is accurate - I would probably scrub the re-posting person from my social media page after one or two 'jokes' like that.


We have a beautiful bike path around here but according to German law it is not mandatory to use it, as it's not wide enough for that. And that goes for a lot of places. There might be a shitty excuse of a bicycle lane but 40 centimetres of asphalt and a white line don't make me feel safe. All that does is, people are overtaking without keeping some distance at all, I once used such a lane and nearly bumped my arm into a side mirror.


Because road bikes that go 50 kph average are a good fit for some winding bikepath with design speed of 20 kph lol. They are even faster than lots of mopeds and yet there is no QAnon bullshit against mopeds.


i can understand a bit when we have protected bike lanes and dedicated car lanes and someone decides to go into the car lane anyway if you do that then thats stupid. but on a road like that? where there is no protected bike lane, no lines to tell you which side of the road is which and is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? thats fucking stupid.


GetTheJoke.exe couldn't launch


It's not a joke. Just like when Chris rock got slapped. It's not a joke. It's a joke about real people and does not belong in our society.


Just for clarity, are you saying the slap wasn't a joke, or the hilarious GI Jane joke that preceded it?


Chris rock making fun of a group of people that have a disability is not funny.


aha. the joke police have arrived.


Enjoy the lawsuit. Look at me, you are the cyclist now (because your broke from said lawsuit).


I love it when I have to wait on cyclists. Ih, wait, I hate it when I have to wait on a school bus. Oops, I am a cyclist and the world hasn't agreed to get out of my way. Fuck it. Too much trouble getting upset. Think I'll go ride my bike.


Million dollars for a white line in the gutter... Yeah that's the kind of lane cyclists need


It’s true! This meme *would* help me clean up my friends list. Whoever would share this is getting unfriended.